Speaking For Speeches 1

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Skills for Presentations ied MG’... cccveesscrersccrsesvcesersoerevocesssoveusssseeessoees 6 AQUARIUM «teats caseoccecasssacus + My favorite thing to do after school is watch TV, oa Circle and say. Then write and say your own ideas. 1. My name is Joey. | was (Gorn)/ live /. am) in a big town in China. I'm ten years old, and I'm in fourth grade. My favorite thing to do after school is read. 3. My name is Emily. I was born (in 7 on / at) a big city in France. I'm fifteen years old, (but / and / or) I'm in ninth grade. My favorite thing to do after school is relax. 2. My name is Anna. | was born in a town (at / in / on) Mexico. I'm thirteen years old, and I'm in seventh grade. My favorite thing to do after school is listen to music. 4, Myname is . Iwas bom in == ee I'm years old, and I'min grade. My favorite thing to do after school is Unit 1 +7 a Watch again and complete the notes. Hil My @ name is Paul. Today I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself, Iwas born in a small @ __ in Florida. You can see it in these pictures. We moved here to New York two years ago. I'm twelve © old, and I'm in © grade. My favorite thing to do after © is play soccer. | play it all the time. Ialso like © ___. I really want one. But we can't have any e in our apartment building. Now you know a few things about me. © for letting me share Brainstorm a Think about introducing yourself. Who are you? ibe what you like to do af swim listen to music nap watch movies spend time with Dad _ fs Poteet rato Hi! My nomi Today I'm going to + Iwas born... + I'm... years old, and Imin... grade. + My favorite thing to do after school is... *Talso like... fer NoC Ly + Now you know a few things about . + Thanks for letting . . a Practice. Then give your presentation in front of the class. Unit 1+ 9 * hard-working / busy * strict / loving + likes to listen to + likes to + likes to music after work * artistic / athletic * funny / cheerful * kind / smart * likes to * likes to : * likes to basketball jokes computer games a Listen and complete the sentences. -&%s _ busy pictures swim artistic movies cheerful things athletic 1. Mygrandmais She likes to paint 2. My sister is . She likes to do many 3. My uncle is__ He likes to 4. My cousin is She likes to watch 10 aaa a Ask and answer the questions. What is your mom like? + What does she like to do? + What is your dad like? * What does he like to do? * Do you love your family? She is artistic ond loving. * She likes to paint. * He is strict. He is kind, too. * He likes to watch TV. Yes, | love my family! uo Circle and say. Then write and say your own ideas. 1. My grandpa is always (busy / 2. My mom is (athletic / cheerful / strict / playful). He doesn’t work, shy). She is always smiling and but he likes to do things. He happy. She is (kind / hard-working / never stops! smart), too. She likes to help people. 3. My cousin is very (loving / artistic 4. My is : / funny). She likes to draw and He/She likes to paint. She is also (strict / shy / He/She is also playful). She doesn't like to talk He/She, to many people. Unit 2° 11 cheerful athletic let's begin with loves to tell you about =< Watch again and complete the notes. oe I'm going to tell you about my family. let's@ with my mom. She is cheerful and kind. She e_ to make people smile. She also likes to shop. Well, she loves to shop! Next, I want to tell you about my @___ He is smart and ° He has a busy job. But he likes to play tennis on the weekends. Lostly, there is my @ She loves to cook! And she is very oe 7 Now you know a few things about my © We love each other very much. = @ Think about three people in your family. What are they like? Pera + Today I'm going to tell you about... + Let's begin with ... + Next, I want to tell you about... + Lostly, there is... feu + Now you know a few things about... a Practice. Then give your presentation in front of the class. Unit 2 + 13 vu Scan, listen, and write the correct letter. Not all choices will be used. ai a. notes b. songs ¢. rhymes d. sayings e. studying with friends _. pictures FAT | ° ° ° e t s Qg2 ea g-read better h. say the words correctly i. remember j. enjoy learning k. learn new words |. do well English help pictures learn(x2) words songs _ well 1 _ are a great way to learn 7 2, are a great way to _____English 3. They _us do 4. They help us new 14 EL! Ga Ask and answer the questions. _- What is one way to learn English? + How do rhymes help us? + How else do they help us? + What is a song that taught you English? + What word(s) did you learn? ™ Rhymes are a way to learn English. 