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Processes in Microbial Ecology
Processes in Microbial
Second edition

David L. Kirchman
School of Marine Science and Policy
University of Delaware, USA

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP,
United Kingdom
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© David L. Kirchman 2018
The moral rights of the author have been asserted
First Edition published in 2012
Second Edition published in 2018
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The importance of microbial ecology has grown expo- Additional material for the book can be found at
nentially since the publication of the first edition of this The material
book. The field continues to address some of the most includes all of the figures, color versions of some of the
pressing questions in science and the most serious envir- figures (indicated in the figure caption), and things
onmental problems facing society today. As the field has potentially useful if the book is adapted for a course.
forged ahead over the past decade, this book needed to I welcome suggestions, comments, and feedback
be revised to avoid being left behind. It will be easy to ­(
see the differences between the first edition and the Many people have helped and contributed in many
present one, starting with the order of the chapters. Very ways to the book. Colleagues were very generous in
few of the paragraphs, tables, and illustrations have not providing photomicrographs or data, as acknow-
been tightened, drastically altered, or just replaced with ledged in the figure captions. I thank colleagues at the
something better and up to date. University of Delaware, especially Clara Chan and Tom
As with the first edition, this book targets students Hanson, who patiently answered my many questions,
interested in learning some of the basics about microbes helped with figures, or reviewed a chapter or two.
in natural environments and the processes they carry Jennifer B. Glass at the Georgia Institute of Technology
out. The emphasis is on biogeochemical and ecological read the entire book and provided many insightful
processes, because the things that microbes do are what comments about all of the chapters. While translating
makes microbial ecology such an important field today. the first edition into Japanese, Toshi Nagata brought
The book takes examples from all habitats, both terres- to my attention several things that helped to improve
trial and aquatic, ranging from the deep biosphere to this second edition. I thank the following people who
the open ocean. All microbes and viruses are covered. reviewed a chapter, or more: Federico Baltar, Per
Readers will gain an appreciation for the diversity of the Bengston, Ron Benner, Jennifer Brum, Dave Caron,
microbial world and of the questions being explored by Colleen Cavanaugh, Dreux Chappell, Matt Church,
microbial ecologists working on different microbes and Kristen DeAngelis, Isabel Ferrera, Frank Ferrer-
processes in different habitats. In spite of this diversity, I Gonzalez, Noah Fierer, Pep Gasol, Richard Geider,
hope readers will see the principles that microbes in Stefan Geisen, Clara Gibson, Sara Hallin, Sebastian
aquatic and terrestrial environments have in common. Horn, Wakako Ikeda-Ohtsubo, Gary King, Venu Kuo,
Even if the focus is on one microbe or virus in one Jay Lennon, Ramon Massana, Susanne Menden-
habitat, our understanding is immeasurably enriched Deuer, Aram Mikaelyan, Jim Mitchell, Mary Ann
by considering other microbes and viruses in several Moran, Brent Nowinski, Johannes Roush, Dave Royer,
habitats. Clara Ruiz, Frank Stewart, Nadia Szeinbaum, Peer


Timmers, Mario Uchimiya, Lot van der Graaf, David Of the several colleagues there who helped with this
Walsh, Bess Ward, Kurt Williamson, and Nathan Wisnoski. book and my sabbatical stay, I need especially to thank
I have especially appreciated the comments from stu- two here. Ramon Massana provided much useful infor-
dents and teachers. Tiffany Straza edited the entire book mation about protist biology and threw an immemorial
and made several excellent suggestions. Any mistakes calçotada. Pep Gasol is the most gracious host and an
remaining in the book are because I didn’t follow the unfailing source of insight into science, politics, and
reviewer’s advice, for inexplicable reasons. Barça football. I acknowledge financial assistance from
A large part of this book was written while I was on the National Science Foundation and the University of
sabbatical at the Institut de Ciències del Mar, Barcelona. Delaware.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

What is a microbe? 1
Why study microbial ecology? 2
Microbes cause diseases of macroscopic organisms, including humans 2
Microbes help to make our food and other useful products 3
Microbes degrade and detoxify pollutants 5
Microbes are models for exploring principles in ecology and evolution 5
Microbes living today are models for early life on Earth and perhaps life on
other planets 6
Microbes mediate biogeochemical processes that affect global climate 7
Microbes are everywhere, doing nearly everything 9
How do we study microbes in nature? 11
Separating microbes by phylogeny: the three domains of life 13
Separating microbes into functional groups 15
Autotroph versus heterotroph 15
Phototroph versus chemotroph 16
Combining structure and function 17
Summary 17

Chapter 2 Elements, biochemicals, and structures of microbes 18

Elemental composition of microbes 18

Elemental ratios in biogeochemical cycles and studies 20
C:N and C:P ratios for microbes 22
Biochemical composition of microbes 23
Variation in elemental ratios and biochemical composition 25
Architecture of a microbial cell 26
Membranes of microbes and active transport 27
Cell walls in prokaryotes and eukaryotes 28
Components of microbial cells as biomarkers 30


Extracellular structures 31
Extracellular polymers of microbes 31
Flagella and cilia; fimbriae and pili 32
Summary 34

Chapter 3 The physical-chemical environment of microbes 35

Some important physical-chemical properties 35

Water 35
Temperature 35
pH 38
Salt and osmotic balance 40
Oxygen and redox potential 41
Light 42
Pressure 43
The consequences of being small 43
Microbial life in natural aquatic habitats 45
Motility and taxis 46
Submicron- and micron-scale patchiness in aqueous environments 47
Microbial life in soils 48
Water content of soils 48
Interactions between temperature and water content in soils 50
The biofilm environment 51
Summary 52

Chapter 4 Community structure of microbes in natural environments 53

Taxonomy and phylogeny via genes: introduction to 16S rRNA-based methods 53

The species problem 56
Terms of diversity 57
Patterns of diversity 59
Bacterial communities are diverse but very uneven 59
Uncultivated bacteria are not the same as easily cultivated bacteria 61
Different bacteria are found in soils, freshwaters, and the oceans 62
A few bacteria are widely distributed 63
Archaea in non-extreme environments 64
Ecological processes that assemble microbial communities 65
Deterministic versus stochastic processes 65
Everything everywhere? 66
What controls diversity levels and bacterial community structure? 67
Oxygen, temperature, salinity, and pH 67
Moisture and soil microbial communities 68
Organic material and inorganic nutrients 69
Predation and viral lysis 70

Community structure of fungi 71

Relevance of community structure to understanding processes 72
Summary 72

Chapter 5 Genomes and meta-omics for microbes 73

What are genomics and environmental genomics? 73

Turning genomic sequences into genomic information 75
Lessons from cultivated microbes 76
Similar rRNA genes, dissimilar genomes 76
Core genomes and pangenomes 76
Genome size 77
Organization of eukaryotic versus prokaryotic genomes 78
Horizontal gene transfer 80
Genomes and growth strategies for bacteria 82
Specific genomic features and growth 82
Streamlined genomes 83
Oligotrophic versus copiotrophic bacterial genomes 84
Genomes from uncultivated microbes: metagenomics 85
Metagenomic approaches and linking structure with function 85
Single-cell genomics 86
Metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics 87
Transcriptional response of oligotrophic and copiotrophic bacteria 89
Metatranscriptomes of eukaryotic microbes 89
Summary 91

Chapter 6 Microbial primary production and phototrophy 92

Basics of primary production and photosynthesis 93

Light and algal pigments 93
The carbon dioxide-fixing enzyme 94
Primary production, gross production, and net production 95
Primary production by terrestrial higher plants and aquatic microbes 97
The spring bloom and controls of phytoplankton growth 98
Major groups of bloom-forming phytoplankton 100
Diatoms 100
Coccolithophorids and the biological pump 101
Phaeocystis and dimethylsulfide 102
Cyanobacteria and filamentous diazotrophs 103
After the bloom: competition for limiting nutrients 106
Primary production by coccoid cyanobacteria 107
Anaerobic anoxygenic photosynthesis 108
Sessile algae and microbial mats 110
Summary 112

Chapter 7 Degradation of organic matter 113

Who does most of the respiration on the planet? 114

Detritus and detrital food webs 116
DOM and the microbial loop 118
Bacterial growth efficiency and carbon use efficiency 119
Mechanism of organic matter degradation 120
Hydrolysis of high molecular weight organic compounds 120
Uptake of low molecular weight organic compounds: turnover versus reservoir size 122
Uptake or mineralization of N and P? 123
Degradation of lignin and other higher plant compounds 124
Interactions between organic compounds: protection and priming 126
Protection by adsorption or aggregation 126
Priming effects 127
Photoheterotrophy: energy from organic material and light 127
Contribution of microbes to ancient organic carbon and SOM formation 129
Degradation and microbial diversity 131
Summary 132

Chapter 8 Microbial growth, biomass production, and controls 133

Are microbes alive or dead? 133

Activity state of bacteria in water and soils 135
Activity state of individual bacterial taxa 135
Introduction to growth and biomass production 136
Growth in the laboratory: batch cultures 136
Growth in the laboratory: continuous cultures 138
Maintenance energy 139
Growth rates and biomass production in nature 139
Growth rates of phytoplankton, bacteria, and fungi 141
Growth rates of individual microbial taxa 142
Growth in the deep biosphere 144
What sets growth by heterotrophic microbes in nature? 145
Temperature effects on growth and carbon cycling 146
pH effects 148
Soil moisture 148
Limitation by organic carbon 149
Limitation by inorganic nutrients 150
Co-limitation and interactions between controlling factors 152
Cooperation between organisms 152
Summary 153

Chapter 9 Predation and protists 154

Bacterivory in aquatic habitats 155

Grazers of bacteria and fungi in soils and sediments 157
Mechanism of protist grazing 158

Factors affecting grazing 159

Prey number and predator–prey cycles 159
Size relationships of predator and prey 161
Chemical recognition and composition 162
Grazing by larger protists: ciliates and dinoflagellates 164
Ciliates as predators of bacteria, flagellates, and fungi 164
Heterotrophic dinoflagellates 165
Mixotrophic protists and endosymbiosis 166
Protist community structure and the evolution of eukaryotes 168
Exploring protist community structure 169
Biogeography of protists 171
Connecting protist communities with processes 172
Summary 173

Chapter 10 The ecology of viruses 174

What are viruses? 174

The number of viruses in natural environments 175
Counting viruses by the plaque assay 175
Counting viruses by microscopy 176
Virus–bacteria ratio in nature 177
Viral replication 178
Temperate viruses and lysogeny in nature 180
Host range of viruses 180
Viral production, loss, and mortality of bacteria 182
Percentage of infected cells 183
The viral reduction method 183
Contribution of viruses versus grazers to bacterial mortality 183
Viral decay and loss 185
Viruses are not grazers 185
Viral shunt and DOM production 185
Population dynamics of a virus and its host 186
Genetic exchange mediated by viruses 187
Metagenomics of viruses 189
Viral diversity 189
Core, noncore, and auxiliary metabolic genes 189
Viruses of other organisms 190
Mycoviruses: Viruses in fungi 191
Viruses infecting algae and amoebae 192
Summary 194

Chapter 11 Processes in anoxic environments 195

Introduction to anaerobic respiration 195

Microbes use electron acceptors in order of redox potential 197

Oxidation of organic carbon by different electron acceptors 199

Limitations by concentration and supply 199
Effect of physical state and chemical form 200
The anaerobic food chain 201
Fermentation 202
Acetogenesis, interspecies hydrogen transfer, and syntrophy 203
The sulfur cycle and sulfate reduction 204
Electron donors for sulfate reduction 205
Oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds and the rest of the sulfur cycle 206
Non-phototrophic sulfur oxidation 207
Sulfide oxidation by anoxygenic photosynthesis 208
The carbon source for sulfur oxidizers 209
Methane and methanogenesis 209
Methanotrophy 211
Aerobic methane degradation 211
Anaerobic methane oxidation 212
Anaerobic microbial eukaryotes 214
Summary 216

Chapter 12 The nitrogen cycle 217

Nitrogen fixation 218

Nitrogenase, the N2-fixing enzyme 218
Solving the oxygen problem 219
N2 fixation in nature 220
Limitation of N2 fixation 221
Ammonium assimilation, regeneration, and fluxes 222
Ammonia oxidation and nitrification 223
Aerobic ammonia oxidation by bacteria 225
Ammonia oxidation by archaea 225
Controls of aerobic ammonia oxidation 227
The second step in nitrification: nitrite oxidation 228
Complete nitrification by one organism 229
Dissimilatory nitrate reduction and denitrification 230
Anaerobic ammonia oxidation 232
Denitrification versus anaerobic ammonia oxidation 232
Sources and sinks of nitrous oxide 234
Production by bacteria and archaea 234
Consumption of N2O 235
N budgets: global balance, local imbalances 235
Summary 236

Chapter 13 Introduction to geomicrobiology 237

Cell surface charge and metal sorption 237

Biomineralization by microbes 238

Iron minerals and microbes 239

Iron oxide minerals formed by iron-oxidizing bacteria 240
Magnetite and magnetotactic bacteria 243
Manganese nodules and manganese-oxidizing bacteria 244
Carbonate minerals 245
Phosphorus minerals 248
Weathering and mineral dissolution by microbes 249
Dissolution by acid and base production 249
Dissolution by low and high molecular weight chelators 251
Dissolution by lichens 251
The deep biosphere and the geomicrobiology of fossil fuels 252
Microbes in petroleum reservoirs 253
Microbes and oil spills: Deepwater Horizon 255
Summary 257

Chapter 14 Symbioses and microbes 258

Ubiquity of symbiosis and the exceptions 259

Symbionts convert inedible organic material into food for their hosts 260
The rumen microbiome 260
Termite–microbe symbioses 261
Ant-tended fungal gardens 263
Symbionts provide dietary supplements: the aphid–Buchnera symbiosis 265
Symbiotic relationships supported by light or reduced sulfur 267
Coral reefs: massive structures built with microbial help 267
Chemosynthetic symbioses in marine invertebrates 268
Symbiotic microbes provide inorganic nutrients to plants 271
Diazotrophic bacteria–plant symbiosis 271
Fungus–plant symbioses 272
Non-nutritional roles: Bioluminescent squid and a quorum-sensing bacterium 274
Concluding remarks 277
Summary 277

References 279
Index 309


Microbes make up an unseen world, unseen at least by structurally more complex and bigger, ranging from 1 to
the naked eye. In the pages that follow, we will explore 100 µm.
this world, the creatures that inhabit it, and the things Microbes are found in all three domains of life: Bacteria,
they do. We will discover that processes carried out by Archaea, and Eukarya (eukaryotes). Bacteria and archaea
microbes in the unseen world affect our visible world. look quite similar under the microscope, and in fact
These processes include virtually every chemical reac- archaea were once thought to be a type of bacteria. An
tion in the biosphere that make up the elemental cycles old name for archaea is “archaebacteria,” while bacteria
of carbon, nitrogen, and all of the other elements were once referred to as “eubacteria,” the “true” bacteria.
­necessary for life. The processes also involve interactions Now we know that bacteria and archaea occupy separate
between organisms, both among microbes and between domains, accounting for two of the three domains of life
microbes and large organisms. found on Earth. The third domain, Eukarya (sometimes
This chapter will introduce the types of microbes spelled Eucarya), includes microbes with a nucleus and
found in nature and some basic terms used throughout other organelles. Examples include fungi and algae (but
the book. It will also discuss why we should care about not blue-green algae, more appropriately called cyano-
microbes in nature. The answers will give some flavor of bacteria), as well as higher plants and animals. Prominent
what microbial ecology and this book are all about. members of the third domain are protists, which are
single-cell eukaryotes. Protists do not include the fungi
even though some forms of fungi, the yeasts, are single
What is a microbe?
cells. All of these microbes and viruses are discussed in
The microbial world is populated by a diverse collection this book.
of organisms, many of which having nothing in common The diversity in the types of microbes found in nature
except their small size. Microbes include by definition all is more than matched by the diversity of processes they
organisms that can be observed only with a microscope carry out. Microbes carry out some processes that are
and are smaller than about 100 µm. Microbes and its similar to the functions of plants and animals in the vis-
synonym “microorganisms” include bacteria, archaea, ible world. Some microbes are primary producers and
fungi, and many other types of eukaryotes (Figure 1.1). carry out photosynthesis similarly to plants (“photoauto-
The microbial world also houses viruses, but arguably trophy”), some are herbivores that graze on microbial
they are not alive and are not microbes, although some primary producers, and still others are carnivores that
viral ecologists would argue otherwise. Whether dead or prey on herbivores; both herbivores and carnivores
alive, viruses certainly are a big part of microbial ecology are “heterotrophic.” But microbes do many more things
(Chapter 10). Bacteria and archaea are the simplest that have no counterparts among large organisms. These
and the smallest microbes (excluding viruses) in nature, things, these processes, are essential for life on this
usually <10 µm in size, while microbial eukaryotes are planet.
Processes in Microbial Ecology. Second Edition. David L. Kirchman. Oxford University Press (2018). © David L. Kirchman 2018. 1
DOI 10.1093/oso/9780198789406.001.0001

