Who Said I Couldnt Keep

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Who said I couldn’t keep you locked up?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/46876693.

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Relationship: Il Dottore/Pantalone (Genshin Impact)
Character: Pantalone (Genshin Impact), Il Dottore (Genshin Impact)
Additional Tags: Posessive Pantalone, Rough Sex, Obsessive Behavior, Minor Violence,
Minor Starvation, Dottore’s scars are mentioned, Overstimulation,
Crying During Sex, Toxic Behavior, No beta we die like Signora, Non-
Consensual Bondage
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-05-01 Words: 2,353 Chapters: 1/1

Who said I couldn’t keep you locked up?

by anonym_acc


Dottore’s work obliges him to do everything possible to get resources. Though he has not
enough mora, he’ll need to find other ways to get what he wants. Yet he forgets how much
of a possessive freak Pantalone is.


See the end of the work for notes

Dottore’s work obliged him to do everything possible to get resources out of his business partners.
That was also one of the main reasons he occasionally slept with Pantalone, for the other man
always kept his prices high.
“No”, he would say, “your little pocket money won’t be enough. You’ll need to find another way
to satisfy me, my Doctor.

This day was no different. He was in deep conversation with a CEO who could provide the greedy
harbinger with almost any chemical resource he wished for. With just a tiny flirting, Dottore could
already see the faint blush and want on the businessman’s expression. The Doctor smiled. “Oh, you
wouldn’t even know how happy it could make a lowly scientist like me if you could provide me
with some advance..”, the harbinger let a hand trail down the man’s chest, playing with his tie. He
chuckled at the quick nod the other gave him.

Obviously the man was flustered and left after promising Dottore that he’d give him everything he
wanted the day after. Once again, the doctor could be satisfied with his act. He rolled his eyes at
the naivety of some people, when he spotted two glowing violet eyes in a fairly darker corner.
They pierced through him, and this made the cyan haired man uneasy. Nothing ever made him
uneasy. Until he saw the jealous Pantalone, his eyes devouring him at the spot.

“Ah, there you are, dear Banker! I was hoping to meet you soon”, he said, a usual smirk planted
across his lips.
Yet Pantalone did not even look at him, he just ordered coldly:”Come Doctor. We have serious
matters to attend to.”
“Hmm? I don’t remember so..”, Dottore whined.
The regrator did not answer, he only firmly grabbed the other by the wrist, probably more
aggressively than he wished for, and dragged the Doctor out of the fatui meeting room.

Dottore did not dare say a single word throughout, he knew very well that if Pantalone wanted him
somewhere, there was no way he could disapprove. Or if he did, that would not be able to help him
So he let himself be aggressively guided to Pantalone’s office and private room.

When the banker smacked the door open, he threw Dottore right in, and slammed the door shut
behind them.
The Doctor stumbled and fell on his knees as the result of the harsh treatment.
“I see I have angered you,” he whispered quietly.
“Hmph, that’s not even close. I can feel my blood boil at your incoherent actions. You know I do
not hold you on a tight leash. I am fairly considering.”
“What have I done?”, the Doctor asked.
“And you still dare ask?!”, Pantalone shrieked,”Oh, my love I.. will.. make sure.. you won’t flirt
with anyone else but me. You won’t see anyone else than me.” The raven haired man articulated
abnormally, sending shivers down the other’s spine.

Dottore slowly backed up as Pantalone stepped closer to him, step by step reaching the raven
haired man’s room, built directly next to his office.
As he slid behind the doorframe, the regrator smirked, and Dottore saw the flaw in his own moves.
It was already too late, Pantalone slammed the door right into his face.
The cyan haired man immediately started banging on the wooden furniture, which to the banker
only scoffed. “How cute. You walked right into my grasp without me having to force you.”
“Let me out! I will do anything!! You know very well how important my research is for me! You
cannot possibly keep me locked up in here!”, the Doctor protested continuously.
“Oh hush. The longer you resist, the longer I’ll have to starve you~” Pantalone laughed heartily, as
if he’d heard a good joke from a friend.

“You ill bitch! I demand you let me go or else I will kill you!” Dottore chanted on and on restless.
The banker only sat in front of the door with an aroused look on his face, slight blush hinting his
“Oh but you can’t~ I’m afraid you do not wish to.”
Pantalone was right. The second harbinger could’ve easily destroyed the whole place if needed, but
to his own surprise he felt he couldn’t.
Did he really enjoy this humiliating, shameful game of the regrator’s?
“Not possible! I demand you tell me what you have done to me! Why can’t I use my strength on
you?!” Dottore complained.
Pantalone chuckled:” I seemingly have awakened a long-dead attraction in you~”

“Shut the fuck up! You mad asshole! Let me out at once!”

