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The event will take place within the framework of the agreement, ensuring a smooth
and successful collaboration
2. It’s crucial to argue for the protection of strategic industries, as they play a vital role in
the nation's economic growth and security
3. It is crucial to consider sustainable practices as vital to future prosperity.
4. To protect infant industries, the government implemented quotas that limited imports
and fostered domestic growth
5. To successfully gain market share in the export market, a company must focus on
developing high-quality products, establishing strong relationships with international
partners, and implementing effective marketing strategies
6. To eliminate tariff walls and customs duties, international trade agreements must be
7. To increase competition and improve the choice of goods and services, businesses
must constantly innovate and adapt to the ever-changing market demands
8. To reduce poverty and increase wealth, it’s essential to lift people out of poverty
through education, job opportunities, and social support
9. In order to widen the gap between rich and poor nations, it’s essential to implement
policies that favor the wealthy while neglecting the needs of the impoverished
10. Lower costs and cheaper retail prices benefit consumers, as they can purchase
products at more affordable rates
11. To give large multinationals and trading blocs too much power can lead to an
imbalance in the global economy and negatively impact smaller businesses and
12. To promote higher standards of living, we must focus on improving working
conditions, incorporating advanced technology, and emphasizing the importance of
13. To take away barriers to trade, we must foster international cooperation and promote
fair trade practices
14. To have open borders and few controls of goods at customs, countries can benefit
from increased trade and economic growth
15. To combat unfair competition, it’s crucial to address the issue of dumping in the
16. In order to be less reliant on foreign imports, the country should focus on developing
its domestic industries

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