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Von Neumann architecture and non-Von Neumann architecture are two different
ways of organizing and designing computer systems. Von Neumann architecture
consists of a single shared memory for both data and instructions. It uses a sequential
flow of data and instructions, where the CPU fetches an instruction from memory,
decodes it, executes it, and then stores the result back into memory. In Von Neumann
architecture, instructions and data are fetched from memory sequentially. This means
that the CPU has to wait for the data to be fetched before the next instruction can be
executed. It is simple, widely used, and easy to understand, but it may suffer from the
fetch-decode-execute bottleneck and limited parallelism, leading to potential
performance limitations in certain applications.

Non-Von Neumann architectures can have multiple memory units, with separate
memory spaces for data and instructions. Instead of sequential flow, these architectures
can allow for parallel processing and simultaneous execution of multiple instructions. It
may also allow for simultaneous access to multiple memory locations, reducing the
need for sequential access and thereby potentially improving performance. It also can
have multiple processing units or processors working in parallel. This enables
concurrent execution of instructions and faster processing times. Non-Von Neumann
architectures can provide increased parallelism, potentially leading to improved
performance in tasks that can benefit from parallel processing. However, this
architecture can be more complex to design and program.

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