Tutorial 01 Solution-2023

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Solution to Tutorial 1

1. A steel component is loaded under plane stress conditions as follows: σx = −46 MPa,
σy = 12 MPa, and τxy = −19 MPa. Determine the stresses acting on an element that is
oriented at a clockwise angle of 15° with respect to the original element [ 1].

Answer: σ x1 = −32.61 MPa , σ y1 = −1.39 MPa , τ x1 y1 = −30.59 MPa .


First, we draw a figure showing the stresses in the steel component, as shown below.

12 MPa

x −46 MPa

−19 MPa

A negative stress is equivalent to a positive stress in the opposite direction. In this case,
σx = −46 MPa implies that this is compressive stress, i.e.

−46 MPa +46 MPa

We are not specifically asked to solve this problem graphically using a Mohr’s circle so
the quickest method would be to use the relevant equations.

J. M. Gere, p. 547 in Mechanics of materials, 7th edition (Cengage Learning, Toronto) (2009).
MCEN3004 – Advanced Strength of Materials

The angle, θ, of orientation that we require is –15° as the derivation of the equations
assumed that positive angles were measured anti-clockwise.

−1.39 MPa


x1 −15°
−32.61 MPa
−30.95 MPa

σx +σy σx −σ y
σ x1 = + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ
2 2
− 46 + 12 − 46 − 12
= + cos(− 30°) − 19 sin (− 30°)
2 2
= −32.61 (MPa)

To calculate σy1 we can save time by using the following relationship:

σ x1 + σ y1 = σ x + σ y


σ y1 = σ x + σ y − σ x1
= −46 + 12 − (− 32.61)
= −1.39 (MPa)

σ x −σ y
τ x1 y1 = − sin 2θ + τ xy cos 2θ
− 46 − 12
=− sin (− 30°) − 19 cos(− 30°)
= −30.59 (MPa)

If we were to solve the problem using a Mohr’s circle then we would end with the
following diagram:

Tutorial 1

(−32.61, −30.95)

(−46, −19) A 30°

−ve +ve

(12, 19)

(−1.39, 30.95)


MCEN3004 – Advanced Strength of Materials

2. At a point on the surface of a generator shaft the stresses are σx = −50 MPa, σy = 10
MPa, and τxy = −40 MPa as shown in Figure 1. Using Mohr’s circle, determine: (a)
the stresses acting on an element inclined at an angle, θ, of −45°, (b) the principal
stresses, and (c) the maximum in-plane shear stresses [ 2].

Answer: (a) σ x1 = 20 MPa , σ y1 = −60 MPa , τ x1 y1 = −30 MPa ; (b) σ 1 = 30 MPa ,

σ 2 = −70 MPa ; (c) τ max = 50 MPa

10 MPa

x −50 MPa

−40 MPa

Figure 1: An element from the surface of a generator shaft


Step 1: Draw two axes.


−ve +ve


J. M. Gere, p. 572 in Mechanics of materials, 7th edition (Cengage Learning, Toronto) (2009).

Tutorial 1

Step 2: Locate Point A (stresses on the x-face): σ x = −50 MPa , τ xy = −40 MPa .

(−50, −40)

−ve +ve


Step 3: Locate Point B (stresses on the y-face): σ y = 10 MPa , − τ xy = 40 MPa .

(−50, −40)

−ve +ve

(10, 40)

MCEN3004 – Advanced Strength of Materials

Step 4: Connect A and B, and AB will intercept the σx1 axis at the centre of the Mohr’s
circle, C.

(−50, −40)

−ve C +ve
(−20, 0)

(10, 40)

Step 5: Draw the Mohr’s circle.

(−50, −40)

−ve C +ve
(−20, 0)

(10, 40)

Tutorial 1

Step 6: Rotate AB by 2θ, in this case, −90°. This means 90° clockwise.

(−50, −40) A1
(20, −30)

−ve C +ve
(−20, 0) σx1

(−60, 30) (10, 40)

From the Mohr’s circle we obtain

σ x1 = 20 MPa , σ y1 = −60 MPa , τ x1 y1 = −30 MPa

Step 7: Find the intercepts.

