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Name: Ayesha Hassan

Topic: “Seeking Resolve to the Instability

in East and West Africa"
Committee: United Nations Security Council
Country: Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire)

I. Executive Summary
The Republic of Ivory Coast, guided by its commitment to peace, security, and
regional stability, submits this position paper to the United Nations Security
Council. We believe that resolving the instability in East and West Africa is
paramount to ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for our region. This paper
outlines Ivory Coast's stance, offers a comprehensive analysis of the issue, and
suggests practical solutions to address the root causes of instability.

II. Historical Context

Ivory Coast recognizes the historical complexities that have contributed to the
instability in East and West Africa. Many conflicts are rooted in longstanding
grievances, ethnic tensions, and political disputes. It is imperative that we address
not only the symptoms but also the structural issues that perpetuate instability.

III. Regional Collaborations

Ivory Coast acknowledges the significance of regional cooperation in addressing
instability. We have been actively involved in the Economic Community of West
African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union (AU) efforts to foster peace and
stability. We firmly believe that a coordinated regional approach is essential to
achieving lasting peace.

IV. Humanitarian Concerns

Ivory Coast is deeply concerned about the dire humanitarian situation resulting
from instability in neighboring countries. We have been providing significant
assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) and call upon the
international community to increase humanitarian aid to those in need, particularly
focusing on food, shelter, and medical support.

V. Peacekeeping Operations
Ivory Coast has consistently contributed to UN peacekeeping missions in various
African nations. We commend the dedication and bravery of UN peacekeepers and
fully endorse the extension of their mandate in conflict zones to protect civilians
and facilitate peace negotiations.

VI. Conflict Resolution

Ivory Coast firmly believes in the power of diplomacy and peaceful negotiations.
We call on all parties involved in conflicts to engage in inclusive and constructive
dialogues. It is vital to support and strengthen mediation efforts led by regional and
international organizations to seek sustainable solutions.

VII. Countering Terrorism

Ivory Coast acknowledges the escalating threat of terrorism in the region, which
poses a grave challenge to peace and security. We emphasize the importance of
intelligence sharing, strengthened border security, and international cooperation to
effectively counter terrorism. Additionally, we support measures to disrupt the
financing of terrorist activities.

VIII. Promoting Economic Development

Ivory Coast advocates for a holistic approach to addressing the root causes of
instability by focusing on economic development. We propose significant
investments in education, vocational training, job creation, and infrastructure
development to provide opportunities for the region's youth, thereby reducing the
susceptibility to radicalization.
IX. Conclusion
In conclusion, Ivory Coast is resolute in its commitment to work with the
international community, regional organizations, and neighboring nations to
resolve the instability in East and West Africa. We are prepared to contribute to
peacekeeping efforts, provide humanitarian assistance, and engage in diplomacy to
bring about enduring peace and security in the region.

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