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Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual


Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.

Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual Contens


1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 1-1

2 Function........................................................................................................................................................ 2-1

3 Start .............................................................................................................................................................. 3-1

3.1 Starting K-ROSET ...................................................................................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Setting of K-SPARC................................................................................................................................................................................3-3

4 Main Menu (User Mode).............................................................................................................................. 4-1

4.1 Work Data Registration ........................................................................................................................................................................4-1
4.1.1 Create/Edit Work Data ................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.1.2 Delete Work Data ........................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.2 Pallet Data Registration........................................................................................................................................................................4-4
4.2.1 Create/Edit Pallet Data................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.2.2 Delete Pallet Data .......................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.3 Make/Select Spec Data........................................................................................................................................................................4-7
4.3.1 Create/Edit Spec Data ................................................................................................................... 4-9
4.3.2 Delete Spec Data ......................................................................................................................... 4-23
4.4 Valiable Settings.....................................................................................................................................................................................4-23
4.5 Create Point Data..................................................................................................................................................................................4-24
4.6 Load File .....................................................................................................................................................................................................4-25
4.7 Administrator Login ..............................................................................................................................................................................4-26

5 Main Menu (Administrator Mode)................................................................................................................ 5-1

5.1 Setup ................................................................................................................................................................................................................5-2
5.1.1 Select Layout .................................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.1.2 Select Robot ................................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.1.3 Select Tool ...................................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.1.4 Work Information ............................................................................................................................ 5-5
5.1.5 Tool Data Setting ............................................................................................................................ 5-6
5.1.6 Pick Base Point Setting.................................................................................................................. 5-8
5.1.7 Put Point (Center of Pallet) Setting.............................................................................................. 5-11
5.1.8 Stack Data Setting ....................................................................................................................... 5-16
5.2 Work Data Registration .....................................................................................................................................................................5-17
5.2.1 Create/Edit Work Data ................................................................................................................. 5-19
5.2.2 Delete Work Data ......................................................................................................................... 5-20
5.3 Pallet Data Registration.....................................................................................................................................................................5-20
5.3.1 Create/Edit Pallet Data................................................................................................................. 5-22
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual Contens

5.3.2 Delete Pallet Data ........................................................................................................................ 5-23

5.4 Make/Select Spec Data.....................................................................................................................................................................5-23
5.4.1 Create/Edit Spec Data ................................................................................................................. 5-25
5.4.2 Delete Spec Data ......................................................................................................................... 5-38
5.5 Valiable Settings.....................................................................................................................................................................................5-38
5.6 Create Point Data..................................................................................................................................................................................5-39
5.7 Load File .....................................................................................................................................................................................................5-40
5.8 Layout Setting..........................................................................................................................................................................................5-41
5.8.1 Pick Point ...................................................................................................................................... 5-41
5.8.2 Put point........................................................................................................................................ 5-42
5.8.3 Pallet ............................................................................................................................................. 5-43
5.8.4 Etc. ................................................................................................................................................ 5-44
5.9 System Setting ........................................................................................................................................................................................5-44
5.9.1 Tool................................................................................................................................................ 5-44
5.9.2 Work.............................................................................................................................................. 5-46
5.9.3 Pick Point ...................................................................................................................................... 5-47
5.9.4 Put Point ....................................................................................................................................... 5-49
5.9.5 Point .............................................................................................................................................. 5-50
5.9.6 Point(Single) ................................................................................................................................. 5-52
5.9.7 Administrator Logout .................................................................................................................... 5-53

6 Appendix....................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Folder Structure.........................................................................................................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Edit Hand Direction When Picking and Placing Work ......................................................................... 6-2
6.2.1 How to Use the Edit Hand Direction Function .............................................................................. 6-3
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 1Introduction

1 Introduction
This operation manual describes Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator (hereinafter
called K-SPARC). K-SPARC is an extended application operating on K-ROSET.
Thoroughly read and fully understand this operation manual and the following manuals before
operating the system.

1. "Operation Manual for K-ROSET 97060-2248DJB"

2. "Kawasaki – Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator Robot Motion Manual 97060-2450DJD"

This manual provides as much detailed information as possible on typical operating procedures of the
However, this manual cannot provide all information on the operations or conditions to be avoided.
Therefore, should any questions or problems undescribed in this manual arise during system
operation, please contact Robot Division, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.

Some figures cited for description in the chapters in this manual may be different from actual

Windows and Windows 7,XP are a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States
and other countries. All other product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders.
1. All personnel assigned for operation, teaching, maintenance or inspection of robots are
recommended to attend the necessary training course(s) prepared by Kawasaki, before assuming
their responsibilities.
2. Kawasaki reserves the right to revise update or change this manual without prior notice.
3. This manual may not, in whole or in part, be reprinted or copied without the prior written consent
of Kawasaki.
4. Keep this user's manual for future reference. When the ownership is changed by transfer,
assignment, or sale, make sure to attach this manual for the reference of a new owner. If this
manual is lost or damaged, contact sales representative at Kawasaki.
Copyright © 2021 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 1Introduction

Symbols Used In This Manual

The following symbols in this manual indicate the items requiring special attention.

To prevent physical injury and property damage, understand the meanings of these symbols and
observe the details before operating the robot safely and properly.


Failure to observe the instruction will result in imminent

danger leading to death or serious injury.


Failure to observe the instruction may result in death or serious



Failure to observe the instruction may result in injury or

property damage.


System specification and precautions about operation,

teaching, running, and maintenance are described.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 1Introduction

Explanatory notes

1. Soft Key/Button for Operation

In the K-SPARC, soft keys and buttons for various operations appear on the PC screen according to
specifications and conditions.
In this manual, the names of soft keys/buttons are displayed with being enclosed in parentheses <...>
as follows. In addition, the words of key or button in "..." key or "..." button may be abbreviated for a
simple expression.

<OK>: Indicates "OK" button appearing on the PC screen.
<Next>: Indicates "Next" button appearing on the PC screen.

2. Items
On the window for operation of the K-SPARC, various items are displayed.
The names of the items are displayed with being enclosed in parentheses [...] in this manual.

[System Setting]: Indicates the item of system setting to be selected from a menu.
To select this item, point your mouse to the predetermined item and press the left button on the
mouse. For a simple expression, this operation may also be expressed as "Select [...]."

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 1Introduction

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 2Function

2 Function
Main functions of the K-SPARC are as follows:
・ A layout image in a palletizing area such as robots, workpieces, pallets, is created/displayed.
・ Point data for palletization of a robot is created.
Spec data (pallet data, workpiece data, and other information related to palletization) to create the
point data, classified by a Spec of products, can be created.
In addition, since the pallet data and the workpiece data are saved in the individual data files,
various point data can be created by combining existing data.
・ Simulation of the robot operation by K-ROSET can be carried out using the created point data.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 2Function

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 3Start

3 Start
3.1 Starting K-ROSET
Click Start menu of Windows, or double-click the K-ROSET shortcut on the Desktop to start the K-
K-SPARC menu will be displayed on the right side of the K-ROSET window as shown below when the
check box for K-SPARC is checked in the plugin menu.

If the K-SPARC menu does not appear, follow the setting procedure in the Chapter 3.2 to add K-
In case of following condition, please contact our Sales department.
・K-SPARC cannot be selected in the plugin menu.
-> K-SPARC needs to be installed separately.
・The Admin Login button is grayed out even though K-SPARC is selected in the plug in menu.
->Require K-SPARC license.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 3Start

When the K-SPARC menu is already displayed, the project which is created with the K-SPARC setup
menu will be loaded. Figure below is an example of the screen when a project is loaded.

In order to setup each setting of K-SPARC, login as Administrator.

Click <Admin Login> in the main menu to open the login dialog.
Refer to the [4.7Administrator Login] for details.

Item Details
[Password] Enter administrator password. (Password is 9894.)
<Login> Login as administrator.
<Cancel> Close the dialog.