(−20, −50) −ve

(−50, −40) A1
(20, −30)

−ve C +ve
(−20, 0) σx1
(−70, 0) (30, 0)

(−60, 30) (10, 40)
(−20, 50) +ve

We can obtain

σ 1 = 30 MPa , σ 2 = −70 MPa , τ max = 50 MPa

MCEN3004 – Advanced Strength of Materials

3. A steel component (E = 200 GPa, ν = 0.29) is subjected to a state of plane stress (σz
= τxz = τyz = 0) when the design loads are applied. At the critical point in the
member, the non-zero stress components are σx = 60 MPa, σy = 240 MPa, and τxy =
−80 MPa. The material has a yield stress, σyield = 490 MPa. Determine the factor of
safety based on the following yield criteria:

(i) Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine’s theory);

(ii) Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca’s theory);

(iii) Maximum distortion energy theory (von Mises theory).

Answer: (i) 1.81, (ii) 1.81, (iii) 1.91


It makes sense that failure is most likely to occur in the plane of maximum stress.
Therefore, we first we need to calculate the principal normal stresses (i.e., maximum
and minimum normal stresses):

σx +σ y σ −σ y 
σ 1, 2 = ±  x  + τ xy2
2  2 
60 + 240  60 − 240  2
= ±   + 80
2  2 
= 150 ± 120.4 (MPa)


σ 1 = 270.4 (MPa) σ 2 = 29.6 (MPa)

What the above data means is that the original σx = 60 MPa, σy = 240 MPa, and τxy = −80
MPa is “equivalent” to σx = 270.4 MPa, σy = 29.6 MPa, and τxy = 0 MPa.

(i) Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine’s theory):

Since both principal stresses are positive, the FoS can be found by

σy 490
FoS = = = 1.81
σ 1 270.4

(ii) Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca’s theory):

Since both principal stresses are positive, the FoS is the same as part (i), i.e. FoS = 1.81 .

Tutorial 1

(iii) Maximum distortion energy theory (von Mises theory):

We need to calculate the von Mises equivalent stress using

σ e = σ 12 + σ 22 − σ 1σ 2 = 256.9 (MPa)

What this means is that a specimen loaded according to σ1 = 270.4 MPa and σ2 = 29.6
MPa contains the same amount of distortion energy (which is the basis of von Mises
theory) as that of a specimen stressed to 256.9 MPa under uniaxial tensile loading.

240 MPa 29.6 MPa

y y

x 60 MPa x 270.4 MPa

−80 MPa

256.9 MPa

Equivalent amount of
distortion energy for
each of these loading

Thus, FoS is given by

σy 490
FoS = = = 1.91
σ e 256.9

MCEN3004 – Advanced Strength of Materials

4. A steel component (E = 200 GPa, ν = 0.29) is subjected to a state of plane stress (σz
= τxz = τyz = 0) when the design loads are applied. At the critical point in the
member, the non-zero stress components are σx = −60 MPa, σy = 240 MPa, and τxy =
−80 MPa. The material has a yield stress, σyield = 490 MPa. Determine the factor of
safety based on the following yield criteria:

(i) Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine’s theory);

(ii) Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca’s theory);

(iii) Maximum distortion energy theory (von Mises theory).

Answer: (i) 1.88, (ii) 1.44, (iii) 1.59


The principal normal stresses are:

σx +σ y σ −σ y 
σ 1, 2 = ±  x  + τ xy2
2  2 
− 60 + 240  − 60 − 240  2
= ±   + 80
2  2 
= 90 ± 170 (MPa)


σ 1 = 260 (MPa) σ 2 = −80 (MPa)

What the above data means is that the original σx = −60 MPa, σy = 240 MPa, and τxy =
−80 MPa is “equivalent” to σx = 260 MPa, σy = −80 MPa, and τxy = 0 MPa.

(i) Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine’s theory):

The numerically larger principal stress is σ 1 = 260 (MPa) . Thus, the FoS can be found

σ y 490
FoS = = = 1.88
σ 1 260

Tutorial 1

(ii) Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca’s theory):

Since the principal stresses are of opposite signs, the FoS is found by

σy 490
FoS = = = 1.44
σ 1 − σ 2 260 − (− 80)

(iii) Maximum distortion energy theory (von Mises theory):

We need to calculate the von Mises equivalent stress using

σ e = σ 12 + σ 22 − σ 1σ 2 = 307.9 (MPa)

What this means is that a specimen loaded according to σ1 =260 MPa and σ2 = −80 MPa
contains the same amount of distortion energy (which is the basis of von Mises theory) as
that of a specimen stressed to 307.9 MPa under uniaxial tensile loading.

