The Nightmare I Love

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The Nightmare I Love

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: The Batman (Movie 2022), Superman - All Media Types
Relationship: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Character: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent
Additional Tags: Clark Kent Needs a Hug, Clark Kent Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares,
Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Bruce Wayne is a good
boyfriend, Top Clark Kent, Bottom Bruce Wayne, Plot What Plot/Porn
Without Plot, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Inspired by Fanart
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-04-30 Words: 2,325 Chapters: 1/1

The Nightmare I Love

by BatKnight


Clark had a nightmare, and Bruce tried to comfort him.


Inspired by setox8’s beautiful work. It's my first time to write Battinson, hope it wouldn't
be too bad.

Thanks Cfirefang for betaing.

See the end of the work for more notes

“Bruce...?” Clark whispered ever so softly, just like every morning when he was waking his
lover. He waited for a reply, a “Hn”, or a “Five more minutes…” But there was nothing.

He strained his hearing and focused on the man in his arms, but there was nothing. No
breathing, no heart-beat, no pulse… Nothing. The world was silent around him.
“Bruce.” He tried again, with more urgency and desperation. Still, he got nothing.

“Bruce…” Clark repeated again and again and again... until he finally realized that there
wouldn't be a reply anymore.

Bruce is gone. A voice whispered in his head. The body in his arms was cold. So cold, that he
couldn’t help but shiver.

Clark remembered that he had crossed several multi-universes, where Supermen had lost their
loved ones and became autocrats. He remembered that they were angry, they were hurt, and full of
hatred. He had once been so afraid that he would become one of them, if he ever lost his parents,
then again after he had met Bruce, his lover.

But now, at this very moment, when he realized that the man he loved so much and would love
for his whole life, had left him and would never open those beautiful blue eyes ever again, he just
felt empty. So empty. His brain was blank, he didn't know what to do. What could he do anyway?
He didn’t know how he should feel. Or rather, could he still feel anything at all? All the love and
pain and every emotion had gone along with Bruce. He felt like he was a puppet without a string,
he could just hold his lover in his arms and whisper his name over and over again...


“Bruce…” Clark gasped awake, his heart was hammering in his chest, and he could only hear
the blood rushing in his ears, so much so that he didn't notice the stirring beside him.

“Bruce, where is Bruce? I need... I need to find him! I…” Clark thought frantically, he shot up
from the bed and was ready to bolt out of the room to find his lover. Before he could do that,
however, he heard someone was calling his name.

“Clark...?” The voice mumbled.

Clark looked down at his side, and found that Bruce was blinking blearily at him. But then his
eyes widened, and he was sitting up on the bed quickly with a panicked look.
“W-What— Clark?” Bruce ran his eyes around Clark with alarm and worries. Clark didn't
respond, he just stared at Bruce and was relieved at the truth that his lover was still alive.

“What's wrong? Is everything okay? Clark?” Bruce looked really worried now, he reached one
of his hands out and touched Clark's cheek. Clark then realized that he was crying.

He took a deep breath, and tried to calm himself. “I-I'm fine... just, just... I had a... horrible
dream…” He didn't want Bruce to worry, but he couldn't stop the trembling from his voice.

“I see…” Bruce said slowly.

Clark tried to collect himself together, but the dream was too real, the cold and the stillness of
Bruce... He shivered at the vivid image of the nightmare. He dragged up the sheet and covered
himself with it, he didn't want Bruce to see him like this. “I'm s-sorry, just... just give me a
second... sorry…”

Bruce was silent, but then Clark felt a warm touch on his hand. It was Bruce's hand. “Don't
apologize.” He said with a soft voice.

Clark lowered the sheet, trying to blink away the tears, he sniffed. Bruce took his hands in his,
and kissed them gently, “There's nothing to apologize for.”

“Bruce…” Clark mumbled, didn't know what to say. But Bruce said nothing, just caressed his
hands reassuringly.

They stayed in company silence for a while before Bruce spoke up again. “I'm sorry. It must be
so scary.”

Hearing those words, the subdued tears threatened to spill again. Clark closed his eyes and let
the tears flow freely, he rested his head on Bruce's. “Bruce... I... I was so scared…”

“I know. I'm here now, Clark.” Bruce murmured.

“Bruce…” Clark couldn't help but repeat his name again.

“Hm.” Bruce hummed in reply, he didn't even appear annoyed.

