Loading Contoso Demo Datafor Dynamics AX2009

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Loading Contoso Demo Data for

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009

Date: March 2010


DIFFERENT DATA SETS AND FILE FORMATS ............................................................................................................ 3

STRUCTURE OF CONTOSO GROUP OF COMPANIES ................................................................................................ 3

WORKING WITH THE DYNAMICS DAT FILE FORMAT .............................................................................................. 4

EXPORTING CONTOSO DATA USING MICROSOFT DYNAMICS AX...............................................................................................4

IMPORTING CONTOSO DATA USING MICROSOFT DYNAMICS AX...............................................................................................4
Preliminary actions needed before importing .......................................................................................................4
Import CEU company data ....................................................................................................................................5
Import CEE company data.....................................................................................................................................7
Import CEC company data ..................................................................................................................................11
ERRORS DURING IMPORT ...............................................................................................................................................12

WORKING WITH SQL SERVER DATABASE BACKUP ............................................................................................... 12

OPTIONS FOR RESTORING A SQL BACKUP FILE ....................................................................................................................13

1. Ax is not installed .......................................................................................................................................13
2. AX is installed .............................................................................................................................................13
RESTORING A DATABASE BACKUP .....................................................................................................................................13
BACKING UP A DATABASE ...............................................................................................................................................18

APPENDIX A: DEFINITION GROUP CREATION OPTIONS ........................................................................................ 21

APPENDIX B: TIME AND FILE SIZES FOR DAT FILE IMPORT TIME........................................................................... 22

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 2

Different data sets and file formats
On Microsoft Dynamics AX PartnerSource there are two different data sets for the U.S. English global
demo data for the Contoso group of companies:

1. The Contoso base demo data, which contains almost no transactional data.
2. The Contoso transactional demo data, which contains transactional data for some modules over
a two-year period from July 1, 2006 until July 1, 2008. Sales orders with delivery dates through
September 30, 2008 have been entered.

This data is available in two file formats:

a. Microsoft Dynamics AX DAT

b. Microsoft SQL Server BAK

To view a summary of the times and file sizes (on a dual core x86 Family 5 Model 3 Stepping 4 Genuine
Intel ~3192 MHz processor machine with 2.5 GB of RAM), see the following table. You can view
additional details in Appendix B. Your times may vary depending on your hardware specifications.

Metric Base data 2 year Transactional data

DAT import SQL BAK Restore DAT import SQL BAK Restore
Uncompressed Size (MB) 277 707 859 2086
Approximate Time (min) 25 2 150 4

Importing the DAT file takes more time. However, it is portable between different environments and AX
installations. If you have an Oracle database, you must use the DAT file.

Restoring the SQL backup file is quicker, although it may require reinstallation of non-base AX

You may need to reprocess cubes and deploy reports after loading the Demo Data. This applies when
you use either method.

Structure of the Contoso group of companies

The Contoso demo data is comprised of three main companies:

1. CEU – Contoso Entertainment USA, the company’s headquarters based in the USA.
2. CEE – Contoso Entertainment Europe, the distribution subsidiary company based in Germany.
3. CEC – Contoso Entertainment Consolidation, based in the USA.

There is also a virtual company, CVC, which includes table collections from CEU and CEE.

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 3

Working with the Dynamics DAT file format

Exporting Contoso data using Microsoft Dynamics AX

1. Import the DefGroupsContos.dat file into Dynamics AX. This file contains definition groups that
allow for the export of data for the Contoso companies.

You will work with the following definition groups to import and export data for Contoso:

Definition group Name and Description

1. CEU Export of CEU including Shared and Cross-Reference tables
2. CEE1 Export of CEE including Shared and Cross-Reference tables
3. CEE2 Export of CEE – subset of tables that are imported without validating existing records
4. CEC Export of CEC consolidation company

Appendix A contains information about how to set up of definition groups.

Importing Contoso data using Microsoft Dynamics AX

Preliminary actions to perform before importing
1. It is important that the target database for the Dynamics AX instance is empty, newly-created,
or it does not have companies with the same names as the imported names. Importing a
company over an existing company may result in missing records in the target DB or additional
duplicate entries depending on which options are selected during the import process.
2. In the target Dynamics AX instance, create the same structure of companies as in the Contoso
demo data. Create three companies: (1) CEU, (2) CEE, and (3) CEC.

3. Create a virtual company – CVC.

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 4

a. Add CEU and CEE to the CVC company.

b. Select table collections: CentralizedPayments and DirPartyCollection.

4. Restart the AOS after creating the virtual company.

Import CEU company data

1. Import the CEU.dat file, which contains shared tables, into the CEU company that you created in
the steps above. Use the following settings:

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 5

2. Click Yes to all in the following dialog:

3. If you have installed any non-base components, the following dialog may appear. Select the
following settings:

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 6

a. Click Yes in the following message box:

4. Click Yes in the following message box:

Import CEE company data

You must import two DAT files into the CEE company: (1) CEE1.dat and (2) CEE2.dat.

