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I Love Cooking

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1 to the following words.

a) Taste
b) Make something
c) Substance obtained
from plants
d) Achievement
e) Sweets
f) Try something new
My name is Elaine and I love to
g) Occupy all of the
cook! In fact, cooking is my favourite
hobby. space
I started on cooking when I was
very young, with my mother, and the
first thing we did together was: cookies,
gingerbread cookies because it was Answer the questions.
Christmas time. The smells from the 2
kitchen filled the room! Ever since, the
kitchen is my favourite part of the house, 1. What is Elaine’s favourite
which is why I spend most of my time hobby?
there. 2. Where does Elaine spend most
I like to try new plates and of her time? And why?
experiment until I succeeded in mixing 3. Why does she like to
the right ingredients, to improve the experiment new plates?
flavour of the food I prepare. While 4. What does Elaine like to use
cooking, I taste all the food to see if it on her cooking?
needs any salt or other spice. I also use 5. What is Elaine’s speciality?
lots of herbs in cooking because they add 6. What is Elaine’s biggest wish?
so much flavour to the food. Actually I
even grow some fresh herbs of my own!
One of my specialities is roasted
meat with potatoes, all my family loves
it! But I rather prefer preparing desserts.
My dream is to attend a cookery
course to better my performance in the

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