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JUNE 1960 SOc





ABOVE: AR-7 floats both assembled (as shown) or with
barrel, action and magazine stowed in stock. BELOW:
AR-7 shown with major components disassembled.

For many years the Armalite Division of Fairchild Engine and

Airplane Corporation has been designing and producing advanced
military firearms for governments throughout the world. All
Armalite production is keyed to the rigid specifications demanded
in modern military weapons. The following are two of the models
which demonstrate the latest advances in small arms logistics.
Both are .308 NATO caliber with major parts completely inter-
changeable not only from rifle to rifle but between rifle and
machine gun. These weapons are at present available only to
friendly foreign powers.


A one-man load allowing belt

fed machine gun firepower at less
than the weight of automatic rifles in
previous conflicts. In mobile
situations it feeds from a back pack, allowing a single man to


A 20 cartridge capacity semi- and full-automatic assault rifle

weighing less than eight pounds with advanced balance and recoil
characteristics which allow it to be fired with one hand. Click
adjustable sight is protected and built into carrying handle. The
gas operated AR-10 embodies modern light alloys and fiberglass
except in the actual firing mechanisms to achieve its unprece-
dented low weight.


Armalite Division of Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corp.
118 East 16th Street, Costa Mesa, California

Firearms dealers and jobbers please inquire.

ConCJressman Daniel J. Flood
Committee on Appropriations
11 th Dist.. Pennsylvania
THE SECOND AMENDMENT to the United States Constitution as-
sures the American people the inalienable right to keep and bear
arms for their security and this right cannot be infringed with-
out negating the purposes and principles of our free society.

ConCJressman Byron L. Johnson

Committee on BankinCJ & Currency
2d Dist.. Colorado
ALTHOUGH THE SECOND AMENDMENT has never been repealed, its original purpose
of a civil militia, and assurance of the right of popular revolution, no longer holds
today. Certainly, the legitimate use of guns is widely accepted. The abuses-both
deliberate and accidental-should lead thoughtful citizens to a growing concern for
safety and the protection of human life and property.
In protecting the constitutional right to possess and carry arms, we must not over-
look the need for a broader program of safety education in the handling of fire-
arms to help reduce the tragic loss of life and great number of injuries.
'I:he constitution was also intended to insure domestic tranquility; and the public
has a right to reasonable protection against felonious use of firearms.

ConCJressman GeorCJe Huddleston. Jr.

Committee on Armed Services
9th District. Alabama
THERE WERE TEN basic rights which, we are told, the founding fathers agreed to
attach as amendments to the Constitution of their authorship so that it would be

ratified and accepted as the law of the land. It is significant that the second of these
amendments, known collectively as the "Bill of Rights," cites the "right of the people
to keep and bear arms."
Considering the circumstances of that historical period, it is easily understandable
that the need of a "well·regulated militia" should be mentioned in connection with
that right. It is interesting, however, that there is no stipulation that those who
"keep" arms must use them only for purposes of the' militia. (Emphasis supplied.)
NOW FR.O M In my opinion, that right is just as important to us today, as individuals and as
a democratic society, as it was to our forefathers. We have, of course, a permanent

military force that stands ready to defend our boundaries against foreign attack and,
in most communities, a trained police force obviates the necessity that each family be
ready to defend itself by use of arms. Nevertheless, there are still occasions and
areas (and unfortunately not just in isolated, non-populated places) where one might
Top quality .38 and have to serve as his own "militia" in numerous emergency-type situations.
.44 caliber half. Further, personal ownership and knowledge of guns have made thousands of citizens
jackets now available valuable members of the National Guard, military reserve units, and Civilian Defense
from your dealer. Join the swing to Corps groups. These organizations have, of course, been declared by law to be vital
jacketed revolver bullets. Swage your to the strength, safety, and general welfare of our nation.
own using precision made Speer half.
Certainly, then, in my mind, there is no doubt as to the importance of the second
amendment to the Constitution as it affects us in the present-day situation, nor~ any
jackets and lead wire•.
doubt that it must be actively retained as a major right of our people.


ConCJressman Ken Hechler
. 38 Caliber .300" for .38 Cal•
Comm.: Science & Astronautics
$10.75 per 1000 .365" for .44 Cal.
4th District. West VirCJinia
.44 Caliber 10 Ib./box $0.62/lb •
$12.25 per 1000· Packed 12 lengths
00 I BELIEVE THE Constitutional right of the people "to keep and bear arms IS still
significant in today's world of atomic bombs and guided missiles. In a limited atomic
war, the possession of small arms would enable our citizens to resist invading troops
more effectively.
Publishers of the world's finest World War II dramatized the importance of the citizen's right to keep and bear
. reloading manuals for hand- anus. The list of licensed gun-owners in the town halls of conquered Western Europe
loaders. Ask your dealer for a
copy • • • • • • $2.75 each enabled the Nazis to more easily combat the underground. And one of Churchill's most
urgent requests of the United States was for the shipment of a half-million .30 rifles
for the Home Guard.
But a somber responsibility goes with our Constitutional right to keep and bear
arms~the responsibility for stringent safety measures and proper instruction in
their use.

Readers' ote: .All Congressmen may be addressed as "House Office Building," and all
Senators as "Senate Office Building," both at "Washington 25, D. c."

4 GUNS JUNE 1960

JUNE. 1960
Vol. VI, No. 6-66

George E. von Rosen


Arthur S. Arkush
Ass't to the Publisher

E. B. Mann Editor
Wm. B. Edwards Technical Editor
Elmer Keith Shooting Editor
shooting .•.
Kent Bellah Handloading "IF IT'S IN RANGE-IF YOU CAN SEE IT-
YOU CAN HIT IT" Bob Witt 16
Roslyn Wallis Editorial Ass't NEW TARGET HELPS DA GUNNERS Dick Simmons 22

Sydney Barker ..... .Art Director guns americana . • •

HE RODE WITH WYATT.'. . Lea McCarty 19
Lew Merrell Ass't Art Director GUN OF THE MONTH: The Hamilton-Burr Duel. William B. Edwards 38

collector •..
Marvin Ginn Advertising Director WORLD'S BIGGEST GUN MUSEUM William B. Edwards 24
Lee Salberg Ass't Adv. Dir. new guns ..•
Lou Weber Advertising Sales GUNS GO ELECTRiC William C. L Thompson 27
M. Magnusson Classified Adv.
military ..•
L. R. Pector Production Manager
workshop .••
Kay Elliott Ass't Production Mgr. NEW TOOLS FOR STOCKS Cliff Curtis 32

departments . . .
Lou Satz Circulation Manager KNOW YOUR LAWMAKERS 4
George Tsoris Promotion Manager ELMER KEITH SAYS. . Elmer Keith 8
HANDLOADING BENCH. .. Kent Bellah 12
Editorial Advisory Board . PULL!. . . . . . . . Dick Miller 14
Col. George 1111. Chinn Military THE GUN MARKET............................... 64
Carola Mandel Skeet
Stuart Miller Cartridges .
Val Forgett " Collectors
Dee Woolem Fast Draw
Bill Toney : ..•............ Police
Les Field Legislation
EDITORIAL OFFICES: E. B. Mann, W. B. Edwards. 8150 N. Central Park. Skokie. III., ORchard 5-5602
Elmer Keith, Salmon, Idaho. Kent Bellah, Saint Jo, Texas.
REPRESENTATIVES: NEW YORK, Eugene L. Pollock, 60 East 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y., YUkon
6-9280. MIDWEST ADV. OFFICES, 8150 N. Central Park Ave., Skokie, III., ORchard 5-6967. CALI-
FORNIA, The Ren Averill Co., Ren Averill, 232 N. Lab Ave., Pasadena, Calif. MUrrav 1-7123.
THE COVER SOUTHERN, Hal Moore, 279 NE 79th St., Miami 38, Fla. PLaza 8-5516.
Firepower for soldiers and the gun-fun GUNS magaZine is publishM monthly by Publisher's Development Corp., 8150 N. Central Park Avenue. Skokie.
Illinois. Second class postage paid at Skokie, Illinois. and at additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIPTIONS: One
story of Lucky McDaniel tie in with issue year. S5.00. Single copy 50c. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: FOUl" weeks' notice required on all changes. Send old
address as well as new CONTRIBUTORS submittin~ manusc~ts. photographs or drawings do so at theil' own
of M-14 rifle to 101 st Airborne at Fort ~s~n~:il~\~eC~7nao~e~\a~~~~nn~d,~n:e~gv:;c~e~~~~io~i~uan~i~~.taPt°';.N)-jig :;'~~:i~~~Te~'f~~~n~~ rD~~R¥ISf~d
Campbell, Ky. "Firepower," story of M60 RATES furnished on requC!st. Copyright 1960, Publishers Development Corporation •.All rights reserved.
machine gun is GUNS ex'e1usive review.
But Lucky's own story will, help you im-
prove skeet scores, get more fun from
gun sports, and may aid in using M-14
just released to civilian marksmen through
the D.C.M.

GUNS JUNE 1960 5

MILLED Mad. f.r
SCOPES fl.lg', . ,
AMMUNITION 25th Sako, teatur-
ing Sako's
BLANKS YEAR smooth-workinl
hinged floor plate,
with f'oor.plo ..
release button in-
GUN. side trigger guard,
SMITHING completely blued. Will
SERVICE fit any M·1903 Spring-
field,inciuding.03.A3. In.
creases resale value to your
$porterized Springfield. A
$IS.OO .oluo-$IO.OO.


GER GUARDS with catch, pin and
spring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . $4.50
6 MILES NEW SPRINGFIELD A3·03 2·Gr. Barrels,
each $3.00. Case of 10 $17.50
SPRINGFIELD 4-g,.. issue barrels. (A3-03 • Lewiston, Idaho: Through the cooperation
MILLVALE, PA. PITTSBURGH or 1903), with both sight bases, each
$9.00. Case of 10 . . . • . • . . . . . . $70.00 of Dick Speer of Cascade Cartridge Inc., and
~~a~yYro\ ~P~~~:1:I~: :tr'i~~i:~I$I.~g the Cascade Television Co., live trap shoot-
ing was TV'd from the grounds of the Lewis-
-. '--
-- '--------------------
---------------------- ------
ton club to hundreds of thousands of resi-
dents of northern Idaho and eastern Wash-
Med. Heavy Weight 26"-4 Ibs. 4 on. THE NEW FLAIG
ACE FINISHED ington. The program drew high viewer rat-
BARRELS AND ings. The camera covered the whole line of

Sporter-weight 24"-3 Ibs.
shooters, with close· ups of interesting indi-
Barreled Actions vidual competitors. The members reported
Lightweight 22"-2 Ibs. 6 oz. (White)
ltfade exclusively fOl' Flaigs b)" a nationall)' known barrel maker, each barrel Is the best quality. six tn'oove.
that the TV equipment did not bother them
N~~~~~ :~f?~ll~l. 17a2~ :~yr¥~~ ~~~\';:~~~n~a~~~teJ~~ift~~f·J~~l.reh;~~!¥~u~~. 9s8m~WU~!~~Fila~SC~a~~~I~hl·~~~~~~: nor hurt their scores.
~i~... ~~'; ~~~I'~:" 2~~t6 ~7~OWtn~~a~r.~aiia~s~~~1~~(5dR~~; ..th3co62s;~:~· 3~~O ,J'i~~~·t30~~g ~~·22~41te~~mior 2t~~
722 Rem. only. Also now available Cal. 6.Sx55.


* "* *
• Hollywood, Calif.: A fighting mad Gene
NOW! ACE BARRELS FOR .33B WIN. Autry, miffed at TV Western heroes who
(White), Each $24.00 Your choice of 24" Sporter wei~ht or 26" med.
\'Il.. fitted to yom' action. (Win. 70. Enfield, Hi~h claim they can outshoot singing cowboys,
(1!ltY~U:a~~t~~~ No. Spl"iug-field, FN or 98 Mauser-no others).
and Test-fire. Returned F.O.B. Millvale, Pa., Un· offers to bet 10,000 that "a 16-year·old boy
less POSt3::rC and Insuranc~ Remittance Is En- Head spaced and test fired . . . " . . . . . • . . . . $40.00
closed) }o".N.-Ace Barrel Acc.ion. (White) . . . . $67.50
Using F. N. Supreme (Series 400) Mauser If we furnish FN Deluxe Action . . . "..... 79.00 working for me can outdraw and outshoot
action . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . " . . . . . . . • . • . $77.50 If we furnish FN 400 Action . . . • . . . . • . . . 89.00 any TV actor." Anyway, Autry said, "I've
always thought the quick draw was over-
rated. I tried to sing myself out of situ-
ations, rather than shoot my way out."
* * *
• A dry, roasted bird is a thing of the past
in Argentina, according to Veterinary Medi-
RARE TURNED AND cine Magazine. An hour before a bird is
SEMI·INLETTED slaughtered, it is force· fed a tablespoon of
CIRCASSIAN WALNUT BLANKS cognac. The bird relaxes and tensions dis-
Rare Circassian Walnut-Imported from Turkey. For the first time in many years we now offer appear. Cognac adds a slightly extra zest to
this distinctively attractive, light weight, yet very close grained walnut. Takes smooth finish and the flavor of the meat. Hunters have one
sharp checkering. No other wood compares with Rare Circassian Walnut for stock making. Turned
and semi-inlelled Circassian Walnut stocks, $16.S0 to $BO.oo-Mannlicher length $5.00 additional. problem: how to administer a toddy to a
Rifle blanks $15.00 to $7S.00. Shotgun blanks $10.00 to $SO.OO. Pistol grip blanks (pair) $2.S0 to scary grouse or wary pheasant. We suggest
a bit of sal t on the tail to pin the bird down.

$2S.OO to $S5.00
$6.00 to $40.00
$B.oo to $3S.00
$B.oo to $7S.oo
I If this fails, #6 or #71fz shot, liberally
applied, may turn the trick. If all else fails,
shoot and dress bird, present to wife for
ACE TRIGGER SHOE cooking, take off boots by fireplace, force-
Write for free list No. 31
$2.50 feed cognac to self.
Specify gun.
• Eclectic, Ala.: Two bandits kidnapped
Filled, $6.00 more Eclectic's police chief, then forced Cashier-
25c manager Carl Ray Barker to open the Bank
of Eclectic. Then they held the police, the
banker, Barker's wife and small daughter, at
gun point for an hour until a time lock
would open the bank vault. James Franklin
Bray, one of the bandits, forced Police Chief
Maxie Taunton to go with him to find ad-
hesive tape with which to bind the captives.
With all the In their absence, banker Barker offered
Fajen features, this William D. Hayward, the other bandit, a cup
·semi-finished stock and forend, mao of coffee. When Hayward held ou~ bis
chined inletted, draw bolt hole bored cup for filling, Barker threw the pot of boil-
and completely shaped, is a favorite Semi-Finished for ing coffee over him, then grabbed his gun.
for stocking a Swedish Mauser, Italian Carcano, When Bray returned with police chief Taun-

$645 $995
No. 4 Mark 1, No. 1 Mark III and Norwegian Krag and many athers
ton he was covering the officer with drawn

$12 95
Model No. 5 British Lee Enfield
Grade 19 95
Distributed on West Coast by
gun. Fearing that a challenge would cost
the officer his life, Barker fired. The gun he
See your Dealer - if he does not have
had taken froJ;l1 Hayward was a 16 gauge
GUNSTOCK SALES, INC. shotgun. The charge hit Bray in the chest,
them order direct from this ad. Prompt 5060 Road 20, San Pablo, Calif.
Shipment - Include postage for 4 Ibs. killing him. In an ensuing scufBe, Barker
REINHART FAJEN, Dept 19r Box 338, WARSAW, MISSOURI shot the other bandit, Hayward, in the leg.
Barker has other non·banking connections.
You'll want GUN.S QUARTERLY in your library. He is a National Guard captain and a fire-
arms instructor.

6 GUNS JUNE 1960

·' new! ... shooting replicas for black powder fans ...
* DELIVERY: Rifle, June 15th; Pistoi, May 17th


At last a modern pre

loading rifle for th
This weapon is an exact re
Remington Model 1863 r
Crack troops during th
edged as the most accurate muzzl
its time. This faithful reproduction
brass mountings, beautifully b
hardened lock.

This hard-hitting
a faithful reprodu
44 Cal. Remington Army rev
the Civil War to both Nort
Cavalry units. With its top
added strength and durability needed
loads. Prized by target shooters and collecto
Model Army revolver is furnished in a lu
walnut grips.

BULLET MOULD - 44 cal. moulds, casting both round HOLSTER - exact copy of Civil War POWDER FLASH - designed to
and conical bullets - exact copy of original moulds - regulation issue Holster - -made of throw the exact charge for all
Navy Arms Co. revolvers. CoP.
brass body with iron spru cutter. Price ....•... 9.95' top grain heavy leather with stitched
per body with brass fittings.
bottom. price •..•••......••. 9.95 Price ....•.'.....••.. -. .• 20.00
In sterling silver. Price .. -90,00

GUNS JUNE 1960 7

BOX 26. BLUE POINT. L. I., N. Y.

CW Cloth Haversack . m.$2.75

CW Knapsack umu.uu 2.00
CW Carbine Sling
w ISwivel .uum. .__. 10.OO
CW Rifle Sling ..__ m n .u 2.00
CW CSA Buckle. Square.
Replica m.... u.mmm . 2.50
CW CS. Oval Buckle.
Replica mmm.uumumu__ 2.75
Colt Single Action .357 low, and the holsters were streamlined as to
CW CS. 2pc Buckle. Replica 2.50 skirts, so they could be interchanged on the
Colts announce that they are again in pro·
CW Eagle Buckle. Replica 2.50 duction of their famous old Single Action one gun belt, thus permitting the use of a
CW Round Eagle Plate. Army in caliber .357 S & W Magnum. This number of different quick draw holsters on
Replica m m m...
••• m 2.75 will be good news to a great many Colt fans the same belt, for either single action or
double action guns.
CW .58 Cal. Spr. Bayonet.. 3.00 who have wanted this gun in this caliber.
Bohlin has long produced the finest of all
CW Cannon Worm. .u..m 5.00 The old gun frame is a bit small and the
cylinder is a bit on the small side, 'diameter. safety straps for all guns. This consists of
CW Cannon Rammer m.n .. 7.00 wise, to produce a successful .44 Magnum, a tab of chap leather with a knot on the end,
1842 Bayonet .mm. Un __ 2.00 but it makes a very good .357, with ample fastened to a small coil spring and with a
1822 Bayonet .__.__ m u.... 2.50 strength for the cartridge in all factory slit to go over the hammer spur. In use, you
loadings or equivalent hand loads. Price carry the gun with the strap over the hammer
45-70 Bayonet & Scab.. 3.50 spur; but when the gun is needed, you
of the new .357 Colt Single Action is $125
45-70 Ber Belt & Buckle . 3.50 with black composition grips; walnul grips simply grasp that knot at end of the strap,
45-70 Ctg. Box 1.50 at $5 extra. pull upwards, turn it loose, and it flies away
45-70 Rifle Sling uumm. 2.00 clear of the gun. You can ride bucking
horses (as both Bohlin and I used to do),
45-70 Wrench .... 00 .50
• • 00 __ Custom Fast Draw turn somersaults, or fall in the river, and
45-70 Manual. Orig ..m. u 3.00 & Hunting Gun Rigs come up with your gun still in the holster.
Spr. Shoulder Arms For over a year, we have been working It simply cannot get out of the holster with
by Fu lIer uu __ u __ mm .uu 7.50 with Edward H. Bohlin, 931 Highland Ave., that spring-loaded tab of leather hooked
1863 Manual, Reprint ...__ . 1.50 Hollywood 38, Calif., on a combination fast over the hammer spur. Yet it is the fastest
draw and hunting rig for all sixguns. Bohlin safety strap of all to clear when you need
CW Navy Boarding Pike has made fancy outfits for a great many fast the gun in a hurry, and to my notion the
Head m m__:.m. m__. 3.00 guns and movie stars. most practical ever devised.
45-70 Carbine Sling The first Bohlin rigs that I tried out car· My own long-tab safety strap with glove
w/Snap Hook um.h __ m 5.00 ried the gun far too low to suit me, either fastener, or the thong loop over the hammer,
Sharps Carbine Ctg. Boxu.. 2.00 for comfort or fast work. They also carried or the safety tab with a hole in it through
the gun either vertical or with the butt which you let the (Single Action) firing pin
CW Cannon Ball. 3" .m.... 5.00 tipped to the rear, to suit some of the fast down, will all hold the gun in the holster;
Leather Gauntlets. Old Is- guns who use the hammer draw with the but only the old A. H. Hardy design with
sue. Need Stitching. Pro 5.00 single action. This was all wrong for me, as firing pin let down through a hole in a nar·
Cloth Epaulettes. Green I like the gun butt tipped forward, so I can row strap will clear the gun quickly. With
w/Yellow Trim. Pro .. mm 5.00 throw the gun toward the target as I draw, the Hardy rig, you simply draw the gun,
and fire only when it lines up with the target. cocking it as you draw and thus freeing the
Prices do not include postage. I also like a belt and holster that will carry gun. My safety tab and the old thong loop
Bannerman catalog. 1955 edition, the gun higher, where it is less in the way over the hammer spur are both slow to clear
$3.00 postpaid and not flopping against the leg when walk· in an emergency, the thong loop being the
ing. A tie·down is fine on such rigs when slowest of all. The Bohlin spring-loaded safe·


riding, but damn uncomfortable when climb· ty strap is the answer to a lot of problems.
ing steep mountains on foot. Bohlin made up a 2 1h" belt and several
For years, I have favored the holster with holsters, for S & W .44 Magnums with~var·
Box 26, Blue Point, L. I., N. Y.
a loop to slide on the gun belt, and have ious barrel lengths and also for the Dragoon
always favored a gun belt of 2V2" width. Ruger .44 Magnum. These rigs hold the gun
This type of belt, however, means carrying just as I like it, with the butt tipped forward
the belt rather loose, below the top of at just the right angle and with the top of gun
the hip bones, to get the butt of the gun just above the top edge of the belt and just
about half way between elbow and wrist between wrist and elbow. These have proven
when arm is· hanging naturally. This is the most comfortable rigs I have ever worn.

~ the best height for me for fast work. Riders . Both belt and holsters are calf lined of
find that, when the cartridge belt slants finest leather. The holsters fit the different
, . OLD GUNS and SWORDS down to a holster carried thus, the cart- model guns perfectly, leaving trigger and
~. You don't want to miss this absorbing • ridges tend to rub a high cantle, and the hammer clear of the leather but coming right
Bi2.~ catalog. Fascinating background and pho· top of the cantle, unless you ride a low up to the target sights on the rear of the

~ tographic illustrations of hundreds of roper, can push the cartridges out of the frame, for protection. He furnishes tie down
~ authentic old guns, daggers, swords, and
armor. For your Catalog No. 31, just send loops. strings, but they are not necessary at all.
iff $1.00 to cover handling and postage Bohlin made me a visit here at Salmon, A small strap and buckle fastens the back
rJ with your name and address. Idaho, and we decided to combine our skirt to the holster proper, and a thong

Box G, 860 Lexington Ave.
New York 21, N. Y.
ideas. This resulted in a drop-loop belt,
but with the holster loop right on a line with
also ties them together at the tip. If you wish
to change guns and holsters, it is a simple
the bottom edge of the belt. This permitted matter to unbuckle the strap and untie the
wearing the belt squarely around the body, thong, remove the holster and replace it with
in line with top of the hip bones or just be· another for a different model gun. Holsters

8 GUNS JUNE 1960

fit very tight in the belt loop" with a lIange
of leather on the skirt at the edge of
are at the front of the sleeve, which com·
pletely covers most of the scope barrel. This GUNBLAS' DAMAGE to Your
the loop, so they cannot move. Bohlin can aluminum alloy shield makes this the most
make these rigs in either plain leather or streamlined mount we have seen: Adjust.
the finest of hand carving, and with either ments are positive and stay locked, but we
plain nickel buckles and leather keepers or believe the elevation screw would have been ~ .4eeStutk
the finest hand engraved sterling silver much simpler with a plain 40·pitch screw ~ EAR-VALVS
buckles and keepers. The resulting gun belt instead of the differential type. The price They stop flinching - and iM·
PROVE SCORING by automatically
and holster rig hold the gun in exactly the of this new streamlined mount for one inch controlling harmful gunblast
same position at all times, and is the neatest, non adjustable scopes is $29.50. noise. Acclaimed by champion shooters and recom··
mended by Ear Specialists as the best protection
most comfortable and practical gun belt rig Dave Bushnell's 4X Scopechief makes an against harmful noise. They are NOT Ear Plugs - you
I have ever used. It can be made to hold the excellent glass for this mount, on most high hear normally without removing from ears. $3.95 apr.
with money back guarantee. Order TODAY or write for
gun at any angle or any height to suit the power rilles. FREE Medical Proof and Literature.
customer. I have a notion my own design SIGMA ENGINEERING COMPANY
will suit a lot of shooters, but those who S & W .22 Magnum on Cougar 1491 Vine St., Dept. K, Los Angeles 28, Californio
'want the gun tipped back or hung lower can While I was attending the Winchester·
have anything they wish, as these outfits are Western Seminar at St. Louis and later the
made to order. N.S.G.A. Show at Chicago, I loaned Jack
Nancolas my K Model 6" barrel Smith & Wes·
son for the .22 W.R.F.Magnum cartridge, to
see how it would perform on cougar. He is
an excellent pistol and rille shor,. a govern·
ment hunter, and one of the best mountain
men alive. His dogs treed a big bob cat and
Jack shot him between the eyes, the slug
going back through the skull and penetrating
to just under the skin between the shoulders,
The FolkMount perfectly mushroomed and with considerable
For several months, we have been check· loss of weight; an instant kill of course,
ing out a new and very streamlined, fully and excellent .penetration. COPYRIGHTED 196D-EDWARD H. BOHLIN

adjustable mount designed by Folke Dahl· Next, his dogs stopped a big ld tom Bohlin "Gunfighter" Buckle, 3x4" for
berg of. the Folke Gunsight Co., 2073 E. cougar. In the melee that followed, the big Ph or 2" belts, priced from $19.50. Free
Pender St., Vancouver, B. c., Canada. The cat got Jack's best lion dog down and was brochure of Western style buckles and
mount has a fixed front base, attached to the working him over when Jack started pour. large selection of improved designs of
"Worlds Finest" holsters for the Sports-
receiver with the usual two screws in hole's ing the tiny soft·point slugs into the cat to man, including Gunslinger holsters that
furnished by the makers. The rear base is save his dog. The bullets were going through have no equal for "Superfast" drawing,
attached to. one of the bridge holes and in· the head and back into the body. The one priced from $18.75.
corporates the elevation adjustments on a dif· that killed the hig lion hit just over the EDWARD H. BOHLIN
krentia~~~h Kre~ Windqe a:d:j~u:s:tm~e:n:t:s~~_ _~~~(~c:o:n~t~i~n~u~~~o~n~p~a;g~e~6~5~)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Douglas ULTRARIFLED* "button rifled"
barrel is the finest production made barrel obtainable
today. Day after day these barrels insure the attain-
ment of highest accuracy for its owner, are the least
trouble and the most profitable for the dealer-gun-
smith. You can depend on Douglas.
• Highest Quality • Button Rifled since 1953
• Low Cost • Finest In~ide Finish
• Best Discount to Gunsmith • Record Holding Barrels
• Stainless Steel • Straightest Sporters
• Chrome-Moly Steel • Most Calibers 20 to 450
• Timken (17-22-AS) Steel world's longest wearing barrel
steel for express cartridges.
Write for free descriptive data. ..
*Patented T. M. Reg. Made Exclusively by G. R. Douglas.

The G. R. Douglas Company takes pleasure
in announcing that about June it expects to
have available the first production-made muzzle
loader barrels. These barrels will come in two
different weights, and up to 42" in length.
Calibers: 36, 40, 45 and 50. The Douglas Com-
pany, whose name is synonomous with the
finest workmanship and quality, will have these
as a standardized line---a first in this type of
craftsmanship. We will be glad to send you
details or answer any question. As in the case
of its other gun barrels, Douglas means De-
GUNS JUNE 1960 9
.30 Col. Kit


Messages To Keith some crack-pot by the name of Gallup says

All Angle BIPOD There is no doubt in our minds that that fireams cause juvenile delinquency.
Tripod $17.50 Elmer Keith's .44 Magnum pistol shot that Well, they took all these other things away;
killed a deer at 600 yards was a good one. now they are trying to take our guns. One
But we know of a pistol shot that topped thing I can't figure out. Why do we still have
that one. juvenile delinquency?
Our story concerns our friend, Mr. - - - , At this stage of the game, I hope some-
from Pennsylvania, who killed a deer at 150 body doesn't say anything about cars. I live
yds. with a .44 Mag. The amazing part of his 16 miles from where I work and it would
RUG, FOR HAMMERLI, and 10" story is not the pistol he used, nor the range sure be a long walk.
barrelled hand guns •..•.••••••• S 9.50 . .. but the fact that he is a double amputee John H. Linney
FREelAND Bench Rest Stand ••..•••••• 20.00 with no hands. Churchville, N. Y.
FREelAND 14 opening Rifle Kit ..•.••••. 20.00 Howard Camp
FREelAND Foam Padded Shooting
Newnan, Georgia
Hubert Humphrey
Glove .•..••...•.•••.•.••••••••• 5.25 I was pleased to see Senator Hubert
FREELAND .22 Caliber Cartridge Humphrey's statement in your "Know Your
blocks, 50 hole $2.00, DeWar. . • . • • . . 2.30 We ·cannot help but feel that we have
come up with the answer to the birth con- Lawmakers" department. I would like to
FREELAND Sling Keeper. . • • . . • • • • • • •. 1.25
" Deluxe Cuff & QD hook .••.•.•.. 4.25 trol controversy and the crowded world con- know what other presidential candidates
" Mid-Century cuff Comb. •••.••••. 8.50 ditions we face today. All we have to do is have to say about the subject of firearms
" Alum. butt plate .......•••••••. 10.50 arm the populace with sidearms, and have control. It is vitally important that we know
butt plate w/rubber pad ...••••. 13.00 the Old Master Elmer Keith himself teach where any candidate for any public office
Schutzen hook for above ..•...•. 8.50
the art of Combat Quick Draw. stands on this subject, and. especially a
" OlYMPIC PALM REST 12.50 candidate for the Presidency. We must ex-
CARBI DE LAMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.40 Bill Hartley
Newnan, Georgia ercise constant vigilance.
Trigger Pull Gauge.................. 5.80 David H. Rosen
RIG SCORING GAUGE............... 2.00 Certain evidence in addition to the identi-
cal address suggests that both these postal. Glen Oaks, N. Y.
MITCHELL # 2 Shoo.ting Glasses....... 10.74
lOX SHOOTING COAT ...•......•.... 20.00 card comments came from the same writer.
MARLIN 39-A Regular or Mountie..... 79.95 However, one of them was addressed "To
Lyndon B. Johnson
Win. Model 70's. . . . 134.95 The Best Darn Gun Magazine In The World" Recently, several of my friends and I,
REMINGTON 40X rifle .•..•....•.•••.136.45 -and we can't resist jlattery.-Editor. numbering close to 40, sent a letter to Lyn-
Remington 66 NYlON ....•....••..•. 52.95 don B. Johnson, our Texas Senator, Demo-
Mossberg 144-LS... . 49.95 cratic party leader in Washington. We re-
Sturm Ruger, Single-6 63.25 Warning quested that he fight any law which might
Series #300 F.N. MAUSER Rifle 170.00 This is to inform you that the antigun already be in effect or might be proposed
**LEE SONIC EAR STOPPLES, Pair.. .•. 3.95 cranks are at it again in Georgia and that that might tend to take away our rights to
ACE TRIGGER SHOE, me~tion gun. • . • • . 2.50 they will attempt to strip the people of their
S&W Bodyguard 70.00 own and shoot our guns.
Constitutional rights at this session of the I received his reply yesterday. He assures
Prices Sub;ect 10 Change Without NOlice
legislature. Please alert all your readers and us that he will carefully consider any such
MARLIN, S&W, RUGER, HIGH-STANDARD, CROS- ask them to write to Governor Vandiver and legislation in the light of views and those
MAN, MOSSBERG, FIREARMS, SHERIDAN, BSA the members of the State Legislature, pro- voiced to him by many other Texans.
testing gun registration laws, laws requiring I sincerely urge everyone who loves guns
FREELAND'S permits to carry guns, and laws against and shooting to write to their lawmakers-
Scope Stands. Inc. carrying concealed weapons. now!
AL FREELAND Wallace H. C. Colly Jr. Keith Newman
3737 14th Avenue Rock Island. III. Atlanta, Georgia Ft. Worth, Texas

Cars Next? Senator John F. Kennedy writes

Five or six years ago, you could go into (GUNS, April): "By -calling attention to 'a
any drug store and buy what was called a well regulated militia,' the 'security' of the
"Horror Comic." Then somebody said that nation, and the right of each citizen 'to keep
70E.if= This gauge tells you they caused juvenile delinquency, so now you and bear arms,' our founding fathers rec-

at a glance-
can't buy them anymore. We also used to be ognized the essentially 'civilian nature of our
economy. Although it is extremely unlikely
able to buy switch blade knives-somebody
Millimeter said they caused juvenile delinquency-you that the fears of governmental tyranny which
Shot Gauge can't buy them anymore. (Personally, I gave rise to the Sewnd Amendment will ever
Calibers on one side. milli-
meter and gauges on found mine very handy for opening grain be a major danger to OUT nation, the Amend-
other side. bags when I had both hands full.) Now ment still remains an important declaration
Made of solid Brass with
key chain.
Buy It at your uearest denIer.
ONLY $1.00 Carved Stock
Plain Stock
Dealer Inquiries Invited Shotgun Stock
__ 14.$0


98's, F.N.. 95.
Recoil Pad Installed
Plus $1.00

2017 ROSCOE STREF.T Springfield, Enfield. Model 70.

Postage .. HandlinSi
CHICAGO, ll,I,INOIS 721, 722, H.V.A., Sako, Hiuin•• Japs, Send for free Catalogue.
Mex•• 88 Win.. Mark V. Swedish. Target. Mailing Address-P.O. BOX 355. EL CAJON, CALIF.