1. Import the CEE1.dat file, which contains shared tables, by using the following settings:

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 7

2. Click Yes to all in the following message box:

3. Click No to all in the following dialog:

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 8

4. Click Yes in following message boxes:

5. Import the CEE2.dat file, which does not contain shared tables, by using the following settings:

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 9

6. If you have installed any non-base components, you the following dialog may appear. Select the
following settings:

7. Click Yes in the following message box:

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 10

Import CEC company data

1. Import the CEC.dat file by using the following settings:

2. If you have installed any non-base components, the following dialog may appear. Select the
following settings:

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 11

a. Click Yes in the following message box:

Errors during import

Some error messages may appear in the Infolog after you import the DAT files. These do not result in
data loss as far as our investigations have revealed, and they should not cause any problems. If you
discover problems with the import process, please contact Microsoft Support through your normal

Working with SQL Server Database Backup

If you are using a SQL Server as your database for Dynamics AX 2009, you can save time loading the
demo data by using SQL Management Studio in SQL Server 2005 to restore the .BAK file, which contains
data from all the companies: CEU, CEE, CEC, including CVC.

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 12

Note about license files: When you restore a database, you get a license file along with our download.
The license is valid until June 06, 2009. Ensure that you do not lose your license file or other data during
this process by using a separate database for demo data.

Options for restoring a SQL backup file

1. AX is not installed
1. Restore the SQL backup file into the database. See the section “Restoring a database
backup” for instructions.
2. Install Dynamics AX by pointing the AOS to the restored database during installation.
3. Synchronize the AOT
i. After installation, open Microsoft Dyanmics AX
ii. open the AOT
iii. Right-click Data Dictionary
iv. Click Synchronize in the context menu

2. AX is installed
1. Stop the AOS service.
2. Restore the SQL backup file to the AX database that your AOS is pointing to. See the section
“Restoring a database backup” for instructions.
3. Start the AOS.
4. Install or reinstall any of the following AX components as needed:
 Required
i. Role Centers and Enterprise Portal
ii. Workflow
iii. Reporting Extensions
iv. Analysis Extensions
 Integration
i. .Net Business Connector
ii. AIF Web Services
iii. Biz Talk adapter
iv. Synchronization Proxy (Project Server 2007)
v. Synchronization Service (Project Server 2007)
5. Synchronize the AOT
i. After installation, open Microsoft Dyanmics AX
ii. open the AOT
iii. Right-click Data Dictionary
iv. Click Synchronize in the context menu

Restoring a database backup

Refer to the SQL Server 2005 documentation to learn how to restore a database backup. The following
link on MSDN may help you get started: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177429.aspx

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 13

Some screenshots that may assist you with this task follow below.

1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Select the Database that you want to restore the Contoso demo data to. This should be the
database that your AOS is configured to point to.
3. Right-click the database, point to Tasks, and then click Restore.
4. Click Database, to open the Restore Database dialog box.

5. On the General page, the name of the restoring database appears in the To database list box.
6. In the To a point in time text box, retain the default setting, Most recent possible.
7. To Specify the source and location of the backup sets to restore, click From Device.
a. Click the browse button to open the Specify Backup dialog box.
b. In the Backup media list box, select File as the device type. Click Add.

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 14

8. The Locate Backup File dialog box appears. Select the path to the location where you have
saved the ContosoDemoDataAX2009.bak file. Click OK intil you return to the Restore Database
dialog box.

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 15

9. In the Select the backup sets to restore grid, select the backup that you want to restore by
placing a check mark in the Restore checkbox.

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 16

10. Then click Options in the Select a page pane.
11. In the Restore options panel, select the Overwrite the existing database restore option. Click
OK on the Restore Database dialog box.

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 17

Backing up a database
Please refer to the SQL Server 2005 documentation to learn how to back up a database. The following
link on MSDN may help you get started: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187510.aspx

Some screenshots that may assist you with this task follow below.

1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Select the Database that you need to restore the Contoso demo data to. This should be the
database that your AOS is configured to point to.
3. Right-click the database, point to Tasks, and then click Backup. The Back Up Database dialog
box appears.

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 18

4. In the Database list box, verify the database name. In the Backup type list box, select Full. For
Backup component, click Database.
5. Choose the type of backup destination by clicking Disk. Click Add to select the path to back up
your database to and click OK. The selected path is displayed in the Backup to list box.
6. Enter the name of the file (Destination on disk) in the pop-up dialog Select Backup Destination
and click OK.

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 19

7. To view or select the advanced options, click Options in the Select a page pane. You may
configure these as you wish.

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 20

Appendix A: Definition group creation options

Definition groups CEU and CEE1 are created based on the following settings:

Definition groups CEE2 and CEC are created based on the following settings:

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 21

Appendix B: Time and File sizes for DAT file import time

CEU CEE CEC SQL DB Hardware used

Base 2yr Base 2yr Base 2yr 2yr
Data Transaction Data Transaction Data Transaction Transaction
Import, 11 127 12 12 2 2 3 Memory: 2,5 Gb
min Processor(s): 2 Processor(s) Installed.
Size, 230 811 27 31 17 17 2086 [01]: x86 Family 5 Model 3 Stepping 4
Mb GenuineIntel ~3192 Mhz
[02]: x86 Family 5 Model 3 Stepping 4
GenuineIntel ~3192 Mhz
Import, 5 86 7 9 2 2 3 Memory: 4Gb
min Processor(s): 2 Processor(s) Installed.
Size, 230 811 27 31 17 17 2086 [01]: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11
Mb GenuineIntel ~1968 Mhz
[02]: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11
GenuineIntel ~1968 Mhz

Loading Contoso Demo Data for Dynamics AX 2009 22

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