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Audit Report ISO 22000:2018


Standard: ISO 22000:2018

Type of audit: Surveillance N° 1.

This audit report must be in English in order to be reviewed during our technical process.

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 1/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

1 Description of the audit

Organization Information
Organization Name Bodegas y Viñedos Hugo y Eduardo Pulenta S.A.
Address – City - Country Ruta 86 Km 6.5, (5509) Agrelo, Luján de Cuyo, Provincia de Mendoza, Argentina.
Contact Name – Function Lic. Javier Lo Forte - Chief Winemarket.
Trading name PULENTA ESTATE.
Telephone 54 0261 4400066/77 (office).
Email Address
Registration INV B-72540, issue 28 OCT 2002.
Municipalidad de Lujan de Cuyo, certified N° 168, establishment registration.
Seasonal activities Dec – Jan, has no production.

Head office (where appropriate)

Organisation Name NA
Trading name(s)
Address – City – Country
Contact Name – Function
Description of role
Number of sites
Head office functions

Multi-sites (where appropriate)

Site Name/ Trading name(s) Address – City – Country Registration Scope at site
Registered legal name Chamber of commerce and/or
governmental registration

Number of sites
Head office

*If this is a multi-site audit an Appendix listing all the relevant sites and/or remote locations has been established and attached to the
audit report.

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 2/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

Audit Criteria
Audit Standard(s) ISO 22000:2018
Organization ✘ Policies and procedures: FSMS system aligned with standard ISO 2200:2018.
Audit scope Production (crushed, pressed, decantation, fermentation, aging, blending) and bulk tank
confirmed storage of wines.
appropriate by the
lead auditor Producción (molienda, prensado, decantación, fermentación, conservación, corte) de vinos y
almacenamiento a granel en tanque.
Exclusion (when Only producer wines in accord of scope.
Finca La Zulema, wine made in another BGA ME.
Food category AI - Farming of Animals for Meat/ Milk/ Eggs/Honey
AII - Farming of Fish and Seafood
BI - Farming of Plants (other than grains or pulses)
BII - Farming of grains and pulses
CI - Processing of perishable animal products
CII - Processing of perishable plant products
CIII - Processing of perishable animal and plant products
✘ CIV - Processing of ambient stable products
DI - Production of Feed
DII - Production of Pet food
E – Catering
FI – Retail / Wholesale
FII - Food Broking / Trading
GI – Transport and storage services for perishable food and feed
GII – Transport and storage services for ambient stable food and feed
H - Services
I - Production of Food Packaging and Packaging Material
J - Equipment manufacturing
K - Production of (Bio) Chemicals

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 3/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

Audit time
No. of HACCP 2 1-Red wine
studies 2-White wine

In SF 02 although the client presented the bottling process, it is not in the packaging
on site, it is subcontracted, this HACCP is not included and the scope is agreed until
the final packaging of the finished product in bulk.

No. of Employees 35 Total employees.

(Full Time Employee)
No. of Shifts and 35 Total employees.
employees (FTEs)
1 – 08:00 – 16:30 – Production - 10 employees.
per shift
2 – 09:00 - 17:30 - Rest of activities – 25 employees.
Audit Days Audit Dates Audit start time Audit finish time
1 29/03/2023 08:00 17:00
2 30/03/2023 08:00 12:00

Audit Duration 1,5 MD On Site Audit time on-site on Head NO

Office, where applicable
On-site audit time Confirm that the audit team has enough time to perform this audit and that the
justification hypothesis indicated on FSSC calculator are relevant
Audit time reduction NO
Off-site activities? No Describe any third-party off-site Additional audit time for those NO
services hired by auditee such as activities
storage, transportation, production
of semi-finished products, etc

Audit Team
Auditor name Role Comments

Norberto Azcue - Lead auditor


Audit language Spanish

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 4/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

