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NIM : A3S223134
Prodi/Bidang Studi : PGSD-02
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD

Topik 5_Ruang Kolaborasi

Worksheet 5.4
Deskripsi Kegiatan
(awal, inti dan akhir):

Tahapan Kegiatan Classroom Language

Starting the lesson  Good morning/afternoon!
 How are you today?
 I asked one of the students to come forward to lead his friends
in preparing for class.
 Who is absent today?
 Please attention please ?
 Please be quiet
 What's the reason he/she's not here today?
 What lesson will we learn today?
Giving instructions to  Alright everyone, can we settle down for a moment.
organize classroom  Today, we'll be tidying up the classroom to create a fresh
learning environment.
 Let's work together efficiently. Put everything back where it
belongs, and discard any trash you find.
 Be careful while moving chairs or reaching for high shelves.
Ask for help if needed.
Giving instructions to 1. Get Everyone's Attention:
organize activity  Start by getting everyone's attention. You can say
something like:
o "Alright everyone, can I have your attention please?"
o "Let's gather around for a minute."
o "If I can have everyone's attention, we'll get started on
today's activity."
2. Briefly Explain the Activity:
 In a clear and concise way, explain what the activity is and
its purpose.
o "Today, we'll be doing a “make a speech” activity to
practice read a speech in front of the class."
o "The goal of this activity is to train self confidence."
3. Divide Participants (if applicable):
 If the activity requires groups, explain how you will divide
o "We will be working in groups of two people today."
o "I will assign groups randomly, or you can choose your
own partners."
4. Set Expectations and Time Limits (if applicable):
 Let them know what you expect from them during the
o "For this activity, I expect everyone to participate
actively and listen to their teammates."
o "We have tow minutes for this activity, so please
manage your time wisely."
5. Explain the Instructions Clearly:
 Break down the activity step by step. Use clear and concise
o "First, each group will determine the theme of the speech
they will make[step 1]."
o "Then, each person in the group will discuss to prepare
the text of the speech that will be presented [step 2]."
o "After that, representatives of each group read the results
of their speeches and each group responded to the results
of the presentation of the group that appeared [step 3]."
6. Provide Materials (if applicable):
 Let them know where to find the materials they need.
o "The materials you need for this activity are on the table
at the front of the room."
o "I've handed out worksheets to each of you. Please take a
7. Answer Questions:
 Give them a chance to ask any questions they may have
about the activity.
o "Does anyone have any questions about the activity?"
o "I'm happy to clarify anything that's unclear."
8. Start the Activity:
 Once everyone understands the instructions and has their
materials, let them begin the activity.
o "Alright, let's get started!"
o "You may begin the activity now."

Telling classroom rules to  Raise your hand to speak or answer questions given by the
discipline students teacher
 Remain in your seat when the teacher is explaining the
 Don't chat with friends when the teacher explains
 Ask permission if you want to leave the room
Giving feedback 1. Give Praise:
 "I really liked your presentation on the history of
 "Your group did a great job on the science project."
 "I appreciate the effort you put into your essay."
2. Provide constructive criticism:
 "I think you could have provided more evidence to
support your claims."
 "Your presentation was a bit disorganized."
 "I think you could have improved your time
management skills."
3. Give advice:
 "Next time, you could try using more visuals in your
 "I think you would benefit from practicing your
presentation in front of a mirror."
 "You could try using a timer to help you stay on track."
Closing the lesson  So, what can we conclude from today's lesson?"
 "The main takeaway from this lesson is...
 "What questions do you have about today's lesson?"
 "For your next class, please read the following
 "Thank you for your attention today”
 "I hope you found this lesson helpful."

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