240 MPa −80 MPa

y y

x −60 MPa x 260 MPa

−80 MPa

307.9 MPa

Equivalent amount of
distortion energy for
each of these loading

Thus, FoS is given by

σy 490
FoS = = = 1.59
σ e 307.9

MCEN3004 – Advanced Strength of Materials

5. A steel component (E = 200 GPa, ν = 0.29) is subjected to a state of plane stress (σz
= τxz = τyz = 0) when the design loads are applied. At the critical point in the
member, the non-zero stress components are σx = 60 MPa, σy = −240 MPa, and τxy =
−80 MPa. The material has a yield stress, σyield = 490 MPa. Determine the factor of
safety based on the following yield criteria:

(i) Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine’s theory);

(ii) Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca’s theory);

(iii) Maximum distortion energy theory (von Mises theory).

Answer: (i) 1.88, (ii) 1.44, (iii) 1.59


The principal normal stresses are:

σ x +σ y  σ x −σ y 
σ 1, 2 = ±   + τ xy2
2  2 
 60 − (− 240 ) 
60 − 240 2
= ±   + 80
2  2 
= −90 ± 170 (MPa)


σ 1 = 80 (MPa) σ 2 = −260 (MPa)

What the above data means is that the original σx = 60 MPa, σy = −240 MPa, and τxy =
−80 MPa is “equivalent” to σx = 80 MPa, σy = −260 MPa, and τxy = 0 MPa.

(i) Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine’s theory):

The numerically larger principal stress is σ 2 = −260 (MPa) . Thus, the FoS can be found

σy 490
FoS = = = 1.88
− σ 2 260

Tutorial 1

(ii) Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca’s theory):

Since the principal stresses are of opposite signs, the FoS is found by

σy 490
FoS = = = 1.44
σ 1 − σ 2 80 − (− 260)

(iii) Maximum distortion energy theory (von Mises theory):

We need to calculate the von Mises equivalent stress using

σ e = σ 12 + σ 22 − σ 1σ 2 = 307.9 (MPa)

What this means is that a specimen loaded according to σ1 = 80 MPa and σ2 = −260 MPa
contains the same amount of distortion energy (which is the basis of von Mises theory) as
that of a specimen stressed to 307.9 MPa under uniaxial tensile loading.

−240 MPa −260 MPa

y y

x 60 MPa x 80 MPa

−80 MPa

307.9 MPa

Equivalent amount of
distortion energy for
each of these loading

Thus, FoS is given by

σy 490
FoS = = = 1.59
σ e 307.9

MCEN3004 – Advanced Strength of Materials

6. A steel component (E = 200 GPa, ν = 0.29) is subjected to a state of plane stress (σz
= τxz = τyz = 0) when the design loads are applied. At the critical point in the
member, the non-zero stress components are σx = −60 MPa, σy = −240 MPa, and τxy
= −80 MPa. The material has a yield stress, σyield = 490 MPa. Determine the factor
of safety based on the following yield criteria:

(i) Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine’s theory);

(ii) Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca’s theory);

(iii) Maximum distortion energy theory (von Mises theory).

Answer: (i) 1.81, (ii) 1.81, (iii) 1.91


The principal normal stresses are:

σx +σ y σ −σ y 
σ 1, 2 = ±  x  + τ xy2
2  2 
 − 60 − (− 240) 
− 60 − 240 2
= ±   + 80
2  2 
= −150 ± 120.4 (MPa)


σ 1 = −29.6 (MPa) σ 2 = −270.4 (MPa)

What the above data means is that the original σx = −60 MPa, σy = −240 MPa, and τxy =
−80 MPa is “equivalent” to σx = 29.6 MPa, σy = −270.4 MPa, and τxy = 0 MPa.

(i) Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine’s theory):

The numerically larger principal stress is σ 2 = −270.4 (MPa) . Thus, the FoS can be
found by

σy 490
FoS = = = 1.81
− σ 2 270.4

(ii) Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca’s theory):

Since both principal stresses are negative, the FoS is the same as part (i), i.e. FoS = 1.81 .

Tutorial 1

(iii) Maximum distortion energy theory (von Mises theory):

We need to calculate the von Mises equivalent stress using

σ e = σ 12 + σ 22 − σ 1σ 2 = 256.9 (MPa)

What this means is that a specimen loaded according to σ1 = −29.6 MPa and σ2 = −270.4
MPa contains the same amount of distortion energy (which is the basis of von Mises
theory) as that of a specimen stressed to 256.9 MPa under uniaxial tensile loading.

−240 MPa −270.4 MPa

y y

x −60 MPa x −29.6 MPa

−80 MPa

256.9 MPa

Equivalent amount of
distortion energy for
each of these loading

Thus, FoS is given by

σy 490
FoS = = = 1.91
σ e 256.9


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