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Tripping and falling

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Relationship: Russia/Turkey (Hetalia)
Characters: Russia (Hetalia), Turkey (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Aphrodisiacs, Mildly Dubious Consent, Needles, Bottom Russia
Language: English
Series: Part 10 of Turkey/Russia PWP series
Stats: Published: 2024-02-13 Words: 2,948 Chapters: 1/1
Tripping and falling
by mossy_man


In order to finally see Ivan's passion, Sadik resolves to trying aphrodisiacs

“Wait a second, I'm talking,” Ivan mouthed, waving his hand. Sadik frowned. When he was
leaving home to buy more raki, Ivan was delightfully nude, lounging in Sadik's bed with his
phone and playing some time-killer game, clad only in Sadik's clip-ons and emerald
necklace. Now he unearthed his briefs from somewhere and snuggled tight into white sheet,
phone at his ear. Sadik tickled the sole of his foot.

“Go away!” Ivan hissed, laughing. “Yes, I can hear you. Yes. Yes, of course, but I don't think
now is a good time for that.”

He tried to kick Sadik, when he slipped his hands under the sheet, but Sadik was faster. He
gentled the tender flesh under Ivan's knee and leaned down to his lips. They shared a kiss.

“Yes,” Ivan said. “I am busy now, maybe later? …Of course I am listening!”

“Your Boss?” Sadik whispered. Ivan shook his head. It was all Sadik needed to pounce —
and he did. He grabbed Ivan's hip and smothered him in kisses. Ivan honestly tried to push
him away, arching and stretching and giggling through tightly clenched teeth, but Sadik was
unrelenting. Ivan was fighting him off, gasping from stingy bites and kisses.

“Sorry,” he said. “I am fucking. Call me later, please. Thank you. No, you. Asshole. Have a
good day.”

“America?” Sadik asked innocently, sprawled on Ivan's chest. Ivan shoved at his shoulder.

“Yeah. I was busy, you know? Bu-sy. Stop interrupting my phone calls!”

“Enjoy your vacation, sunshine.”

They kissed languidly, until Sadik sat up, comfy on Ivan's crotch, and shook the bottle
clutched in his hand.

“You didn't change your mind?”

Ivan answered with a sultry gaze. Suddenly very… very fond of him, Sadik smiled. He got
up, the bottle in hand. With steady hands he poured a powder into his most beautiful cup and
mixed it with icy raki.

“Do you want some lemon too?”

Ivan hummed. Sadik put a slice of lemon onto the cup's edge.

“I worked hard for it,” he said softly, prowling on his way back to Ivan. “I found India on his
vacation — and can you imagine how hard it was? The man has the lightest feet I've ever
seen. Ran all over the world, trying to keep up with his schedule. I found him in a little cave
near Yerevan, where he is always out of service. I said, «make my lover want me», and
humbled my pride…”

He touched Ivan's lips with his tongue and deepened the kiss.
“I called him just last week, he was home,” Ivan quipped and got one more kiss for his
troubles. “Will I die?”

“I hope not.”

Ivan opened his mouth, accepting the cup, and let Sadik pour the aphrodisiac-laden raki down
his throat.

“Sweet,” he said, smacking his lips. “Herbs?”

“And some australian spider.”

“Oh, woe me, God, save my soul…”

Ivan wasn't afraid, at least not visibly, but Sadik still gathered him in his arms and hugged
tight. Together they undressed and lay in each other arms, until Ivan's skin goosebumped and
his heart started stuttering.

“Is it there?” Sadik muttered, unwilling to ruin the atmosphere. “Do you feel anything?”

“Feeling warm,” Ivan said plaintively. Sadik laid a hand on his forehead. “Like we are
already fucking.”

Sadik could feel his hardening desire.

“Here,” he said, taking Ivan's face in his hands. “Look at me. Does it feel good? Do you want
me to do something?”

Ivan panted in his palms, open-mouthed and slack-jawed, palming himself with jerky, urgent
motions. His cock slowly hardened into dry pulsing column. So hard, so tempting. Never
before Sadik had seen him this involved. It made a glittering happy desire bloom in his chest.
He leaned to Ivan's panting mouth and slipped his tongue inside.

“My beautiful boy,” he whispered lovingly. “Talk to me.”