[ NOTE ]
When login is succeeded, the mode is turned to Administrator mode.
Refer to the chapter5 Main Menu (Administrator Mode) for the operation of
administrator mode.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 3Start

3.2 Setting of K-SPARC

(1) Select [Settings] menu, and then [Plug-ins Setting].

(2) Select a check box for K-SPARC and click <OK>.

(3) Select [Main Menu] tab added on the right side of the window to display the main menu of K-

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 3Start

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

4 Main Menu (User Mode)

Select K-SPARC tab added on the right side of K-ROSET to display the main menu of the K-SPARC.

1) Selected Spec Data

1 Shows the current operation target model No.

2 2) Work Data Registration

Registeres a workpiece data
3) Pallet Data Registration
Registeres a pallet data.
5 4) Make/Select Spec Data.

6 Select the spec data to use. Also newly create ([New]), edit
([Edit]), or delete ([Delete]) data.
5) Variable Settings
Registeres position variable data.
6) Make Point Data.
Point data of the robot is created based on the selected Spec
data, Layout data and Robot data.
7) Load File
Loads the created pose data to a robot.
8) Admin Login.
Switches [User mode] and [Administrator mode].

4.1 Work Data Registration

Clicking the <Work Data Registration> in the Main menu will display the Work Data list.

Item Details
<New> Displays the window to create new workpiece data.
<Edit> Displays the edit dialog of the selected workpiece data.
<Delete> Deletes selected workpiece data.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

Item Details
<Close> Closes the window.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

4.1.1 Create/Edit Work Data

Clicking <New> or <Edit> in the Work Data List window to display Work Data Setting window.
Enter workpiece size in the Work Data Setting window.

Item Details
[Work No] Enter unique number for every workpiece.
Up to 20 letters using single-byte alphanumeric characters and some
symbols ( + - = _ ( ) [ ] { } ) can be entered.
** Only Work No. is displayed when editing. Any number cannot be
[Size]:[Length(L)] Enter the length of a workpiece in L direction.
[Size]:[Width(W)] Enter the width of a workpiece in W direction.
[Size]: [Height (H)] Enter the height of a workpiece.
[Size]:[Weight(W)] Enter the weight of a workpiece.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window. * Setting data are not saved.


Work Delivery Direction

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

4.1.2 Delete Work Data

Select the Work No. to delete from the Work Data List and click on <Delete> will bring up a
confirmation dialog.

Selecting <Yes> to the message will prodeed to delete the selected Work Data.
Selecting <NO> to the message will cancel the process to delete.
Selecting multiple data and click on <Delete> will delete all the selected data at once.

[ NOTE ]
Deleted Work Data cannot be recovered. Create the same data from [New] if
deleted data is required.

4.2 Pallet Data Registration

Clicking on the <Pallet Data Registration> will show the Pallet Data List.

Item Details
<New> Displays the window to create a new pallet data.
<Edit> Displays the edit window for the selected pallet data.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

Item Details
<Delete> Deletes the selected pallet data.
<Close> Closes the window.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

4.2.1 Create/Edit Pallet Data

Click <New> or <Edit> on the Pallet Data List window to display the Pallet Data Setting window.
Enter pallet size in the Pallet Data Setting window.

Item Details
[Pallet No.] Enter unique number for every pallet.
Up to 20 letters using single-byte alphanumeric characters and some
symbols ( + - = _ ( ) [ ] { } ) can be entered
* Only Pallet No. is displayed when editing. Any number cannot be
[Size]: [Length (L)] Enter the length of a pallet in longitudinal (L) direction.
* Longitudinal (L) is the plane parallel to the direction in which the fork
is inserted.
[Size]: [Width (W)] Enter the width of a pallet in lateral (W) direction.
* The width (W) is the side with fork inlets.
[Size]: [Height (H)] Enter the height of a pallet.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window. * Setting data are not saved.



Bottom(Robot Side)

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

4.2.2 Delete Pallet Data

Select the Pallet No. to delete from the Pallet Data List and clilck <Delete> will bring up a
confirmation message.

Selecting <Yes> to the message will prodeed to delete the selected Pallet Ddata.
Selecting <No> to the message will cancel the process to delete.
Selecting multiple data and click on <Delete> will delete all the selected data at once.

[ NOTE ]
Deleted Pallet Data cannot be recovered. Create the same data from [New] if
deleted data is required.

4.3 Make/Select Spec Data

Click <Make/Select Spec Data> button in the main menu to display Spec Data List window.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

Item Details
[Select Search Select the name of the target line for data retrieval.
[Enter Search Enter a first character of the data to list the applicable data only.
<Filter Reset> Reset the filter display of the list by the search to list all data.
<New> Displays the window to create a new Spec data.
<Edit> Displays the edit window of the selected Spec data.
<Delete> Deletes the selected Spec data.
<Select> Registers the selected Spec data in the data used for [Make Point Data].
<Close> Closes the window.

[ NOTE ]
In order to register a Model data, Work Data and Pallet Data need to be
registered beforehand.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

4.3.1 Create/Edit Spec Data

Click <New> or <Edit> in the Spec Data List window will show the Spec Data and Spec Data Setting

Item Details
[Spec No.] Enter a unique number of the applicable spec.
Up to 20 letters using single-byte alphanumeric characters and some symbols
( + - = _ ( ) [ ] { } ) can be entered.
*Input filed will be in read-only state when in Edit mode.
[Put point] tab Select put point of the target object.
[Work]tab Set workpiece data.
*Refer to the [ Setting ] for details.
[Pallet]tab Set pallet data.
*Refer to the [ for Pallet ] for details.
[Stack]tab Save the setting and close the window.
*Refer to the [ for Stack data ] for details.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Close the window.
*Set data is not saved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode) Workpiece Setting

The [Work] tab allows you to set workpiece data.

Item Details
<Select Work Data> Displays the Work Data List window.
[Work No.] Displays workpiece number.
[Total Size]: Displays the length of a workpiece in L direction.
[Total Size]: Displays the length of a workpiece in W direction.
[Total Size]: Displays the height of a workpiece.
[Total Size]:[Weight] Displays the weight of a workpiece.
Series of Two Work Place a checkmark for 2-workpiece placing application.
* You can use this only when Dual Chuck is selected for Form in Tool
Data Registration.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Close the window.
*Set data is not saved.

- 4-10 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode) Select Work Data

Click on the <Select Work Data> in the [Work] tab will show the list of workpice data that is
registered in the Work Data Registration window.
In the Work Data List window, select the Work Data to use for the spec.

Item Details
<Select> Registers selected work data to the spec data.
<Close> Closes the window.
**Any change on workpiece data will not be reflected to the spec data.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode) Setting for Pallet

The [Pallet] tab allows you to set a pallet data

Item Details
<Select Pallet Data> Displays the Pallet Data List window.
Refer to the [ Pallet Data ].
[Pallet No.] Displays Pallet No.
[Size]: [Length (L)] Displays the length of a pallet in longitudinal (L) direction.
* Longitudinal (L) is the plane parallel to the direction in which the fork
is inserted.
[Size]: [Width (W)] Displays the width of a pallet in lateral (W) direction.
* The width (W) is the side with fork inlets.
[Size]: [Height (H)] Displays the height of a pallet.
[Overhang]:[Top] Enter the overhang value on the top side seen from the robot.
*Overhang is the length of the workpiece which is out of the pallet edge
when stacking over the pallet size.
[Overhang]:[Bottom] Enter the overhang value on the bottom side seen from the robot.
[Overhang]:[Left] Enter the overhang value on the left side seen from the robot.
[Overhang]:[Right] Enter the overhang value on the right side seen from the robot.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Close the window.
*Set data is not saved.

- 4-12 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode) Select Pallet Data

Click on the <Select Pallet Data> in the [Pallet] tab will show the list of Pallet Data that is registered
at the Pallet Data Registration window.
In the Pallet Data List, select the Pallet Data to use for the spec.