(A) (C)

(B) (D)

Figure 1.1 Examples of some microbes. Panel A: Soil bacteria belonging to the Gemmatimonadetes phylum, each about 1 µm
wide. Image courtesy of Mark Radosevich. Panel B: Hyphae of the fungus Sordaria, commonly found in the feces of terrestrial
herbivores. The width of each cell is about 10 µm. Image courtesy of George Barron, used with permission (http://hdl.handle.
net/10214/7080). Panel C: Eukaryotic algae from a freshwater lake. The scale bar is 25 µm. Image courtesy of John Wehr.
Panel D: A marine ciliate, Cyttarocylis encercryphalus, about 100 µm. Image courtesy of John Dolan. Color versions of
panels B–D are available at

Why study microbial ecology? cause diseases of humans and other macroscopic organ-
isms. The role of infectious diseases in controlling popu-
The main reason has already been implied: microbes
lation levels of macroscopic plants and animals in nature
mediate many processes essential to the operation of
is recognized to be important (Ostfeld et al., 2008), but
the biosphere. But there are other reasons for studying
its impact probably is still underestimated. Sick animals
microbial ecology. The following list of seven reasons
in nature are likely to be killed off by predators, or simply
starts with those that a nonscientist might give, if asked
die while hidden to avoid predation before being
why we should learn about microbes. The list ends with
counted as being ill. We know less about the impact of
the reasons that arguably are the most important, cer-
diseases on smaller organisms, such as the zooplankton
tainly in shaping the contents of this book.
in aquatic systems (Figure 1.2) or invertebrates in soils.
These small organisms are crucial for maintaining the
health of natural ecosystems. There is some evidence
Microbes cause diseases of macroscopic organisms, that diseases in the ocean are becoming more common
including humans (Burge et al., 2014), and amphibians on land are now
Most people probably think “germs” when asked how declining worldwide due to infections by chytrid fungi,
microbes affect their lives. Of course, some microbes do perhaps linked to global warming (Raffel et al., 2015).
Introduction 3

(A) (B)


1.0 mm

Figure 1.2 Two examples of animals infected by fungi. In panel A, the fungi are the small numerous dots visible in the
transparent body cavity of a common freshwater zooplankton, Daphnia pulicaria (the common name is “water flea”). Taken
from Johnson et al. (2006). Used with permission from the Ecological Society of America. In panel B, the arrows indicate the
lesions affecting a salamander, a disease decimating these amphibians in Europe (Stegen et al., 2017). Picture provided by
Frank Pasmans, Ghent University. A color version of panel B is available at

But pathogenic microbes are exceptions rather than et al., 2012). A huge project is now examining the gen-
the rule. The microbiologist John Ingraham pointed out omes of human-associated microbes, the “human
that there are more murders among humans than patho- microbiome” (, using meta­
gens among microbes (Ingraham, 2010). The vast major- genomic approaches (Chapter 5) first designed for soils
ity of microbes in nature are not pathogenic, and that and oceans. The term “microbiome” is used by some
includes those living on and in us. The human body is investigators for any microbial community in a natural
host to abundant and diverse microbial communities. In environment (Moran, 2015; Fierer, 2017), but here the
fact, many of the cells in the human body are not human, term will be reserved for communities associated with
but rather are bacteria. An average adult has about thirty larger organisms.
trillion human cells but also thirty eight trillion bacteria
(Sender et al., 2016), as well as numerous archaea and
protists, not to mention viruses. Microbes inhabiting our Microbes help to make our food and other useful
skin and mucous membranes help to prevent invasion by products
pathogens, and the bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract Microbes produce several things that we eat and drink
do the same. Disruption of the microbial community in every day, including yogurt, cheese, kimchi, and wine.
the colon, for example, allows the pathogen Clostridium Some of these microbially produced comestibles were
difficile to flourish, causing severe diarrhea. One novel examined by early scientists who could be called micro-
cure is “fecal transplantation” or “bacteriotherapy,” in bial ecologists. Louis Pasteur (1822–95; see Box 1.1) was
which a normal microbial community is “transplanted” hired by the wine industry to figure out why some wines
into the colon of a diarrhea-suffering patient. turned sour and became undrinkable. The problem, as
Bacteria also aid digestion in humans and in many other Pasteur found out, was a classic one of competition
mammals, while these microbes and others help inverte- between two types of microbes, one that produced alco-
brates live on otherwise indigestible food such as wood hol (good wine) and the other, organic acids (sour,
(Chapter 14). There is even a connection between the undrinkable wine). To this day, food microbiologists try
microflora of our digestive tract and our brain (Collins to understand the complex microbial interactions and

Box 1.1 Two founders of microbiology

One of the founders of microbiology, Louis Pasteur, explored the role of bacteria in causing diseases, but it
made many contributions to chemistry and biology, was a contemporary of Pasteur, Robert Koch (1843–
such as showing that life does not arise from spontan- 1910), another founder of microbiology, who defined
eous generation, a theory held in the mid-nineteenth the ­criteria, now known as Koch’s postulates, for show-
century to explain organic matter degradation. Decom­ ing that a particular microbe causes a specific disease.
position of organic material is still an important topic Koch developed the agar plate method for isolating
today in microbial ecology (Chapter 7). Pasteur also bacteria, a method still used today in microbiology.

processes that affect our favorite things to eat and drink, direct connections between microbes and fish. In some
an important job in applied microbial ecology. Microbes aquaculture farms, shrimp feed on “bioflocs” formed
are also involved in meat and dairy products. Cows, goats, from bacteria growing on added wheat flour. The simple,
and sheep—ruminants—depend on complex microbial linear food chain shown in Figure 1.3 is accurate in only
consortia to digest the polysaccharides in the grasses some aquatic systems. But even in waters with more
they eat (Chapter 14). complex food webs, microbes are the base upon which
Microbes are also important in supporting life in lakes the fisheries of the world depend. Consequently, there is
and the oceans, and eventually make possible the fish a general relationship between microbial production
we eat. Microbes take over the role of macroscopic and fishery yields.
plants in aquatic environments and are the main primary Another important connection with our food is the
producers, meaning they use light energy to convert car- role of microbes in producing the inorganic nutrients
bon dioxide (CO2) to organic material (Chapter 6). These that are essential for growth and biomass production by
microbes, the “phytoplankton,” include cyanobacteria higher plants in terrestrial environments (Figure 1.4) and
and eukaryotic algae. Phytoplankton are rarely eaten by by phytoplankton in aquatic environments. Essential
fish, not even by their small, young stages, the fish larvae. inorganic nutrients, such as ammonium and phosphate,
Rather, the main herbivores in lakes and oceans are come from microbes as they degrade organic material
mostly microscopic animals (zooplankton) and protists. (Chapter 7). Other microbes “fix” nitrogen gas, which
Zooplankton and protists in turn are eaten by still larger cannot be used by plants as a nitrogen source, into
zooplankton and fish larvae as part of a food chain lead- ammonium, which can (Chapter 12). The fertility of soils
ing eventually to adult fish (Figure 1.3). There can be more depends on microbes in other ways. Organic material
from higher plants, partially degraded by microbes, and
Fish other organic compounds directly from microbes, make
up soil organic material. This organic component of
Zooplankton soil contains essential plant nutrients and affects water
Nutrients CO2
(N, P, etc) flow, fluxes of oxygen and other gases, pH, and many
Small grazers
other physical–chemical properties of soils that directly
contribute to the growth of crop plants. So, our food
indirectly and directly depends on microbes and what
Figure 1.3 A simple food chain, from phytoplankton to fish, they do.
found in aquatic habitats. Microbes (phytoplankton) are at In addition to things we can eat or drink, microbes
the base of this food chain, and other microbes (small
produce a vast array of other compounds that enrich our
grazers) make up the first few transfers. Still other microbes
(mainly bacteria), not shown, contribute to the release of lives. These include antibiotics, chemicals such as
nutrients used by phytoplankton. butanol and citric acid, and enzymes used in the food,
Introduction 5

N2 toxic form of mercury, methylmercury, that is more easily

transferred to larger organisms than inorganic mercury.
Another example is uranium (Williams et al., 2013). The
most oxidized form of uranium, U(VI), moves easily
through subsurface environments. When U(VI) is reduced
Organic N NO–3 by Geobacter and probably other bacteria, the resulting
U(IV) is less mobile and less likely to cause e­ nvironmental
Microbes The study of pollutant–microbe interactions is a part
of “environmental microbiology,” but that term is also
Figure 1.4 Some of the roles of microbes in supplying
key nutrients for crops and plants in terrestrial habitats. used more generally to describe the study of microbes
The three N-cycle reactions depicted here include in the environment regardless of whether a pollutant
mineralization of organic nitrogen to ammonia (NH3), the is involved or if the microbes are mediating a process
fixation of N2 gas to ammonia, and the reduction of nitrate of practical interest (Madsen, 2016). “Environmental
(NO3−) to N2 gas or ammonia. The complete N cycle is
microbiology” and “microbial ecology” are essentially
discussed in Chapter 12.

pharmaceutical, and textile industries. Other microbially

produced enzymes, such as the one used for the poly- Microbes are models for exploring principles in ecology
merase chain reaction (PCR; see Chapter 4), are essential and evolution
in biotechnology. Most of “industrial microbiology” is far Microbes have served as models for exploring many
from the environmental sciences, but some aspects questions in biochemistry, physiology, and molecular
of the field touch on the basics of microbial ecology biology. They are good models because they grow rap-
­covered in this book. idly and can be manipulated easily in laboratory experi-
ments. For similar reasons, microbes are also used as
models to explore general questions in ecology, popula-
Microbes degrade and detoxify pollutants tion genetics, and evolution (Barberán et al., 2014).
The modern environmental movement is often said to Virus–bacteria interactions, for example, have served as
have started with the publication in 1962 of Silent Spring models of predator–prey interactions, and experiments
by Rachel Carson (1907–64). The book chronicled the with protozoa and bacteria were crucial for establishing
damage to wildlife and ecosystems caused by the pesti- Gause’s “competitive exclusion principle” (Figure 1.5). The
cide dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, better known principle is that only one species can occupy a particular
as DDT. Fortunately, the concentrations of DDT have niche at a time because it excludes other species due to
decreased over time, in part due to regulations banning competition for a limiting resource. Experiments with
it in most developed countries, following the publication microbes have demonstrated basic principles about
of Silent Spring. In addition, microbes, mostly bacteria, natural selection and adaptation in varying environ-
degrade DDT and other organic pollutants to innocuous ments. Richard Lenski and colleagues have explored
compounds and eventually to CO2, despite the pollu- the evolution of the bacterium Escherichia coli over
tants being recalcitrant and difficult to degrade. With 50,000 generations by growing it in new, fresh media
very few exceptions, bacteria and fungi are quite adept every day since 1988, including weekends and holidays
at degrading organic compounds, even those quite toxic (Lenski et al., 2015). Genome sequencing (Chapter 5)
to macroscopic organisms. has revealed how this bacterium has changed over time,
Inorganic pollutants cannot be removed by microbial providing insights into evolution not possible with large
activity, but by changing the chemical state of these pol- organisms.
lutants, microbes affect their toxicity or movement Just as we can learn about large organisms from
through the environment or both. Microbes produce a microbes, the flow of ideas can go the other way. General

P. aurelia


Biomass (relative units)



60 P. caudatum



0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (days)

Figure 1.5 Experimental evidence for the competitive exclusion principle, which states that no two species can occupy the
same niche at the same time. Here, two species of the protozoan Paramecium are forced to compete for the same food source,
a bacterial prey (Bacillus pyocyaneus). Only one Paramecium species wins. Data from Gause (1964).

theories developed for exploring the ecology of plants even hypothesize that life started in viral form. Cyano­
and animals are often useful for exploring questions in bacteria first appeared probably about 2.8 billion years
microbial ecology. For example, microbial ecologists ago, leading eventually to high oxygen concentrations in
have used island biogeography theory, which was first the Earth’s atmosphere (Chapter 11).
conceived for large animals by R. H. MacArthur and E. O. The date when eukaryotes evolved is controversial, and
Wilson in 1967, to examine the dispersal of microbes estimates depend on the data being considered. Fossil
and relationships between microbial diversity and habi- structures perhaps from the first eukaryote have been
tat size. Likewise, models about stability and diversity found in 3.2 billion-year-old estuarine sediments, while
developed for large organism communities are now steranes, derived from steroids or sterols produced only
being applied to microbial communities and processes. by eukaryotes, have turned up in shales estimated to be
Microbial ecologists look at microbial diversity for pat- about 2.7 billion years old (Arndt and Nisbet, 2012). But
terns that have been seen for plant and animal diversity, the most convincing fossils, backed up by DNA sequence
such as how diversity varies with latitude (Chapter 4). data, indicate that eukaryotes appeared on Earth about
Not all large organism-based theories are applicable to two billion years ago. Regardless of the exact dates,
thinking about microbes, but many are. microbes were the only life forms on the planet for the
first three billion years of Earth’s history. Multicellular
animals and plants did not appear until about a billion
Microbes living today are models for early life on Earth years ago, two to three billion years after microbes had
and perhaps life on other planets invented most of the various metabolisms now known
Life first appeared on Earth about 3.7 billion years ago to operate on Earth. As Harvard University paleontologist
and perhaps even earlier than that, not long after the Andrew Knoll once said, “Animals might be evolution’s
planet was formed 4.5 billion years ago (Fig 1.6). The first icing, but bacteria are really the cake.”
cell on Earth was a microbe, perhaps a hydrogen-gas- We can gain additional insights into the evolution
powered acetogen or methanogen, types of bacteria and of early life by looking at microbes and environments
archaea that produce acetate or methane, ­respectively around today that may mimic those on early Earth. These
(Chapter 11), which may have evolved at hydrothermal include bacteria and archaea living today with gene
vents (Martin and Sousa, 2016). Viruses have probably sequences that put them near the root of the Tree of Life
been around since cellular life began; some investigators and are perhaps closely related to the first cell that
Introduction 7

Millions of years before the present

4500 3700 2000 1000 450 65

No life Bacteria, archaea and viruses

Cyanobacteria and oxygen production

Microbial eukaryotes

Only microbes Metazoans

on earth

Land plants


Figure 1.6 A few key dates in the history of life. For much of this history, only microbes were present, as multicellular
eukaryotes appeared only one billion years ago, or 3.5 billion years after Earth had formed. Based on Humphreys et al. (2010),
Payne et al. (2009), and Arndt and Nisbet (2012).