2 Audit Findings
Summary of Audit Findings
Root cause analysis
Correction / Date &
(objective evidence of an
Standard & Details of non- Corrective Evidence Approval by
No. investigation into causal
Clause number conformity action plan provided Team Leader
factors and the risks they
taken (Y/N)

Root cause analysis
Date &
(objective evidence of an Correction /
Standard & Details of non- Evidence Approval by
No. investigation into causal Corrective action
Clause number conformity provided Team Leader
factors and the risks they taken

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 5/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

Completar en castellano Correction: Completar

e ingles. Completar en en
castellano e castellano
Porque al momento de ingles. e ingles.
actualizar el análisis de Se modifican
riesgos y peligros las análisis de riesgos Análisis de
medidas de prevención profundizando las riesgos y
eran genéricas, dando medidas de peligros,
los aspectos generales control, plan plan ppro,
que se tenían en cuenta PPRo. Análisis en resultado
para el desarrollo de las laboratorio externo de análisis
actividades establecidas Incluir una rutina externo.
en documento de análisis anual.
Risk analysis is Risk and
modified, hazard
deepening the analysis,
control measures, ppro plan,
Because at the time of PPRo plan. and result
updating the risk and External of external
hazard analysis, the laboratory analysis analysis.
prevention measures
. were generic, giving the
In the hazard general aspects that Corrective
analysis, DOC were taken into account Action:
42, R 04, for the development of Completar en
(20/07/2022), the activities. castellano e
the prevention ingles.
measures to
prevent the Se incorpora en el
formation of análisis legislación
histamines are de la OIV sobre
NC described in a medidas
ISO 22000 & completar
01_ general way. preventivas para
8.5.2. solo para
NAZ En el análisis el desarrollo de
auditor líder.
de peligros, aminas biogenas
DOC 42, R 04, durante
(20/07/2022), intervención de
se describe en vendimia,
forma general intervención
las medidas durante
de prevención fermentación
para prevenir alcohólica,
la formación intervención
de histaminas. durante
maloláctica y

OIV legislation on
measures for the
development of
biogenic amines
during harvest
intervention during
intervention during
fermentation and
conservation is
incorporated into
the analysis.

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 6/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

Completar en castellano Correction: Completar

e ingles. Completar en en
castellano e castellano
ingles. e ingles
Al momento de realizar
validación de aminas Se incorpora en Procedimi
biogenas no se lo ha documento ento de
dejado documentado. validación validación
Se había realizado documentos de por
análisis informal y no se OIV y codex etapas.
In the OPR había documentado el alimentarius, Resultado
control resultado. registros internos de análisis
measure, A la fecha los clientes de fermentación y externo.
DOC 87, R 02, que reciben nuestros temperatura y Registro
(27/05/22), vinos no han expresado resultado de de Tº y
although preocupación por el análisis de ºBe.
preventive contenido de aminas laboratorio externo Registro
measures biogenas. Control de
such as No se había Tº.
sanitation, considerado una rutina
fermentation OIV and codex
de análisis de ppro alimentarius Staged
time and validation
temperature documents,
At the time of validation internal procedure.
controls have of biogenic amines, it External
been fermentation and
has not been temperature analysis
implemented, documented. result.
validation by records and the
Informal analysis had results of external Record of
analysis of been performed and the Tº and
biogenic laboratory analysis
outcome had not been are incorporated ºBe. Tº
amines is documented. Control No
NC into the validation
ISO 22000 & lacking. Record. completar
02_ document
8.5.3. En la medida solo para
de control del auditor líder.
OPR, DOC 87,
R 02, Corrective
(27/05/22), si Action:
bien se han Completar en
implementado castellano e
medidas ingles.
como Implementación
sanitización, de OPR, DOC y
controles de registros
tiempo y mencionados con
temperatura las versiones
de actualizadas.
fermentación, Los registros
falta la deben estar
validación por completos
análisis de demostrando su
aminas uso.
Implementation of
OPR, DOC and
mentioned records
with the updated
Records must be
complete showing
their use.

