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Disimulacion, Von Ydriz J. BSBA MK 1-1

SOCIOLOGY A Concepts: Define the following

July 28, 2009 Mrs. Manto

1. Culture refers to man's social and material inventions, man's artificial or ways of manmade environment including the learned ways of doing things. 2. Material culture such as buildings and machines 3. Non material culture - are the products or outputs of the application of man's knowledge and skills, which are basically non material 4. Social norms - these are guidelines people are supposed to follow in their relation with one another. They are shared rules that specify what is right or wrong and the appropriate and inappropriate behavior. 5. Folk ways these are everyday habits,customs, traditions and conventions people obey without giving much thought to the matter. 6. Mores these are norms people consider vital to their well being and most cherished values. 7. Laws these are formalized norms enacted by people vested with legitimate authority. 8. Culture shock - It refers to the feeling of disbelief, disorganization, and frustration one experiences which he encounters cultural patterns. 9. Taboo - a social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing. 10. Culture lag it refers to the gap between the material and the non material culture. 11. Ethnocentrism - it refers to the tendency to see the behaviors, beliefs, values and norms of one's own group as the only right way of living and to judge others by those standards. 12. Xenocentrism this refers to the idea that what is foreign is best and that one's lifestyle, products or ideas are inferior to those of others.

13. Subculture- this refers to smaller group which develop norms values beliefs and special languages which make them distinct from the border society. 14. Counter culture- it refers to subgroup whose standards come in conflict with and oppose the conventional standards of the dominant culture. B. Questions; 1. Do all people have culture? Why or why not? - Its role is to let us know what is happening in our sociological life and it lets us know what are the theories they made about the sociological theories. It gives us so much knowledge about in sociology. 2. Compare the different views or perspectives on culture. -They contribute a lot to us. They introduce us the neo-positivism, human ecology, sociometry and microsociology, symbolic interactionism, functional approach, dialectal sociology, phenomenology sociology, ethno sociology, sociology of knowledge, exchange theory and developmental theories. 3. Discuss the components of culture. Give examples. I could compare it by applying them. They have different uses in our lives. They introduce us the neo-positivism, human ecology, sociometry and microsociology, symbolic interactionism, functional approach, dialectal sociology, phenomenology sociology, ethno sociology, sociology of knowledge, exchange theory and developmental theories. 4. how can you determine whether one is an ethno centrist or a cultural relativist Chapter 5 A-Concepts to master 1. Universal patterns of culture- refer to broad areas of social living found in all societies. 2. Cultural diversity- while all peoples have their respective cultures there are observable differences in their cultural ways practices,beliefs,norms,values, and other cultural aspects. 3. Biological drives- the inner force or internal tension which impels a person to do

something to satisfy the need and restore internal balance or equilibrium. 4. Biological needs- a bodily lack of deprivation without which the human body stands to perish it includes the need for food water,air, and sunlight, locomotion,rest and sleep, elimination of body wastes and sex. 5. Cultural variability there are differences in culture because people device different solutions to their problems of existence. People make choices to satisfy their varied needs. 6. Predisposition- a liability or tendency to suffer from a particular condition, hold a particular attitude, or act in a particular way. 7. Attitudes- a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something,


one that is reflected in a person's behavior.

8. Perception- the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses 9. psychological processes- these refer to the totality and integration of an individual's mental and thought processes, such as cognition, perception,memory,emotions, and other thinking processes. 10. Environment- the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. B. Questions; 1.How does one find out the similarities and differences in cultures?

2.What are the culture universals common in all societies?

3. Identify the factors or causes that bring about differences in culture. Illustrate. Chapter 6 A-Concepts to master: 1.Values- Those standards by which a group of society judges the desirability and importance of persons,ideas,actions,or objects.

2.Non-rationalism- involves the belief in the supremacy of nature and forces outside of one self like the belief in ghosts,spirits,god's,or deities and other supernatural beings. It involves an uncritical acceptance, reverence and protection of traditions and rituals,unquestioning obedience to authority and loyalty to one's group. 3.Personalism- refers to the tendency to give due importance to intrapersonal and interpersonal relations in working arrangements. 4.Particularism- refers to the tendency of a person to center his or her concern on his or her sub-groups made up of relatives, friends, colleagues, associates, religious affiliates or members of his or her ethnic/regional group in the larger society to which he or she belongs. 5.Nationalism- is the advocacy of making one's own nation distinct and separate from others and intellectual, social, cultural, economic, political, and moral matters. 6.Rationalism- involves the belief that by systematic planning, studying, and training, one can actually control and manipulate his or her destiny; one is thus greatly responsible for his or her own success or failure. 7.Impersonalism- refers to the tendency to eliminate the influence of friendship or kinship in working relations. 8.Universalism- it is advocating loyalty to and concern for others without regard to national or other allegiances. 9.Internationalism- it rests on the belief in having friendly relations between and among nations for their mutual and common benefits. It is the advocacy of making nations of the world as one global community, removing all geographical, cultural, social, and cultural barriers towards the community of nations and making all people as citizen of the world. 10.Bahala na - this is a fatalistic outlook that can be viewed into two ways. First, as a kind of fatalistic resignation which represents withdrawal from engagement or crisis or a shirking from personal responsibility. Second, it involves dependence and deep abiding faith in the supernatural spirits which will take care of everything and will provide good fortune for one's s truggle against difficulties. 11.Utang-na-loob- this refers to a 'debt of gratitude' which is difficult or almost impossible to quantify. The filipino feels obligated to return a favor or help given to him. 12.SIR- it refers to smooth interpersonal relationships, such as the use of polite language,. Soft voice, gentle manner, euphemisms and ambiguous expressions, all of which are intended to avoid directness or frankness.

13.Pakikisama- it refers to good public relations or the avoidance of open disagreement or conflict with others. Pakikisama for national good is wanting among many Filipinos. 14.Colonial mentality- it refers to the mental attitude of preferring imported goods or ideas over locally made ones. B. Questions: 1. Why are values important? How do they affect our lives? 2. Is there a need for the re-orientation of Filipino values? Why?

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