Environmental Law - For Internal 2

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Important questions for internal 2

Exam Date :- 19-03-2024


1.Stockholm declaration year ?

Ans:- In 1972 during the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in
Stockholm, Sweden

2. NGT Act when was it established, where it is situated?
Ans:-The National Green Tribunal (NGT) Act was established on October 1995. The
principal bench of the NGT is situated in New Delhi

3.Pollution can be controlled by?

Ans:-Pollution can be controlled by enforcing and implementing stringent environmental
laws and regulations.
4.Forest Act,Forest conservation Act in the year?
Ans:-The Forest Act and the Forest Conservation Act were enacted in India in 1927 and

1980, respectively.

5. When Earth day is observed?


Ans:-Earth Day is observed on April 22nd.


6.World environmental day observed on?

Ans:-World Environment Day is observed on June 5th

7.Ratlam vs vardhichand
Ans:-"Ratlam vs. Vardhichand" is a landmark legal case in India that established consumer
rights by ruling that the principle of 'caveat emptor' doesn't apply in cases involving seller
fraud or misrepresentation.

8.Vellore citizens forum vs Union of India

Ans:-"Vellore Citizens Forum vs. Union of India" is a significant environmental case in
India where the Supreme Court issued directives to control industrial pollution in the
Vellore region, emphasizing the importance of protecting the environment and public
9.TN Godhavarman vs Union of Indian, what dose it deals with?

Ans:-The case of "T.N. Godavarman vs. Union of India" primarily deals with
"environmental conservation and protection of forests in India". It involves the regulation
of forest activities, such as logging and mining, to ensure sustainable development and
ecological balance. The Supreme Court issued several directives to safeguard the
environment and preserve forest resources across the country.

10. The classification of forest under forest conservation Act?

Ans:-The Forest Conservation Act classifies forests into Reserved Forests, Protected
Forests, and Unclassed Forests. Reserved Forests are for conservation, Protected Forests
for sustainable use, and Unclassed Forests are under government control but not classified


11.Tenure of the office of NGT?

Ans:-The tenure of the Chairperson and other members of the National Green Tribunal
(NGT) is five years or until they reach the age of 70.
12.Section 2(e)of the environmental protection Act?

Ans:-Section 2(e) speaks about hazardous substance means any substance or preparation

which, by reason of its chemical or physico- chemical properties or handling, is liable to

cause harm to human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organism, property or
the environment

13.The wildlife protection Act , The office under Wild life protection Act, who
appoints them?
Ans:-Under the Wildlife Protection Act, the offices include the Director of Wildlife

Preservation and the Wildlife Advisory Board. These officials are appointed by the central

14.An Appeal of the order of the National green tribunal, what is the time
period can a appeal be made against the order of National green tribunal?
Ans:-An appeal against the order of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) can be made
within a period of 90 days from the date of such order.

15. Under WLPA The preparation, preservation and caring of trophies is

known as?
Ans:-Under the Wildlife Protection Act (WLPA), the preparation, preservation, and caring
of trophies is known as "taxidermy."
16. EIA Full form
Ans:-EIA stands for Environmental Impact Assessment.


1. Polluter pays principle?

Ans:- The Supreme Court adopted the Polluter Pays Principle declared in the Indian
Council for Enviro-Legal Action vs. Union of India (1996).According to Polluter Pays
Principle, the liability is imposed upon the polluter to pay damages to the victim and also
to bring the environment to its previous condition. This principle is more wider than the
principle of compensation in law of torts.

2. Transnational pollution?

Ans:-Transnational pollution refers to pollution that originates in one country but affects
the environment of other countries. It often requires international cooperation and
environmental laws to address its impacts effectively.
3. Public trust doctrine?

Ans:-The public trust doctrine is a legal principle in environmental law that holds the
government responsible for preserving certain natural resources, such as air, water, and
land, for the public's use and enjoyment. It obligates governments to manage these

resources for the benefit of present and future generations.

4. Stockholm declaration?

Ans:-The Stockholm Declaration is a landmark document in environmental law, adopted

at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972. It
outlines principles for environmental protection, sustainable development, and
international cooperation. It set the stage for global environmental governance and
influenced subsequent environmental treaties and agreements.

5. Public interest litigation?

Ans:-Public interest litigation (PIL) in environmental law allows concerned citizens or

non-governmental organisations to file lawsuits on behalf of the public interest,
particularly to address environmental issues. It enables citizens to hold governments and
corporations accountable for environmental harm and promotes the enforcement of
environmental laws and regulations.

6. National green tribunal?

Ans:-The National Green Tribunal (NGT) is a specialised judicial body in India dedicated
to hearing cases related to environmental protection and conservation. It was established
in 2010 under the National Green Tribunal Act. The NGT has jurisdiction over matters
such as pollution control, forest conservation, and environmental disputes. Its objective is
to provide effective and expeditious disposal of cases pertaining to environmental matters.

7. Narmada bachao andolan v. Union of India.

Ans:-The Narmada Bachao Andolan v. Union of India is a landmark environmental case in
India, related to the construction of the Sardar Sarovar Dam on the Narmada River. The
Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) is a social movement advocating for the rights of

displaced communities and environmental conservation in the Narmada Valley. In this
case, the Supreme Court of India addressed issues such as the displacement of local
communities, environmental impacts, and the proper implementation of rehabilitation
and resettlement measures. The case highlighted the importance of balancing development
projects with social and environmental considerations and led to significant changes in
India's environmental law and policy.




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