“Regrator please.. my bodily needs have increased so, it’s been three days! You know very well
that I can’t possibly survive without water or nutrients”, the Doctor whimpered quietly. He has long
stopped banging on the door, it’d cost him too much energy.

“Hmmm should I listen to anything you say? I don’t know anymore :(“, Pantalone sniffed with fake
sorrow in his voice.
“I had one conversation with him okay?! That was all! Please let me eat something at last..”

“You flirted with him!” The banker yelled.

“So what?! It’s not like we fucked??!”
“Oh if you would’ve.. I may have ripped your tongue out and stabbed your face until you were
unrecognizable even for the other fatui harbingers!”
“Chill out with those threats. You know you can’t touch me, I could kill you! And besides my face
is already destroyed, I’m afraid it could not get worse.”

There was a quick change in Dottore’s behavior when Pantalone kept accusing him. He was no
longer afraid of being starved to death, for he knew how much the other needed him in his life.
“Hmmm seems like even a heartless regrator like me can feel a little guilt by locking you up in
here. I shall bring you something to eat and drink, so you won’t die and can withstand the torture
longer.” The Doctor could literally hear the sluggish smirk on Pantalone’s face whilst he said that.
As the footsteps of the other man slowly faded, Dottore started cursing loudly.
“Oh he doesn’t know who the fuck he’s messing with! He should be banned from the fatui for
locking me up! I’m an important member of the harbingers!”

However Dottore was in no position to mess with the other man. He was not sane after all.
The doctor was somewhat safe, getting meals regularly.
“What will make you let me out of here?”, the second asked.
“Hm I don’t know, I’m still mad,”the short answer came.
“Well then. What can I do to ease your anger?”
Pantalone stayed silent. Perhaps he considered a few options.
“. . . I will let you out, if you do as I say.”

Of course, Dottore was more than desperate to escape the other man’s grasp.
“I will! I really will! Just please open this door already!”
The doctor could hear the regrator quietly mutter under his breath, something similar to ‘you
should be grateful I hadn’t done anything to harm you physically’.

Right as the door opened, Pantalone grabbed Dottore by the collar who was already very much on
the run for it.
“Hmhm. I never said you could escape.”
The doctor stumbled upon his own legs and almost fell again, but this time he was able to stay
The regrator gently guided him to the other corner of his office where his bed lay, but the harsh
grip on Dottore’s collar told him that this was no time for escape.

“Now now, don’t sulk so much! I will let you go after this alright? That’s a promise.”

Softly urging the Doctor to lay down on the bed, Pantalone watched the others expressionless face
trying to figure out his thoughts.
Dottore was completely unarmed and confused by the regrator’s changed behavior.
The raven haired man used the opportunity, and gently tied the unsuspecting Doctor to the bed.
“What are you..”
Pantalone hushed the other by placing a finger on his lips. “Shhh. It’s okay, I told you to listen to
me, no?”

“You perverted asshole..”, Dottore muttered quietly, though he did not dare insult the other loudly.
The regrator’s expression was still very much cold, and the Doctor didn’t like that.
Pantalone quickly got rid of the other’s clothes, roughly touching the other all over while he was at
His strong hands pinched and fondled with the scarred skin, earning hoarse noises from the other.
“You would look so pretty without all these hideous scars planted all across your body. I wonder,
do you own any clones, who are not flawed as you are?” Pantalone cooed. “Of course, I’m merely
sarcastic..”, he added, letting his tongue gently brush over the bruised places.
He earned a bit-back whimper from Dottore. “How.. how dare you insult me.. you sanctimonious
human!” He growled in between needy whines that escaped his lips.

“Hold your horses, любимый. I’m waiting for the moment you realize that I’m completely in
charge of you. You’re owned by me, don’t you know that?”

Pantalone’s greedy hands found their way between Dottore’s legs, caressing his thighs, as if he
were handling something fragile.
“Mh.. why are you so slow, Banker..?” The Doctor whimpered.
“I shall give you anything you want if you tell me who you’re owned by..~”
At that, Dottore squeezed his lips tightly together.