10 GUNS JUNE 1960

0/ our basic civilian-military relationships, in "for every action there is an equal and op-
which every citizen must be ready to partici- posite reaction." This means that the punch
pate in the defense 0/ his country. For that your bullet delivers to the game is no greater
reason I believe the Second Amendment wilt than the recoil you get from the butt of
always be important." your rifle. Actually, the impulse transmitted
to the game is far less, because the bullet
Senator Stuart Symington replied has lost velocity and momentum. Also, the
through his Administrative Assistant, Stan- bullet penetrates in a manner much less
ley R. Fiske, that "He has a very heavy out- abrupt than the sharp jab of the rifle stock
of-town speaking schedule on week ends, and against the shoulder. Does this mean that
this, in addition to his regular work 0/ the you should try and kill an elephant with
Senate, just does not allow him enough time your .308 Winchester? It sure does. Hold

to comply with your request and many sim- for the same spot you would aim at with
ilar ones he receives." that .470 double-barreled cannon, and Mr.
Pachyderm will fall like lightning. Just re-
Watch Your Fingers!
member to use a solid bullet around four or
I think the fellow on page 29 (Feb. issue) five diameters in length. (You probably
is about to give his gun hand a good pinch- won't even recover the bullet because most

ing by loading his magazine while in the likely it will pass clean through friend
gun. All the Lugers I've seen ram the slide elephant.)
forward when the magazine follower is de- Do you think I'm suggesting that every
pressed, and it goes forward fast. hunter of dangerous game commit suicide?
You fellows have a real nice magazine and Or maybe you think a guy might get away
I'd like to see it stay that way so ... let's with it once or twice only. Well, it has been
have more on the military and the gun col- done-over a thousand times by one man.
-lecting angles. -If you do ... I think you can You can call every shot if you
W. D. M. Bell killed over eleven hundred know your rifle and yourbul-
hold yoilr title, "Finest in the Firearms Field." elephants with nothing more than a 7mm
You've printed a lot of letters requesting lets. Follow the advice of the
Rigby Mauser or 6.5 Mannlicher and per- old pros: "Sight in before
more on "the rifleman in civil defense" and haps, occasionally, the .303 British and .318
I'm sure the -readers would like to know if every hunt! Shoot several
Rigby. He always used a solid bullet, usu- groups at the ranges you ex-
more on this subject will be in future issues. ally the round nosed military load common
Frank H. Miller pect to see game! Reload with
to the early nineteen hundreds, and held SIERRAS, the most accurate
Grand Rapids, Michigan for the brain. He found there was no such
We'lt give this man what he wants, if all and destructive bullets made!"
thing as bullet impact, just penetration, and
those who wrote in ,concerning their own that the small bores killed just as dead as
participation in the volunteer "Rifleman" the heavy cannons without all the accom-
How do Sierras kill BIG
movement will again write to us. We'd like panying disadvantages.
GAME? Read "The 30-06 in
to learn the state 0/ the rifleman in Civil The point I'm trying to make is that hunt-
AFRICA." Write for your
De/ense concept and activity to date, since ers should cut the malarky and print only
FREE copy today!
GUNS first published its revealing article.
what they know to be true when it comes to
Please address to Bill Edwards, Technical killing power.
Editor, GUNS Magazine, Skokie, Ill. As for R. de Boer
Luger slide closing, the slide stop holds the
bolt open until the toggle is jerked a second
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Don't all speak at once. We'll publish one
time, releasing slide stop and allowing toggle answer.-Editors.
to snap /orward.-Editors.
Wild Pig.
No Such Thing?
The term "energy" has been overworked in In answer to a letter inquiring about wild
regard to the so-called killing power of the
big game rifle. Usually, the author uses the
boars (Feb., 1960, issue) around Monterey,
California, the existence of these pigs is
confirmed by the booklet Big Game of Cali-
word in reference to the amount of "energy"
required to knock down a large game ani- fornia which is published by the California
mal, and goes to -great lengths to extol the Department of Fish and Game. These are
number of foot pounds his rifle bullet trans- European wild pigs that were released in
fers to the beast he has killed. California late in 1925 or early in 1926.
There is one small flaw in this theory of These pigs may run to 600 pounds, but a
energy·-transfer, "lind that is there isn't any 300 pound boar and a 200 pound sow are
such thing or anything remotely like it. The large in California.
theory that a bullet from a rifle designed to The book states, "Because of the common
be fired from the shoulder can physically occurrence of feral pigs (domestics in the
knock over man or beast is completely er- wild) in the foothills of the State, and be-
roneous. The belief that a bullet from a .470 cause the European wild pig interbreeds with
caliber rifle is more effective than a 160 domestic pigs, it is probably that much of
grain 6.5mm projectile is completely without this stock is of mixed blood."
foundation. The hunter who says his .338 I don't know if the European wild pigs
Magnum delivers a greater wallop than the are eaten or not, but I do know, since I've '
.303 British is either ignorant or so filled eaten some, that the domestic pigs in the
with prejudice that he is incapable of making wild that are common around Santa Barbara
a logical deduction in the light of commonly are eaten by many.
known physical laws. Tim Anderson
Newton's third law of motion states that Santa Barbara, Calif. Look for the distinctive
your dealers ••. 45 bullets to
CUj!om Chectering and CarVing choose from.
~"""'~~~~,...,..""""""'....,..'" You may feel confident when you entrust your gun-
Catalogue of 16 stock to our care. Our workmanship considered as fine
beautiful Checkering as can be had anywhere. Dealer inquiry invited. Write
, Patterns 35c, refundable
on your first order
Dept. GM.
Gnrden Grove, Cnlif. Phone Lehigh 9-3013
600 W. Whittier Blvd., Whittier, Calif.
GUNS JUNE 1960 11


now salvaged by hull fillers, who
bust more caps and have more fun at less
of operation,
rapid rate.
The DL-I00 comes set up for the gauge,
cost than ever before. Cost is a major mo- load, shells and primers or caps you desire.
tive: you can rcload for around $1 per box. A novice can use it the day it arrives. I like
That's a real bargain, these days! And many the fixed charge powder-shot bar. You can't
scattergun fans get as much kick out of install it backwards or goof-up. Each bar is
brewing their own fodder as in shooting it, for a definite charge, with extra bars $3.50.
with no pun in tended. Lads who know what 'they are doing can
In the mid 1930's I clobbered up fodder ream the charge holes, or bush them, to fill
with crummy tools. My Eureka set was worth their needs for different charges if desired.
no more than the $2.50 it cost. Loading was Altered bars should always be stamped for
slowly done "by guess and by gosh." Some positive identification. At extra cost, it's easy
swollen shells wouldn't chamber even in a to change to a different gauge, or from
loose-chambered double gun. Factory 12 primers to caps.
gauge loads cost from 70c to $1.10 per box. The DL-I00 loader is a good value. I paid
By careful testing I learned the factory Hi-V for it, and have now passed it on to a friend
loads could be exceeded, to gain a few yards nearby who helps me a little with loading
range. This is not true today. Standard and shooting. Like others of the same gen·
:\1agnum fodder is pregnant with powder. cral pattern using a charge har, only the
loaded to full max, or maybe more for rou- one correct powder may be used. Substitu-
tine shooting. tion of a powder with different burning and
Semi-production loaders are now plentiful pressure trends is an idiot trick that has
as fleas on a dog. Some early ones got out blown up three guns in this area. Three
with a few "bugs" in the rush to hit a new words-Don't Do It. Stick with what the
mass market, created mostly by novice hand- book says and you'll be safe. Factories
loaders. A few fell by the wayside because of spend a million bucks keeping the right
Simple die adjustment enables you
to obtain ANY bullet weight
ing bullets from lead wire you get
PERFECT expansion, plus the fact
that gilded metal jackets insure
greater bullet velocity and accuracy,
lead wire, insert core into jacket Five steps in shotshell reloading demonstrate easy working of more
and your Swag-O-Matic forms the modern tools. At left, deprime over hole in plate; next, prime; then
most perfect bullet you have ever throw powder, insert wads, shot; size and crimp; eject loaded shell.
sloppy workmanship, or because they were powder in the right places to load the right
• CHOICE OF CALIBERS & not perfected or developed. One good loader shells_ Who are you to be different?
BULLET STYLES. Available in 38, wasn't advertised much. My machine has a No. 12-B charge bar,
44, 45 ACP & 45 Colt pistol cali~ All currently advertised semi-production equal to factory "3 Drams Equivalent, Pis
bers. 6 bullet punch styles: wad cut~ loaders I've tried do a good job. The main oz." loads. It throws 23 grains of Red Dot,
ter, semi-wad cutter, semi-wad difference is in speed, convenicnce and price. and approximately 1Vs ounce of shot. This
cutter hollow point, round nose, They are practically foolproof. The main is a dandy quail or clay load, wit.h near top
conical & cup point. See it at your thing is to use the proper powder and follow velocity for Red Dot., about 1175 feet per

sporting goods dealer or gunsmith simple directions. second. The same weight charge of Unique
now. The Deitemeyer DL-I00 Loader is such a gives about. 1200 f.p.s., but can not. be sub·
MAIL COUPON FOR FREE BOOKLET machine. It's complete, specdy, safe and stit.uted in a charge bar. The charge would
good. Simplicity and production considered, be about. 31 grains, an excessive load. Again
• P. 0, Box 3284, Terminal Annex the 49.95 price tag makes it an excellent I say it., Do not substitute powders. If you

• Los Angeles 54, Calif. buy for himters or clay shooters who want do not have the correct charge bar, weigh
Name • to bust more caps at lower cost. They ad- or measure all charges. This is the only time
Address • vertise a reload in 20 seconds. You can do you need a measure or scales with this loader.
it, but not for continuous production. It takes If the charge bar goos up, clean it and the

• City Zone_ _State • time to sort tubes, open powder and shot, housing with a dry cloth. Clean and dry the

• Name of my sporting goods dealer or gunsmith is: • wads and primers, and keep the hoppers charge holes. Reassemble with a bit of
filled. It also takes time to inspect and box graphite for lube. This area is always kept
loads. But it's fun. When you get the "hang" dry. Keep other moving parts lightly oiled.

12 GUNS JUNE 1960

I loaded some once-fired Xpert hulls for
a test. The 23 grains Red Dot and 1% ounce DER DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY
meter of No. 8 shot (which weighs slightly
more than larger shot) made a neat reload. THE TRAP AND SKEETSHOOTER
The Alcan wads were one .200" nitro card,
and one 112" filler wad. Wad pressure was
75 pounds. Loads compared favorably with
equivalent factory fodder in both pattern
and penetmtion at 40 yards. They function
in pumps or autos. Primers were the de-
pendable CCl make that I've preferred for
several years. The chilled shot were DlVCO
brand, made by Division Lead Co., Summit,
Illinois. They supply dealers with high grade
lead products of all kinds for handloaders.
Alcan wads are too good and too cheap to
fool with cutting your own for small pro-
duction. The old hammer & punch cutters
often cut wads at an angle, which isn't good.
All components were of fine quality and
well mated, factors as important as proper
loading technique with good tools.
Listed loads in the directions equal equiva-
lent factory fodder, that you can use for a
control check, and I recommend them. Shot-
shell loads are not as versatile as rifle and
pistol ammo. You can't increase velocity to
gain range, as with some metallics. You are
not apt to improve factory or suggested loads
with your own creations today, as you could
a few years ago. Overloads have long been
tried without much success. A good writer
and fine lad wrote a story on "Dead Ducks
at 100 Yards," that was real interesting. He The M E C 250 is by far the
shot ducks (in the story) at nearly twice the fastest of all conventional
range you and I will consider it sporting. I reloading tools. Guaranteed
do not know of any gun, load or man that to process 250 shells per hour
will consistently kill ducks at anywhere near when used by a proficient
that range. operator, this tool was built for
speed as well as precision. Built
The DL-I00 works much like other loaders by people who know the needs
of this type. The five steps with 21 operations of the trap and skeet competitor.
per shell include final inspection, but not
sorting tubes or boxing loads. For new cases
you'll need a Crimp Starter Die and Bracket CHECK THE FEATURES
at $5.00. The five simple steps are: 1) De- that make the M E C
prime. 2) Reprime. 3) Throw powder, insert
wads, apply wad pressure, throw shot. 4) RAM~


250 the reloader for all
competitive shooters.
Size and crimp. 5) Eject load from the size GUIDE SEATS WADS PLUS
die. I highly recommend a sixth operation, CASING RESIZES
M E C' s exclu.sive Flip
using the Taper-Loc Die ($4.00 extra). It RESIZING DIE REPRIMES Type Measure - Hard·
makes a tighter crimp and tapered nose for ened Charging Bar-
Both Positive Stop or
A $6.50 Cap Converter Set allows reprim- Permits quick and easy loading Six operations at one station STATIONS Direct Reading Wad
and accurate seating of over· •.• reducing shell handling to Complete shell'is processed
ing the old battery cup primer with cheap powder and filter wads. the minimum. One position
reprimes. resizes. charges
with only three working
stations. Tool has extra stations
Seating Ram - Sur·Lock
separately or in combination,
without damaging or deforming powder. guides and seats wads. for installation of cap conver- One· Stroke Cri mp -
caps, at considemble saving. CCI started cap wad or bulging finished shell. and charges shot. sion I(it. star crimp head. etc.
Primer Catcher.
production several years ago to relieve the
primer shortage. A few lads had misfires See the M E C 250 at your dealer's or write
before good tools were made to use them.
Cocked anvils were the major cause. The Cap

Set does an excellent job, and caps are well

accepted today, although loading is a bit
slower. I've used caps since they were first BULLETS
All calibers and weights of Sierra, Speer,
available, with never a misfire. Hornady, Remington, Winchester-Western,
The built-in wad guide is a good feature. Norma, Jordan. Nosier and Morkell. Also
empty Cartridge Cases, Primers and Per-
All operations terminate with a dead stop cussion Caps of all popular makes.
with a full stroke of the handle. This, and POWDERS
the charge bar for fixed charges practically .Dupont, Hercules, Hodgdorr and Alcan.
eliminate the human error. The wad pres- TOOLS & EQUIPMENT
sure control is good. Correct wad pressure, as All leading lines, including B&M, Lyman,
Pacific, RCBS, CH, Ideal, Acme, Thalson, Red.
listed for various powders, makes quality ding, Wilson, Forster, fitz, Jaeger, etc. Scopes,
ammo, eliminating "low loads," erratic or sights, mounts, slings, scales, moulds, etc.
blown patterns. You can not eliminate the Stock this NEW
over-powder (or nitro) wad, nor reduce the B&M HANDBOOK """

suggested wad column to increase case ca· Fully illustrated. Shows how
to cut shooting costs 50 to
pacity for improved ballistics. That is, some 85% $1.50 "
loads list a minimum length wad column, and SHOOTERS: Write for Free ~
Folder. "'t:!~~.
results will be best with this length or more.
Shotshell loads are pretty well standardized
(Continued on page 61)


Colt Walk~t:'~'~4~4~C~a~I.!i~~~~~;;~l

Colt Wells Fargo

•31 Cal. 1848
N EWSLEtTERS are good gimmicks for
gun clubs.
Every club has at least one member who
morial St. Valentines Olympic Handicap'"
event, which was won by ROLLA BOUGHAN.
. . . . JOHN MATHIS celebrated the day by
can get out a chatty, informative, monthly shooting a 24x25, and NILE BAKER came up
Colt Army .44 Cal. 1860
newsletter. The newsletter or bulletin need with a 40x50 on doubles .
not be a masterpiece of prose, or a work of JOHN BRIANT from Alamogordo is breaking
art. It can be done by mimeograph or any ground for a new tra,!> range at Holloman
ANTIQUE GUNS other duplicating process, and mailed third
class, to keep down costs. Its purpose-to
Air Force Base. Real glad to see this, as it
should generate lots of interest (Editor's
These are replicas of original rare COLT gunlt infoQIl members of coming events, give rec· note: the newsletter can help generate com-
made of strong metal-look and feel like the
ilEAL GUNS-with gun blue Guishe
ognition for good shooting performances (ev- petitive interest between clubs, and help
eryone likes to see his or her name in print), toward getting leagues organized). We will
1847 Colt Wolker-44 col. . . . . . . . . . • . . $6.95 and give the club an identity or esprit de have some new competition from over the
1873 Colt Peocemoker-45 col. . $5.95
1836 Colt Texas Poterson-40 col $6.95 corps which it would not otherwise enjoy. hill. We are working closely with John and
1848 Colt Wells Forgo-31 col• . . . . . . . . $5.95 The newsletter should list new members will help all we can. Will announce the
1860 Colt Army-44 col. . $5.95 either by a simple listing or with a bio· opening so as many of us as possible from
1851 Colt Novy-36 col• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.95 here can go over and give the club a bang-up
graphical sketch, to promote better fellow·
Truly novel gifts that are interesting conver••tion ship at the club. When a new member ap· sendoff.
Ilieces. Each gun comes complete with a short
and enlightening history on its period.
pears at many clubs, there are murmurs of Lots of new shooters got started. Dr. BEN
"who's that." A good club bulletin can ans· HAINES came out with old pro FRANK PAPEN.
Send cGSh, check or ~Ioney Order nOUlI wer the "who's that" queries in advance, JACK FERDIG is coaching his boy VINCE. DON
VALLEY GUN SHOP, Dept. G so that the new member can be absorbed and LAW has his wife and son 8ARRY practicing
7784 Foothill - Tujunga, Calif. become an effective member more quickly. regularly. The TURRET I ES are represented
In last month's PULL column, we men- by one or more members of the family eyery
tioned and saluted the new Micro Gun Club, Sunday. Also most encouraging is the turnout
at Las Cruces, New Mexico, for the club's among the ladies. MRS. WALLY CARROLL, MRS.
bulletin. To give other clubs an idea how CODY, MARY VAN NOY, BETTY WILLIAMS, and
a good bulletin might be put together, I several others are getting active. Stick with
quote parts of another Micro Trap Range it, gals, the wind can't blow forever! And
Monthly Newsletter: remember, this is a "discreet" range. Your
It begins: "Hi shooter! score as well as your age is kept confiden·
February set a new attendance record at tial. . . . .
the range in spite of the faithful gusty Among the regulars we have seen lots or
breezes that never fail to blow Sunday after· BOB AMMONS, GENE GRAHAM, 8ILL SCHWART-
noon. A lot of new shooters out, and much ING, SKIP CHAUVIN, and 808B BUTTS. HENRY
interest in coming registered shoots, now CICERO, DENNIS and' BILL HOLDEN, B. W. VAN
that schedules have been approved. I will HOY, HUGH NEWMAN, and CHALMER ALFREY


For blazing fast draw action and spinning thrills.
cover these later in the letter.
True to their promise, Mr. Trapshooting
himself, ARNOLD RIEGGER, and his charming
rarely miss a Sunday. . . . ."
The Micro Trap Range Newsletter con-
tains many names, much information, and
use Pointer's Fast Draw Adapter. It's one of the
most important advancements in the art, since wife stopped by early in the month on their has all the ingredients for keeping a club
the F. D. Holster. Converts your .45 single action
so that you can use .22 Rim Fire Blanks. also .38 way to the Florida Winter Chain Shoots..... live!
Special & .357 Mag. use" .57 Rem. Primers. with- On February 7th, DURWARD and Mrs. LINK
out danger of accident. Not only will it be a safe We salute this month another shooting
sport but you'll save on ammo costs. too. Set of 6 came up from El Paso to shoot with us. club's newsletter. This one is from the Fall
in box only 85.95. In addition. for a sharp pistol
grip get this new silver finish Regal Pup <shown>. From the North, WALTER BERGER, LES BRIGGS Creek Valley Conservation Club, at Markle-
Avail. for pop. handguns. Uncond. Guaranteed
not to warp or lose its org. luster. Only 85.95. Reg. and BOB TINNEN stopped by for a few rounds ville, Indiana. The Fall Creek Valley news-
imitation Stag Grips only S4.00. Choice selection
of genuine fancY pearl. Ivory or Stag Grips also on their way from Albuquerque to some· letter announces a record hop, a chicken
available. where in Mexico where the ducks are thick. barbeque, and a regular business meeting.
They were careful to keep the location a The results column reads:
secret. JOHN VAN 'OY celebrated his birth-' "'Twas a miserable day but nevertheless
day by shooting a 49x50 but never told us five squads of eager target busters braved
how old he is. knee·deep now for this one. Earl Reed and
The Original Thumbrest Stock On February 14th, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lawrence Tolley finished in a dead heat to
SHOOTERS! FOI" hi~h scores
"BUD" AXLINE and BRUCE AXLINE came down share first place honors with 70 broken lar-
& ~IOC~ltCI" shock ahsOI"ption. crack pistol
shootc."S '"cly on Pointer Stocks. Iml)l"O\'ed to shoot. Bud, who is president of the gets to their credit. Tom Mann and Slim
b:1CI{ sll"ap uuilt into stock. additional
Icngth. width & bn~adth; fOl'm fittin~ non- Albuquerque Trap Club, helped us set up Mathers held down lhe number two slot with
slip gTip: Al.L combine to insul'c you
p,0silive contl"oJ & wcatcr shootin~ accuracy.
rhoug-h orlen copied. nothing- can compm'c
our schedule for registered shoots during 68 each. For third place it was Jesse Butler,
to thl:' fccl & service of Pointcr gtocks.
March and April. He was quite impressed Charlie Koehler, Bob Addison and Bob
nevc'" warp. flm"c-uJ) 01' burn. \Vill ncvcr
losc its od~. hlstel·. Easy to install. Avail. by the attendance and enthusiasm, and Foust each with a score of 67. With 66's for
{~Ai~:JJ?~Ph~anEWONV.~~$~~b6.f faR~~,'~CSio~V~~~E'(.~Z.;I::.g: went back to Albuquerque to warn the fourth it was Earl Howard and Owen Gross_
HAS IT. fellows that they had better get busy or Harold Bender latched on to miss·and-out
SOUTHWEST CUTLERY & MFC. CO., INC. start shipping all their trophies south! money with 15 straight hits."
1309 Olympic Blvd., Montebello 5. California
Valentines Day we shot the "annual me· (Continued on page 63)
14 GUNS JUNE 1960

"Extending man's vision

through optical science."




Nashville Banner

S EEING, THEY SAY, is believing. And when I saw the

unbelievable, saw Lucky McDaniel teach tyros to
become proficient shooters within one hour, I had to
McDaniel's copyrighted system is "Instinct Shooting,"
a method which thousands of his students, men and
women, will swear by. Everywhere, shooters testify to
new enjoyment of their scatterguns, new success a-field,
and higher scores at trap and skeet. For Instinct Shooting,
mechanically, is as simple as pointing your finger. The
results, however, stagger the imagination.
For example, how long do you think it would take you
to learn to knock a paper wadding from the center of a
flying one-inch washer with a BB gun? At least long
enough for your arms to become numb from trying, most
As an instinct shooter, though, you would probably be
separating the paper from the washer in 15 to 20 minutes.
McDaniel's younger pupils with good vision, who think
that isn't enough, are usually shooting tossed BBs with a
BB gun after no more than half an hour with Lucky. In-
credible? It sure is ... to everybody but Lucky McDaniel.
Lucky starts pupils oft with a BB gun mainly because
they can quickly develop the habit of seeing the shot as
it leaves the barrel. There is no disturbing noise or recoil
with the BB rifle.
As soon as you can see the flight of your BB, the next
step is to learn the proper gun position for Instinct
Shooting. Rather than have you employ the conventional
cheeking of the gun, Lucky insists that you lock it firmly
in place with the side of your chin against the stock. About
now, you may notice that there are no sights on the gun.
McDaniel and promotor Mike Jennings examine spe-
cial Daisy sightless air-rifle of Instinct Shooting kit.

"Most patient coaching ever was opinion of expert about Lucky's teach-
ing methods. Kids learn fast, have few bad habits of "sighting" to unlearn.

Targets ranging from clay birds down to BBs are hit as student improves
skill. McDaniel's teaching denies aiming. Head is high, gun is not so
tightly cheeked as with regular aiming method: eyes watch the target.
GUNS JUNE 1960 17
Lucky brushes this off by simply stating that "they'd
be in your way."
Now that you can see most of your shots and know
how to position your gun for Instinct Shooting, you
are ready to begin with the moving target.
Your first target is a solid metal disc about two
inches in diameter which Lucky, crouched near your
shoulder, tosses into the air about 10 to 15 feet high.
Most people will miss the first few and, all the
while, Lucky will be quietly demanding, "Look at the
top, look at the top of the target. Keep both eyes
"Most everyone," he says, "shoots under an aerial
target because the gun is lower than the eye. I offset
this by telling my pupils that if they're gonna miss,
then miss over the top."
Remember, while you are shooting at this disc,
you are not aiming, because there are no sights on
the barrel. You actually have the gun chinned so
that all you can do is look out over the barrel, not
along it.
Your first surprise comes when, after a few misses,
Originator of Instinct Shooting was once you suddenly hear the sharp little ping that signals
tobacco salesman, outshot dealers on bets
a hit. "Now, we're in business," Lucky usually quips
in order to overcome their sales resistance.
with a reassuring smile.
After the disc comes a metal washer, about 1%"
diameter. Soon, hitting this, your confidence soars
to new heights.
Here is where McDaniel slips you a fast one. He
pauses briefly, pulls a piece of paper from his pocket
and stuffs it into the center of the washer.
"Now look at the paper and hit it," he says, usually
repeating those words as he tosses the washer skyward.
Before you know it, you've scored again-another
milestone with Instinct Shooting.
Gradually, the size of the washer is reduced until
you are down to one about (C ontinlled on page 40)

Air rifle begins new gun skill. and

use even by kids will help shoot-
ing with all arms. At left, exper7
imental BB gun Lucky made be-
fore arranging t.o use Daisy rifles
in kit. System of aimless hitting,
Army researchers hope, may offer
new way to use rifle in combat.

18 GUNS JUNE 1960




·M::KifLg (who worked with Wyatt jar LA Chiej Detective Flammer
about 1900) taped his memories of the famous lawman for 'western artist Lea F.
McCarfIJ. King, now retired in Santa Rosa, Cal., "recalled extraditing culprits
from across. the border at San Diego; told 01 working lor the borax people OILt on
the high Mojave Desert "at a time when we had to get OILt and push the old
Franklin over the lamous SawgILs Grade." Artist McCarty's search jar traces of
vanished heroes of the Old West had· led him to interview King. His striking
pain' or westemeJ:$ capture the dash and fire pf these men as they lived.
Re.f$l: we herft ~eoord the passing of McCart;r, who died i1} March. His.
inter ings Us the. words he spoke with King... . .
GUNS • JUNE 1960 19
heard much about many of the gunslingers through
my friend Wyatt, although he was not a big talker.
But when we were alone, under the stars, and a big
fire blazing on a cold night in those altitudes, Wyatt
talked some."
"Did he ever mention such a famed outlaw gun-
fighter as Jesse James? I understand that Wyatt
was born about the same time, in 1848."
"I don't really recollect. Wyatt hated men who
Standing in front of another Earp portrait and one of Doc broke the law, though, as his Pa had brought him
Holiday, McCarty and King listen to cameraman's question. up in a family of lawyers and judges of proud Scots
descent. Yes, I do remember that he once said that
Jesse James had been a poor shot due to his eyes
and impetuousness; that he wore a Navy Colt of the
"TELL ME, MR. KING, how long did the shoot-out era cap-and-ball variety like his big c01!sin Cole Younger.
last? " Wyatt also laughed, and told me that Jesse was the cousin
"About twenty years_" not only of those who rode with him, the Youngers, but
"And how many of the old West gunfighters did you also the Daltons who raised Hell around Southern Cali-
,k~ow?" fornia about that time, robbing the Southern Pacific; and
"I worked with Wyatt and did know Bat Masterson. I'd that even gunfighter Johnny Ringo was related to Jesse.

Deputy King displays .45 Colt Single Action he carried as Earp's deputy, says Earp once
tried to borrow the gun. "I refused to lend it," says King. "and we had a falling out."
20 GUNS JUNE 1961»
GUNS • JUNE 1960 21
New Target Helps
Sheriff, Montesano, Wash.


portant pistol firing system in use today. The policeman
stopping a criminal on the "get away," or the peaceful citizen
preventing a crime by effectively resisting assault, needs skill in
this combat technique. And as the problems of such skill become
evident, practice at DA firing becomes a sport, taxing nerve and
control of even experienced slow-fire pistol men. The bullseye will
show up inaccuracy. But to analyze poor shooting, a novel cross-
style target can reveal trigger jerking and other causes of inac-
curacy; can allow the shooter, even without coaching, to perfect
his skill.
Best targets for double action practice are painted boards. If
painted white in the center and light green on the sides, the bullet
holes will immediately indicate if sights are being pulled sideways
during the pull of the trigger. DA pull may be from 10 to 17
pounds in modern service revolvers. Though not a heavy pull, it
does seem heavy by contrast with the 3-4 pound single pull. It i
this sideways pull that will cause more misses, in DA shooting,
than are caused by errors in elevation, whether sighting or point-
Practice raising or lowering the pistol with the sights trained
on the center stripe. Learn to keep all shots in the center stripe
at close range. Then move the board back five yards and practice
more. Keep practicing until you know how to squeeze the shot
off correctly. If the sights drift off target, hold the pressure and
when the sights are aligned again, continue the squeeze to fire.
Repeat, even if your aim wavers off target three or four times,
before you finally snap the shot. Soon you will be able to 1double
action very fast, and very surely, even when not looking at the
The "hold" of the gun, the styles of grips used and the trigger
squeeze are all different from target single action shooting. For
accurate control DA, the fingers should grip hard. The thumb
also grips, the end of· the thumb resting down on the middle
finger. The strong grasp is necessary to keep the pistol from
twitching sideways and to keep the same "hold" on the grips
during recoil of five or six shots.
Custom grips can be an aid to DA shooting. One design by the
late Walter Roper, pioneer pistol scientist, had a built-in trigger
stop for DA work. Part of the stock extended into the guard. A
shooter with long fingers caught the trigger in the first joint
crease. As the trigger is pulled back the tip of finger comes in
contact with the stock wood surrounding the back of the trig-
ger guard, forming a brake or ·stop. (Continued on page 65)
22 GUNS JUNE 1960



GUNS • JUNE 1960 23


Mf,$. Kit Flannery and guide tvt. Coessens are dwarfed in vast Hall of King Alb.,t:!. Nine gaReries
holt:f military reliCl of nUlny atRrns. Museum is lifework of lOllis leconte, who is the director.

24 GUNS • JUNE 1960

Photos By John S. Flannery Cannon shells mingle with Zeppelin gondola cage in WWI hall. German
machine gunner armor, lances, festoon walls. French MG is on AA mount.






AS I WALKED INTO the foyer of the museum, I looked in awe at the fan-
.tl- tastic array of guns, swords, cannon, uniforms, airplanes displayed in the
world's biggest and best military museum, the Belgian Army Museum in
Brussels. Housed in the Palais du Cinquantenaire, the palace built to commemo-
rate 50 years of Belgian independence, is the most magnificent collection of
weapons in seven countries visited by the "Gun Tour." If West Point's guns,
the Colt and Winchester museums, the Smithsonian arms, the Marine Museum
at Quantico, Harold's Club and Aberdeen Proving Ground's collections, were
all rolled into one, they might equal this huge arms array. And, for the most
part, the arms you would see in these mentioned displays will not be duplicated
in this Brussels Museum.
Superlatives fail in describing this museum .. We eight Americans were the
only visitors there, though visiting days, except Friday, include Sundays and
holidays, 10· 12 :30 and 1 :30· 5. But even Belgian tourist guides don't know
of this collection. The road to Waterloo routes by the Roman-like building but
of the thousands who pass daily, few enter. This is their loss, for there is much
to see at leisure. The history of northern Europe is written there in actual arms
used to create moments of history now studied on the dry pages of indifferent
history books. The burnished weapons blossom like flowers, displayed on the
GUNS JUNE 1960 25
Huge Brussels Army museum displays weapons of Belgium's armies through centuries. Fusil Auto-
matique Leger is official name for Fabrique Nationale light assault rifle in NATO caliber.

walls. The brilliant gold and silver of bullion-embroidered toire Militaire" is flanked by grim Krupp cannon of the
Hussar uniforms, the dull gleam of bronze guns, dazzle 1870 war, and great guns of an earlier period. Inside,
the eye. In this museum the guns make history come alive. cameras are forbidden. After three years of effort, GUNS
Never have I seen so orderly a profusion of weapons, many finally was able to secure permission for our photographer
of them identical rare specimens by the hundreds. The John S. Flannery to picture this archive arsenal. Through
artistically balanced displays keep the eye from being the courtesy of Monsieur Louis Leconte, Army Museum
offended, though every square meter of space is crammed Director, every facility was afforded to John Flannery to
with rare guns, uniforms long since rotted to dust else- photograph the great collection. But still there is no cat-
where, and paintings by recent great masters of Europe, alog in English, no listing of the arms there, no guidebook
depicting the most spirited and accurately detailed battle but this article, for the ever-increasing tide of U.S. gun-
scenes of military and heroic figures. bug tourists to Belgium. The museum does publish a
The entrance to this "Musee Royal de L'Armee et d'His- quarterly journal "abundantly illustrated." Membership in
La Fourragere museum association costs 75 francs annu-
ally, $1.50, including the quarterly journal.
The weapons are displayed in historical order. First you
pass through the "Austrian and French Period" where
bronze Napoleon field guns are flanked by tall glass cases
containing figures in full uniforms of the period. The walls
carry panoplies of swords and muskets of various models,
1717, 1763, 1777, circled like the petals of flowers about
lifelike marble busts of battle heroes. And rising, high as
the eye can see, to the vaulted (Continued on page 60)

In quirk of history, museum profited by two German

invasions. Nazis ·took Lebels, left relics behind.

Dazzle-paint Krupps crowd floor. High trunnion

style carriage preceeded recoil absorbing type.
26 GUNS JUNE 1960



M- AN AND MACHINE proceed together in assaying the results of

any shG;9ting match. Our US shooting stars are as good as any
in the world,]{ut certain specialized shooting sports have needed spe-
cialized guns not ordinarily used here. Such a sport is the gruelling rou-
tine of the International Slow Fire or "Free Pistol" .22 course. And to
complement the skill of Yankee pistoleers at the 1960 Olympic ISU
shoot, High Standard has built a Free Pistol.
American shooters years ago started international shooting matches.
Then we backed out; refused to have any part or branch of competitive
shooting. Great names they once were, American names: men like Ira
Paine, who was knighted by the King of Portugal for his shooting
prowess; men like Walter Winans, who pushed the traditional skill of
the American sharp shooter to new heights and probably did as much
as any man in forcing the perfection of handguns into target pistols.
First Yankee free pistol of modern
Champions like these. were known and respected in the great shoot- era has screw at trigger guard to
ing "salons" of the Continent. If their presence (Continued on page 48) adjust for finger position to fire.