Is a follow up audit required? Type of follow up audit required: Non applicable
Team Leader Recommendation
Statement on the conformity and the effectiveness of the
Standard management system, and confirmation that the audit objectives have
been fulfilled

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 7/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

Subject to objective evidence of correction and a satisfactory

corrective action plan, identified 2 (two) no conformity closing
ISO 22000:2018
until in date: 30/05/2023 and recommended continued
Production, (crushed, pressed, decantation, fermentation, aging, blending), storage in bulk of tank.
Producción, (molienda, prensado, decantación, fermentación, conservación, corte)
almacenamiento a granel en tanque.
English &
No. of Certs required NA Languages
Reason for Issue of
Certificate NA
Further Instructions (additional certificate instruction or information for the office)
And Unresolved issues


ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 8/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

3 Audit summary
3.1 Audit objectives
The objectives of this audit are:
1. To confirm that the management system conforms with all the requirements of the audit
2. To confirm that the organization has effectively implemented its planned arrangements
3. To confirm that the management system is capable of achieving the organization’s policies and
objectives and evaluation of the ability of the management system to ensure the client organization
meets applicable statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements
4. If applicable to identify areas for potential improvement of the management system
5. The purpose of the stage 2 audit is to evaluate the implementation, including effectiveness, of
the client's management system. It shall include at least the following:
a) Information and evidence about conformity to all requirements of the applicable management
system standard or other normative document;
b) Performance monitoring, measuring, reporting and reviewing against key performance
objectives and targets (consistent with the expectations in the applicable management system
standard or other normative document);
c) The client's management system and performance as regards legal compliance;
d) Operational control of the client's processes;
e) Internal auditing and management review;
f) Management responsibility for the client's policies;
g) Links between the normative requirements, policy, performance objectives and targets
(consistent with the expectations in the applicable management system standard or other
normative document), any applicable legal requirements, responsibilities, competence of
personnel, operations, procedures, performance data and internal audit findings and conclusions.

Each surveillance for the relevant management system standard shall include:
a) Internal audits and management review;
b) A review of actions taken on nonconformities identified during the previous audit;
c) Complaints handling;
d) Effectiveness of the management system with regard to achieving the certified client’s objectives
and the intended results of the respective management system (s);
e) Progress of planned activities aimed at continual improvement;
f) Continuing operational control;
g) Review of any changes;
h) Use of marks and/or any other reference to certification.

3.2 Details of current certificates (ISO 9k, 14k, GFSI, …)

Standard Certification Body Validity date
3 September
ISO 22000:2018. UKAS BVC

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 9/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

3.3 Audit programme

An audit programme shall clearly identify the audit activity/activities required to demonstrate that
the client’s management system fulfils the requirements for certification. It shall consider the size of
the client, the scope and complexity of its management system, products and processes as well as
demonstrated level of management system effectiveness and the results of any previous audits.
The audit programme for the certification cycle shall cover the complete management system
The audit programme must be fulfilled for the remaining audits of the current certification cycle.

SURVEILLANCE 1 Please answer all the questions

When should the 1 surveillance audit take place? Realized in date: 29, 30 March 2023 for reception
Does the surveillance audit frequency need to be Yes, planned in February 2023 for reception grapes.
changed? Why?
Do the shifts, size, and/or existence of seasonal Yes, planned in February 2023 for reception grapes.
products or complexity of the Management system
require a different scheduling in the 1 st surveillance
audit? (eg days of the week, time of the audit, time
of the year)
Does the scope of certification affect the scheduling NO
or performance of the 1st surveillance audit?
Does the total audit time assigned need to be NO
changed for the 1st surveillance audit? Why?
Are there any sister companies with similar NO
processes or activities that would affect the
scheduling or performance of the 1 st surveillance
Are there any functions of the site directly managed NO
by a HO that affect the scheduling or performance
of the 1st surveillance audit?
Are there any specific requirements for team auditor NO
competence to be taken into account in the next 1 st
surveillance audit? Eg specific knowledge in a very
specific process or product
Which key/main areas or processes should be NO
audited in this 1st surveillance visit?
It is necessary to pay special attention to any NO
specific process or area in this 1st surveillance visit?
In which requirements should the auditor spend NO
more time or pay more attention during the 1st
surveillance visit?
Mandatory topics to be audited: NO
- Previous NC´s
- Complaints
- Use of certification mark
- Changes to the certification requirements
- Changes to legal requirements
Additional comments NO