Item Details
<Select> Registers the selected pallet data in the Spec data.
<Close> Closes the window.
* The registration state of the pallet data to the Spec data is not changed.

- 4-13 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode) Setting for Stack data

In the [Stack] tab, data related to palletization such as stack pattern and height are set.

Item Details
[Stack Height] Enter the height from pallet top to the top of the workpiece when
works are stacked up to the top layer.
* The robot palletizes not to exceed the height entered here.
The actual height of the completed palletization varies depending on
the height and stack pattern of the workpiece.
<Height Adjustment> Displays the Stack Height Adjustment Setting window.
* Function for the sack specification.
Refer to the [ Height Adjustment Setting]
[Max Step] Displays the stacking steps at the current [Stack Height] setting.
[Pattern] Displays the pattern number for the stack pattern of the first step.
<Select Pattern> Displays the Pattern Setting window.
Refer to the [ Setting]
[Small Gap] Enter Workpiece Gap ( No Available:V1.3 )
[Large Gap] Enter Workpiece Gap. Higher the value, bigger the gap between the
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Close the window.
*Set data is not saved.

- 4-14 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode) Stack Height Adjustment Setting

Click <Set Height Adjustment> in the [Stack] tab to display the Stack Height Adjustment Setting
The Stack Height Adjustment Setting allows you to set an adjusted value of height for each layer.

Item Details
Figure of Stack Displays the image when workpieces are stacked to the top layer.
[Total Adjustment] Enter the total height adjustment to calculate the adjustment value of
each layer.
* Enter the total sinking amount in negative value after the stacking.
When a positive value is entered, minus sign is added automatically.
<Setting> Adjustment amount of each layer is calculated based on the values
entered in “Total Adjustment” and set automatically.
* Enter zero to “Total Adjustment” and click <Setting> button. The height
adjustment values of all layers can be set to zero.
[Each Step Displays the height adjustment value in each layer. The value can be
Adjustment] changed.
Stack Height Displays the [Stack Height] which currently set.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window. * Setting data are not saved.

[ NOTE ]
This dialogue is used when you selected the sack specification.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode) Pattern Setting

Click <Select Pattern> in the [Stack] tab to display the Pattern Setting window.
The Pattern Setting allows you to set a workpiece stacking pattern for each layer.

Item Details
Figure of Pattern Figure of Pattern Setting is displayed.
Setting Indicates a pallet.

Indicates a workpiece.
When “Series of Two Work” is set to the [Work Setting],
workpiece will be displayed in size of two. It appears with blue
line in the center
When [Single] or [Single(Dual Chuck)] is set to the “Form” in
Tool Data setting, fixed side jaw will be indicated in red line. In
except when [Single] or [Single(Dual Chuck)] is set to the
"Form", it is indicated in red line at the right side of the
workpiece delivery direction.
Arrow indicates the workpiece delivery direction

Number indicates the workpiece put order

Indicates the stopper position of the put point that is set in the
Setup or System Setting.
Indicates the Over hand area with red dot-line frame

< << > button Reduce the number of workpiece. (Head number of the Pattern No.)
< < > button Return to the previous stack pattern.
< > > button Forward the stack pattern to the next.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

Item Details
< >> > button Increase the number of workpiece.
<Add> button Registers the displayed pattern to the stack pattern.
* The number of patterns exceeding the stack layer at the current setting
cannot be registered.
<Remove> button Removes one layer of the registered pattern.
* The pattern set last is removed.
[Registered Displays the pattern numbers currently registered.
[Preview] Displays the stack pattern figure of the selected layer in the [Registered
<Edit Order > Opens the [Work Put Order Setting] dialog.
Refer to the [ Order] for details.
<Edit Direction > Opens the [Work Direction Setting] dialog.
Refer to the [ Direction] for details.
<Edit Approach Opens the [Edit Approach Direction] dialog.
Dir.> Refer to the [ Approach Dir. ] for details.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window. * Setting data are not saved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode) Edit Order

Click <Edit Order> in the Pattern Setting window to display the Workpiece Put Oder Setting window.
On the Workpiece Put Oder Setting window, work put orders can be changed for the registered stack

Item Details
Figure of Stack Shows the stack pattern figure
Pattern ■How to edit the workpiece placement order
(1) Click the workpiece to change the put order.
The number indicating the placement order of the clicked workpiece
turns red, and the workpiece will be in selected state.

(2) Click on another workpiece to change the placement order will swap
the order with the workpiece selected in (1). Click on the same
workpiece as (1) will cancel the selected state.

<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.

<Cancel> Closes the window.
Setting data are not saved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode) Edit Direction

Click on [Edit Direction] in the Pattern Setting window will bring up the [Work Direction Setting]
dialog. This dialog allows you to edit the workpiece placement direction of the registered Stack

Item Details
Figure of Stack Indicates the stack pattern
Pattern ■How to change workpiece orientation
(1) Click on the workpiece to edit its orientation
The number indicating the placement order of the clicked workpiece
turns red, and the workpiece will be in selected state.

(2) Click on the same workpiece again will rotate its orientation for
Click on the different workpiece will cancel the selected state

 How to edit hand direction

(Refer to "6.2 Edit Hand Direction When Picking and Placing Work")
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
Setting data are not saved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode) Edit Approach Dir.

Click on the <Edit Approach Dir.> in the Pattern Setting window will bring up the Work Approach
Direction Setting dialog. You can edit the approach direction to the workpieces.

Item Details
Figure of Stack Indicates the stack pattern
Pattern ■How to change approach direction
(1) Click on the workpiece to change the approach direction.
The number indicating the placement order of the clicked workpiece
turns red, and the workpiece will be in selected state. Corresponding
approach direction button that is set to the selected workpiece will be in
active state.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

Item Details
(2) Click on the Approach direction setting button that shows the desired
approach direction to change to.
The arrow on the target workpiece will be changed to the selected one.
Click on any of the workpiece in the pattern figure will cancel the
selected state of the workpiece.

Approach Buttons to set the approach direction.

direction setting Direction of the placement motion will be the one that is shown in the pattern
button figure.
Robot approaches to the workpiece from bottm left of the
Robot approaches to the workpiece from bottom side of the
Robot approaches to the workpiece from bottom right of the
Robot approaches to the workpiece from the left side of the
Robot approaches to the workpiece from above the pallet
Robot approaches to the workpiece from the right side of the
Robot approaches to the workpiece from the upper left side
of the pallet
Robot approaches to the workpiece from the upper side of
the pallet
Robot approaches to the workpiece from the upper right
side of the pallet
Auto Select Controller decides the approach direction

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

Item Details
(e.g) is set :


B(Robot Side)

<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.

<Cancel> Closes the window.
Setting data are not saved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

4.3.2 Delete Spec Data

Select Spec data from Spec Data List to delete and click <Delete>.
The confirmation dialog will pop up.

Click <Yes> to delete the selected Spec data.

Click <No> to avoid deleting and return to the Spec Data List window.
Select several Spec Data and click [Delete] to delete all the selected Spec Data at once.
For the layout with multiple placement points, the list will has as many lines as the number of
placement points per Spec Data.
In that case, the Spec Data that is selected one or more lines will be the target to be deleted.

[ NOTE ]
The deleted Spec Data cannot be restored. Click [New] and create the similar
data. The new data can be created with the same Spec No. of the deleted one.

[ NOTE ]
Deletion of the Spec Data does not delete the workpiece data and pallet data
registered in Spec.

4.4 Valiable Settings

Click on the <Variable Settings> in the main menu will bring up the Variable Settings dialog.

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Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

Item Details
[Valiable] Select the variable to set the value.
[Robot operation You can edit the value of the position variable.Robot pose changes according
panel] to the edited value.

