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National Museum of the American Indian

Intern Coordinator
National Museum of the American Indian
470 L'Enfant Plaza SW
Suite 7103 MRC 934
Washington, DC 20560
Phone: 202-287-2020
Description: |The NMALI is the most recent addition to the Smithsonian Institution with collections
spanning more than 10,000 years. One million objects represent Native cultures in the US, Canada,
Mexico, and Central America.

Internship/Seasonal Positions: The Internship positions are designed to provide an educational

opportunity in the area of museum practice and related programming. Placements are in Washington, DC
and New York City. Sometimes there is a stipend and housing available.

Approximate Number of Interns/Seasonal Employees: Vary

Experiences Offered

Historic Research x Conducting Tours

Developing Brochures Event Promotion Xx
Developing Exhibits xX Administrative xX
Video Production X Fund Raising X
Children's Programs X Other: Conservation, Photo Archives, Collections Management

Majors in addition to History accepted for internships: Anthropology, Museum Studies, English,
Native American Studies

Salary: Approximate Amount:

Housing Assistance:

Semesters Available

Fall: X Spring: X Summer: X

Application Materials:
Cover Letter
Writing Sample

Fall: Open Spring: Open Summer: Open

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