Fluted barrel is accurate

and stylish on new pistol.

Electric trigger is magnet-operated; releases

connector to free rotary sear. Striker under
spring compression flies forward to hit pin.
GUNS JUNE 1960 27
:EWe»e»t.- Se»1d.:i..e:Jt:lt!Es

28 GUNS • JUNE 1960






W ITH THE RETURN this winter of

the first General Purpose Machine
Gun M60 from its varied test and display
career to Fort Benning's museum, a
modern saga has come full cycle. It is
the project culminating in producing 6800
of what Ordnance calls "the world's best
light machine gun."
Dubbed "M60," the new welded and
Butt removes when you push.
stamped link-belt fed LMG weighs 23
a detent with bullet; then re-
pounds, compared to the (dry) water- coil stop plate is pried up
cooled M1917 Browning at 40.7 and later releasing buffer; bolt body.
"light" versions scaling over 30 pounds
each. For fixed firing, M60's tripod of
titanium alloy weighs but 25 pounds: the
old familiar M1917 tripod hefts at a
chunky 48. With M60 gun on mount, the
weight is still not so much that a man
can't lift it. I took the gun by its carrying
handle and lugged it easily about with
one hand though it did clip my shins a
little. Such mobility might be valuable if
all but one man of a crew were dead. Firing pin in bolt is
The caliber of the new volley fire arm held back until gas
is of course 7.62 NATO, and the sights operating rod closes
introduce novelty in American small arms action, locking bolt
-the leaf is graduated in meters so our and then firing cap.
own fire-control charts could be integrated
with those of our metric-measuring allies.
The tripod of M60, though light, is an Trigger group is easy
elaborate structure. Legs lock individually to take off; is neo-
in any position allowing the gun to settle prene covered for
on hard, uneven terrain, while the gun cold weather. Sight
can pivot a full (Continued on page 54) is marked in meters.
GUNS JUNE 1960 29
100-Match Winners Tell



New members in SOD-man Buffalo, N. Y. gun

club must take instruction from experienced
shooters. Fine points of winning are passed
along, help beCJinners take share of trophies.




F OUR INDOOR TARGET shooting seasons-more than
100 consecutive matches-without a single defeat!
That is the record of the Buffalo Revolver & Rifle Club,
Buffalo, New York, in competition with 16 other teams in
SUCCESS EXCEPT HARD WORK the Niagara Frontier Pistol League, covering the western
New York area and nearby Canada.
What has made this club so successful in so many
matches, shooting against clubs with equal advantages so
far as membership and facilities are concerned? That's the
$64 question, of course, and I asked it of tall, friendly
Harold Dudley, Pistol Executive of the Buffalo R&R Club.
He gave it some careful thought before he answered:
"It's not an easy question to answer, because it involves
a number of things. Even trying to state the factors in
numerical order is tough, because they seem to me to be
of equal importance. Each factor dovetails into every other
"Practice is essential, naturally. And we are able to-and
do-practice three nights a week. We have our own indoor
range, which gives us excellent practice facilities. Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday nights are open for pistol shooting.
Scores are kept on file, show competitors' standing Monday and Friday nights are for rifle shooting, and
weekly. Here club exec Hal Dudley checks 90 target. Wednesday is Ladies' Night. Sunday afternoon is set aside
30 GUNS JUNE 1960
On Buffalo Revolver & Rifle Club indoor
range George Young, president Bill Sutton,
Harold Dudley and Matt Kuhn await start
of timed fire. Ceiling is soundproofed.

Rugers are popular in

Buffalo club. New men
like lower first cost,
often customize them.

Big Colt National Match

.45s vie with revolvers
In B.R.&R.C. matches.

as Juniors' Day, which IS always well attended.

"To develop topnotch shooters, a pistol or rifle club
simply must own or have free access to good range facili-
ties. It's the only way members can get the necessary prac-
tice. But it goes further than that. The frequent get-to-
gethers at the range build club spirit, which becomes team
spirit when we compete with other clubs; and shooting to-
gether night after night produces member-against-member
rivalries which provide incentive for each man to work to
improve his scores. This means that a club must set aside
specific nights for practice, and the members must be keen
enough about shooting to devote those nights to it. We're
lucky in having that kind of members.
"Another thing that has helped us make the grade com-
petitively is-we provide plenty of competitive shooting.
There's no way to make a competitive shooter except by
Basic shooter's kit includes .38 or .357 (Python, above) competitive ·shooting. You have to get used to competition
revolver, .45 and .22 pistols, shooting glasses, tools. in order to shoot your best scores (Continued on page 50)
GUNS JUNE 1960 31




New Tools
For Stocks
Surform black blade takes big chip, ·cuts for first
hogging-out of stock from the rough blank, works like rasp.


F AST BECOMING POPULAR with gunsmiths, and

equally popular with the sportsman who is interested.
in shaping his own gun stock or in making alterations
on a present gun stock, is a new line of tools, called
"Surform" tools, made by Stanley Tools, division of The
Stanley Works, New Britain, Connecticut. These tools,
made up of blades with hundreds of individual hardened Holders include file (above), plane, and rocker or convex
and sharpened cutting teeth are available in two basic type to form all kinds of flat, curved shapes in hard wood.
styles: plane and file type. Flat and half-round blades
are available. Working essentially like a wood rasp, the
Stanley "Surform" tools cut all types of wood-soft
woods, hard woods, decorative fruit woods-faster than a his stock down to the desired shape quickly and easily.
conventional wood rasp or any file hitherto available. Two blade patterns are standard. The regular cut, the
The secret of this remarkable performance lies in the blade with the black finish, is especially designed for the
fact that each blade is ·made up of from 250 to 500 in- speedy removal of softer materials, such as all types of
dividually hardened and sharpened teeth. Each pass of wood. The second is a fine-cut blade, the blade w'th the
the tool over .the stock, results in the removal of actual silver finish, for the final finishing strokes. The cutting
chips from the wood. The chips are cleared through the edges of the fine-cut are set so that they take half the bite
individual "throat" or opening above each tooth. of the regular cut, give a smoother finish.
Because of the diverse shapes and styles-flat, half New shapes now added to the blade family include the
round, round, as well as convex-practically any area of half-round and the round file type. They fill a need for
a fine gun stock may be quickly and accurately dressed trimming and forming concave surfaces and enlarging
down to desired size with a "Surform" tool. holes, as in the inletting for trigger or magazine.
As a testimony to the effectiveness of these tools, many Holders for the blades include the file and the plane,
manufacturers claim that they do 90 per cent of the form- the pocket or block-plane type holder, and the "rocker"
ing and shaping job after rough, hardwood billets have or convex. Favorites with gunsmiths are the file and pocket
been cut out. Equally appealing to the "purist," is the fact type holders using regular, fine-cut, and half-round blades.
that he may remove as much or as little stock as desired. Retail prices range from $1.79 each for the "Surform"
The pressure exerted by the user accounts for this versa- pocket tool, $2.69 for the regular and fine-cut file type,
tility. As a result, if the sportsman desires to remove a to $3.69 for the convex with fine-cut blade. They are
small amount of stock from any area, the "Surform" tool available through hardware retailers nationwide.
will provide a fast and ready answer for him. Similarly, "Surform" tools, unlike other files, remove chips, ~
if he is starting from his own rough billet, he can work not dust. They cut clean and leave a clean finish. ~

32 GUNS JUNE 1960

Finer cut Surform is white-finished, leaves wood smoother before sanding, filling, varnishing or oil
finish. New gun gadget makes practical use of expensive blanks by casual arms hobbyist.

Set in file-type holder, Surform shreds off long curls of wood as if by many tiny blades, does not
clog like wood rasp because teeth are open at back. Final comb height is shaped with Surform.
GUNS JUNE 1960 33
* The Greatest Rifle OffE
All U.S.
(Springfield Armory)
Ye Old Hunter is all heart! Made
Ye Old Hunter illustrate3 all weapOll3 btl actual unre·
touched -photographs 80 11014 can U6 hoUl tlle1/ REALLY look/

Cal.. 30-06 Origina

Yes, Ye Old Hunter. the Guantanamo Buddha of the gun trader
world brings to you another fabulous shipment of the greatest riflE
ALL MILLED PARTS! ever found . . . a gigantic shipment of "The finest rifle ever made'!
tens of thousands of ORIGINAL GARANDS, all in v. g. or better
ALL MATCHING NUMBIRS! all manufactured by SPRINGFIELD ARSENAL (no cheap contract
Commercial made .30-06 ball-only $7.50 per 10
in the world's greatest cartridges, .30-06, and all at a price EVl
ACCESSORIES: Brand new original leather slings, each . . • . . $1.9 can afford ... just'a mere $79.95. Now you can throwaway those Q
~:;~: 8n~~U~e~I~~is~g:~Ceha~~:: : : : : : • . • . • •• 1:~ and rough Spring-fields you've been paying so much for from on
step up and enjoy the best of 'em all, the great Garand, and blaze. al

Cal••30-06 Cal•.303
Virtually unfired ••. fresh from government cases.
All milled parts. All N.R.A. Very Good - or Better! THE FAMED ROYAL ENFIELD No.1, Mk III
TIRED OF PAYING OVER $40 FOR A U.S. ARMY .30·06 RIFLE? SO was Ye Old Hunter. so he Cash in today on the most astounding bargain EVER, before Ye Old Hunter wak~s up b
G~v~A'\~~~n~VI~oHvoiJTlnJfti'cO&M?..jf!"~~~Cfat~~E~nJPI~~:A~03~?8:~: t~~y b~1~D~f:m·3.~-g~6R~ute~ finds out what he's done. The pride of the British Arms from 1900 to Korea NOW at the
and strongest U.S. AI'my bolt action EVER made. . . . This super stl'ength action can be convel'tcd to tal(e GIYE-A'VAY price of only S9.95! Almost too fantastic to believe, and luckily so, otherwl
'i ~·tf~I~ Iit~~ f~t~\I~~fe~t~d~ ~:ci~I:~~~ns~~~~sf~~~o~Eu~fi ~~e'i.l\~d:rT7 :~:k:~~~s~~ClyUS~:oo3a~i3i~i onai. j Hunter might not ha"e escaped a howling b'nch mob of competitors alreads at his heels beca~
gi,'e-away bargains. Order sours toda;... whll-e this price is still in effect. Add only $3.00 fot
Genuine Leather Military Adjustable Slings Only 50c Genuine Model 1917 Bayonet $1.75 specimen. Original long knife hayonets only $1.25 when ordered with rifle. A truly incredibl
Bargain U.S. made M.e. ammo only $7.50 per 100.

From Switzerland! !! Where the Watchword is Always Precision AMERICA'S GREATEST DOLLAR for DOLLAR W
Cal. 7.5 SWISS
Ammo On Hand Cal••303
Reduced to Only
The Most Spectacular Bargain in All Rifledom!
The most SOUGHT AFTER treasure in all gundom-at last run down by Ye Old Hunter! A few lucky
tourists haH been paying $90.00 for these rare precision masterpieces . . . hut now this {'ery ~iOe is BRITAIN'S BEST!! The past year's fastest selling and most popular rifle and now at the
nailable to OXE A~D ALL at the reduced price of 01\LY $13.95. Super designed with the raPid (al- redu~ed price of only $12.95. Britain's latest and most developed service rifle whIch inCOl)
most semi-automatic) straight pull bolt and also chambered for the SUPER ACCURATE 7.5 Swiss cart- the improvements of over 50 years of sen"ice requirements. Manufactured AS LATE AS 195
ride. New 7_5 Swiss Soft Point Ammo with all commercial components only $3.95 per box of 20_ standard in the British Commonwealth and many other nations. Proudly in service from B
A must for any collection. . _ . Order now. hefore huge supply has been picked over. All in good or
better condition. (Selected specimens only $3 additional!) Swiss )lodel 1911 Bayonet Only $1.95! Swiss Palace to Kuala LUIllPur! Carefully selected specimens only $4.00 additional. Original ba)"one
Saw Tooth Camp )Jachete-complete with Sheath-Only $3.95! Your friends will marvel at this one. only $1.00 when ordered with riOe. The latc model highly accurate rereiver sight is)t

Cal. 7.6SMM

All milled parts. Select Wal·

nut stocks. Fine natural finish
(5 shot mag.-no dip required)
Never NEVER NEVER' has such a Mauser bargain been available. UNBELIEVABLE. FI'om anyone
U~s.p~kl~~c~~D~~U~~,1.hi1~°Wn~ be u~~\~esV~~I~~v~la~S}~~reO~~:inha~la~~~,.uil:;'u:O~fIl~~~ The 'Vorld famous hard hitting .303 British .1ungle arbine at a price
can afford. Order now while stocks of this premium rifle are still anilable
. ~~ftt~rirchf-~i'T~ltR'k&O~~~~ ~~. c~tu{v~~~es'?t6c~sVI~~g~h~eab·:stl~}~.~rl~tuil~lllh-; low price of $24.95. The rifle designed Cor Jungle in-fighting. Just tile ticket for fast off-han
fJ~U~I~lifrp~~Alf~~itatt:v'E~5~Tn~.~9) . ~O~e ~~~.~1~1e~veB~~le~~d.a~nJZb/~~~~DIN~H~e~{?~~ right down to the built· In rubber recoil pad_ Be a proud owner ot this "as is" sport~r. Tb
rifle manufactured for rapid firing with a full ten round magazine and only 7 lbs.- a trtle feai
Original German long blade Mauser Bayonet and cabbard: only $1.95. Caliber 7.65mm AMMUNITION Only $4.00 additional if we hand select one in ultimate condition. YOURS THIS VERY 1
(Cal. .30) Only $7.50 per 100. Caliber 7.65mm SOFT PT. (Hunting) Ammo Only $3.45 per box of ;(20).



• j.Shol Magatine _ No Clip Required
• All Milled Parts - 24" Barrel • 11/ 4 " Swivels
Select European Walnut - Partially Hand-fitted -
Natural Oil Finish THIS FINE SPORTER·-ONLY $299~
The flne German made Mauser l\J91-BeauUfully sporterlzed at the most reasonable price
EVER. The rifle that has EVERYTHING-ine!udlng quality features NOT found on high
prleed sporters. Originally manufaetured by the famous Gennan arms makers Ludwig Loewe IN LIMITED SUPPLY-The No.4 ROl'al EnrIeld, beautifully sporterized bY the world-fam
& Co •• Berlin and D.W.M., Berlin. dudng the great anns period when THE-EMPHASiS WAS ON and Harrison gun makers (England's premiere gun makers)-and onb' $29.95! Each rifle has
CRAFTSMANSHIP and now beautifully sporterized at the lowest price imaginable. One of the flnl'st fully selected for both condition and beauty. Each has been cut down and reshaped by profes
machtned Mansel'S of all time and with all milled parts. The 1\191 is stocked with only select European walnut. ~
011 flnbhed and superbly fitted. -(Only obtainable today on a custom basis.) A Sporter you ran truI,)' be proud to smiths and CO:MPLETF.JJY refinished and reblued. Each is a genuine factory cOll'rersion aoo
own-the finest of the fine-yours toda)' and only 527.95 . . . the greatest Quality buy evcr! confused with makeshift "cut-downs" adYertised at fantastic prices elsewhere. Ins\st on
(Add M.OO if wc carefully sclcct a stock with outstanding grain beauty.) Cogswell & Harrison connrsion. 'I'his is the rifle that has all soortsdom talking'l Orde

RREXPRESS (Shipping Charges Collect) from Alexandria, Virginia. Send check or 11'1.0. DO NOT SEND CASH.
Sorry, NO OOD's. "l\loney's Worth or l\1oney Back" guarantee when goods are returned prepaid within two days
after receipt. Ye Old Hunter will not answer any ascriminoneous type letters. Send them elsewhere. ALEXANDRIA, VA.,
THE GUN CAPITAL OF THE ·WORLD. World·s Biggest Arms House - World·s Lowest Prices. Order now. Sales
J4imited to Cont. United States! Never before. never again bargains. S-A4V-E! S-A-Y-E! S-A-V-E!!! S-A-V-.E!!! S-A-V-E!!!
SHOOTERS: DEALERS: COLLECTORS: Remove and frame this ad-SOMEDAY it may be
used as MONEY! Hang in prominent place and replace pictures with actual weapons!
FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS: : 'Write directly to Ye Old Hunter. (Still one step ahead of a
howling lynch mob because of his ethical practices.) Deal direct. Save money! Save Time!
S,,"ve middlemen! Save agents! Save commissions! Immediate reply guaranteed. Ye Old
Hunter-always the first with the most! World's biggest gun store! "\Vorld's best prices!

ring Ever .. Anytime! .. Anywhere! WORLD'S GREATEST PISTOLS!

Order from this ad!
(Send permit if your state or city requires)

:Ml ~:~A~~;ero~i~e'~ .~7 9 !


Now! Genuine, original, rare,
l\fannlicher AutoIllatic Pistols
at only $24.95 in very good con-
dition. A few excellent $29.95.
The Illost racy auto design ever.

of the 7.65 ~Iannlicher Pistol amIno
Ye Old Hunter's bargain .30-06 MC cartridges for only $79.95. This is no only $7.50 per 100 rounds.
bargain worthless bag of reject mis-matched parts someone was afraid to assemble;
.. yes, this is no phoney "auction" to stick you with what others would not buy;
ndition, this is no over-priced monster from the other side of the moon, but the
,bs), all REAL THING from Springfield Arsenal, in superb original condition MILITARY MAUSERS
I Krags
. GUARANTEED by Ye Old Hunter and with all milled parts and all numbers Cal. 7.63 Mauser
rs, and
matching. Send today: the best bargain of the new decade! Order from this Genuine (Oberndorf) 7.63 Mauser
iY with ad to insure prompt delivery! .30-06 MC cartridges only $7.50 per 100 rounds. Pistols in stock for immediate
shiprrlent. The most precise pistol
ever Inade. Perhaps never again
available. Excellent condition-
U !! RUSSIAN M91 and M91/30 RIFLES only $44.95. (A few absolutely
select only $5.00 additional.)

Your choice
(M91 Model pictured)

THE MQST AMAZING FIND OF OUR TIMES. Authentic Rus.ian Infantry Rifles in
MINIMUM ORDER 100 ROUNDS. All prices belo
both the rare Model 91 and the rare Model 91/30. YOUR CHOICE of either model
Hupt and only $14.95. or both Dlodels for ONLY $29.45 when ordered in pairs. Guaranteed COln- ~xp':~3s,ro~~1~"'I~I~ aCH'X1tG~~stc8fL;~!f'pe;en~~-
nheard of tional New sensational prices! Save, save. save.
e Ye Old
plete, in good serviceable condition and devoid of all communist rust. A hazardous ~
e of these find that shattered the shooting world, and what Inayhem for our competitors ,vho
a selected tried to jocJ\:y Ye Old Hunter out of this cache. Thanks to an underground waterway. 6.5MM ITALIAN IN CLIPS (M.e.> $ 7.50
, bargain! shooting is now yours in the popular 7.62 caliber-only $7.50 per 100 rounds. Today!
7MM MAUSER (M.C.l. $ 6.00
7.35MM ITALIAN IN CLIPS (M.e.> $ 7.50'
7.5 SWISS SOFT POINT (20 rds.) $ 3.95
.LUE! MODEL 3C SAVAGE .22 CAL. RIFLES 7.62x39 RUSSIAN SHORT (M.C.) (20 rdsl. .•. $ 4.95
7.62 RUSSIAN (M.C.) $ 7.50
7.63 MAUSER (PISTOl) $ 5.00
ONLY Sg951 7.65MM (.30) MAUSER (M.C.) $ 7.50
lbelievable .30-06 U.S. COMMERCIAL (M.C.).. $ 7.50
Jorates all
j! Still a
Here at last!' A rifle
plinldng and target
serviceable in every
the entire family can enjoy. The perfect little .22 for all around.·
shooting, and at '''hat a steal price-only $9.95 cOlllplete and
detail. While away hours of practically costless shooting with
1 U.S. .30 (.30·40 CALIBER) KRAG (M.C.) .••••. $ 5.50
CALIBER .303 BRITISH (M.e.> $ 7.50
ls on hand this eye sharpener. Better order this very day to insure one in )·onr household!
urs today. .303 BRITISH SOFT POINT. ............••. $14.75
8MM GERMAN MAUSER ISSUE M.C') ..• , ..•.• $ 6.00

9MM LUGER (PARABELLUM) (M.C.) ..•..•••. $ 5.00
:INE! Remington Made .43 Caliber Saddle Carbines! 9MM F.N. STEYR PISTOL (M.e.> ........••• $ 5.00
.42 COLT BER'OAN RIFLE (M.C.) $10.00
.43 (11 MM) REMINGTON (M.e.> $ 6.00
Genuine Remington Rolling Block Carbines
.45 (ACP) COLT AUTOMATIC (M.C') ....•••••. $ 5.00

t the low,
Just arrived! Rare shipments of arsenal reconditioned genuine Remington made
I I I Full case 7MM (M.e.) Pullin"
Ammo (1,000 Rounds) only
I shooting $10.00. NEVER before so much for so less. Bullets
Saddle Carbines complete in every detail and ready to go. The first and possibly LAST CHANCE for
sis THl<-; you Rolling Block lo\'ers to purchase one of these trim little rifles at a price never before heard or alone worth quadruple. Cracked necks insure tool-
lerweight. unheard. This is the rare octagonal breech model which makes it a collector's must as well as a less pulling. Any with good cases give you the am-
AY. shooters treasure for a lifetime of rare pleasure. Original boxed UMC .43 ammo onl;\-' $6.00 per 100 rounds. mo bonus of this millenium. Packed in commercial
boxes of 20 rounds each. Today's super give.away!

A Pancho Villa Special! Cal. 7mm Remington Rolling Blocks!
Bargains! Bargains! and Bargains!!!

NEW, In original wrapping, Colt 45 Automatic
Barrels. Put your favorite Colt in new condition-
TOTAL PRICE Only or stock up with an extra ...•.... Only $4.95!

• NRW SHIPMENT of rare original 7MM Remington Rolling Blocks

-the rifle that broke all sales records a few years back. Absolutely com-
MAUSER 9B BOLTS. Stripped, slightly used, gen-
uine issue Mauser 98 Bolts Only $4.95!
; Cogswell plete and in remarkable condition for the condition they are in. Condi-
been care- tion is "gun nut special" and not to be confused with former !'gun crank special"
ional gun· rusty relics. The finest 7~:r:M: Remington Rolling Blocks available anywhere. Own this MAUSER 93 BOLTS. Complete, slightly used, orig-
not to be historical relic for a mere pitta-nee-only $9.28. The rifle you can't afford not to buy! inal 93 Mauser Bolts. A give-away .. Only $4.95!
a genuine Glamorous, rare "short tooth" bayonets only $1. 95. 7M1I1 M.C. ammo only $6 per 100.
r today!!!

your official letterhead for new sensational discount lists. CANADIAN BUYERS: Write ....
P. O. Box 628, Peterboro, Ontario. Add 20 % to above prices ':rhen ordering and SAVE ... ATTENTION AMERICAN RIFLEMEN! Take advantage today at these superb. safe, 8ure~
splected, sensational. special weapons and ammunition bargains! Never in history such

E• 200 S. Union St.. Alexandria 2, Va.

a sel~ction at such prices! Order TODAY from this ad, for lasting- pleasure and!
pCI'manent value! Don't be misled by claims at others-for the finest quality and
gl'eatcst value selected surplus weapons and ammunition are unquestionably the be&tl;
"TIwy Said We CoufdK'f 1)0- 9f"




T HE QUESTION, "Which came

first, the air- or gas-fired gun, or
the firearm?" is as tricky as the simi-
tical, successful semi-automatic action
for air- or gas-fired guns. The new
Crosman C02·powered auto-loading
lar question about the chicken and the "Model 600" is an ingenious solution
egg. Say "blow-gun" for airgun, and of a long-standing problem. Crosman
you have a clue to the antiquity of the releases call it "an engineering mir-
New pistol seems high in hand but
airgun principle. A 15th century fre"E0 acle", and maybe it is. At least it is an is comfortable; triggers pellets
at Angers, France, shows a blowgun effective reply to the demand of target as fast as your finger can move.
being aimed at a pigeon. In many parts pistolmen for a pellgun of high accu-
of the world, the air-powered blow-gun racy and fast-firing efficiency that
Crosman engineers believed the me-
dates back beyond written history. would enable them to practice (at
chanical achievement of a gas-powered
Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571) may home, without objectionable noise)
auto-loader might be based on the pat-
have concealed his invention of a com- not only slow fire but also the timed
ented swing-feed mechanism of the
pressed-air-powered gun behind his and rapid fire stages of pistol target
Crosman bolt action repeating rifle.
tall tales of "a smokeless, flashless, competition.' It is also a fun-gun for
Their interest in the problem was stim-
noiseless powder." plinkers and the hunters of lesser var-
ulated by an imtependent survey of
But in all those centuries, nobody mints. If you miss him the first time,
more than 11,000 pellgun owners, deal-
(until now) has come up with a prac- shoot him again!
ers, and distributors who believed that
a semi-automatic gasgun would "open
a new era for shooters." New era or
not, they felt that they had a ready-
made and waiting market among the
target pistolmen who have long awaited
a gun with which they could practice at
home without arousing the ire of police
or neighbors.
There were many technical prob.
lems. Basically, there had to be built
into a pistol a loading and recocking
device which would deliver with light-
ning rapidity a solf, pliable, .22 caliber
lead pellet without deforming it-and
return to receive and load subsequent
pellets. The popular demand was "the
faster the better." This had to be
accomplished by using the carbon-
Not one but three pistols were tested under constant barrel pressure firing dioxide gas to activate the semi-auto-
a hundred thousand times each without leakage or any mechanical failure. matic mechan- (Continued on page 56)
36 GUNS JUNE 1960

W HEN ACCIDENT OR NATURE leaves a man with but one hand,

his shooting days need not be over. This was the view of one
·Maryland duck hunter who ended up at our gun shop with problems:
his favorite Model 11 Remington autoloading 12 gauge, a yen for con-
tinuing duck hunting, and a prosthetic hook where his right hand should
be. His right eye was master. The steel hook, manipulated by the right
shoulder moving slightly rearward, made aiming and firing difficult. Two
shots at a time were often fired because of insensitive trigger "feel",
using the hook to pull the trigger, And with the right eye the master
eye, he couldn't shift to his left shoulder for firing. Skipping over many
ideas which were rejected one by one as impracticable for some reason,
By CHARLES L. UNIACKE we arrived at a final solution. We installed a vertical fore grip with trigger
and and guard, and a means of linking the fore trigger to the regular trigger.
JAMES H. VEEDER One limitation to alterations was that the gun (Continued on page 52)

Pistol grip was put in

special forend of old Rem-
ington I r shotgun to en-
able r.ight-eyed man to pull
trigger with his left hand
providing gun support.

Forearm detaches if owner wants to restore gun to

original condition. Star pistol frame was fitted; linked
to trigger by choke cable for left handed triggering.

GUNS JUNE 1960 37



THE OLD • THE NEW • THE UNUSUAL As Burr's bullet struck Hamilton in chest, the
Treasury secretary fired his pistol in the air.

Authentic pistols used in duel came from duelling expert

brother-in-law of Hamilton; then through family to present de-
posit in New York City bank. One was altered in Civil War. By WILLIAM B. EDWARDS


of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, he killed one
enemy but made thousands. Among the thousands are the
many gun collectors who have claimed ownership of the
pistols with which the deed was done.
No duel ever proved the fallacy of duelling as a settle-
ment of disputes more conclusively than did this one fought
on the greensward of Weehawken Heights on the Jersey
side of the Hudson. Alive, Hamilton would have ruined
Burr if he could. Dead, Hamilton ruined Burr more com-
pletely than he had ever yet succeeded in doing-for vic-
tory in the duel brought Burr nothing but condemnation,
scorn, and defeats that led to political oblivion.
Yet even the guns seem almost to have been a part of
a deadly destiny aimed at Hamilton. They were Wogdon
duellers, bought in London in 1797 by John B. Church,
Alexander Hamilton's brother-in-law. Church himself had
used the guns in a duel with Aaron Burr-and missed, thus
Typical of arms claimed to be "the ones" is set by Booth, saving Burr for a later and more deadly engagement. And,
Philadelphia, taken from Burr at Treason Trial by Caesar Rodney. in 1802, one of these same guns, (Continued on next page)

38 GUNS JUNE 1960

provided by Church, killed Alexander Hamil· wholeheartedly for a strongly united group lead an army into Mexico, annexing thiS'
ton's son, Philip. This was in a duel fought of these "free and independent States." nation to the American West. Many U. S.
at Weehawken with one J. G. Yeager. When Did Hamilton see a future when commerce statesmen and generals wanted to do the-
Hamilton took these "Wogdon·s" into his and communications would knit the country same thing. Jefferson with his principle of
own duel with Burr, he was sorely tempting together so strongly that even the strife of Manifest Destiny, General Andrew Jackson,.
a fate that seemed pointed straight at the Civil War could not shatter it? Perhaps this Sam Houston in Texas, and even leading
Hamilton family. may have given him cause to resent Burr, generals after the Civil War, were in favor
Pointing straight seems to have been a for Burr was an extremist in favor of States' of this move. But Wilkinson carried the tale-
characteristic of the Wogdon pistols. A poem Rights. He was also a believer in coloniza- to J eflerson that Burr planned to separate the
titled "Stanzas On Duelling," published in tion and expansion. He put this latter belief western states from the U.S. and declare him-
1782, began with a reference to Wogdon: to practice by planning to colonize land he self emperor. The resulting Treason Trial
"Hail Wogdon, patron of that leaden death, bought and paid for in the Louisiana wilder- rocked the country. Colonel Burr was ad-
Which waits alike the bully and the brave; ness. judged not guilty, but the strain was there
As well migh t art recall departed breath Land speculation was the temper of the and the talk finished him. His decline in
As any artifice your victims save." times. The lean frontiersman with his Long public esteem and affection, begun when he
Wogdon's duellers are as distinctive, with Rifle is acclaimed as the settler of the con- fired the Wogdon dueller at Alexander Ham-
the curve of butt, the graceful gooseneck tinent, but it was the townsite speculator in ilton, was now complete.
cock, and the large guard bow, as is Wog- his search for "the Long Green" who really Meanwhile, the Wogdon guns remained in
don's signature in flowery script on their filled up the land. He surveyed towns, sold possession of the Church family. Major Rich-
locks. So noted were his products that any lots and, if too optimistic (as when the emi- ard Church, grandson of John B., converted
serious quarrel came to be known as "a grants found their town underneath some one to percussion and carried it as a militia
Wogdon case." hitherto unmapped wilderness lake), was officer in the Civil War. Why did he not
The Burr-Hamilton quarrel was definitely hanged in effigy or for real if they could lay carry both, as saddle pistols? The flint lock
a Wogdon case. The animosity between the their hands on him. But Burr's plan was a is in good condition, as ready for use as it
two men seems to have dated back to the sober one, to develop a new State. ever was. Could this signify that the flint
time when both served on the staff of young To credit this ill-fated figure of history pistol was recognized as the ill-ornened gun
General Washington. Burr was transferred, with any more dastardly plan is absurd. that slew Hamilton, and for that reason waS'
but Hamilton continued as Washington's Even as vice-president and President of the not used? The pistols, unlike other WogdonS'
right-hand man, and this increased the en· Senate he presided "with a fairness and dig- of the same form, have heavy brass fore-
mity. In 1791, Burr added fuel to the fire nity recognized even by his bitterest ene· stocks. Target shooters have long recognized
by defeating Hamilton's father-in-law, Gen· mies." As Senator from the most powerful the benefit of a little more weight forward.
eral Philip Schuyler, in a Senatorial elec- State he had great political control without As Aaron Burr proved at dawn one ~
tion. Later, Burr's influence in the pivotal responsibility. But he did have the misfor- July day, it helps steady the aim. U.
state of New York carried the Democratic tune to gather about him some odd friends,
ticket (on which Burr was running for Vice· including General James Wilkinson. (Aaron Burr's mother was the daughter of
President under Jefferson) to victory. Un- This blot upon our national record sold the Rev. lonathan Edwards, early New Eng-
fortunately, Burr received the same number out his own country, Spain, France, and land theologian, from whom the author is
of votes as did Jefferson, and the election Britain to each other, simultaneously, collect- descended. The pistols are occasionally 011
had to be decided by the House of Repre· ing money as secret agent of all! Burr, some display in the museum of the Chase Man-
sentatives. There, Hamilton's strength was thought, planned to build his State and then hattan Bank of New York City.)
sufficient to throw the decision in Jefferson's
favor. Still later, Burr ran for Governor of
ew York and was defeated, partly because
of Hamilton's bitter opposition. Hamilton
publicly branded Burr "a dangerous man,"
of whom he could "detail a still more
despicable opinion."
These were the words on which Burr based
his challenge that Hamilton face him "on the
field of honor." Hamilton accepted the chal-
lenge, and the result is history. They met
on July 11, 1804. Hamilton died the follow-
ing day. But Burr was dead, politically,
from the instant the shot found its target.
The nation lost on both counts. The coun-
try needed Hamilton; it needed Burr. Burr
was a dreamer with a talent for organization
and a genius for leading men. He had proved
this years before. in the Revolution, when he
defied the orders of his superiors in the re-
treat from Long Island, but saved his men.
He commanded a brigade gallantly at the
battle of Monmouth. In January, 1779, he
was assigned to command the line from the
Hudson through Westchester County, N. Y.,
to the Sound. It was a lawless district, plun-
dered by the rabble of both armies. He
"400" GAS_POWERE:D~R~E:P~E:A:TE:'R:=:R~lf:L:E=~li=iill;iL
established martial law, a system of patrol, Try a Crosman Pellgun for target shooting; plinking, all
year around. You'll have 3 times more shooting fun with
and restored order. This is not the record a Crosman. WRITE for colorful literature. Crosman
of a dissolute or heedless man, but that of a Arms Co.• Inc., Dept. G-42, Fairport. N. Y.
captain of firm moral principle.
Hamilton had risen in the tradition of
Whig liberalism. Then Revolution gave rise Ask your Crosman Select Dealer for FREE Demonstration
to abuses of liberalism: factionalism and
States' Rights dissent which, even today, are
sore spots of conflict in the American pattern
of organization. Hamilton, worried through
the weakness of the Articles of Confederation
that the young Republic should fall, became
spokesman for the Federalist party. fIe was

GUNS JUNE 1960 39

" I,OOO,OOOtorou (Continued from page 18)

in Health, Vigor as small as a dime.