SURVEILLANCE 2 Please answer all the questions

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 10/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

When should the 2nd surveillance audit take place? Planned for February 2024 for reception grapes
Does the surveillance audit frequency need to be Yes, planned in February 2024 for reception grapes.
changed? Why?
Do the shifts, size, and/or existence of seasonal Yes, planned in February 2024 for reception grapes.
products or complexity of the Management system
require a different scheduling in the 2 nd surveillance
audit? (eg days of the week, time of the audit, time
of the year)
Does the scope of certification affect the scheduling NO
or performance of the 2nd surveillance audit?
Does the total audit time assigned need to be NO
changed for the 2nd surveillance audit? Why?
Are there any sister companies with similar NO
processes or activities that would affect the
scheduling or performance of the 2 nd surveillance
Are there any functions of the site directly managed NO
by a HO that affect the scheduling or performance
of the 2nd surveillance audit?
Are there any specific requirements for team auditor NO
competence to be taken into account in the next 2 nd
surveillance audit? Eg specific knowledge in a very
specific process or product
Which key/main areas or processes should be NO
audited in this 2nd surveillance audit?
It is necessary to pay special attention to any NO
specific process or area in this 2nd surveillance
In which requirements should the auditor spend NO
more time or pay more attention during the 2nd
surveillance audit?
Mandatory topics to be audited: NO
- Previous NC´s
- Complaints
- Use of certification mark
- Changes to the certification requirements
- Changes to legal requirements
Additional comments NO

RECERTIFICATION Please answer all the questions

When should the recertification audit take place? Planned until February 2025 for reception grapes

Does the recertification audit frequency need to be Yes, planned in February 2025 for reception grapes.
changed? Why?
Do the shifts, size, and/or existence of seasonal Yes, planned in February 2025 for reception grapes.
products or complexity of the Management system
require a different scheduling in the recertification
audit? (eg days of the week, time of the audit, time
of the year)
Does the scope of certification affect the scheduling NO
or performance of the recertification audit?

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 11/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

Does the total audit time assigned need to be NO

changed for the recertification audit? Why?
Are there any sister companies with similar NO
processes or activities that would affect the
scheduling or performance of the recertification
Are there any functions of the site directly managed NO
by a HO that affect the scheduling or performance
of the recertification audit?
Are there any specific requirements for team auditor NO
competence to be taken into account in the next
recertification audit? Eg specific knowledge in a
very specific process or product
Which key/main areas or processes should be NO
audited in this recertification audit?
It is necessary to pay special attention to a specific NO
process or area in this recertification audit?
In which requirements should the auditor spend NO
more time or pay more attention during the
recertification audit?
Mandatory topics to be audited: NO
- Previous NC´s
- Complaints
- Use of certification mark
- Changes to the certification requirements
- Changes to legal requirements
Additional comments NO

3.4 Audit methodology

The audit team conducted a process-based audit. The audit methods used were interviews,
observations of activities and review of documentation and records.

The audit itself and this report represent only the extent of assessment that took place within the
time available; as such they are a sample. They cover only what became evident at the time.

The audit of the Management System within the organisation was under taken and included the
1. Management system documentation
2. Effective implementation
3. Improvement
4. Key performance objectives and the monitoring of these towards achievement
5. Internal audit programme
6. Management review
7. Corrective and preventive action

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 12/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

3.5 Non-conformities
 For recertification time limits to address nonconformities will be defined by the team
leader in order to have them implemented prior to expiration of certification.