“Touch me,” Ivan blurted. “Do something!”

“Do what?”

Fuck me, finger me, do me, Sadik's mind supplied. He never heard Ivan asking, and now the
untasted treat was beckoning him, calling for him.

Instead, Ivan grabbed his cock, slipped out of his palms, and swallowed him whole.

Oh, his tender slick throat! Sadik could sing about it for hours. Ivan was swallowing around
him, mouthing him, gagging for his cock. He even moaned a bit, hand going on himself, back
enticingly arched. Sadik threw his head back, caught in a happy pleasure.

“You want me,” he breathed. His fingers tangled in Ivan's downy hair. “Say you want me, my
cold winter.”
Ivan moaned around the cock in his mouth. He was swallowing repeatedly, saliva trickling
down Sadik's balls. With his free hand he desperately groped Sadik's thigh.

“Deeper, take me deeper!”

Ivan’s throat opened for him fully. It was spasming, contracting with Ivan's desire to please
and be pleased. Ivan's cheeks hollowed. Sadik was stroking his lovely cheekbones, chiseledly
pronounced now, and sang to him in happy daze.

“Beautiful, you are so beautiful!..”

And he was beautiful — arched up with ass temptingly raised, with long light lashes
coquettishly lowered, with promise of tears glistening in his pretty eyes. Oh, Sadik watched
him and saved his image in his mind forever.

“Look at me,” he asked, and came at the sight of Ivan's glittering, full of reflexive tears, eyes.

Ivan didn't stop. He swallowed again and again, and sucked even harder. He was like a leech,
or a kitten with mother's teat, he suckled on Sadik's poor cock and licked his sensitive head,
making him yelp.

“That's enough… enough! Let me go, my sweet, I urge you!”

He pushed Ivan back with audible slurp. His cock lay limp and red against his thigh. Ivan
wiped his wet chin with his hand.

“So many hands,” he muttered, body undulating under invisible touches. “Everywhere…”


“Touching me…”

His left hand slid down his torso, groping his pec, then diving behind his balls. His right hand
was still stroking his cock. He breathed hard and fast, audibly swallowing. Sadik watched
him fingerfuck himself dry.

“Come here,” he said quietly, pushing Ivan to lie on his back. “Let me take care of you. Do
you want to be taken care of? Tell me, do not be shy.”

Ivan watched him in awe, with eyes half-lidden. When Sadik grabbed his dry erect cock, he
only sighed.

“I always thought your hands would be rough,” he said. His hands lay limp at his sides. “But
they are so soft. I have never thought we would fuck. Does it mean you like me?”

“Ivan,” Sadik started, bewildered. “We have been sleeping together for about four centuries
already. What are you talking about?”

Ivan's hand grabbed his balls.

“I also thought you were a woman,” he said. “But it was always hard to tell with you.”

Sadik sat up.

“Me?” he exclaimed. “A woman? Have you completely lost your mind, tatlım?!”

He grabbed Ivan's chin, but Ivan only giggled.

“Just like old times,” he said lovingly. “You are just as fearsome and your whip is just as

Sadik couldn't for the life of him remember when they indulged in such pleasures. Ivan hated
being hit — so they didn't try any whips… right?

“Vanechka, şekerim, are you feeling all right?” he asked, hugging Ivan's face. Ivan
whimpered, like a spoiled child.

“If you descended to me,” he implored, his hands fluttering around Sadik's wrists, never
touching. “If you are here with me, allow me to take you. I burn, B…Berke, I hurt so much!
Have mercy on me, and I will show you the joys of being with a man!”

One may say that Sadik shouldn't indulge him and grant his tender shivering wish. He didn't
know who “Berke” was, but he certainly knew that Ivan was not in his right mind — even
more than usual. One may even say that Sadik was considering forcing himself onto someone
clearly impaired, because Sadik was Sadik, not Berke, some unknown woman, who Ivan was
afraid to even touch, if his curt fleeting movements were any indication. But such thing
haven't even crossed his mind.

The only things he could see were Ivan's splayed thighs, taut crotch out to see, and his hands
— one repeatedly going at his cock, the other diving behind his balls to finger himself dry,
when he wasn't busy trying to touch Sadik's hands without actually touching them. Sadik was
a simple man, and a simple man with dark spark of love in his chest, nonetheless, so he did
the only thing he managed to think about.