After this, you get the BB test if he thinks
Frank Connor, a civilian technical aid on the
Downrange missile project working out of
and Well-Being your eyes are of sufficient strength to follow Patrick AFB, thinks McDaniel has "got it."
its flight when he throws it up. "This is the "He taught me how to quick draw and hip
Without any obligation
supreme test of vision, confidence, and con- shoot a handgun," Connor says, "something
0' binding, costly, monthly
centration," he explains. I had been unable to learn with thousands
Pu,chau Plans

Leaving the BB gun, McDaniel advances of rounds of practice." Connor is pretty typ-
H.IGH-POTENCY his pupil to the shotgun for the "graduation
. "
ical of the average "gun nut," a better than
average shot, who cut his pistol teeth on a
IRON, VITAMIN The steps are basically the same. He starts nickel plated .32 Hand Ejector which he
. AND MINERAL slowly with clay pigeons gently tossed into
the air. All the while, he is constantly urging,
used to toss into his bicycle basket along
with hard-earned ammo and peddle out to
TONIC FORMULA "look at the top of the target and shoot."
As you begin to hit with the shotgun-and
his folks' place in the country for some shoot-
ing. When he's not working to aim the
Now you may have. absolutely free. a full it's usually a matter of one or two shots-the heavier kinds of missile hardware, Connor
25-day supply of amazing, quick-acting targets become more difficult. Lucky has by worked with Lucky; was once Lucky's shoot-
BLOOD-GROWING STIl\IULAJ....T-superior to now picked up a hand trap and is sailing ing helper. "I know there are several people
products that retail at $4.95 and more per 100. the clay pigeon out in every direction: duck floating around who demonstrate or teach
We pay the expense of this sensational offer ...
not just a token sample but a full 25-day sup- shots, dove shots, quail shots. the quick draw and hip shooting, but I never
ply . . . because we're sure this trial will prove Finishing touches are applied with small knew any of them who could teach the whole
to you that you, too, 1i1{e many thousands of
others nlay experience a new feeling of health, charcoal bricks. For one thing, they offer a works in four hours."
youth and well-being . . . a new zest for life! smaller target. Also, Lucky can throw
Each easy-to-take CAPSULE supplies your Another man sold on Instinct Shooting is
body with 45 nutritional aids including a doubles, even triples, easily by hand. tough, experienced Col. Lyman Davison, of
NE\VER FORU OF IRON to stimulate the And when you get your triple, what else the USAF security set-up. In teaching Air
growth of RICH, RED BLOOD through your
whole tired, rundown system (when due to iron do you need to know about how to shoot? Police to shoot and hit, Colonel Davison has
deficiency anenlia), plus factors that accelerate
absorption and give you amazing resul ts even Stories about Lucky have been so numer- learned a thing or two about practical shoot-
within the first 3 or 4 days. Also FREE the ous, a good deal of scepticism has been ing. "If there's any defect in Lucky's teach-
famous Vitalllin-Quota Guide Book. Answers
perplexing vitan1in questions and shows how to aroused among differently-trained shooters as ing," he says, "it is that he over simplifies
SAVE UP TO 50% on the same vitamins you to "how good" this man really is. Perhaps what you have to learn and be aware of in
are now 'using. All absolutely FREE, no obli-
gation to buy anything, no Inonthly purchase on the target range Lucky doesn't have a gaining real skill with a handgun. But I do
plans. Supply limited. Only one to a family, chest full of medals, for he has never fol- know this much: we have taken men who
please. Enclose 10c to cover cost of packing and
mailing. Send for your supply today. VITAl\IIN- lowed the routine of competitive rifle, pistol, shot all over the paper and, applying Lucky's
QUOTA, Dept. T-939, 880 Broadway, New York or shotgun. But some pretty hard-headed principles, brought their groups right down
3, N. Y. or Dept. T-939, 1125 S. Crenshaw Blvd.,
Los Angeles 19, Calif. scientific shooters find his ideas and his re- like this," he reported, making a circle of
sults"- something a lot more than "luck." his two hands, "and not only I but others
in the outfit have found we are shooting a
lot more over-90 scores with the pistol as a
consequence. There's no doubt about it, this
man has a system that works."
Whether the hunter and rifleman can prof-
itably apply McDaniel's instinct shooting is
a natural question. Veteran Idaho guide and
outdoorsman Howard Sarvis, initiator of
Trainfire, now studying small arms training
systems at Fort Benning, not far from
Lucky's home base of Columbus, Ga., unoffi·
cially checked out Lucky when the latter
gave a demonstration at a turkey shoot of the
JOIN THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION Post Fish & Game Club. "Lucky spent about
10 minutes with me. I couldn't hit anything

,. THE AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE with the air gun at first; then I began to see
~ I A year's subscription to the world's finest gun magazine-:-devoted the shot going and get the idea of the thing,
, exclusively to the fascinating subject of firearms. Read about rifles.
pistols, shotguns. hunting. target shooting, gunsmithing, gun col-
under what I consider the most skillful and
lecting, reloading and related subjects-every month. patient coaching I have ever witnessed. I
got so I could hit that washer almost.JIll the
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP IN THE N.R.A. time, and then stepped aside as others were
You'll get prompt answers from our Firearms Information· Serv. waiting..."
ice-gun law bulletins-low cost gun insurance-right to buy
government gun equipment-eligibility for a year-'round shooting Sarvis noted that Lucky started with his
program-marksmanship instruction' - plus many other benefits. BB gun throwing up a 2" washer about 5 feet
in the air and hitting it. Then he switched to
GOLD-FILLED MEMBERSHIP BUTTON smaller objects, Alka Seltzer tablets, Life-
This distinctive NRA lapel button sells regularly for $1.50. It's
yours as an EXTRA BONUS for joining now; wear it proudly! savers and then aspirin pills. "He hardly

Please enter my subscription to $500 Enclosed
ever missed," the Benning experts agreed.
As to practical applications of Lucky's tal-
ents in these uneasy days, Sarvis is uncertain,
not doubtful.
I enroll me as an NRA MEMBER
and send my lapel button. *
Bill me please
"Am I enthusiastic?" he asks. "I don't
I NAME ~ _ know. This ... reminds me of Old Bill down
at the service station who does my car work,

hunts squirrels, claims to beat shotgunners

I CITY-STATE though he uses a .22, doesn't even know
what kind of sights are on his "raffie," not
even sure he uses sights. . .
1600 Rhode Island Avenue, Washington 6, D. C.
.Confirming application & details will also be mailed.
"I want to see McDaniel do some shooting
with an M-l on a silhouette at 100 yards;

40 GUNS JUNE 1960

then I want to see him do it with moving him how to shoot. I agreed to try and he went
targets at that range or closer. I see no out and bought 500 .22s. He burned powder
rea'son why he shouldn't. Those aspirin tab· and I threw cans of every description, pine
lets figure out to around ten minutes of cones and anything else we could get our
angle, which is a man at 200 yards... It may hands on-with no results at all. I suggested
be there is a way to shoot the rifle at short it might be cheaper if we borrowed a BB
ranges and, say, up to 15-20 moa targets, gun and tried it for a while. It was here that
still or moving, that we have overlooked all I discovered how you can see the BB come
these centuries. out of the barrel.
"It will be quick as lightning and easy as "Brooker and I immediately saw that he
pie. You don't even think about aiming; was shooting under everything that I threw
you just watch that target intently, either into the air. It didn't take us long then to
the bottom edge or the top edge, depending correct his faults and he soon developed into
on whether it is on the ground or in the air. a darn good shooter.
Your eyes are way above the barrel, just the "Word began to get around. Before lOng I
end of your chin on the stock, and you had picked up more money teaching on week-ends
better forget how that barrel looks (that than I made in a week with my traveling job.
was my trouble, trying to watch the barrel
and shoot it like a shotgun.) If you do noth·
Two and two soon began to add up to four,
(Continued on page 43) I Buy GUNS QUARTERLY Now
ing but watch the target, let everything else
take care of itself, you will hit.
"If this works all the time, we had better Yes, now you too can be
tease it out, write it down, and learn how
to teach it," concludes Trainfire Sarvis. And an expert marksman with
if Lucky's principles can be proved to work
with heavy-caliber arms on a teachable basis, the amazing •••
it may be that he has already done just that!
This incredible sharp shooter was born
Bobby Lamar McDaniel on Nov. 9, 1924, on
a farm near Thomason, Ga. The nickname,
"Lucky," didn't come along until years later
although, surprisingly, perhaps, it has no
connection with his ability to shoot or teach
"I sorta grew that nickname around the
pool halls back home," he modestly admits.
"I never lost."
That, in a nutshell, goes a long way "I've taught thousands·to shoot instinctively and now you,
toward describing Lucky McDaniel. He is a in just two hours, will marvel over your unbelievable
man whose confidence takes second place abil ity to hit aerial targets of various sizes
to nothing in his total make-up. The complete training outfit, design'ed
He figures his shooting this way: and perfected by me, assures you
"If it's within range and I can see it, I of successful INSTINCT
can hit it!" It is amazing, too, how such SHOOTING."
self assurance rubs off on his pupils. This,
no doubt, has a lot to do with the rapid
way in which the beginner catches on to
Instinct Shooting.
Six years ago, this blond-headed bundle of
energy who, with his medium height and
build resembles a college halfback, was a
traveling tobacco salesman in South Georgia.
But Lucky's switch to shooting might have
been expected.
"An uncle gave me a 41O-gauge single shot
when I was five years old. I guess I developed
a reputation as a fail' shooter as I grew," The outfit
he told me. "I began to capitalize on shoot- the ~ontains
ing, to some extent at least, while I had that specially designed
salesman's job. ' spring operated air-
"Peddling snuff and tobacco, I remember rifle that holds, 750 shots
times when I would go into a store, get I ••• Simp'le diagrammed in-
turned down on an order and then resort to structions for mastering IN STlNcr
shooting to finally get the man to take an SHOOTING . . . An interchangeable cork
order anyway. barrel that allows you to practice in your own home . , . Training targets and two pair of
"If there was a rifle handy, I would use goggles for safety purpases '" Special ammunition for both barrels and a template to

it. If there wasn't, we'd make arrangements assist you in fitting the gun stock .•. Plus the 157 page book, INSTINCT SHOOTING.
to borrow one. Later, I learned to carry a Take advantage NOW of this
Unlimited Enterprises, Inc.
rifle and BB gun' along with me all the time. opportunity to own the IN-
217 4th National Bank Building .
Anyway, the shooting deal went like this: Columbus, Georgia STINCT SHOOTING TRAINER
"I would bet the man I could throw a _ OUTFIT and improve your
penny up in the air and hit it the first time.
I ADDRESS: - - -- - - - - - - - - - - shooting by shooting "LUCKY'S
If I lost, I gave him a case of snuff or some-
I CITY:_ - -'--- ---- -- -- - _STATEn
h - - - h - - _ - --

WA Y" -the instinctive way.

thing else in my line. If I hit the penny, h h _

See your local dealer or fill

he would buy the merchandise. And I don't LUCKY, Please rush me my INSTINCT SHOOTING OUT-
in the order.blankand send
mind saying that I never did give any goods I FIT at $24.95 plus $1 for postage, and handling.
TODAY for your LUCKY Mc-
In U.S. and Canada.
away. One day in Valdosta, Ga., Brooker
Blanton, a former University of Georgia foot-
ReSIdents of Georgia add 3 % sales tax. Out of state
soles or use tax, If applicable, to be paid by purchaser. I DANIEL INSTINCT SHOOTING
ball player, and I got to talking about shoot-
ing. Before long, he asked if I would teach

GUNS JUNE 1960 41

brand new * JUST OFF THE PRESS


viviel accounts of gun stingers in the Olel West
up-to-the-minute reports on guns 01 all types
hunelreels of elramatic photographs . . . unique
GO priceless reaeling matter in all fielels of gun interest
exciting stories of the Civil War Days
special reports on important events shaping the
graphic elesign role of firearms in the moelern worlel

No expense has been spared to make Guns Quarterly a color-filled, richly printed
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Guns Quarterly is out four times a year ... in May, August,
November and February. You would expect it to sell for a price
much like its counterparts in the hard cover book field, anywhere
from $10 to $15 ... but you pay only $4.00 a year for all four
quarterly ('lditions. And, you take no risk, if you're not com·
pletely satisfied, simply tell us. We'll cancel your subscription
and refund payment in full! Volume I is ready now! ... before
you do anything else mark and mail the coupon below today!

8150 N. Central Park Ave.
Skokie, Illinois
Please enter my name as a subscriber to GUNS QUARTERLY an~ mail me Volume
I-just off the press. $4.00 enclosed for four quarterly issues under your money·
back guarantee offer.

Name _
42 GUNS • JUNE 1960
(Continued from page 41) but an obvious addition is a rifle. You would
as the saying goes, so I took the big fling, expect to hit with it what you could with SHOP EQUIPMENT
" quit my selling job, and began teaching In- a BB gun. Side arms are still another part of (See also pages 6, 10)
stinct Shooting full time. the tools of his trade. He has taught quick-
"Needless to say, I haven't been sorry one
bit," he added.
draw and hip shooting to law enforcement
agencies all over the southeast.
A top shooter with skill like Lucky's, One patrolman in Prichett, Ala., credits THE
and patience to teach, didn't have to worry
about a living. His talents were "a natural"
Lucky with saving his life. The officer came
upon a burglar trying to enter a store window .
~tream A
u.s. and Canadian Pat.
Complete job as shown
fo' Most guns $25
for exhibition shoots under the guidance of by prying it open with a screwdriver.
Mike Jennings, a local promoter whose fame When approached from the rear, the Anti-recoil Gun Barrel
in the sports world is as wide as McDaniel's would-be burglar swung around, with the The muzzle brake that is precision machined
is in the shooting world. Jennings, who has intention of planting that screwdriver firmly into your rifle barrel, avoiding unsightly hang..
ons. Controlled escape for highest kinetic brak-
Lucky under contract with his Unlimited in the officer's chest. ing, minimum blast effect and practically no
Enterprises promotion firm, put a lot of big Instead, the policeman put Lucky's fast- iump. All but prevents jet thrust (secondary re..
shows on the road including the Patterson- draw and hip shooting technique into action coil). Guaranteed workmanship. Folder. Dealer
Rademacher heavyweight championship fight. to drop his opponent right in his tracks. discounts.
Mike, no slouch with words, put Lucky's With rifles and side arms, Lucky teaches PENDLETON GUNSHOP
teachings into a book, "Instinct Shooting," his pupils to look directly under a still
(Dodd, Meade & Co., publishers) ; now mar- target.
kets a BB rifle kit which is almost as good "With either a pistol from the hip or a
as a personal lesson from Lucky. rifle against the shoulder, it doesn't make any
Boxers and baseball players as well as difference," he says. "If that target is just
football player Blanton have profited in their sittin' there still, drop your eyes right under
eye-reflex skill from Lucky's training. Last it and pull the trigger.
spring, Lucky gave lessons to members of both "Take a BB gun, for example. Step out
the Cincinnati Redlegs and Chicago White into the yard, if it is large enough for safe
Sox teams while they were in training in Flori- shooting, and throw out a small match box "Loosens 'frozen' parts of
da. And in a sensational season, the Sox won or some other such object. Now, chin your OUTBOARD MOTORS. etc."·
the penant. Their hitting may be due partly BB gun, look to the bottom side of the AT IAlIWAIE STIKES. UKASES.
to Lucky McDaniel, the man with the "most target and pull the trigger. It should be a FILlIl& STITlIIS nUYWIEU
skillful and patient coaching ever..." hit." RADIATOR SPECIALTY CO.
Charlotte, H. C.
"I wasn't the least bit interested in the While he freely talks pistol and rifle
mechanical parts of baseball such as batting target shooting, and will teach it if the occa- THE LEWIS LEAD REMOVER
stance, grip, and other phases," Lucky told sion demands, you can't be in Lucky's pres- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED
me. "My aim . . ." (and it's seldom he uses ence long before learning that it is the elusive
the word since it doesn't fit Instinct Shoot- moving target that captures his fancy. When
ing,) "was to improve their concentration talking, his movements fall unconsciously *3.95
. .. ---
Revolver Cleaning Kit. Removes
and batting by teaching them to shoot my into a rhythmical pattern of gun handling. Leading from Forcing Cone. Cyl·
inder. and Barrel. Available in 38-44-45 cal. Kit for tW()
way, looking at the target." He gestures frequently to explain his method calibers $7.10. Patches (Pkg. 10) $.60. Dealer Inquiries
The BB gun and shotgun are the prom- of quickly spotting the moving target, chin- ~ In\'lted. Check or Money Order-No COU·s.
inent weapons in Lucky's instruction course, ning the gun and firing. ~ GUN SPECIALTIEScolle~~ °pa~~~ l:o,g;a


. . . accurate and perfectly

700 1
balanced this hard-hitting gun has
been designed and made by crafts-
men with years of experience in
precision gunmaking.
The Webley 700 embodies all
the well tested features that ensure
complete dependability at a price
that every keen sportsman can Double Hammerless
Ejector Gun

12, 16 or 20 bore, 26", 28"
or 30". 2t" or 2f' chambers.
Nitro proved.
Selected, well-seasoned
Walnut, straight or half-pistol
Box lock, hammerless,
top lever, non-extension solid
Manufactured by


tumblers, automatic safety.
Full details and price list from WEBLEY Established 1790

GUNS JUNE 1960 43

(C8ntinued from page 43) the target," he concludes with a demon·

"It's just like a prize fighter throwing a strating pose.
straight left jab with his right cocked for How about leading the moving target?
a followup," he points out. "He is slightly "Never," Lucky barks with trigger-like
leaned forward with his left arm out (grip- response.
ping the fore·end of the gun) and his right "The only-and I mean only-time you

hand cocked just at his chin (where one lead with Instinct Shooting is when you
grips the comb). lead that dead game back to the stove ~
"All the while, though, his eyes are on after a good day's hunting!" ~


(Continued from page 21)
Are you a gun trader? Gun collector? Or are Wyatt told me that Wild Bill was the finest This made him limp. So he bought a cane
you lust plain interested in guns? If you are, shot that ever lived, barring none. He said and became nicknamed 'Bat' because he used
you'll profit from reading the bargain-filled Bill wore a brace of ivory-handled cap-and- that cane on the heads of rowdy cowboys in
columns of SHOTGUN NEWS, now pub- ball equalizers which had been presented the cowtrail towns of the early West. Bat
lished twice each month. It's the leading to him by Vice-President Wilson, rather a also carried a second gun, a Frontier Colt.
Senator Wilson then from Massachusetts, I He wore it in a shoulder holster."
publication for the sale, purchase and trade
believe. In Kansas City, I believe, or was it "Mr. King, Doc Holliday is about the most
of firearms and accessories of all types.
Saint Louie, the boys used to hang about talked about gun-fighter of the Old West.
SHOTGUN NEWS has aided thousands of what they called 'The Square,' after selling How come? Did you know him?"
gun enthusiasts locate firearms, both mod· off the season's robes of buffalo and such. "Know him! How. could I? I worked with
ern and antique - rifles, shotguns, pistols, Then Wild Bill would unlimber to back up Wyatt when he was in his fifties and I in
revolvers, scopes, mounts .•. all at money· a bet by drilling a playing card across the my twenties. Doc Holliday died at Glenwood
saving prices. The money you save on the street-wide street, mind YOU. He could also Springs in '97 I believe-in bed, mind you,
purchase of anyone of the more than 5,000 hit a coin in mid-air and draw-shoot with of the T. B. bug. Sure, Wyatt talked of him.
unfaltering speed and skill. He wore both Doc was his best friend, and Wyatt often
listings twice a month more than pays your
guns, said Wyatt, butt inwards, and drew by said that nobody, just nobody, was a match
subscription cost. You can't afford to be
hooking the forefingers in the trigger guards, against Doc when he whipped out that old
without this unique publication. '- then spinning the guns over and lifting the nickle plated .45 Colt. You see, Doc was
hammers at the same instant. Odd way to dying of tuberculosis anyhow. He always
Free trial offer! shoot, wasn't it? Earp never made any com- told Earp he had nothing to lose. So he
Money Back Guarantee. ment on it, however. It must have suited had the nerve of the devil himself at a
Wild Bill, and killed a lot of men. He said gambling table or bar, and Wyatt said that
As a special introductory offer, we'll send
that Hickok was a fine specimen of a man, nerve was half the battle in a showdown
you the next issue of SHOTGUN NEWS free
haughty, proud, and he'd hunt a man when the play was about to be made. He
of charge with your one year subscription. through the streets like a tiger if his hackles said Doc could kill a man over the slightest
That means you get 25 big issues. What's were up." irritation. Many a man failed to die, however,
more, if you're not completely satisfied, just "Did Wild Bill Hickok go blind of glau- due to Doc having respect for his friend, not
tell us. We'll immediately refund your coma? They say that he visited Cheyenne's wanting to cause trouble in Wyatt's baili·
money in full and you can keep the issues post surgeon and has his eyes examined ·wick."
you already have. Fair enough? You bet! for the terrible disease. He shot his own "Doc was a lawman too, a deputy to
Fill in the coupon below and mail it today!
deputy, you know." Wyatt?" I quizzed him.

.--------------1 "I don't know. It might be a cock·and-bull

"Never heard of it. As a matter of fact,
Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp, his full name, was
I THE SHOTGUN NEWS G-6 • I "Mr. King, did Wyatt ever speak much of never a U. S. Marshal, as most people would
I Columbus, Nebraska I famed John Ringo?" believe. If you don't believe this, write S. A.
I Yes, send me the next issue of SHOTGUN I King shook his head. "I don't righfully Andretta, Assistant Attorney General of our
NEWS FREE and start my subscription for one I remember. But I know that Ringo has been Justice Department, and he'll tell you. Wyatt
II year. $2 enclosed-to be refunded if I'm not
completely satisfied. I played up by TV and film to a point where was a deputy U. S. Marshal in Tombstone."
he looked like a damned fool. Men wore the "Have you ever heard tell of a gambling
guns high on the hip, in the old days. Take man by the name of Ben Thompson?"
II Name - II a look at all' the old photographs; they don't Mr. King sat up in his chair and rolled a
lie. And I never saw the kind of hats they Bull Durham cigarette. A ring of butts was
I Address I wear on TV either. I met Bob Hope in Holly· around his chair where he had' been sitting
J I wood and also Hugh O'Brian on his set. The and talking. "Wyatt spoke of him many
IL City & State ..........-.....-..........-..-....-............................JI director asked me to watch them take a
scene, and so I sat down and watched. Then
times. Ben Thompson,. sir, was PWhaps the
greatest gunfighting man that ever lived. He

the director asked me how I liked it. 'Well,' killed over 40 men, not counting those Mexi-
, GUNS QUARTERLY? Page 42 I says, 'it's all right I guess.' But when the cans when he served in Mexico under Max-
sheriff said he'd confiscate them guns, that millian, or Negroes. He started the legend of
was wrong. I don't believe they'd have Wyatt Earp along the cattletrails when his

knowed what the word 'confiscate' meant in brother, Bill, killed Sheriff C. B. Whitney
the Old West. No. Wyatt only referred to in the plaza of Ellsworth, Kansas, with two
Ringo in relationship to Jesse James .as shotgun loads from a handmade English
Improved Minute Man Gun being a cousin. The name 'Ringo' has a 12.gauge weapon. Earp made a boast that
Blue instantly preserves and
renews steels and iron sur.. good sound to it, and the writers and TV he'd not let the man Thompson 'tree the
faces-Not a paint or lacquer men would eat this one up!" town,' so to speak, and found a badge pinned
- No heating necessary-
Comes complete with all nee ..
essary equipment.
"You said a while ago that most of the on his chest. Wyatt had the nerve, and
proven over 40 years by
repeat sales to satisfied
Tested and gunslingers were blue-eyed."
"That's what Earp told me; about ninety
walked out into the street and told Ben to
throw down the gun. Ben conformed and
users. SEND per cent of them were of the light.skinned, later said there was something in the

I ~~6~ B::~~r~~~. co. I MFG•.

blue·eyed type of men. Bat was that way as
I remember, for one. Did you know that he
manner of that feller Earp, the way he told
Ben that he'd kill him if he didn't. Ben
later became a sportswriter for the New lived on hunches but failed to follow one 1 York Morning Telegraph? Speaking of Mas· apparently when he and gunslinger King

t~;~.~~~==::·.·.·.·.·~~~;~=:=:l terson, he killed a man with a pistol- in a

fight over a girl, lind got. a slug in the leg.
Fisher came to an untimely end in the old
Jack Harris Saloon in San Antonio, Texas,

44 GUNS JUNE 1960

where they were ambushed. Yes. one might HAND LOADING TOOLS and COMPONENTS
say that Ben started Wyatt Earp's fame, (See also pages 4, 7, 12, 13,46,48,49)
then the movies brought him to Hollywood in
later years, and we all know the TV build-up We don't have to make elaborate claims ...
we view today!"
"To get back to Doc Holliday, Mr. King, FEDERAL PRI MERS have proved their
didn't Doc always carry his weapon, a
sawed-off shotgun, under an overcoat?" dependability, high quality and
"Hell no_ That is ridiculous. Wyatt told
me that Doc only carried a shotgun once performance
that he knew about, and that was when he
went with Virgil and Morgan-Earp brothers
-into the shootout with the Clan tons at the
OK Corral. Movie nonsense again. sir! The
gun Doc used was sawed off under 18 inches
and the stock cut off so as to form a pistol
handle-a formidable weapon."
"Was there much powder smoke at the
Gunfight at OK Corral?"
"How would J know that? I wasn't there
and I am not old enough to have been there
unless in swaddling clothes! I worked with
Earp in the 1900's wherr" he was in his
fifties: I do know that the old-time gunsmoke
hung like a curtain in a room so that, Wyatt
told me, a man had to get down near the
floor and peer into the recesses of a room
to get a shot when heavy shooting was in
process." There is no substitute for experience.
"Did Earp ever speak about John Wesley When you realize that Federal Cartridge Priming Brass
Hardin?" Corporation has made and sold over
Mr. King pulled on his cigarette. " Tever 5,000,000,000 (five BILLION) primers,
heard him mention anything regarding Har- what better evidence can you ask to prove Flash~~_
\...-'""'" Seal
din, but often talked about Hardin's cousin
their quality and dependability. Federal
Manning Clements, who was a heller for Anvil
sure." experience means shooting satisfaction.
"How about this Hell-raising Clanton Federal Primers give you consistently No. 210 Large Rifle Primers
family? Ever hear Earp mention it?" uniform ignition - the prime requisite for - Brass Cup - RED printing
"Old Man Clanton? Many times! He was on carton
accurate shooting. Neither temperature
a big-bellied, beef-eating rustler and gun- No. 200 Small Rifle Primers
changes nor humidity changes can alter - Nickel plated cup - BLUE
slinger, with gunslinging sons, who directed this uniformity. Independent ballistics lab- printing on carton
a rustling empire which stretched along
various watering holes from Galeyville and
oratories have subjected these Primers to No. 150 Large Pistol Primers
- Copper plated cup-BLACK
Tombstone down as far as New ~exico, into a temperature range of +140°F. to -60°F. printing on carton
Sulphur Springs Valley and beyond. And and found no variation in performance. No. 100 Small Pistol Primers
- Brass cup - GREEN print·
there was not a man in the Territory who Federal Primers are non· corrosive, non- j ng on ca rton
dared raise his voice against the wrath and mercuric and dependably stable. Put your retail price
terror of Old Man Clanton. With Curly Bill trust in Federals - as many of the outstanding
Brocius as his captain, Johnny Ringo, Frank bench rest shooters do. Check the records. $8.00 per 1,000
and Tom McLowery, Pony Deal, and his Made in the U.S.A. where labor receives an ample salary. See your Federal Dealer
sons Ike and Bill Clanton, all were killers
and fast-draw arl ists. That feud between
Wyatt and Clanton went on and was settled FEDERAL NO. 209 SHOT SHELL PRIMER Battery Primer
in the OK Corral shootout." This is a "battery cup" primer-charged with Fed· Cup ~ Cup
"Wasn't Johnny Ringo a morose sort of eral's non-mercuric, non-corrosive, extremely stable

patented priming mixture-the same priming mixture
tragedian ?" 'as used in Federal's Hi-Power and Monark shotgun
"I don't know what you mean," :\1r. King shells. Packed 100 to a box, 10 boxes to a carton.
laughed. "Them words are pretty dressed up
for an old cop like me, and I don't know Priming " _Flash
Mixture ~ Hole
too much about Ringo. I believe he came
from Kentucky, and a fine family, and always retail price
wrote home that he owned a ranch near
Tombstone, as he didn't want to worry his
$14.50 per 1,000
Ma. Funny thing about a killer, isn't it,
always worried about his Ma. I once knew
a killer who has his mother's name engraved ReBS "A·2" PRESS
Complete with Removable Head Type
For the vcry latest in shots hell, rifle and pistol reloading
on the grip of a .32 rim fire Sharps pistol." Shell Holder and Primer Arm. equil>lllcnt. we otter free or charge, our illustrated brochure
"How about Clay Allison? Did Earp speak * Designed for hean' duty case form- describing our line in detail. A post card will bring full
ing and shotshell. rifle and pistol information to yOU on our line of time and money sa,"lug
of him?" reloading. attachments for llELtTER equil}Olcnt. including our 12
position turret tool conversion. primer catchers and arms for
"Yes. Said Allison was a killer when drunk * Block "0" frame design eliminates the :\10d. 3 and 234 tools and our individual shotshell labels
springing so pre'"alcnt in "e" type and stamos. 'We also inclUde full information on the new
and liked to pick fights with gunslingers tools.
* )lay be operated up or down-stroke ULTH.A SHELLDHIJ~T.. and the Ultra crow call.
in particular. He told me Clay once dug a -change takes less than 5 minutes ULTRA PRODUCTS 1941 Wilmette Ave. WILMETTE, ILL.
with no extras to buy.
hole with his neighbor and they got down
* CompOund lenrage sYStem makes
Every operation much. much easier.
into it and fought a fight with Bowie knives * Standard %"-14 & P,4"-18 thread
to the finish. He said Clay stood six feet, two sizes.
* lifd. under U.S. Patent #2.847,895
inches tall or six three in boots and remem- At your dealers or order direct - the dry, white, powdered lubricant
send postcard for catalog.
Ideal in case neck resizing. reduces split necks.
bered him well when he stood before Wyatt
saves dies. harmless to I)()wder char~e. 'Vo.-ks like
graphite, but can't smud~e reloads or hands. Slick
in Dodge, only to back down when he found GUN & DIE SHOP for gun actions, immune to cold. !':i-oz., $1.50.
PP If cash with order. Or ask your dealeI'. Write
Earp had the pushing end of a .45 in his DEPT G
for frce sample.
guts. Wyatt said he was a mighty tall I~an ~ 0 BOX 729 OROVILLE CALIF-ORNIA
3469 N. Clark St. Chicago 13. Ill.