7 * They help us read better. m= «They also help us say the words correctly. ( + Asong that taught me English was "Happy Birthday.” +1 learned the word “birthday.” uo Circle and say. Then write and say your own ideas. 1. Notes (were /are)agreatway 2, Rhymes are a great way to learn English. to learn English. They help us They (help / helped) us enjoy studying. learn new words. They also They also help us say the words correctly. (helping / help) us remember. One rhyme that (teaches / taught) me With my notes, I learned a lot English was “Humpty Dumpty? of new verbs. 4 are a great 3. Pictures (are / is) a great way to way to learn English. They help us learn English. They help us learn . They also help us new words. They also help us do . One well. By using pictures, I (learns / that taught me English was learned) a lot of animal names. Unit 3 +15 BRGUREEEGGRG EE presentation. Listen for the key phrases. £45 aS G@ watch again and complete the notes. ° __are a great way to learn English. They help us @ They also help us say the words © One song thet ° me English was "Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” You probably know it. It goes like this: Head, © , knees and toes, knees and toes Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes Eyes and ears and mouth and © Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes Before I knew this song, I couldn't remember “shoulders.” But now, | never forget! 1 @ it! Songs help us remember. They also make more fun. Brainstorm @ Think about a way to learn English. What helps you? be how it helps you. Ideas: pictures rhymes learn new words GO Write your own presentation. See page 75 for more ideas. ATI iim EE Introduction e...is/are a great way to learn English. « It/They help(s) us... e It/They also help(s) USiee ¢One... ¢ By using... « It goes like this: Conclusion e...help(s) us... e It/They also... ow Practice. Then give your presentation in front of the class. Unit 3 + 17 clean the house go to a restaurant play chess help our mom shop for food stay home go out on our boat go to a park go fishing go skateboarding a Listen and complete the sentences. © usually Sundays normally Saturdays family park stay restaurant 1. We gotoa . 2. We spend time with . 3. On , we usually go toa 4. On , We often home. 18 | Pair Work | = Gg Ask and answer the questions. What do you do on weekends? On weekends, I go fishing. ¢ 1 spend time with my friends. ¢ If the weather is bad, I usually stay home. * On Saturdays, | usually draw. ¢ On Sundays, I help clean the house. nactemeannoeas —_ * Who do you spend time with? * What do you do if the weather is bad? ° What do you do on Saturdays? * What do you do on Sundays? oO Write and say. Then write and say your own ideas. 1. On Saturdays, I spend time with my brother. We (100%) do something fun. (50%), we go skateboarding. 3. On Saturdays, | (80%) play computer games with my sisters. (70%), Grandpa comes to our house, and we all paint together. 2: On Sundays, | (90%) stay home. I normally study and listen to music. | (0%) watch TV. On I . I/We always . Sometimes, I/we Unit 4 + 19 ” SMe Watch the presentation. Listen for the key phrases. © oie Watch again and complete the notes. ; On®d__ , |spend time with my family. On Saturdays, we e ss GO something outside. We often It’s fun. If the © : s bad, we Sometimes, we have to do borin house. Of course, those are my On Sundays, we don’t do much. © © 5 oO Q x w * 0 usually have breakfast with Uncle Tim. He owns a @ so we go there. And the food is delicious! Each @ s different. But in our house, w eexends are 8 spent with fami TTT Tits 4) @ Think about your weekends. What do you do? about different things you do. go skateboarding go toar : clean the house —_go out -gotoapark — shop for food spend. a Write your own presentation. See page 75 for more ideas. qntediauts et aid ca + On Saturdays, /we usually... + I/We often... «= If the weather is bad, pe V/we usually... + On Sundays, I/we... Conclusion + In our house, weekends are normally ... iT Practice. Then give your presentation in front of the class. Unit 4+ 21 © Listen and circle. £4, 1. a Listen and complete the sentences. 