appeared on the planet. These microbes may have search for life elsewhere in the universe. But the work
metabolisms similar to those of the first cell or two. would be worthwhile even if there were no extraterres-
Some of the first fossils of microbes have been found in trial microbes. Extreme environments and extremophiles
stromatolites, which are large, laminated mats of differ- are often bizarre and always fascinating.
ent microbes and minerals abundant in the Precambrian
when life was just starting on Earth (Chapter 13). These
complex microbial mats can also be found today in some Microbes mediate biogeochemical processes that
saline lakes and marine lagoons. Our planet still has affect global climate
many “warm little ponds” where Darwin speculated that This reason shapes many topics appearing in this book.
life first evolved. Studying the Earth’s first organisms is The role of microbes in degrading pollutants has already
part of a branch of microbial ecology: geomicrobiology been mentioned, but microbes are involved in an even
(Chapter 13). more serious “pollution” problem.
In addition to helping us look at life millions of years Humans have been polluting the Earth’s atmosphere
ago, today’s microbes may potentially provide insights with various gases that affect our climate. These “green-
into life on planets or moons of other planets millions of house gases” trap long-wave radiation, better known as
kilometers from Earth. Studying microbes in extraterres- heat, from the sun. Most of these gases also have natural
trial-like environments on Earth is the main focus of sources, and the Earth always has had greenhouse gases,
“astrobiology.” These environments are extreme, where fortunately. Because of these gases, the average global
only microbes, and often only bacteria and archaea, the temperature is 16 °C, much warmer than the chilly −18 °C
“extremophiles,” survive. Microbes live in hot springs and Earth would be without them (Schlesinger and
deserts, polar ice, permafrost of the tundra, and within Bernhardt, 2013). Mars does not have any greenhouse
rocks—unworldly habitats where it is hard to imagine life gases and is even colder (−53 °C). High concentrations
existing. Perhaps these earthly extremophiles are similar of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, in Venus’s
to life on other planets, and perhaps insights gained from atmosphere, along with its proximity to the sun, explain
astrobiological studies on this planet will help in the why that planet has an average surface temperature of

474 °C. However, although some greenhouse gases are than it was in the nineteenth century (Figure 1.7), and is
beneficial for the Earth’s climate, their excessive levels projected to increase even more in the near future.
are leading to global warming and many other related A degree or two warmer may not seem like much, but it
global problems. has already caused many changes in the biosphere, to say
Greenhouse gases have been increasing in Earth’s the least. Another problem caused by raising atmospheric
atmosphere since the start of the industrial revolution in CO2 is the acidification of the oceans, which threatens
the early 1800s (Figure 1.7). Although water vapor is the corals and other calcifying organisms, including some
dominant greenhouse gas, human society has a bigger, microbes (Chapters 13 and 14).
more direct impact on other gases, most notably carbon Microbial ecology has an essential role in understand-
dioxide. Other important greenhouse gases include ing the impact of greenhouse gases on our climate and
methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). The concentra- the response of ecosystems to climate change, one rea-
tions of these gases in the atmosphere are much lower, son being that nearly all of these gases are either used
but they trap more heat per molecule than does CO2. or produced, or both, by microbes (Table 1.1). Carbon
Because of higher levels of greenhouse gases, the average dioxide, for example, is used by higher plants on land
temperature for the planet is about 1 °C warmer now and by phytoplankton in aquatic ecosystems. This gas is

400 (A)
Atmospheric CO2
Atmospheric CO2 (ppm)



320 Mauna Loa


280 Law Dome ice cores


0.6 Global temperature anomaly
Temperature anomaly (°C)






1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020

Figure 1.7 Atmospheric CO2 concentrations (A) and global temperature anomaly (B) since the nineteenth century.
Concentrations were estimated from ice cores (Etheridge et al., 1996) or measured directly at the Mauna Loa Observatory,
Hawaii, provided by Pieter Tans (NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory and Ralph Keeling (Scripps Institution of
Oceanography), used with permission ( The global temperature is
expressed as the difference between the average temperature for a year minus the average over 1951–80 (Hansen et al., 2010).
Updated temperature data from, accessed on November 20, 2016.
Introduction 9

Table 1.1 Some greenhouse gases and how they are affected by microbes. Concentrations are expressed as parts per million
(ppm), per billion (ppb), or per trillion (ppt). Data from the Mauna Loa Observatory ( and
Myhre et al. (2014).

Gas Concentrations Concentrations Greenhouse Microbial process

in 2005 in 2016 effect*

Carbon dioxide (CO2) 379 ppm 401 ppm 1 Primary production and organic carbon mineralization
Methane (CH4) 1774 ppb 1834 ppm 21 Methanogenesis and methanotrophy
Nitrous oxide (N2O) 319 ppb 329 ppb 270 Denitrification and nitrification
CFC-11 (CCl3F)** 250 ppt 230 ppt 4660 Degradation by heterotrophs?

* Relative to CO2.
** One of many hydrochlorofluorocarbons. Some of these other gases have even greater greenhouse effects than that of CFC-11.

released by heterotrophic microbes in all ecosystems. changes on the biosphere. How will an increase in global
The impact of biological activity can be seen in the yearly temperature affect the balance between photosynthesis
oscillations of carbon dioxide in Figure 1.7; it goes down and respiration? How much CO2 and CH4 will be released
in the summer when plant growth is high and it increases if the permafrost of the tundra in Alaska and Siberia
in winter when carbon dioxide produced by respiration melts? Will a decrease in diversity caused by climate
exceeds carbon dioxide use by plant growth. Methane, change affect the C cycle? Answering these and other
another gas that has been increasing in the atmosphere, questions depends on the work of microbial ecologists.
is also produced and consumed by microbes (Chapter 11).
It and another powerful greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide,
are produced in anoxic environments which have Microbes are everywhere, doing nearly everything
expanded over the years, mainly due to the growth in Most of the reasons discussed so far for studying micro-
agriculture. bial ecology have focused on practical problems facing
What complicates our understanding of these green- human society. But microbial ecology would be an excit-
house gases is that nearly all are produced or consumed ing field even if all of these problems were solved tomor-
by natural processes mediated by microbes, in addition row (Box 1.2). One goal of this book is to show the
to the anthropogenic inputs. Although the input of CO2 importance of microbial ecology in explaining basic pro-
to the atmosphere by human activity is substantial, it is cesses in the biosphere, even if they may appear to be far
still small compared to the input and uptake by natural from any problem facing us today. Regardless of what
processes. In contrast, production of the important plant microbes do, we should want to know about them
nutrient, ammonium, directly by humans (fertilizer syn-
thesis) or aided by humans (microbial production in
agriculture) rivals the natural production of ammonium Box 1.2 Praise of microbial ecology
by microbes (Chapter 12). To complicate things further, from an ant ecologist
greenhouse gases vary with the seasons, as already seen
E. O. Wilson did most of his scientific work on ants
for CO2, and have varied greatly over geological time,
and went on to write several award-winning books,
independent of human intervention. So, the challenge is
including Sociobiology and On Human Nature. Near
to separate the natural changes from those effected by
the end of his autobiography, Naturalist, published
humans and to understand the consequences of these
in 1994 (Island Press), Wilson mentioned that if he
had to do it all over again, he would be a microbial
Microbial ecologists cannot solve the greenhouse
ecologist. He ends with a paean to the microbial
problem. But many of the topics discussed in this book
world: “The jaguars, ants, and orchids would still
can help us understand the problem and predict future
occupy distant forests in all their splendor, but now
changes. One job of microbial ecologists and other sci-
they would be joined by an even stranger and vastly
entists studying the Earth system is to figure out the
more complex living world virtually without end.”
impact of increasing greenhouse gases and other global

because they are the most numerous and diverse organ- soil or sediment contains about 1010 viruses, 109 bacteria,
isms on the planet. and so on for larger organisms. Even deep e­ nvironments,
As a general rule, the smaller the organism, the more kilometers below the Earth’s surface, have thousands of
numerous it is (Figure 1.8). Viruses are the smallest and microbes. Even seemingly impenetrable rocks can har-
also the most abundant biological entity in both aquatic bor dense microbial communities. Overall, the biomass
habitats and soils, whereas large organisms, such as zoo- of bacteria and archaea rivals that of all plants in the
plankton and earthworms, are rare, being 1010 less abun- ­biosphere, and is certainly greater than the biomass of
dant than viruses. A typical milliliter of water from the animals.
surface of a lake or the oceans contains about 107 viruses, Microbes are found even where macroscopic organ-
106 bacteria, 104 protists, and 103 or fewer phytoplankton isms are not, in environments with extremes in temper-
cells, depending on the environment. A typical gram of atures, pH, or pressure: “extreme” for humans, but quite

(A) Viruses
109 Bacteria
107 Cyanobacteria
Organisms per L

105 Protists
102 Other phytoplankton
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

(B) Viruses
Organisms per gram

106 Fungi
104 Protists

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Size (μm)

Figure 1.8 Size distribution and abundance of some microbes and other organisms in a typical aquatic habitat (A) and in soils
(B). “Bacteria” here refers only to heterotrophic ones, while “other phytoplankton” are phytoplankton other than cyanobacteria
or photoautotrophic protists. The size given for fungi is the diameter of the hyphae. Some fungi can be several meters long.
Introduction 11

normal for many microbes. Some hyperthermophilic why some seemingly simple questions are difficult to
bacteria and archaea thrive in near boiling water (>80 °C), answer.
which kills all other organisms, including eukaryotic Here we start with one of the most basic questions:
microbes. The hot springs of Yellowstone are famous for how many bacteria are in an environment? We will focus
harboring dense and exotic microbes that not only thrive on just two ways to answer this question, in order to
at high temperatures but also at low pH; these microbes introduce a fundamental divide between approaches for
live in boiling acid baths. At the other extreme, microbes all microbes: “cultivation-dependent” versus “cultivation-
live in the brine channels of sea ice where water is still independent.” The number of bacteria in an environ-
liquid but very salty (20% versus 3.5% for seawater) and ment was first estimated by the “plate count method,”
cold (−20 °C). Viable microbes have been recovered which consists of growing or cultivating organisms on
encased in salt millions of years old ( Jaakkola et al., 2016). solid agar media (Figure 1.9; Box 1.3). The assumption
The deep ocean may be extreme to us with its high behind the plate count method is that each microbe in
hydrostatic pressure, one hundred-fold higher at 1000 m
than at sea level, and perennially cold temperatures 1.0 ml
(about 3 °C). Many microbes thrive and grow, albeit
1.0 ml
slowly, in these deep waters, one of the largest ecosys-
tems on the planet. Over 70% of the globe is covered by
104 per ml
the oceans of which 75% (by volume) is deeper than
1000 m. 0.1 ml 102 103
In addition to being numerous, there are many differ-
ent types of microbes, some with strange and weird (from Agar
our biased perspective) metabolisms on which the bio- plate
1–7 days
sphere depends. In addition to plant- or animal-like
metabolism, some microbes can live without oxygen Figure 1.9 The plate count method. A sample from the
and “breathe” with nitrate (NO3−) or sulfate (SO42−) environment is usually diluted first by adding 1.0 ml or 0.1 g
of soil to 9.0 ml of an appropriate buffer, then sometimes
(Chapter 11). Compounds like hydrogen sulfide (H2S) are
diluted again by adding 1.0 ml of the first dilution to a new
deadly to macroscopic organisms, but are essential tube containing 9.0 ml of the buffer. Several more dilutions
comestibles for some microbes. Several metabolic reac- may be necessary. After a few days, if ten colonies grew up
tions, such as methane production and the synthesis of after two dilutions, for example, we could deduce that there
ammonium from nitrogen gas, are carried out only by were 104 culturable bacteria per ml or gram of sample.
archaea and bacteria. Other microbes are capable of pro-
ducing chemicals, like acetone and butane, which would
kill off eukaryotic cells and seem incompatible with life. Box 1.3 Able assistance with agar
Microbes are truly capable of doing nearly everything. plates
Agar plates are made by pouring molten agar
How do we study microbes in nature? amended with various compounds into Petri dishes.
Once cool, the agar solidifies and becomes a porous
The facts about microbes in nature discussed so far have
support on which microbes grow to form colonies—
come from many studies using many approaches and
many, many cells piled together into a mound big
methods. It is a great intellectual puzzle to figure out the
enough to see. Although the approach is usually
actions and creatures in the unseen world and how they
attributed to Robert Koch, two assistants of Koch
affect our visible world. This book will introduce some of
came up with the key parts. Petri dishes were
the methods used in microbial ecology so that you can
thought up by Julius Richard Petri, while Koch’s
gain deeper insights and appreciation of the boundaries
wife, Fannie Hesse, suggested agar, which was used
between the known and unknown. By learning a little
at the time to make jam.
about the methodology, you will also understand better

the original sample will grow on the solid media and bacteria per milliliter, a thousand-fold less than the num-
form a macroscopic clump of cells, or colony, that can be ber determined by direct microscopic counts ( Jannasch
counted by eye or with a low-power microscope. Once and Jones, 1959). One of the first studies in soils did not
isolated on the agar plate, the bacterium can now be find as dramatic a difference, but many more bacteria
identified by examining its response to a battery of bio- could be detected microscopically than by the plate
chemical tests. These tests provide some of the first clues count method (Skinner et al., 1952). This difference
about the bacterium’s physiology and thus its ecological has been called the “Great Plate Count Anomaly” (Staley
and biogeochemical roles in nature. The physiology and and Konopka, 1985). One explanation for the anomaly
genetics of isolated bacteria in “pure culture” (cultures is that the uncultured microbes are dead, because a
with only a single microbe) can then be examined in microbe must be viable and capable of growing enough
great detail. This method is at the heart of cultivation- to form a macroscopic colony if it is to be counted by the
dependent approaches. plate count method. For this reason, the plate count
The inadequacy of the plate count method became method is sometimes called the “viable count method.”
apparent when the abundance of bacteria it determined In contrast, a particle need only have DNA to be included
was found to be orders of magnitude lower than the in the direct count method, because the fluorescent dye
abundance determined by one of the first cultivation- used in the method binds to DNA (Figure 1.10). Dead
independent approaches, direct microscopic observa- ­bacteria could still have DNA and be counted. So, the
tion of microbes in nature. In seawater, for example, the discrepancy between direct and plate counts was first
plate count method indicates that there are about 103 thought to be due to large numbers of dead or at least

2. Stain with

3. Filter through
polycarbonate filter

4. Count with
bacteria in
1. Preserve sample with
counting grid
formaldehyde. The microbes polycarbonate filter with
are the dots here counting grid

