Obey Me Ficmas 2022

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Obey Me Ficmas 2022

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/43350258.

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Relationships: Demon Brothers & Demon Brothers (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!),
Lucifer & Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Barbatos/Simeon
(Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Asmodeus/Solomon (Shall We Date?:
Obey Me!), Demon Brothers & Lucifer (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!),
Luke & Solomon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!),
Mammon/Mephistopheles (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Leviathan &
Raphael (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Beelzebub & Luke (Shall We
Date?: Obey Me!), Mammon & Satan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!),
Belphegor/Diavolo (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Asmodeus & Lucifer
(Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Diavolo/Lucifer (Shall We Date?: Obey
Me!), Leviathan & Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)
Characters: Lucifer (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey
Me!), Leviathan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Satan (Shall We Date?:
Obey Me!), Asmodeus (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Beelzebub (Shall
We Date?: Obey Me!), Belphegor (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Diavolo
(Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Barbatos (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!),
Simeon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Luke (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!),
Solomon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Thirteen (Shall We Date?: Obey
Me!), Mephistopheles (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Raphael (Shall We
Date?: Obey Me!)
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fluff, Christmas, Christmas Fluff,
Ficmas, Ficmas 2022, 25 Days of Fic-mas, 25 Days of Christmas Prompt
Challenge, Christmas Shopping, Hot Chocolate, Winter Wonderland,
Christmas Party, Christmas Presents, Christmas Decorations, Christmas
Tree, Christmas Eve, Christmas Cookies, Christmas Music, Christmas
Morning, Fireplaces, Mistletoe, Snowed In, Ice Skating, Secret Santa,
Eggnog, Meeting the Parents, Cuddling & Snuggling, Mammon Has
ADHD (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Crushes, Autistic Leviathan (Shall
We Date?: Obey Me!), Autistic Raphael (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!),
Headcanon, Disability
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-12-01 Completed: 2022-12-25 Words: 16,308 Chapters:
Obey Me Ficmas 2022
by InfatuatedWithGingers


Exactly the title. Prompts are from Tumblr (mix and matched, not a specific list).

1. Shopping for gifts: Lucifer and Mammon

2. Hot cocoa: Barbatos/Simeon
3. Winter Wonderland: Solomon/Asmo
4. Christmas cards: Lucifer and brothers
5. Baking: Solomon and Luke
6. Warming up by the fire: Mephisto/Mammon
7. Christmas party: Raphael and Levi
8. Family traditions: Beel and Luke
9. Mistletoe: Solomon/Asmo
10. Snowed in: Solomon/Asmo
11. Playing in the snow: Mammon and Satan
12. Lending hat/coat/scarf: Diavolo/Belphie
13. Ice skating: Asmo and Lucifer
14. Secret Santa: Mammon
15. All I want for Christmas is you: Skipped :(
16. Spiked eggnog: Diavolo/Lucifer
17. Meeting family at Christmas: Mephisto/Mammon
18. Believing in Santa: Levi and Mammon
19. Christmas songs: Everyone
20. Cuddling to keep warm: Simeon/Barbatos
21. Don't be a Scrooge!: Lucifer/Diavolo
22. Christmas/Winter Headcanons: Everyone
23. Decorating: Mephisto/Mammon
24. Christmas Eve: Barbatos/Simeon
25. Christmas Day: The Brothers

See the end of the work for notes
Shopping for gifts: Lucifer and Mammon

Lucifer dragged Mammon along into the crowded Devildom mall. Mammon was always
trustworthy and closer to their younger brother's than Lucifer was, so he was necessary. Yet,
he was also annoying.

They stopped at the mall's Savonne first. The store sold bathing products. Mammon rushed
around at lighting speed, looking at everything, grabbing every item that fit in his arms.

Lucifer continued to stare at the first display, observing the products.

Quickly, Mammon rushed back, "I've found the best stuff fer Asmo!"

He sighed, aware that this would happen, "We aren't buying him that many bath products. He
has plenty as it is. You can choose two of those, and I'll get one."

Mammon thinks this through, "Kay, I'll find the best two possible!"

Lucifer continues to look, eventually finding his own item as Mammon ran around returning
anything that he thought wasn't good enough, which was most of it anyway. Half his pile was
just hand sanitizer.

Soon enough, the younger returned, "I found the best of the best! Though, I don't really get
the point of most these. Who uses feet lotion? Why not just use regular lotion?"

He rolled his eyes, gesturing for Mammon to get to the point, "Oh, my bad! Here's what I
got! There's a rose gold shower oil. Which, fer the record, I have no idea what rose gold
smells like. Ain't that a color? Sure, there's roses, but what does gold smell like. Ta me, gold
smells like greed. But, they can't put greed inta shower oil? So what is it really? It doesn't
smell like gold or greed!"

"Mammon," The younger looked up.

"My bad, again," He smiled sheepishly, "Then I also have a whipped rainbow poison body
butter. It's s'pposed ta have multiple scents swirled together. I mean, look at those colors!
What'd ya get?"

He held up a tomato charcoal face mask. It sounded interesting enough, and was definitely
something Asmo would use. And it wasn't super cheap or anything, so he'd actually use it.

Lucifer gestures to Mammon, accepting his two items. Lucifer would be the one checking
out. He wouldn't give Mammon the satisfaction, after all.

They next went to a Japanese themed store. It had figures, snacks, chopsticks, stuffed
animals, anime merchandise, and other Japanese or anime related things or products.

This is a place that Mammon would come in handy. Lucifer didn't know too much about
Levi's interests. Sure, he tried to listen and heard some, but he wasn't too knowledgeable. He
also didn't know which figures Levi had already.

They stepped over to the huge glass cases. The cases were filled with a ton of different
figures, all separated by anime.

Through their search they found a Christmas Ruri-chan, some girl called Rem wearing a
circus themes outfit, and one named Hinata wearing a provocative outfit. Well, they were all
provocative. All of Levi's anime woman were.

They also bought two winter themed Japanese snack boxes. One was for Beel, as he loved to
eat anything, and it was different to his usual Devildom food. And then the other was for
Levi, to fill all of his Otaku fantasies.

They checked out. Lucifer handed Mammon the huge bag, one he stuffed the last gifts into

Next store was called Akuma. It was a geeky pop culture store.

He could probably find different things for a lot of the brothers here. Today was dedicated to
shopping for the younger brother's. Lucifer would shop for Mammon and anyone else another

They split up, searching for items. Eventually, they met up, going over their finds, double
checking that everything would be good.

For Levi, Lucifer found a manga collection for an anime with an unnecessarily long title.
Mammon found two funko pops and a candy relating to some meme.

For Satan, Lucifer found socks with cats reading books with circular glasses, a star themed
nightlight, and sour apple candies. Mammon got a Hello Kitty themed ramen. Lucifer made
him put it back. It was obviously a ripoff. It was normal ramen with a character on the front.
Though, he did also find a super long calico cat pillow.

For Asmo, Lucifer got him a color projector. Mammon got him a DVD for a movie he
enjoys, a mini bird charm, and a bunny plush that matches his hair.

For Beel, they both got him multiple snacks. Lucifer also got him a pair of socks that had
burgers on them and a small puppy plush.

For Belphie, Lucifer got him a cow plush and a phone holder for when he was too tired to
hold it himself. Then, Mammon got found a small gummy sushi pack. It was probably a
stupid gift, but Lucifer let it slide.

They went to a couple other stores, gaining arms full of bags. After they were finished at the
mall, they even stopped at a couple other stores, such as Majolish.

They gained even more gifts, plenty of them even. But, Lucifer loved to spoil his brothers.
So, it was okay.
Even if he thought the idea of demon's celebrating Christmas was dumb when Diavolo first
proposed it, he's grown to love it.

Christmas was an excuse to spoil his brothers, show them how much he truly loved them.

Gift giving was better then getting gifts for him.

And if Lucifer not only went on Akuzon, but also went to other stores different days after he
was 'done', well, no one would be brave enough to say anything.

His brothers deserved the best Christmas. They had been through hell, after all.
Hot Cocoa
Chapter Summary

Barbatos never really had domestic moments. He just works all the time. So, sitting with
Simeon feels heavenly.

Chapter Notes

Sorry that it's so short! I had school today and didn't yesterday. I'll have the weekend to
write ahead.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It was quiet there. It was also dark, the only light radiating from the fireplace.

He held two mugs of hot chocolate. It wasn't often that he drank hot chocolate. He was more
of a tea person. But, as the snow came down, and Simeon sat on the comfortable couch, it felt

He passed the mug to Simeon. The man was cuddled into a corner of the couch, blanket
wrapped tightly around him.

Simeon inhaled the scent of the warm cocoa. It was one of Barbatos's special recipes. Lord
Diavolo has always loved hot cocoa. It took Barbatos 1,000 years to perfect this recipe.

He sat next to Simeon, calmly sipping at his own mug.

Simeon looked over at him with a face of melancholy. He then passed the mug to one hand,
opening one arm, holding the blanket in his hand.

With the invitation, Barbatos scooted closer. Simeon wrapped the blanket around them both.

Their mugs were nearly touching. Their faces were faced towards the mugs, but still mere
inches apart. The fire crackled, yet no other sounds were heard.

Simeon radiated warmth and comfort. Barbatos found himself cuddling closer.

The feeling of Simeon against him felt intimate, in a way. Though, not sexual in nature.
Domestic. That was the word.

Barbatos didn't often set time aside for himself. He's never had a family to truly call his own.
Lord Diavolo always felt akin to a child, or a son to him. Yet, he was only a caretaker. He
was still a mere butler.

As much as he loves the Lord, their relationship was professional. They were a boss and a

With Simeon, it was different. There was no work, job, or promise binding him here. There
was only a romantic love lacing the air.

He loved Simeon. Part of him knew that Simeon loved him back and one day they would
truly be together. He did have time powers after all.

However, right now, they were just friends. Two really close friends.

Blushes lit both of their faces as they cuddled for warmth, sipping from their cups.

One day they'd be together. The day might not be today, but they will.

Looking into his future he only felt the warmth and comfort Simeon provided. He couldn't
wait for that to be the present. Even if it may be greedy.

Maybe he'd finally ask him out on Christmas Eve? The forecast did promise the beauty of
snow this year.

Then Simeon wouldn't just be a glimpse of the future anymore.

Chapter End Notes

Simeon and Barbatos are underrated. I love them so much.

Winter Wonderland: Solomon/Asmo
Chapter Summary

The Devildom looks beautiful covered in snow. Asmo drags Solomon outside, snow
falls down. The two walk through a gorgeous winter wonderland.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Asmo peered out his bedroom window, lighting up at the beauty laying outside.

In all truthfulness, Asmo didn't like the snow or the cold. The Devildom was always freezing,
especially to most humans. Yet, he's used to that. But, in winter it only gets colder. His ski
and lips dry out and his hair looses texture! It's highly irritating.

Although, even with that hate, he lovez the aesthetic of Christmas and snow. Both are
extremely romantic!

Walking through the snow, hand in hand, attempting to warm up.... Kisses under the
mistletoe, sharing a gift with pure care put into it, warming up by the fire.

The season was beautiful! And he got to pull out a new section of his wardrobe! In the
Devildom it wasn't odd to frequently bundle up, but his winter selection was to the next level.

Looking out the window filled his mind full of fantasies. Oh, snow was just so romantic!

He pulled out his D.D.D, opening Solomon's contact.

Asmo♡♡♡: OMG! Sol!!!!! It's snowing! You have to teleport me to you! ♡o♡

He smiled in anticipation. He kicked his legs back and forth. He jumped up, he needed to get

Asmodeus stepped up to his closet. He threw the hangers back and forth, searching for the
perfect top. He landed on a light pink long sleeve. Over that he put a fluffy white coat. He
pulled on a pair of thick leggings. Fluffy socks were next, then a pair of tall, knee high, black
boots. He clipped earrings on, slipping a white hat with a poofball onto his head. He slipped
on a pair of mittens, buttoning them to the sleeve of his coat.

Looking in the mirror he felt that the outfit was complete. His hair fell out if the hat in the
most charming way!