GUNS JUNE 1960 45

with ambitions he never realized, and never
gave him any trouble after the play in
"Was Wyatt Earp a fancy dresser?"
"No, he wasn't. He was a plain man with
simple habits, a quiet man never given to
brag and swagger, and he seldom wore a
gun at all when I knew him. He usually
left it lying up in the back seat of the old
Franklin automobile. Wyatt's left eye would
twitch when he was mad and you could
hear him breathe. He'd fight you come Hell
or high water, however. He was a fighting
economy- priced man first and always."
"Wyatt and I had a falling out in Los
at only$49!5 Angeles, in front of the old Hot Rivet
FAST- 20 second reload HANDSOME BOOKS for any shelf are Saloon, on Spring Street. He got into an
SAFE- even for beginners these bound volumes in which a year's
altercation with a couple drunks and came
EASY- 5 simple steps outside to borrow my gun, to buffalo them
12 issues are permanently packaged with it. I thought he might get too mad and
New DEITEMEYER for reference and repeat-reading pleas-
rnodellOO LOADER priced kill one of them, so I refused to lend him
for every shooter. With ex-
ure. Bound in fine bright red cloth the weapon. He went back inside and beat
clusive built in wad gui4e; on heavy board, the spines are gold the daylights out of both of them. However,
the fastest and easiest stamped with GUNS logo, the derringer from that time onward, our old warm friend·
method of wad seating yet emblem, the year, and the volume ship vanished; Wyatt and I were always on
devised, wad pressure is number. Front covers are gold stamped speaking terms but never close again."
compierely adjustable from with your name, or the name of your "Did Wyatt talk about Billy the Kid?"
30 to 90 pounds. Every op- "No."
gift-recipient. "Was Billy the Kid left-handed?"
eration ends on a complete Send your 12 copies, shipping charg-
stop. Perfect reloads every King smiled. "That question has been
es prepaid, to Publishers' Authorized argued for years. He was photographed in
time. Available in 12 ga.,
12 gao Mag., 16 and 20 gao Bindery Service, Ltd., 5811 West Divi- front of the old Smith Saloon in Fort
sion St., Chicago 51, Illinois. Enclose Sumner, in 1880 I believe, and the process,
your (printed) name and address and so I am told, reversed the image and gave

See your dealer or WRITE: check or money order for $4.95. Your everybody the idea that Billy was left·


80x 4495. Lincoln 4. Nebraska
bound, personalized book will be
shipped to you prepaid.
Do not write us about your order;
handed. Sounds convincing enough to me."
"Was the Kid ever in Arizona?"
"Oh, yes. I understand he killed a negro
at Fort Bowie, a couple more at Tucson."
deal direct with P.A.B.S. "What kind of holster did Billy wear?"
GUNS cannot furnish bound vol- "I can answer that, too; he wore one
umes, either current or for previous made out of an old army boot. Funny how
' iMialI~~~ years, nor can we furnish back issues
for binding. We just don't have 'em!
he could get his weapon out in huch a hurrY',
a .44·40 according to Coe, with ammunition
lONG lIlE • NO SCRATClaNG • NO GAlllHG This is an arrangement set up with- to rna tch his Winchester."
out profit to us, as a service to our "It would have been interesting had the
~ '1)(e &~. (!A readers. We have never seen finer two met. How do you think Wyatt would
CIMlnT!O CAU.DI CARBOLOY I TIADI MAUl have reacted to Billy?"
P. O. BOX 226 • COVINA, CALIF. magazine bindings, even at twice the "How would I know that? He'd have re-
price quoted. spected his shooting ability. Wyatt stood in

reverence to a gun like a preacher does the

good book, ·or like a painter of gunfighter
portraits should the characters he portrays."
with "Do you think these paintings look like
real gunfighters?"
2 GUNS IN 1 "I never knew them all, but I know that
those of Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson
are corkers. Looks just Wyatt Earp, this
portrait, and the one of Bat is good, too.
Lea drives all over the U. S. getting at
good sources or the old tintypes from which
to paint. He painted me, too, for that matter,
and mine is hanging down at Elke, Nevada,
THE COMBO is FI's instantly convertible pistol-
along with the rest of the no·goods of history.
rifle combination. Now immediately available. Lea's got another set of gunfighters at the
It consists of the Unique Model "L" .22 Auto- Frontier Inn, Rod PoW's famed spot in San
loading pistol and a rifle stock and barrel assem-
bly. About 10 seconds is required to convert the Francisco, and at the Apple Valley Inn, at
pistol to a rifle-no tools needed. Write for folder. Calico, and in other spots where Americans
The COMBO, with Model "L" Black who love the West can have a good look at
Steel Pistol $64.95 what made up come twenty years of Hell and
The COMBO, with Model "L" Colored
Aluminum Pistol : 67.50 guns on our frontier-all history now.
The Model "L" Black Steel PistoL 39.95 "Or maybe they don't want the truth. Mrs.
The Model "L" Colored Aluminum PistoL 42.50 Zoe Tilghman talked with McCarty when he
The Rifle Stock & Barrel Assembly 25.00
was painting her famous husband's picture
from an old photograph she sent him, and
What "FIREARMS" Sells Sells "FIREARMS'
~ FIREARMS she said she had concluded that people don't
~INTERNATIONAL want the truth about the Old West; instead,
Write Dept. (0-06) for
Colorful Combo Folder. ... C<2~~2~~I~~!f . they like the blood and thunder that the
TV and the films dish out-which was ~
not always the way it really happened. ~

46 GUNS JUNE 1960

======1 Single Action •
l"i'ull size exact reproduction
DEALERS! Excellent for Fast Draw
IN9UIRI ES b~f~l;~Cee·o~a~~:u~\z~ut;.e~~~~
detail reproduction made of
==I=N=V=IT=E=D= I '13\~r:,1if~;;i~l~ $4.00 Polished Finish $6.00
PRICE SCHEDULE (send 50e for shipping)
.22 Caliber. ' $ 91.50
.38 Special . 99.50
.44 Special . 105.50
.45 Caliber . 99.50
.357 Atom ic . 105.50 MAUSER
.45 ACP Caliber .. 124.50
.44-40 Caliber ..............• 124.50 Military Pistols
.44 Magnum . 124.50 Used by German Para-
troopers in WW II, 7.63
CUSTOM QUALITY FIREARMS caliber, original blue finish, fine MFG. in Ger.
many. The New
CHOICE OF 4 3/4", 5 1/z" or 7 1/z" barrel excellent mechanical & shooting condi- Over & Under
tion. Select Grade Quality $59.95 22 Cal. Blue finish $19.95
GREAT WESTERN PARTS AVAILABLE (Send For List) Astra Military Pistols, .30 cal. .. 74.50 22 Mag. Chrome.. 24.95
Stripper Clips 1.25 22 Cal. Chrome.. 22.50
38 Spl. Chrome.. 34.95



En~ield SML~ Mark IV .303 Rifles $16.95
(Ammo for SWIS~ Veterl! 41 Cal. rifle, Near Mint ........•.... 15.95
these guns Hammer •••••• $7.67
~n?hih Antique Percussion Conv. Carbine 19.95 Back Strap •••• 6.50
$2.50 a box) n Ie d Sniper Rifle .303 44.95 Firing Pin ••••• 1.00
Enfield Jungle Carbine .303 24.95 Crips .•.•••••• 3.50
Hand ••.•••.• 3.33
Main Spring ••• 1.67 Base Pin Screw. $ .33
Bolt .......•• 2.67 Base Pin Nut. .. .33
ACTIONS The "Fast-Draw" Special is a Trigger Cuard •. 7.00 Base Pin Spring .33
Brand new genuine Colt sinllie Frontier Revolver that has been Barrels- Cate .....•••• 6.33
action frontiers. Beautiful o"g- factory modified to offer an 45 cal, 44 special Cate Catch ••• .33
case hardened frames and blue fin- extra smooth action and an ex- 38 special Cate Spring .•• .33
ish. Immediate Delivery- ceptionally smooth, crisp trigger 4%" - 5Vz" .. 11.33 Ejector Tube •• 6.67
pull. Furnished with 43;.1" barrel 7 Vz" 13.33 Ejector Rod .67
.45 Long Colt, 43;.1", 511" or 711" Barrels. $125.00 and brass trigger guard and Sears 6' Bolt Elector Rod Head 2.67
.38 Special, 43;.1", 5112' or 711, , Barrels .. 125.00 backstrap. Regularly supplied in Spring ••.•.• .67 Ejector Spring.. .33
.22 Caliber Colt S.A. Scout 43;.1" Barrel.. 49.50 .4 caliber with a 43;.1" barrel. Other calibers and barrel Base Pin 1.00 Cylinders 45. 38 Spl•
.44 Special, 43;.1", 5V2" or 711," Barrels ... 125.00 lengths available on special order $114.50 Base Pin Bushing 1.67 and 44 Spl .. 13.33
.22 Scout Buntline 9" Barrel. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 69.95 All Screws 33c each
Fine High quality German
Quality English WWII revolvers. Walther, World War II German
Beautiful blue finish. Select automatic. Fires 9mm Luger car-
Grade $19.95. tridge. Original condition. Extra clips
Hickel Plated Gun Like New $7.50. Ammo 9mm, $8.50 for 100
................... ,$28.75 rounds.
Ammo $3.50 Per Box Original as issued, Army Holster $8.7S


.rm -
AUTHENTIC HOLSTERS Original worn finish, Good
Custom made Original Authentic type holsters. Avail-
able for Colt 1860 Army, 1851 Navy. Colt S.A. and shooting condition. Lever Action 44-40 Caliber
r:~~nv.~~ketA';..~~et~r~~~~i~~. . r~~~l.v~~~•.• ~~I~ $9.20 $35.00. Ammo $7.50 box.
(Send SOc for Shipping)
Genuine German Luger 9mm
WESSON . German Mauser Army Rifles,
Autos. Blue tin ish Checkered REVOLVERS as Issue 8mm $39.95
walnut grips in good mechani- German Mauser M 71-84 rifles, brand new,
cal shooting condition $59.85 38 cal. M & P revolvers. Excel- llmm 24.95
Extra clips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .• 7.50 lent select grade condition- Argentina Mauser M-91 7.65mm, brand new .. 19.95
Ammo 100 rds. 9.50 Military finish $26.95 Swedish Mauser carbines, near mint 34.95
Holster (European) 5.50 Commercial finish $31.00
Erma .22 Cal. Conversion Unit .. 39.95 S. & W. 45 Cal. Revolver-near mint cond $36.95 FAST DRAW HOLSTER
Brand new unfired Argentina 45 $650 Postpa;.

autos. Beautitul blue tin ish wal- I
nut grips. : $34.95 Genuine Tooled Leather
45 auto holsters. Brand new 4.95
Ammo-$3.50 Box Beautiful Custom Hand
Tooled Genuine Leather
ENFIELD ,.,., Fast Draw Western Hol-
sters. Completely lined
COMMANDO with soft suede tor the
.38 . CALIBER protection of your gun.
Six shot 5" Bbl. Double action Available for Colt,
revolver. Excellent mechanical Great Western, or Ruger
and shooting condition. single actions. Any
Nickel Plated Gun Like New 28.75 barrel length. Colors
Good Condition 12.95 Natural or brown.
Near Mint Condo 19.75 Send SOc for Sh ipping.

Catalog $1.00 Catalog SOc: Catalog SOc: Catalog SOc:
Tremendous selection of modern and Outstanding collection at German Completely illustrated, showing all An entire catalog devoted to genuine
antique gun bargains. Colt Single Military Arms. German Lugers, P-38's, models of Great Western Arms. The hard to tind early model Colt Single
Action, Colt and Remington Cap and Mauser Military pistols, Browning au- Single Action, Derringer, Buntline, Action revolvers. Complete listings on
Ball revolvers, used revolvers and au- tomatics and many other German Deputy. Also complete selection of engraved guns, parts, grips and hol-
tomatics. Used shotguns and rifles Arms. Also parts, holsters, grips and holsters and quick draw sets and ster sets. Outstanding values on qual-
and hundreds of other hard to get accessories, current listing of de-acti- equipment. Parts, presentation case ity collector Colts. Prices start at
items for the collector and shooter. vated mach ine guns. and engraved models are also included. 544.00.

EARLY & MODERN FIREARMS CO•• INC. P.O. Box 1248. Studio City, California

GUNS JUNE 1960 47

(Continued from page 27)

RELOADING TOOLS and prowess with arms was ever eclipsed, it

was usually by another American-perhaps
men who worked to build the pistol which the
United States International Team will fire at

Doc Carver, or "Missie" Annie Oakley, or the the Rome Olympics, perhaps for Golds, these
redoubtable straight-shooting Buffalo Bill men stand out.
Cody. Chunky, compact Bill Donovan has the look
But suddenly this sports competition ceased. of a rugged, honest Irish cop. But as an hon-
Suddenly, the very organization set up to mon- est American businessman, he is vice-presi-
.~ 1'1/ itor U.S. participation in International pistol
shooting, The U.S. Revolver Association,
dent of High Standard. With the company
since 1940, Bill has had many second thoughts
~ ~ dwindled almost to nothing just as it was get- on the back of an American free pistol at the
ting started. The few pistols developed along recent international jousts where we have
the lines of the International Shooting Union been so roundly beaten. It's a backhanded
MEC (Stockholm) requirements are today's col· sort of compliment to say that the dropping
250 lectors' items: the famous Smith & Wesson block "Martini" system pistols of foreign
top-break single shot with its "Olympic" ri- manufacture are actually "the invention of

S48~ fling, and the lamented U.S.R.A. Model Single

Shot Harrington & Richardson.
the American, Peabody, modofied by the
Swiss, Martini." The fact is that U.S. shooters
What chopped this spirit of friendly world have either used foreign-made pistols, or
sports participation in the neck, what de- wrapped tape and lead to the barrels of home·
livered the rabbit punch of isolationism to butchered, otherwise-reliable and sound, U.S.
American shooting? Perhaps it was the "keep sport pistols. And a putty-handled plinker
out of Europe" sentiment which plunged us simply isn't in it for class with an ounce-light-
into World War II, or perhaps it was the trigger Free pistol of Swiss or German make
shrinkage of Depression. The effect was cer- which may set itself off when a light breeze
tain: the U.S. and the rest of the world drew bats against the trigger. (The record keeper
farther apart. The split was symbolized by will give you an alibi and a second shot when
MEC Super Speeder "400" the schism in the shooting game and was ex- that happens in ISU matches.)
aggerated by our miserable failing on the But Donovan is not a gunmaker, though he
$5775 fields of sport when we tried to compete. plasters a fine straight wall if he's a mind to
do it. Unfortunately, the skill to lay plaster
Fortunately, this is a sport, a game, a hobby,

WE PRE-PAY a recreation. There is time to mend one's ways. isn't what it takes to design guns, and High
And with teamwork, also typically American, Standard had to wait a long time for circum-
all cash parcel post shipments. industry, competitors, engineers, management, stances to j ell and a Free Pistol to emerge.
All $100.00 net orders prepaid. and military high brass, have clubbed togeth- Another man chafing at the absence of any
er to do something about it. For want of a decent American single shot was Col. Tom
* Hercules * DuPont * B.&M. better name, what they have created is called Hancock, chief of the Advanced Marksman-
* Pacific * Lyman * Ohaus The High Standard International Free Pistol, ship Unit at Fort Benning, Ga. It's an inter-
* Forster * Wilson * Sisk Caliber .22 Short. It could just as well have esting truth these days that when commercial
* Markell * Sierra * Acme been called "the Hancock pistol," or the and civilian ventures don't procure a new
* Webster * Speer * C. H.
* Hornady * Nosier * R.C.B.S. "Donovan gun," or "Wilhelm's wonder," or product, it is often left up to the military to
* Redding * Norma * Echo "Gano's gat," for among many names and somehow cadge the capital from Congress and
* Deitemeyer * Brads * Alcan •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• accomplish the needful. Maybe this is "com-
* Guns • •
* Fisher * Prot-X-Bore petition" with private industry, a charge often
* Mayville * Saeco * P.&O. leveled and perhaps with justice at some work
* Fitz * Ackley * M.&H. of our military establishment. In this case,
* Texan * Thalson * Powd-R-Horn
Defense and Industry perfectly supplemented
$5 :f:::~R~TfJ~RTS 50
227-235 E. Third 51. Per Box, 50 Rd•. each other, and it happened this way ...
LEWISTOWN, PA. Sometimes truck drivers upon entering Ser-
Phone 8-0171 30 Remington Soft Point $12.50
25-35Ptvi~c~~ste; 'Rifle' Soft' poi~i:' •••• 10.00 vice are sent to Cooks & Bakers School; and

SHOOT I ~:::et. ~~;~~;Bj~~k~:~~

Per 100 . . . . . • . • . . . . • • . • • • • . •
6.5 Italian Rifle Cartridges
Military-per 100 . . • • • . . • • • • • 10.00 some civilian ordnance men learn how to be
8MM Mauser Military Cart. 10.00
Per 100 . • • . • . . . • • • . • • • • • • • . • hospital orderlies. But sometimes the peg and
• Swaged Hand Cun Bullets .35 Remington Soft Point 17.50
Pel" 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • the hole are brought together, and if ever a
::;~s~!st's~~stK~~~t1r~i~st~~~\~~eo~ll n~~fUi{~R.W~ib~~: .45 Automatic pistol Cartridges
Factory loads, per 100 .•.• , •.••• 10.00 man fitted his position in the Army, it is
versions to Harvey .224 KAyMCHUK centerfire.
SF M (Shoot From the Mould) moulds for PI·ot-X.Bore
762 Russian Military Rifle
Cartridqes. per 100 .•. 10.00 M/Sgt. Bill Gano, armorer and shooter at
zinc base bullets. JUGULAR jacketed Casting Kits. 30-06 Military Cartridges late issue 7.50
Swag-log' Dies. for hand~un bullets only.
Send 25c in coin or stamps for complete information.
Non Corrosive per 100 . • . . • • • • • •
.25-20 Repeating Rifle Cartridges 8.00 AMU. Bill Gano is a slight, wiry man, far
Pel" 100. . . • . . .. . ••••••••••••
.303 Savage Rifle Cartridges 10.00 younger than the average shooter's conc.eption
LAKEVILLE ARMS INC. c~~~';,"'c;N;~t Per 100 . . . . . • , . . • • • • • • • • • . • •
Licensed Assoc. Mfgs. Jugular & Prot-X-Bore bulle~s.
30-40 Krag Blank Cartridges 10.00
Per 100 .. : . . . . • . . • • . • . . • . • •
of a "master gunmaker." But to those who
Frank A. Hemsted, Box 171. Culver City, Calif. .22 Automatic Rifle Cartridges 20.00 know him, know his ability and his imagina-
Mason Williams, Stanfordville, New York. .351 ~i~Chle'~~~Sel·f:Lo·adirigivie'bl'Pat~h'
Maurer Arms, 29 Willow Way, West Chester, Pa. Per 100-Value $14.00 ••••••..•• 8.00 tion, he is tops in the field. Gano, under Col.
C.B.M. Inc.. Rle. 2, Castle Rock, Colorado. 4.00
lomont Precision Bullets 4421 S. Wayne Ave•• Fort
.32 Long R F Cartrldge.
Per 100 •••••••••••••••••••••• Hancock's urging, got the green light, worked
Wayne, Ind. .32 Short R" ,.
Per 100 ••••••••••••••• •••••••
4.00 out some Free pistol notions that showed con-
.25 Rim-Fire Shorts 4.00 siderable promise. Hancock managed finally,
Per 100 ...•••••••••• •••••••••
32.40 Soft Point, 12.50 from the work done at AMU, to himself get
DOUBLES THE KILLING POWER 32 ~~~h~~t~r·S:L·. 'Soft . poi~t: •••••••
Per 100 .••••••••• ••••••••••••
the okay to publish a tender for bids to In-
30.40 Krag Si Iver Tip, 17.50
Showing the mush..
room effect of a lead
Per 100 . . . • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••
32 Remington Soft Point. 12.00 dustry, seeking a Civilian contactor to take
revolver bullet that
has been hollow 219 ~y~p;rO~i·nct'";ste;·soit: Point; ••••
12.50 over a development and tooling job. And as
poi nted by a GOERG Per 100 •••••••••••• ••••••••••
compared to a solid Ear Defenders MSA for the Shooter. Brand 1.00 Donovan puts it, "We have a pretty good repu-
New. Gov. Surplus Val. $3.00 postpaid.
point bullet. Avail-
75c tation for .22 pistols, and we got the job." Now
able for .45 Colt,
Bore Scopes, New Govt. Surplus; Postpaid.
c1ir. ~iS7 S

and .38 Special. Retail $5.95. RUBBER
The Goerg Holster is the only sho~lder holster d~
signed for the hunter. or the active man. Retail
$15.50. GOERG SCOPE COVER-one size fits all-99c.
Dealers inquire.
69c each
Great opportunities-Operate YOUR OWN SHOP!
Learn easily with Country's most complele
Port Angeles 3009 S. Laurel WashingtoR
Master Gunsmithing Course. Approved for Korean
Vets; low tuition. Write
256-G Ohio River Blvd. • Bellevue • Pittsburgh 2, Po.


comes forth Gary Wilhelm, the Hamden boy touched, the rotary sear is free to pivot and .HOLLYWOOD
from Old Wien.
" Gary is sharp, no doubt about it. His work
in completing High Standard's Trophy series
the striker slides over it to bust the cap.
Mechanically, it resembles in some prin.
ciples the trigger in the new Savage M99 or
of automatics produced a superior article all the Model 70 or other "can't jar" sears of
the way, range-proved with wins. Because of custom smiths. But the application of elec- RELOADING TOOL Ideal for
his European background, and because of tricity in this fashion is all new, imaginative, a custom reloader or gun
his realization that his adopted country was practical. And, above all, safe. In the me- club. Bearing surfaces
are hard·coated to an 80
languishing behind the eight-ball of Inter- chanical elements of the new trigger are ockwell C hardness. Reloads
national scoring, he, too, had been puzzling screw-adj ustments to permit the best trigger all rifle. pistol. revolver,
over the Free pistol problem. Now it was pressure, position of guard, and other con- shots hells and swages all
veniences for the shooter. Barrels of 8", 9", metal and lead bullets.
dumped into his lap. utiful custom finish. Greatest
One requirement was tossed into the pot and 10" are available, the latter weighing 50 leverage. The strongest.
by Donovan-safety. Mechanical pistols, even ounces. Mass production of the new gun will most precision reloading
the admirable five-lever set trigger affairs bring prices under the $300 of foreign makes, tool manufactured today.
"Donovan hopes. as shown $237.50
now made, were potentially unsafe. Most
free pistol shooters set their triggers, nomi- Right now the pistol is only for the Boys
nally adjustable to as light as one ounce pull, from Benning, the men selected through stiff
so that they will fire if the arm is raised competitive shoot·offs to represent the U.S.
45° above horizontal. The ISU rules require at the Rome Olympics this September.
the shooter to begin with the pistol pointed Whether you will be able to buy one of
45° below horizontal, then raise the pistol to these new pistols is pretty much up to you.
eye level-and with good reason. Free pistol If five people in the whole country want one,
shooters develop a healthy respect for their there isn't market enough to make it possible
guns! They are temperamental as a Thor· to sell them. But Uncle Sam has underwrit-
oughbred yearling, and need a firm but ten the cost of development. The market
gentle hand to master. But mechanical trig- must exist in the U.S. Mere arithmetic says
gers so far constructed just aren't safe-at that those few Free pistol shooters before the
least, not safe enough for the "home fun" War-the 1941·45 war, to you youngsters-
angle taken by the pistol makers these days will have expanded into many thousands in
in an effort to broaden the interest in their the next decade. Even without any promo-
sport. Donovan laid down the law-this gun tion and formal competitive interest in Free
had to be safe enough to shoot indoors. pistols there would be a market of sorts.
Another reason is the shyness of many But the type of man who enters a new
shooters. Nobody likes to be laughed at, and field of sport does so not for the game alone,
a Free pistol in good form will tie a solid but to match his wits and skill and nerve
centerfire paper puncher in knots, trying to against his fellows. Come the 1960 Olympic
whip it. The club champ may not like going shoots in Rome, win or lose, will the Ameri-
to the range with all the boys hanging around can Fl"ee pistol at home prove itself
and make a fool of himself. With the new winner with Stateside shooters?
pistol, the High Standard VP hoped, a good
pistol man could practice at home, until he
was expert enough to make his first public
* Variously
k.nown as
showing. Such a safety feature would tie in groundhogs
nicely with the recently promoted scaled· and
down ISU targets proposed by the National woodchuck.s
Rifle Association for indoor Free pistol short
range practice.
Wilhelm hadn't been sleeping at the switch,
either. And the simile is pretty appropriate,
for the solution both Gano and Wilhelm
agreed upon was-an electric trigger. The
resulting pistol package is no Buck Rogers It's done like this in the Ozarks!
contraption of power packs and generators,
Gene Haworth of Nixa, Mo., picks off
but makes use of the obvious in modern groundhogs, the farmer's pest, from
technology-miniaturization of circuits and
a revolving bench rest mounted on
power sources, applying it to firearm func-
his jeep. He shot these nine pigs in
tioning. It is a neat handgun of conventional
less than two hours in a red clover
free pistol styling. The new stuff is inside.
field at tOO to 350 yards-using his
Electric triggers are not new. The idea has 243 Rockchucker and Hornady 6MM
been kicking around, first in France before 70 grain spire point bullets.
the turn of the century, and in later years
even applied experimentally to the Model 52
Winchester. But the practical production Deadly long 'range accuracy for varmint shooters
use of an electrical trigger is definitely new. NatUqllly any shooter so well equipped as Gene Haworth hunts with
The striker is held cocked by a rotating Hornady Spire Point Bullets. He appreciates the distance and accuracy these
sear which is forced to pivot about its center bullets assure him. Their spire shape gives Hornady varmint bullets pinpoint
by pressure of the striker spring. But the accuracy plus explosive power for killing at extreme distances. (Hunters have
striker, forcing against a slope on the sear,
reported one-shot kills to 650 yards.) Driven at high velocities
is blocked in "cocked" position because the
they're dynamite on small game.
rotating sear itself has a sub-sear notch into
which the end of a long sear bar or connector Choose from a wide variety of varmint weights in 22, 6MM, 25, 6.5MM, 270,
rises. The bar end is hardened, resists the 7MM, and 30 calibers. Super explosive bullets especially for the 222.
direction of thrust of the rotating sear. But
when the trigger is pulled, closing the circuit
of grip-held 6lh V. batteries, an electro-
~ ~ All popular calibers for

magnet is activated. With the sear-blocking varmints and big game-
end of the sear bar or connector jerked out B"ULLETS: send card for list
of engagement with the rotating sear by HORNADY MFG. COMPANY. DEPT. G • BOX 906 • GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA
sudden magnetic force when the trigger is


(Continued from page 31)
in competltJOn. Believing that, we enter as range and at home by dry-firing. Dry-firing
many matches, large matches or small ones, is excellent, and essential for trigger control;.
Manufactured and fin- as we possibly can. The Club pays the entry but of course it does not eliminate the neces-
ished according' to
the famous
The accurate,
fees in team matches in registered shoots. sity for practice with live ammo. Our Club
pl'ccision - made and well - balanced
Practice is essential, and we practice. Mem- members also must practice match shooting,
click-adjustable rear-sig'ht and check-
ered thumb-rest gTips. MODEL "R" ber-against·member rivalry breeds desire, and and every chance to compete should be
fol' round lead balls $43.00; MODEL
"RO'- for round balls and waisted Dealer we have that. But actual competition in a lot accepted."
pellets only $49.00! For details see Inquiries
~'~g~R~; 56 & 57) March Invited of matches, league and non-league, separates The B.R.R.C. has 500 active members in

-- Ask for folder! the men from the boys. If a man's match
scores are low, he knows he either needs
its pistol, rifle and big bore club. Charley
Wolff, a top shooter with the Club, has been

P. O. Box 487, more practice-or better self control under a referee at Camp Perry and is a Director
Knoxville, Illinois -
match pressures." of the N.R.A. and a member of the Pistol
Dudley paused, grinned half-sheepishly, Committee.
and made a shrugging, hand-spreading ges- New members to the B.R.R.C. must be rec·
ture. "I've told this to other clubs, and some ognized by an existing member. The existing
of them have said, 'Sure! We know all that; member is responsible for the new member.
but-how can you get members to put in all Each year, the Buffalo Revolver & Rifle Club
that practice, and attend all those matches?" operates N.R.A. classes on pistol shooting,
"Well, as I said, I guess we're just lucky which includes marksmanship, gun-handling,
in having members who have that kind of safety, nomenclature, etc. All new members
interest. But you've got to keep your mem- must attend such classes and are given a
The best Q.D. Swivel you'll bers interested; interested in shooting, and National Rifle AssoCiation manual to study.
ever own! Strong I-piece interested in the club. We try to do that hy Dudley pointed out that good organization
mochined from solid Alcoa running our club efficiently, by providing a is essential in the success of any shooting
75-T6. Natural color, satin lot of shooting activity and a lot of good- club. An annual meeting of the B.R.R.C. is
finish. I" size only. fellowship-a lot of fun. held to elect officers, plan the spring and fall
"We work hard for good attendance, both meetings for the coming year, and elect
at club sessions and at matches. We are all members to the seven-man board of directors.
agreed that good attendance at matches gives The Board meets once a month. At these
us a definite edge on competition, because Board meetings, new members receive a 90
Door Knocker if one member doesn't shoot up to his par in day probationary card, which among other
Cast in Solid Yellow Brass.
Beautifully Polished and
a given match, his low score probably won't things, requires that the member shoot dur-
H~:;'i~t~~f:rueJ::' hurt the team score--some other team mem- ing the probationary period. Dues are $5.00
Ideal gift. conversation piece
7112" High by 3112" Wide
ber will come through in your place with a a year and the range fee is 35c a night. The
Only $7.50 - NO C.O.D.'s 'good' score. B.R.R.C. has been at the present club build-
"To be a successful shooter you must ing for the past eight years, having moved
practice as often as possible, both on the from Niagara Street in Buffalo.
With seventeen teams in the Niagara
Frontier Pistol League, each team fires a
match with each other team in the League
at least once in the season and with half of
the teams twice on a home-and-home sched-
ule, thereby making two divisions. Those that
have met once make one division, and those
that have met twice make the other. (Simi-
lar to the schedule of the National Pro-
fessional Football League.) There are 23
matches in a season. At the conclusion of
the season, the winners of the two divisions
meet for the League Championship.
An interesting feature of the indoor range
at the B.R.R.C. is the interlocking steel
backstop. Any section can be removed and
replaced without interfering with the over-
all backstop. This backstop was designed by
Andrew Kreitner, a rifle shooter and archi-
tect. It is formed by welding angle irons
overlapping the plate. on the one side and
short of the edge on the other, so when it's
bolted the plates are drawn together.
The club uses the N.R.A. standard 50 ft.
indoor target in slow and timed fire, the
frame being 12" by 24". A new target timing
device, designed by club president Sutton,
has drawn favorable comment from many
expert shooters. Basically, the novel device
operates as follows:
Targets normally are turned sidewise at
the start of course. "Start" button is pressed
at command "Ready on the firing line." In
WRITE DEPT. GM-6 three seconds, the targets turn 90°, facing
jor jree copy oj the the competitors, and after a pre-set interval
"GUNBUGS GUIDE" of time 00 or 20 seconds) the targets re-
turn to the "side" position. All this is ac-
complished automatically by the one depres-
sion of the "start" hutton. The targets may
(Continued on page 52)

50 GUNS JUNE 1960

m ~
Box of military ammo included FREE with rifle purchase.
Note: Offer valid only if coupon below is enclosed with order.

r,;';;;;l~"h, , =
.38 S&W
Rugged, durable, dependable . . . and performs per-
fectly on ANY rifle. Extends shooting time from
dawn to dusk. Distortion-free, color corrected. Lens
hardcontcd to U.S. Army standards. Easy to adjust
windage and elevation. Easy to install. Weig-hs less
than 10 oz. mounted. 4x scope and FREE rots. LIFETIME! REVOLVER $12.95
avail. for all rifles only $9.95.
This Winchcster Model G7 bolt This Quick-draw, double action revolver was
action single shot ritle features: the sidearm of Britain's famed Commando
8 SHOT SWING OUT .22 27" round, tapered proof marked
barrel. crowned at muzzle. Winch.
Raiders of 'Vorld War II. Exceedingly
accurate, packs a powerful punch with light
75e front & 32B sporting real' sights recoil. Easy handling, thumb rest grips. Good condition.
$2195~= & short cOlUpact bolt with pear shaped
bolt handle. Military safety lock. Am.
Specs: overall length 9%,", bbl. 5", wt. 28 oz.• capacit;y
6 rounds. A collector's find. Now only $12.95. For select
walnut sporting type pistol grip stock with models add $3. :38 Cal. ammo. box of 25 $1.80.
semi-beavertail fore-end, automatic ejector.
Perfect handgun for any Wt. approx. ;; lbs. Shoots .22 shorts. longs
sport. Features side load~ & I".R. ammo. Good inside & out. Only $9.95.
ing magazine with 8 shot Special-.22 WinCh. 4X scope & mt. only $15.95.
capacity, bla(le front sights, of
fine rugged deluxe blue steel
with white plastic grips. Fires
.22 ss cal. short. long or long rifle
A\·aU. in 2" or 4" barrel models. Only .22
Latest model adopted by British Armed jI"orces,
it is extremely accurate, has exceptional smooth ONLY $19.95 ~::etS~~2atlg~:1re~ti~~r !~~~t b;t~SCt~c::~~
action. }1~ires either as a single or a double ac· dous value at 3 times its price. Made in 'V. Germany. it
Uon. Specs: Overall length 1114". barrel 6". wt. Imported from Europe. It is an exact copy of famous is a tight, well-made, exceedingly accurate handgun. Fires
12 Ibs. GOOD CONDITION. . 45 Cal. $14.95. • Remington Derringer popular in the late 1800·s. Valuable .22 Long & Short ammo. ]j'eatures side gate loading,
Holster $3.25. Specially selected like new-$17.95. collectors' item. }!~ine "old world" gun craftsmanship has trigger adjustment, screw-in ejector rod. Has STJun.
been employed to give you a superior handgun & still ItU'LED BARItEL with blade front sights. Terrific for
retain all the features of the original Derringer. Accurate. target shooting. varmint hunting or home defense. Only
Shoots .22 short, long or long rifle. Checkered black $12.95. Gleaming nickel-plated model only $14.95.
grips. Only $19.95. Sparkling chrome-Dlated model only r~eather holster $ 2.2;'.
ITALIAN $22.50. Western hand tooled holster $4.50. .38 Special
nickel Derringer ••• $34.95
POCKET AUTO. Bright Nickel
GUNSLINGERS! or Shiny Blue
.25 CAL. - $19.95
Imported direct by us from Italy's finest
TEXAN .22 5&W
gun manufacturer. Brand new! Trim. com-
pact weapon fires powerful and easily ob· only $19.95 .38 SPECIAL
tainable .25 Cal. American made ammo. Also avail. cali- Sensational new slide rod .22 shoots all three
-long, short, and long rifle .22 ammo, double
2" BBL.
bers .22 long or .22 short . . . onlJ' $22.50. Have origi-
nal factory blue finish. 6-shot capacity makes excellent
plinking and home protection weapon. Fixed sights. ~rdd ::~;:fe;c~~~~iv~r.ti~~ls~ie~~-~~deOI~ie~~onr~~kSr~~~fv:r~ REVOLVERS $39.95
Weight appl'ox. 13 oz. Only $19.95. Holster $2.25. Terrific gun for fast draw practice and plinking. }~eels A-1ade in U.S. by Smith & Wesson. these fine
.25 Cal. ammo. box of 25 . . . $1.85 just right. Not $63, not $75.00, but only $19.95. 6-shot revolvers with swing out CYlinder arc
Complete with fast draw holster $24.9;'. terrific buYS. Fine condo inside & out. Fixed sights. with
bright nickel or blue finish and sharp STAG grips. Fires
pop. American made .38 spccial S&W ammo. Only $39.95.
Holster only $3.95. .38 Special ammo box of 25 . . . $1.85
.303 CAL. $15.95 4X Scope & FREE mount for all popular .22 rifles only
Of W\VII $8.95. 100 rds. . 22 short high powered ammo. $1.10.
WITH SCOPE fame, this is
the British
$22.95 rifle that drove SPORTERIZED 30/06
Rommel out of Af-
rica and saw service
on the Continent & in
the Korean conflict. Has

simplHied bolt release &
a peep sight mounted on
rear of recei\'er. Cal. .303
British. Bbl. 25%"', IO-shot
magazine, positive thumb safety.
Good inside and out. only $15.95. 'YUh High numbers.
scope $22.95. Custom Rnfield Sporter Guaranteed v e r J
$19.95. With scope $25.95. AMMO: 100 good inside & out.
Military . . $7.50 .. 40 Hels. Soft Pt. $5.90. This 6-shot bolt action
makes a fine hunting-

rifle. Has new walnut
sporterized stoclt; 4-grooH'
bbls.: fires military 30/06
CARBINE M/94 cal. ammo. or hunting ammo.
Specs: 24" bbl.. IIlU7.,,;j(· \ .
2800 fps.; combo. open & peep sights.
$29.95 fully adjustable windage & elevation
to 2850 yds. 'Vt. approx. 7.lh Ibs. Only
$39.95. AMMO.: 100 rds. military $7.50,
40 Rds. Soft Pt. $5.90.

COLT Enclosed
cash, check or _

.45 Auto. Only $36.75 M.O. (CODs rC(llllre If.: deposit.) (Be sure to spec-
ify & gh'e complete ordering info.) I understand aU
1'he only "big" automatic used in 2 'Vorld 'Vars. items are to be shipped FOB L.A .. express charges
AU in perfect mechanical condition. Parkerized collect. CaBf res. add 4 % state tax. Jt'or fast service
finish with arched housing-some with checkered follen ordering pistols, please sign statement: Hi am
triggers. These.45 cal. Colt Autos. (Model not an alien, hat1e never been convicted of a cri.m.e
HIll-AI) are in V.G. to Excel. Condo only $36.75. NickeI- of violence, am not fmder indi.ctment or a fugitive.
plated Colt Model $49.95. .45 ammo. box of 24 $1.50. I am 18 years or over."


