Merchants Circle

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Merchant’s Theory:

In a Two dimensional (or) orthogonal cutting, the forces acting on the metal chip are :

Fs = Force acting along the shear plane

FN = Force acting normal the shear plane

F= Friction force on Rake face

N= Force acting normal to the friction force

Fc = Cutting Force (or) Horizontal force

Ft = Thrust Force (or) Vertical force

Often these forces are represented in a circle called “Merchants circle Diagram” of cutting forces.
The forces FC and Ft can be experimentally determined using tool dynamometers from the values of
α (Rake angle), ɸ (shear angle), FC & Ft other forces are estimated.

Fig: Merchant’s Diagram

(a) Express FS and FN in terms of FC, Ft and ɸ :-

FS = 1-2 = FC cos ɸ -Ft sin ɸ

FN = 3+4 = FC sin ɸ + Ft cos ɸ

(b) Express F and N in terms of FC, Ft and α :-

R=Resultant force

β = Friction angle

μ= coefficient of friction along the rake face

F= 1+2= FC sinα + Ft cosα

N= 3-4 = FC cosα - Ft sinα

(c) Expression for μ interms of Fc, Ft & α :-

Μ = tanβ = F/N = (FC sinα + Ft cosα)/ (FC cosα - Ft sinα)

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