*Refer to the [Teach Panel] section in the Chapter 3 [Basic function] in the
K-ROSET Operation Manual for detailed operation about the panel.
<RZ -90>/<RZ +90> Rotates RZ for 90 degree.These buttons will be greyed out and cannot be
used when motion mode is set to Joint.
<Register> Registeres the current position to the selected position variable.
<Release> Initialize the position data of the selected variable.
<Reset> Back to the registered position value.
J1~J6 Shows the joint value of the selected position variable
<OK> Saves the set data and closes the dialog.
Updates the position data of the registered teaching point.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
*Set data is not saved.

4.5 Create Point Data

Click on the <Make Point Data> in the main menu will bring up a confirmation message.

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Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

Click on <Yes> to the message will start the process of creating AS file.
Click on <No> will cancel the process.
A completion message shown below will pop up when the process is completed successfully.

Refer to the [97060-2450 K-SPARC Robot Motion Manual] for how to use the created data.
4.6 Load File
Click on <Load File> in the main menu will bring up the Load File dialog.
You can specify the Spec No to load to a robot.

Item Details
[Target No] Select the Spec No. to register the data. (1-99)
[File Name] Select the file to load.
<OK> Executes the data loading process and closes the dialog.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog.
*Loading process will not be executed.

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Operation Manual 4Main Menu (User Mode)

4.7 Administrator Login

Click <Admin Login> in the main menu to open the login dialog.

Item Details
[Password] Enter administrator password. (Password is 9894.)
<Login> Login as administrator.
<Cancel> Close the dialog.

[ NOTE ]

When login is succeeded, the mode is turned to Administrator mode.

Refer to the next chapter (Main Menu (Administrator Mode) for the operation of
Administrator mode.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5 Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Select [Main Menu] tab added on the right side of the K-ROSET window to display the main menu of
the K-SPARC.

1 1) Setup
Select from template to create a new palletizing information
2 data.
3 2) Selected Spec Data
Indicates the target Spec Data.
3) Work Data Registration
Registers Work Data.
6 4) Pallet Data Registration
7 Registers Pallet Data.
5) Make/Select Spec Data
Select Spec Data to use. Also newly create ([New]), edit
([Edit]), or delete ([Delete]) data.
6) Variable Settings

9 Registeres position variable data.

7) Make Point Data
Create a point data of the robot based on the selected Spec
data, Layout data and Robot data.
11 8) Load File
Loads the created position data to a robot.
9) Edit Layout
Edit the layout information for the existing project.
10) System setting
Edit the system data for the existing project.
11) Logout
Switches mode from [Administrator Mode] to [User Mode].

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.1 Setup
Click <Setup> in the main menu to display [K-SPARC Setup Wizard].

5.1.1 Select Layout

Firstly, select base layout of palletizing area.

Item Details
Layout List Select layout.
[Spec] Displays the specification of the selected layout.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
* Setup is not saved.
<Prev> * Unavailable.
<Next> Displays the Select Robot window.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.1.2 Select Robot

Next, select the robot to use.

Item Details
[Series] Select a robot series.
[Model] Select robot model.
[Specification] Select specification of the robot.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
* Setup is not saved.
<Prev> Displays the Select Layout window.
<Next> Displays the Select Tool window.


Supported robot models are articulated robot such as R series, Z series, M series, C
series and such. For 6-axis robot, only the motion that flange surface is always
facing down is supported.
And supported controller is only E controller and the latest AS version that is
supported by your K-ROSET will automatically be selected.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.1.3 Select Tool

Next,select the tool to use.

Item Details
[Model] Select tool model.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
* Setup is not saved.
<Prev> Displays Select Robot window.
<Next> Displays Work Information window.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.1.4 Work Information

Next, select the form of the workpiece.

Item Details
[Form] Select the form of the workpiece either [Box] or [Sack].
<Cancel> Closes the window.
* Setup is not saved.
<Prev> Displays Select Tool window.
<Next> Displays Tool Data Setting window.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.1.5 Tool Data Setting

Next,enter the robot Tool data.

Item Details
[Form] Select hand form.
[Size]: [Width] Enter a width of the hand.
[Size]: [Thick] Enter a thickness of the hand.
* [Thick] cannot be entered when [Sack] is selected to workpiece shape or
[Suction] is selected to hand shape.
* Entere the thickness of the fixed side jaw when [Single] or [Single(Dual
Chuck)]is selected to hand shape.
[Size]: [Weight] Enter a weight of the hand.
[One Side Move Enter One Side Move Amount when clamping a work.
Amount]: [Clamp] * Cannot be entered when [Vacuum], [Single] or [Single(Dual Chuck)] is
selected to hand shape.
[One Side Move Enter One Side Move Amount when a workpiece is stacked on a pallet.
Amount]: * Cannot be entered when [Vacuum], [Single] or [Single(Dual Chuck)] is
[Unclamp] selected to hand shape.
[Offset from the Enter tool size in X direction, Y direction and Z direction.
Center of the The value set here will set as tool transformation value.
Flange to the * Enterer the distance from flange center to the fixed jaw when [Single] or
Center of the [Single(Dual Chuck)] is selected to hand shape.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Item Details
<Cancel> Closes the window.
* Setup is not saved.
<Prev> Displays Work Information window.
<Next> Displays Pick Base Point Setting window.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.1.6 Pick Base Point Setting

Register the 3 reference coordinate points of workpiece pick point and the conveyor settings.
Enter the value of a coordinate of the reference point shown as red star mark in the Guidance view.

Item Details
<Pick 1/2/3> Switches the pick point data to set. (Up to 3 pick point data)
Pick point 1(Base) Enter a coordinate of reference pick point in the X, Y, Z and O box.
*Values A and T cannot be changed.
Pick point 2(Frame Enter a coordinate of X direction reference pick point in the X and Y box.
X Dir) *Values Z, O, A and T cannot be changed.
Pick point 3(Frame Enter a coordinate of Y direction reference pick point in the X and Y box.
Y Dir) *Values Z, O, A and T cannot be changed.
[Conveyor Displays a stopper position selection window.
Setting]: Selected stopper position will be previewed.
< Select Stopper *Refer to the stopper position display pattern below.
Position> *Only Pick 1 can select stopper position when [Single] or [Single(Double
Chuck)] is selected to hand shape. The stopper position set to Pick 1 will
automatically be applied to Pick 2 and 3.
[Conveyor Enter a roller pitch of the conveyor.
Setting]: *Corresponds to the distance (a) in the figure.
[Roller Pitch]

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Item Details
[Conveyor Setting]: Enter the distance in X direction from conveyor stopper to the TCP at the
[Distance from time of teaching.
stopper to Pick *Corresponds to the distance (b) in the figure of Stopper position display
Base Point (X Dir.)] pattern.
[Conveyor Setting]: Enter the distance in Y direction from conveyor stopper to the TCP at the
[Distance from time of teaching.
stopper to Pick *Cannot be entered when [Single] or [Single(Dual Chuck)] is selected to
Base Point (Y Dir.)] hand shape.
*Corresponds to the distance (c) in the figure of Stopper position display
<Cancel> Closes the window.
* Setup is not saved.
<Prev> Displays Tool Data Setting window.

Stopper Position Display Pattern

Top Top Top

left right

Left Center Right

Bottom Bottom Bottom

left right

- 5-9 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Select Stopper Position

Click on the <Stopper position> will bring up the Stopper Position dialog.

Select stopper
position button

Item Details
Select Stopper Changes the stopper position by clicking on the desired button.
Position button Image after the change will be showed in the preview section on the left.
* Stopper position at Top, Center and Bottom cannot be selected when
[Single]or [Single(Dual Chuck)] is selected to hand shape.
<OK> Applies the selected position and closes the dialog.
< Cancel > Closes the dialog.
*Stopper position will not be changed.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.1.7 Put Point (Center of Pallet) Setting

Next, enter the reference coordinate of the workpiece Put Point (a central coordinate when a
maximum size pallet is used).