Number of microbes per ml=

Number of microbes per grid x

(Area of filter)/(Area of grid) ÷

Volume of sample filtered

Figure 1.10 Enumerating microbes by epifluorescence microscopy, the direct count method. “DAPI” is 4’,6-diamidino-2-­
phenylindole, a stain specific for double-stranded nucleic acids. While under the microscope, the sample is exposed (the DAPI
is “excited”) to UV light (in the case of DAPI staining) and cells stained by DAPI fluoresce—they give off light, resulting in bright
spots of light on a black background. The “epi” part of epifluorescence comes from the fact that the excitation light is above
rather than below the sample.
Introduction 13

inactive bacteria that were included in direct count specific microbial taxa in nature. Fortunately, much
methods, but not by the plate count method. There are can be learned about microbes as a whole by using
similar problems with counting microbes other than approaches that examine processes and bulk properties
bacteria. of microbes in nature. For example, methods are avail-
In fact, to explain the Great Plate Count Anomaly, able to examine the contribution of bacteria and fungi
nearly all bacteria would have to be dead. If most versus larger organisms in degrading organic material
­bacteria were dead or dormant, it would have huge (Chapter 7).
­consequences for understanding the role of microbes One solution to the problem of identifying microbes
in nature. without cultivation is to use sequences of certain genes
We now know that the discrepancy between plate obtained by cultivation-independent approaches. These
and direct counts is not due mainly to dead or dormant gene sequence data are used to explore the “structure”
bacteria (Chapter 8). Microbial ecologists still argue of microbial communities: the taxonomic names and
about the numbers of viable, dormant, and dead bac­ phylogenetic relationships of the microbes and their
teria, but problems with the plate count method explain abundance. For reasons discussed in Chapter 4, the
most of the discrepancy. The basic problem is that an favorite phylogenetic marker gene of microbial ecolo-
agar plate is a very foreign habitat for most bacteria and gists and microbiologists is that coding for a type of ribo-
other microbes, and many microbes are not adapted to somal RNA (rRNA) found in the small subunit of
growing in aggregates and forming macroscopic col- ribosomes (SSU rRNA). There is no gene analogous to
onies, necessary for a microbe to be counted by the the rRNA gene for identifying viruses, but sequences of
traditional plate count method. There are some prob- other genes and genomic sequencing are powerful tools
lems also with the direct count method, such as confus- for exploring viral diversity (Chapter 10).
ing inert particles with real microbes due to non-specific
staining. But overall, many of the particles observed
Separating microbes by phylogeny: the three
by epifluorescence microscopy are active bacteria or
domains of life
Regardless of what explains the Great Plate Count Sequences of rRNA genes, first used by Carl Woese and
Anomaly, the difficulties in isolating microbes from colleagues in the 1970s (Woese and Fox, 1977), were
nature and growing them in the laboratory have many instrumental in separating bacteria and archaea into two
consequences for microbial ecology. For starters, it domains. Even before Woese’s work, microbiologists
means that most microbes cannot be identified by trad­ knew that archaea had strange metabolisms that seemed
itional methods. These methods depend on isolating to be advantageous for life on early Earth. For this rea-
and growing the microbe in the laboratory and then son, Woese called these microbes “archaebacteria,”
studying its phenotype: the capacity to grow with or derived from the geological term Archaean, which is an
without oxygen, for example, or to use specific organic early stage in the Precambrian, some 2–4 billion years
chemicals. Even if they can be identified by other methods ago. The “bacteria” part of the name was later dropped
(Chapter 4), the physiology of uncultivated microbes to emphasize the great differences between archaea and
cannot be studied by traditional laboratory approaches. bacteria. We now know that archaea are not any more
Much about the physiology of some microbes has been ancient than bacteria, but the name stuck anyway.
learned from “enrichment cultures,” in which growth Together, the two domains make up the “prokaryotes,”
conditions are set to select for or to “enrich” for the which are organisms without a nucleus; bacteria and
growth of one type of microbe. Although the target archaea are not eukaryotes. “Prokaryotes” has no taxo-
microbe dominates, others are still present. This approach nomic meaning, but it is useful shorthand for referring to
has been fruitful for a few microbes, but it does not work the two domains in cases where they have a metabolism
for the vast majority of uncultivated microbes. This lack or physical feature in common or when a cell or process
of information about physiology hinders our under- is clearly not eukaryotic and potentially could be either
standing of the ecological and biogeochemical roles of bacterial or archaeal or both (Figure 1.11).

Chloroflexi Fungi
Gram Halophiles Plants
Positive Methanobacterium
Proteobacteria Ciliates
Cyanobacteria Flagellates


Bacteria Archaea Eukarya

Figure 1.11 A phylogenetic tree showing the three domains of life: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya (eukaryotes), as depicted by
Olsen and Woese (1993) with updated phylum names. “Gram positive” now includes two phyla: Actinobacteria and Firmicutes.
Much more complicated trees with many more phyla are now available (Hug et al., 2016).

copy and fill up the eukaryotic cell. The nucleus of a

Box 1.4 Molecular clock eukaryote is easily seen with epifluorescence micros-
copy after staining for DNA. In contrast, in the same epi-
The difference between sequences of phylogenetic
fluorescence photomicrograph, prokaryotes appear as
marker genes can be translated to the amount of
solid dots with no internal structure.
time that has passed since the two organisms
One important characteristic distinguishing prokary-
diverged from a common ancestor. This molecular
otes and eukaryotes is size (Figure 1.12). Because of the
clock is very powerful for exploring the pace of
space needed for the nucleus and other organelles,
­evolution over geological time. The use of sequence
eukaryotic cells, even microbial eukaryotes, are generally
data to date the appearance of eukaryotes has been
bigger than prokaryotes. There are some exceptionally
mentioned earlier. For most applications, however,
large prokaryotic cells, visible even to the naked eye, but
microbial ecologists use just the sequence data
these microbes have a vacuole that pushes the cytoplasm
alone and do not convert dissimilarities to time.
to the outer perimeter of the cell, making the effective
volume of these giants more like a typical bacterium. Size
Although bacteria and archaea cannot be distin- is not a useful taxonomic trait for distinguishing among
guished by microscopy, the difference between the two organisms because there is much overlap among pro­
prokaryotic domains and eukaryotes is easily seen karyotes and eukaryotes. Even so, cell size has a huge
microscopically. A prokaryotic cell appears to be empty impact in ecological interactions, such as in predator–
when viewed by light microscopy, and in some sense it prey interactions (Chapter 9) and in the competition
is, because it lacks a nucleus and all other membrane- between microbes for dissolved nutrients (Chapter 6).
bound organelles. The genome of prokaryotes is usually Most bacteria and archaea are small, on the order of a
in a single circular piece of DNA in the cytoplasm micron, whereas most microbial eukaryotes are >3 µm,
(Chapter 5). The genome of a eukaryote, in contrast, is although there are exceptions, such as the <1 µm marine
contained within a nucleus (“karyote” in Greek) and is alga Ostreococcus (López-García et al., 2001). Bacteria
organized into chromosomes. In addition to nuclei, grown on rich media in the laboratory are often bigger;
eukaryotes have compartmentalized some metabolic the common laboratory bacterium Escherichia coli, for
functions into organelles, such as mitochondria and example, is about 1 × 3 µm and has a rod or bacillus
chloroplasts, which are absent in prokaryotes. These shape. Other bacteria are spheres or coccus shaped
organelles are often visible under standard light micros- (the plural is cocci), and the vibrios have a comma-like
Introduction 15

Eukaryotic ­ volution of eukaryotes. Regardless, this discussion illus-

cell trates again the key importance of microbes, here in
Nucleus exploring basic questions about the evolution of early
life on the planet.
Lab bacterium

Separating microbes into functional groups
An entirely different way to divide up the microbial
Virus world is to sort microbes into various groups based on
their metabolic capacity and physiology (Figure 1.13). The
1 μm
metabolism of a particular group will then help define
Figure 1.12 Size of eukaryotes, bacteria, and viruses. These
its role in the ecosystem—its function. Before discussing
organisms and viruses vary greatly in size and shape. A “lab some basic functional groups, it is useful to step back and
bacterium” is one grown in nutrient-rich media in the remember what organisms need to survive and to repro-
laboratory. duce. In the most basic terms, organisms need the raw
materials that make up a cell, the most abundant being
appearance. In contrast, bacteria and archaea in most carbon. A microbe also needs a source of energy from
natural environments are much smaller, about 0.5 µm, which ATP can be synthesized. ATP, the universal cur-
and usually appear as simple cocci. There are reports of rency of energy, is used to drive biosynthetic reactions
even smaller bacteria, called nanobacteria or ultrami- that turn raw starting compounds into cellular compo-
crobacteria, with cells on the order of 0.1 µm. However, nents and ultimately more cells. Finally, microbes also
it is hard to fit all cellular components necessary for a free- need chemicals for various oxidation–reduction (“redox”)
living organism into a 0.1 µm cell. Just one important reactions that transfer electrons from one compound to
component, a ribosome, alone is typically about 0.025 another. Biosynthesis sometimes requires elements in
µm in diameter. the starting material to be reduced. In this case, electrons
The final general characteristic distinguishing prokary- from an “electron donor” are transferred to the starting
otes and eukaryotes is metabolic diversity. Eukaryotes material in a redox reaction. The most important example
have two basic types of metabolism, one found in is the reduction of CO2 to organic carbon, a reaction that
plants (autotrophy) and the other in animals (aerobic all autotrophs carry out by definition. Other microbes
­heterotrophy). Prokaryotes have many variations of need compounds to accept electrons (“terminal electron
autotrophy and heterotrophy and many unusual path- acceptor”), an example being oxygen, which receives the
ways with no analogs in eukaryotes. These pathways electrons produced by the oxidation of organic material.
include the reduction of nitrogen gas to ammonium Functional groups can be defined by other aspects of
(nitrogen fixation is discussed in Chapter 12) and the microbial metabolism, but how a microbe satisfies these
synthesis of methane (see Chapter 11 for more on meth- three needs—carbon, energy, and redox compounds—
anogenesis). The metabolic diversity of prokaryotes is is an important first step in defining its role in the
vast and important in driving a great variety of biogeo- ecosystem.
chemical processes in the biosphere. A few functional groups are now discussed in order to
This book uses the three-domain framework (bacteria, define more terms used throughout the book.
archaea, and microbial eukaryotes), depicted in the Tree of
Life (Figure 1.11), to discuss differences among microbes,
ecosystems, and biogeochemical processes. However, Autotroph versus heterotroph
there are other hypotheses and versions of the Tree of These terms refer to the source of carbon and are equiva-
Life. One version has only two domains, with Eukarya lent to “plant” and “animal” in the macroscopic world.
branching within the Archaea (Hug et al., 2016). These However, “plant” and “animal” are not used to describe
different versions have different implications for the even eukaryotic microbes because they are misleading

Source of
Light Chemical

Phototrophy Chemotrophy

+H2O –H2O +Inorganic

Source of +Organic C

Oxygenic Anoxygenic Heterotrophy Chemolithotrophy

photosynthesis photosynthesis (Chemoautotrophy)
+O2 Terminal –O2
e– acceptor

Aerobic Anaerobic
heterotrophy heterotrophy

Figure 1.13 Microbial metabolisms that define many of the functional groups found in natural environments. “–H2O” indicates
sources of electrons other than H2O, even though water is still present. “–O2” indicates the use of terminal electron (e−)
acceptors other than O2. Oxygenic photosynthetic microbes, anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria, and chemolithotrophs use
carbon dioxide as a carbon source, making them autotrophs, whereas heterotrophs use organic carbon. Adapted from Fenchel
and Blackburn (1979).

and inaccurate. The terms do not reflect evolution further subdivided depending on the source of the elec-
(microbes gave rise to higher plants and animals), and trons used for reducing CO2 to organic material. Higher
many microbes have both plant-like and animal-like plants, eukaryotic algae, and cyanobacteria use water
metabolisms. Rather, microbial ecologists use autotroph and produce oxygen, making them oxygenic photoauto-
and heterotroph. The etymology of these words helps in trophs. Other bacteria do not use water and do not evolve
remembering their definitions. “Auto” and “hetero” are oxygen; these are called anoxygenic photoautotrophs.
from the Greek meaning “self” and “different,” respectively, The source of electrons used by an important example of
while “troph” refers to food. So, an autotroph uses CO2 anoxygenic photoautotrophy is hydrogen sulfide.
to make its own organic carbon, whereas a heterotroph The other major source of energy is from the oxida-
uses organic carbon made by other organisms. When tion of reduced compounds. Organisms living off these
fueled by light or in some cases chemical energy, the oxidation reactions are chemotrophs. Microbes using
autotrophs are primary producers upon which all organic compounds are chemoorganotrophs, although
­heterotrophs directly or indirectly depend. heterotroph is the term used more frequently. Homo
sapiens and other animals are chemoorganotrophs, spe-
cifically aerobic heterotrophs. Less common are those
Phototroph versus chemotroph organisms capable of gaining energy from the oxidation of
The other major characteristic distinguishing microbes reduced inorganic compounds. This type of metabolism,
is the source of energy used for biomass synthesis. chemolithotrophy, is restricted to the prokaryotes, and
Phototrophs have devised means to capture light energy no eukaryote is known to use it for ATP synthesis,
and convert it to chemical energy. Many phototrophs are although some eukaryotes take advantage of chemo-
also autotrophs, whereas some microbes are mainly het- lithotrophic symbionts (Chapter 14). Because the middle
erotrophic and only supplement their energy supply syllable, “litho,” is derived from the Greek for “rock,”
with light energy; these microbes are called photoheter- chemolithotrophs could be called “rock eaters.” Rather
otrophs or mixotrophs. Microbes using light energy to than rocks, however, chemolithotrophs use compounds
fix CO2 are photoautotrophs. Photoautotrophs can be like ammonium and hydrogen sulfide (Chapter 11).
Introduction 17

Combining structure and function depends on knowing microbial community structure,

and that work will be discussed here too. Today in micro-
Much of this book will be about the processes carried
bial ecology, we want it all. We want to know about the
out by the functional groups just discussed and others.
processes, the functions, and the names and abundance
These processes can be discussed without detailed infor-
of microbes carrying out those processes: the structure.
mation about the types and abundance of microbes car-
Exploring processes and the microbes driving them is the
rying out the process—their community structure. But
heart of this book.
answering many other questions in microbial ecology

1. There are many reasons for studying microbial ecology, ranging from human health to the degradation of
organic pollutants. The work of microbial ecologists is also important in examining the impact of
greenhouse gases and other climate change issues.
2. Another rationale for studying microbial ecology is that microbes, especially bacteria, are the most
numerous organisms on the planet and mediate many essential biogeochemical processes. Although not
counted as organisms, viruses are even more abundant than bacteria.
3. Traditional cultivation-dependent approaches are often not successful for examining microbes in nature
because many microbes cannot be isolated and maintained as pure cultures in the laboratory.
4. Sequences of SSU rRNA genes (16S rRNA in prokaryotes, 18S rRNA in eukaryotes) are used to define
phylogenetic groups of Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. These organisms also differ in several key aspects,
including their cellular composition and metabolism.
5. Microbes can also be divided into functional groups, based on the mechanisms for acquiring carbon and
energy and on the compounds used in redox reactions. Photoautotrophs use light energy and CO2, whereas
chemoorganotrophs, or more simply, heterotrophs, obtain both energy and carbon from organic
6. Linking community structure (the numbers and types of microbes in a community) with functions, such as
food web interactions and biogeochemical processes, is a major theme in microbial ecology.

Elements, biochemicals, and

structures of microbes

This chapter will continue to introduce microbes by dis- Dover, made of the calcium carbonate from an alga. On
cussing the composition of bacteria, fungi, and protists. a smaller physical scale is the impact of microbial cellular
We will see examples of how composition can inform our components on the chemical make-up of aquatic habi-
understanding of microbial processes in natural environ- tats and soils. Although not as obvious as a cliff, this con-
ments. Here, “composition” includes virtually everything tribution has a large impact on the environment and on
found in microbes, ranging from elements to complex macro- biogeochemical cycles. An understanding of these effects
molecular structures. This information will be used in later starts with knowing what makes up a microbe.
chapters to understand the ecology of microbes and to The elements discussed here and others found in
explain the role of particular microbes in biogeochemical microbial cells are just a few of the many elements affected
cycles. Chapter 10 has a few words about the composition by microbial activity. In addition to the major elements
of viruses. making up microbes (C, hydrogen [H], N, oxygen [O], P, and
Microbiologists usually discuss the composition of sulfur [S]), several other elements are required by microbes,
microbes in terms of macromolecules, such as protein, albeit usually in very small amounts as “micro-nutrients”,
RNA, and DNA. Microbial ecologists and biogeochemists such as nickel (Ni) and boron (B). Still others are not in­­
often think of composition in terms of elements, most corporated into cellular structures but their chemical state
prominently carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus can be modified by microbes. The example of uranium (U)
(P), and ratios of elements, such as the C:N ratio. Both was discussed in Chapter 1. In total, microbes have some
approaches are used here for a complete picture of what use for 63 of 98 elements found in nature (Stolz, 2017).
makes up a microbial cell. Some of the information pre-
sented here is from basic microbiology and experiments
Elemental composition of microbes
with laboratory-grown microbes. Although we can learn
much from these experiments, we will see that the com- Figure 2.1 illustrates how the relative abundance of
position of microbes grown in the laboratory differs from elements found in cells differs from the abundance of
that of microbes in natural environments. These differ- these elements in the Earth’s crust, the ultimate source
ences give clues about how microbes survive and often of the building blocks for life. The Earth’s crust has high
thrive in nature. amounts of silicon (Si), but only some algae (diatoms—
Composition also helps to explain the imprint of see Chapter 6), and a few other protists use Si. Although
microbes on the environment. The contents of microbial sodium (Na) and magnesium (Mg) are abundant in the
cells are released by various processes and left behind in Earth’s crust and as major cations in natural environments,
soils and aquatic habitats. These remains can contribute they are not large components of biochemical structures
to large geological formations, such as the White Cliffs of in microbes.

