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GP IRR Checkpoint

topic : water,food,agriculture
issue : polluted water
Rq: Can the expansion of agriculture be impacted by polluted

Introduction :Water pollution is the result of undesirable elements—

typically chemicals or microorganisms—entering a water body,
lowering its quality and making it hazardous for people or the
environment. Water contamination from nutrients in agricultural
production happens when fertilizers are administered more frequently
than they are fixed by soil particles or exported from the soil profile (for
example, through plant uptake or when they wash off the soil surface
before plants can absorb them).


The main cause of water pollution is industry,agriculture,livestock

farming,rubbish,facial water dumping,maritime traffic and fuel spillages.
The discharge of industrial effluents and partially and untreated sewage
from cities and towns into their respective catchments, problems with the
upkeep and operation of sewage/effluent treatment plants, a lack of
dilution, and other non-point sources of pollution are the primary causes of
river pollution in the nation.In addition to organic animal wastes, antibiotics,
silage effluents, and processing wastes from plantation crops, pesticides
and fertilizers used in agriculture have the potential to pollute surface and
groundwater.When fertilizers are applied more often than they are fixed by
soil particles or exported from the soil profile (for example, via plant uptake
or when they wash off the soil surface before plants can take them up),
crop production-related water pollution from nutrients results.Some
pesticides, industrial byproducts, sulfur compounds, nitrogen compounds,
mercury compounds, and other heavy metals are the most commonly
reported water contaminants originating from industrial air

Consequences:In addition to being poisonous and unfit for human

consumption or use in vital industries like agriculture, it is also the source of
illnesses like cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, typhoid, and poliomyelitis, which
claim the lives of over 500,000 people year globally.The quality of the water
is causing harm to the environment, health, and international economy. In
agriculture water pollution will damage the water so the crops won't
grow well since it is polluted water.

Global perspective:
With the scarcity of freshwater and the rising amount of waste being
produced, which is then dumped into the sea, rivers, lakes, and other
bodies of water, as well as on land, water pollution poses a major
threat to surface and groundwater supplies worldwide.At the moment,
44% of wastewater on Earth is released back into the environment
untreated.Water pollution is a worldwide issue that has gotten worse
in both rich and developing nations, endangering billions of people's
physical and environmental health as well as economic
progress.While concerns related to water quantity, efficiency, and
allocation have received the majority of attention globally, inadequate
wastewater treatment has led to severe water quality issues in many
regions of the world, exacerbating the water crisis. In addition to the
resource's physical scarcity, many countries' steadily declining water
quality contributes to the world's growing water scarcity by lowering
the amount of clean water available for usage.

National perspective:
The state of water pollution in India is as dire, endangering aquatic
life, flora, human health, and ecological balance. In an attempt to
tackle this grave threat, numerous environmental laws have been
passed worldwide, including in India, yet things are only becoming
worse with time. Recently, there has been an increase in concern over
agricultural diffuse pollution sources in integrated water quality
management. other wealthy industrialized nations, such sources are
probably even more important in developing nations like India, where
agriculture and rural habitats still hold a significant position. mainly
traditional agricultural practices with average pesticide and fertilizer
application and large areas under dry farming or only marginal
irrigation; a large population of cattle, since agriculture is almost
always associated with animal husbandry a culture of living near
rivers, if not in them, with predominantly instream uses for bathing,
washing, and other personal hygiene.
India's water supply has been contaminated by both industrial and
agricultural activity.

Similar perspective:
For almost a century, the public has been concerned with the control
of water contamination. The evolution of viewpoints on water pollution
over the past 50 years, as well as societal assessments of the viability
and practicality of different solutions, were among the study's main
areas of attention. An additional area of study was the
conceptualizations of water contamination created by technicians and
natural scientists, who are considered essential knowledge providers.

National course of action:

Cut back on CO2 emissions to stop the world from warming and the
oceans from becoming more acidic.
Minimize the application of fertilizers and chemical pesticides to crops.
Waste water can be safely treated and reduced in order to be used
again for energy production and irrigation without posing a pollution
Reduce the amount of single-use plastics that, many of which are
microplastics, end up floating in rivers, lakes, and the ocean.
To protect species and prevent the waters from becoming less
accessible, promote sustainable fishing.Pretreating a portion of the
water before reintroducing it into the streams is probably the best
approach to lessen water pollution. This is an extremely efficient
option because almost all pollutants in wastewater can be removed by
chemical, physical, or biological processes at wastewater treatment

Source evaluation:
A thorough assessment of water quality is a crucial technical step in
the management and treatment of the water environment. The
production and transformation mechanisms of black-sticking water
bodies were not well studied by the prior research methodologies. In
light of this, the principal component analysis (PCA) method was
utilized to identify the primary pollution factors and sources of the
watershed, and the vertical stratification characteristics of the water
bodies were examined. The single pollution index method and the
comprehensive water quality identification index method (Iwq) were
employed to assess the pollution characteristics of rivers.

Personal perspective:
Polluted water is very harmful. It can hurt animals who inhabit the
water or sea.water pollution can lead to global warming which
destroys the entire earth due to heat.Global warming will destroy the
iceberg because of that the water level increases so ic can cause
huge floods and tsunami which can destroy entire cities,state and
continent.So it is really a major issue that everyone needs to work
together to stop water pollution.

%20is,500%2C000%20people%20 worldwide%20every%20 April 22
2021- Merger of Iberduero and Hidroeléctrica Española.Iberdrola.


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