Item Details
[Base Pallet]: Enter the longitudinal width (L) of the base pallet.
[Base Pallet]: Enter the horizontal width (W) of the base pallet.
[Base Pallet]: Enter the height (H) of the base pallet.
[Base Pallet]: Displays the Pallet Data Settings dialog for editing size setting of the base
<Edit Pallet Size> pallet.
<Put 1/2/3/4> Switches the Put Point data to set. (Up to 4 put point data)
Put point 1(Base) Enter a coordinate of reference put point in the X, Y, Z and O box.
* Values A and T cannot be changed.
Put point 2(Frame Enter a coordinate of X direction reference out point in the X and Y boxes.*
X Dir) Values Z, O, A and T cannot be changed.
Put point 3(Frame Enter a coordinate of Y direction reference put point in the X and Y box.
Y Dir) *Value Z, O, A and T cannot be changed.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Item Details
[Stopper Setting]: Displays the Stopper Position selection dialog.
<Select Stopper Seleted stopper position will be previewed.

Refer to the Stopper position display pattern.

<Cancel> Closes the window.

* Setup is not saved.
<Prev> Displays Pick Base Point Setting window.
<Next> Displays Stack Data Setting window.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Stopper Position Display Pattern

Top left Top Top right

Left Center Right

Bottom Bottom Bottom

left right



Bottom (Robot Side)

- 5-13 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Pallet Data Setting

Click on the <Pallet Size> will bring up the Pallet Data Setting dialog.

Item Details
[Size]: [Length (L)] Enter the length of a pallet in longitudinal (L) direction.
* Longitudinal (L) is the plane parallel to the direction in which the fork is
[Size]: [Width (W)] Enter the width of a pallet in lateral (W) direction.
* The width (W) is the side with fork inlets.
[Size]: [Height (H)] Enter the height of a pallet.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
* Setting data are not saved.

- 5-14 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Select Stopper Position

Click on <Stopper Position> will bring up the Stopper position setting dialog.

Select stopper
position button

Item Details
Select Stopper Changes the stopper position by clicking on the desired button.
Position Image after the change will be showed in the preview section on the left.
<OK> Applies the selected position and closes the dialog.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog.
*Stopper position does not change.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.1.8 Stack Data Setting

Next,enter the stack data of the workpiece.

Item Details
[Pallet Max Size]: Displays the longitudinal width (L) of the maximum pallet.
[Length (L)]
[Pallet Max Size]: Displays the horizontal width (W) of the maximum pallet.
[Width (W)]
[Pallet Max Size]: Displays the height (H) of the maximum pallet.
[Height (H)]
[Pallet Max Size]: Displays Pallet Data Setting window for changing the size setting of the
<Edit Pallet Size> maximum pallet.

[Stack Height]: Enter the maximum stack height of the workpiece.

[Max Stack Height]
[Stack Height]: Enter the maximum Amount for Away in Z direction when the workpiece is
[Amount for Away stacked.
(Z direction)]
<Cancel> Closes the window.
* Setup is not saved.
<Prev> Displays Put Base Point Setting window.
<Complete> Complete the setting of the layout information, and create the project data.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Pallet Data Setting

Click on the <Edit Pallet Size> will bring up the Pallet Data Setting dialog for setting the maximum
pallet data.

Item Details
[Size]: [Length (L)] Enter the length of a pallet in longitudinal (L) direction.
* Longitudinal (L) is the plane parallel to the direction in which the fork is
[Size]: [Width (W)] Enter the width of a pallet in lateral (W) direction.
* The width (W) is the side with fork inlets.
[Size]: [Height (H)] Enter the height of a pallet.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
* Setting data are not saved.

5.2 Work Data Registration

Click on the <Work Data Registration> will display the Work Data List.

Item Details
<New> Displays the window to create new workpiece data.
<Edit> Displays the edit dialog of the selected workpiece data.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Item Details
<Delete> Deletes selected workpiece data.
<Close> Closes the window.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.2.1 Create/Edit Work Data

Clicking <New> or <Edit> in the Work Data List window to display Work Data Setting window.
Enter workpiece size in the Work Data Setting window.

Item Details
[Work No] Enter unique number for every workpiece.
Up to 20 letters using single-byte alphanumeric characters and some
symbols ( + - = _ ( ) [ ] { } ) can be entered.
** Only Work No. is displayed when editing. Any number cannot be
[Size]:[Length(L)] Enter the length of a workpiece in L direction.
[Size]:[Width(W)] Enter the width of a workpiece in W direction.
[Size]: [Height (H)] Enter the height of a workpiece.
[Size]:[Weight(W)] Enter the weight of a workpiece.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window. * Setting data are not saved.


Work Delivery Direction

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.2.2 Delete Work Data

Select the item to delete from the Work Data List and and click on <Delete> will bring up a
confirmation dialog.

Click on <Yes> to the message will proceed to delete the selected Work Data.
Click on <No> to the message will cancel the process.
Selecting multiple data and click on <Delete> will delete all the selected data at once.

[ NOTE ]
Deleted Work Data cannot be recovered. Create the same data from [New] if
deleted data is required.

5.3 Pallet Data Registration

Click on the <Pallet Data Registration> will bring up the Pallet Data List.

Item Details
<New> Displays the window to create a new pallet data.
<Edit> Displays the edit window for the selected pallet data.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Item Details
<Delete> Deletes the selected pallet data.
<Close> Closes the window.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.3.1 Create/Edit Pallet Data

Click <New> or <Edit> on the Pallet Data List window to display the Pallet Data Setting window.
Enter pallet size in the Pallet Data Setting window.

Item Details
[Pallet No.] Enter unique number for every pallet.
Up to 20 letters using single-byte alphanumeric characters and some
symbols ( + - = _ ( ) [ ] { } ) can be entered.
* Only Pallet No. is displayed when editing. Any number cannot be
[Size]: [Length (L)] Enter the length of a pallet in longitudinal (L) direction.
* Longitudinal (L) is the plane parallel to the direction in which the fork
is inserted.
[Size]: [Width (W)] Enter the width of a pallet in lateral (W) direction.
* The width (W) is the side with fork inlets.
[Size]: [Height (H)] Enter the height of a pallet.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window. * Setting data are not saved.



Bottom(Robot Side)

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.3.2 Delete Pallet Data

Select the item to dete from the Pallet Data List and click on <Delete> will bring up a confirmation

Selecting <Yes> to the message will prodeed to delete the selected Pallet Ddata.
Selecting <No> to the message will cancel the process to delete.
Selecting multiple data and click on <Delete> will delete all the selected data at once.

[ NOTE ]
Deleted Pallet Data cannot be recovered. Create the same data from [New] if
deleted data is required.

5.4 Make/Select Spec Data

Click <Make/Select Spec Data> button in the main menu to display Spec Data List window.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Item Details
[Select Search Select the name of the target line for data retrieval.
[Enter Search Enter a first character of the data to list the applicable data only.
<Filter Reset> Reset the filter display of the list by the search to list all data.
<New> Displays the window to create a new Spec data.
<Edit> Displays the edit window of the selected Spec data.
<Delete> Deletes the selected Spec data.
<Select> Registers the selected Spec data in the data used for [Make Point Data].
<Close> Closes the window.

[ NOTE ]
In order to register a Spec Data, Work Data and Pallet Data need to be
registered beforehand.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.4.1 Create/Edit Spec Data

Click on either <New> or <Edit> button in the Spec Data List will bring up the Spec Data Setting

Item Details
[Spec No.] Enter a unique number of the applicable spec.
Up to 20 letters using single-byte alphanumeric characters and some symbols
( + - = _ ( ) [ ] { } ) can be entered.
*Input filed will be in read-only state when in Edit mode.
[Put point] tab Select put point of the target object.
[Work]tab Set workpiece data.
*Refer to the [ Setting] for details.
[Pallet]tab Set pallet data.
*Refer to the [ for Pallet] for details.
[Stack]tab Save the setting and close the window.
*Refer to the [ for Stack data] for details.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Close the window.
*Set data is not saved.