Processes in Microbial Ecology. Second Edition. David L. Kirchman. Oxford University Press (2018). © David L. Kirchman 2018. 18
DOI 10.1093/oso/9780198789406.001.0001

100 Table 2.1 Major and trace biogenic elements used by

microbes in nature. The order roughly reflects the abundance
Si O
in microbes. Trace elements are used in more components
10 and enzymes than listed here. See Zhang and Gladyshev
Na (2010) for more detail about some of the trace elements.
Earth’s crust (%)

1 Element Chemical form Location or use in cell
in naturea
H Major biogenic elements
0.1 S
All organic compounds
C N N2, NO3
Proteins, nucleic acids
0.01 N P PO 4 Nucleic acids, phospholipids,
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 S SO 4 Cysteine and methionine, Fe–S
Cell composition (%) clusters
Si Si(OH)4 Diatom frustules
Figure 2.1 Elemental composition of the Earth’s crust and
Trace biogenic elements
of a typical cell. The line indicates equal percentages in both
Fe Fe3+ organic Electron transfer system
cells and the crust. The three elements in bold (C, N, and P)
Mn Mn2+, MnO2, Superoxide dismutase,
are those that commonly limit microbial growth in nature.
MnOOH photosystem II
Note that some elements are highly enriched in cells
Mg Mg2+ Chlorophyll
compared to the inert world (those below the line), whereas
Ni Ni2+ organic Urease, hydrogenase
others are present in only low amounts in cells compared to
Zn Zn2+ organic Carbonic anhydrase, protease,
the Earth’s crust (those above the line). These differences are
alkaline phosphatase, methyl
true even though the values vary with the organism.
coenzyme M reductase
Cu Cu2+ organic Electron transfer system,
superoxide dismutase
Microbes do require these cations for growth to main- Co Co2+ organic Vitamin B12
tain osmotic balance and for some enzyme and mem- Se SeO 4
Formate dehydrogenase
brane functions, but the cations make up a very small Mo MoO 4 Nitrogenases, nitrate reductase
fraction of the average microbial cell. In total, inorganic Cd Cd organic
Carbonic anhydrase
I IO3 Electron acceptor
ions make up only about 1% of the dry weight of a micro- 2-
W WO 4 Substitutes for Mo in some
bial cell. Use of these cations by microbes is also insig- oxidoreductases
nificant compared to the large concentrations usually V H2 VO 4
found in natural environments. Another abundant
Those metals listed with “organic” occur mainly in organic complexes.
cation, calcium (Ca2+), is used only by select algae
(­coccolithophorids—see Chapter 6), but not by bacteria,
archaea, and fungi, except as cationic bridges among The most important micronutrient is iron (Fe). Nearly
polymers. The major biogenic elements are C, N, P, and S all microbes require iron but only relatively low amounts
(Table 2.1). of it; the C:Fe ratio is on the order of 10,000 for most
Several other elements occur only in trace amounts in microbes. Iron is used mainly for electron transfer reac-
the Earth’s crust and in cells. Although only vanishingly tions, such as in respiration and photosynthesis. Because
small amounts are needed, these trace elements or iron is abundant in the Earth’s crust, there is enough of
micronutrients are essential for microbial growth. Metals the element to support microbial growth in most envir­
like zinc (Zn) and cobalt (Co) are important co-factors in onments. Iron is very abundant in soils, for example,
some enzymes, such as the enzyme mediating urea deg- varying from 0.05% in coarse-textured soils to >10% in
radation (urease needs Zn) and the vitamin B12-requiring highly weathered soils (oxisols) in the tropics. However,
enzymes (they contain Co). A few microbes use more there are two important examples where iron concen-
rare and strange metals such as tungsten (W) and trations are low and may be insufficient for microbial
nickel (Ni). growth. Being far from terrestrial sources, the open

“You are what

Box 2.1 Types of limitations you eat”

Elemental ratio of microbe

A general question in microbial ecology is about the
factors setting or limiting growth rates and bio-
mass levels for a microbial population in nature.
The regulation of rate processes is due to Blackman-
type limitation, while Liebig-type limitation refers
to the control of biomass levels. The men who lent Homeostasis
their names to these terms were not microbiologists.
F. F. Blackman was a British plant physiologist who
proposed his eponymous law of limiting factors Elemental ratio of resource
in 1905. Justus von Liebig, a nineteenth-century
Figure 2.2 Potential relationships between the elemental
German chemist, worked on crop yields and cor- ratio (e.g. C:N) of the resource used by a microbial consumer
rectly hypothesized that plants get nutrients from and the ratio of the consumer itself. With homeostasis (the
inorganic rather than organic compounds, but horizontal line), a microbe is able to maintain a constant
thought, incorrectly, that decomposition was an elemental ratio even though the resource varies. The other
extreme is the lack of any control, such that the elemental
abiotic process (Smil, 2001).
ratio of the microbe varies proportionally with the ratio of
the resource. In this case, “you are what you eat.” Modified
oceans do not receive much iron because its dominant from Sterner and Elser (2002).
form, Fe(III) oxide, is insoluble in oxygenated water at
near neutral pH (Chapter 3). Uptake by microbes reduces of microbes by comparing their make-up in terms of
iron concentrations to very low levels (10−12 M, or pM). C, N, and other elements with the composition in the
Iron is also low in vertebrate serum because of the resources (dissolved compounds, particulate detritus, or
same chemistry keeping concentrations low in the prey) available to them. Change in the elemental make-
open ocean. Concentrations of free iron are further up of the microbe is also informative. Microbes have some
reduced by binding of iron by a protein, transferrin, capacity, termed “homeostasis,” to maintain elemental
produced by the animal host. These low concentrations ratios the same even in the face of changing growth con-
can limit the growth of pathogenic bacteria (Skaar, 2010). ditions (Figure 2.2). In other cases, however, the elemental
The bacter­ium causing Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdor­ ratio of a microbe changes along with the change in the
feri, is successful in part because it does not appear to ratio of the resource.
require iron. Elemental ratios can be used to examine a variety of
Of the six most abundant elements in bacteria, two biogeochemical and microbial processes in both terres-
(O and H) are readily obtained from water, and a third trial and aquatic ecosystems. For example, high C:P ratios
(S) from a major anion in natural environments (sulfate; could imply microbial growth is limited by P availability,
4 ). The remaining three elements, C, N, and P, are
SO 2− and similarly for high C:N ratios, an N limitation. Another
those thought to limit microbial growth most frequently example discussed in Chapter 7 is the use of C:N ratios
in natural environments. to deduce whether heterotrophic microbes are net pro-
ducers or consumers of ammonium. Latitudinal variation
in soil and litter ratios has been used to explain changes
Elemental ratios in biogeochemical cycles
in the make-up and functioning of soil microbial com-
and studies
munities (Zechmeister-Boltenstern et al., 2015), and ratios
Ecologists and biogeochemists often use elemental ratios of nitrate to phosphate concentrations have been used
to explore various questions in food web dynamics and to identify regions of the oceans where denitri­fication
in elemental cycles in the biosphere. We gain insights (loss of nitrate to N gases) and N fixation are common
into what may control or “limit” the biomass and activity (Chapter 12).

The use of elemental ratios to examine biogeochem­ Boltenstern et al., 2015), reflecting the vast differences in
ical processes started with Alfred Redfield (1890–1983), environmental conditions between the two ecosystems.
who compared the composition of free-floating organ- What is more remarkable, however, are the similarities.
isms (the plankton) in seawater and of major nutrients Perhaps most elegantly, the Redfield ratio can be
(Redfield, 1958). Redfield found that the ratio of C:N:P used to explore how primary production and respiration
was 106:16:1 (in atoms) in the plankton, and that the N:P affect the concentrations of the major nutrients in oxic
ratio was very similar to the ratio of nitrate to phosphate ecosystems. The following equation is built on the Redfield
concentrations in the deep ocean. This observation was ratio:
crucial in establishing the role of microbes in influen­
106CO2 + 16HNO3 +H3PO 4 + 122H2 O
cing oceanic chemistry. It is a great example of microbes (2.1).
↔ (CH2O)106 (NH3 )16 H3PO 4 + 138O2 
molding their environment. Since then, the “Redfield
ratios” of C:N = 6.6:1 and C:P = 106:1, have been used The reaction proceeding left to right (CO2 → CH2O) is
extensively in oceanography, limnology, and other aquatic primary production, while the opposite reaction (CH2O
sciences. The Redfield concept has also been used in → CO2) is aerobic mineralization of organic material
soil sciences (Cleveland and Liptzin, 2007). The ratios for back to its inorganic constituents. (Here and throughout
isolated soil organisms are remarkably similar to their the book, “CH2O” symbolizes a generic organic com-
aquatic relatives, with an important exception (higher pound.) An example exploring this mineralization is given
plants), which will be discussed. The ratios vary greatly in Figure 2.3, which was used to deduce the amount
depending on the organism, soil type, vegetation, and cli- of phosphate released during mineralization. However,
mate regime (latitude) of the soils. These soil ratios are Equation 2.1 is not entirely accurate, and it hides some
statistically different from the Redfield ratio and the critical reactions. For example, the equation implies
elemental ratios found in aquatic systems (Zechmeister- that nitrate (NO3− ) is released during respiration and


DO/DP = 270 ± 20

Phosphate (μmol L–1)

1.5 Cariaco Trench

Atlantic Ocean
Black Sea


0 200 400 600 800 1000
Apparent O2 Use (μmol L–1)

Figure 2.3 Illustration of the stoichiometric relations between elements set by biological processes, here the aerobic
mineralization of organic material (apparent oxygen use) and an end product of mineralization, phosphate. Apparent oxygen
use is the difference between the observed oxygen concentration at a depth and the concentration when the water was in
equilibrium with the atmosphere. Data taken from Redfield (1958).

degradation of organic material, but in fact ammonium the precise values depend on the organisms and growth
(NH+4 ) is the main nitrogenous compound produced conditions used for calculating the average. Larger organ-
during mineralization of organic material. A couple of isms, such as zooplankton (mainly copepods, which are a
additional steps, which are part of nitrification (Chapter 12), type of aquatic crustacean, roughly a millimeter in size)
are needed to oxidize NH+4 to NO3− . Regardless, the and Collembola, commonly called springtails (millimeter-
equation and elemental ratios are very powerful and suc- sized insect-like invertebrates in soils), have higher C:N
cinct descriptions of the interactions between microbes ratios and less N than bacteria and other microbes
and the geochemistry of natural environments. (Hunt et al., 1987). It is remarkable that insects and their
planktonic version in lakes and the oceans, the zooplank-
ton, have such similar C:N and C:P ratios (Elser et al., 2000).
C:N and C:P ratios for microbes
The C:P ratios also differ substantially among microbes,
The ratios C:N and C:P are used most frequently in micro- and between microbes and larger organisms. Heter­
bial ecology and biogeochemistry. These ratios vary sub- otrophic bacteria from soils or water also have more P
stantially among species of a particular microbial group than other organisms, including fungi and algae. The C:P
(Chrzanowski and Foster, 2014) and within a species ratio for heterotrophic bacteria (<100) is lower than that
because of nutrient status. As previously mentioned, for fungi and eukaryotic algae (>100). The C:P ratios
nitrogen starvation can lead to high C:N ratios, and phos- for two coccoid cyanobacterial genera common in the
phorus starvation has the same effect on C:P ratios. Before oceans, Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus, are much
discussing this variation in more detail, it is useful to look higher (less P) than the ratios for heterotrophic bacteria.
at the grand averages and see if there are any fundamental Total P amounts are low in these cyanobacteria because
differences among organisms. their membranes have less P than the membranes of
Bacteria, whether from soils or the oceans, tend to be other microbes. Rather than the standard phospholipids,
more N-rich and have lower C:N ratios than other microbes, Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus have mostly sulfoli-
such as fungi, algae, and other protists (Table 2.2). pids (Van Mooy et al., 2009). An abundant heterotrophic
Heterotrophic bacteria tend to be more N-rich than even marine bacterium, Pelagibacter, also can synthesize lipids
cyanobacteria. The C:N of bacteria is often <5, lower without phosphate when starved for P (Carini et al., 2015).
(more N) than that of fungi and eukaryotic algae, which Low-P lipids are one reason why cyanobacteria and Pela­
have C:N ratios of about 9 and 7.7, the latter being not gibacter are so abundant in oligotrophic oceans where
significantly different from the Redfield ratio (Table 2.2); phosphate concentrations are very low (<10 nM).

Table 2.2 Elemental ratios, expressed in moles, of some microbes and other organisms.

Organism C:N C:P Comments Reference

Marine coccoid cyanobacteria 5.4 ± 0.4 135 ± 22 Three species Bertilsson et al. (2003)
Eukaryotic algae 7.7 ± 1.2 124 ± 19 15 species Ho et al. (2003)
Higher plants 36 ± 23 970 ± 700 492 species Elser et al. (2000)

Soil bacteria 4.6 ± 1.5 75 ± 29 41 leaf litter isolates Mouginot et al. (2014)
Marine heterotrophic bacteria 4.9 ± 1.0 87 ± 33 13 species Zimmerman et al. (2014)
Soil fungi* 9.2 ± 4.8 120 ± 68 45 leaf litter isolates Mouginot et al. (2014)
Protists 6.8 ± 0.9 102 ± 56 Paraphysomonas Goldman et al. (1987b)
Zooplankton 6.3 ± 1.3 120 ± 47 43 freshwater species Elser et al. (2000)
Insects 6.5 ± 1.9 116 ± 72 130 species Elser et al. (2000)

* Zhang and Elser (2017) calculated a median C:N:P ratio of 250:16:1 for over 125 fungal species.

What stands out about the C:N and C:P ratios in dry weight of algae, fungi (including yeasts), and bacteria
Table 2.2 is the very high values for vascular plants on (Table 2.3). Protein, the main metabolic machinery of all
land. Large terrestrial plants have much more C per N cells, occurs mostly as enzymes that catalyze reactions
or per P than seen for the aquatic primary producers, both within a cell and in the micron-scale environment
including cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae. This dif- surrounding the cell. In addition to enzymes, other pro-
ference is due to the large amount of cellulose, lignin, and teins mediate transport of compounds across cell mem-
other structural polysaccharides needed by higher plants branes (active transport proteins), while others make up
to remain erect in air and to ward off herbivores. In con- flagella and cilia, the propellers used by motile microbes
trast, cyanobacteria and algae do not need these struc- for moving through aqueous environments.
tural polysaccharides for support (the surrounding water The relative amounts of the two classes of nucleic acids,
supports them), and they rely on other anti-herbivory RNA and DNA, vary greatly among microbes. Bacteria
defenses. This fundamental requirement for structural have relatively more RNA and DNA than do the other
polysaccharides means that the detritus from terrestrial microbes, at least for the growth conditions used to gen-
plants is much less rich in N and P than the detritus from erate the data in Table 2.3. The bacteria data used in
microbial primary producers. Table 2.3 were taken from E. coli growing rapidly in the
laboratory, more rapidly than the other organisms in the
table. Bacteria and many other organisms generally have
Biochemical composition of microbes
more ribosomes and thus more ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
The elemental composition and ratios of organisms are when growing rapidly in order to support fast rates of
mainly determined by the composition of the organic protein synthesis. Ribosomal RNA makes up about 80%
compounds making up the macromolecules of cells. The of the RNA in all organisms, while 15% is taken up by
main macromolecules—proteins, nucleic acids, polysac- transfer RNA (tRNA), which ferries amino acids to the
charides, and lipids—contain >97% of the elements found ribosomes, and only 5% by messenger RNA (mRNA),
in microbes (Table 2.3). Concentrations of small com- which is used to direct the amino acids into the proper
pounds, like glucose, amino acids, and salts, are low (<3%), order to synthesize the protein of interest. Bacteria may
although fluxes through the pools of these compounds seem to have more DNA than other organisms, but that
can be quite high. is only true in a relative sense. The absolute amount of
Protein is the largest component of most microbial DNA—the genome size—in bacteria is less than that of
cells, most of the time, making up about 30–55% of the eukaryotic microbes. For example, the genome of the

Table 2.3 Biochemical composition of various microbes. Data for a bacterium (E. coli) and two fungi (Rhizoctoni solani and
Sclerotium bataticola) are from Ingraham et al. (1983) and Gottlieb and Van Etten (1966), respectively. The data for the eight
yeast species and 117 algal species are from Finkel et al. (2016). NA: not available.

