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HISTORY 2 (112/2)

1. The Brandt Report was an official report by an international group of of politicians under
the chairmanship of Willi Brandt the former chancellor of West Germany in 1980 which
discussed the problems of the third world.

Reasons as to thy the South is poor as the Brandt Report.

i) Dependence on the North. This is because of Neo-colonialism in which Western
powers exert more control on he poor economics.
ii) Mono-cultural economics
iii) Unbalanced trade. Prices of manufactured goods continue to go up and the prices of
primary goods continue to go down.
iv) Foreign aid/load Aid with high interests continues to humiliated the Southern
hemisphere nationalities.
v) Rapid population increase. This exersabate unemployment, famine, disease and
vi) Political instabilities. This intern contribute to poverty like in South Sudan, Libya,
DR Congo, Mozambique as well as greater central Africa.
vii) Draught and other natural hazard like cyclones and intensive flood.

2. The congress of Vienna 1814-1815 was an international conference called by the major
European states to remark Europe immediately after the downfall of Napoleon I. It was a
vital force to the rise 148 revolutions
The roles of the congress to the rise of 1848 revolutions:
i) It abused the principles of nationalism. A member of European states were put
under foreign domination for example: Italian and Germany states. They demanded
self rule.
ii) It restored unpopular autocratic and conservative regimes. For instance: the
bourbons in France, Ferdinand I in Naples and Victor Emmanuel in Piedmout.
iii) It gave birth to the rise of Metternich system. High spy network espionage, tortune
and general humiliation.
iv) The heavy punishment given to France and her allies. These like Belgium and
v) It relayed the unification of Germany and Italy.
vi) It put more concentration on the further French aggression.
vii) It suppressed the new forces of liberalism

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3. Working class movements are organized associations among the workers formed to
struggle for workers’ rights and protection against undesirable and exploitative working
conditions. The movements were originally formed as reactions against exploitation of
workers by industrial owners so as to improve working and living conditions in factories.
These were luddism, Chetism and New Model Unionism.

Methods used by the workers in their struggles:

i) Breaking of achiness. Example luddism
ii) Street demonstrations. Example (Gartism)
iii) Presentation of potitions. This was to parliament.
iv) Political representation in the parliament This was chartism.
v) Public meetings and conference. This was new model unionism
vi) Publication of books, pamphlets, newspaper. This is new model Trade unionism

4. i) Undermined legal democratic governments

ii) Rise of extreme nationalism. This was in Germany, Italy, the Balkans.
iii) Racism and persecution of minorities. This was like the Nazi holocaust in Germany.
iv) Aggressive expansionist policies. Example: Italy invaded Corfu in 1923, Abyssinia
in 1935, Japan attacked Madurai (1933) and Germany attacked Austria and
Czechoslovakia and Poland (1939)
v) Formation of aggressive alliances. Example Rome – Berlin – Tokyo Alliance.
vi) It wakened the league of Nations
vii) Outbreak of Second World War (1939)
viii) Spread to autocracies in other parties of the world. Example in Congo’s Mobutu and
Charles Stailers in Liberia.

5. Strategies adopted by the Chinese leadership after the death of Mao

i) Educational and cultural exchanges
ii) Opening trade relations with USA and the West
iii) Encouraged foreign investment and technology transfer
iv) Establishing joint ventures. Such ventures include relief provision and infrastructure
v) Improving diplomatic relations
vi) Involvement in United Nations activities
vii) Semrity related ties from 1980 with the West
viii) Signing of the Shanghai communiqué.

6. Influences (factors) for the rise of USA capitalist hegemony (world super power)
i) Slave trade and slavery
ii) Confiscation of British investment
iii) The isolationist policy
iv) Political stability

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v) Possession of abundant natural resources (oil)
vi) Nature of USA population (cosmopolitan society)
vii) Role of USA dollar diplomacy
viii) The role of world wars (WWI and WWII)

7. The Middle East crisis is a major challenge towards word diplomacy and peace of the
i) The influence of West – East tensions. This implies the Russo – Chinese alliance
which supports the Palestinians against the Western backed Israel State
ii) The question of land
iii) Weakness of United Nations (UN)
iv) Role of USA (strunch supporter of Israel)
v) Disunity among the Arab nations (hypocrisy)
vi) The question of the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is contested by both Arabs and
Jews to be their capital city.
vii) The issue of religion (Islam verse Judaism)
viii) West double standards
ix) New – colonialism
x) West’s thirsty over Arab resources (oil and natural gas)

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