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Name: Kat Murray Grade: First Date: 4/2/2024

Content Area: Social Studies Unit: Wants and Needs Lesson: Wants and Needs

Lesson Focus: Goods and Services

What will your MT be doing? Observing and tallying the amount of blurts that happen during the lesson. (For our Blurt
Bean jar)

Learning Target I can identify a want and a need.

Standards K- E1.0.1: Describe economic wants they have experienced

● If You Take A Mouse to School by Laura Numeroff

Materials Needed
● Chart Paper x4

● Whole group
● Teacher-led/ direct teaching
● Discussion-based

● Elbow Partners ● Sharing Out


To introduce our lesson, I will remind students that in our last unit we talked about families. I will
Introduction to remind them that families provide safety and love. I will then tell them that families also help to
Lesson meet people's wants and needs. I will then ask students what types of things are our wants and
(5 mins) needs. I will give them a minute to think as I pull out a T chart. I will then allow students time to
share their answers and I will be documenting them on our T chart.

As they give me some of their answers, I will be asking them if the item is something that we
want or something that we need. I will be writing it on the corresponding side of the Tchart. Some
of the expected answers are, Needs: shelter, love, clothes, food, water. Wants: toys, electronics,
Guided Practice recess equipment. I will tell the students that we will be reading If You Take a Mouse to School by
(10 mins) Laura Numeroff but as I am reading I want them to listen out for the wants and needs of the
mouse. Once we reach the end of our read-aloud I will pull out another chart labeled “Mouse
Wants and Needs” and ask the students to identify the items that the mouse has asked for and
list them out as students state them.

After we list out all of the items that the mouse asked for, (lunchbox, sandwich, snack, notebook,
Read Aloud/
pencils, backpack, locker, blocks, clay, books, paper) . I will then open up the discussion about
whether these items are wants or needs. After we have a discussion and sort them into the
‘correct’ categories, I will tell students that an economic want is something that we want. It is a
(10 mins)

Closing/ Transition As an exit ticket I will ask each student for an example of a want or a need.
Out of Lesson
(5 mins)

Assessment ● Oral

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