5 school family after exercise dinner o'clock shower uniform 1. Atseven take 2. that, | put on my 3. After Eee eee 4, At five thirty, I eat __with my 22 bay Ga Ask and answer the questions. What do you do first thing in the morning? + What do you do after that? * What do you do after school? * What else do you do? * What time do you go to bed? First, I wake up at six thirty. * Then | take a shower. + After school, | practice the guitar. * also play soccer. +l always go to bed at nine o'clock. a Write and say. Then write and say your own ideas. 1. First, wake up at (8:00) 2. First, | wake up at (6:45) . Then I get Then I brush dressed. At (10:30) my teeth. At (7:30) , we exercise at school. the school bus comes. 3. First, | wake up at (7:00) 4. First, | wake up at At Then | (9:30) At 1 1 go to school. At (12:15) leat lunch with friends. Unit 5 + 23 takes a few minutes days and Thursdays after dinner #f I finish early my daily routine Watch again and complete the notes. 'm going to share my daily® _ with you. First, | wake up at seven o'clock. Then I get ready for school. At seven @ I walk to school. It only takes a home. | usually change out of my un to eat. Then I exercise. | normally p practice the piano. On my math Brainstorm @ Think about your daily routine. What do you do? describe what you do before, during, | take a shower brush my teeth exercise play baseball get dressed go to bed Tre ad «I'm going to share my daily routine... fe) + That is my daily... (@® Practice. Then give your presentation in front of the class. Unit S = 25 UD scan, listen, and write the correct letter. Not all choices will be used. pty a. hiking b. sailing e. surfing d. photography e. mountain biking f. videography x = g. baking h. writing short stories i. astronomy j. collecting postcards —_—k. acting I. pottery G Listen and complete the sentences. £4. exciting photography fun writing fascinating hiking interesting baking 1 _____ short stories is one of my hobbies. I's 2. __isoneofmyhobbies.I's_ 3. is one of my hobbies. It's Soo 4. ___ is one of my hobbies. It’s 26 G Ask and answer the questions. What are your top two hobbies? + Who do you go hiking with? + Where do you go hiking? What do you like about sailing? + How would you describe it? y My top two hobbies are hiking and sailing. ~~ +1 go hiking with my parents, a - + We usually hike in Clinton Forest. * 1 love seeing the water all around me. * It's exciting! vu Circle and say. Then write and say your own ideas. 1. My top two hobbies are (act / 2. My top two hobbies are (drawing acting) and photography. Acting / draws) and writing short stories. is something I do with my theater Drawing is something I do by group. Then there is photography. myself. Then there is (writing / Tove taking pictures! write). | love using my imagination! 3. My top two hobbies are (baking 4, My top two hobbies are / bake) and (to surf / surfing). and 5 Baking is something I do with my something I do grandma. Then there is surfing. | love riding the waves! Then there is : Hove ! Unit 6 + 27 @ couple of my top two il let's talk about Idon’t really like let me know Watch again and complete the notes. I'd like to share a © __ of my hobbies with you. | have a lot of hobbies, but my top two are astronomy and @ biking Let's talk about © first. This is @ Ido with ess my dad. He's an astronomer, so he knows everything. We look at the stars I's from our roof. There is so much to learn about them! Then there is mountain biking. I don’t really like riding up the mountain. It’s hard! But I love © down the mountain. You can go fast—so fast! Thanks for letting me share my @ with you. If anyone wants to look at the stars or try mountain biking, let me © —_—_—_—————_— 7 28 @ Think about your hobbies. What are they? sscribe them. Ideas: pottery hiking surfing photography exciting fascinating oy ‘d like to share a + [have a lot of hobbies, but my top two are... + Let's talk about... . first. « This is something I do with... + Then there is... sllove... certo + Thanks for letting me shore... a Practice. Then give your presentation in front of the class. Unit 6 » 29 ae pizza cherry pie candy noodles lemon chicken chocolate — aD spicy > salty ee 5. 6. pancakes curry spaghetti waffles fish soup sushi @ Listen and complete the sentences. #4. 1. I would like for___ slnladededal 2. | would like _ EOI yet eee 3. | would like

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