He sucked on his fingers and shoved two into Ivan's barely stretched ass.

Ivan yelped, arching up. His skin goosebumped. His cock visibly pulsed. It was still dry, not a
drop of moisture on its smooth head, but Sadik could see his full veins throbbing. He leaned
down and licked this beautiful rosy cock from the tip down.

Ivan burst out wailing.

“Thank you!” he exclaimed, drawing big lungfuls of air. “Thank you, ah, thank you!”

He spread his legs wider for Sadik to better see his reddened breached hole, desperately
spasming, desperately willing to be filled by Sadik's not-hard-yet hardness. Sadik licked his
lips, suddenly emotional. Unknown feeling of strange satisfaction was blooming in his chest
and making it hard to breathe.
“Be patient,” he urged softly, clenching his free hand on his chest. The unnamed feeling kept
spreading with every aborted jerk of Ivan's body. “Let me… let me have a moment…”

He drank Ivan's yearning expression with all his self. Somehow being wanted had never felt
so good before — his heart kept squeezing in his chest, and he couldn't look away from
Ivan's panting mouth and his hazy, desire-filled eyes. Unfamiliar picture, but a welcome one.

He leaned down and captured those soft lips in a kiss.

“Do you want me?” he demanded. “Say you want me, Ivan. Look at me and say you want

“I want you, I want you…”

Sadik pinched his nipple and rolled it between his fingers just to hear him mewl.

Allah, there was no way back for him now.

He wanted to smother Ivan with kisses, to choke him, to make him claw at his back and beg,
beg to be taken. He rejoiced in the newfound desire in Ivan's eyes, he couldn't get enough of
his exotic, captivating features contorted in lust — the feeling he thought Ivan was unable to
feel. He wanted to gather him in his arms and fuck him and make him scream in pleasure.

He gathered Ivan in his arms and hurriedly slicked himself and pressed his cockhead to the
cool flushed skin.

“Ask me,” he begged. “Implore me, sweetness.”

Ivan's body heaved and spasmed in his hands.

“Jones, if you won't move right this instant, I will snap your chicken neck,” Ivan said coldly.


Sadik hugged him closer only to find his wrists shackled by suffocating pressure of Ivan's

“You heard me,” Ivan snapped. “Move, or I'll make you move!”

He pushed his hips back, impaling himself on Sadik's cock. It hurt a bit, him being barely
worked open, and Sadik hissed in pain of his cockhead being crumpled by unyielding
muscles. Ivan, it seemed, didn't mind pain at all. He rocked back, then forth, forcing Sadik

“Well?” he barked. “All this yapping is just yapping? Are you really a mother of

It was tight and uncomfortable. Too little lube, too little preparation. Ivan didn't hug him
sweetly, he squeezed the life out of his cock. He was pulsing with heartbeat, but Sadik didn't
really like it like that.
“Calm down, güzelim,” he asked, trying to somehow get a hold of situation. “Calm…

He yelped shamefully, manhandled onto his back. Ivan wasn't gentle in any means — he
shoved him down and pinned his hands, mounting him. Sadik's cock slipped into the cleft
between his buttocks.

“Shut your fucking mouth and lie still, boy!”

Back again into suffocating tightness. It hurt less, but Ivan was heavy, insatiable — and Sadik
never thought he could call Ivan insatiable. It was… a scary, but captivating sight. Ivan
cupped his lower belly and sneered.

“When did you grow bigger, you asshole?” he wondered. “There is certainly no end to your

Ivan rode him with such force Sadik thought his hips would snap. He moaned through
clenched teeth, hand on his lower belly, out of breath but not stamina. Sadik's cock burned.
He could only throw his head back and moan, when his orgasm was punched out of him. Ivan
didn't stop until Sadik's poor oversensitive cock slid out of his hole, slick with come and
splotches of blood.

Ivan was still ragingly hard and dry. He kept squirming on Sadik's lap, docile again, kept
cupping his pecs and palming his cock, and moaned low and pitiful.

Sadik, wrung out like a lemon, felt his heart squeeze again.

“Let me help,” he coaxed. “My sunshine, let me help.”

Ivan went after his hands. He laid down and spread his legs, gazing at Sadik with blind hope
and silent plea. He kept squirming though, as if following an invisible lead.