He'd already put on makeup, but he touched it up a bit.

When returning to his phone he noticed that Solomon messaged back. He had asked if he was
ready. Asmo smiled, of course Solomon would understand his mixed signals. Most people
would have just teleported him. Solomon knew him so well.

Seconds after he messaged back, he felt the magic start to cling to him. Teleportation magic
is addictive. Any magic is. Asmo's always preferred magic to be used on him. Specifically by
the one he loves.

Solomon's room materialized around him. Asmo squeaked in excitement once he saw

He jumped into the sorcerer's arms, kissing him passionately. Solomon chuckled against his
lips, returning the kiss as well.

Then, his boyfriend broke the kiss and spoke, "Would you like to walk in the snow?"

Asmo eagerly nodded, "It's so pretty out there! But, we can't stay out too long. The winter air
ruins my skin."

Solomon gave his own nod. He led Asmo out of the house, into the snow.

Snow fell down, catching in their hair. Asmo thought that Solomon always looked more
magical like that. The snow adds a glimmer to his silver hair. Of course, Asmo looked
wonderful with snow in his hair too. Yet, he isn't very focused on himself right now. His
forced narcissm always failed him when he was around Solomon.

It's like, around him, he didn't feel the need to be fake. He didn't need to feed himself empty
compliments just to keep himself from breaking down. He didn't feel as helpless. He found a
new crutch. Solomon provided him the support he needed. He didn't need to fall back on
grasping for everyone's attention when Solomon gave him it undividedly and purely.
Solomon wasn't annoyed. He wanted to be with Asmo.

Asmodeus wanted to be around Solomon. Their love was pure. They gave each other the
support necessary.

He realized that he'd lost himself in thought. If Solomon thought to question the tears forming
in his eyes, he'd say it was from the cold weather.

Right now he wanted peace. He wanted to just be here with Solomon. He loved him, he loved
moments like this.

Snow fell down around them, the town was heavily decorated around them.

It truly was beautiful.

The town had music playing from the speakers. The song reminded him of this moment

He and Solomon walked through their winter wonderland together. The snow flurries and
falls. Asmo smiles. The day remains peaceful.
He grips Solomon's hand harder, leaning his head against the taller shoulder. It's a bit hard to
so, but he manages.

They come up to a stand selling hot beverages. Solomon buys them both a cup. They're both
warm despite the storm of snow. Their walk isn't very long.

Asmo stays over that night, cuddled into Solomon's side.

It's too cold to sleep alone, he thinks. He's always slept better when with someone else. He's
always slept best with Solomon.

Chapter End Notes

My two favorite characters and my otp at the same time....

Love them. ♡
Christmas Cards: Lucifer and The Brothers
Chapter Summary

The brothers attempt to make a nice Christmas card. Why does nothing work out?

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

First was the pictures.

How could anyone mess up pictures?

His brother's must be extremely incompetent.

It's really not that hard. All you do is stand and smile!

Belphie and Satan weren't smiling in any of the photos. They either stared or glared into the
camera each photo.

Mammon and Asmo went completely overboard! If they were supposed to just stand there
they would come up with highly obnoxious poses that drew all the attention to them! At least
they smiled. Maybe they wouldn't be too noticeable?

Leviathan blinked or was looking away most photos. There were a couple that were okay, but
he just looked extremely depressed. He looked as if he hated every second of his life that led
up to taking those photos.

Beel, oh sweet little Beel, did the best. Sure, there were a couple blinks, he accidentally
wasn't looking on occasions, but that was normal. If only all of his brother's could perform
like this. Even if Beel's smile provided no teeth, that was alright. Hell, Lucifer's smile was no
teeth as well.

Lucifer will admit that he looked a bit dead in some photos. But, he did stand and smile every
picture. At least he wasn't bad about it.

Lucifer scoured through the photos, inspecting every last one.

Eventually he did land on three that would work. They were definitely not the best. Yet, he,
Beel, and Levi were looking in all of them, decent enough smiles. Satan and Belphie werent
outright glaring, which was the best they did. And Mammon and Asmo still were too
overboard. But, that was normal for them and didn't heavily ruin the photos.

Another problem came with buying them.

There were so many websites to choose from. Most were complete scams.

Who charges 5,000 grimm for Christmas cards!?

Sure, he was rich and that made no dent in his money, but he wasn't giving that company

He did find one at a normal price that provided decent formatting.

After thinking too much about a caption, he landed on something simple.

The caption read, 'Another year of fun and joy has passed, thank you for celebrating with us.
We hope to share upcoming years with you. Merry Christmas. Sincerely Lucifer, Mammon,
Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor.'

The caption held many complaints. Asmodeus and Levi claimed that it sounded 'old and
stuffy'. Satan said that he disagreed with the notion and wanted his name removed.

Lucifer ignored all of those complaints. He bought the red, white, and green cards anyway.

Once they arrived he was pissed. The cards were terrible quality. The photos were blurry and
the card could be easily ripped.

In his anger he left a strongly worded review to the company. Then, he bought new ones, a bit
more expensive this time.

He got a head start, so the cards would arrive early enough anyway. Lucifer was still upset

The cards did finally get there, and in good quality this time.

Added onto his workload, he divided the cards into envelopes, titling them and adding small
additional notes for the individual. Once the large stack was complete, he mailed them out.

Their family also gained many Christmas cards. They received them from Diavolo and
Barbatos, the Purgatory Hall, and from other colleagues or friends. Lucifer hung them up
around the door frame of the dining room. They blended in with their many holiday

Sure, Lucifer despised the idea of demon's celebrating Christmas at first, but it grew on him.

Christmas has, over the years, turned into a secular holiday. Therefore, it wasn't as weird for
them to celebrate.

The biggest reason that he accepted it was because everyone enjoyed it.

His brother's loved it and Diavolo was beyond ecstatic about the holiday. The entire
Devildom became decorated because of the prince.

Christmas Cards were a big part that he enjoyed.

He'd said that his brothers ruined the card. Yet, it felt more genuine this way. All of their
personalities and quirks showed up in pictures. Whether eccentric or depressing.

Lucifer loved the cards. They were of his family, after all.

Chapter End Notes

What goofy guys.

Baking: Solomon and Luke
Chapter Summary

Solomon wants to make the perfect Christmas treats! Luke wants him to get out of the

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

It was almost Christmas time, and Solomon wanted to make the perfect treats for the

He woke up early, thinking about all the possible things he could make.

Ginger snaps, sugar cookies, chocolate covered pretzel sticks, fudge, and so many more!

Christmas held the most delicious desserts. He hadn't made any of them before, but it's never
too late to try! Maybe he'd even ask Luke for some help. Surely the young angel would know
what to do.

He entered the kitchen, grabbing out any ingredients he might need.

He had no recipe, but that's what made cooking and baking fun! He never used recipes. He
can always guess what's needed. That's how good he is at cooking.

Just looking at an item, he knows what needs to be put in.

He noticed that some ingredients that are necessary seemed to be missing.

Oh well. He can use substitutes.

What to make first.....

Maybe he'd do the sugar cookies.

He pushed aside unnecessary ingredients, laying out what he needed.

Luke rushed into the room, panic evident on his face, "What are you doing!?"

Solomon smiled widely, "Baking for Christmas!"

Luke frowned, moving to stand next to him.

Then, Solomon grabbed a mixing bowl. He started to pour in his dry ingredients, using no
measuring tools.

Once again, Luke spoke, "Wait! What are you making right now!?"

"Sugar cookies," He replied, pouring in a huge pile of baking soda.

"Um, this isn't how you make sugar cookies," Luke supplied, "You've added too much baking
soda! And, I personally would recommend using baking powder instead. Not to mention that
you added way too little flour. And- What are you doing!?"

"I thought I'd add extra powdered sugar," He smiled softly, adding twice the amount he
should be, "I like my sugar cookies sweet."

"Sugar cookies will be sweet without that much sugar!" Luke panicked, "I think you should
restart this batch."

Solomon shook his head, "I think they'll turn out fine. All my food turns out delicious."

Luke decided against arguing that point. He stood back in pain, watching the horrendous
process that was Solomon baking.

Baking is extremely precise, it won't turn out good if even one measurement is slightly off!
And all of Solomon's measurements were off!

The cookies made it into the oven, and eventually out.

Solomon grinned widely at his.....creations, "Yum, Luke, do you want to try one?"

Luke picked up one of the floppy cookies. They were burnt and had fallen in. They looked
disgusting and tasted worse.

Solomon hummed as the delicious cookies hit his taste buds. They tasted just as he imagined!
Luke had a grimace on his face, for whatever reason. The boy must have thought of a bad
memory! Poor kid.

But, that's besides the point. He made the cookies successfully!

What should he do next?

"Luke, want to help me make fudge?" Solomon asked.

Luke's face drained of color, "Can I actually help?"

Solomon raised an eyebrow, "You helped a lot on the cookies. And thanks for that, they were
really good!"

Luke shook his head, "I think I'll sit this one out. For my own sake, that is."

Solomon had no clue what he meant by that. But, who cares.

He pulled out a couple new ingredients, getting started on making the perfect fudge.

He could not wait to share these treats with everybody!

Chapter End Notes

Solomon, sweetheart, no one wants to eat your food... 🥲

Warming up by the fire: Mephisto/Mammon
Chapter Summary

Mammon gets locked out of the house by Lucifer after spending too much money.
Mephisto takes him in for the night, warming him up after staying in the snow.

Chapter Notes

Using a rarepair.

Btw, for those who are new to my works. Azazel is the name I have given Mephisto's
younger brother. In my interpretation, Mephisto isn't super rich. So, just some

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Mephisto's D.D.D buzzed to alert in his pocket. Pulling it out, he noticed spammed messages
coming from Mammon.

He smiled fondly as he opened the messages.

Mams: Hey! Meph! Lucifer locked me outta the house! It's freezin out here! I might loose my
fingers if I stay out too long! If ya really care about me come help!!!!!!



It's yer loving boyfriend!

I'm freezin!

There were more messages that eventually trailed off. Seems Mammon gave up. Although,
Mephisto was, of course, going to help.

He bundled up and left the house, announcing his leave to Azazel.

The walk took nearly fifteen minutes, but he made it eventually.

It was dark, due to the fact that it was night. Not to mention, it was also snowing.
Snow crunched beneath his feet as he stepped up to the dark House of Lamentation.

He was shocked to find Mammon curled up against the door, arms wrapped tightly around
himself, attempting to hold in warmth. He was shivering, eyes held tight shut, slight tears
running from them. Worst of all, he wasn't wearing anything fit for snow! He had on an outfit
that he'd wear any other day.

Mephisto sighed as he stepped up to his boyfriend. Mammon opened his eyes, frantically
wiping them, and then jumping into Mephisto's arms, "I knew ya'd come!"

There was a shake in his voice. One that said that he didn't truly believe that; one that said
that he believed that Mephisto didn't care, and he would just leave him in the snow, cold, sad,
and alone.

Mephistopheles hugged him tightly. Mammon was cold to the touch. Not just cold, freezing.
Mammon wasn't overexaggerating. He was shivering in his hold.

Worry etched it's way into his features, "Okay, Mams, let's get back to my house, quickly.
You're freezing. I don't want you catching hypothermia."

Mammon nodded, following along as Mephisto walked, still clutching him tightly.

The walk went by fast, Mephisto's urgency to get back ensuring that.

He opened the door, pulling Mammon inside, quickly shutting it behind. Luckily, the house
was warm and the fire was going.

Mephistopheles took off his snow gear, Mammon removing his shoes. He then led Mammon
to the couch.

The couch sat right in front of the small fireplace.

He led Mammon to the couch, pulling him down onto it with him.

Mammon ended up cuddled in his arms, on his lap. He was very flustered, but relaxed into
Mephisto's hold.

The second born shivered, still freezing to the touch. Mephisto held him tighter, rubbing him
with his hands, creating extra warmth. Mammon was startled at the sudden movements, "Ay!
I'm okay! I'm okay!"

Mephisto chuckled, stopping the movements. He grabbed a blanket, pulling it over the two.

