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1. Visual art is divided into fine and ___________ arts – (used art, nice art, applied art)
2. Music is found under _________ class of art- (literary, performing, fine art)
3. Art is about self expression- Yes or No?
4. The artist performing on a stage is called – ( actor, magician, spectator)
5. Pencil can be improvised with –( charcoal, ink, stick, marker)


6. The drawing of trees is called ( nature, still life, figure)

7. Shading is otherwise known as __________ in art. (lively skill, tonal value, creativity)
8. A seat by an artist for drawing is known as – (a chair, a throne, a flat)
9. Shading is otherwise known as __________ in art. (blend, tonal value, branding)
10. Drawing from memory is known as (site drawing, imaginative drawing, remembrance
11. One of the following is the drawing comprises items that does not have man’s contribution –
(man’s drawing, god’s drawing, nature drawing)
12. The drawing form the side view is known as (figure, process, profile)
13. Drawing teaches (observation, skill, copying)
14. The drawing of fruits, fish, snail shells and a dog is known as
15. The drawing of items created by God without man’s input is known as ( fine drawing, still life
drawing, nature drawing)
16. Charcoal or pencil drawings are better protected from smudging by use of –(fixative, oil,
17. The best pencil for drawing is – B, HB, HHB, BB


18. A house for selling art works is – (gallery, field, museum, court)
19. Guns and armoured tank can be found in ______ museum -(war, antiquity, children)
20. An officer that oversees artifacts kept in museum is known as a – (a policeman, a
secretary, a coach)
21. Antiquities are kept in the - ( church, museum, farm, hospital
22. The person in charge of a museum is ( a teacher, a curator, a pastor)


23. The oldest art tradition in West Africa is (Nok, Benin, Ife)
24. The famous bronze-roped pot is from (Benin, Igbo-Ukwu, Nok, Mende)

26. The meeting point of two parallel lines In the distance is (vanishing point, looking point, sitting
27. The point at which two parallel lines, if extended would appear to meet is called
28. The line separating the sky from the ground is called (line of art, line of horizon, line of dis
29. The distance between two points in drawing is known as (line, point, close)


30. The father of Nigerian contemporary artist is – ( Aina, Tayo, Buraimoh)

31. Akinola Lasekan is a known- (cartoonist, painter, dancer)
32. Ladi Kwali is a traditional – (drummer, porter, painter)
33. Wole Soyinka is a – (playwright, illustrator, singer)
34. Lamid Fakeye is a (carve, singer, sculptor)


35. A trade mark is the same as _ ( logo, book, face cap)

36. One of the following set is a designer of a logo or crest- (graphics artist, painter, ceramist).
37. The artist that designs a logo or crest is known as- ( textile designer, painter, singer)
38. One of the importance of a logo is to …(promote an organization, destroy a company,
39. One of the following set is needed in designing a logo or crest. (letters/images, lines/


40. The chemical used for tie dye is- ( caustic soda, soda cream, hydroxide)
41. The lacing of fabric is associated with ----- (weaving, dabbing, skiving)
42. Textile is concerned majorly with one of the following ( fabric, clay, clock, sign)
43. The method of designing fabric with threads to create beautiful patterns is called- (renting,
embroidery, patching)
44. In textile design, pattern can be made from ________ to make a motif- (air, plant, images,)
45. Textile designers majorly use one of these principles – ( repetition, proportion, value)
46. Fabric, needle and loom are essential materials in – ( textile, painting, ceramics)
47. Warp is the horizontal thread in weaving—Yes or No?
48. Weft is the Vertical thread in weaving- Yes or No?
49. The term warp and yarn is associated with (textile, graphics, painting)
50. The principle commonly used in clothe patterns is (repetition, balance, simple)
51. The word ‘chiaroscuro’ means light and shade, good and bad, thick and thin)
52. Weaving is done on a local machine called__________________

53. Another name for the Roman type face is

54. A piece of fabric with printed information for the public is known as (banner, vest, post)
56. One of these countries contribute to the development of lettering- (Ghana, Egypt, USA)
57. A free hand writing is called - ( Calligraphy, serif, style)
58. Vowel letters are developed by which country? ( Spain, Rome, Britain