Pantalone’s expression darkened. He sealed their mouths in a sloppy kiss. His tongue softly pushed
against the other’s lips, licking them, practically begging for entrance.
Dottore wished to hold on for eternity, yet he felt himself grow more and more aroused by second.
The regrator’s own warm body was rubbing against his own colder one, and he just pushed against
all the right places.
The doctor couldn’t help himself but buck his hips to earn more friction. He could feel Pantalone’s
grin grow greater on his face. He roughly pushed his thigh between Dottore’s, and earned a hearty
moan from the other. That was a perfect opportunity for him to continue and assault the inside of
the Doctor’s mouth.

The second helplessly struggled against the chains which were holding him hostage.
He bit Pantalone’s lip, urging him to pull away, and noted: “Please, please.. Do more, I’m going to
die if you move so slowly..”
“Well well, aren’t you just so impatient? If I were you, любимый I would be grateful for
everything I have done. Starting from the fact I didn’t cut out your budget, or didn’t hire anyone to
kill you.”
Dottore shuddered. Reddish blush colored his scarred face. Oh he was definitely into that.
Pantalone’s cold expression broke for a second, fain confusion could be spotted in his eyes.
“You motherfucking pervert..”, he said, his voice breaking ever so slightly. “You would like that
huh? Me attempting to kill you?” The ninth laughed maniacally.
“What makes you think that you bitch?!” Dottore bit back harshly.
Pantalone just kept smirking to himself.
“Ah~!!”, the doctor screeched loudly when he felt a carefully oiled, yet cold and rough finger enter
“Don’t be a wuss”, was the only thing the banker said, before continuing his work, rapidly trying to
loosen up the other man. Like Dottore, he also seemed to get more snd more impatient as time

“Hmmm? Why are you so careful with me now? Weren’t you just completely vexed with me? Why
the soft act.. nh~!” Pantalone found the spot of great pleasure inside the Doctor.
“Ngh~ What’re you..?”
“Didn’t you just want me to get harsher with you?”
The regrator smiled at the other’s defeat when he continuously abused that one spot, repeatedly
stimulating it.
“No.. no ugh~ please!! I’m going to.. It’s too m-much..!!”, Dottore pleaded desperately, yet he
failed to get any sort of reaction from the other. He kept moving now three of his fingers the same

The doctor was a tough man. He was always victorious in battles against other harbingers. He
always looked down at everyone else, watching them squirm and taste defeat.
The same smirk always planted across his lips which made other fatui harbinger’s blood boil.
He always thought he were better than everyone else.
But who wouldn’t have their own weaknesses?

Pantalone never saw any other harbinger cry. Dottore would’ve sworn he didn’t, yet his vision
went blurry, and the salty drops filled his eyes.
“Aww don’t tell me you can’t handle this..” The banker cooed.
The regrator quickly got rid of his clothing, and swiftly pulled the other in his lap.
“Don’t tell me..”, Dottore’s ass twitched against Pantalone’s thick cock.
“Oh but dear, I haven’t said anything yet..”

“No.. no, no ngh~! I.. I have already finished thrice! Ugh~ please.. please spare me!!” The doctor
whined with each thrust that filled him up so well.
“If you’re still conscious enough to protest, I don’t think I’ve done enough..” Pantalone said, his
hands wandering around Dottore’s back and chest, carefully rubbing the bruises which were proof
of his belonging to the regrator.
The doctor did not dare utter another word after that, except for the banker’s name of course.

“You’re doing so good for me hmm? Do you think I should forgive you?”
Dottore nodded desperately. He was long lost in pleasure. He parted his legs further away from
each other, even though he’s been owned countless times already.
“What an obedient boy~” Pantalone remarked. The regrator gently wiped away the doctor’s tears
with his tongue then proceeded to lock lips with Dottore.
His movements were sloppy, yet still enough for the other to reach his climax again, happily
murmuring in the process.
Pantalone created a mental note of the absolutely wrecked and destroyed doctor, then uttered:” I
feel that should be enough now, I am completely ready to forgive you <3”
He groaned quietly as he finally finished after the two hours the two spent together as one.

Dottore whined at the fullness he experienced.

The second wrapped his arms around the ninth’s neck, not wishing to let go yet.
“Oh любимый.. I really think you should be put to rest. You are far too gone.”

End Notes

My Twitter is @LolSpenc or if you’re interested in other horny content, I recommend my

tiktok @regrator_of_the_fatui

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