- 5-25 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Workpiece Setting

The [Work] tab allows you to set workpiece data.

Item Details
<Select Work Data> Displays the Work Data List window.
[Work No.] Displays workpiece number.
[Total Size]: Displays the length of a workpiece in L direction.
[Total Size]: Displays the length of a workpiece in W direction.
[Total Size]: Displays the height of a workpiece.
[Total Size]:[Weight] Displays the weight of a workpiece.
Series of two Work Place a checkmark for 2-workpiece placing application.
* You can use this only when 2 Workpieces is selected for “Form” in Tool
Data Registration.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Close the window.
*Set data is not saved.

- 5-26 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Select Work Data

<Select Work Data> in the [Work] tab will show the list of Work Data that are registered in the Work
Data Registration window.
Select a Work Data to use for the spec from the Work Data List.

Item Details
<Select> Registers selected work data to the spec data.
<Close> Closes the window.
**Any change on workpiece data will not be reflected to the spec data.

- 5-27 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Setting for Pallet

The [Pallet] tab allows you to set a pallet data

Item Details
<Select Pallet Data> Displays the Pallet Data List window.
Refer to the [ Pallet Data]
[Pallet No.] Displays Pallet No.
[Size]: [Length (L)] Displays the length of a pallet in longitudinal (L) direction.
* Longitudinal (L) is the plane parallel to the direction in which the fork
is inserted.
[Size]: [Width (W)] Displays the width of a pallet in lateral (W) direction.
* The width (W) is the side with fork inlets.
[Size]: [Height (H)] Displays the height of a pallet.
[Overhang]:[Top] Enter the overhang value on the top side seen from the robot.
*Overhang is the length of the workpiece which is out of the pallet edge
when stacking over the pallet size.
[Overhang]:[Bottom] Enter the overhang value on the bottom side seen from the robot.
[Overhang]:[Left] Enter the overhang value on the left side seen from the robot.
[Overhang]:[Right] Enter the overhang value on the right side seen from the robot.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Close the window.
*Set data is not saved.

- 5-28 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Select Pallet Data

Click on the <Select Pallet Data> in the [Pallet] tab will show the list of Pallet Data that are
registered in the Pallet Data Registration window.
Select a Pallet Data to use for the spec from the Pallet Data List.

Item Details
<Select> Registers the selected pallet data in the Spec data.
<Close> Closes the window.
* The registration state of the pallet data to the Spec data is not changed.

- 5-29 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Setting for Stack data

In the [Stack] tab, data related to palletization such as stack pattern and height are set.

Item Details
[Stack Height] Enter the height from pallet top to the top of the workpiece when
works are stacked up to the top layer.
* The robot palletizes not to exceed the height entered here.
The actual height of the completed palletization varies depending on
the height and stack pattern of the workpiece.
<Height Adjustment> Displays the Stack Height Adjustment Setting window.
* Function for the sack specification.
Refer to the [ Height Adjustment Setting].
[Max Step] Displays the stacking steps at the current [Stack Height] setting.
[Pattern] Displays the pattern number for the stack pattern of the first step.
<Select Pattern> Displays the Pattern Setting window.
Refer to the [ Setting].
[Small Gap] Enter Workpiece Gap ( No Available:V1.3 )
[Large Gap] Enter Workpiece Gap. Higher the value, bigger the gap between the
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Close the window.
*Set data is not saved.

- 5-30 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Stack Height Adjustment Setting

Click <Set Height Adjustment> in the [Stack] tab to display the Stack Height Adjustment Setting
The Stack Height Adjustment Setting allows you to set an adjusted value of height for each layer.

Item Details
Figure of Stack Displays the image when workpieces are stacked to the top layer.
[Total Adjustment] Enter the total height adjustment to calculate the adjustment value of
each layer.
* Enter the total sinking amount in negative value after the stacking.
When a positive value is entered, minus sign is added automatically.
<Setting> Adjustment amount of each layer is calculated based on the values
entered in “Total Adjustment” and set automatically.
* Enter zero to “Total Adjustment” and click <Setting> button. The height
adjustment values of all layers can be set to zero.
[Each Step Displays the height adjustment value in each layer. The value can be
Adjustment] changed.
Stack Height Displays the [Stack Height] which currently set.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window. * Setting data are not saved.

[ NOTE ]
This dialogue is used when you selected the sack specification.

- 5-31 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Pattern Setting

Click <Select Pattern> in the [Stack] tab to display the Pattern Setting window.
The Pattern Setting allows you to set a workpiece stacking pattern for each layer.

Item Details
Figure of Pattern Figure of Pattern Setting is displayed.
Setting Indicates a pallet.

Indicates a workpiece.
When “Series of Two Work” is set to the [Work Setting],
workpiece will be displayed in size of two. It appears with blue
line in the center
When [Single] or [Single(Dual Chuck)] is set to the “Form” in
Tool Data setting, fixed side jaw will be indicated in red line.
Arrow indicates the workpiece delivery direction

Number indicates the workpiece put order

Indicates the stopper position of the put point that is set in the
Setup or System Setting.
Indicates the Over hand area with red dot-line frame

< << > button Reduce the number of workpiece. (Head number of the Pattern No.)
< < > button Return to the previous stack pattern.
< > > button Forward the stack pattern to the next.
< >> > button Increase the number of workpiece.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Item Details
<Add> button Registers the displayed pattern to the stack pattern.
* The number of patterns exceeding the stack layer at the current setting
cannot be registered.
<Remove> button Removes one layer of the registered pattern.
* The pattern set last is removed.
[Registered Displays the pattern numbers currently registered.
[Preview] Displays the stack pattern figure of the selected layer in the [Registered
<Edit Order > Opens the [Work Put Order Setting] dialog.
Refer to the [ Edit Order] for details.
<Edit Direction > Opens the [Work Direction Setting] dialog.
Refer to the [ Edit Direction] for details.
<Edit Approach Opens the [Edit Approach Direction] dialog.
Dir.> Refer to [ Edit Approach Dir.] for details.
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window. * Setting data are not saved.

- 5-33 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Edit Order

Click <Edit Order> in the Pattern Setting window to display the Workpiece Put Oder Setting window.
On the Workpiece Put Oder Setting window, work put orders can be changed for the registered stack

Item Details
Figure of Stack Shows the stack pattern figure
Pattern ■How to edit the workpiece placement order
(1) Click the workpiece to change the put order.
The number indicating the placement order of the clicked workpiece
turns red, and the workpiece will be in selected state.

(2) Click on another workpiece to change the placement order will swap
the order with the workpiece selected in (1). Click on the same
workpiece as (1) will cancel the selected state.

<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.

<Cancel> Closes the window.
Setting data are not saved.

- 5-34 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Edit Direction

Click on [Edit Direction] in the Pattern Setting window will bring up the [Work Direction Setting]
dialog. This dialog allows you to edit the workpiece placement direction of the registered Stack

Item Details
Figure of Stack Indicates the stack pattern
Pattern ■How to change workpiece orientation
(1) Click on the workpiece to edit its orientation
The number indicating the placement order of the clicked workpiece
turns red, and the workpiece will be in selected state.

(2) Click on the same workpiece again will rotate its orientation for 180°.
Click on the different workpiece will cancel the selected state

 How to edit hand direction

(Refer to "6.2 Edit Hand Diection When Picking and Placing Work")
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
Setting data are not saved.

- 5-35 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Edit Approach Dir.

Click on the <Edit Approach Dir.> in the Pattern Setting window will bring up the Work Approach
Direction Setting dialog. You can edit the approach direction to the workpieces.

Item Details
Figure of Stack Indicates the stack pattern
Pattern ■How to change approach direction
(1) Click on the workpiece to change the approach direction.
The number indicating the placement order of the clicked workpiece
turns red, and the workpiece will be in selected state.
Corresponding approach direction button that is set to the selected
workpiece will be in active state.