The room was dark, save for the fires light. It was late. He noticed Mammon's eyes drooping.
He was probably exhausted from his day and staying out in the cold.

Mephisto held him tight, giving him extra warmth.

Mammon's eyes closed and his breathing evened out.

He rested his head ontop of Mammon's, closing his eyes too.

In comfort with the other, Mephisto also fell asleep, fire still raging on in the background.

Chapter End Notes

Mammon is silly.
Christmas Party: Levi and Raphael
Chapter Summary

Both Levi and Raphael aren't big on parties. They find themselves talking when sitting
on the sidelines.

Chapter Notes

I stole Raphael liking Pokemon from Notekatha.

I love Raphael and have been needing to write him.

Also, I've always believed that these two are autistic. So, yeah.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Levi sat in the corner of the raging party awkwardly curled in on himself.

He looked around as people walked passed by, all laughing, dancing, and having fun.

He could never have that much fun at a place as crowded and loud as this. It was too
overwhelming. People were everywhere, surrounding him.

His skin crawled as the noise grew louder and louder. People would glance over at him sitting
there alone. He was pitiful.

Amongst the party-goers he noticed two people that he recognized. Simeon walked closely to
Raphael, a concerned look on his face. Raphael was holding himself, tears present in his

They were conversating, Levi could hear Simeon talking, "We can go home if you'd like. I
know parties are hard for you."

Envy. Lucifer never let's him go home. He knows about his sensory issues, yet he forces him
to stay until the end. Diavolo's parties are a necessity. And this was, of course, Diavolo's

Raphael's response was quieter, "I can sit here. It's okay. I wouldn't want you three to be
forced to leave because of me. I mean, Solomon and Asmo are having a really nice time. And
"I get it," Simeon replied, "But, they'd gladly drop all that for you."

Raphael stays silent for a moment, "It's fine. I'll just sit. Go find Barbatos. Have fun."

Simeon seemed as if he didn't want to accept it, yet he did anyway, "Okay, we won't stay too
much longer."

Simeon walked away. Raphael sighed, moving to sit a little bit down from where Levi sat.

As if he's trying to compose himself, Raphael took a few deep breaths. His eyes were
squeezed shut, arms wrapped tightly around himself.

After those couple breaths, Raphael looked up, glancing around, eyes eventually landing on
Levi, "Oh, hello Levi. Didn't notice you."

Levi raised his hand slightly in a small wave. They both awkwardly smiled at each other.

Levi hated small talk, yet he did it anyway, "So, you hate parties too?"

"Overwhelming," Raphael replied shortly.

"Yeah," He fidgeted with his fingers, "They are for me too."

A silence spread among them. It wasn't exactly uncomfortable.

Raphael pulled out his D.D.D, doing something on it.

Levi scooted closer to him, "What are you doing?"

Raphael smiled, showing him his phone screen. The angel swiped the Poké Ball, catching a

"You like Pokémon?" Levi questioned, curious about Raphael's interests. He wouldn't have
assumed that Raphael would enjoy Pokémon. Or any other modern media for that matter. Yet,
here he was.

"I think they're really cute," He smiled wider, obviously happy to get the chance to talk about
his interests, "Plus, they're very interesting to learn about."

"You think all of them are cute?" Levi questioned, "Even ones like Weepinbell or Vigoroth?"

"Umm," Raphael looked into Levi's eyes, "Okay, I don't know about that. They aren't that

"They are,' Levi countered.

"What about you?" Raphael asked, Levi humming in confusion, "What things do you like?"

Levi tried to hold in the extremely wide smile that overtook his face, "I have a lot of things
that I love! There's The Tale of the Seven Lord's, The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon's Girl, and
there's so many other animes that I enjoy! It'd take forever to list them all, though."
"I know TSL," Raphael was actually engaged with his words, "Though, what about the Ruri
Hana one? I feel like I've heard you mention it before, yet I know nothing of it."

Raphael actually listened and cared to know more. Something about that made him ecstatic,
"So, Ruri-chan is this demon who moves to the human world, right? And she looses her
magical powers in doing so! This turns her into the young girl that everybody knows her by!
Her original demon form, and I'm gonna sound like Asmo for saying this, is actually really
sexy! But, her child form is adorable too! She has a companion, Azuki-tan! Azuki-tan is
actually imagawayaki-"

Raphael, who'd been nodding along this whole time, interrupted, "Wait, what's that?"

"A Japanese pancake filled with red bean paste!" Levi answered, "Actually, I've pretty much
covered the most interesting parts; I don't want to spoil. You should watch it! It's really

"I think I will," Raphael smiled, his words genuine.

Levi nodded happily, "You should tell me more about Pokémon!"

In all honesty, Levi knew a lot about Pokémon. Though, he never heard Raphael get excited
about anything really before. Aside from spears. Though, he'd never really heard him talk at

"I remember them all," Raphael admitted, a blush on his face, "An angel my ranking knowing
all about tiny fictional monsters, weird, I know."

"It's not weird," Levi assured, angry that Raphael insulted himself, "I'm the Grand Admiral of
Hell's esteemed Navy! As one important person to another: There is nothing wrong with
liking things! Like whatever you want! No one is stopping you! In fact, I think it's really cool
that you cam remember them all!"

Even reassuring all that, Levi never applied it to himself.

"I like talking to you," Raphael fidgeted with his fingers.

"I like talking to you too!" Levi gave the angel a side hug.

Raphael stood up, grabbing Levi's hand, "Let's go back to the party! You can hang out with

Levi never had anyone to spend parties with before. Mammon always offered, but he hung
out with so much other people too.

They danced to Christmas songs together, Raphael giggling at Levi's loud renditions. He
especially enjoyed Underneath the Tree.

Both of them were sad to eventually leave, yet they continued to talk through text. Levi even
downloaded Pokémon Go to be friends with Raphael.
For Christmas, Levi bought Raphael plushes of his favorite Pokémon. Raphael got him Ruri-
chan merch.

It was an unlikely friendship, yet it was still perfect.

Chapter End Notes

Ah, nothing like Raphael finally ranting about his interests.

Also, sorry that some of these venture far away from Christmas.
Family traditions: Beel and Luke
Chapter Summary

Luke teaches Beel about Christmas and all of the traditions that come with it!

Chapter Notes

This takes place around when the brothers first learn about Christmas.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Simeon sent him over to the House Of Lamentation. Simeon was too fond of these demon's!
He wanted him to like them too!

Though, Beelzebub was alright. He was a good taste tester. Actually, not really. But, he's
always willing and hungry. Simeon gets full after a couple slices of cake. Beelzebub would
be willing to eat not only all those slices, but also the cake they came with.

He was also by far the kindest. He wasn't dirty minded, didn't serve out punishments, didn't
commit crimes, or any of that other stuff.

That's how he and Beel ended up sitting in the kitchen together on a December evening.

Beel was eating a bunch of candy canes, "Thesh are rwelly gud."

"Mhm!" Luke nodded self assuredly, "I always make at Christmas time!"

"Maybe that's why I've never had them before," Beel said, without chewing this time.

"Oh, yeah," He realized, "Demon's don't normally celebrate Christmas. You just started

A nod from Beel confirmed all Luke needed to know, "Well, I've gotta teach you about it!"

"Up in the Celestial Realm we have traditions we follow every year," He waved his hands
around, exaggerating his point, "We put out cookies and milk for Santa!"

"Santa?" Beel questioned, "I've heard of him. He delivers presents, right?"

"Yeah!" Luke stood up to talk, "He flies from house to house delivering Christmas presents to
everyone! You leave out milk and cookies for him to snack on along the way! We even leave
out carrots from the reindeer!"

Beel started to drool, "Mmmm, cookies."

"There's also a Christmas tree!" Luke shot his arms into the air, "You take a tree inside and
use ornaments, tinsel, candy canes, Christmas lights, stars, angels, acorns, popcorn, and
anything else you want!"

"I'm still caught up about bringing a tree inside," Beel continued to drool, "But, you put food
on it? Yummmm......"

"It's not to eat!" Luke hit Beel on the head, "It's for decoration!"

"Christmas has a ton of decorations," The angel walked around, "You decorate the whole
house and the tree together! Family and friends are a huge part of holidays. You honor them
and take the opportunity to spend more time with them."

Beel seemed to understand, sucking on a candy cane.

"And all of it is to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ!" He was losing the redhead, yet
continued anyway, "He wasn't really born in December though. He was born in April. But, he
sacrificed himself for all the humans. He lived to learn what life was like as a human. God is
more forgiving because of this. That's why it's celebrated! Jesus sacrificed himself for our

Beel pouted, mumbling under his breath, "He didn't die for my sin."

"That doesn't count," Luke criticized, "You're a demon, remember? You're supposed to sin."

Beel glared as he bit down on a new candy cane.

"I love gathering together with my family every year," He thought about all those he loved,
"We all gather together on Christmas. It used to be me, Simeon, Raphael, and Michael.
Sometimes other angels too. Yet, now I have Solomon too."

A long pause happened, "And you guys."

The 6th born smiled, "I'm glad you like us now. I've always thought you were a sweet kid. I
love your desserts and you're so mature and kind for your age. You are much more powerful
than I was at your age."

Luke blushed, "I'm thousands of years old! Don't treat me like a child!"

"You're still a child to me!" Beel stood up, capturing Luke in a gigantic bear hug.

The child squirmed and squeaked in his arms, settling in eventually.

Luke raised his arms, returning the hug, blush gathering on more of his face, "You guys are
like family to me."
"You're like family to me too," Beel pat his head.

Luke didn't share traditions with many angels before. Yet, now he had more to share the
traditions with. Human and angel.

Christmas was about family.

He had gained more.

Chapter End Notes

Beel and Luke are such a wholesome pair.

Mistletoe: Solomon/Asmo
Chapter Summary

Asmo always manages to find the mistletoe. Solomon loves being kissed under it.

Chapter Notes

Nothing super explicit, no smut. Though, with a chapter about kissing/making out.....it
gets steamy.

So, if you don't like that, you shouldn't read this chapter.

(Referenced sex and suggestive things. Description of making out and grinding)

This is one of my two works for Solomon's birthday. Though, this one doesn't mention it
being his birthday.

Sorry it took so long. I was busy.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Christmas had something that Asmo was always quick to take advantage of.

What was that? Mistletoe.

Anything that gave him an excuse to slip his tongue into Solomon's mouth, feel his lips
against his own, bodies pressed together in passion.

At the Demon Lord's castle, they were hosting a party. His brothers and the exchange
students were there.

In a doorway off to the corner hung a piece of mistletoe.

Diavolo probably placed it there in hopes of getting Lucifer to unwind a little bit.

The second Asmo spotted it, he was growing warm and excited.

"Darling!" He gripped Solomon's arm, "Come with me."

Solomon chuckled, "Isn't it a bit early to be leaving the party?"

"Never," Asmo whispered into Solomon's ear seductively.

Solomon melted, if only a bit, allowing himself to be dragged along.

"Mistletoe~" He sang softly as they stood underneath the doorframe.

He pushed Solomon back against the door frame, smashing their lips together. Searing fire
blazed when they kissed. Little gasps and moans escaped Asmo's needy lips.

Solomon had enough of being dominated, He pushed Asmo, switching their positions. He
pulled Asmo's hands above his head, pinning them against the wall.

They broke their kiss, both gasping heavily. After a couple seconds, their lips met again.

Asmo's entire face was flushed and he was flaming hot. It didn't take much to get him going.
Solomon was slightly flustered as well, yet it was no where near the same level.

Solomon pulled Asmo closer, biting his lip, sticking his tongue deeper. Their kisses were so
perfect. Their tongues slid against the other in a beautiful battle of dominance.

The next time they broke apart, Solomon was met with a pout and bedroom eyes.

He brushed his thumb across Asmo's cheek bone. Instead of granting Asmo's wish, he was
content with teasing him for a little bit longer.

As they kissed this time, Asmo's hips bucked into his own. Solomon held their hips together,
allowing Asmo to grind to his heart's content.

He stroked his hands over every inch of the demon, landing one hand on his face, the other
on his ass.

At this point, teasing wasn't cutting it anymore.

