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Use the Pomodoro Method: The Pomodoro method is one of the most powerful study
methods there is. To use it, set a timer for 25 minutes. Do focused work for 25 minutes, then
set another 5-minute timer to rest. This allows your brain to process the material, helping you
remember the information better. Repeat as needed.

Don't skip class: If you're in uni, you have the option of skipping class and getting caught up
later with notes. Girl, just don't do it. Missing class will cause you to miss crucial context for
the material, making studying more difficult.

Invest in cute study supplies: When you have a cute planner and supplies, you'll naturally
want to use them. Be picky with your supplies, and make sure to refresh your supplies at the
start of the semester or year.

Set a study schedule and stick to it: Plan your study sessions in advance and allocate
specific time slots for each subject or topic. This helps you stay organized and ensures you
cover everything you need to.

Put your phone on DND: The biggest distraction to your studying is by far your phone. Use
study time as a period to disconnect and charge your devices in another room. You'll have a
full battery to look forward to, and you'll be less distracted when you work.

• Practice retrieval: "Retrieval" is the ability to recall information when you don't have it in
front of you. Practice recall using flashcards to quiz yourself. When you practice retrieval, the
answers will come faster to you during a test.

academic planner

ASK QUESTIONS: This tip is in all capitals because it will put you ahead of 90% of other
students. Stay engaged during class and ask questions if you have them. If you're too shy to
raise your hand during lessons, write down your question and ask the professor as students
are leaving.

Don't just re-read - engage: A big mistake that many students make is that their "studying" is
just re-reading material they don't really understand. If you're having trouble remembering
material, it's because you're not engaging with it. Use concept maps, diagrams or a study
group to get deeper with the material you need to learn.

Have a study scent: It sounds crazy, but science has proven that if you smell a particular
scent while studying and while taking the test, you'll be able to recall the material easier. Buy
a perfume that you only use when studying and taking a test, and sniff it when you need a
brain boost.

Don't cram: If you have a test coming up.

it can be tempting to stay up all night

trying to study. However, this is actually

worse than not studying at all. Your brain

makes connections and commits things to

your long-term memory when you sleep.

Spread your studying out between multiple

days and be sure to get at least 7 hours of

sleep a night. This will help your brain hold

onto the information longer.

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