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Programming c# and .

Duration: 5 days Private or incompany bookings only

Microsoft .NET is an advance in programming technology that greatly simplifies application development both for traditional, proprietary applications and for the emerging paradigm of Web-based services. .NET is a complete restructuring of Microsoft's whole system infrastructure and represents a major learning challenge for programmers developing applications on Microsoft platforms. This comprehensive 5-day course is designed for the experienced programmer to help you quickly come up to speed on the C# language and the core features of the .NET Framework

C# ESSENTIALS .Net- what you need to know 1) .NET Executables and the CLR 2) A .NET Testbed for C# Programming C# for the sophisticated programmer 1) First C# Console Application 2) Namespaces 3) Data Types 4) Control Structures 5) Subroutines and Functions 6) Console I/O 7) Exception Handling Object-oriented programming in c# 1) Classes 2) Access Control 3) Methods and Properties 4) Static Data and Methods 5) Inheritance 6) Overriding Methods 7) Interfaces

C# and the .net framework 1) Class Hierarchies 2) .NET Interfaces 3) Using Generic Interfaces: icloneable and icomparable 4) System.Array 5) Collections 6) Delegates 7) Events Interoperating with com and win32 1) .NET Client Calling a COM Server 2) COM Client Calling a .NET Server 3) pinvoke Database programming using 1) ADO.NET Overview 2) .NET Data Providers 3) Using datareaders 4) Using datasets 5) Interacting with XML Data Visual studio .net database testbed 1) Server Explorer 2) Query Analyzer 3) OSQL Using visual studio .net 1) Overview of Visual Studio.NET 2) Creating a Console Application 3) Project Configurations 4) Debugging

silicon beach training, 86 gloucester road, brighton, bn1 4ap t: 01273 622272 e: w:

.NET FRAMEWORK USING C# .Net fundamentals 1) What is Microsoft .NET? 2) Common Language Runtime 3) Attribute Based Programming 4) Interface Based Programming 5) Metadata 6) Common Type System 7) Framework Class Library 8) Language Interoperability 9) Managed Code 10) Assemblies and Deployment 11) Web Services 12) ASP.NET Class libraries 1) Components in .NET 2) Building Class Libraries at the Command Line 3) Class Libraries Using Visual Studio .NET 4) Using References Assemblies and deployment 1) Assemblies 2) Private Assembly Deployment Metadata and reflection 1) Metadata 2) Reflection 3) Late Binding Introduction to windows forms 1) Creating Windows Applications Using Visual Studio .NET 2) Handling Events 3) Shared Assembly Deployment 4) Assembly Configuration 5) Multi-Course Assemblies I/o and serialization 1) Directories 2) Files 3) Serialization 4) Attributes .net programming model 1) Threading and Synchronization 2) Contexts 3) Application Domains4) Marshal By Value 5) Marshal By Reference 6) Memory Management and Garbage Collection Security 1) Authentication and Authorization 2) Internet Security 3) Configuring Security 4) Code Access Security 5) Permissions 6) Role-Based Security 7) Principals and Identities

silicon beach training, 86 gloucester road, brighton, bn1 4ap t: 01273 622272 e: w:

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