He picked Asmo up, still kissing him. He carried him to a guest room in the castle.

Solomon drops him onto the bed, watching him as he splayed out gorgeously.

Their fun didn't end until late into the night.

Honestly, they felt bad for Barbatos. This was gonna be a messy cleanup. And what were
they to do about it?

They sheepishly told him of the mess they had made.

Barbatos gave them a grin that screamed how much he would be willing to strangle them if
given the chance.

Eh. It was deserved.

Asmo was messy.

Chapter End Notes

My boys.
Snowed In: Solomon/Asmo
Chapter Summary

Asmo and Solomon get snowed in their holiday cabin. What are they supposed to do?

Chapter Notes

Can you guys tell what my favorite ship is?

Asmo packed his bags.

Him and Solomon had the most perfect weekend out ever!

They rented a small cabin as a mini vacation before Christmas.

The weekend was incredibly romantic. Each morning when they woke up, they stayed in bed
late, cuddling each other, relishing in the other's warmth. Cuddles turned to more, hours spent
exploring every detail of their bodies. Asmo would make them a nice late lunch, purposefully
keeping Solomon out of the kitchen. They'd go into the small town, ice skating, getting
coffee, going out to restaurants, or whatever else. They'd come back and watch movies, this
also turned into more. They'd eventually fall asleep.

They arrived Thursday, it was now Monday. They didn't want to face Sunday traffic, so they
decided on today instead.

Asmo finished another huge bag, pushing it over to lay with the others.

They had just finished lunch and were now packing to leave. They would also stop for dinner
on the way back to the Devildom.

Asmo was in charge of his own bags mainly, as he had a ton. Solomon was busy packing the
other random things, such as food or toiletries.

It took forever, but they did eventually get all their bags and boxes stacked neatly near the

Solomon checked over, making sure they had everything, "Okay, we just need to pack the car
now. Then we can get going."

Their lips met in a peck.

Solomon went to turn the door, yet it didn't budge. He gave s few hard pushes, yet nothing.

Both of their eyes met in a slight panic.

"Are we locked in!?" Asmo shrieked.

"No, I don't think that's it," Solomon moved to a window, looking outside, "We're snowed

"I could get rid of enough snow to get outside," He ran through the options in his head, "But,
the roads are in no condition to drive."

"I need to call Lucifer then," Asmo sighed, "He'll get worried if I don't show up when I said I

"No, no," Solomon grabbed his hands, "I'll teleport us and everything else. Then we can get
back today."

Asmo gave him a swift wack on the head, "What did I tell you about overusing your
powers!? You can't teleport both of us and all of our stuff that far! Plus, I don't mind having
you all to myself for another day~"

Solomon reluctantly accepted and Asmo moved to call Lucifer.

The call was cutting out horribly due to the snow and their location. But, Asmo did get the
chance to explain their situation to Lucifer.

"Ugh, I hate the cold," Asmo slinked back to Solomon, hugging himself while shivering.

Solomon hugged him, watching Asmo's pout turn to a content smile.

Solomon pulled him onto the couch, snuggling against the smaller. Asmo rested his head into
the crook of Solomon's neck.

The white-haired man grabbed a blanket, pulling it over the two of them.

Just because they couldn't go outside, didn't mean they couldn't have a good time. They didn't
have to be doing anything in particular either.

As long as they had the other close, everything would be okay.

They'll just leave tomorrow instead. It's nice to spend time together.

Time spent together was always best.

Playing In The Snow: Satan and Mammon
Chapter Summary

Mammon brings a child Satan outside to play in snow for the first time.

Chapter Notes

I have so much going on rn.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Snow in the Devildom was not extremely uncommon. But, it was not promised every year.

It was snowing, and Satan had never experienced the snow before.

Mammon was a huge fan of snow, though. So, he was incredibly excited to share snow with
the kid.

He had already bought winter clothing for Satan. Ones warm enough for snow, just in case
the snow came. Luckily he did.

Mammon helped Satan get into the thick outfit, a chuckle leaving him when Satan's arms
stuck up like the kid from a Christmas Story.

Once he got Satan fully dressed and helped him regain mobility of his arms, he picked the
boy up.

Satan curled into his warm arms once they got outside into the cold winter air.

The blonde's eyes left his shoulder, looking around, "Wow....'s so pretty!"

"Yup!" Mammon set him down, "And it's incredibly fun ta play in!"

Mammon grabbed some snow, rolling it into a ball. He then threw the ball at a wall nearby,
"Look at that! Ya can even have snowball fights! I'd throw some at ya, but yer too tiny."

Satan glared at that, throwing a ball at the older with unnecessary strength.

"Nice try, kid," Mammon shook his head, "You can't tempt me inta hurtin' ya."

"Fine," Satan pouted, "Wha else?"

Mammon plopped down into the snow, Satan watching, intrigued. Mammon started to move
his arms and legs back and forth, creating a snow angel, "This is a snow angel."

He stood up, displaying the angel he'd created.

Satan rose an eyebrow, "We're demons."

Mammon nervously chuckled, "Don't think about it too much."

He got another snowball to his leg, then another, and another. Gee, this kid was ruthless.

The second born let out a sigh, "I think that's enough snow for ya fer today."

He scopped Satan up, the boy thrashing in his arms, "No! I like the snow!"

"Yer already freezin!" Mammon observed. He had blue lips and a pink nose, "At yer age ya
get cold easier."

Satan whined, settling in his arms, allowing himself to be carried inside.

Mammon chuckled, "Next time it snows I'll teach ya ta make a snowman. How bout that?"

Satan's eye's lit up. Mammon let out another chuckled, "Sounds like a plan!"

Satan nodded, frantically.

Once they got inside, Mammon wrapped the boy up tightly in a blanket, cuddling him close.

To distract Satan from the snow he still wanted to go out in, he helped teach Satan more

The younger loved to read. So, he loved learning new words that would help him read bigger
books quicker.

Though, Mammon couldn't help the fact that they ended up reading books about snow and
Christmas time.

Chapter End Notes

I love little Satan.

Lending a hat/coat/scarf: Diavolo/Belphie
Chapter Summary

Belphie doesn't want to admit that he's cold, Diavolo can see through his act.

Chapter Notes

Finals week.....

I have too many Diavolo ships. Why do Lucifer, Satan, and Belphie all sound so good?
Plus, I think Asmo or Mammon could also be really good. Levi's not bad either.

No, I don't like diabarb. Barbatos took care of Dia when he was a kid. It makes me
uncomfortable to think that they'd start dating. More of a father-son relationship to me.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Diavolo had dragged him outside into the cold for a date.

It wasn't a hugely effort filled date. Belphie hated those. Diavolo brought him outside to take
a peaceful walk.

Belphie held the taller man's hand, leaning heavily onto his shoulder. Diavolo would talk and
talk about his day. He always managed to tell him the most embarrassing details about
Lucifer; ones that Lucifer would hate either of them knowing. Their pace was slow, Diavolo
would occasionally kiss his cheek, or even his lips, and tell him that he loved him.

He loved these walks.

They showcased the love they had for each other. They didn't need a massive fancy date to
have a good time. They only needed each other. Sure, they occasionally went on nice dates. It
would be weird not to. And Diavolo was a big fan of huge dates that spoiled his boyfriend.
Yet, they were less common and less needed.

Going out to expensive restaurants, watching a movie, ice skating, or anything else. They
didn't need that. But, it could be nice.

Though, today was just a peaceful date.

His eyes were closed, head against Diavolo's shoulder. He trusted his boyfriend to guide him.
It was cold that day. Snow clung to trees and streets. White could be seen from every angle.

Belphie was cold.

He only wore the same sort of outfit he'd wear any other day. That was probably a bad idea.

Shivers overtook his form. He tried to suppress them, but he was in no luck.

Diavolo's slow pace stopped entirely, "Are you cold, Belphie!?"

"I'm fine," Belphie smiled reassuringly, "No need to worry."

As Belphie went to close his eyes again, Diavolo pulled him in front of his face, their noses
nearly touching, "You're cold!"

Belphie chuckled, "It's alright. I'll survive."

Diavolo immediately started pulling off his coat, "Dia, it's oka-"

He didn't listen. Diavolo put him into the huge coat. He didn't stop there.

Diavolo also pulled off his scarf, wrapping it around Belphie's neck, "Dia-"

He then pulled his hat off, sticking it onto Belphie's head in a way that completely ruined his
already messy hair. He forever had bed head.

Diavolo's smiled at his work, "I don't want you going cold!"

"I don't want you going cold either," Belphie spoke, voice muffled against the scarf.

"Oh, I'll be fine," Diavolo smirked.

Belphie grumbled, flopping back against Diavolo's shoulder.

The extra layers were really comfy.....

They smelt like Diavolo too, making him feel even more at peace.

His eyes drooped. Diavolo seemed to notice, instantly scooping him up.

Belphie grumbled his protests, but let it happen.

Diavolo ended up getting his coat back, but....

The scarf and hat could be found in Belphie's closet.

Diavolo had grinned widely when Belphie showed up to their next date bundled up in his
scarf and hat.
Chapter End Notes

Idk how far into the game you guys are. But, when Mc, Belphie, and Diavolo go to the
amusement park-

I felt like a third wheel.

Belphie standing up and saving his bf. I'm right.

Ice Skating: Lucifer and Asmo
Chapter Summary

Asmo drags Lucifer out of the house to go ice skating. He loves to spend time with his
brothers! But, he learns that Lucifer isn't as good at everything as he may lead on.

Chapter Notes

I'm I'm love with Asmo. He's all I think about. So, that's why he keeps appearing.

Sorry that it's so short! Tomorrow's and Thursday's probably will be too! But, then I'm
on winter break. They'll be linger then. :)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Asmo loved to pull his brothers out of the house to do things with him. He liked to have
connections, even if they are entirely different. Levi, for example, he still makes an effort to
hang out with.

It's not surprising to Asmo, but to many people, including some of his brothers, Lucifer hangs
out with him frequently. Asmo isn't the only one that likes to keep the connections with his
brothers strong.

Lucifer always tried to talk to or hang out with his younger brothers. This includes when
Asmo begged him to go out drinking with him.

This time, Asmo didn't bring him drinking. He brought him ice skating. This time, Lucifer's
answer was not immediate. But, after many pleads and begs, as well as the best puppy dogs
Asmo could muster, Lucifer sighed and accepted his offer.

They were now at the rink.

Asmo was wearing a gorgeous outfit that was perfect for both skating and winter. He fastened
on his matching skates. He owned a pair of his own.

Lucifer didn't own his own pair, which may worsen his skating. It's easier to skate in the same
pair everytime. But, it shouldn't greatly worsen anything. It just might take a bit of extra time
to get use to the new pair.

Asmo stood up with a great balance. He could easily walk in skates, much like high heels,
though it was bad to do so. He only needed to retrieve Lucifer and get onto the ice.
He walked up to Lucifer who finished tightening his pair. They were tightened with a
practiced ease. Lucifer was extremely skilled in tying. First off, he tied anybody who dared to
cross him upside down from the rafters. It was a very unfortunate situation to get into. Asmo
was lucky to very rarely end up there. Mammon on the other hand..... Secondly, Asmo was
absolutely positive that the man was into BDSM. He's the Avatar of Lust. He knows his stuff.
Everyone knows that he's both a sadist in personality and in the bedroom.

Though, when Lucifer stood up, his ankles wobbled horribly. Asmo rushed to grab his arm to
stabilize him, "It's gonna take a second to get use to the rented skates. Plus, it's hard to walk
in them for most people anyway. I have plenty of experience with heels though, so that's why
I'm so good at it."

Lucifer nodded. Asmo giggled lightly, trying not to comment on the death grip the elder had
on his arm. It was a bit hard due to their size difference, but they did make it out onto the ice.

Asmo expected Lucifer to let go of his arm sooner, yet he didn't let go, even once they made
it onto the ice.

A giggle erupted from him, "You're going to pull me down with you!"

Asmo squeaked as he almost fell. Lucifer let go of him, gripping the wall.

Lucifer's legs darted underneath him, unable to keep steady. A smirk spread across Asmo's
lips, "Do you not know how to skate?"

