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Numerical Solutions

Engr. Ian Chris L. Tumulak

At the end of this topic, the student will be able to

• Learn to analyze and solve numerical solutions by bracketing method False Position
Method and Open Methods

• Solve problems using numerical techniques

Sample Problem 2: Bisection Method
• A beam is loaded as shown in the figure. Use the bisection method to solve for the position inside the beam
where there is no moment.

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Sample Problem 2: Bisection Method
• A beam is loaded as shown in the figure. Use the bisection method to solve for the position inside the beam
where there is no moment.

• For your seatwork, solve the reactions at the

supports of the given beam.

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Sample Problem 2: Bisection Method
• A beam is loaded as shown in the figure. Use the bisection method to solve for the position inside the beam
where there is no moment.

F(x) = 265x – 150(x-2) – 300(x-4.5) – 285(10-x) + 100(12-x)

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Sample Problem 2: Bisection Method
• Using Bisection Method

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

False-Position Method

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

• False-Position Method
― A shortcoming of the bisection method is that, in dividing the interval from xl to xu into equal
halves, no account is taken of the magnitudes of f(xl) and f(xu).

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale


Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Derivation of Formula

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Sample Problem
Problem Statement: Using the false-position method, determine the drag
coefficient c needed for a parachutist of mass m = 68.1 kg to have a velocity of 40 m/s
after free-falling for time t = 10 s.
Note: The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2
𝑚𝑔 − 𝑡
Use the equation to solve c: 𝑓 𝑐 = 1−𝑒 𝑚 −𝑣

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Sample Problem

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Open Methods: Simple
Fixed-Point Iteration

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

• Open Methods
― Simple Fixed-Point Iteration
― Newton-Raphson Method
― Secant Method

• In Bracketing Method, the root is located within an interval prescribed by a lower and an upper
bound. Repeated application of these methods always results in closer estimates of the true value
of the root. Such methods are said to be convergent because they move closer to the truth as
the computation progresses.

• In contrast, the open methods described in this topic are based on formulas that require only a
single starting value of x or two starting values that do not necessarily bracket the root. As such,
they sometimes diverge or move away from the true root as the computation progresses

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Simple Fixed-Point Iteration
• Also called a one-point iteration or successive substitution.

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Simple Fixed-Point Iteration
• Also called a one-point iteration or successive substitution.

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Simple Fixed-Point Iteration
Example: Use simple fixed-point iteration to locate the root of 𝑓 𝑥 = 𝑒 −𝑥 − 𝑥

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Simple Fixed-Point Iteration

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Newton-Raphson Method

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

• Newton-Raphson Method
― the most widely used of all root-locating formulas.

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Sample problem
Use the Newton-Raphson method to estimate the root of 𝑓 𝑥 = 𝑒 −𝑥 − 𝑥, employing an initial guess
of x0 = 0

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Sample problem
Solution: Solve the first derivative of the given function.

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Secant Method

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

• Secant Method
― This approach requires two initial estimates of x. However, because f(x) is not required to
change signs between the estimates of x, it is not classified as a bracketing method.

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Sample Problem

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Sample Problem

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

1. Determine the real roots of

2. Using the given function

3. Determine the highest real roots of 𝑓 𝑥 = 2𝑥 3 − 11.7𝑥 2 + 17.7𝑥 − 5 using the following methods:

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale


Determine the highest real roots of

𝒇 𝒙 = 𝟐𝒙𝟑 − 𝟏𝟏. 𝟕𝒙𝟐 + 𝟏𝟕. 𝟕𝒙 − 𝟓 using

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Initial Laboratory Requirements:
Develop a user-friendly program for the following methods. You can use our sample problems as
your reference in designing your program.

A. Bracketing Method

1. Bisection Method
2. False-position Method

B. Open Method

1. Newton-Raphson Method
2. Secant Method

You can submit this on or before the prelim examination. Make sure that you will be submitting your
own plates as I will automatically give a failing grade to those students who will submit EXACTLY THE
SAME plates.

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Laboratory Requirements:
Develop program for the following methods. Test your answer by using the problem below. You can
submit this on or before the prelim examination. Make sure that you will be submitting your own plates
as I will automatically give a failing grade to those students who will submit EXACTLY THE SAME plates.

A. Bracketing Method

1. Bisection Method

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Machine Problem 02:
Problem Statement: Using the false-position method, determine the drag
coefficient c needed for a parachutist of mass m = 80.0 kg to have a velocity of 36 m/s
after free-falling for time t = 20 s.
Note: The acceleration due to gravity is 9.812 m/s2
𝑚𝑔 − 𝑡
Use the equation to solve c: 𝑓 𝑐 = 1−𝑒 𝑚 −𝑣


2 Members per group only.

Use excel to program the Iteration
Expected output of the table
is shown in the Image

Submit MS Teams Chat

Source: Numerical Methods for Engineers by Chapra and Canale

Attendance at 8:45 PM

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