Clark repeated his name again and again, and Bruce just answered it every time patiently. There
was no irritation or exasperation, just reassurance and care.

After a while, Bruce opened his mouth again. “At least, I'm relieved it happened tonight when
you and I are staying together.”

Clark tilted his head in question. Bruce shifted a little and rested his head on Clark's shoulder
that he could cuddle in his boyfriend's arms. “Dreams become more cruel and scary after you wake
up from them alone…” He said softly.

Clark adjusted their position, and held Bruce more comfortably. “You're right.” He replied after
a moment.

Bruce lifted his head slightly to look at Clark’s face, he chuckled. “If you were alone when you
woke up, you'd be much more miserable and have come flying to me crying by now.” His eyes
gleamed with mirth, trying to light up the mood.

Clark let out a wet laugh with a blush. “Yeah, that was my first thought, actually. If you didn't
call my name, I'd fly out immediately. Totally forgot that you’re right beside me.” He smiled
sheepishly down at Bruce.

Bruce lowered his head with a matching blush, he stammered. “What I want to say is... I
mean…” He shifted nervously under Clark's focus, his voice got quieter and quieter. If Clark didn't
have super-hearing, he couldn't even know he was still talking. “I am glad…” he said slowly, “l am
here... for you…”

The words made Clark's heart warm and hurt simultaneously. If someone had told him before
that loving someone would hurt, he'd have been so confused and doubtful. But right now, he felt so
loved that it hurt. The love was so warm that it almost felt burnt. Clark loved Bruce so very much
that he couldn't think about what if he lost him someday. The very thought was so terrifying that he
couldn't even finish. How could you love someone that you'd be so content yet so suffocated at the
same time?
Clark had so many things he wanted to say, but he was lost of words. He said, eventually, with
his hands wrapped around Bruce tightly. “Thank you, Bruce, for staying with me.” He gave a
gentle kiss on Bruce's forehead.

“Hmn…” Bruce hummed and bared his throat towards him. Clark then started to kiss along his
neck, he laid Bruce on the bed, shadowing him. He braced himself atop Bruce and looked at his
eyes with inaudible asking.

Bruce didn't say anything but nodded with red dusting his face. Clark smiled, resuming the
kisses. He started from Bruce's throat, the collar bone, and lingered on his breast. Bruce let out a
whine when he nipped on his tits. But soon, he started purring with pleasure.

Those two rubies stood out on his breast with slight trembles. Clark grinned, Bruce wouldn't
admit it, but he enjoyed when Clark played with his breasts. That they would excite him.

“C-Clark…” Bruce whined, he squirmed on the bed. “I want... I want you to touch me…” He
was already hard, and it was leaking.

“With pleasure.” Clark obeyed happily. But he didn't reach his hand out, instead, he bent down
and opened his mouth to swallow the hard boning.

“Clark!” Bruce gasped with widened eyes. “Don't... you don't need to…” He tried to make Clark
stop, but he was already slurping it cheerily. Clark bobbing up and down with his tongue swirled
around its head, there was silence except for the wet sound and Bruce’s shallow breath. Bruce
couldn’t help reaching out his hand to fist it in Clark’s hair, he threw his head back on the bed and
closed his eyes, he let out a low moan. “Clark… hnn…”

Due to his Kryptonian physiology, Clark didn’t need to breathe and he lacked a gag reflex.
Therefore, he could deep throat Bruce without any discomfort or obstacle. Clark swallowed the
thrumming penis full in his throat, his balls plastered on his chin. He mimicked the swallowing and
squeezed it hard, he could feel it jump in his mouth.

Bruce tightened his fist in Clark’s hair and pressed him hard, he hissed. “I… C-Clark! I’m
gonna… I’m gonna cum…” Clark swallowed again, and with a whimper, there was a hot splash
shooting down his throat.

Clark pulled off from the now slack cock, he spit out Bruce’s seeds on his palm. Bruce was still
panting and recovering from the overwhelming stimulation, when he came back to himself, Clark
was already stretching with three fingers in his hole. One of his legs was lifted on Clark’s shoulder,
he groaned as Clark thrusted his fingers.

Bruce turned his head slightly to look at Clark. He was hard, too. “Clark... you're still hard…”
He said, and tried to reach down to touch the twitching penis. “Shh, it's alright, Bruce.” Clark said,
nudged gently to lay Bruce on his back again. He resumed his work after Bruce settled back. He
kept stretching with three fingers for a while, the hole was shrinking with thrill. Bruce’s body
would spasm occasionally with ragged breath. He reached up to play with his tits, they were still
hard from Clark's biting. He moaned, enjoying the sensation as Clark fingered his hole while
pulling on the red buds.