% of dry weight

Biochemical component Bacteria Yeasts Fungi Algae

Protein 55.0 32 10.7* 32.2

Lipids 15.3 5.4 34.2 17.3
RNA 13.7 4.8 5.4 5.6
DNA 10.0 0.1 0.4 1.0
Carbohydrates 4.1 24 42.8 15.0
Monomers 2.1 NA 2.1 NA
Inorganic components† 0 8.6 0 17.3
Total 100.2 74.9 95.6 88.4

* Other studies have found that the protein content of fungi is about 30% (Christias et al., 1975).
† Algae like diatoms and coccolithophorids have large amounts of silicate and calcium carbonate in their cell walls. The algae also had another 1% of dry
weight attributable to chlorophyll.

archetypical bacterium, E. coli, with its 4.6 × 106 base heterotrophic bacteria, starting with one growing quickly
pairs (4.6 Mb) is more than seven-fold smaller than the in the laboratory (Table 2.4). The composition of this
34 Mb genome of the eukaryotic alga Thalassiosira pseu­ bac­terium includes a number of different macromol­
donana. Genome size is discussed in Chapter 5. ecules, some present in multiple “copies,” the term used
The biochemical data help to explain why different to describe the presence of several molecules with the
organisms have different C:N and C:P ratios. The low C:N same molecular formula and structure. A rapidly growing
ratios of bacteria are explained by their high amounts of E. coli cell has about a thousand different proteins, each
N-rich protein, whereas the low C:P ratios of these ranging in abundance from one molecule or “copy” to
microbes is consistent with their levels of DNA and RNA, multiple copies per cell. Each ribosome alone has about
which have high amounts of P as well as N. Bacteria have 55 proteins but only one 16S rRNA molecule. The E. coli
almost three-fold more nucleic acids, depending on cell growing at its maximum rate (doubling time of 24
growth rates, than large algae and fungi when expressed min) has about 72,000 ribosomes. The number of unique
as a percentage of total cell mass (Table 2.3), while these mRNA molecules in this rapidly growing bacterium is
microbial groups have nearly equal relative amounts of only about 400. However, because some are present in
protein. Because nucleic acids are P-rich, whereas pro- several copies, the total number of mRNA molecules in a
tein has no P, the difference results in lower C:P ratios for rapidly growing bacterial cell is over a thousand.
bacteria. Two other connections between elemental ratios The numbers for a typical heterotrophic bacterium in
and biochemical composition have already been men- a natural environment with low organic carbon concen-
tioned: the high C:N and the polysaccharide content in trations are much different (Figure 2.4). First, this natural
higher plants, and the high C:P ratios and the replace- bacterium has fewer genes than bacteria like E. coli
ment by sulfolipids of phospholipids in cyanobacteria. that can be grown easily in the laboratory, reflecting the
It is worthwhile looking in more detail at the bio- genome sizes of these organisms. The typical natural
chemical composition of one type of microbe, the bacterium also has fewer proteins, over half the number

Table 2.4 Biochemical composition of a “typical” bacterial cell (E. coli) growing rapidly (40 minutes doubling time) in the
laboratory. Data from Neidhardt et al. (1990).

Weight per cell Number of molecules per cell

Component % of dry weight 10–15

g Total Unique molecules

Protein 55.0 155 2,360,000 1050

RNA 20.5 59
23S rRNA 31 18,700 1
16S rRNA 16 18,700 1
5S rRNA 1 18,700 1
tRNA 8.6 205,000 60
mRNA 2.4 1380 400
DNA 3.1 9 2 1
Lipid 9.1 26 22,000,000 4
Lipopolysaccharides 3.4 10 1,200,000 1
Peptidoglycan 2.5 7 1 1
Glycogen 2.5 7 4360 1
Macromolecules 96.1 273
Soluble pool 2.9 8
Inorganic ions 1 3
Total dry weight 100 284
Water (70%) 670
Total weight 954

found in the laboratory-grown bacterium. The difference 107

is consistent with the smaller size of the natural bac­ Small, slow growing
terium, as pointed out in Chapter 1. The biggest differ- Large, rapidly growing
ence is the number of mRNA molecules or transcripts in

Number per cell

the two types of bacteria. The natural bacterium has only 105
about 200 transcripts, ten-fold fewer than found in the
typical laboratory-grown bacterium, reflecting the small 104
size and slow growth of these natural organisms. Protists
in the ocean also have a low number of mRNA molecules
(Liu et al., 2017).
Both fast and slow growing bacteria have far fewer
transcripts than they have proteins (more than 1000-fold Genes Transcripts Proteins
fewer) or genes (three-fold fewer for the laboratory Figure 2.4 Number of genes, transcripts (mRNA), and
bacterium and over ten-fold for the natural bacterium). proteins for a typical bacterium growing slowly in a natural
Bacterial metabolism can carry on with so few transcripts environment with low organic carbon concentrations, and
because they are synthesized and degraded (“turned for a bacterium growing rapidly in the laboratory with
high concentrations. Data from Table 2.4 and Moran
over”) very quickly; the life span of a transcript within a
et al. (2013).
cell is only a few minutes and is not thought to vary
much with growth rate (Moran et al., 2013). In contrast,
genes have to last the lifetime of the cell, and proteins heterotrophic organisms (they are “homeostatic” in this
nearly so too; protein turnover in bacteria is limited. This case), although there are important exceptions (Persson
strategy seems the best for minimizing costs while still et al., 2010). In contrast, autotrophs are generally more
maintaining cellular functions. Although a bacterium can- flexible (“plastic”) and can vary their composition more
not get rid of a gene or protein without losing a function, so than heterotrophs.
a transcript is not needed after translation and synthesis Relative nucleic acid content changes more as the
of the protein, so it can be degraded. If needed, bacteria growth rate increases than does protein, because of
can quickly turn mRNA synthesis on, giving them the changes in both DNA and RNA (Figure 2.5). The relative
potential to respond rapidly to changing environmental contribution of DNA to total cell mass decreases, because
conditions. cell mass increases while genome size does not change
with growth rate. The biggest change, however, is the
large increase in RNA with increasing growth rate. RNA
Variation in elemental ratios and biochemical
also increases with growth rate in eukaryotic microbes,
including protists and fungi (ter Kuile and Bonilla, 1999;
In addition to variation among different microbes, both Grimmett et al., 2013) and even in larger organisms like
the elemental ratios and biochemical composition of the mangrove trees (Reef et al., 2010). As already discussed,
same microbe can vary due to changes in growth condi- rRNA scales with growth because fast-growing cells need
tions. One example is the variation in the major macro- more rRNA for more ribosomes and higher rates of pro-
molecules making up the bacterium Klebsiella aerogenes, tein synthesis. Indeed, fast-growing bacteria can have a
growing at different rates (Figure 2.5). These data help to thousand-fold more ribosomes than slow-growing bac-
explain variation in elemental ratios observed for other teria. Rather than the 10,000 or more ribosomes of a fast
bacteria in natural environments. Although some of the growing bacterium, slow growing microbes have only
macromolecules and elemental ratios change, the rela- the bare minimum. A bacterium in an aquifer has only 42
tive amount of protein decreases only slightly even when (Luef et al., 2015), and an archaeon growing slowly in an
growth rate varies by about ten-fold. This fairly constant acid mine drainage community has 92 ribosomes (Comolli
protein content helps to explain the lack of large vari­ et al., 2008). Most ribosomes are involved in protein
ation in C:N ratios in bacteria and also in many other synthesis (80% in E. coli), and rates of protein synthesis

80 0.6

60 0.5
25 0.4

% of total mass

Cell mass (pg)

20 0.3
15 Cell mass
RNA 0.2

DNA 0.1

0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Growth rate (h–1)

Figure 2.5 Variation in macromolecules (% of total cell mass) and total mass as a function of growth rate for a heterotrophic
bacterium (Klebsiella aerogenes) growing in pure culture in the laboratory. Data from Mandelstam et al. (1982).

per ribosome do not change. Given the high costs of syn- Variation in C:N and C:P ratios complicates biogeo-
thesizing ribosomes, a cell will have only the ribosomes chemical models that assume constant ratios. But this
needed for protein synthesis. The increase in ribosome variation reflects fundamental changes in the biochemical
numbers leads to more space within the cell taken up by composition of microbes responding to environmental
ribosomes, which in turn leads to an overall increase in cell conditions. It can provide unique insights into the con-
size with growth rate (Figure 2.5). Ribosomes account trols of microbial growth and their contribution to bio-
not only for a large fraction of total RNA (80%, as men- geochemical processes.
tioned before), but also of dry weight (20–40%).
Because of the connection with P-rich ribosomes and
Architecture of a microbial cell
growth, C:P ratios can vary with growth rate. Under
P-limitation, the C:P ratio varies from 116:1 to 869:1 for Arguably the most important physical characteristic of a
some freshwater bacteria (Godwin and Cotner, 2015). microbial cell is its size, as already alluded to in Chapter 1.
This effect of growth rate has been seen for many other Cell size of many bacteria and other microbes varies with
microbes and other organisms (Elser et al., 2003). The growth rate and other growth conditions. For example,
“coupling” or covariation among growth, RNA content, protists get smaller with higher temperatures, perhaps to
and biomass P levels is at the heart of the “growth rate compensate for the decrease in gas solubility that would
hypothesis,” which posits that the relative phosphorus compromise O2 and CO2 exchange (Atkinson et al., 2003).
content of organisms increases with growth rate due to However, variation in cell size within one type of microbe
higher numbers of ribosomes. Other P-rich macromol­ is small compared to the variation between all microbes.
ecules may also scale with growth and cell size for some The diameter of microbes ranges at least 100-fold, from
microbes (Garcia et al., 2016). Regardless of the macro- about 0.5 μm for bacteria to over 50 μm for some eukary­
molecule, C:P ratios can vary greatly, not only for bacteria otes. One of the smallest free-living bacteria, found in an
but other organisms as well. The hypothesis has been aquifer, is only about 0.3 μm in diameter (Luef et al., 2015),
supported by work in environments with low P availabil- while candidates for the largest protists include slime
ity for bacteria, algae, and other protists. The coupling molds and a type of foraminifera, Syringammina fragilis­
among growth and biomass P levels becomes less tight, sima, both of which can be about 20–30 cm in diameter
however, when growth is set by nitrogen. (Hughes and Gooday, 2004). The diameter of a fungal cell

Virus Fungus

50 Oligotrophic

Surface area: volume





0.1 1 10
Diameter (μm)

Figure 2.6 Surface area to volume ratio as a function of organism size. Because surface area depends on r2, while volume
scales with r3, where r is the radius of a cell, the ratio decreases as a function of 1/r. A bacterium growing in oligotrophic
environments with very low nutrients may be half or less than the size of a copiotrophic bacterium living with high nutrient
concentrations. Protists can vary from a micron to tens of microns in diameter. The cell diameter of a fungal cell is 2–10 μm, but
several cells may be linked in a hypha stretching several meters.

is 2-10 μm, but a string of fungal cells making up “hyphae,” remarkably similar for bacteria and eukaryotes. In both
which is a common morphology for these organisms, bacteria and eukaryotes, the glycerol and hydrocarbon
can stretch for meters in length. Some bacteria, cyanobac- chain are linked by an ester bond (Figure 2.7), whereas
teria, and algae form chains superficially similar to in archaea, the two are linked by an ether bond. In
hyphae, or they bundle together in colonies consisting archaea, however, these hydrocarbon chains are often
of several cells arranged in two- or three-dimensional highly branched with saturated isoprenes and complete
shapes, occasionally reaching sizes big enough to see with- rings. Ether lipids are more stable at high temperatures
out the aid of a microscope. Formation of chains or col­ than ester lipids and may give archaea a selective advan-
onies and cell size in general have many implications for tage in hot environments (Valentine, 2007).
predation, competition, and other ecological interactions, Some small hydrophobic molecules and gases may
as mentioned already in Chapter 1. Some of these inter- pass the lipid bilayers, but hydrophilic or charged com-
actions are affected by an important aspect of cell size, pounds cannot. Ammonia (NH3), for example, readily dif-
the surface area to volume ratio (Figure 2.6). This ratio has fuses across membranes, but ammonium (NH+4 ) does
implications for competition for dissolved material and for not. Very few compounds needed by microbes for growth
thinking about biochemical composition of a microbe. are both small and without a charge. To facilitate the
transport of molecules across membranes, all cells have
membrane proteins that span the phospholipid bilayer.
Membranes of microbes and active transport Some of these membrane proteins are non-specific
All cells, whether microbial or those in macroscopic “porins” that allow into the cell all compounds below a
organisms, must have a barrier, a membrane that separates ­particular size. Several transport proteins are designed to
cellular components in the cytoplasm from the outside transport specific compounds across the membrane. If
environment. This cell membrane, which is about 8 nm membranes consisted only of phospholipids bilayers, a
thick, keeps cytoplasmic components from leaking out, cell would soon starve and die.
while preventing the entry of unwanted chemicals from Microbes can rely on diffusion to bring only a few com-
the environment. The overall structure of membranes is pounds into the cell. For most compounds, concentrations

(A) (B)
R1 O C R2 R1 O C R2

(C) (D)
H2 C O
O H2C O C R2
H2C O P O CH2 CH2 N+ CH3
O– CH3

Figure 2.7 Types of lipids found in microbes. (A) General structure for ester-linked lipids, which are found in bacteria and
eukaryotes. (B) General structure for ether-linked lipids, which are found in archaea. In both panels A and B, the number of
carbon and bond types represented by R1 and R2 vary among microbes. (C) An ester-linked lipid (phosphatidylcholine); and
(D) an ether-linked lipid.

are higher inside the cell than outside, and diffusion will Table 2.5 Cell wall constituents of some microbes.
not work. For these compounds, cells must use energy-
Microbe Cell wall Main constituents
requiring, active transport systems to transport the com-
pound against the concentration gradient, from outside Bacteria PeptidoglycanN-acetylmuramic acid,
the cell to inside. The form of the energy driving the sys- N-acetylglucosamine, amino acids
Archaea Protein, Amino acids, N-acetylglucosamine,
tem defines the type of active transport. Simple trans-
pseudomurein N-acetyltalosaminuronic acid
port relies on the proton motive force, whereas transport Some Cellulose Glucose
by an ABC (ATP binding cassettes) system is fueled by ATP algae
hydrolysis. Transport by ABC systems may be particularly Diatoms Silica Silicate
relevant for bacteria in nature, because this transport Fungi Chitin N-acetylglucosamine
mechanism is able to bring in compounds or substrates
found in very low concentrations in the external environ- turgor pressure. In bacteria, for example, the concentra-
ment. In nearly all cases, several membrane and often tion of chemicals dissolved in the cytoplasm creates a
cytoplasmic proteins are involved in the transport pro- turgor pressure of about 2 atmospheres, equivalent to
cess. These transport systems are specific for a particular that of an automobile tire. Higher plants, fungi, and most
compound (glucose, for example) or a class of related prokaryotes have cell walls, whereas animals and some
compounds (branched-chain amino acids, for example). protists do not.
Many microbes have more than one system for a particu- Cell walls vary greatly in eukaryotic microbes (Table 2.5).
lar compound that differ in affinity and energetic costs. Yeasts and fungi have chitin, a β 1, 4-linked polymer of
Although the transport systems seem redundant, microbes N-acetylglucosamine, in their cell walls. Chitin is also
can switch among systems, depending on concentrations, found in insects and crustaceans. Similar to higher plants,
to maximize transport while minimizing costs. the cell wall of some algae, like dinoflagellates, a com-
plex group of heterotrophic and autotrophic protists
(Chapter 9), is composed of cellulose, a β 1,4-linked
Cell walls in prokaryotes and eukaryotes polymer of glucose, whereas the polysaccharides of other
In addition to membranes, many cells have a wall that algal cell walls consist of other sugars. Diatoms, another
confers a more rigid structure and shape to the cell than algal group important in freshwaters, coastal oceans, and
is possible with only a membrane. As the word implies, soils, are encased in a glass house or “frustule,” consisting
cell walls offer some protection while also helping to mostly of silica. The composition of the cell wall of many
prevent the cell from breaking apart due to self-generated other protists is not known.