(2) Click on the Approach direction setting button that shows the desired
approach direction to change to.
The arrow on the target workpiece will be changed to the selected one.
Click on any of the workpiece in the pattern figure will cancel the
selected state of the workpiece.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Item Details
Approach Buttons to set the approach direction.
direction setting Direction of the placement motion will be the one that is shown in the pattern
button figure.
Robot approaches to the workpiece from bottm left of the
Robot approaches to the workpiece from bottom side of the
Robot approaches to the workpiece from bottom right of the
Robot approaches to the workpiece from the left side of the
Robot approaches to the workpiece from above the pallet
Robot approaches to the workpiece from the right side of the
Robot approaches to the workpiece from the upper left side
of the pallet
Robot approaches to the workpiece from the upper side of
the pallet
Robot approaches to the workpiece from the upper right
side of the pallet
Auto Select Controller decides the approach direction
(e.g) is set :


B(Robot Side)

<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.

<Cancel> Closes the window.
Setting data are not saved.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.4.2 Delete Spec Data

Select Spec data from Spec Data List to delete and click <Delete>.
The confirmation dialog will pop up.

Click <Yes> to delete the selected Spec data.

Click <No> to avoid deleting and return to the Spec Data List window.
Select several Spec Data and click [Delete] to delete all the selected Spec Data at once.
For the layout with multiple placement points, the list will has as many lines as the number of
placement points per Spec Data.
In that case, the Spec Data that is selected one or more lines will be the target to be deleted.

[ NOTE ]
The deleted Spec Data cannot be restored. Click [New] and create the similar
data. The new data can be created with the same Spec No. of the deleted one.

[ NOTE ]
Deletion of the Spec Data does not delete the workpiece data and pallet data
registered in Spec.

5.5 Valiable Settings

Click on the <Variable Settings> in the main menu will bring up the Variable Settings dialog.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Item Details
[Valiable] Select the variable to set the value.
[Robot operation You can edit the value of the position variable.Robot pose changes according
panel] to the edited value.

*Refer to the [Teach Panel] section in the Chapter 3 [Basic function] in the
K-ROSET Operation Manual for detailed operation about the panel.
<RZ -90>/<RZ +90> Rotates RZ for 90 degree.These buttons will be greyed out and cannot be
used when motion mode is set to Joint.
<Register> Registeres the current position to the selected position variable.
<Release> Initialize the position data of the selected variable.
<Reset> Back to the registered position value.
J1~J6 Shows the joint value of the selected position variable
<OK> Saves the set data and closes the dialog.
Updates the position data of the registered teaching point.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
*Set data is not saved.

5.6 Create Point Data

Click on <Create Point Data> in the main menu will bring up a confirmation dialog.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Click on <Yes> will start the process of creating AS file.

Click on <No> will cancel the process.
A completion message shown below will pop up when the process is completed successfully.

Refer to the [97060-2450 K-SPARC Robot Motion Manual] for how to use the created data.

5.7 Load File

Click on the <Load File> in the main menu will bring up the Load File dialog.
You can specify the Spec No to load to a robot.

Item Details
[Target No] Select a Spec No. to register data. (1 to 99)
[File Name] Select a file to load.
[Overwrite the System Place a checkmark to update the system settings when loading.
Settings] Refer to the K-SPARC Robot Motion Manual for details.
<OK> Proceeds data loading and closes the dialog.
<Cancel> Closes the dialog.
* Data will not be loaded.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.8 Layout Setting

Click <Edit Layout> in the main menu to display the Layout Setting window.
5.8.1 Pick Point
The [Pick Point] tab allows you to set the value of a coordinate of pick point.

Item Details
<Pick Point 1/2/3> Switches Pick Point data to set.
Pick Point 1(Base) Enter a coordinate of reference pick point in the X, Y, Z and O box.
**Values A and T cannot be changed.
Pick Point 2(Frame Enter a coordinate of X direction pick point in the X and Y box.
X Dir) **Values Z, O, A and T cannot be changed.
Pick Point 3(Frame Enter a coordinate of Y direction pick point in the X and Y box.
Y Dir) ** Values Z, O, A and T cannot be changed.
<Rebuild> Rebuild the layout data with current setting.
<Close> Closes the window.
*Set data is not saved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.8.2 Put point

The [Put Point] tab allows you to set the value of a coordinate of the Put Point and pallet direction
seen from the robot at every Put Point.

Item Details
<Put Point 1/2/3/4> Switches Put Point data to set.
Put point 1(Base) Enter a coordinate of reference put point in the X, Y, Z and O box.
*The value A and T cannot be changed.
Put point 2(Frame X Enter X direction reference put point in the X and Y box.
Dir) *The value Z, O, A and T cannot be changed.
Put point 3(Frame Y Enter Y direction reference put point in the X and Y box.
Dir) *The value Z, O, A and T cannot be changed.
[Base Pallet]:[Length] Enter the longitudinal width (L) of the base pallet.
[Base Pallet]:[Width] Enter the horizontal width (W) of the base pallet.
[Base Pallet]:[Height] Enter the height (H) of the base pallet.
[Base Pallet]: Displays the Pallet Data Setting window for editing the base pallet
<Edit Pallet Size> size.
Refer to [ Data Setting] for details about Pallet Data
Setting dialog.
<Rebuild> Rebuild the layout data with the current setting.
<Close> Closes window.
*Set data is not saved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.8.3 Pallet
The [Pallet] tab allows you to set the maximum pallet size to be used.

Item Details
[Max Size]: Enter the longitudinal width (L) of the maximum pallet.
[Length (L)]
[Max Size]: Enter the horizontal width (W) of the maximum pallet.
[Width (W)]
[Max Size]: Enter the height (H) of the maximum pallet.
[Height (H)]
[Max Size]: Displays the Pallet Data Setting window for editing the maximum pallet size.
<Edit Pallet Size> Refer to [ Data Setting] for details about Pallet Data Setting
<Rebuild> Rebuild the layout information with the current setting.
<Close> Closes the window.
*Set data is not saved.
<Close> Closes the window.
*Set data is not saved.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.8.4 Etc.
The [Etc.] tab allows you to set various parameters about layout data.

Item Details
[Max Stack Enter the maximum stack height of the workpiece.
[Amount for Away Enter the maximum Amount for Away in Z direction when the workpiece is
(Z direction)] stacked.
<Rebuild> Reconfigure the layout information with the current setting.
<Close> Closes the window.
*Set data is not saved.

5.9 System Setting

Click <System Setting> in the main menu to display the System Setting window.

5.9.1 Tool
The [Tool] tab allows you to set a hand tool data.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Item Details
[Form] Select hand form.
[Size]: [Width] Enter a width of the hand.
[Size]: [Thick] Enter a thickness of the hand.
* [Thick] cannot be entered when [Sack] is selected to workpiece shape or
[Suction] is selected to hand shape.
* Entere the thickness of the fixed side jaw when [Single] or [Single(Dual
Chuck)]is selected to hand shape.
[Size]: [Weight] Enter a weight of the hand.
[One Side Move Enter One Side Move Amount when clamping a workpiece.
Amount]: [Clamp] * Cannot be entered when [Suction], [Single] or [Single(Dual Chuck)] is
selected to hand shape.
[One Side Move Enter One Side Move Amount when a workpiece is stacked on a pallet.
Amount]: * Cannot be entered when [Suction], [Single] or [Single(Dual Chuck)] is
[Unclamp] selected to hand shape.
[Offset from the Enter tool size in X direction, Y direction and Z direction.
Center of the The value set here will set as tool transformation value.
Flange to the * Enterer the distance from flange center to the fixed jaw when [Single] or
Center of the Work] [Single(Dual Chuck)] is selected to hand shape.
<OK> Saves the current setting and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
*Set data is not saved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.9.2 Work
The [Work] tab allows you to set a workpiece data.