"Preposterous!" Lucifer forced out, voice unsteady, "These skates are just new to me!"

"Okay," A, probably horrible, idea came to him, "So then you won't mind it if I just skate
away right now and leave you alone?"

Lucifer frantically shook his head, "Absolutely not! Go skate."

Asmo's smirk grew, "Okay, bye. Good luck."

He skated away with ease. He pulled a couple twirls and tricks that had the other skaters
stopping to watch. Wasn't he gorgeous? He smiled, loosing himself in the movements. He
loved to skate and was quite good at it too.

After his little show, he slated back to Lucifer who hadn't moved, "Your turn."

"Um," Lucifer blushed, "I think I'll just watch you. You're quite good, and you make a
beautiful show.

Asmo giggled, "You don't seem too fit for skating. How about we drop the skates and head
somewhere that has a nice glass of demonus."

Lucifer blushed harder, "Okay. I can accept that."

Asmo dragged Lucifer out, just as he'd dragged him in earlier. Sure, they paid for longer than
they'd skated. But, they were rich as fuck, and it wasn't expensive or anything.
They went to a nearby bar, drinking their hearts out instead.

Even after so many drinks, Asmo couldn't help but think about how funny it was that Lucifer
pretended to be perfect at everything. He'd found something the matter could not pull off.

Could this be blackmail? He wasn't Mammon or anything. Lucifer was lucky.

But, Asmo could not keep a secret. So, it could get out either way.

Lucifer would get teased relentlessly. But, it wasn't like Asmo opposed that outcome.

Chapter End Notes

A wholesome pair that isn't written for nearly enough.

Secret Santa: Mammon
Chapter Summary

Mammon's received his person for secret Santa. What is he supposed to do when he
can't find anything good?

Chapter Notes

Me forcing myself to choose Mammon even though I wanted to do another Asmo

chapter. I'm obsessed.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Every year Lucifer had all of them do a secret Santa. He reasoned that it would help them
learn more about each other's interests and that it would teach them more about what is good
and appropriate to buy as gifts.

It was more of a thing from when they were younger. At their age, it's more appropriate to
buy everyone something.

But, this year Asmo insisted that they do it again. It would be fun to see who they got.

Lucifer put their six names into a hat and had everyone draw one.

Mammon unfortunately got Belphie.

He has nothing against Belphie, of course! But, he was hard to buy for. When buying for
everyone smaller gifts are expected. But, in secret Santa, you only receive from one person.
So more is expected.

Every year, he would get him something small. What was he gonna get him this time around?

He walked through store after store, coming up empty everytime. He made sure to snag a gift
for Lucifer and any friends. But, what to get Belphie?

Sure, he could buy a pillow, blanket, or a set of pajamas. That's what everyone gets him.
That's definitely what Lucifer's gonna get him.

It would be really boring for Belphie if every single year he received the same three items
from everyone.
Would Belphie even care?


Why was this so hard?

He stepped into another store, scouring the shelfs.

Another store with nothing.

He walked into a different store.

That's where he finally found something worthwhile.

Quetzalcoatl brain jerky.

Belphie loved quetzalcoatl brains. Mammon had never even heard of it being made into

It was definitely Belphie's favorite food, but it took forever to make.

Jerky made sure that it could be practical and that he could eat his favorite food more often.
The meat was an occasional thing on the menu, once maybe every month or so. Nothing like
an often pizza or taco.


He bought a ton of that jerky. Maybe too much.

He couldn't just get jerky. What else to get?

He'd be pretty basic with this one.

He got a pair of loose pants that worked as pajama pants. But, here's the best part, they
looked just like dress pants. They were comfortable and practical. Belphie would love them!

He also got a keychain with sushi on it, captioned with a little pun.

All of this would work perfectly! Why was he even worried?

Christmas would go very smoothly.....

Chapter End Notes

Mammon is a W older brother.

Busy, busy, busy
Chapter Summary

Just read the chapter, lol.

Hi! I am so sorry to say that today there will be no fanfiction.

I have a band concert today, and need to finish other things before it. I play alto saxophone,
before anyone asks.

I also don't really have any good ideas for this chapter. I won't make you guys miss out on
anything, so I'll give sexuality and mental health sort of headcanons. Today's my last full day
before break, tomorrow being insanely short. So, everything will be going back to normal!
There should also be longer chapters!

Disclaimer: I often hear people say that the characters are exclusively bi/pan/omni. But, I
don't see it that way. They have an opportunity to be any sexuality, unless they are like Asmo.
But, it's based on player interpretation. Mc isn't nonbinary, they are a self insert. I'm a guy, if
I say Thirteen is lesbian, having no attraction to her. That would not matter. Because in
everyone's own version they are dating whatever characters they wish and not the others. I
don't interpret most characters having a crush on me, because I only like Asmo and Solomon
like that. So, yeah, that's why I think we can headcannon the sexualities.


Bi (female pref)


Gay Asexual

Narcissistic personality disorder mixed with an inferiority complex.

Either Bi or Aromantic, I can't decide, also Asexual

I honestly have no idea? Maybe Bi.

They all have issues. Goodness. Side character time.

I think he's actually well off mentally. Maybe a bit depressed when he was younger though.

I can see him as both Gay or aromantic asexual.
He's good.

I can imagine him with ptsd

He's a kid.

Omni (Male pref)
Depression, though he's been getting much better after the exchange program.

I think he's pretty well off.
Definitely has a disability. Have you seen his cane? Visual story telling, believe me.

Potential ptsd
Selective mutism

She's living the dream. (She'd say that.)

Notice how all the angels/fallen angels got all the issues. Rip. The Celestial Realm did them

Also, as I said earlier. Sexuality headcanons change by the person! You're allowed to

like them. But, I don't want to hear anybody calling them straight.
they are extremely fruity.
disagree, especially if the sexuality I gave them doesn't include your gender identity and you
Ignoring Mc entirely,
Spiked Eggnog: Diavolo/Lucifer
Chapter Summary

Diavolo notices Lucifer drinking a ton of eggnog. Lucifer simply tells him that he's a big
fan of the drink, and that it tasted extra good this year. When Lucifer turns up incredibly
drunk..... it becomes a question; who spiked the eggnog?

Chapter Notes

Dialuci after all these years.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Diavolo set next to Lucifer on a fancy couch stationed in the House Of Lamentation.

The brother's were holding a mini Christmas party, only close friends and family gathering.

Lucifer finished drinking his third cup of eggnog, standing up, "I'm going to get another cup,
be right back."

"Really?" Diavolo startled, "Another? I'm surprised you like eggnog so much."

The black-haired man let out a small delightful chuckle, "Yes, yes. I'm a big fan of the drink.
It only comes around this time of year, and it's hard to get in the Devildom. So, I always
drink as much as I can when we have it. Plus, not to mention, this year it'stasting extra

"I should change that," Diavolo began to form a plan in his mind, one Barbatos would groan
at, "Year round eggnog. It's perfect. I'll bring this up to Barbatos. Then, you can have all the
eggnog you can possibly imagine."

Another beautiful chuckled escaped the man's lips, "That won't be necessary. I'm content with
my once a year treat."

Lucifer continued to drink cup after cup of that eggnog.

And Diavolo began to notice that he was acting a bit....off.

He started to kiss Diavolo like crazy (not that he was complaining), trip over his own two
feet, giggle more than he ever should, slur his words, say things he would NEVER normally
say, cling onto Diavolo like he was a lifeline, WHINE, and even more.
Some of that stuff became more common when the two were in private, but Lucifer would
never slip like this in front of anyone, especially his brothers.

Based on the symptoms, Diavolo could easily tell that his boyfriend was incredibly drunk.
But, how? Lucifer was never mature with his drinking, but that's in private. He knows how
silly he acts when he's out of his normal head. He's too prideful to make a mistake such as
getting drunk off his ass in front of his brothers.

Diavolo was with Lucifer the majority of the time. He didn't see him drink any alcohol. All
he drank was-


Someone spiked the eggnog, didn't they?

I mean, that's the only reasonable explanation.

But, who would do that?

Certainly not anyone here!


Half of the people here would probably do that....

Diavolo stood up, a drunk Lucifer clinging greedily to his arm, "Noooooo, baby, I want you
to stayyyyyyy."

This was so hard to get use to.

Lucifer reached up, placing wet kisses all over Diavolo's face, whining. Diavolo awkwardly
reasoned, "You are coming with me, dear."

Lucifer kissed him on the lips, trying to deepen it, Diavolo pushed him away, "Nothing like
that right now. You're way too drunk. You can't give any proper consent like that."

Lucifer groaned, walking with Diavolo.

Diavolo approached a large group that contained the majority of the brothers and other
guests, "Okay, fess up. Who was it that made Lucifer like this?"

Some faces were startled, some laughed, "The alcohol in the eggnog. Who did it?"

Satan laughed loudly, giving Belphegor a high five, "We didn't think it would work this well!
He loves eggnog way more than we thought!"

"Yeah," Belphegor chuckled, "I expected him to drink two or three cups, not ten!"

Diavolo sighed, "I'll allow Lucifer to string you guys up as soon as he is better. I don't want
any more funny business from the two of you or anyone else. Now, please, I'm going to take
Lucifer back to my room and treat him until morning. I don't want him waking up with a
horrendous hangover. He has those and migranes plenty. If I hear one thing any of you did
wrong, well, Barbatos's rumored torture room COULD be real. And it may be opening up for
a couple of demons."

The torture room is not real. But, it successfully terrified the bunch, "Spread the word! I don't
want you guys to be guests here for the next thousand years! Though, I suppose that isn't the
record.... Once Barbatos held that poor demon for three millenias! Ahhhh, old times."

Mammon was definitely the most terrified, of course. He was known for being a scardy-cat.

Diavolo left the group, returning back to his private quarters.

He laid an exhausted, drunk Lucifer down onto his bed. He gave him a kiss, Lucifer weakly
grabbing his arms and pulling him in for a few more. Diavolo chuckled, "I need to get both of
us out of these clothes!"

It took unnecessarily long, but he did get them both changed and ready for bed. He also made
sure to feed and hydrate Lucifer, hoping to help the hangover.

Diavolo crawled in next to the tired man, kissing his forehead. Lucifer moved to be cuddled
tightly into Diavolo's arms, head against his neck. Diavolo pulled him impossibly closer.

The night was peaceful, both of them basking in comfort.

Though, the morning was not the same.

Lucifer puked quite a lot......

Poor guy.

Chapter End Notes

So tired. Glad winter break has started. 🎉Today was my official last day before break.
Though, I was extremely short. Only four hours or so.
Meeting Family: Mephisto/Mammon
Chapter Summary

Mammon meets a boy in college. They've been dating for a long time now, and his
brothers are hoping to meet him. At Christmas time, they gain the perfect opportunity.

Chapter Notes

Human AU. Satan is Lucifer's kid in this, so he's youngest.

Also, I'm gonna post this as it's own fic as well.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Mammon bit his lip anxiously, gripping Mephisto's hand tightly.

Mephisto chuckled, gripping his hand back, kissing Mammon's cheek, "It's going to be okay,
Mams. You're more anxious then I am."

Mammon groans, "Ya don't know my brothers like I do. Lucifer is extremely overprotective.
He is never going to accept ya, or anyone else! Asmo brought home a super kind and
successful man and it took Lucifer a year to even consider talking to him."

"I'm sure it will be fine," The purple-haired man rubbed his thumb across Mammon's hand.

"I'm glad ya think that," He sighed, "I really want them ta like ya. I love ya, Mephisto."

They leaned their heads together, relaxing into the uncomfortable chairs. The flight wouldn't
land until early in the morning.

For now, they had to sleep as much as possible in hopes of not being exhausted when they


Once they got off the plane, they quickly noticed Asmodeus. The strawberry blonde jumped
up and down in excitement, running over to greet the couple.
Asmo squealed, "Aw! Aren't you handsome! I had no idea that Mammon actually had good
taste in men!"

Mephisto chuckled as Mammon glared at his brother.

Asmo slapped Mammon's arm, "I'm just playing around! Let's get going. Everyone's eager to
meet you. Oh, what was your name?"