59. A draughtsman draws a house plan- Yes or No?

60. The designing of a choice house to be constructed is known as – (a plan, a sign, a dream)
61. What is a small size replica of a house design of a building called? .( Model, type, copy)
62. The sketch representing a house to be built in a two dimensional form is referred to as ( plan,
logo, sketch)
63. One of the following is not a part of a house (cinema, room, toilet)
64. The person that draws and designs a house is called
65. Every building needs a __________ to stand- (foundation, picture, drawing)


66. In sculpture, which of the following are the two types of relief form (high and low, big
and small, light and heavy)


67. Primary colours are also known as- (real colours, nice colours, basic colours)
68. Tint of a colour is the mixture of which colour? ( black, white, pink)
69. The actual brilliance of a colour without any neutralizing colours added to it is referred
to as (dominance, balance, variety)

70. Colours that are equidistant on the colour wheel are called (primary colours, secondary
colours, tertiary colours)
72. Addition of black to any colour is known as (brown, grey, black, white)
73. Yellow colour is considered as a – ( warm, cool, hot, dull)
74. A mixture of two primary colours will give us (
75. Colours are to be mixed on __________ (the floor, the desk, the palette)
76. Which of the following art materials come in one colour?- (chalk
77. Two colours facing each other on the colour wheel is called- (analogous, close colours,
bright colours, triad)


78. The essential thing needed in a life drawing class is a – (a model, a light, a seat)
79. The art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of coloured glasses and
stones is known as –(
80. The distribution of elements in equal weight in design is referred to as (dominion,
balance, variety)
81. The act of making certain parts of an art work to attract more attention is called
__________ in art.(element, dominance, sensation)
83. Originality is when an artist displays his personal –(skills, face, wealth
84. Which of the following areas is most suitable for marketing art works?
85. All the following are termed natural items except ( key, leaf, bird, sea)
86. Another name for graphics is – (commercial art, new art, ancient art)
87. Another name for abstract is –( irregular shape, rigid shape, none shape)
88. The word ‘torso’means – (head/leg, no head/no limb,
89. Zig zag lines usually suggest- (calmness, anger, speed)
90. A bag used for keeping two dimensional art works and materials is - (art folio, bag, art file)
91. An artist who specializes in wood work is – (carver, painter, sculptor)
92. Ceramic wares are fired in a/an – (kiln, cooker, fryer)
93. Kneading is the word required in – (sculpture, textile, craft)


94. Blacksmithing is mostly practiced in (Lagos, Bida, Oyo)

95. The art of tie and dye known as ‘adire’ is popular in _( Lagos, Abeokuta, Ota)
96. One of the crafts common in riverine areas is –( cane craft, doll craft, weaving craft)
97. The method used in designing a calabash with hot iron is known as- (pyro-engraving, scorching,
98. A town in the west popularly known for tie and dye in Nigeria is – (Oyo, Abeokuta, Ibadan)
99. Hides and skin for the production of leather is mostly found in (Osogbo, Ondo, Kogi,
100. One of the following practices craft – ( wood carver, singer, teacher)
101. Traditional skill in craft is acquired through - (apprenticeship, lecturing, dreaming)
102. Calbash decoration is common in (Oyo, Kwara, Ibadan, Lagos)

103. Painting is a branch of __________ art.

104. Which of the following painting media is transparent in nature? (poster colour,
water colour, acrylic)
106. The use of pigments to beautify a drawing or any surface is known as
107. A painting of an expanse of sea is known as a
108. Which of these materials are suitable for painting? (poster colour/ brush, pencil/ink,
109. Pastel is to drawing as cement is to – ( sculpture
110. In painting, a sharp contrast can be created with- (tone, value, space)
111. A painting done in one colour is called – (polychrome, monochrome, unity)


112. This country contributed to The development of printing- (Germany, Benin, Italy)
113. The following materials are needed for stenciling except – (mesh, squeegee, ink,
114. In serigraphic printing, image is transfer to the surface with (squeegee, pen, stick)
115. The method used in printing our books is known as- (serigraphy, intaglio, screen
116. The tool used in spreading ink over a surface in printing is – ( stick, roller, hand,
117. The act of using leaf to print is known as (leaf print, plant print, abstract print)
118. The making of impression on a surface is known as – (painting, printing,

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