(please sign)

GUNS JUNE 1960 51

• • (Continued from page SO) . New York State Indoor Pistol Championship
POCKET SIZE be turned manually by separate push buttons.
What kind of pistols are popular with the
in 55, 56 and 57, competing in the New York
State Pistol and Ri/le Association matches,
" 4 inches long - 9}'i'o oz. B.R.R.C. members? They use High Stand· all of which are held indoors. Three out of
ards, Colts, Rugers, Smith & Wessons, and five members of the New York State Pistol
other varieties-with makes fairly evenly di· League team at the Camp Perry meet in 1957
vided among the members. Do you need a were from the B.R.R.C. They were Sutton,
special type of pistol to become a "good" Wolff and Dudley.
shooter? Pistol Exec. Dudley says, The Niagara Frontier Pistol League was
"A shooter can't 'buy' a good score. He organized in 1938. There was very little or
U. S~or has to earn it." His advice is not to pur- no activity during World War II, since dur-
CANADA chase the most expensive gun when first start· ing that period of world crisis the League
with Fitted Case
Remarkably accurate ing to shoot, but to obtain a standard make devoted its time and effort to training plant
Amazingly powerful and learn the fundamentals of shooting first. guards, recruits and other war activities. At
Later, the shooter should be able to tell the end of hostilities the Niagara Frontier
7 cartridges which type of pistol suits him best, and then Pistol League again started to function with
Unusual safety features is the time to go overboard and purchase a team matches. The League, with three Cana-
IDEAL PROTECTION FOR HOME AND CAMPING TRIPS better pistol. But first, he says, "get a good dian teams, gives it an international /Iavor
7% ounce Lightweight Model with Satin Chrome score with a standard make weapon. Any and atmosphere.
Finish, Pearl Grips, Gold Trigger: '42 50 • Nickel hand gun of good make will shoot better All of the Niagara Frontier Pistol League
Plated, Luxuriously Hand-Engraved Model: '75. than the fellow holding it." matches are shot with .22 calibre pistols,
Prices subject to change without notice Who are the Club's top shooters, how good but they do have an informal center fire
are they, and what do they shoot? Well, Bill match with the larger guns, but this is shot
BROWNING Sutton, President of the B.R.R.C., and on an individual basis for record only.
Harold Dudley, Pistol Executive of the club, Many consider this a four·season, over-1OO·
.25 Caliber Automatic are two top pistol shooters, shooting up in match "string" a national record. National
SEE YOUR BROWNING DEALER the 280's and 270's respectively. Other top record or not, it is a fine record, attributed
Browning Arms, Dept. 110, 51. Louis 3, Mo. scorers in the pistol department are: by the Club officers and members largely to
-In CANADA, Dept. 110, Box 991,MontreoI9, P.Q. Charles Wolff with a 273 average, using a the number of serious shooters in the Club,
Colt M.T.; Donald Barber, 268 average, but at least partly to the Club's interest in
uses a Ruger MK1; Henry Tomczak, 266 shooters and the promotion of shooting. Cer·
average, with another Ruger MK1; Earl tainly the knowledge of more experienced
Jones, with an average of 266, uses a Clark shooters rubs off on the beginners, and the
Ruger; Marion S. Pagano, with a 266 aver- Club has instilled a look, listen, help, and
age, uses a Hi Standard Citation; George shoot policy that build scores and at the
Young, 272 average, favors a S&W-41; and same time builds fellowship and interest.
Anthony Parker, 265 average, uses a Hi· Officers and members alike are justifiably
Standard G. Lee H. Dierdorff, with his Colt proud of their Club and its record.
M.T., was for years the Club's high man with "But," they will tell you, "there's nothing
a score of 275, but he recently moved away. about us that makes us different, and noth·
Besides winning the 100 league pistol ing we do that you can't do also. Good
matches of the Niagara Frontier Pistol fellows make a good club, and the two to-
League in four straight seasons without a gether make good shooters. You can ~
defeat, the B.R.R.C. has gone on to win the do it, as we have. Why not try it?" .~


(Continued from page 37)
must be easily restorable to "factory" con- to this shoe and, through a tiny drilled hole,
dition In case of future resale. set-screwed into place.
First, a new forearm was fitted, that al- The final problem was to weld a small
lowed proper recoil operation but permitted grasping hook onto the trigger guard. This
attaching the vertical fore grip with rearward was for the prosthetic hook to contact. It gave
trigger linkage. For the grip, a frame of the the right arm a d6gree of control and "feel"
Star Model F pistol was obtained from Fire- in handling the gun, but prevented the
arms International, and modified by milling hook from interfering with the trigger func-
off the barrel lump. Pin holes, safety mount- tioning now that this had been changed to
ing hole and magazine hole in the bottom of left-hand forearm operation. The hook could
the frame were filled with weld and finished later be easily removed by grinding, and the
smooth. The original Model F trigger was original trigger guard reblued if the .,gun was
then replaced in the frame, and a booster- disposed of.
spring guide arranged in the recoil spring Shooting tests of this modified Remington
guide hole. This spring, with the linkage to were pleasantly surprising. The vertical fore·
the actual trigger attached, gave a control- grip seemed to minimize the extra forend
lable amount of trigger force to prevent acci- weight. After the test shooters got accus-
dental doubling when the grip is held and tomed to triggering shots with the left hand,
trigger pressed using the left hand. The best the gun was easy to use. Our now-ecstatic
final solution for trigger operation abandoned one-handed hunter hated to relinquish his
metal rods and bars for the linking; used new prize for the final steps of polishing and
instead choke control cable with the heavy bluing, but the end results made him glad he
coiled outside fixed tube guiding the inner had waited.
very light steel piano wire. Because the Rem- Should other shooters have similar prob-
ington Model 11 is a bottom-loading gun, the lems, remember that ours may not be the
cable was led along the edge of the receiver, only nor indeed the best possible way to
clearing the loading port. A steel clamp solve them. But ours works, and has held up
block, milled to contour, was screwed to the well in the field. It's a guide to solving the di-
receiver with two 6 x 48 gun screws. If the lemma of a shooter who has no shooting hand.
one-handed shooter desired to sell the wea- And don't overlook the good feeling that is
Antique Stag' for most populor 591. ~
& db!. O,HM REVOLVERS. AT YOUR ~~~=4!). pon later, these could be inconspicuously yours when you have been instrumental in
DEALER. Stomp for brochure.
"Fill Ouromile
closed by blind screws. With a trigger shoe helping a handicapped brother hunter ~
BOX 49702, LOS ANGELES 49, CALIF. pinned to the trigger, the piano wire was led back into the field. ~