"Mephistopheles," He answered, noticing Asmo's quizzical expression, he laughed and said,

"Most people call me Mephisto. It's much easier."

Asmo holds out his hand, shaking the man's hand, "Alright! We should really leave now. My
cars parked right outside."

He leads them to his car, opening the doors for them.

The drive was short, they made it to the large house fairly quickly.

Asmo let them out of the car, "Hopefully Lucifer hasn't murdered my fiance in the short time
I've been gone."

A giggle left Asmo, but the notion made him slightly nervous and curious, "Wait, wait!
Solomon's proposed?"

A large smile built of the boy's face, he held out his hand, showing off the ring, "Yup! And,
oh, the ring is just gorgeous. It was such a romantic night."

"I see the looks on your faces," Asmo leaned forward, "Don't worry. Lucifer is extra harsh on
me just because I've had more significant others and one night stands than he's had breaths in
his life."

The three went inside, spotting people all around.

Asmo walked away to check on Solomon, the twins taking his place instead.

Beel held out his hand, "I'm Beelzebub! And this is Belphegor."

Mephisto shook his hand, "Hello, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Mephistopheles, though
you can call me Mephisto."

The twins nodded, Beel speaking again, "Make sure to treat Mammon well, okay?"

Mephisto smiled and nodded.

It didn't take long for them to run into the next family member.

Satan approached, "Are you Mammon's boyfriend?"

"Yes," Another friendly smile, "I'm Mephistopheles."

"What a nice name," Satan smiled, turning to Mammon, "Maybe you shouldn't take him to
Lucifer. He's been upset about loosing his precious, favorite, baby brother to some random
college kid. And I've had to live with him through it. He is not happy. Plus, Asmo's broken to
news about the upcoming marriage next year. He's loosing all of his kids."

Mammon frowns, "Asmo's 19 now, I'm 24. He needs ta allow us to mature."

Satan rolls his eyes, "I'm 14 and still have a bedtime. He doesn't let up on anything. He's
going to be overprotective until the day he dies. You could be 85 and he'd still be worried
about you."

A groan leaves Mammon's lips, "He makes life so hard sometimes."

Satan then turns to the forgotten boyfriend who had been listening to the conversation the
whole time, "Good luck. You'll need it."

The couple approached the kitchen, getting drinks. Mammon noticed a lone otaku sitting I'm
the corner, he made sure to grab something for him as well.

Mammon dragged Mephisto along to meet Levi.

Levi curled up, hiding his face behind his Nintendo switch at the new face.

The two sat, "Hello, Levi. It's been awhile."

"Hello, Mammon," Levi mumbled.

"Are ya still living at home?" He questioned.

"Sadly," Leviathan sighed, pausing his game and moving the switch, "I need to beat the final
boss known as getting hired first. I don't have enough money to buy or rent a place of my

"I'd say Lucifer's the real final boss," Mammon chuckled, "He attempted to sabotage both
mine and Asmo's moves. I wonder why half our boxes suddenly went missing at the time of
our move."

Levi laughed, "So....are you Mephisto?"

Mephisto nodded, "I see he's mentioned me by name to you."

"Yeah," Mammon laughed, "While I talk ta all of my brothers, Levi always gets the most
detail. Then Satan and Asmo."

Lucifer entered the room.

"Uh, oh," Levi whispered, "Hope you've equipped the correct weapons, because the final
boss is here!"
"So you're the one my brothers been mentioning," Lucifer calmly spoke in a way that made
all of them shiver.

"Yes, sir," Mephisto replied politely, holding out a hand for Lucifer to shake.

Lucifer ignores the hand, "No need to fake politeness to impress me. How old are you?"

"25," He instantly answers, trying to stay on the man's good side.

"Ah," Lucifer thought, "Are you, perhaps, a bad influence on my little brother in any way."

Mammon cut in, "Luci, please let him be. He's a good guy, I promise."

Lucifer glares, "You have a cane. Are you injured?"

Mammon could see the annoyance on Mephisto's face from the questioning, "Frankly, I don't
get why that's any of your business."

Mammon winces. This is going to end horribly.

"Frankly, it is my business," Lucifer glares harshly, "I deserve to know about the seemingly
disrespectful man my little brother should not be dating."

"Luci-" He was cut off by Mephisto, "I am only acting 'disrespectful' because you are
overprotective and lack respect. We like each other and that's all that matters. Or do you not
care about Mammon's happiness."

Levi curled into himself, trying to hide from the line of fire.

Mammon stood up, joining his boyfriend and brother who were both already standing, "Guys,
it's okay! Differences in personality, that's all! I'm sure ya guys would really like each other if
ya talked things out! No need ta fight!"

The two glared at each other, Mephisto sitting back down, mumbling loudly, "You didn't
warn me that your brother would be this much of a dick."

Lucifer scoffed, "You didn't warn me that your so-called boyfriend was a disrespectful

Mephisto gasped, "Wow I didn't-"

"Stop!" Mammon yelled, "Stop fighting! Jesus.... I thought this was going to work out! How
are ya already upset, Lucifer! Is this because of Asmo? Ya need ta grow up and let us grow
up! And Mephisto, ya aren't any better! I told ya how hard Lucifer was ta please, and ya
decided ta provoke him! It's been not even ten minutes and there's already an issue! Can we
get along and just have a happy Christmas?"

Levi squeaked, worried about all the yelling.

"I'm bringing Meph to my room," Mammon glared, "I want you to calm down, Lucifer. At
dinner, you both better treat each other kindly."

He dragged Mephisto back to his childhood room. They both sat on his bed.

It wasn't long until an awkward knock was heard on the door, "Come in."

Asmo awkwardly walked in, pulling Solomon along with him, "Lucifer's too overprotective
for his own good."

"Yeah," Solomon spoke, "He still doesn't trust me."

"You're Asmo's boyfriend?" Asmo held his hand up, "Fiance."

Mephisto chuckled, "Sorry, fiance."

The majority of their time was spent sitting in am awkward silence. They did talk some.

Asmo laid against Solomon's shoulder, Mammon on Mephisto's.

Dinner was incredibly awkward. Everyone was either part of the argument or heard it. No
one wanted to enrage Lucifer and consequently ruin Mammon's relationship with his

Over the whole visit, Mephistopheles and Lucifer never warmed up to each other.

Though, on a good note, everyone else loved him!

It stayed that way too. They never did like each other. But, they seemed to grow okay with
that. It was almost playful how much they hated each other.

Lucifer still allowed Mephisto. He even gave him his blessing in marriage!

Even if they always hated each other, Mammon was still happy. Mephisto and Lucifer could
always agree to do whatever made him happy, even if that was tolerating the other at their
own expense.

Chapter End Notes

More Mephimon.
Believing in Santa: Mammon and Levi
Chapter Summary

Levi didn't understand how Mammon's grown ass still believed in Santa. But, hey, at
least it helped Levi out in the long run.

Chapter Notes

Mammon would definitely believe in Santa.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Mammon believes in Santa Claus.

It's so stupid. Yet, useful.

Leviathan stopped believing in Santa decades ago, so did everyone else. But, somehow,
Mammon still believed? What a loser.

It's not like Mammon was a little kid, he was a grown adult! Okay, maybe he wasn't THAT
old. But, still, he's an adult.

Though, he was willing to ignore how embarrassing that was for his brother. Instead, he
decided to focus on how helpful it would be for him.

After all, people will do anything to get on Santa's nice list. Finally, Mammon would pay him
back in full.

Levi innocently trotted down the stairs, approaching Mammon who was sitting on the couch,
scrolling through Devilgram absent-mindedly.

A smirk made it's way onto Levi's face, "Mammon! Pay me back, right now!"

Mammon groaned, "I've told ya! I don't got the money right now. I'll pay ya when I can! Just
wait a bit longer."

"You say that everytime, idiot!" Levi stomped his foot.

"Yer not the only one I need to pay back," Mammon reasoned, "The witches are more cruel
than ya could even comprehend. They are more important than yer stupid grudge. Now go
away. I dont have time for ya screams."
"Well," Levi smirked, "I guess you won't mind getting no presents on Christmas morning."

Mammon looked startled, but tried to hide it, "Wh-what are ya talkin' bout?"

"Santa doesn't give presents to people on the naughty list," Levi shrugged, "Not returning
money you borrowed is definitely naughty. Christmas morning all you're gonna get is a
stocking full of coal. ROFLMAO. I can see you're distraught face now."

Mammon stood up, "Yer lyin! I'm good! Yer gonna be on the naughty list, Levi. Yer mean!
I'm gonna tell Luci that yer being mean!"

"Tattling is naughty," Levi glared.

"I'm not tattlin," Mammon glared back, "I'm reporting bad behavior. Luci is gonna be mad at
you. And yer gonna be the one gettin coal on Christmas."

Uh oh. Levi was an idiot. This didn't work out as intended. He looked at Mammon, he was
ready to run and tell on him any second. Yikes! What to do? What to do? Oh, "You know,
Santa's not even real!"

The room went silent for a second, "Yes he is! Now yer lyin and saying he isn't real! Santa's
gonna be real mad at ya, Levi."

"He isn't real," Levi glared harder, "Lucifer drinks the milk and eats the cookies. He's the one
who buys the presents and puts them under the tree!"

Mammon gasped, "He is not! Santa is real!"

Lucifer walked in, Levi's blood ran cold.

"Leviathan," Lucifer's face was cold and harsh. Levi shivered, "Ye-es?"

Lucifer moved his pointer and middle finger together, signalling for Levi to move towards

This was an awful idea. What was Levi thinking? He's going to die today.

Levi awkwardly and slowly walked towards Lucifer. Mammon had a huge smirk on his face,
knowing that Levi was going to get in trouble.

Lucifer led him to his office, sitting down in his chair calmly. He instructed that Levi sat too,
so he did.

He hated how Lucifer was about lectures. He always sat there, making you question your
entire existence. It's super scary.

They both sat there for a second, Lucifer pulling out paperwork and beginning to work.

"U-um," Levi looked around, "What's wrong, Lucifer."

"What was the reason you decided to tell Mammon Santa was not real," Lucifer raised an

"He deserved it," Levi mumbled.

Lucifer stared at him.

"He still won't pay me back," Levi blurted out.

"You guys are so childish," Lucifer stands up.

"Me?" Levi stood as well, "Mammon's the one who still believes in Santa."

"Sure," Lucifer says, "But, you're the one who decided to ruin his dreams over some childish
tantrum over something he can hardly control."

Levi grumbled his annoyance, "Hm? Want to say that louder, Leviathan?"

"No, sir," Levi sighed.

"I hope you are going to enjoy your night hanging from the rafters," Lucifer smiled, "If you're
going to act childish like Mammon, you can get his punishment."

Levi groaned.

He's such a stupid, gross otaku. Why did he have to act so foolish.

Oh boy, he could not wait to rant to Henry about how wrong this plan went. But first, he
needs to hang upside down for however long Lucifer sees fit.

Ugh. This is so lame.

Chapter End Notes

It's almost Christmas.