“Clark… please, could you…” Bruce drawled but didn't finish the question. His face was
burning with humiliation. Clark raised his head and looked at his face, then he grinned. He knew
that Bruce wanted, thirsted for him to nip at his tits. He couldn't deny his boyfriend, now could he?

So Clark leaned over to give those rubies a lick. Bruce shuddered beneath him. “You like that?
You love me to lick and bite your lil tiny tits?” Clark asked with amusement.

Bruce shuddered again, he was thrilled. “Y-Yes, yes… I like it… please…” He begged.

Clark submitted without complaining, he licked them with his tongue and swirled around them
while his fingers were still thrusting in Bruce. Bruce purred so loud and happy, like a cat who was
served properly. His whole body was radiating happiness.

Suddenly, Bruce let out a scream, startling, his body tensed. Aha! So there it is his prostate.
Clark thought. He smiled reassuringly at him, “It's fine, Bruce, relax.” Even though they had had
sex several times now, every time they did, Bruce was still shy and timid. And Clark loved it, it
felt like they were having their first sex every time. With Clark's slowly stretching and soothing
words, Bruce relaxed gradually. Every time Clark's fingers hit his prostate, he would moan with
trembling. He was hard again.

Seeing that Bruce was hard again, Clark raised his head from Bruce's breast, he focused back on
the stretching. He added a fourth finger, the hole was tight with the extra addition, and Bruce was
hissing. But considering his size, it was necessary if he didn't want Bruce to bleed. “Shh, it's fine,
Bruce.” He comforted.

Once his hole was well prepared, Bruce pleaded. “C-Clark, enough... I want you inside of
me…” His eyes were unfocused and half-lid, and his body was littered with marks Clark left. His
face flushed with adorable pink, he was gorgeous. Clark's penis twitched at the sight and those
words. The already hard cock became even harder, it almost hurt. He withdrew his fingers, palming
the hard bone with Bruce’s seeds and his own pre-cum, he held it towards the shrinking hole.
Clark pushed himself carefully into Bruce, he purred with content and pleasure.

“Clark, p-please…” Bruce pleaded again when Clark was full inside of him, he then moved
obediently without a word and started thrusting.

Bruce moaned while begging. "Ah, yes, yes! Oh, Clark! Clark, please... ah!" His eyes were
squeezed shut with his mouth slacked open, and there was drool dangling at the corner. Clark
grabbed the leg on his shoulder, and dragged the other as he slammed into Bruce. Bruce tried to
hold himself on the head of the bed, but his hands kept slipping. In the end, he could only grasp the
sheets with his toes curled uncontrollably, rocking back and forth as Clark slammed in.

Clark's movements started to accelerate with his breath becoming heavy. Bruce started to cry
every time Clark hit his prostate. “Ahh… Clark! Clark, please… oh…” He screamed and begged
incoherently. Tears were streaming with drool dripping down his cheeks, Bruce's face was a mess.
But to Clark, this was the most beautiful sight in the world.

“Bruce, honey, you're so beautiful…” Clark murmured. He thrusted harder and harder, he
grabbed on Bruce’s butts hard enough that it would bruise tomorrow. He adjusted deliberately and
made sure that every time he thrusted, he would hit precisely on Bruce’s prostate. And he could
see that Bruce's eyes rolled up with a scream every time he did.

Suddenly, Bruce shrieked as his hole clenched tightly around Clark, his eyes rolled up into his
skull and his body arched up with shaking. The next second, white seeds were spraying all over
their body. Clark growled at the sudden tightness and cum as well.

They were both panting with irregular breathing. Clark rolled off Bruce, and sprawled beside
him. Bruce was still recovering from his second orgasm. After he regained consciousness, he could
barely open his eyes. He was exhausted. Yet, he still tried to pry his eyes and stay awake.

Clark smiled at that, and smoothed. “Sleep, Bruce. You're tired.”

“Hnn…” Bruce mumbled unintelligently, but he did close his eyes.

Clark enveloped his boyfriend into a hug, and adjusted until they're both comfortable. “Good
night, Bruce. Thank you.” He whispered with a content smile, closing his eyes as well.


End Notes

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