Item Details
[Form] Select workpiece form either [Box] or [Sack].
<OK> Saves the current setting and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
*Set data is not saved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.9.3 Pick Point

The [Pick Point] tab allows you to set a point data for operation.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Item Details
<Pick 1/2/3> Switches the tab to setup the pick point data.
[Base Point Setting]: Shows the base coordinate of the pick point.
Pick Point 1 (Base) Cannot be edit in System Setting window.
[Base Point Setting]: Shows the coordinate on pick point frame in X direction.
Pick Point 2(X Dir.) Cannot be edit in System Setting window.
[Base Point Setting]: Shows the coordinate on pick point fram in Y direction.
Pick Point 3(X Dir.) Cannot be edit in System Setting window.
[Conveyor Setting]: Opens the Select Stoper Position dialog.
<Select Stopper Selected stopper position will be previewed.
Postion > * Only Pick 1 can select stopper position when [Single] or [Single(Double
chuck)] is selected to hand shape. The stopper position set to Pick 1 will
automatically be applied to Pick 2 and 3.
*Refer to the [5.1.6 Pick Base Point Setting] for the display pattern of the
stopper position.
*Refer to the [ Select Stopper Position] for the selection dialog for
stopper position.
[Conveyor Setting]: Enter a roller pitch of the conveyor.
[Roller Pitch]
[Conveyor Setting]: Enter the distance in X direction from conveyor stopper to the TCP at the
[Distance from stopper time of teaching.
to Pick Base Point (X
[Conveyor Setting]: Enter the distance in Y direction from conveyor stopper to the TCP at the
[Distance from stopper time of teaching.
to Pick Base Point (Y
<OK> Saves the current setting and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
*Set data is not saved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.9.4 Put Point

In [Put Point] tab, it displays 3 points of the workpiece put point base coordinate and allows you to set
stopper position.

Item Details
<Put 1/2/3/4> Switches the tab to setup the put point data.
[Base Point Setting]: Shows the base coordinate of the put point. Cannot be edit in System
Put Point 1 (Base) Setting window.
[Base Point Setting]: Shows the coordinate on put point frame in X direction.
Put Point 2(X Dir.) Cannot be edit in System Setting window.
[Base Point Setting]: Shows the coordinate on put point frame in Y direction.
Put Point 3(X Dir.) Cannot be edit in System Setting window.
[Stopper Setting]: Opens the Select Stopper Position dialog.
<Select Stopper Selected stopper position will be previewed.
Position > *Refer to the[5.1.7 Put Point (Center of Pallet) Setting] for Stopper
position display pattern.
*Refer to the [ Select Stopper Position] for details about Select
stopper position dialog.
<OK> Saves the current setting and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
*Set data is not saved.

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.9.5 Point
In [Point] tab, it allows you to set the motion related position data.

Item Details
[ Pass Point ]: Displays the coordinate input table.
<Edit >
Pick Approach Point Enter the Pick Approach (Z direction).
Pick Depart Point Enter the depart point in Z direction for after picking up a workpiece.
Put Approach Point Enter the Put Approach (X direction, Y direction, Z direction).
<OK> Saves the setting data and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
Setting data are not saved.
Put Depart Point Displays the maximum Amount for Away in the Z direction when the
workpiece is stacked.
[ Edit Hand Check to enable the Edit Hand Direction function.
Direction ] (Refer to "6.2 Edit Hand Diection When Picking and Placing Work")

- 5-50 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode) Coordinates Input

Click on <Pass Point> will bring up a input dialog for editing path point.

Item Details
X Enter the X coordinate.
Y Enter the Y coordinate.
<OK> Saves the current setting and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
*Set data is not saved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.9.6 Point(Single)
In [Point(Single)] tab, it allows you to set motion related position data when [Single] or [Single(Double
chuck)] is set to hand shape.

Item Details
Setting amount for Enter the amount to shift the jaw to the workpiece for picking.
Departing amount Enter the departing amount of the jaw from the workpiece after the
after placing(OM) placement.
<OK> Saves the current setting and closes the window.
<Cancel> Closes the window.
*Set data is not saved.

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Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

5.9.7 Administrator Logout

Click <Logout> in the main menu to exit Administrator mode and switch to User mode.

[ NOTE ]
For operating procedures in User mode, refer to the previous clause 4 Main
Menu (User Mode)

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Operation Manual 5Main Menu (Administrator Mode)

Write a note...

- 5-54 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 6Appendix

6 Appendix
6.1 Folder Structure
Structure of the K-SPARC related folders are as below. K-ROSET

| Palletize.dll ---------- K-SPARC software
| Palletize.dll.config ---------- System settings file of K-SPARC
`--Palletize ---------- System settings folder of K-SPARC
| Mode ---------- System file
| Wizard.xml ---------- System file
|--AS ---------- Robot program folder
|--Default ---------- Default data folder
| |--Pallet ---------- For Pallet Data
| |--Pattern ---------- For Stack Pattern
| |--Spec ---------- For Spec Data
| `--Work ---------- For Work Data
|--Lang ---------- System file folder
| |--en-US ---------- For English (USA)
| |--ja-JP ---------- For Japanese
| `--zh-CN ---------- For Chinese (Simplified)
|--Layout ---------- System folder for Setup
|--System ---------- System folder for Setup
`--Temp ---------- Folder to store temporary data file

- 6-1 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 6Appendix

6.2 Edit Hand Direction Function When Picking and Placing Work
By using the edit hand direction function, the clearance between workpieces can be reduced so that
preventing load collapse and saving space.

Hand direction when
picking and placing Clearance between
(without reversing) workpieces is large


By reversing the hand direction at the time of picking and placing the workpiece by the Edit Hand
Direction function, the clearance between the workpieces can be reduced and the stacking operation
can be performed.

Clearance between
Hand direction when workpieces can be
picking and placing reduced without
work changing the stacking
(with reversing) pattern


- 6-2 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 6Appendix

6.2.1 How to Use the Edit Hand Direction Function

To use the Edit Hand Direction function, you must first enable the Edit Hand Direction function from
the System Setting (administrator login required) in the K-SPARC main menu.
Refer to "4.7 Administrator Login" and "5.9.5 Point" for instructions on how to enable the Edit Hand
Direction function in the administrator login and system setting, respectively.

Then, the Edit Hand Direction at the time of picking and placing the workpiece is set on the stacking-
pattern setting screen.

Press <Make/Select Spec Data>

<New> or
select spec data, and
press <Edit>

Main screen

Press <Select Pattern>

Spec Data List screen

Spec Data Setting screen

- 6-3 -
Kawasaki - Simple Palletizing-Robot Configurator
Operation Manual 6Appendix

From [Registered Pattern] in the Pattern Setting screen, select the number of stacking-steps for
which you want to edit the hand direction, and press < Edit Direction >.

Select the number of stacking-steps

for which you want to edit the
hand direction

< Edit Direction >

When the [Hand Direction Edit Mode] check box is checked in the Work Direction Setting screen, the
screen switches to the Hand Direction Setting screen, and "In Hand Direction Edit Mode" is displayed
to the left of the check box.

Box is checked

Box is unchecked

Work Direction Setting screen Hand Direction Setting screen

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Operation Manual 6Appendix

If you select a workpiece for which you want to edit the direction in Hand Direction Edit Mode, the
Work No will turn red and be selected.

Work No will
Press the turn red
workpiece for (when work
which you want number 3 is
to edit the selected)

When the selected workpiece above is selected again, the Work No returns to white, and the line color
(red → green) and position (moved to the opposite side) change.

Work No returns
to white,
and the line
position moves to
its left side to
Press again the right side. The
selected work line color changes
to green from red.

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Operation Manual 6Appendix

When you press < OK > after editing the hand direction on the Edit Hand Direction screen, the screen
returns to the stacking-pattern setting screen and the stacking pattern after editing the hand
direction is displayed in the preview.

After editing the hand

direction, press < OK >
After editing the hand
direction, stacking pattern is
displayed in Preview

- 6-6 -

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