Also, am I the only one who thinks Levi is a bit unnecessarily cruel to Mammon. I don't

agree with any of the Mammon is being abused thoughts. But, I think Levi is the most
harsh. He always blames him for everything and it's almost never jokingly.
Christmas Songs: Everyone
Chapter Summary

I didn't have a good idea for an actual fanfiction. So, instead here are the characters
favorite Christmas songs.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Lucifer: The Nutcracker Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairies

-Enjoys soundtracks, classical, and instrumental
-Hates any Christian Christmas songs
-Thinks the majority of non-Christian Christmas songs are written about stupid things
-Thinks the play is enticing and enjoys it a lot
-Probably watches it live yearly
-Loves the fast part

Mammon: Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

-Specifically the Jackson 5 one.
-Also a fan of the more goofy songs like Grandma Got rum Over By A Reindeer
-Definitely listens to Michael Jackson
-Definitely does a cringy dance to it
-Loves upbeat songs you can really jam to

Leviathan: Some Anime cover of a normal Christmas song

-Thinks normal Christmas songs are for Normies
-Found some anime girls singing a song and it's automatically good now
-He hates the lovey-dovey Christmas songs, they make him dick with envy
-Can't stand most upbeat songs, but he loves his anime girls
-Only upbeat songs he listens to are anime openings
-This sounds like I am making fun of him for being an Otaku, I'm not, I am one too. He's just
built like this

Satan: Happy XMas (War Is Over)

-A big fan of the 70s music
-Likes how it's more calm and not scream your head off
-Likes more choir-like songs
-Lays down and listens to it in the dark
-Feels like it's a more realistic song

Asmo: Last Christmas

-Enjoys Wham! And George Michael
-Loves all the lovey-dovey Christmas songs
-He originally thought Christmas was a romantic holiday and still holds onto that
-Yes, he does also like All I Want for Christmas Is You
-He's a part of the LGBTQ+ community
-That's a valid reason

Beel: The Chipmunks Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)

-Sad to find out that there aren't many food-centric Christmas songs
-Loves Alvin and the Chipmunks
-You know he does
-Has watched the movies a ton
-Thinks the Chipmunks are legitimately amazing singers (He's right)
-Bops his head along to the beat.

Belphie: Wonderful Christmas Time

-I don't have a good explanation
-It just feels right

Diavolo: Is That You Santa Claus?

-This feels right up his alley
-Also likes the super goofy ones
-Sings along to it despite the fact that it isn't really made to be sung along to
-Everyone expects him to choose Mariah Carrey or something
-No, it's this

Barbatos: Christmas Eve/12/24

-Type of guy to go to churches to watch the choirs sing this song
-Except he doesn't
-He's a demon and he's busy
-Definitely does watch choirs sing
-Diavolo once hired a choir to sing Happy Birthday to him
-Barbatos enjoyed it but blushed

Simeon: Santa Baby or O' Holy Night

-Loves both
-Yes, they are on two different ends of the spectrum
-Has many different favorites
-Don't ask him which is his favorite
-He either lists hundreds or can't think of one

Luke: One More Til Christmas

-By Kermit :)
-Is a man of culture
-Loves Muppet Christmas Carol
-Of course he chose one from a kids movie
-Also listens to the super Christian ones

Solomon: Please Come Home For Christmas

-Usually listens to classical or calm songs
-This is still calm but different from his usual taste
-Mostly likes the peaceful Christian ones
-Also jams to romance ones with Asmo
-He never really knows what he likes
-This song gets him doing some silly slow dance

Thirteen: Christmas Wrapping

-Likes rap and fast songs like this
-It makes so much sense with little explanation needed

Raphael: God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman

-My favorite too
-I'm right
-The Pentatonix one
-Christian ofc
-Goes fast and has a very serious undertone that fit his serious warlike persona
-It makes sense

Mephisto: It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

-I have like no explanation
-It makes sense
-He hardly listens to any music
-Christmas music is very rare
-Settles for a classic

That's all, boys. Hope you enjoyed.

Chapter End Notes

Share with me either your favorite, or one's you think would be different.
Cuddling To Keep Warm: Simeon/Barbatos
Chapter Summary

Simeon's clothes aren't exactly made for the chilly Devildom; especially not in winter.
Barbatos has the perfect solution.

Chapter Notes

I wrote a Barbatos angst yesterday. This is compensation.

WARNING: Referenced lesson 76 spoilers. It doesn't say exactly what happened to

Simeon, yet it references it.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Simeon had been shivering his entire visit.

Barbatos was aware of this fact, he even turned up the heat multiple times to help.

They were meeting up to discuss what they would do about Simeon's current living
conditions and care of Luke. It was something Simeon felt greatly bad about. Barbatos tried
to help as much as he possibly could.

Simeon sat in his angel outfit, something he still wore on occasions. The outfit allowed the
cool air to capture Simeon with ease. The temperature of the room was getting quite high, yet
Simeon still seemed to be freezing.

It worried Barbatos, especially now. How fragile he had become.

"Are you cold?" Barbatos broke their peaceful silence, sipping his tea casually.

Simeon shook his head, "Only a little chilly, but I'm quite alright. Thank you, though."

Simeon offered a sheepish smile, Barbatos sighed, "There's not a reason to lie. I can easily
remedy you."

A blush spread across Simeon's face, "Thank you."

Barbatos stood, moving to sit alongside Simeon. He pulled the man onto his lap, holding him
Simeon squeaked, his blush spreading even farther. Barbatos held a matching blush, yet he
only held onto Simeon tighter.

They're relationship was hardly intimate like this. It was rare that they cuddled, kissed, or
more. The majority of their time together was spent with Luke. Simeon had so much going
on right now, and he didn't know how to handle any of it. Barbatos would hate to add the
stress of hiding their relationship. So, they just hardly had one. They'd agreed to date, but
little came from it.

Did Barbatos crave more? Of course. He was a demon after all; demon's are known for their
greed. Yet, even more so, he wanted Simeon to be happy. Causing even more stress and
worry on the man he loved would do nothing for him.

Plus, even if Simeon didn't have everything going on, he didn't have any idea how to inform
Luke. Would Luke be upset? As much as Luke loves Barbatos, he is still a demon, another
parent. That would be hard on the little angel.

And not to mention Lucifer's brothers.....They would never leave them alone....

As of now, the only people that knew were Lucifer, Diavolo, and Solomon. They both held a
strong mutual trust in Solomon and Lucifer, and Barbatos couldn't not tell Diavolo.

Yet, that was everyone who knew right now. It wasn't stressful, and added no pressure.

Simeon melted into his hold, snuggling into the butler's warmth. Barbatos kissed the top of
his head, laying his cheek atop him.

They relaxed together in a peaceful silence. Simeon's shivers came to a stop, cold leaving his

It was peaceful.

Barbatos couldn't help the small smile on his face.

He always knew that this was going to become a reality, his relationship with Simeon.
Yet....he never imagined that it would be this amazing.

Chapter End Notes

I cleaned a ton today. Preparing to move this summer, y'know. Getting stuff out of my
room. That's why this is on the shorter side. My goal for the chapters is 500-1000 words
each. Or more.
Don't Be a Scrooge!: Lucifer/Diavolo
Chapter Summary

Lucifer learns that Diavolo has decided that demon's will now also be celebrating
Christmas. Is he stupid!? Diavolo is offended that Lucifer has no Christmas spirit.

Chapter Notes

Remember in this first Christmas event where Lucifer yells at Mc because they told
Diavolo about Christmas and he now wanted to celebrate. Yeah, that inspired this.

Warning: There's a little more cursing than usual.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

He couldn't believe the amount of bullshit being spewed at him.

What the fuck would compell Diavolo to celebrate Christmas!? Christmas! The celebration of
Jesus, a man born to die for humans sins! They. Are. Demons. Demons are supposed to sin
and cause humans to sin. Jesus went against everything they were for!

It just didn't make sense to celebrate a holiday clearly created for humans and angels. Diavolo
was out of his mind.

Though, as pissed as he was, it was Diavolo. As his boyfriend, Lucifer knew more than
anyone how kind the man was. He knew that Diavolo was only full of pure and good

Diavolo talked about how humans gained so much happiness and joy off the holiday, that he
wanted that connection and togetherness in the Devildom as well. Lucifer understood, but it
was stupid.

"Lord Diavolo," He spat, using his boyfriend's full title, "Don't mind me asking, but what the
hell are you thinking!?"

Diavolo frowned," Come on, Lucifer. Don't be like this. The holiday celebrates love, family,
happiness. I want the Devildom to have that too. I'm tired of all of my citizens being down in
the dumps, depressed, and overall horrible people! I'm hoping that a celebration like
Christmas will spread joy and love to more demons! Think about it."
"Pardon me," He took a deep breath, "Christmas is a celebration of Jesus's birth. We are
demons. Our citizens will not cheer up over a idiotic holiday. We have plenty of our own!
These holidays do nothing to help. I can hardly imagine that a celebration made by
Christian's is what is necessary to our demonic agenda."

"I don't want us to be demonic anymore, Lucifer," Diavolo sighed, "Of all the three Realms,
we have the highest rates of depression, murder, rape, suicide, crimes, everything! We are
underdeveloped and our kingdom is falling apart! I just want to celebrate one more simple
holiday time help spread positivity. I already feel like I am failing as a prince with all these
odds. Everything I try to do for help ends up backfiring in some way."

"You aren't failing as a prince," Lucifer furrows his eyebrows, "Fuck, I'm sorry. If it really
means that much to you...."

Diavolo's face lit up, "Oh, thank you, Luci! Thank you! Christmas is going to be the best
thing that has ever happened to the Devildom! We need to start decorating! I'm so excited!"

Diavolo ran out of the room, smiling incredibly wide. Lucifer sighed.

"Demon's celebrating Christmas," He grimaced, "This is idiotic. Bah, humbug."

Chapter End Notes

I keep seeing people get incredibly pissed off at Dialuci shippers. I ship it, yes, but I
don't care that much about it. But, it feels so offensive to people who do love the ship. It
makes me feel bad. People are so mean. There's nothing wrong with it.
Christmas/winter headcanons: Everyone
Chapter Summary

Sleigh Ride: A kid Satan breaks his ankle when out sledding. Mammon drags him back
home, pulling him in the sled. He pretends that the sled is a sleigh, stopping Satan from
crying in pain. (Original Concept)

Now: Christmas/winter headcanons.

Guys, I am so sorry about my laziness. But, I had a doctor's appointment and then also forgot.
Now it's late and I'm tired. I started new medicine too. So, yeah.

I gave my concept above. Feel free to use it yourself if you want, you can change it. But, I'm
so tired.

I'm not gonna give you nothing. Here's one really random Christmas and/or winter related
headcanon for each character. I've changed the prompt. Lol.

Lucifer: I've already said this, but he loves eggnog. The entire jug is empty in one night.
Everyone wonders what happened to it, none of them guilty. Lucifer is too embarrassed to
admit that it was him. Everyone probably knows.

Mammon: He starts doing all these acts of kindness to please Santa in December. It's like in
kids shows. I know I've watched it before. He thinks it reverses all his stealing, illegal
gambling, etc. He does the most random acts of kindness too. He organizes the shoes by the
door and shit. Like, no one needed you to do that.

Levi: Changed his entire gaming setup to be Christmas and winter themed. He gets all these
lights and decorations. It looks super cool. It's very pretty when he turns out the lights.

Satan: Has all those Christmas poems memorized for whatever reason. Christmas Eve he just
starts going, "All through the house, not a creature was stirring-" Everyone sits and listens to
his entire story.

Asmo: Outfits to the max. He pulls out an entirely different closet for every season. While he
doesn't like that he can't show as much skin, he's a big fan of his winter closet. Y'know how
in movies when the guys have really annoying girlfriends and they always wear those
gigantic earmuffs. Yeah, Asmo wears those. I still love him. He can be my annoying

Beel: Anxiously awaits the Christmas feast. He helps makes it too. He is so excited and
hungry for it at the same time. Lucifer wants to ban him from the kitchen, but Beel insists. He
gets so into cooking that he forgets his hunger, if only a little bit. The food comes out extra
good when you have a foodie in the kitchen.

Belphie: Has an obnoxious amount of blankets and pillows on his bed. I saw a meme the
other day that was talking about their sleep patterns. And they showed like 9 blankets on their
bed. Everyone ignored the original purpose just to talk about the blankets. Then they said that
they had like 4 more they sometimes used. Yeah, that's Belphie. He has like 15 blankets
during winter.

Diavolo: Decorations. Dude, so many decorations. Walking through Devildom, or the castle
especially, you will be amazed at how pretty everything looks. So many lights, candy canes,
snowman, etc. He loves Christmas and wants to celebrate it to his full capacity.

Barbatos: The one who decorates. He's really fast about it, while also being really good at it.
He enjoys it too. He thinks it's a challenge that spices things up. I imagine him being like
Martha May from the live action Grinch movie. She has that gun that shoots out the lights.
Her house looks amazing and everyone is stunned. Exactly.