(12–18 nm)

(4–35 nm)

Variable Variable
Outer membrane
~8 nm
15–80 nm ~2 nm

~8 nm membrane ~8 nm

Figure 2.8 The two organizations for cell wall and membranes of bacteria. Taken from Neidhardt et al. (1990) and used with
permission of the publisher.

Peptidoglycan, or more specifically murein, is the extracellular coverings and a cell wall, although it is thin-
main component of the cell wall in bacteria. The back- ner than that of Gram-positive bacteria. In addition,
bone of peptidoglycan is a polysaccharide (glycan), Gram-negative bacteria have an outer membrane con-
consisting of another β 1,4-linked polymer, this time taining lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which is found only in
N-acetylglucosamine alternating with N-acetylmuramic Gram-negative bacteria. The space between this outer
acid. (Note that this linkage (β 1,4) is found in the three membrane and the cytoplasmic membrane is the peri-
major polysaccharides of cell walls and exoskeletons: plasm or periplasmic space.
cellulose, chitin, and peptidoglycan.) The glycan strands Cyanobacteria, which are often abundant and import­
of peptidoglycan are cross-linked by peptide chains of a ant primary producers (Chapter 6), have a Gram-negative-
few amino acids, usually L-alanine, D-alanine, D-glutamic type cell wall and membrane, with some important
acid, and either lysine or diaminopimelic acid. D-amino differences (Hoiczyk and Hansel, 2000). The peptidogly-
acids are unusual because they are not used in proteins. can layer of cyanobacteria is much thicker than is typical
Variation in these few amino acids making up the pep- of Gram-negative bacteria, and the cross-linking between
tide chain leads to subtle changes in structure, which is peptidoglycan chains is higher. Like Gram-negative bac-
the main reason why there are some one hundred types teria, cyanobacteria have LPS and an oligosaccharide,
of peptidoglycan. the O-antigen. The latter may contribute to the toxicity
There are two basic designs for the organization of the of some cyanobacterial strains, as it does in Gram-
wall and membranes found in bacteria: Gram-positive negative pathogens. In addition to LPS and the O-antigen,
and Gram-negative (Figure 2.8). The names refer to how the outer membrane of cyanobacteria has other con-
bacteria react to a stain (the Gram stain) devised by the stituents not found in typical Gram-negative bacteria,
Danish physician H. C. J. Gram (1853–1938). Later work including carotenoids and unusual fatty acids, such as
found that the reaction of a bacterium to the Gram stain β-hydroxypalmitic acid.
depended on its cell wall and membrane architecture. Neither LPS nor muramic acid is present in the cell
Gram-positive bacteria have a thick cell wall consisting of walls and membranes of archaea. Instead, these prokary­
peptidoglycan and no other external membrane, although otes have a variety of cell wall types (Mayer, 1999).
they may have capsules and other less well-defined extra- Some have pseudomurein or pseudopeptidoglycan, an
cellular coverings. Gram-negative bacteria also have these acidic heteropolysaccharide sharing some characteristics

with peptidoglycan in bacteria. Pseudomurein has King and White, 1977), and LPS concentrations were used
N-acetylglucosamine, but it has N-acetyltalosaminuronic to confirm that the cells counted by direct microscopy in
acid instead of N-acetylmuramic acid. Other archaea, the oceans were in fact bacteria (Watson et al., 1977).
such as many halophiles and methanogens, have a pro- The LPS and direct count estimates are similar because
tein or glycoprotein coat (S-layer) and no pseudomurein. Gram-positive bacteria, which do not have LPS, are not
Still other archaea do not have any cell wall and survive abundant in marine waters (Chapter 4). Other compounds
with only a membrane separating the cytoplasm from used for biomass estimates are phospholipid-linked fatty
the external environment. acids (PLFA).
In summary, if present, the cell walls of different microbes Membrane and cell wall components have other uses
are made of different components, such as polysac­ in microbial ecology and biogeochemistry. In addition to
charides, proteins, or mixtures of both. The composition estimating biomass, PLFAs are used to determine the
of a cell wall or its absence gives some insights into the presence or absence of some microbial taxa, such as
environmental pressures facing the microbe. Information sulfate reducers (the PLFA i17:1 and 10Me16:0) and
about cell wall composition is also used by microbial Actinomycetes (10Me17:0 and 10Me18:0). Other PLFAs
ecologists and biogeochemists to explore several ques- are found in eukaryotic algae (20:5 ω 3). Similarly, archaea
tions about microbial communities and organic material can be traced by their unique ether lipids. In geochemistry,
in natural environments, as will be discussed further. the number of cyclopentane rings in archaeal membrane
lipids (the TEX86 proxy) is used to estimate temperature
over geological timescales (Qin et al., 2015).
Components of microbial cells as biomarkers
The biomarker-based approaches can be combined
Compounds known to be specific for microbes can be with 13C stable isotope analysis. 13C occurs naturally in
used to estimate microbial biomass and to understand the biosphere, albeit only at about 1% of total C with 12C
the sources of organic material found in natural environ- accounting for nearly all of the rest. The natural abun-
ments (Bianchi and Canuel, 2011). These compounds dance of 13C can be used to deduce sources of organic
are called “biomarkers.” Nearly all of these biomarkers carbon used by an organism because the relative
are associated with microbial membranes or walls. The amounts of 13C, expressed as δ 13C, vary among primary
biomarkers used to estimate bacterial biomass include producers (Figure 2.9), depending on how much each
LPS and muramic acid, both unique to bacteria, as men- autotroph favors (“discriminates”) CO2 with the lighter
tioned earlier. Data on muramic acid were important in 12
C over the heavier 13C. (The symbol “‰” is interpreted
the early studies of bacteria in sediments (Moriarty, 1977; as parts per thousand, analogous to “%” for parts per

CO2 atmosphere
–10 C4 plants Heterotrophs
δ13C content (‰)

–20 Algae Heterotrophs

C3 plants Heterotrophs

Biogenic CH4 Methanotrophs


Carbon dioxide Primary producers Consumers

Figure 2.9 The relative abundance of C in the atmosphere, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), methane, plants, and microbes.

Biogenic methane comes from methanogenic archaea, whereas thermogenic methane, which is produced by geothermal
heating of organic material, has a much higher (less negative) δ 13C value than biogenic methane. Adapted from Boschker and
Middelburg (2002).
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Order II. Copepoda.

The Copepods are small Crustacea, composed typically of about sixteen

segments, in which the biramous type of limb predominates. They are
devoid of a carapace. Development proceeds gradually by the addition
posteriorly of segments to a Nauplius larval form. Paired compound eyes
are absent, except in Branchiura, the adult retaining the simple eye of the
In a typical Copepod, such as Calanus hyperboreus (Fig. 25), we can
distinguish the following segments with their appendages: a
cephalothorax, carrying a pair of uniramous first antennae (1st Ant.); a
pair of biramous second antennae (2nd Ant.); mandibles (Md.) with biting
gnathobases and a palp, and a pair of foliaceous first maxillae (Mx.1). Two
pairs of appendages follow, which were looked upon as the two branches
of the second maxillae, but it is now certain that they represent two pairs
of appendages, which may be called second maxillae (Mx.2) and
maxillipedes (Mxp.) respectively. Behind these are five pairs of biramous
swimming feet, the first pair (Th.1) attached to the cephalothorax, the
succeeding four pairs to four distinct thoracic somites. Behind the thorax
is a clearly delimited abdomen composed of five segments, the first of
which (Abd.1) carries the genital opening, and the last a caudal furca.
The Copepods exhibit a great variety of structure, and their
classification is attended with great difficulties. Claus[36] based his
attempt at a natural classification on the character of the mouth and its
appendages, dividing the free-living and semi-parasitic forms as
Gnathostomata from the true parasites or Siphonostomata. This division,
although convenient, breaks down in many places, and it is clear that the
parasitic mode of life has been acquired more than once in the history of
Copepod evolution, while the free-living groups do not constitute a
natural assemblage.
Fig. 25.—Calanus hyperboreus, × 30. Abd1, First abdominal segment;
1st Ant, 2nd Ant, 1st and 2nd antennae; Md, mandible; Mx1, Mx2, 1st
and 2nd maxillae; Mxp, maxillipede; Th1, 1st thoracic appendage.
(After Giesbrecht.)

Giesbrecht has more recently[37] founded a classification of the free-

living pelagic Copepods upon the segmentation of the body and certain
secondary sexual characters, and he has hinted[38] that this scheme of
classification applies to the semi-parasitic and parasitic forms. Although
much detail remains to be worked out and the position of some families is
doubtful, Giesbrecht’s scheme is the most satisfactory that has hitherto
been suggested, and will be adopted in this chapter.
The peculiarity in structure of the Argulidae, a small group of
ectoparasites on fresh water fish, necessitates their separation from the
rest of the Copepods (Eucopepoda) as a separate Branch, Branchiura.


Sub-Order 1. Gymnoplea.

The division between the front and hind part of the body falls
immediately in front of the genital openings and behind the fifth thoracic
feet. The latter in the male are modified into an asymmetrical copulatory


The first antennae of the male are symmetrical, with highly-developed

sensory hairs.
Fam. Calanidae.—The Calanidae are exclusively marine Crustacea,
and form a common feature of the pelagic plankton in all parts of the
world. Some species of the genus Calanus often occur in vast shoals,
making the sea appear blood-red, and they furnish a most important
article of fish food. These swarms appear to consist chiefly of females, the
males being taken rarely, and only at certain seasons of the year. Some of
the Calanidae are animals of delicate and curious form, owing to the
development of plumed iridescent hairs from various parts of their body,
which may often exhibit a marked asymmetry, as in the species figured,
Calocalanus plumulosus (Fig. 26), from the Mediterranean.
Sars makes a curious
observation with regard to the
distribution of certain Calanidae.
He reports that along the whole
route of the “Fram,” species such
as Calanus hyperboreus and
Euchaeta norwegica were taken
at the surface, which, in the
Norwegian fjords, only occur at
depths of over 100 fathoms. He
suggests that the Norwegian
individuals, instead of migrating
northwards as the warmer
climate supervened, have sought
boreal conditions of temperature
by sinking into the deeper waters.

Fig. 26.—Calocalanus plumulosus, ×

15. (After Giesbrecht.)


The first antennae of the male are asymmetrical, one, usually the
right, being used as a clasping organ.
The males of the Centropagidae, Candacidae and Pontellidae,
besides possessing the asymmetrically modified thoracic limbs of the
fifth pair also exhibit a modification of one of the first antennae,
which is generally thickened in the middle, and has a peculiar joint in
it, or geniculation, which enables it to be flexed and so used as a
clasping organ for holding the female.
Fam. 1.—Centropagidae.—These Copepods are very common
in the pelagic plankton, and some of the species vie with the
Calanidae in plumed ornaments, e.g. Augaptilus filigerus, figured by
Giesbrecht in his monograph. The use of these ornaments, which are
possessed by so many pelagic Copepods, is entirely obscure.[40]
Certain of the Centropagidae live in fresh water. Thus Diaptomus is
an exclusively fresh-water genus, and forms a most important
constituent of lake-plankton; various species of Heterocope occur in
the great continental lakes, and certain Eurytemora go up the
estuaries of rivers into brackish water.
An excellent work on the fresh-water Copepods of Germany has
been written by Schmeil,[41] who gives analytical tables for
distinguishing various genera and species. The three fresh-water
families are the Centropagidae, Cyclopidae, and Harpacticidae (see
p. 62). The Centropagidae may be sharply distinguished from the
other fresh-water families by the following characters:—The
cephalothorax is distinctly separated from the abdomen; the first
antennae are long and composed of 24–25 segments, in the male
only a single antenna (generally the right) being geniculated and
used as a clasping organ. The fifth pair of limbs are not rudimentary;
a heart is present, and only one egg-sac is found in the female. The
second antennae are distinctly biramous.
Diaptomus.—The furcal processes are short, at most three times as
long as broad; endopodite of the first swimming appendage 2–
jointed, endopodites of succeeding legs 3–jointed.
Heterocope.—The furcal processes are short, at most twice as long
as broad; endopodites of all swimming legs 1–jointed.
Eurytemora.—The furcal processes are long, at least three and a
half times as long as broad; the endopodite of the first pair of legs
1–jointed, those of the other pairs 2–jointed.
It has been known for a long time that some of the marine
Copepods are phosphorescent, and, indeed, owing to their numbers
in the plankton, contribute very largely to bring about that liquid
illumination which will always excite the admiration of seafarers. In
northern seas the chief phosphorescent Copepods belong to
Metridia, a genus of the Centropagidae; but in the Bay of Naples
Giesbrecht[42] states that the phosphorescent species are the
following Centropagids: Pleuromma abdominale and P. gracile,
Leuckartia flavicornis and Heterochaeta papilligera; Oncaea
conifera is also phosphorescent. It is often stated that Sapphirina (p.
69) is phosphorescent, but its wonderful iridescent blue colour is
purely due to interference
colours, and has nothing to do
with phosphorescence.
Giesbrecht has observed that the
phosphorescence is due to a
substance secreted in special
skin-glands, which is jerked into
the water, and on coming into
contact with it emits a
phosphorescent glow. This
substance can be dried up
completely in a desiccated
specimen and yet preserve its
phosphorescent properties, the
essential condition for the actual
emission of light being contact
with water. Similarly, specimens
preserved in glycerine for a long
period will phosphoresce when
compressed in distilled water.
From this last experiment
Giesbrecht concludes that the
phosphorescence can hardly be
due to an oxidation process, but
the nature of the chemical
reaction remains obscure.
Fam. 2. Candacidae.—This
family comprises the single genus
Candace, with numerous species
distributed in the plankton of all
seas. Some species, e.g. C.
pectinata, Brady, have a
practically world-wide
distribution, this species being
recorded from the Shetlands and
from the Philippines.
Fam. 3. Pontellidae.—This is
a larger family also comprising
widely distributed species found
Fig. 27.—Dorsal view of Anomalocera
pattersoni, ♂, × 20. (After Sars.)in the marine plankton.
Anomalocera pattersoni (Fig. 27)
is one of the commonest elements in the plankton of the North Sea.

Sub-Order 2. Podoplea.

The boundary between the fore and hind part of the body falls in
front of the fifth thoracic segment. The appendages of the fifth
thoracic pair in the male are never modified as copulatory organs.