52 GUNS JUNE 1960

· WOULD YOU be interested in a correspondence .22 BARRELS
· course in practical. PROFITABLE gunsmithing and
, gun dealing? Get the straight dope on how to
, make real money at home in spare time. Teaches
FOR ALL 1903 SPRINGFIELDS , you how to operate a full-time store-or how to
build-up a gun collection at no cost (and prac- NEW REMINGTON MATCHMASTER BARRELS. for use
Handsome conversion unit allows year 'round use ot tically no taxes). as barrel blanks or on Remington ~uns in the 500 series.
26" long. 13/16" diameter. all pOlished and blued.
yuur favorite rifle, even aflcr big game season is past.
Inexpensive practice (or hunting & plinking) now pos-
THE COURSE will be prepared by nationally- chamhered for .22 1. r .. 6 groove rifling. Each barrel
sible with a real, man sized .22 which not only shoots · known gun editors and dealers; fully covers such trued. tesled and serial numbered by ReminglOll. The
beller hut feels better while shooting. (Just slide out , subjects as "setting-up shop"; "where to buy" ~~~$ ~~v~e~i;;~I~OIt~~ ~:~~~~eWI~~~r~ouE~nli~nYr~edf~lt~~~
unit to chan~e hack" to .30-06). Full sized, but short (under wholesale); "how to trade profitably"; -may we su~est you pick up 1 or 2 of these at this
~~~~f a~~i;rac;.ithEa~heC~~ftr;\ ;~f1C3iS~~:;'t~iri; "record keeping"; "gun laws"-and many others. exceptional pnce before they are gone'! High slren~lh
.22 bolt, barrel liner, trigge~ guard & 7 shot magazine>. · In short. you get all the profitable trade secrets- steel, suitable for center fire calibers. fine for target
Bolts have adjustable headspace feature guaranteeing plus the benefits of a wealth of experience. pistol barrels. OriR'inally made for the 513 Target
riJles 5peciaJ $4.95 plus 50¢ post.
years of accurate shooting. Over 2,000 happy users. FIFTEEN detailed, illustrated lessons that would (Ramp & front sirt"ht for above $1.25)

Volume sales tumble price to a LOW. LOW 519.95 ppd. probably take 20 weeks to complete. Cost: About
Extra magazines $1. 7S ppd. , $200.00 with optional installments on a "pay as
· yOU learn-and earn" basis. EXTRA HEAVY 22 CAL. BARREL BLANKS
· MANY earn from $50.00 to $100.00 per week extra
doing the very thing they like most. We believe we ~.
can show you how to do this and more. Demand for Full 1 1/16" diameter, straight, rifted blank-6
ZINES. New. Fits all Stevens and Savage · guns and gun repairs increases daily. With proper groove for super accuracy. 27" long-large diameter
models after 1923. Spec. $1.00 ea., 2 for · background and "inside dope" you can cash-in on makes adaptable for most rim or center fire acUons.
$1.75. 3 for $2.25. this ever grOWing market. 1 tu7t~~m})~;lng-fo;-:22-L:-R.-O~ri: ~lci9:I~Jg~ 70¢
HELP US by sending a postcard today stating if
you MIGHT be interested (if and When course is

finally prepared), With any comments or sugges-
tions. It will be appreciated. ORDNANCE TOOLS for U.S. Carbines

~ ~
WRe.NCH. ess~ntlal for re-
: moving
gas piston for

L_ _ Water (& dirt '"

tobacco) proof rubber cap GUN PLANT AND MANY ABROAD. New
Indl!strial uses found daily in aircraft, sub-
given w/ea. magazine.
. maTlnes. clocks. etc.
better results . . . bikes seconds to apply

• 5 shot capacity-reQuired by law for hunting, fits coinpl~c~at~~I"le~eE~otb1~se up~~.c:n:~~~lt nfi~~i~h~
flush with guard-streamlines alJIJearance. Solid Actually penetrates the steel. Used by QUn
machined bottom-not "raw" appearing oversized ~~~~:Jestoa~~ fl:~Sb~~rsCOiderb;~~er:ou Ge~a:;
fold overs that some are selling $2.45

used-or your money back.
• 15 shot in original wrap. only $1.00 ea.or2 for $1.75 3 GUN SIZE $2.00 PPd.
• 30 shot. "banana" clips only $4.95 or 2 for $7.95! INDUSTRIAL GUNSMITH $IZL
1 pint - - - - - - - - - - - - $7.50 ppd.
Unused. As issued $1.95
-~---~- u __

plus 30c post.

.22 caliber magazines. 6 shot. New. adjUstable for windall'e 6 .44 CALIBER BARREL BLANKS
Only $1.00 ea., 2 for $1.75, 3 for elevation. fits all U. S. Car·
$2.25. bines. slides into receiver
dovetail - 2 minutes to In.
NOW - 81' J~C I!\ T. PRICE! stall. as issued. $1.85 ppel.

SI'RINGFIEI.1l 3 nI.!\J)E screw- ~.'~
drivers as issued. ~ SPRINGFIELD A3 SIGHTS. Similar to above. for
1903A3 only new. Issued $1.85 ppd.

$1.00 1l1)(1.


("educes to 5 shots. only way to
make Garand fully legal for
huntinJ!; In most states. (easily
ONLY $1.49 W W These shotgun barrels should cause one at these prices!
ABOUT 820/0 DISCOUNT_bUY an extra. ideal for slug &
installed &. removed). Set. com·
plete with special follower &
20"12cyl. bore. all 12 ga.. new,
brush work,Mdl. blued.
Standard dovetail_interchangeable inserts included. Winchester Md). '97-Solid Frame $4.95
2 five shot clips. $3.95. Extra
For Hi-power or small bores. From discontinued Winchester
bushing Mdl. '97 -take·down_l'complete with fiUed
5 shot clips. 95<: ea. Standard Target rifle of largest U. S. maker. At a 700/0
8 shot cllps. $2.00 per dozen. discount! $1.49 ea. $12.00 per dozen


Solio steel. %." dia. only. Fits all
Redfield Jr. bases. Very special
.••••••• -•..••••••••••••11.95 per pro ~)JJ)J))))JjjjjjjJJJj~
SAVE $8.25 in lots of 75
bro~~~ ~;~~hes ."'~ MONTE CARLO STOCK BLANKS

For old Model Rem. 11

for sel·iollS cleaning. The extra size makes clean-
ing hores rast & easy. For all standard rods. (front safety) ond Say.
Long Lasting. 25 hrushes $1.75: 7 5 hrllshe~ $3.00. BIPODS (for B.A.R.). Often used on 720 auto loaders.
_ heavy farget and varminf guns. legs Rough inletted, outside
adjust for height, and fold-up against needs finish sanding.·
barrel. Excellent. $3.95 plus 40¢ post-

Can be used for later Model 11 (rear safe.) by in-
age. le"ing deeper. W/cheek piece. Rubber Yentilate.d
recoil pad included FREE. Made by mfr. for the.r
WINCHESTER '73 PARTS LYMAN 57A REAR deluxe skeet & trop guns. Walnut. Only $3.95 plus

Winchester 73 Extractors-new, $2.50 ppd.; 73 firing SIGHTS- 'I 40¢ post.
pins (state caliber) $3.75. (Write for other 73 parts) SAVE ALMOST 50%-NEW $4.50 .
notch. micrometer
elevation adjust.
ments. Sweat-on or screw down,
" complete with slide & 0
or hoth. Pre-tinned for easy screw $3.75 '--- _
mounting Fits all round har·
rels. Jo'or shooters who don't
Iilu~ peep rear sl~hts. hut still

want fine adjustments. $2.25 ea.
SPECIAL! $1.26 ea. during this special offer. Complete BARRELS

U.S. GARAND with hox or fnsel·ts. Only $2.25 ppd. (Dealers: auto, 1911 & At $6.95
FLASH HIDERS $20.00 per doz.).
(M-2) os issued. New.
$2.95 plus 30¢ post. SHOTGUN BEADS .4S AUTO MAGAZINES
& BROKEN made 1954 of new steel soees••
BEAD SHOT. Here's a packet or I U large
superior to any made ore..
villusly. New. in ori2. wrap·
GUN FRONT bead (standard 4/40 thread)
sig-hlFl for lI~llal m·ke or Just
pin::rs. $1.9S ea.-2 for $3.50.
NOTE: When 2 are ordered.
SIGHTS one, ONLY $1.00 pel" Packet
____________________ 50¢ new web carryinR' case in-
cluded FREE.
Improves hits. Special__ 4 beads for $1.00

TOOL For Springfield. Garand. Enfield &; Krag. fits in butt. We have some 20,000,000 gun parts in over 27.000
nickeled brass. not plastic. as issued, excellent. complete sq. ft. of storage space-modern, obsolete. foreign-
with cleaning brush, thong, oil applicator $1.00 ppd. advise wants for free quotation.
In field or on range, this ordnance tool may be needed
at any time-for bolt disassembly, because of poor extrac-
tion with fouled chamber or for rifle takedown "Similar
to illus.• only latest model with bronze brush end". Fits
conveniently in butt trap-Keep shooting. a good invest-
ment. As issued. Only $1.00 ea. r (Good to can-y with gun
-new firing pln_$1.25. new extractor-$1.2S)

GUNS JUNE 1960 53

(Continued from page 29)

360-degree circle either free·swinging or by The most successful of them, the MG42,
knobs according to a precise mill scale. resembles the M60 in method of manu·
In the M60, many faults of our older facture, speed of barrel change, belt feed,
"Browning lights," the M1919 and A6, have and weight. It differs mainly in its extremely
been corrected. The 23 pounds includes an high rate of fire, 1200 rounds per minute.
adjustable bipod. The Bren·type carrying This high rate is a distinct advantage for a
handle is right over the balance point, where gun primarily intended as a squad weapon,
it belongs. Stocking and sights are excellen.t. around which the riflemen maneuver. "Tar·
I settled behind the stock in prone and gets of opportunity," small groups of indio

. . F~~~~SR~!~~ pressed the trigger for a 40 round burst.

The shots made a comfortable chug-chug·
chugging and with no kick or bounce, the
viduals at medium to long range, are covered
by a hail of MG42 bullets before they can
take cover, the way a shotgun pattern covers
SOUTH BEND New 110 Norseman _ 29.95 17.95 string went ripping into the backstop. The a bird.
SHAKESPEARE New 1798 26.50 15.95
SHAKESPEARE 1797 24.95 14.95 combination of flash hider and high sight The American army has always insisted
SHAKESPEARE New 2065 w/Une 32.50 19.50 line, plus the straight line stock and low that the individual rifleman is the proper
SHAKESPEARE New 2080 Sea Wonder 39.95 23.95
GARCIA MITCHELL 300 32.50 19.50 (550·600 rounds per minute) rate of fire base of fire, and demonstrated that the Ml,
GARCIA MITCHELL 350 33.75 20.25
New MITC HELL 308 ultra UghL 34.50 20.70 gives the gunner full control over the burst. backed up with a sprinkling of BARs, can
New ABU·MATIC 70 29.95 17.95 Designwise, there is very little that is new balance an LMG equipped 0pI\onent. The
AMBASSADEUR 5000 45.00 27.00
ZEBCO 33 or 44 19.50 11.70 or startling about this gun. Automatic wea· objections to the squad LMG are that it and
ZEBCO 66 12.95 7.75
PFLUEGER 1494 MedaUst 11.50 6.90
pons engineering today is mostly a matter its crew is vulnerable. to enemy counter-fire
PFLUEGER 1495 Medalist 12.00 7.20 of selectively pirating existing systems, com· and that the gun itself is too heavy to keep
PFLUEGER 1573 Supreme 37.50 22.50
DENISON·JOHNSON Century 100A 17.95 10.75 bining them into a working gun, and then up with the riflemen.
endlessly testing and retesting. The M60s low rate of fire, 550 r.p.m., sac·
ALCEDO MICRON 41.50 25.25 In the case of the M60, the parents and rifices the shotgun effect of the MG42 to
ALCEDO 2 CS 38.50 22.95 grandparents are easy to spot. It is basically qualities more desireable in a fixed defense
A SUPER SPECIAL BY PARKER! a Lewis action, but front locked as in the gun: conservation of ammo, mount steadi·
Alcedo ~iicron Reel & Alcedo ~ncron Rod. FG42. The quick barrel change feature owes ness, accuracy, and long barrel life. The
. Retails $76.50
Spec. Comb. prlce $39.85 much to the MG34, as does the belt feed M60, according to policy at the time we
system. The receiver group, with its stamped tested it, will be issued two to a platoon,
SCOPES $33.75
and welded bolt raceway, is right off an
MG42. If this cataloging suggests that rna·
forming part of the weapons squad along
with rocket launchers. It is in fact a heavy
REDFIELD Bear Cub 2*X $49.50
RED FI ELD Bear Cub 4X 59.50 40.50 chine gun design is a simple matter, remem· machine gun so lightened that it can perform
REDFIELD Bear Cub 6X 79.50 54.00
WEAVER 60B Series K 2.5 or K 3 37.50 23.95 ber that specifications for this gun were some LMG roles, rather than an LMG
WEAVER 60B Series K 4 45.00 28.75 originally laid down in 1935·1938, and design adapted to defense uses. The M14 full auto
WEAVER 60B Series K V 57.50 36.95
W EA VER 60n Series K 6 48.50 30.95 testing has been almost continuous since shoulder rifle will assume some of the tactical
WEAVER 60B Series K 8 or K 10 59.50 37.95
that time. function of the LMG once served by the
FREE! GIANT CATALOG The really interesting thing about the M60 Browning Automatic Rifle. At present, none
Thousands ot nationally advertised Hunting & Fishing
items to choose from at Lowest Prices. is the manner in which it points up a division of the heavy barrel BAR·like Ml5s are being
Send for Credit Applicotion-No Obligation of fundamental tactical thought between the ordered. The M14 rifle paired with the M60
TO ALL INTERNATIONAL U. S. and every other major power. The M60 general purpose machine gun will do the job.
CHARGE CARD HOLDERS is a light gcneral purpose machine gun but, In addition to traditional American atti·
Send in flour account number .£ authorized 8ionature for
immediate delivery on all purchases 01 $50.00~or more. in the European sense of the word, not a tudes towards the LMG, two other consider·
Add SOc pOstage on all items. 20% deposit on all true light machine gun.
COD's. Prices subject to change without notice. ations must have effected the design of the
*On Purchase ot $50 or more. The distinction has less to do with pound· gun. The first derives from the problem of
age rather than with projected tactical use. stopping mass attack of the "human sea"
PARKER Distributors British and German arms research in the
period between "The Wars" concentrated not
variety so effectively employed by Communist
Forces in Korea, and by Russian troops. The
3S16 WHITE PLAINS ROAD (Dept. G-660) on an adequate semi·auto rifle, as in America, M60 is a better. gun for this purpose than the
NEW YORK 67, N. Y.-Phone TUlip 1-1900 but on developing a squad base of fire in the MG42. The other .consideration is current
form of a 25 pound light machine gun. In U. S. thinking on the role of fortress defense
Britain, this became the Bren; in Germany in atomic war, where fast air transport of
The Finest Revolver and Pistol the MG34 and MG42. Like the M60, all attack will make every air strip, military
three of these guns were conceived as general depot, population center, or missile base, a

purpose weapons, to be fired from bipod or potential front line position. A group of
tripod, in fixed positions and in the attack. :\160s, carefully dug in and with interlocking

Genuine ~
••• Now at spec:ial
savings! ; - . DIRECT FROM It's EASYl With
Cunberth * Plans & Kits
•. U. S. GOVERNMENT Finished cabinets in 82
~~ different styles and fin~
NAVY COSTS. Individuals can now buy direct
from U.S. Govt. Surplus Govt. Property located
In Govt. Depots throughout the entire U.S.-from
coast to coast-Depots located in every state.
FOR SALE: Boats, LST's, LCVP's, Alrcrafts,
Helicopters, Marine Engines. Radar, Sonar.
Radio Telephones, Walkie-Talkies, Nautical In-
struments, Electronics, Marine Equipment,
Hardware, Etc., Etc.
ALSO: -Jeeps, Trucks, Tractors, Trailers, Auto- All details on Ready ..Cut Kits,
motive Supplies, Amphibious Vehicles, Farm Plans and Hardware are listed
Implements, Farm Machinery. Tools, Gener- in big, fully illustrated ••
ators, Etc. '~HandbookU-Catalol
Thousands of other items too numerous to
mention. Send for 44GOVERNl\IENT SURPLUS Only $1.00 ppd.
"WORLD FAMOUS CUN" SALES" - $1.25. (Lists Govt. Depots & Proce- Your $1.00 is refundable in
COLT FRONTIER REPLICA for dure to Buy from Govt.)
COllectors. Quick draw practice, credit with your first order!

Western TV fans. Looks and
feels like real gun.
finish 54.00. Deluxe polished
$6.00. Add-SOc shipping, Box 425 (Dept. GU) Nanuet, N. Y. COLADONATO BROS.
VALLEY GUN SHOP ?~r:n.:.ooJ~m: Dept. G4D, Hazleton, Pa.

54 GUNS JUNE 1960

zones of fire, will be a cheap and effective
stop to operations "behind our lines."
"During acceptance tests, the 1V160 fired
20,000 rounds in one·hundred round bursts,
with one minute cooling between bursts. This
is the same test as a watercooled heavy IVlG
must pass. Although the barrel was originally

- -
planned for "quick take down" to switch to a
fresh barrel when the first became over·
heated, the test revealed this was not neces-
sary. The first 9" of bore is of Stellite, an
alloy developed by Haynes Stellite Co. of Only hand loading gives
Kokomo, Indiana, which has high erosion you precision loads
resistant properties. At incandescent heat,
the Stellite rifling still carried the load. It
:,for your BEST shooting.
did not wash out. Use of this metal plus
Congressional thrift on research terminated
further design on the barrel group, although
it is not the best quick-change barrel on a
gun in use today. Bipod and gas cylinder
group all are integral with the barrel,
must be removed with it. Since the new
barrel needs an identical fitting, extra cost
and weight result from this design. The word
from Ordnance is, that with the Stellite
lining, barrel life is so satisfactory there is
no point in redesigning the assembly, while Other REDDING Reloading Equipment
practice in the field suggests the gun will Standard Powder and Bullet Scale
be treated as a fixed-barrel arm. Reloading Press Standard of the industry.
To change barrels, I cocked the piece, set .All rifle and pistol Guaranteed accurate to a tenth
the swinging thumb lever on the left side cartridges $22.50 grain. Capacity 325 grains
of the pistol grip to safe, and hit the barrel Master Case Trimmer
catch lever on the right side of the receiver. One-pass trim and Standard Powder Measure
A friend who helped me in the shooting, chamfer any caliber Removable metering chamber.
but who would ordinarily be the assistant rifle or pistol case Capacity 0 to 100 grains
gunner, grabs the bipod (the barrel itself is $14.50 $12.50
HOT) and pulls barrel group including Shell Holder Primer Post
bipod and gas piston assembly out the front $1.80 $1.50
of the gun. Inserting a second barrel, one
The Redding Master Powder Measure is a top quality Master Powder Measure
merely flips the latch and the gun is ready. tool designed for the most efficient, accurate and easy All caliber tube;
The buttplate, feed cover and pistol grip measurement of rifle, pistol and shotgun powder charge micrometer settings.
are covered with neoprene, protection against ranging in width from Y2 to 100 grains. Machined and Capacity Y2 to 100 grains
accidental freezing contact of skin against flnished for lifetime accuracy. $18.50
Breakdown for field cleaning requires only
a cartridge as a tool. The catch on tlte butt
group can be reached by the bullet point,
releases the butt which slides straight back.
The donble-wound springs, heavier and
longer-lasting even than IVlG42 springs, can
be removed. The bolt assembly and gas
piston can be removed from the back, after
relieving buffer pressure upon a vertical
cross plate. With the plate pried up by a
cartridge as lever, the back of the receiver
is open for complete stripping. The trigger

Non-Breakable. Guaranteed
For All American, Many Foreilln Cun.
Never be· Non-slip and precision-fitted, FRANZITE GRIPS are
tore has an
achromatic tel e . the most durable made I Beautiful colors; smooth,
scope sold for any-
where near this amazing checkered, staghorn and fancy carved; truly distinc-
low price: You get clearer tive. Long-wearing, unaffected by moisture, per..
sharpel' pictures at all powers
because of the super compound
Achro Lens. No color, no fuzz. Vari-
spiration, most mineral and vegetable oils. Will not
able eyepiece adjustable in 22, 45, or 60 chip or peel. Luster, color are permanent.
I)QWer. Lower powers excellent for tal'get
shOOting and wide angle viewing. Higher powers
tor long range and Astronomy. Guaranteed to spot Conventional or conversion styles. Also target grips,
.22 holes tn the black at 200 yds. Guaranteed to bring with or without thumb rest. Available for all popu-
distant objects. people, planets. etc. 60 times closer. 5
bakelite sections. trimmed In gleaming brass-5 precision lar guns in: Ivory, Pearl, Onyx, Agate, Walnut,
lenses. A precision American made instrument, uncon-
ditionally guaranteed. Carrying case Included. Send only Black and Staghorn finishes. Low cost, $2.50 to
$6.98. Cash, check or money order. We pay postagoe.
Criterion Co., 313 Church St., Hartford,Conn., Dept. TSA·53 $8.00-See our complete catalog!

Franz;te Grips Are Sold Under Our Guarantee For

Write today for 28-page book. Colt Remington Browning Luger
FREE Prices, illustrates grips for all Great West'n
H& R
CATALOG American makes, plus many for..
eign. Hi-Standard S&W Schmeisser Sauer
lver-Johnson Walther Llama Webley
And Many Others

Yonkers, New York

SPORTS, INC. 5501 Broadway, Dept. CH-6, Chicago 40, III.
GUNS JUNE 1960 '55
and grip removes by un-springing a flat bly like the M14, a minor help in training.
SIGHTS, SCOPES, MOUNTS retaining plate, freeing the cross pins, much' In manufacture, if quantity production is
(See also Cover 4, pages 10, 15, 51, 54, 57 like the earlier German designs. Sights are expected, it should be hardly more expensive
100 meter minimnm, and then graduations in to make than an Ml rifle. The receiver forg-
hundred meters from 300 to 1200 meters. ing is a simple figure 8, about two inches'
Training will dispense with fire from full long; the top holds the barrel and the
defilade; that is fire directed over the heads bottom, the operating rod. Some of the
of our own troops from a rear position smaller parts are powder metal, and invest-
hidden from enemy observation. ment castings would simplify production of
The new training table will require firing many parts. The bolt raceway, feed cover,
from bipod, tripod, hip and the shoulder buttstock and fore-end, bipod. and pistol
without mount in kneeling and standing grip are all stampings.
position. In the latter positions, the new Considered as a member of our new family
cardboard 100-round belt container will be of weapons, the M60 with its steady stream
tt SHARPSHOOTER" used. The total package will weigh about 32 of "hot lead" will supplement the splutter
pounds-not easily held and, it would seem, of fire of our M14s. It will be used more in
for .22's oddly uncompetitive in terms of most fire-
power for least weight, with some other
the assault than our Browning Lights were,
and there will, we hope, be more of them.
"Sharpshooter" Receiver Sight LMGs available which in a similar fitting At least lighter than ils predecessors, though
Gives your .22 new life, new accuracy! firing from a 250 round back pack weigh not perhaps not so light as it could be and still
Only peep sight for .22's that attaches
to dovetail groove on top of .22 re- more than a good target rifle held at the be durable, this rugged, accurate scattergun
ceivers. Same sighting disc and picture shoulder. is a welcome addition to the Arsenal ~
as expensive receiver sights. Full
windage and
elevation adjustment. Only
$4 .95 The M60 uses the captive gas piston assem- of freedom. ~

"Sharpshooter" Ramp & Front Sights "THEY SAID WE COULDN'T DO IT"

/n~ Teams up with the .22 re- ( Continued from page 36)

CC ceiver for perfect shooti,!g
. accuracy. Ramp attaches In ism effectively and effiiciently. each hand made unit was an improvement of
~ barrel dovetail, no drilling or Starting in 1956 with the time-tested the previous prototype.
. . .-: tapping required.
~ Gold Tip Front $1.95 swing-arm feed, Crosman engineers nndertook Extensive field tests involving civilian and
IIIII!!!IIIIiii Ramp $3.25 the task of devising a reciprocating C02 military personnel were conducted in 1957
hammer cylinder that would meet extreme and 1958 at the Camp Perry Matches, Na-
performance standards. The goal they set tional Rifle Association conventions, numer-
for themselves was-l00,OOO rounds without ous regional pistol meets, and at sporting
mal-function. goods dealer shows throughout the nation.
An entire segment of the Crosman Arms Each new and improved model incorporated
engineering and technical section was in- the recommendations of gun experts and
structed to go all out on a crash program. top shooters, and the Crosman semi-auto-
Within the next four years, many models matic, (already being called by its makers
designed, tested, and discarded. But "The Pistol of the Champions") was being

Shooters with a good

eye for quality and
marksmanship choose
the Lawrence Gun-
slinger II ... a com-
bination of finest leath-
er and craftsmanship. The UNITED GOLDEN CONDOR in- "I have used a 4X scope purchased from
Special metal Write for free 20-pg. vites comparison. To begin with it is a you people three years ago and wouldn't
reinforced catalog in color full 4 POWER. Has metal cross hair trade it for any other like power on the
fast draw Over 100 holster styles reticle, simple built-in parallax adjust- market." CUSTOM RELOADING & GUN
holster with and quick draw equip· ment. It's Water-Dust-Shock proofed. SERVICE, MINNESOTA.
leather lining. ment. Also rifle scab· Has Elevation and windage adjust- "Would you please send me the following
New leather bards, cartridge belts, ments with click stops. Entire optic UNITED Riflescopes. I am very well
lined contour· shell carriers, slings.
cut belt angled system 100% Hard Coated for brllliant,. pleased with the other two." HOYT'S
knife sheath and belts. GUN SHOP, UTAH.
for trim fit and sharp viewing, Eyepiece lense 31 MM!
easy draw. r"\. At your dealer or Its 1" tube fits all standard mounts. "My customer liked the UNITED rifle-
L.,/ available by mail
Wholesale to you for only $14.95 plus scopes so well he wants to send one to
THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. 75c postage, handling, insurance. Sug-
gested retail price $24.95.
his father in California." FREEMAN'S
Portland 4. Oregon Since 1857 Dept. E6'
Model Length Exit Pupil Weight Field 100 Yards
4x21 10~4" 5.2mm 8~4 oz. 21.5 ft.
lor Test, try and compare for one full month! Return DEALERS ORDER TODAY
JEEPS &TRUCKS for Immediate refund in full if not satisfied.
On Your Letterhead or indicate Resale
N ow BOYS: Spe- or Federal Firearms Dealers License
cial ize in Gun Number otherwise your order will be
Write for FREE Colorfu( Bro-- Racks for Jeeps & returned .. C.O.D.'s require $5.00 de-
chure. DEALERS: We Guarantee Trucks. Many Mod- posit. Open Account to well-rated
els Available.
United Building, Dept. WKA-187 9043 S. Western,
Chicago 20, III.
trNl,. E ~Ia'~§ea\n ota8~~lit';.Wjeft.a%ea~a~~~

56 GUNS JUNE 1960

Faster, Easier Spotting
regarded by shooters as the pistol that might
make champions.
By early 1959, the long-sought mechanical
action had been perfected. The Crosman
semi-automatic had withstood all the severe
tests and punishment that especially de-
signed automation equipment could produce,
and was designated Model 600. There now
existed a smooth functioning gas-operated
semi-automatic capable of being recocked
and loaded as quick as a blink of the eye
... actually ten shots in two seconds with no
damage to delivery of the pellets. Achieved.
too, was an exhaust valve which dumped
the C02 after forty shots, thereby assuring
consistent gas power control.
Next, outstanding metallurgists and lead-
ing suppliers of prefabricated metals were
consulted and assigned the task of develop-
ing especially processed metals and methods
of manufacturing for the 86 component parts
of the semi-automatic_ Parts quality and per-
formance were to be foremost. At the same
time. the finished cost of the completed semi-

automatic was to be within reach of all
shooters-in must sell for less than thirty

with a [B8~CB®[;)0 ~
The metal experts responded by creating
a die-cast of the total gun frame. This

60 mm Spotting Scope
achievement, with the many complicated and
concentric parts, was not only a "first," but
a casting phenomenon_ The intricacies of the
die casting eliminated many secondary ma-
chining operations and improved tolerances The BALscope Spotting Scope eliminates guesswork and error.
and surface finish. In addition, the physical helps you spot your target quickly and accurately without changing
properties of the alloys in the castings con-
tributed considerably to the fine balance,
position. The choice of champions for quarter of a century,
sturdiness, and pointability of the semi- BALscope provides optical performance and comfort not found in other
automatic. scopes of this class. There's no eyestrain to cause fatigue even
The know-how of the Crosman Arms en- after hours of steady use day after day on the line ... clarity and brilliance
gineers, and the miracle of the metallurgists, of image are unsurpassed. 'Fry this rugged spotting scope, specially
created the first successful C02 pellgun semi- designed for the target shooter ... see how it can help improve your scores.
automatic. Now, shooters can practice with
top target accuracy, slow. timed, or rapid-fire,
within the confines of their home or limited m;i;;:;:~:};~~' .=:'
areas. for less than a penny a shot. :::
This can be said about the "pilot" test
guns sent to GUNS for testing: they work.
Part of our test firing was done (deliberate- please write for information on
ly) in a room of our editorial building, with how the BALscope can give you
the door open. There was no disturbance of
office routine; few people knew anything
lilill more shooting pleasure. Ask for
Booklet G-1l2. Bausch & Lomb
unusual was transpiring. Accuracy was excel- Optical Co., Rochester 2, New
lent (exactly equal, so far as we could tell, York.
to the ability of the shooter). And the auto- $I1S cash price; includes
loading action worked without malfunction, choice of 15X, 20X, 30X
smoothly, as long as we continued to fire !!!ii or 60X interchangeable
No function tests we could give them could \'N"V"5)
compare, of course, to the torture-tests al-
ready given them at the factory. Crosman's

"automation test equipment" puts these guns
through long periods of rapid-fire operation
at the rate of 4,320 shots per hour. The rate
of speed can be raised to 180 shots per It's Ready! Big, New Pistol Shooters
minute-three shots per second-and the
guns take it. Reference' Boole. and Catalog.
Perhaps as great a miracle as the en- ~~~~~ \rJ~~t~~Se~~I~s~~~~Of~r~~gc"o"ma~~i~i';,t.;e~i;l.'o~::':rier.. .- ole~6 .(tomllY~iM.~
gineering behind the Model 600 is its price- tions ... articles by top shooting and reloading authorities Clark. McMillan~
Toney, Cartes, Joyner, White, Weston, Shockey, Gibbs, Hebard-these alone
27.50 retaiL It's a lot of gun for that ~ worth many dollars if published in book form .. _ National records ... 2600
Club. etc. All the latest products and prices ... hundreds of score improving
money_ ~ Items and tips . . . Clark, Shockey, Pachmayr custom guns . . . Ruger.
Hammerli. Hi Standard, S&W, Colt target guns.

The pistol shooters "Bihle" and standard reference hook. No catalog like

it! A MUST for competitive pistolmen or anyone Interested in handgunning_
Double your money back guarantee If you aon't agree it's the higgest pistol
shooting value ever for 50c. Mailed immediately in protective envelope .•

SHOOTERS-COLLECTORS here's a 100 Quality orlg.

G.l. SXIPER SCOPE tor sotg. or milltary rifte. 2'hX
coated optics. 5 Jh" eye reUd post & cross-hairs. hydrogen
ftlled. "!O- tubSA·NTA.. ·A·NA··cTiNROO·M..... ·$l8.50 oOd. You'll want GUNS QUARTERLY in your library.
P. O. Box 1777 Santa Ana, Calif.

GUNS JUNE 1960 57


COWlCHAN CARDIGANS designed for men

and women who want the unusual in their
sportswear. Handsome, imported genuine
handmade Cowichan are made from soft,
thick raw wool. The cardigans are hand knit
by a small group of Cowichan Indian women
on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Colors
range from rich oyster white to gray. The

FOOT WARMER keeps feet warm for out-

doorsmen with a f1ameless heat. Safe and
simple to operate, lightweight, lasts for
years. 3l1z oz. lighter fluid creates heat for
eight hours, maintairis temperature 1100 to
170 0. Rugged carrying case. A product of ROMER '60 COACH, highly styled and de-
Taylor Sales Company, 226 W. Wayne Ave., pendable, Pat. No: D-185,146, engineered
Wayne, Pa. for sportsmen. Romer coaches are made of
kiln dried lumber with quality aluminum
skin, plus all built-in features of home. The
coach takes the outdoorsman over rough
mountain roads, to hide-a-way or retreat, to
unbleached wool retains natural lanolin oil, the desert wilds, along the highways and
keeps wearer dry through a day in rain or bi-ways. Accommodates five, or more, and is
snow. Complete satisfaction guaranteed or weather-proof. Doubly insulated, completely
money refunded. Available in sizes for men undercoated, built-in jacks for easy place-
and women for $47.50 postpaid, from Norm ment and removal and storage, ventilation
Thompson, 1805 N.W. Thurman, Portland, from all sides, interior and exterior lighting,
Oregon. icebox or refrigerator, and light, but sturdy
and rugged construction, contribute to all-
TWO NEW STOCKS are available by Steve COLT'S POWDER AND SPIRITS FLASKS around appeal and dependable service. Manu-
Herrett, Herrett's Stocks, Box 741, Twin are unique collector's items manufactured by factured by the Honorbuilt Trailer Mfg. Co.,
Falls, Idaho, for Single Action Rugers, James Dixon & Sons Ltd., Sheffield, England, 756 Hansen Ave., Lakeview, Calif.
Single Six, Blackhawk, etc. Nothing is lost and imported by the San Francisco Gun Ex-
in traditional eye-appeal of single action by change, 75 Fourth St., San Francisco 3, Calif.
extension of butt of stock, but a better hold Powder Flasks are equipped with an adjust-
is obtained. Front filler behind trigger guard able screw-off charger throwing 63, 73, or 83
provides necessary room for comfort of mid- grains of FFG powder suitable for rifle or
dle finger under heavy recoil. New stocks de- musket; or a non-adjustable charger, choice
signed for comfort make ideal stock for of 12, 24, or 36 grains. The Spirits Flask
hunter, quick draw or plinker. Available in is highly polished Brittania metal, giving the
several different woods and with regular or appearance of silver. Has capacity of seven
skip checkering. ounces, will not tarnish or leak.
ALASKA TRAIL P AK holds all of sports-
man's equipment and clothing. Built of
mildew-proof, water repellent 10 oz. duck,
same weight and standard specified by the
Armed Forces. Double construction at all
points of strain, sewn with heavy-duty thread
that will not tear out. 3D-inch extra heavy
duty zipper for easy access with rawhide tie-
on loops at each end. Large zippered sep-
arate side pockets for small gear; wet cloth-
ALL-NEW FITZ GUNSLINGER GRIP re- ing has removable plastic liner. Extra large,
produced in exact appearance of fine Austrian 35" long, 17" high. Priced at $18.50, post-
Staghorn. Precision-molded from genuine Fitz paid, from Alaska Sleeping Bag Co., 723
Duramite, gold-bond guarantee against break- N. W. 18th Ave., Portland 9, Oregon.
TOWN AND COUNTRY Citizens Radio age. Made for Colt, Ruger, and High-Stand-
Band Transmitter-Receiver enables two-way ard Frontier-type revolvers, the Gunslinger
communications between mobile and fixed follows classic contours of original "Hawg-
locations. Fully portable, it saves time, steps, Leg" handle of the old Six-Shooters. A prod-
and money. Precision-built, rugged, fool- uct of Fitz, P. O. Box 49702, Los Angeles 49,
proof, and dependable, an easy, modern way Calif.
for outdoorsmen to communicate. Known as
Model TC-27, it comes equipped complete BAVARIAN LODEN COAT is rugged out-
with antenna, microphone, and cables. No doorsman's garment, made of a double layer BREDA MARK II, now distributed by Dakin
wires, no skill required, but switch on and of woolen Loden cloth. Preferred for hun- Gun Co., San Francisco, is rapidly gaining
communication for business or pleasure can dreds of years by Europe's mountaineers and American favor for such standard features
be made up to 10 miles away. The unit is foresters for protection against the elements. as Breda Ventilated Rib, "Quick-Choke," and
rated at maximum authorized input of five Quilted sleeve linings provide extra warmth. special construction permitting field-stripping
watts. Full instructions included. It is manu- Detachable double hood. Available from Im- in less than a minute. Every component part,
factured by Utica Communications Corp., 19 ports By Mail, Inc., P. O. Box 341 Midtown even the raw steel, is fabricated in the Breda
So. La Salle St., Chicago 3, Ill. Sta., New York, N. Y. plant in Brescia, Italy.
58 GUNS JUNE 1960
and bead front. Weight of the 620K and 640K
is about 6 lbs., and retail prices throughout
the United States are $28.88 and $39.88 re-
CHARCOAL STOVE heats and cooks any-
where. A safe, easy·to·carry, quick-starting
heater for sportsmen, heating a 10 ft. x 10 ft.
~rea. Fries fish, game, bacon and eggs;
makes coffee, beans on top grill. Special
STOEGER ARMS CORP., 45-18 Court Sq.,
L.I.C. 1, N.Y., has announced their appoint-
ment as sole U. S. Agents for the Flex·Rod
Gun Cleaner, a flexible cleaning rod that
cleans from the breech to the muzzle. Avail-
able in three sizes, Flex Rod is portable,
pocket-sized, with a cleaning action that
pulls dirt away from the action, not into it.
Model CRS, designed for guns, rifles, shot-
MEC 250 SHOTSHELL LOADER from May· guns, handguns, is 36" in length; Model R,
ville Engineering Co., Mayville, Wis., de· for rifles or handguns, is 30" in length;
signed fOf use by competitors looking for Model RP, for handguns is 9" in length.
speed' and precision. Guaranteed to process
250 shells per hour when operated by an
expert. Speed results from having only
three working stations, with one of three
stations performing six operations. A
"floating" wad guide permits quick, easy
loading. The Direct Reading Pressure Gauge
can be used for other than standard loads. Sure·Starter Brickets light with any flame.
Available in 12-, 10-, and 20-gauge models, Heavy duty aluminum finished steel; as·
assembled and ready to run. Priced complete bestos lined; 9112" high, 4%" grill, weight
at $48.95. 1Y2 Ibs. Brickets 50c a dozen, heater $4.95.
Money back guarantee. From Simplex Port·
able Heater Co., 338 Paris S. E., Grand SHOOTING MITT padded throughout with
Rapids, Mich. 1 ~" foam rubber designed for shooting
comfort and resulting increased accuracy for
small bore riflemen. Mitt-type design is open
at both ends and at thumb. Available for
left· or right-handed shooters in small, medi-
um and large, retail·priced at $6.00. A prod-
MODEL 32 NOW AVAILABLE for skeet uct of 10-X Manufacturing Co., 405 E. Sec-
and trap gunners, as well as upland gunner ond St., Des Moines, Iowa.
who wants quality combined with right basic
design and fast-handling feel. Manufactured
by Krieghoff in Germany and distributed by
Europa Corp., P. O. Box 47-576, Miami, Fla.,
Model 32 sells from $340 Standard to $850
Monte Carlo grade with superior selected
woods and massive gold inlays. Guaranteed
against defects of workmanship or material.
Barrels 26Y2 to 30 inches, vent rib, white SHOOTING DECOYS constructed to insure
bead sights, single selective trigger. Descrip. lifelike buoyancy in both rough and calm
tive folder on request, or see the new Krieg- water manufactured by Wildfowler Decoys,
hoff Model 32 at your dealer's. Inc., Montauk Highway, Quogue, L. 1., N. Y.
Decoys are made of selected heavy density
balsa wood. All joints are cemented with
waterproof glue and high quality glass eyes
are used. Above, male and female mallard QUICK DRAW CLUBS, for timet's, special
decoy heads are mounted on wood blocks as target boards and "trigger finger releases,'"
bookends. Free brochure of Wildfowler gift the line offered by Fastime Co., 1761 Hamp-
BOLT·ACTION RIFLES designed for 22 items sent upon request.
caliber rim fire Magnum cartridge available ton Rd., Grosse Pointe 36, Mich., is a good
from O. F. Mo~sberg & Sons, Inc., New CARRY·LITE PLASTIC COOLER weighs selection of needed and useful gear. Timers
Haven, Conn. Designated as the 620K, a but five Ibs., carries large load of benefits for record to 1/100 second. Safe indoor fun for
single shot, and the 640 K, a 5-shot clip re- outdoorsmen. Made of expanded polystyrene, family and friends, using primers and wax
peater, rifles are "Chucksters." Barrel of the cooler offers resistance to impact damage bullets, with Fastime timers.
special, high-strength steel, receiver and bolt and weather. Maintenance free outside and
are extra heavy and double extractors are in, for liner is stain and odor·proof. Avail- You'll 'want
provided. Deluxe features of 620k and 640k able in large and small sizes, cooler can be
are special satin, non-glare finish on receiver, used as a seat. Manufacturer is Molded
breech cap, rear sight and matching trigger Carry-Lite Products division of Pulp Repro- in your library.
guard. Sights are "u" notch at rear of barrel duction Co., 3000 W. Clarke St., Milwaukee Order Form. page 42
with adjustments for windage and elevation 10, Wis.
GUNS JUNE 1960 5«)
(Continued from page 26)

glass dome of the roof are displays of armor successive wars which have devastated little
and rifles grouped in such profusion it stag- Belgium have contributed richly to the com-
gers you. Weapons finding eager bidders at pleteness of this indoor field of Mars.
sales, rifles and muskets which the collector To the purist gun collector the Te<;hnical
wishing to sell at a gun show may barely Department holds maximum interest. It is
unwra p before he has a dozen offers, cavalry the middle of three curved halls leading away
and dragoon pistols that decorators stick from the French·Austrian rooms, and con·
customers fabulous prices for, are here tains a very complete series of all the fire-
grouped in vast quantity as thick as flowers arms of all the nations, from flintlock to the
on wallpaper. most recent machine guns. There is a group
Designed by Frank A.
Pachmayr. these handsome gun cases Three long curving halls extend away from of edged weapons, sabers and lances, minia-
keep your side arms safe and secure all the entry area, acres of weapons in glass ture battleships and naval vessels, and mod-
in one place. Have rack for guns. space
for accessories and special mounts for cases or, for cannon and machine guns and els of artillery which have been used in -the
spotting scope. Made of rugged light-
weight construction and finished in simu- other heavy gear, placed artistically so as to Belgian army. The Library is also huge, on
lated black or brown alligator outside and
fully lined. inside. Choice of 4 or 5 gun
permit aisles and paths for the visitor, but the specialized topics of weapons and war-
models with or without back door in right out on the floor accessible for study. fare. It is a rich documentation of combat
brown or black colors. Prices start as low
as $29.50. Guaranteed by the West's oldest While there are the usual "hands off" signs from the 18th century to date, and is well
gun house. and individual cannon may be roped off to known to the universities of Europe whose
See your dealer or write for FREE 16-page brochure.
prevent prying fingers from taking home the students often travel many miles to examine
1220 S. Grand Ave., los Angeles 15, California breech blocks, the brown-uniformed Belgian some volume which the Brussels Army Mu-
soldiers who stand quietly on guard will not seum alone may possess..
stop you if you merely want to take a closer
Fast Draw Timer ~ look. But so fine is their capability as
In walking on fast-aching feet through
these acres of arms I saw many unusual
How fast are you? tty. guards, that even during the 1939-45 war items. One case in the Fifth Hall had flags,
Measure your SPE"ed and reaction time to
1 / 100 second. Our electronic timer de-
slg-ned fOl' use with wax bullets for sllfety.
(relics of which fill acres of a new hall uniforms and many articles associated with
Full loading instructions. CompleLe set·
up·t!mer. switch. tal'get, wi!'es and
toward the far end of the building) the oc- Germany in WWII. But hardly noticeable
instruction. $59.00. cupying troops both of Germany and later on the floor of the case was a gray-steel
FASTIME CO. 1761 Hampton Road
Crosse Pointe Woods 36,. Michigan of Canada and America did not get away P-38 auto pistol, perhaps Walther or Mauser
with anything. Oddly, the Germans during make, with an odd barrel about 1" in diam-
the occupation removed rifles of the French
Lebel Model 1886 pattern-why, has always
eter. The caption was inconclusive-the pistol
looked "factory original" and seemed to be
Bench Rests! it remained a mystery to the museum staff. a silencer model, a hitherto completely un-
Sturdy mechanite casting wrinltle baked -te
enamel, adjusting screws and lock nuts it Otherwise, this magnificent collection re- known article for the American automatic
steel and chrome plated. unconditional- -tc
ly g~~r:I~~~e~'iSc~~5nrsO 3rols'3~ai~:O. B. -te
mained intact. The Germans left behind in arms student. In a chamber dedicated to the
Arcadia, Calif. Cash or approved -te surrendered rifles, pistols, machine guns, World War, among various early anti·aircraft
credit. PACIFIC MFG. CO .. 113 it vehicles and fighter planes far more than the
Santa Clara St., Arcadia. Calif. -te machine gun mounts, were several cones
________________ paltry
_ _few __ French
__ Lebels
___ they
_ took.
__ Indeed,
__ 1 carrying Model 1879 Hotchkiss Revolving
Cannon mounted as balloon-busters! These
37mm naval and assault artillery guns, re-
RECONDITIONED REMINGTON tired after 1900, were dragged out and placed
ROLLING BLOCKS Cal. 11 mm (.43) again into service to combat the Zeppelin
NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED menace, the world's first rapid fire Ack Ack.
NOW ONLY Some idea of the magnificence of this mu-
Don't miss out on this rare oppor- seum may be gained from the fact that orig.
tunity to add one of these oldtimers inals of military monuments are also pre-
to your collection at low, low cost. Made served here as curiosities. The huge- "Boar
by Remington nearly a century ago and gun- of the Ardennes" erected near Bastogne in
smith-reconditioned to look almost new. A mas- memory of the Allied fighters who fell there
terpiece mantlepiece or den decorator, in superb in 1944 in the -Battle of the Bulge, 'is an
shooting condition, complete with cleaning rod. Shipping
heroic monument of· granite with a bronze
weight 12 Ibs. Overall length 50 inches. AMMO FOR THIS
RIFLE: 100 rounds (5 boxes), $7.50-100 rounds (loose), $6.00 boar on top. The American paratroopers who
(Misfires naturally to be expected.) fough t and whose comrades fell there can see
in the Army Museum the original of this
1898 MAUSER BARRELED·ACTION-NRA GOOD CONDITION great work, plus hundreds of arms and battle
Pre - War German - made Model 1909 relics from this great engagement. The stu-
(Mauser 98) barreled-a.clions. NRA good or better condition, caliber 7.b5MM. dent of Nazism, that black period of modern
Mauser Crest removed trom receiver. Ideal for building fine sporter. history, will find here preserved the trap-
pings of barbaric splendour that marked