Simeon: Loves the festivities on Christmas Eve. He gathers Luke, Solomon, and Raphael into
the living area. He has them open one gift early, he then turns out the lights and cuddles them
all close for warmth. Its super sweet and wholesome. They all look forward to it.

Luke: Makes super adorable hot cocoa bombs and gives them out. He makes a ton in
different flavors, decorating them like snowman, Santa, reindeer, you name it. He then gifts
everyone their own unique one that has their favorite flavors and toppings, along with
whichever outside they'd enjoy most.

Solomon: Attempts to make the Christmas feast. He means well, he wants to have a nice feast
with his family. Simeon and Luke let him make some random side dish. He gets a little sad
that he can't make the whole meal, because he really wants to provide for them! But, he
accepts because he enjoys the twos cooking so much. Raphael cleans out his side dish,
making Solomon extremely happy.

Thirteen: Wears obnoxious Christmas sweaters the entirety of December. Everyone holds
anticipation every single day, 'What's it gonna be today?' She never even repeats. It's insane.
Where did she get all these sweaters. Also, side note, I randomly envisioned her sitting in her
cave eating glass. Sorry, her and the Grinch both live in caves. It came to me.

Raphael: Starts clinging onto people, specifically Simeon, more. He doesn't really do much
physical touch. But, he loves it. Whenever it's cold, he holds onto Simeon, leeching from his
warmth. Simeon laughs, pats his head, and then cuddles him close. Poor Raph is touch-

Mephisto: Get definitely skis. I know literally nothing about skiing, but he would. He has one
of those mountain cabins rented out, he and his brother visit there every year. Then they just
Decorating: Mephisto/Mammon
Chapter Summary

Mammon helps Mephisto and his little brother decorate their house for Christmas!

Chapter Notes

For those who don't know, I call Mephisto's little brother Azazel. Poor kid has no canon
name. I don't remember if I ever said his age, but as of now I think of him as about 8-10.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Mephisto tried his best to guide Mammon through the door.

His boyfriend was carrying their Christmas tree. It wasn't huge, only a fourth of the House Of
Lamentation's tree, yet it was still hard for Mammon to hold it on his own.

Mephisto had insisted on helping, but Mammon refused to let him do anything that could
further strain his legs. So, he was guiding him for now, "A little to the left, you're gonna hit
over all the pictures on the wall," he chuckled at Mammon's clumsy nature.

"Hey, The Great Mammon could never do something like that!" They both froze, breaking
into laughter as a picture was hit off the wall.

Luckily, they did get the tree in and situated.

Azazel ran out, excitement covering his face, "You found a good one! I love it! I love it!"

"We needa pull out the decorations, then we can decorate the tree," Mammon smiled.

Azazel smiled back, "Okay, can I put the star on the tree once we're done?"

"Of course, kiddo," Mammon pat him on the head.

Mephisto made his way to the basement, pulling out the small box of tree ornaments.
Mammon followed him, grabbing a box of lights.

They opened the boxes, instructing Azazel to lay out some on the ornaments carefully.

Mammon and Mephisto worked together to string the lights on the tree tightly, assuring that
they wouldn't interfere with the ornaments.
Once the were done, Azazel had all the ornaments carefully laid out so that they could gage
where to put things.

Mephisto instructed on only a couple ornaments, saying which ones were better in certain
places. Ones like family ornaments and heavier ones were instructed to be placed on higher
more firm branches. Though, other than that, Azazel was allowed to do whatever he wished.

The kid excitedly rushed to hang things up, grinning widely.

Mephisto sat beside Mammon, smiling at his boyfriend.

"Damn," Mammon blushed, "Almost feels like we're parents watching their kid."

"Doesn't it?" He had the same blush, looking into Mammon's eyes.

Their faces inched closer together, lips meeting. Mephisto moved his hand up, holding
Mammon's cheek as they kissed.

"Alright! I've finished," Azazel turned around, "Ah!"

Their faces left each other's, looking to face the kid.

"I need to put the star on now," Azazel blushed, clearly embarrassed at seeing his brother
kissing some guy.

Mephisto chuckled as Mammon stood up. Mammon picked up Azazel, balancing him on his
hip, "Goodness, yer growing so much!"

"You sound like a grandmother," Mephisto criticized, handing his little brother the star.

Mammon held the boy up, allowing him to secure the star on top of the tree.

They stepped back, Mammon still holding Azazel.

"Alright," Mephisto grabbed a power cord, "One last step."

Mammon turned out the lights, Mephisto plugging the lights in.

Azazel was in awe at the tree as it sparkled and shined in the newfound darkness, "It looks

"Ya did great kiddo," Mammon set him down.

"We need to finish decorating the rest of the house," Azazel moved towards the basement,
"I'll help carry boxes!"

They chased after him as he darted down the stairs, Mephisto yelling, "Those boxes are too
heavy for you! You'll get crushed!"

Luckily, they convinced him to only carry the smaller, lifter weight boxes. Mammon carried
the most.
The house got all decorated and pretty.

Mephisto pulled Mammon closer, admiring their own work, "About what you said
earlier.....once Azazel's older, once we're older.....I'd like to have a family with you."

Mammon's face and ears turned entirely red, "Ye-yeah! Wh-who wouldn't wanna start a f-
family with the Great Mammon!"

Mephisto chuckled, kissing Mammon.

A family with Mammon.....he really liked the sound of that....

Chapter End Notes

Can't go wrong with these two.

Christmas Eve: Barbatos/Simeon
Chapter Summary

Barbatos works up the courage to ask Simeon out on Diavolo's Christmas Eve party.

Chapter Notes

This is a follow up to hot cocoa!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Barbatos set up the tables, making sure all the snacks and drinks were set out accordingly.

He buried himself in working, making the party look perfect. He was incredibly nervous.

Tonight, at this party, he was planning to ask Simeon out; maybe he would even get to kiss
him under the mistletoe.

Why wasn't he just looking into the future? He needs to feel alive, not feel like a house for
power. Anticipation, fears, anxieties, they all help him feel alive. If he looked into the future
every second, he wouldn't feel alive. Plus, life would get boring.

He wasn't always like this, he used to look into the future more. He knew that Simeon and
him would eventually be together. Though, he didn't know the exact terms, or exactly when.

What if Simeon wasn't ready? What if Simeon hadn't fallen for him yet?

A huge part of him just wanted to look into the future. No. It's okay. This will go well.

The party had started, many guests filled the castle.

Barbatos walked around, attempting to locate Simeon in the crowd.

His arm was grabbed, he turned to notice the young lord Diavolo standing there, Lucifer at
his side, "Barbatos! Are you enjoying yourself?"

He had to yell, the party was awfully loud, "Yes! Have you seen Simeon anywhere?"

Diavolo and Lucifer both gave him sly smirks, Lucifer responded, "He's near the left
staircase. Standing near Solomon and Asmodeus I believe."
Barbatos nodded, using his pact with Solomon to help locate them, detecting where their
connection strung.

Surely enough, the three were standing there. Luke wasn't with them, he was presumably
with Beel or Mammon.

"Greetings," He smiled politely, "Simeon, may I speak with you outside for a moment?"

Simeon nodded, stepping to follow him. Asmo and Solomon held smirks, Asmo yelling, "I
can't wait to attend your wedding!"

Barbatos blushed, leading Simeon out into the snow. It was much more romantic out there.

Admittedly, his nerves were killing him. He cleared his throat.

"I brought you outside for privacy," He smiled, "I don't wish to hold an audience right now."

Simeon blushed, chuckling.

He held out his hand, Simeon grabbing it, "Would you like to run away from the party and go
on a mini date with me?"

Simeon's eyes lit up, "I'd love to!"

Barbatos smiled wider than he normally ever would.

They ran around the whole night, doing random stupid things together. They seemed almost
like teenagers out of the latest hit romcom.

Barbatos didn't mind.

They sat on children's swings, rocking back and forth, snow falling around them.

"I'm glad you asked me out," Simeon held a soft smile, "I never would have been able to do it

"I'm glad too," Barbatos looked at the other man, their eyes locking, "Perhaps this is sill of
me to say, but I adore the time I spend with you."

"So do I," Simeon's face inched closer to his.

Their lips met in a kiss, their first kiss. The feeling was something Barbatos would never
forget, something he would greedily beg for more of.

They stared into each other's eyes, foreheads moving to lay against the other.

A connection formed, one that could never be broken.

Barbatos did not need to look into the future to know that he would love this man for all of
Chapter End Notes

How is it Christmas Eve already?

Christmas: Brothers
Chapter Summary

It's Christmas morning in the House Of Lamentation!

Chapter Notes

I love making Mammon act childish. Lol. Especially for Christmas.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Lucifer woke up to the creaking of his bed and the yells of multiple of his brother's, "It's
Christmas! It's Christmas!"

He looked ahead of him, noticing Mammon and Levi jumping on his bed, Beel holding a
tired Belphie, Asmo clapping and screaming along, and Satan standing beside Asmo. Satan
looked like he was trying to hide his excitement.

He sighed, blinking a few times, "What unbearably early time of the morning did you all
decide to bother me at?"

"Early?" Mammon chuckled, "It's four AM. Be glad we didn't wake ya at twelve right after
San'a visited."

Lucifer glared at them all, "I can't believe you all decided to wake me up at four in the
morning to open your Christmas gifts. Are you all five years old?"

Satan sighed, "You should be glad I contained them this long. Beel was literally so excited
that he threw up. Asmo woke up, interrupting his beauty sleep, at two. Honestly, it would be
a majorly dick move to make them wait longer."

Levi moved to get off the bed, "Don't act like we're the only ones who are excited, Satan! I
caught you staying up all night reading Christmas stories. #Exposed. L."

"That was cringy," Asmo cringed.

"You're an L too," Levi shot back.

Lucifer got out of bed, "Okay, I suppose I can't contain you any longer."
They all rushed downstairs, Lucifer tiredly walking behind them. The common area was
filled with presents, the amount not fitting under the single tree. Being rich and having seven
members does that. All of them ran to the tree, observing gifts that lay out.

"No opening gifts until I get my coffee," He asserted, "Feel free to see what Santa put in your

His brothers dived for their stockings, immediately ripping them open.

Lucifer rubbed his eyes, stepping into the kitchen to prepare a coffee.

After filling his mug full of the hot beverage, he returned to the room, stepping up to the
demons, "What did you all get?"

They all held up the notable items, ignoring the candy. He nodded, grabbing his own. It held
smaller gifts like pens and a paper weight.

He filled the stocking back up, turning to his excited little siblings, "First, I'll pass out the
ones from Santa. Then, we will pass out everyone's sibling gifts in age order. I'll pass mine
out first, then Mammon, and so on."

Mutual nods were passed through the room. He sipped his coffee, placing it down.

He grabbed a present, reading the name, "Here's one for Satan."

Another, "Belphie."

Then another, "Levi."

He continued until they all had a small pile of their Santa gifts, "Belphie, want to open yours

Belphie smiled, ripping open the paper. He received a pillow case designed to keep cool. It
would help when their room gained too much heat during the nights.

Then Beel opened his. He got a blanket that resembled a burrito.

They kept opening gifts until all the ones from Santa ran out. Lucifer passed out the gifts he
bought for everyone, he allowed them to open them all at once, instead of one at a time.

He loved seeing the joy on their faces as he found the perfect gifts.

Lucifer smiled as Mammon handed him a gift.

Maybe he wasn't fond of Christmas at first, but seeing the happiness on all of his brother's
faces as they opened the gifts he bought, or anyone else gifted, that made Christmas truly

Chapter End Notes

Not that anyone cares, but for Christmas I got some Obey Me merch! My mom got me
two acrylic stands, stickers, and a shirt with Asmo on it (Stickers and stands are Asmo
and Solomon). My sister got me a shirt with Solomon on it. Then my brother ordered me
a couple Asmo acrylic stands. Though, they aren't here yet. And I asked my mom for the
new bear, but idk if she got it. Because last year she got me the sheep, but didn't tell me
until I arrived months later.

Anyway, Merry Christmas! I hope you liked all your gifts, and I hope you had a great
Christmas overall!
End Notes

Comments, kudos, and corrections are appreciated!

Tumblr: welcometothedevildom

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