“Touch me,” he pleaded, batting his eyelashes. “You won't regret it. I can bring you so much

He was… giving him puppy eyes, Sadik realized with a touch of hysterics. He was trying to
entice Sadik into fucking him. God. Sadik's poor weak heart (Sadik's poor tired cock).

Cock out of commission, Sadik resolved to use his fingers. It was a painstaking ordeal with
Ivan being a little torn and worn, but Ivan didn't seem to mind. He moaned sweetly, Sadik's
fingers coming out slick with come and blood, and jerked himself off. Still dry. Sadik
massaged his prostate until his fingers cramped, and sucked him off, until his jaw hurt.

When he pulled away, red and panting, Ivan gave him the best pouty look he could muster.

He was horrifically successful in it.

“Wait a bit,” Sadik gasped, heart still beating wildly from lack of air. “I'll come back in a
Ivan tried to pull him back, but he escaped.

“Wait a bit!” he yelled from another room, frantically rummaging through his cupboards.
Ivan answered with a happy moan. Clothes, jewellery — hey, rubies accentuated his skin
very well — debit cards and car keys. No, no, no, he didn't need this. He needed a syringe
and, wonders, he found it in his first aid kit. Disheveled, out of breath, he ran back.

Ivan didn't really miss him, it seemed. He was touching himself, steadily and sensually,
slowly tugged his cock and fucked himself on his fingers, legs widely spread. Sadik stopped
to admire the picture. If he could get hard one more time!..

But he couldn't. His magnificent cock hung limp, red and pathetic. So he pulled Ivan on his
lap, regretfully fingered him a bit more (smooth and silky inside), and wasn't fast enough to
escape when Ivan turned to suck his face.

They fell out of the kiss panting.

“Bear with me, beautiful,” Sadik asked, and Ivan happily moaned.

Now, Sadik was not a doctor. Of course, he read Ibn Sina’s works when he was younger, but
that was an extent of his knowledge. He could sew a wound shut, he gave the best massages,
but he didn't know if sucking blood out of an engorged cock with a syringe will help alleviate
the condition. He didn't know for sure — but the bit of information, accidentally acquired
during internet surfing, insisted it would.

“Let's hope for the best,” he said to Ivan, who was mouthing his neck. “It will hurt a bit,
tatlım, do not kill me.”

“You should let me fuck you,” Ivan said in response, giving him a pouty face. “I swear it will
feel good.”

“Maybe later.”

He positioned the needle over a full, angrily pulsing vein, and caught Ivan's lips in a kiss. The
needle pierced thin skin with Sadik's tongue breaching Ivan's mouth.

Ivan moaned. Fine hairs on his arms raised, his nipples temptingly pebbled. He moved his
hips to meet the needle and Sadik was forced to hold him.

“Is it good?” he asked, bewildered. “Does it really feel good, Ivan?”

Ivan answered with a low whine. He tried to jerk himself off again, but Sadik caught his
hands, slowly filling the syringe with dark slow blood.

“Is that better?” he whispered. “Is there still the need?”

He hoped there wasn't. He watched Ivan slowly relax, then moan again, pierced the second
time. His cock slowly lost its springiness, not soft yet, but not fully hard either. Ivan's breaths
evened out.
“Are you going to fuck me?” Ivan asked hopefully.

Sadik threw the syringe on the floor and cupped his worn out cock.

“Maybe later,” he said. “Rest a bit.”

He pulled Ivan to himself and hugged him tight. Full of indescribable emotion, he pressed his
lips to Ivan's scruff, then shoulders, then covered neck, then, finally, soft pouty lips. They
both were gross and slick with semen and Sadik's sweat, but comfy and cozy still.

“Hands are still touching me,” Ivan said.


“People too. Some naked people. I guess I know some of them. Do you really not want me to
fuck you?”

“Ivan, please, rest.”

Ivan whined low in his throat. He was still touching himself and squirming in Sadik's hands,
but quietened down when kissed.

“I buzz inside,” he said. “My chest is full. You can fuck me, if you want. I am tight.”

“No, you already aren't.”

Ivan pondered on it a bit.

“Then I want some of the naked people to fuck me.”

Sadik peeked around his shoulder. Hard again. Allah, it is going to be a long night.
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