CLOSE OUT SALE OF 7.92 KURTZ AMMO GUNSMITH SPECIAL that movement: swastica flags and banners
for German machine pistol, Model MP44. Packed
Small Parts Grab Bag .... $5.00, postpaid
of the "Standards" and other legion-like
in clips-20 rounds to the box. Only $7.50 per 100. units o'f Nazi Party military organization.
Close Out of French Chauchat 8MM Machine Rifle Large Grab Bag. . .. $\ 0.00, postpaid
-Used in two World Wars. Price includes maga· Hard to find parts assortment. I or 2 Here too are the daggers, the insignia of
zine, aircraft sights and accessory kit, while limited sales pays for the lot. rank, the dread death's-head badges of Das
supply lasts. .30-40 Krag (incomplete rifles-no bolts) Schwartz Korps and other SS outfits. And
I HUNTERS SPECIAL .................. 3 for $15.00 for the more scientific minded, V-I and Tiger
I Field Repair Kit in Canvas Ditty Bag_ tanks are poised as if ready to roll or for
flight in the final room, the Eighth Chamber.
Firing Pin $1.50 Firing Pin $1.75 In this long hall which lies to the right of
I Extractor $1.50 Follower $1.50 the entrance on the floor plan, but which
I Ejector $2.25 Follower Spring $1.00 can only be reached after a long hike
Chauchat, Good $19.95
I Oiler........ .35c
Specify IIS pringfield" or "Terni" Repair Kit. Chauchat, V Good $24.95
through other halls, is one of the outstand-
ing exhibits of the museum, not often
I COMPLETE KIT Prepaid-Each $3.50 * Accessory Kit FREE with each Dewat
shown to the public. It is a monumental
I :~~RE~l~WAR~npJ'O~
LECT. unless otherwise in-
advertised by us it1 prior
painting on canvas. Battle of the Yser River,
by Alfred Bastien. This huge picture, fifty
P. O. Box 550 - 329 S. UnIon St.
I di"ated. Send $5.00 mini- issues of this ma~azllle are
.:x~ ::..a....: ~~:: __ ~d=~e~=~ ~._
d' 2 V' .• still available. :send self- feet high and 350 feet long, took five years
to paint. The painting's sections were brought

60 GUNS JUNE 1960

into the museum by a special railway spur.
For decades the task of arranging an!! pre-

o~~~s~~~ ,~?~~?~ enlnlop

paring these tons of munitions has been the
'lot of Louis Leconte. Founder and Conserva-
teur (director) of the museum, his bronze
bust now guards the entrance to one huge
skylighted room filled with captured German Service Armament Co. has done it again, by
trophies. offering its new enlarged catalog for only SO¢.
The Kingdom of Belgium is small. But This beautiful edition is chock full of all types
its people have always been noted for their of fire arms and ac~essories from Anti-Tonk Guns
industry and energy. The extensive arms
to Mini e Bolls and is guaranteed to gladden the
trade flourishing at Liege since the 1400s
heort of even the most blase gun bug. Present-
plus the shipping facilities of its great ports
ing the most diversified line of arms found
of Antwerp and Ostende have all made Bel-
anywhere including the World's largest supply
gium a rich prize of war. Hence the warring
of shooting ammo - it comes easily within
nations of Europe have often waged their
battles on its soil. The great Napoleon met
your grasp SEND ONLY 50¢
his end at Waterloo, and the trophies of this
era, magnificently chased and inlaid duelling
pistols, drums with the insignia of regiments Service Armament Co. 8 EAST FORT LEE RD, BOGOTA, NEW JERSEY
of past glory, banners and battle flags tom
by the blasts of war, all mingle into one
vast archive of history to make visiting the
Brussels Army Museum an un forget- ~
table experience for the arms man. ~,


(Continued from page 13) * FLARE PISTOLS
• U. S. 1'.1-8 Flare Pistols, 37MM-New .. $7.~ ea.
• BRITISH WEBLEY Flare Pistols,
Machines are shipped adjusted for a given :171'.11'.1 7.50 ea.
load. Those bought by mail will not have the • 2iiMM Webley Flare Pistol. 7.50 ea.
• Special coll'lction of 5 different Flare
plastic shot and powder hoppers installed. Pistols-complete with 2 flares $21).95 for group
They are a very tight fit, difficult to insert • 371'.11'.1 Parachute Flares _ 1.50 ea.
• 37MM Star Shells 1.00 ea.
by hand. I slightly beveled the inside hopper • 37MM Signal, Sound, & Flash Shells.. 2.50 ea.
edge with a sharp knife, and set it in place. • Rille Grenade Parachute Flares, to be
I put a block of wood on top and tapped it launched from 1'.1-1 Grenade Launcher 1.50 ea.
• 2iiMM Star Shells 5.00 doz.
with a hammer. Both hoppers drove home
pronto. This tip should be in the directions. SALVAGERS SPECIAL HAND GRENADES
Screws hold the hoppers in place, but are 30-06 loose, good shape-clean but not guar- The famous PINEAPPLE
hardly needed when they fit this tightly. The anteed. Bullets and powder in excellent con- of World Wars 1 and 2-
dition 25.00 per 1000 new but unloaded. Price
size die is not highly polished, but slicks up 30-06 dirty-some split necks. but generally -$3.00 ea. pp. The new
goou 15.00 per 1000 U.S. offensive type grenade
after a little use. When new, use a bit of lUIXED 30-06 & 30-40 Dirty & split necks- -smooth body (new un-
lanolin or case lube on a few shells. This sold as is for brealdng down into cOlnponents
loaded)-$3.00 ea.
..... ....•......... 10.00 per 1000
isn't necessary after a few loads, as paper 30-30 WINCHESTER F.M.J.
shells are waxed, to serve as a lube. Al\1~10-ideal for plinking. Suppl)'" extrelnely
lilnited 9.50 per 100
Extra die sets (less charge bar) are made 303 EX FIELD 5-SHOT CHARGER CLI1'S •.• 111-1 GAltAND GltENADE LAUNCHElt
for 12, 12 Magnum, 16 and 20 gauge at :l for L.OO ppd. - a rare accessory for your Garand
SPI~CIAL- KRAG rear sight and safety- ... Ideal for line throwing ... Firing
14.00. The DL-l00 Loader has many fea- complete l(it $1.75 ea. pp. signal rockets, etc. Complete with 3
tures of the DL-200 Loader that sells for Ii.RAG-balTeled actions, stripped .. $2.50 ea. grenade parachute flares and 20 blank
$99.75. Both are manufactured and whole- cartridges. . Price-$5.00 ea.
saled by Western Gun & Supply Co., 3730 ZF-41 SCOPES-long eye relief, light
weight-compact and rugged, German
N. 56th St., Lincoln, Nebraska. craftsmanship . . . internal ~
ICIU.;i\"CH CHAUCHA'l'-Complete and adjustments 2 'hX . . .
in excellent condition-$10.95 ... A few complete with standard
.44 Load Addenda choice ones at-$29.05 mounts $10.1)5.' .
Some comments were received on the c
velocities noted in my last column on hand- SERVICE ARMAMENT CO. 8 EAST fORT LEE RD BOGOTA hE ... J[;~SE>

loading for the .44 Magnum. The 2,000 £.p.s.
with Jugular bullets is technically correct.


All the Jugular ballistics are somewhat mis-

** **
leading. They were obtained in laboratory
pressure barrels of minimum dimensions. The
actual velocity of all these loads will be low- Giant Revised Edition . .. 2.476 lull-color illustrations
er in your revolver due to gas leakage be-
tween the barrel and cylinder. Larger di-
* A remarkably researched and compiled book of all insignia, decorations, medals. service
ribbons and badges of all our Armed Forces of World War II. Printed on quality paper,
mensions also reduce velocity with any load. 208 pages, with texts and much detailed material. 2,476 brilliant, crisp full-color illus-

trations ... exquisitely detailed beauty of all honor and bravery medals will thrill you.
Standard .44 factory loads are published If you served in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces during W.W. II you'll want this

* **
about as per this table: reference book on your bookshelf. You'll find it adds greatly when you discuss your
service with your own child ... and eventually your grandchild. Even your wife will

.44 Magnum Ballistics find it fascinating. Moderately priced due to a very large printing, only $3.50 ppd. So
you won't forget ... order today!
8%" Bb 6%" Bb 4" Bb
Muzzle Velocity, fps 1550 1470 1360
WILLIAM HARDY. Box 547, Englewood City, New Jersey
Vel. 50 Yds
Vel. 100 Y ds
Muzzle Energy, F.P. 1280 1150 985
Energy 50 Y ds 955 870 755 AUTHENTIC Superior Value. Finest
Saddle Leather. Guaran-
Energy 100 Y ds 730 .670 600
Hercules and H. P. White labs use tight OVER 175 IN STOCK BUSCADERO teed to fit. Send For Free
pressure barrels about 8" long, supposed to WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG OUTFIT
equal6lh" revolvers, but don't. Even differ-
ent revolvers with identical loads vary ~
nox 542-G
I .. uncuster, Cu]f(orlliu
Box 7274-C, EI Paso, Texas
over 100 fps. ~

GUNS JUNE 1960 61

Only the RED BOOK has ALL this fact-filled information!

• Up-to-date price evaluations of • Includes list prices of weapons • Every weapon described in detail
more than 2,000 famous rifles, plus three price values according as to type, make and model. Gun
shotguns, revolvers, machine guns to excellent, good and fair stocks, inlay designs, barrel,
-foreign and domestic condition size of bore, year of make and
other ulJique features are listed
• Tells you how to be an expert for quick identification
bargain hunter on the used gun

yours free ..... a gift from GUNS Magazine

1£ you- trade-in or purchase one used gun or a hundred,

you're bound to save more money when you have the
Red Book at your side. With just a flip of the pages
you can quickly tell the price values of leading firearms.
The Red Book puts you "in the know" ••. on a com-
mon bargaining ground with gun dealers in your
It's yours free
with your 14-issues-for-the-price-of-IO subscription to
GUNS Magazine. We guarantee you'll like GUNS; if
you don't, just let us know and we'll refund the un·
used portion of your subscription. y~:>u can lose nothing.
Fill in the coupon below and we'll send the current
issue of, GUNS and your FREE Red Book immediately.


GUNS Magazine

8150 N. Central Park Ave. The Complete Gun Buyer's

Skokie, Illinois
Guide & Directory
Send me my free copies of the Red Book and the Buyer's Guide,"
and start my subscription to GUNS immediately. $5 enclosed to Mail coupon for your .GUNS subscripti'on
be refunded if I'm npt completely satisfied. before deadline date and, in addition to
the FREE Red Book, we'll also send you
absolutely free this brand new, up-to-
date Gun Buyer's Guide & Directory,
Name ~ _ Lists 300 product categories, cross~in·
dexed for easy reference, and hundreds
of manufacturers of hunting and shooting
Address _ equipment, Tells you who makes it and
where to buy it. Yours free if you act fast!
City Zone State _
*1£ received within time limit above

62 GUNS JUNE 1960
(Continued from page 14)
The Fall Creek Valley newsletter paid
tribute to an often overlooked but very im-
portant part of a gun club, the trap help,
with this item:
"We want to extend our congratulations to
a boy who has been associated with this club
since it has been in existence. He's loaded
traps and/or scored at almost every shoot
we've had. A fine "broth of a lad" and a

good-Iookin' son-of-a-gun, too. His name,
Conward Bivens. Last month Conward won
the Indiana State Wrestling Championship
and was voted the "Most Outstanding Ath-
lete" at the meet. Conward has suffered but rill
one defeat in his last two years of competition
and. aside from his wrestling ability, has thall (ltJU eyer
earned quite a name for himself on the foot-
ball fields around Indiana. We are all very
proud of 01' Conward here at Fall Creek
Valley and will be looking forward to his
further achievements at the college level a
couple of years from now. So be careful
now, all of you trapshooters. When Conward
says "lost," you'd better listen. . . ."
The gun club which will give its faithful
workers a little recognition from time to
time is most certain to enjoy good help and SHERIDAN'S "Silver Streak" and "Blue Streak"
smoothly operated shoots. And, it costs so shoot a ballistically correct 5 mm. pellet that has the
accuracy, balance and finish of match ammunition.
Another gun club using a newsletter to
good advantage is theWaukesha Gun Club, This truly fine small·bore is the best introduction to the
in Wisconsin, one of the nation's most active world of firearms that any boy can ever have. SHERIDAN
and best operated gun clubs. The Waukesha is a real father - and - son rifle of high caliber quality.
bulletin, edited by the great Vic Reinders, See your Dealer today for complete details - Dept. 460-F
is full of helpful information, as might be
Does your gun club keep its members
interested and informed via newsletter?
Richard M. Hartz, who operates The Cabin
Range, near Lockport, New York, writes that
four years ago, he started a small gun shop
The Hide-a-Way
as a sideline. ext to the gun shop he erected Holster
a rifle range, and also did a lot of clay target Handcrafted for
shooting with hand traps. This went over YOU; fits inside
so well that last summer he put in a regu· trousers band;
concealed but
lation skeet field. Last fall, he ran over 150 available; pro-·
skeet rounds per week, so now plans to add tects against 1144. BLACK BEAUTY GUN BELT
grease, rust. Wt.
two more skeet fields, a brush walk, and 2% oz. top grain Fast draw type holster with. soft glove leather white lin-
clubhouse. soft cowhide, riv- ing. Belt and holster in black cowhide only. 58.99 PP.
eted nickel clip. Send waist size, caliber, model and barrel length of gun
Congratulations to Dick Hartz! Build a $2.95 P.P. when ordering. Double gun set available @ $13.95 PP.
better mousetrap or gun club, and the
world will beat a path to your door.
Bill Sager, who owns the Skyway Cafe and
Gift Shop, out at Custer, South Dakota,
writes with another problem. Bill asks how
you maintain year-'round shooting interest
at a gun club. I have answered Bill, and per- 1127 - SPECIAL: SWORD-CANE, RIDING-CROP
haps some of our readers will want to add Beautifully made, hand-plaited, ~en­
their ideas. uine leather riding crop, with 18 mch
Bill also writes, "We haven't been organ· dagger hidden inside. Practical col-
Beautifully designed with white lector's item. $5.00 PP.
ized long enough to get the publications on plastic lacing, on deep cordovan
the various shoots around the area or the leather, edged in white leather
.lacing. Rich looking. Made for all

country. We would like to get in on this
firearms and calibers. Revolver
mailing as we have several fellows who would type set includes belt, fully looped,
like to take in some registered shoots." holster, with leather buckle. Automatic set in-
cludes belt, holster and two clip holders for four
Gun club secretaries, will you please add clips. Send waist size, caliber, model and barrel P. O. DRAWER 1712
Bill Sager's name to your program ~ length of gun when ordering. Automatic set
$15.95. Revolver set $10.95 PP. BROWNSVILLE 18, TEXAS
releases? ~

Master gunsmiths, best in the South. oHer COMPLETE
Fast - Safe - Comfortable
Preferred by the Experts
gunsmithing for shooters. attractive repair rates for DON HUME LEATHERGOODS
dealers. Approved by all makers. Stoeger distl"'ibutor: BUSCADERO OUTFITS
Browning, Colt etc. agency. Guns. reloading supplies. 8772 Van Horn St. La Mesa, Calif. "RAPID FIRE" HOLSTERS
Satisfaction guaranteed. We trade. SHOOTERS' ACCESSORIES
Catalog 35c. Refunded on First Order
808 HUNTER GUNSHOP, Wall SI. 01 71h, (ordele, Go. DALE MYRES CO.


Classified ads 20c per word per insertion including name and address. Pay- sale July 1) is May 16. Print ad carefully and mail to GUNS Magazine,
able in advance. Minimum ad 10 words. Closing date August, 1960 issue (on 8150 North Central Park Blvd., Skokie, Illinois.

U.S. MI 30-06 GABA.c"ll RIFLES_ VerY good-$79.95. OL.LIE·S G~ Oil l..lrotects ~'our gun from rust SUlUmer
BOOKS Excellent-$89.95. ]~ree list. Frecdland Arms Co., 34 Park and winter. $1.00 Post paid. Enfield .303 $9.95. Carbines
Row, New York. N. Y. $19.05. 1\U Garands $72.00. All Guns sold on money back
"COLT FIREAll.lIS" faithfully describes. beautifully guarantee. Ollie's Gun Shop. Box 686, Webb City, 1\10.
HAVE GUNS . . . \ViII Sell! Miniature l)istols, Ritles
illustrates dramatic Colt story-540 pictures I Available and Accessories. G & S Mfg. Co., Nashville 3, Tennessee. EMBLE~IS E~lBnOIDEHED for your Club. Send for
booksellers and gUllshops. Free descriptive brochure. free information, samples. Monogram Embroidery Co., 63
Serven Books (puIJIiRher), Santa Ana, Calif. MODERN AJ."'JD Antique Guns Large List Dime 12 Lists East Adams, Dept. 40, Chicago 3, IllInois.
$1.00. Lyle Quist (Guns), Crookston. Minn.
BOOKS ON every aubjed at bargain prices. Save time MAKE YOUR "'ILL! Simple. Inexpensive. 2 \Vill formti
book hunting. Send 25c for catalog, Ras Enterprises, Dept. M-I RIFLES. P.ERFECT, $95. M-I carbines, perfect, $1.00. Your name and address on 1,000 gummed labels
0-1, Box 2754, New York 17, N. Y. $100. Sloper, Camp Verde. Arizona. 51.00. National. Box 48313GS, Los Angeles 48, Calif.
CAMPINC EQUIPMENT ARGENTIKE MOD. HI09 7.65mm l\fausers. Perfect- ~nNIATURE GUNS-Cased \Valkers and Patersons $200
$39.95. AI's Gunroom. 1 Beekman Street, New York, N. Y. to $400; Also miniature .22 derringers $40 uP; List. Robert
AR.\fY SURPLUS clothing, boots. camping equipment. \V. Knight, Seneca Falls. N. Y.
20mm NAVY CAXXON Cartridges deactivated $1.00 Post·
Catalog free. Princeton, 300G~1 Korthern Blvd., Great paid. Joe Puft'ert, 3750 llanley, Cincinnati 39, Ohio. ELECTRO-SCRmEI Engraves all Metals. 82.00. Beyer
:Keck, K. Y. MfR'. 10511-0 Springfield, Chicago 43.
Jay Co., Box 1355. Wichita, Kansas.
F ABLLOUS 40 PAGE Fully Illustrated Catalog Every NAZI ITE:\IS bought & sold. orig. only. 1 piece or col-
Month. Hundreds Antique Guns, Swords. )1ilitary Items. lection; "lists 25c Lenke], 812 Anderson, IJalisade, N. J.
All Dif!'erem In Each Issue. Order With Confidence From
America's Finest Antique Service. Subscription just $1.00 "'VINEMAKL."'JG; BIo;l:nt, Ale Brewing." Illustrated.
}ror 12 Catalogs. Konn Flayderman (GM). 44 'Vest Putnam $2.20. Eaton Books, Box 1242-1\, Santa nosa, California.
A"enue, Grecm,,·ich. Connecticut. EVERY GUN BOOK IN PRINT
GIANT BARGAIN Catalog! Hundrcds of rare Civil \Var & CUNSMITHINC uThe Baker's Dozen Plan"
Antique guns; Cannons & Military goods; Many sca;rce
and unusual collector's items priced for Quick sale. Flfst mmARRELING! CHAMREIUNG In Any Caliber, Stand- Send 50c f,or year 'round mailings
Come. First Served. Send $1.00 to Valley View lj~arm, ard, \Vildcat Or Obsolete; American Or Foreign. ,Ve Can inclUding out-ef·print listings.
Dept. Gm. "'adsworth, Illinois. Handle Any Practica.l llifte Or Pistol Uebarreling. I .. ining,
Or Ueboring. Complete Conversions. Please Describe \-Vork
Fully. No Price List. Snapp's Gunshop, 214 N. \Vashing-
ton, Hoyal Oak, Mich.
GUN SCRE\VS. 6/48 or 8/40 assorted lengths 50c per
dozen. Professional 2 flute Taps $1.20 Special hard steel
DEATH MARKS of famous western outlaws. Casts made drills 45c. All postpaid. Send for Catalog 15 on all
from 17 masks fashioned for side show exhibit in 1890·s. Buehler mounts (including Xew Micro-Dial), Low Safetys
$3.50 each. Send (or list. Betty Zane Antiques. 7031 Stony etc. 1\iaynard Buehler Inc., Orinda, Calif.
Island, Chieago.
LEARN GUXSMITIIIKG. America's oldest. most complete.
COIN COLLEc'rOHS Largest most respected newspaper, 2-~·r. course. Earn AAS Degree. Recommended by leading
semi-monthlY. Sample 25c. $2 yearly. Numismatic Kews,
133 'Vater St., lola, \Visconsin.
Firearms Companies. Modern Equipment. Competent In-
structors. VA approval. Trinidad State Jr. College, Dept.
"ANTIQUE & )fODER)'~ Arms. Accessories at 'Recession' 0-6, Trinidad. Colorado. only$1-':"".
Pa. Res. Add
Scrubs pockets quickly, clean &
bright. For use in any motor or
hand-driven chuck. Or can be
prices. Sample list, 25c. Ladd Arms, ~atskil1, ~. Y." snOOTERS: IF you arc interested in learning Gunsmith- manually operated. Fine steel
• 40/0 Sales Tax Wire brush, with metal sleeve.
ing and are wilting to spend a few hours in your home DEALERS &
GUNS - SWORDS - Knives - Daggers -Flasks. Big 11st shop for a handsome, accurate .22 target pistol, send 4 JOBBERS Only $1.00 Ppd. Specify whether
25e coin. Ed Howe. Cooper ~f111s 10, Maine. tor larR'e or small primers.
cent s.tamp for complete information. P. O. :Uox 362, Terre INQUIRIES
Haute, Indiana. INVITED
2425 W. 12th st., Erie. Penna.
SrrOTGU.K SJ..lECIALIs'rs: Complete Uefini!:ihing from
GUN RNGHAVING of unsurpassed QuaUty. Folder $1.00. .$20.00 up. Itestocking, Ite1Jluing, Uepair all makes. Ue-
E. C. Prudhomme, 302 'Yard Bldg., Shre\'eport, La. boring. change chokes, lengthen chambers, New Parker
Barrels. Frank I~e F'e\'er & Sons, Inc., Custom Gunsmiths,
Your order form for
Frankfort. Kew York. GUNS QUARTERLY
BEAUTIFUL A)JSL·EY H. Fox. C.E. Graue 20 Ga. double.
FIBEI\GLAS GUNSTOCK Inletting Kits. Better than
hand in letting. Produces exaet barrel and stock fit. Easy to
is on page 42
Imp. cylinder & modified, extra .(ull & full .barrels. Field, do. For old or new stocks. Small kit for two stocks $2.25
and Beavertail forends. Selectl\'e auto ejectors, double prepaid. Kits-Bulk materials for gunsmiths. "'rite today.
triggers. horY Sights-Recoil Pad-Kear Perfect. $450.00 Baer Plastic Products. 215 Ellen, State College, Pa.
appro\"al. Consider good grade Parker or \Vinchester model
21-16 Ga. Paul Leib, Anna. Ill. GE1"\ERAL GUNS)UTllIXG-Hepairing, rebluing. con-
RE~lL'G'rOK. 1817. CATALOG-Reproduction-Limited
version work. parts made. Inquiries invited. Bald Rock
Gun Shop. Berry Creek, Calif.
Edition, Uare. $1.00. P.l!. Karl Moldenhauer, Cedarburg
I, \Yisconsiu. HISTORY Modern and antique shackling devices,
criminology books. Send 25¢ for larg-
CIVIL \VAR Cadet Box or NavY Box "AIint $1.95. Musket est selection of restraints in the world.
strap $1.50. Free List, Stamp. Frank Fahe~', Route 2, PATTERSON S~lITH
Huntington, N. Y.
CUNS & AMMUNITION 269-Q, Sltepnr,l A ..-e., East o.r,mge, N. J.
U.S. M1 30-06 GAUAND RIFLES. Very good-$79.05.

~-;xcellent-$8!.U)5. U.S. 30-06 Enfield rifles. Excellent AKCIENT INDIAN Relics, Including Aztec-from Indian
$3'1.50. U.S. 30-06 high n~mber Springtleld rifles. Excel- mounds-skulls, spears, pipes, pottery, arrowheads, axes,
lent-$4fUiO. U.S. 30-40 Krag ritles. Good-$37.50. U.S. ornaments, figurines-catalog. Uichard Kotil, 7500-F, S.\V.
15-10 Springfield rifles. Good-S39.50. British Mk. 5 303 16th St., Miami, Fla.
Lee-Enfield jungle carbines. Very good-$24.95. Excellent Well balanced. Lighter skirt weight.
-$2!).95. British )1k. 4 303 Lee~Enfield rifles. Excellent- 3 lNDIA N 'VAn. arrowheads. Flint Scalping Knife. Flint
$19.95. German ):lod. 98 801m Mauser rifles. All milled
parts. Good-$34.!J5. Very good-$39.!:l5. Argentine )10d.
Thunderbird $4.00. Catalog 10c. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Arrowhead. Glenwood. Arkansas. $3 •00 cach oOd.11000
f 1500
22 CAL.
177 CAL.
91 1.65mm Alauser rilles. Perfect-$24.50. Argentine Alod. Check or money order
1\)09 7.65mm Mauser ritles. Perfect-S:1!:l.!J5 Swedish Mod. MILITARY MONEY BACK Guarantee
94 6.5mm :\fauser carbines. Ver~' good-$29.95. Excellent THE AMERICAN MARKETING COMPANY
-$3,1.50_ Perfect-S39.50. Swiss Mod. 89 7.5mm Schmidt-
Uubin ritles. ExcelJent-$19.95. Jap. 7.7mm Arisaka ritles. CIVIL WAR numerals and letters 6 for $1.00. Carbine Box 7218, Ludlum Branch, Miami 55, Florida

Pre-\Yar issue. P;xcellent-.. 18.00. 30-06, 303 British, 8mm gockets .50. Marines or CaYalry 1908 Campaign Hat $6.00.
)lauser, 6.5mm Swedish, 7.62mm !tussian, military am- :\[acKenzies Sabers .50. Free I~ist, Stamp. Francis Fahey,
munition at $1.50 per 100 rds. ~lone~' back guarantee. Free Houte 2, Melville, Long Island. N. Y.
gun list. Freedland Arms Co., 3 lJ Park Row, Kew York
NEW TAHGET Pistols Barrel 5.1;2" long, 6 groves, steel
& rifling by Savage Arms. OveralJ length 12". Single shot
FREE "Do-It-Yourself" Leathercrart Catalog. TandY : with this Fountain Pen-Type POCKET :
Leather Company. Box 791- Y33. Fort \Vorth, Texas.

22 short semi-automatic ejection. Part!:i are blued and easy
to fit with home work shop tools. Comnlete kit of 20
parts includiflg assembly details and diagram only $7.85. WANTED
~r. O. nreferl'ed. l'ostage paid. Purchasers must be legally • • D.EVICE ••• $15 VALUE •

Qualified. State age, etc. McLaughlin Gun Mfg., 2211 Drew 'VANTS MARTIALLY (US) Marked Following Arms: De-
• 38 Special Cal. •

Ave. So., )Iinneapolis 16, Min. tective Special, .25 ACl'. nigh Standard .32 or .380. Rem-
ington 1903-A4 stamped A4, 1\13 Carbine or receiver milled
ITALIA.1' GALlt;SI Automatics-Brand new-Special Sales to accept Sniperscollc, '}JlA3 Carbine or heavy wire stock,
l)rices. . 25 cal. automatic list $27.50 now $24.50; .22 cal. John!:ion 44 dewat, Sedgley dew at, S&'V Light Rifle Model

long ritle Jist $33.80 now $29.95; .22 cal. short/long list 1940. Bazooka, 4.2 Mortar, 'r100E3 'I'ree Mount. Britt

$29.50 now $27.50; .32 caL automatic list $36.50 no\v Brown. Eagle, \Vichita. Kansas.
$32. !:l5. Shillped FOB Chicago. Import Associates, 2639
\Yetit J:teterson. Dept G16. Chicago 45. IlIinois. COLLECTOR \VAKTS German Helmets W. \V. One T,ype.
Price and describe. Stevens, 209 Colorin, Palos Verdes
COLT FRONTIERS. Colt and Remington percussion re- E!:itates, Calif. • for police or civilian •
voh·ers. \Vin. Le\-er actions plus many other Modern and
Antique Guns. \Vill Trade. Stamp for list. ClIet Fulmer
(Guns), Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.
WINCIIESTER CABBINES Models 66-73-86-92 excel-
lent condition. John )l'ussbickel, Cedar llill Road, R. D.
• :~fsh:sr~,o:t~!n~~~s~~e~~ •
• permanent injury, Highly •
2, "Tappingers Falls. Xew York. Nickel Plated polished heavy nickel
KLE~'S BIG 128 Page Kew and Used Gun, Ammunition,
alI sports bargain catalo~ is hot off the presses! NobodY • Peerless Type case with .spring-steel •
undersells Klein's! Send 25c to Klein's-227 \V. \Vashing- • HANDCUFFS pocket clip. •
ton, Chicago 6.
NE\V FIB.EAlnIS-Scopes-Reloadln~ Supplies-Acces- MISCELLANEOUS • $ 795 pro MONEY ORDER. NO COD's •
sories. Quick SerVice-Lowest Prices. Large Catalog Free. • Deluxe "eather Registese~p~~~r~~~~ibutors.
\Valter Oli\'er, Box 55. Auburn, Indiana. PEEULESS HANDCUFFS. $13.95. Iron Claw, $9.95.
Leg Irons. $12.95. Twisters. Guide Chains, $1.50. Trans- • carrying 'case $2.50 Official Police Equipment •
10,000 GUNS!! !-AN'J'IQUES, Moderns, Swords, Armour port Chains. Fetters, Leather Restraints, ColIector's Spe-
-evcry descrioUon. Giant Catalog $1.00. Agramonte's,
Yonkers 2K, N. Y.
cialties. Catalog 25e.
Newburyport, Mass.
Thomas Ferrick, Box 120.
I PUBLIC SPORTS SHOPS, 11 S. 16th St" Phila. 2, Pa.
64 GUNS JUNE 1960
NEW TARGET FOR r------------------------------------,
(Continued from page 22)

A little more straight back pressure on the ve . ' •

trigger, the tip braced against the "stop,"
would let-off the shot with no jar.
The aisley Marksman Favourite.
Only a small quantity manufac-
tured in the popular .22 caliber
10·shot, detachable magazine. Pre.
:~~~: 3~!Ph~~I.,ei~r:tdedpat~h'~~~: cision calibrated Enfield sights.
For short· fingered gunners, the special :r:n.miJii~9~ ~~a~ri~gn ~dcg~:t~:~ ram rod. Only $29.50. 2 for World's fastest bolt action. Cur.
to repeater. Complete your collec- $50.00. Also, 38" bbls. Only
Roper stock presented a smooth surface for tion with the rarest of all Enfields. $33.50. 2 for $60.00. Flintlock
rently in use. Used by hunters the
world over (V.G. to Excel.) Free
Quns-Bbls. from 35" to 50". Only
the tip of the trigger finger to slide on_ ~~; $~5~80.~cf~I;)$~~~~0~~~~foill~ $39.50. 2 for $70.00. Each an new "as issued" sling. Only
selected models. excellent shooter. $14..50. 2 for $27.50. Selected!
Warned that the trigger was near the end
of the pull by touching the stock, the shooter .22 MOSSBERG MODEL 42MB
had merely to press straight back and de- .30·06 Ball M2, U. S. Mfg. factory packed. $6.00 per 100; $49.50 per II
liver the shot without that score-wrecking
r-~ 1,000; (6000) $42.50 per 1,000; (12000) $40.00 per 1,000.

jump. Roper grips are no longer made, but .

modern grip makers know the secrets of his The Cadet's Favourite. 8-shot, de- BUYERS: I
style. ~tha~~~eTv~~azi:i~'h~,icr~":_~~fict;:; :;~~st o~iSS;::Yt~~ I
The most natural trigger squeeze for DA ~~oc~~~a:pe(t.~.r :o~e~C:I~)ot~:/; 1011 Bleury, I
firing is to rest the trigger in the first joint $17.50. 2 '0' $30.00.

crease of the trigger finger. Unlike slow-fire

single action "touch off," it is wise to use any holster, bring the left hand to steady the
tit 10119
part of the trigger finger which feels most pistol by gripping it around frame and guard.
natural, causing the least effort to pull the
trigger. To build trigger control, practice dry
Pull both hands in tigh t against the side or
hip, near the holster, waist higjl. To bring
Itlst, It's VERNIER
firing a lot so the muscles in that finger will the gun into action, swivel your hips so your
become accustomed to the pull. Muscles in
fingers and hand must not tire or cramp if
left side faces the target, gun level and
pointing true. In this hold as in any other,
you are to do effective shooting.
Point shooting, double action accuracy
without sights by "feel," is the most popular
a smooth controlled trigger pull is essential
to resist flipping the muzzle off target.
You can point the gun sideways by swing-
practice. Trigger squeeze in this phase is
just as important as when using the sights,
ing your body: elevation is controlled by
shifting the hands. Never look at the gun,
so special grips can be an aid. This type of only at the target, checking your shots by
practice will teach you to shoot quickly, their pattern on the paint-striped boards.
and hit. It will take practice to learn to control
The FBI point shooting stance is a crouch, your pointing but, after acquiring the knack,
the gun held ont front with elbow often you will be able to group all shots closely.
braced a little toward center from your hip This is a deadly effective way of shooting
bone. Others shoot effectively by holding the up to 30 yards range. It can be the speediest
wrist of the firing hand tight against the hip combat firing style, through controlled ~
on that side, or by holding the gun with double action. ~ This is an exact reproduction of the early Vernier Tang
both hands. Sight pOI)ular with all members of the single shot rifle
fraternity. Fits most single shot rifles such as Winchester.
In holding the gun in' front, you mnst Sharps, Ballard, Remington and Stevens. Every detail and
train yourself to bring the pistol back to ELMER KEITH SAYS feature has been duplicated exactly. Staff is 3 1/4" high,
has standard elevation graduation and locks in upright
pOsition. Base is 3" long with standard size hole in for-
point of aim after each shot, countering re- (Continued from page 9) ward end only. Rear end is left blank and is long enough
to be adaptable to any tang size. Top Quality construction
coil. When holding the wrist of the pistol beautifully blued.
hand against your hip, you will be able to left eye, went through the skull, and broke ONLY $13.95 postpaid.
deliver six fast shots into a small target area the left shoulder, lodging under the skin
perfectly expanded. It seems a very wicked
simply by using pressure and arm muscles
to control the recoil. Lastly, the two hand little cartridge to penetrate so well in tough
mountain lions, and Jack Nancolas likes it.
method makes available even more body
strength to hold down recoil, like holding So do l; but for big cats like these, I would
much prefer my .44 Magnums.
the gun in a vise.
Invention of this two-hand system is cred-
Ruger Single Six .22 WRF
ited to Army Captain W. H. Sweet, and is The unusual Pony Ex-
press Quality saddle
regularly taught in some police departments I have Ruger Single Six .22 L.R. serial leather and workmanship
today. It is a good style for the wearer of No. 15 and Bill Ruger has just sent me an- . (A) (B) ~~~ng~reth~~~ofi~ee ri~~:
a shoulder holster, or belt cross-draw holster. other Single Six in .22 R.F. Magnum, 6Y2" nng~r Hots.ters. E!1ch one. is a custom job in appearance
and 111 uUhty. ChOIce of eIther right or left hand models.
For this sort of rig a variation can be used: barrel, serial number 300015. (Judging by (A) Made for all I)Ol)ular Derringer makes such as Reming-
ton. American "'eapons. Great Western. Derringer Corp.,
Draw the pistol from the left-side cross- this huge number, the single action is not etc. $3.~5 ppd. For the new (B) Colt 1t4 Derringer. $3.95
ppd. "hen orderlllg pleal;e give Derringer
draw holster with the right hand in the exactly dead!) The new gun shows improve- make and whether for right or left hand.
usual manner. Instead of extending it in ments over the early one in several ways.
front of the body, hold it close against the One of the main improvements is a good, P. E. BULLET DEFLECTOR
left hip. As soon as the gun is clear of the practical loading gate. The finish and fit of PLATE ••• ONLY $ ~ 9S
'0' FAST DRAW FANS ~ ppd.
AMERICA'S New huge illustrated 40-
page Catalog every monthl
FREE CATALOG WhS take a chance? This plate deflects bullet
at 30° angle in the event revolver should
discharge in the holster during the act of
Quick draw. A real life and leg saver when
FINEST Thousands of ontique Colt draw.fng the l1\'e ammo. A cinch to install.

HQui(k-Draw" Holsters
Recommended for all revolver calibers except

ANTIQUE revolvers. Kentucky rifles.

pistols, muskets, swords.
daggers from all over the
magnums. Onts $5.95 postpaid.
ORDER NOW! Send check. cash, or money
order. Sorrs, no COD's. Calif. res. add 40/0
sales tax. A II orders filled immediately and

ARMS world: uniforms, helmets,

gun books, etc. - all differ- • CUSTOM MADE
sent prepaid.
17460 Ventura Boulevard Encino 2, Calif..
SERVICE enteach issue. Widest se-
lection available anywhere! • THE BEST

Only $1.00 per year
subscription for n'1xt l2 SINCE 1897

Catalogs. Send now to:
44 West Putnam Ave.· Dept. G·G
Deal with Confidence A. Featured in liFE: and TRUE

GUNS JUNE 1960 65

straps to frame is also much better. little magnum 20 bore Model 21 for this That evening we had cocktails and dinner
, The new gun was given a 14" twist to work, and had my four ducks down with at the Lockhaven Club, then returned to the
, better handle the .22 Magnum ammunition, six shots. Stratford for the night. Our game birds were
and an inch longer barrel to better burn the It was a pleasure to watch the work of the later sent to us packed in dry ice by air
powder. It burns enough to give the little eager but perfectly trained labradors. I also express and arrived in perfect condition for
40 grain jacketed hollow soft point 1550 feet got a kick out of the ducks, as everyone that the table.
velocity, but it still leaves unburned powder ran the gauntlet would start quacking when I saw Jim Clarke make a nice double on
in the bore and around cylinder. Hammer- he landed in the lake to tell all his friends quail, but muffed the only chance I had for a
draw artists wanting to use this gun as an he had made it. I could see little difference double; I missed my second bird. I was told
understudy of their big center fire S.A. guns between shooting passing mallards at Nilo, that Pete Kuhlhoff made a triple on quail.
can do so, as it is almost indestructible. or the Pahsimeroi or Lemhi valley mallards The shoots at Nilo were perfectly man-
here in Idaho. It was a great shoot. aged and ran without a hitch. Everyone pres-
The Winchester 1960 Seminar At noon, we were served a wonderful ent had ample opportunity for some excel-
From Jan. 26th through the 29th, Win- baked pheasant dinner with all the trim- lent wing shooting. The program at the hotel
chester-Western brought a group of gun mings at the club house on the farm. In the was handled equally well by Bill Talley, Jim
writers .and editors to Alton, Ill., for their afternoon, we shot quail over some wonder- Rikoff, John Dear, Jim Clarke, Tom Hen-
first Seminar. They also brought the heads fully trained dogs. Each group of four men shaw, Bill Woodring, and others. In a life-
of their own various sales, promotion, and would take in the aggregate 21 to 26 quail time of hunting and working with guns, I
engineering departments. For the first time and from two to five pheasants, and we all have never enjoyed the companionship of a
in history, a great arms and ammunition had a wonderful time. On the quail, two finer group of gunmen. After breakfast the
company has seen the need of an annual men moved up to the dog whenever he went morning of the 29th, we regretfully parted
get-together of their own technicians and on point. On the next point, the other two company. The first Winchester-Western sem-
salesmen with the top arms writers and would move. up for the shot. They were fat inar was voted a success by all pres- ~
authorities of the nation. Of the many in- heavy bob whites and very nice sport. ent. ~
vited, there were but two cancellations.
It was a great get-together. Neither side
pulled any punches. The Winchester-Western
boys gave us all the dope on their new arms INDEX OF ADVERTISERS
and ammunition in a clear, concise, and well
Advertiser Page Advertiser Page
organized manner. They told us of their
problems of manufacture and development, GUNS and AMMUNITION S. D. MYRES SADDLE COMPANY 65
their headaches and successes. We in turn PONY EXPRESS SPORT SHOP 65
WHITCO ••..•......................... 63
gave them all the dope we could on the THE AINSWORTH COMPANy 52
practical application of their arms and ammu- THE AMERICAN MARKETING CO 64
nition in the game fields. I believe everyone ARMALITE ••••.................. Cover II, 3 SCOPES, SIGHTS, MOUNTS
present benefitted from the meetings. BROWNING ARMS COMPANy 52 BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO 15, 57
We missed General Hacher of the "Rifle- CROSMAN ARMS CO., INC. 39 CRITERION COMPANy 55
man," and Lucian Cary of "True." I was the o & L PRODUCTS CO .,.,.,., 46 FREELAND'S SCOPE STANDS, INC 10
oldest writer-editor present, both in years FEDERAL CARTRIDGE CORP .45 PARKER DISTRIBUTORS 54
and in length of service in arms writing. FIREARMS INTERNATIONAL .46 REDFIELD GUNSIGHT COMPANy 56
Jim Clarke of Winchester beat me by one NORM FLAYDERMAN ANTIQUE ARMS 65 SANTA ANA GUNROOM 57
day for the honor of being the oldest man. HEINRICK F. GRIEDER : 50 UNITED BINOCULAR COMPANy 56
The evening of the 26th, we had cock- GIL HEBARD GUNS 57
tails and dinner at the Stratford Hotel in HELL MOUNTAIN GUN SHOP _ 50 STOCKS and GRIPS
Alton. The 27th, breakfast and a three·hour
HORNADY MANUFACTURING CO .49 c. D. CAHOON . ., .. ., .,., .,., .,64
session from 9 A.M. until noon on all new CONTOUR GRIP COMPANy 54
Winchester arms and ammunition. The after- HUNTER'S LODGE 34, 35 REINHART FAJEN 6
noon of 27th, we were driven to Nilo Farms INTERNATIONAL FIREARMS CO 65 FITZ GRIPS 52
at Brighton, Ill., for a pheasant shoot. We LAKEVILLE ARMS, INC. .48 SPORTS, INC. 55
were teamed in groups of four shooters, LEM GUN SPECIALTlES .43
each group with a dog handler and guide. NORMA AMMUNITION & COMPONENTS 50 TOOLS and ACCESSORIES
We all shot the new Winchester Model 59 PACHMAYR GUN WORKS 60 B & G GAUGE COMP-ANY .. ., ... ., . .,., .,10
with skeet barrel, and heavy duck loads by PENDLETON GUN SHOP .43 FRANCIS BANNERMAN & SONS, INC 8
POTOMAC ARMS ................•...... 60 G. R. DOUGLAS 9
Western of No.6 shot. In my group, O'Con-
nor and I were paired 9n one side of the dog, SEAPORT TRADERS, INC 51
and Bill Edwards (GUNS) and Bill Kelty FLAIG'S LODGE .........•.....••....... 6
of Winchester on the other side. The guns SHERIDAN PRODUCTS, INC 63 FRANK MITTERMEIER 52
and loads functioned perfectly. Jack and I FRED THACKER 65 NEW METHOD MFG. COMPANY _ 44
upheld Idaho tradition, as no pheasant es- VALLEY GUN SHOP 14, 54 NUMRICH ARMS CO _.. 53
caped on our side of the fence. The birds WEBLEY & SCOTT, LTD .43 PATTERSON SMITH 64
were wet from an early morning wet snow POLYCHOKE CO .41
and the going was slippery and heavy for HANDLOADING EQUIPMENT RADIATOR SPECIALTY CO 43
both guns and dogs. The guides and dogs AURAND'S •.•••.••••••••••••••••••... .48 STITH MOUNTS 50
knew their stuff and the shoot was a great
success. Never have I seen such beautiful C-H DIE COMPANy .. .,.,.,., .. .,.,.,., .,12
cover for upland birds as at Nilo Farms.
MAYVILLE ENGINEERING CO 13 JACK FIRST., .... .,.,.,.,.,.,.,., .. ., .,61
We were driven back to Alton for cocktails R.C.B.S. . .........................••.. .45
The 28th, after breakfast at the Stratford, SAN ANGELO DIE CASTING & MFG. CO 56 WILLIAM HARDY 61
we were again driven to Nilo Farms and en- SCIENTIFIC LUBRICANTS CO .45
joyed a very fine mallard shoot in the morn- SIERRA BULLETS 11
ing. The fat mallards came in over the SPEER PRODUCTS ....•.................. 14
trees and headed for a small lake below us PENNSYLVANIA _GUNSMITH SCHOOL. .48
and as they came fast and downhill, it was PUBLIC SPORT SHOPS .48, 64
very sporting shooting. Bill Kelty and I were
HOLSTERS, CASES, CABINETS RAY RILlNG.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., .,.,.64
squadded together in a small blind built EDWARD H. BOHLIN.,., .,., 9 SHAW'S CHECKERING SERVICE 11
lengthwise of a deep gulch so we had time 9
for but one quick shot as the fowl came DON HUME LEATHERGOODS 63 UNLIMITED ENTERPRISES, INC .41
over the trees and pitched out of sight behind GEO. LAWRENCE COMPANY 56 VARMINT HUNTERS ASSOCiATION 55
the seven foot blind at our backs. I shot a DALE MYRES ...................•....... 63 VIT AMIN-QUOT A .40

66 GUNS JUNE 1960

MANUALS ON TEN FAMOUS GUNS! Formerly on the restricted list! But the
Adjutant General's office released for the Encyclopedia the Army's Technical Manuals covering all
service information on Winchester Models 12 and 97 Shotguns, 30-'06 Springfield Rifle in various
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PARTS LISTS! PARTS ILLUSTRATIONS! Exploded views, schematic drawings, cut-

away photos and actual blueprints! They not only illustrate every part in every gun, but they
show where each part goes, and the order of assemblyl The nomenclature lists are there; the
detailed specifications are there; even the manufacturer's prices on all the parts are there! Parts
Lists include original Part Numbers assigned by the various makers, so that authentic identifica-
tion is possible for any part you may need at any time! Whether you own one gun or a hundred
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available in printed fQrm nowhere else in tbe world! precision Measurement Charts covering
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Bob Brownell. famous compiler of the Encyclopedia, actually purchased everyone of these parts
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No. 48 SIGHTS are world famous
for accuracy - and are built to last
a lifetime. Like all other Lyman
sights, the superb No. 48 receiver
sights are guaranteed for lifetime
accuracy. Also available with long-
style elevation slide for use on long
range, high-powered match rifles,
Ordinary open sights, or sights lacking precise, positive and easy adjustments, put and offer all the other quality fea-
severe limitations on the accuracy of your shooting. But Lyman sights enable you tures you can wish for - yet· at only
to shoot right up to the limits of your skill and the full potential of your rifle $12.50 each one of these sights
and ammunition. costs so little compared to the price
of any rifle!
What's more, Lyman sights stay on zero, are as rugged as they are precise. And there
is a standard Lyman receiver sight matched to nearly every rifle, just right for any
shooter - or any kind of shooting. Many popular brands of rifles feature Lyman No. 51 SIGHTS - fine precisio~'~
receiver sights as standard factory equipment - and many others are already receiver sights with many of the features
tapped' and drilled to receive them. Lyman micrometer receiver sights are the of more costly Lyman sights at a price
fastest and easiest to use of all metallic sights. Disc aperture makes sighting eas· well within the reach of shooters and
ier by increasing the depth of focus and sharpening the target image. sportsmen ... modern, compact design,
and unfailing accuracy. They share
many features of the famous Lyman
NEW low-cost Lyman 48 series: 1,4-minute micrometer-click
adjustment, quick-release slide, choice
of large knurled target knobs or
receiver sight designed coin-slotted "Stayset" hunting knobs.
Among moderately-priced receiver sights,
for popular small-bore rifles Lyman No. 57 sights are far and away
your best buy at only $8.50.
Here's a micrometer sight with positive-posi·
tion windage and elevation 1,4-minute click
adjustments - and it's especially designed No. 66 SIGHTS
ior all these popular small-bore rifles: have many features identical with the
. Winchester Models 75, 47, 55 Single Shot, 67, 69, 72 NO. 60 No. 57 series, but are especially designed
to fit lever, slide-action and autoloading
Remington Models 513. 33, 34,41,510, 511, 512, 514, 521 rifles having Hat-side receivers. Located
Marlin 102 on the rear of the receiver, the
. Quick-detachable extension permits choice of three positions of eye relief. aperture is conveniently close to the
New "Stay-tight" feature locks extension arm, sight base and aperture slide in eye for "snap shooting" and provides
precise position. Only $9.75. a long distance between front and
rear sights. Priced at $8.50.. objective-lens focus
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and keeps lenses firmly in place

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give brightest, sharpest, truest picture
lightweight tube
Lyman All-American scopes deliver positive accuracy - even at scopes is quickly adjustable to custom-fit your scope to your
• weathertight "Fairprene" gaskets the longest ranges and under the poorest lighting conditions. vision.
hold dry air in, moisture out They combine micrometric precision with rugged strength; they High-quality, low-cost All-American scopes are available in 2V2,
are sealed against moisture and are guaranteed fog-free even
in the coldest weather. Top-quality, color-corrected, hard coated 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 power. No matter what kind of hunting you do,
10-X ILLUSTRATED lenses are Fairprene-cushion mounted _ give full stated power. a guaranteed Lyman All-American scope is your best buy!
They provide unexcelled light transmission and a wide, bright, All-American scopes approximately $45.00 and up. See your
.... . . . .. ... . ..... .. .. . . .. . ... . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ..
super-clear field of view. Objective-lens focus on 8- and 10-power dealer. All-American Tru-Lock mounts, $8.95.



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