The first antennae in the male differ greatly from those in the
female, being often geniculated and acting as prehensile organs.
Fams. 1–2. Cyclopidae and Harpacticidae, and other allied
families, are purely free-living forms; they are not usually pelagic in
habit, but prefer creeping among algae in the littoral zone or on the
sea-bottom, or especially in tidal pools. Some genera are,
nevertheless, pelagic; e.g. Oithona among Cyclopidae; Setella,
Clytemnestra, and Aegisthus among Harpacticidae.
The sketch (Fig. 28) of Euterpe acutifrons ♀ , a species widely
distributed in the Mediterranean and northern seas, exhibits the
structure of a typical Harpacticid, while Fig. 29 shows the form of the
first antenna in the male.
Several fresh-water representatives of these free-living families
occur. The genus Cyclops (Cyclopidae) is exclusively fresh-water,
while many Harpacticidae go up into brackish waters: for example
on the Norfolk Broads, Mr. Robert Gurney has taken Tachidius
brevicornis, Müller, and T. littoralis, Poppe; Ophiocamptus
brevipes, Sars; Mesochra lilljeborgi, Boeck; Laophonte littorale, T.
and A. Scott; L. mohammed, Blanchard and Richard; and
Dactylopus tisboides, Claus.
Schmeil[43] gives the following scheme for identifying the fresh-
water Cyclopidae and Harpacticidae (see diagnosis of Centropagidae
on p. 59):—
Fam. 1. Cyclopidae.—The
cephalothorax is clearly separated
from the abdomen. The first
antennae of the female when bent
back do not stretch beyond the
cephalothorax; in the male both
of them are clasping organs. The
second antennae are without an
exopodite. The fifth pair of limbs
are rudimentary, there is no
heart, and the female carries two
Cyclops.—Numerous species, split
up according to segmentation of
rudimentary fifth pair of legs,
number of joints in antennae, etc.
Fam. 2. Harpacticidae.—
The cephalothorax is not clearly
separated from the abdomen. The
first antennae are short in both
sexes, both being clasping organs
in the male. The second antennae
have a rudimentary exopodite.
The fifth pair of limbs are
rudimentary and plate-shaped; a
heart is absent, and the egg-sacs
Fig. 28.—Euterpe acutifrons, ♀ , × 70. of the female may be one or two
Abd.1, 1st abdominal segment; Th.5, in number.
5th thoracic segment. (After
Giesbrecht.) 1. Ophiocamptus (Moraria).—Body
worm-shaped; first antennae of
female 7–jointed, rostrum
forming a broad plate.
2. Body not worm-shaped; first antennae of female 8–jointed,
rostrum short and sharp.
(a) Endopodites of all thoracic limbs 3–jointed. The first
antennae in female distinctly bent after the second joint.
(b) Endopodite of at least
the fourth limb 2–jointed;
first antennae in female
not bent. Canthocamptus.
3. Ectinosoma.—Body as in
2, but first antennae are very
short, and the maxillipede
does not carry a terminal
hooked seta as in 1 and 2.
Fam. 3. Peltiidae.[44]—This is
an interesting family, allied to the
Harpacticidae, and includes
species with flattened bodies
somewhat resembling Isopods,
and a similar habit of rolling
themselves up into balls. No
parasitic forms are known,
though Sunaristes paguri on the
French and Scottish coasts is said
to live commensally with hermit-

Fig. 29.—First antenna of Euterpe

We have now enumerated the acutifrons, ♂. (After Giesbrecht.)
chief families of free-living
Copepods; the rest are either true
parasites or else spend a part of their lives as such. A number of the
semi-parasitic and parasitic Copepods can be placed in the tribe
Ampharthrandria owing to the characters of their antennae; but it
must be remembered that many parasitic forms have given up using
the antennae as clasping organs; however, the sexual differences in
the antennae, and the fact that many of the species which have lost
the prehensile antennae in the male have near relations which
preserve it, enable us to proceed with some certainty. The adoption
of this classification necessitates our separating many families which
superficially may seem to resemble one another, e.g. the semi-
parasitic families Lichomolgidae and Ascidicolidae, and the
Dichelestiidae from the other fish-parasites; it also necessitates our
treating the presence of a sucking mouth as of secondary importance.
This characteristic must certainly, however, have been acquired more
than once in the history of the Copepods, for instance in the
Asterocheridae and in the fish-parasites, while it sometimes happens
that genera belonging to a typically Siphonostomatous group possess
a gnathostome, or biting mouth, e.g. Ratania among the
Asterocheridae. Again, it is impossible even if we use the character of
the mouth as a criterion to place together all the true parasites on
fishes in one natural group, because the Bomolochidae and
Chondracanthidae, which are otherwise closely similar to the rest of
the fish-parasites, possess no siphon. It seems plain, therefore, that
the parasitic habit has been acquired several times separately by
diverging stocks of free-swimming Copepods, and that it has resulted
in the formation of convergent structures.
Fam. 4. Monstrillidae.[45]—These are closely related to the
Harpacticidae. The members of this curious family are parasitic
during larval life and actively free-swimming when adult. There are
three genera, Monstrilla, Haemocera, and Thaumaleus. The best
known type is Haemocera danae (often described as Monstrilla
danae). In the adult state (Fig. 30) there are no mouth-parts; the
mouth is exceedingly small and leads into a very small stomach,
which ends blindly, while the whole body contains reserve food-
material in the form of brown oil-drops. The sole appendages on the
head are the first antennae; but on the thorax biramous feet are
present by means of which the animal can swim with great rapidity.
This anomalous organisation receives an explanation from the
remarkable development through which the larva passes. The larva is
liberated from the parent as a Nauplius with the structure shown in
Fig. 31; it does not possess an alimentary canal. It makes its way to a
specimen of the Serpulid worm, Salmacina dysteri, into the
epidermis of which it penetrates by movements of the antennae,
hanging on all the time by means of the hooks on the mandibles.
From the epidermis it passes through the muscles into the coelom of
the worm, and thence into the blood-vessels, usually coming to rest
in the ventral blood-vessel. As the Nauplius migrates, apparently by
amoeboid movements of the whole body, it loses all its appendages,
the eye degenerates, and the body is reduced to a minute ovoid mass
of cells, representing ectoderm and endo-mesoderm, surrounded by
a chitinous membrane (Fig. 32, A). Arrived in the ventral blood-
vessel it begins to grow, and the
first organ formed is a pair of
fleshy outgrowths representing
the second antennae (Fig. 32, B),
which act as a nutrient organ
intermediary between host and
parasite. The adult organs now
begin to be differentiated, as
shown in Fig. 32, C, from the
undifferentiated cellular elements
of the Nauplius, the future adult
organism being enclosed in a
spiny coat from which it escapes.
At this stage it occupies a large
part of its host’s body, lying in the
distended ventral blood-vessel,
and it escapes to the outside
world by rupturing the body-wall
of the worm, leaving behind it the
second antennae, which have
Fig. 30.—Haemocera danae, × 40. A, performed their function as a
Side view ♀ ; B, ventral view ♂ . Ant.1, kind of placenta. Malaquin, to
1st antenna; e, eye; ov, ovary; ovd, whom we owe this account,
oviduct; St, stomach; Th.1, 1st thoracic
appendage; Th.5, 5th thoracic segment;
makes the remarkable statement
vd, vas deferens. (After Malaquin.) that if two or three Monstrillid
Nauplii develop together in the
same host they are always males,
if only one it may be either male or female. The only parallel to this
extraordinary life-history is found in the Rhizocephala (see pp. 96–
Fig. 31.—Free-swimming Nauplius
larva of Haemocera danae; Ant.1,
Ant.2, 1st and 2nd antennae; e, remains
of eye; Md, mandible. (After Malaquin.)
Fig. 32.—Later stages in the development of Haemocera danae.
Abd, Abdomen; Ant.1, Ant.2, 1st and 2nd antennae; ch, chitinous
investment; e, eye; Ect, ectoderm; En, endoderm; Mes,
mesoderm; Mes & en, mesoderm and endoderm; R, rostrum; St,
mouth and stomach; Th, thoracic appendages. (After Malaquin.)
Fam. 5. Ascidicolidae.[46]—
Although the members of this
family, which live
semiparasitically in the branchial
sac or the gut of Ascidians, betray
their Ampharthrandrian nature
by the sexual differences of their
first antennae, only two genera,
Notodelphys and Agnathaner,
possess true prehensile antennae.
According as the parasitism is
Fig. 33.—Side view of Doropygus
pulex, ♀ , × 106. Abd.1, 1st abdominal more or less complete, the buccal
segment; Ant.1, 1st antenna; b.p, appendages either retain their
brood-pouch; Th.1, 1st thoracic masticatory structure or else
appendage; Th.4, 4th thoracic segment. become reduced to mere organs
(After Canu.) of fixation. In Notodelphys both
sexes can swim actively and
retain normal mouth-parts; they live parasitically, or perhaps
commensally, in the branchial cavities of Simple or Compound
Ascidians, feeding on the particles swept into the respiratory
chamber of the host. They leave their host at will in search of a new
home, and are frequently taken in the plankton.
Doropygus (Fig. 33), a genus widely distributed in the North Sea
and Mediterranean, also inhabiting the branchial sac of Ascidians, is
more completely parasitic, and the female cannot swim actively.
Forms still more degraded by a parasitic habit are Ascidicola rosea
(especially abundant in the stomach of Ascidiella scabra at
Concarneau), in which the female has lost its segmentation, the
mouth-parts and thoracic legs being purely prehensile, and various
species of Enterocola, parasitic in the stomach of Compound
Ascidians, in which the female is a mere sac incapable of free motion,
while the male preserves its swimming powers and a general
Cyclops-form (Fig. 34). We have here the first instance of the
remarkable parallelism between the degree of parasitism and the
degree of sexual dimorphism, a parallelism which holds with great
regularity among the Copepoda, and can be also extended to other
classes of parasitic animals.
Fam. 6. Asterocheridae.[47]
—These forms retain the power of
swimming actively, and are very
little modified in outward
appearance by their parasitic
mode of life (Fig. 35), though they
possess a true siphon in which the
styliform mandibles work. The
siphon is formed by the upper
and lower lips, which are
produced into a tube with three
longitudinal ridges; in the outer
grooves are the mandibles, while
the inner groove forms the
sucking siphon (see transverse
section, Fig. 36). In Ratania,
however, there is no siphon. The
Fig. 34.—Enterocola fulgens. A, first antennae possess a great
Ventral view of ♀, × 35; B, side view of number of joints, and may be
♂ , × 106. Abd.1, 1st abdominal geniculated in the male
segment; Ant.1, Ant.2, 1st and 2nd (Cancerilla). The members of this
antennae; c.m, gland-cells; n, ventral family live as ectoparasites on
nerve-cord; og, oviducal gland; ov, various species of Echinoderms,
ovary; po, vagina; Th.1, 1st thoracic Sponges, and Ascidians, but they
appendage; Th.4, Th.5, 4th and 5th
thoracic segments. (After Canu.) frequently change their hosts, and
it appears that one and the same
species may indifferently suck the
juices of very various animals, and even of Algae. Cancerilla
tubulata, however, appears to live only on the Brittle Starfish,
Amphiura squamata.
Fam. 7. Dichelestiidae.—The males and females are similarly
parasitic, and the body in both is highly deformed, the segmentation
being suppressed and the thoracic limbs being produced into
formless fleshy lobes; they are placed among the Ampharthrandria
owing to sexual differences in the form of the first antennae. There is
a well-developed siphon in which the mandibular stylets work,
except in Lamproglena, parasitic on the gills of Cyprinoid fishes; the
succeeding mouth-parts are prehensile.
The majority of the species are
parasitic on the gills of various
fish (Dichelestium on the
Sturgeon, Lernanthropus on
Labrax lupus, Serranus scriba,
etc.), but Steuer[49] has recently
described a Dichelestiid
(Mytilicola) from the gut of
Mytilus galloprovincialis off
Trieste. This animal and
Lernanthropus are unique among
Crustacea through the possession
of a completely closed blood-
vascular system which contains a
red fluid; the older observers
believed this fluid to contain
haemoglobin, but Steuer, as the
result of careful analysis, denies
this. The parasite on the gills of
the Lobster, Nicothoe astaci,
possibly belongs here.
The inclusion of Nicothoe and
the Dichelestiidae among the Fig. 35.—Asterocheres violaceus, ♀ ,
Ampharthrandria rests on a with egg-sacs, × 57. (After Giesbrecht.)
somewhat slender basis; this
basis is afforded by the fact that
none of the parasitic Isokerandria have more than seven joints in the
first antennae, whereas Nicothoe and some of the Dichelestiidae[50]
have more numerous joints. In most of the Dichelestiidae, however,
the number of joints is less than seven and practically equal in the
two sexes.
Fig. 36.—Diagrammatic transverse
section through the distal part of the
siphon of Rhynchomyzon
purpurocinctum (Asterocheridae). Md,
mandible. (After Giesbrecht.)


The first antennae are short, similar in the two sexes, and are
never used by the male as clasping organs. This function may be
subserved by the second maxillae.
Fams. Oncaeidae, Corycaeidae, Lichomolgidae, Ergasilidae,
Bomolochidae, Chondracanthidae, Philichthyidae,
Nereicolidae, Hersiliidae, Caligidae, Lernaeidae,
Lernaeopodidae, Choniostomatidae.
The families Oncaeidae and Corycaeidae contain pelagic forms of
flattened shape and great swimming powers, but the structure of the
mouth-parts in the Corycaeidae points to a semi-parasitic habit.
Fam. 1. Oncaeidae.—This family, including the genera Oncaea,
Pachysoma, etc., does not possess the elaborate eyes of the next
family, nor is the sexual dimorphism so marked.
Fam. 2. Corycaeidae.—These are distinguished from the
Oncaeidae, not only by their greater beauty, but also by the
possession of very elaborate eyes, which are furnished with two
lenses, one at each end of a fairly long tube. The females of
Sapphirina are occasionally found in the branchial cavity of Salps,
and their alimentary canal never contains solid particles, but is filled
with a fluid substance perhaps derived by suction from their prey. S.
opalina may occur in large shoals, when the wonderful iridescent
blue colour of the males makes the water sparkle as it were with a
sort of diurnal phosphorescence. The animal, however, despite the
opinion of the older observers, is not truly phosphorescent. It may be
that the ornamental nature of some of the males is correlated with
the presence of the curious visual organs, which are on the whole
better developed in the females than in the males. As in so many
pelagic Copepods, the body and limbs may bear plumed setae of
great elaboration and beautiful colour, e.g. Copilia vitrea (Fig. 37).
We now pass on to the rest of the parasitic Copepods,[51] which
probably belong to the tribe Isokerandria, and we meet with the
same variety of degrees of parasitism as in the Ampharthrandria,
often leading to very similar results.
Fig. 37.—Copilia vitrea (Corycaeidae), ♀, × 20. (After Giesbrecht.)

In the first seven families mentioned below there is no siphon. The

Lichomolgidae and Ergasilidae have not much departed from the
free-living forms just considered, retaining their segmentation,
though in the Ergasilidae the body may be somewhat distorted (Fig.
39). In both families the thoracic swimming feet are of normal
Fam. 3. Lichomolgidae.[52]
—These are semi-parasitic in a
number of animals living on the
sea-bottom, such as Actinians,
Echinoderms, Annelids, Molluscs,
and Tunicates. Lichomolgus
agilis (Fig. 38) occurs in the
North Sea, Atlantic, and
Mediterranean, on the gills of
large species of the Nudibranch,
Doris, while L. albeus is found in
the peribranchial cavity and
cloaca of various Ascidians.
Sabelliphilus may infect the gills
of Annelids such as Sabella, and
is common at Liverpool.
Fam. 4. Ergasilidae.—
Thersites (Fig. 39) is parasitic on
the gills of various fishes, e.g. T.
gasterostei, which is common on
Gasterosteus aculeatus on the
French and North Sea coasts, and
may even be found on specimens
of the fish that have run up the
River Forth into fresh water. The
animal possesses claw-like
second antennae by which it
clings to its host.
Fig. 38.—Lichomolgus agilis, × 10.
Abd. 1, 1st abdominal segment; cpth,
cephalothorax; Th.1, 1st thoracic
segment; Th.5, 5th thoracic appendage.
(After Canu.)

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