Type Bureau Veritas Certification

Client Timeframe
of NC Actions Verification
Must provide
correction, root
cause analysis and Implementation and
Review the effectiveness of the corrective
corrective action
correction, root action plan, at the latest, at the
plan. It is 90 days after cause analysis and next scheduled on-site audit.
Minor recommended last day of
corrective action In reviewing the three parts, the
that the Client audit
auditor looks for a plan and then
plan and approve
provide responses evidence that plan is being
it when acceptable
early to allow time implemented.
for additional
reviews if needed.
Must provide
corrections and
Corrective actions
(if possible) to
address identified
Depending of severity of the
findings, our auditor may
Review of non- perform a follow up visit to
shall be carried 90 days after conformities is confirm the actions taken,
Major out immediately. last day of
done through evaluate their effectiveness,
Correction, Root audit
desktop review. and determine whether
Cause Analysis
certification can be
and Corrective
recommended or continued.
action plan
together with
evidences of

1. The extent of the nonconformity has been determined (NCR has been corrected & the client has
examined the system to see if there are other examples that need to be corrected). Ensure that
correction answers the question “Is this isolated case or not?” in other words “Is there a risk that
this can reoccur at the other site / department?”
2. If correction cannot be immediate; a plan to correct the NCR may be appropriate (responsible &
3. Evidence that the correction was implemented or evidence that the plan is being implemented.
Root Cause Analysis
1. The Root Cause is not simply repeating the finding, neither is the direct cause of the issue.

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 13/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

2. Well thought out analysis to determine the true root cause: e.g. someone did not follow a
process would be direct cause; determining why someone did not follow a process would lead to
the true root cause.
3. The root cause statement must focus on a single issue without any obvious why questions
If a why question can reasonably be asked about the root cause analysis, this indicates that the
analysis did not go far enough.
4. Ensure that the root cause answers the question, “What in the system failed such that the
problem occurred?”
5. Blaming the employee will not be accepted as the only root cause
6. Address problems with the process as well as what detection system failed

Corrective Action
1. The corrective action or corrective action plan addresses the root cause(s) determined in the
root cause analysis. If you have not defined true root cause you cannot prevent the problem from
its reoccurrence
2. In order to accept the plan it shall include;
- Actions to address the root cause(s)
- Identification of responsible parties for the actions and
- a schedule (dates) for implementation.
- Always include a “change” to your system. Training and/or publishing a newsletter are generally
not changes to your system
3. In order to accept the evidence of implementation:
a. Enough evidence is provided to show the plan is being implemented as outlined in the response
(and on schedule).
b. Note: Evidence in full is not required to close the NCR; some evidence may be reviewed during
future audit when verifying the corrective actions.

Auditing is based on a sampling process of the available information and the audit methods used
were interviews, observations, sampling of activities and review of documentation and records.

3.6 System strengths

The audit team identified the following system strengths or best practice:
 Good conditions of the facilities.
 Compromise of direction with FSMS System.

3.7 Opportunities of improvement

Number Process OFI – Opportunity for Improvement

3.8 Observations
Number Process Observations

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 14/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

3.9 Confirmation of implementation of the last corrective action plan (if

applicable) including for Stage 2 – verification of the areas of
concerns of stage 1
Implementation of
corrective action plan and
Details of nonconformity effectiveness
Corrective action decided
Stage 2 - NC 01_
NAZ ISO 22000:2018 & 4.0. The verified of context of the
Continued for deviation relative organization, understanding the needs
for in the context analysis it does not and expectations of interested parties:
consider aspects of continuity of is defined in: context document, 72
Action corrective is effective, Y, NAZ.
operations or business. PE, R 02, (21/05/2022), include of
Continua el desvió relacionado al business interruption and aspect
análisis de contexto no considera relatives for operation unit, purchased
aspectos de continuidad de las emergency for raw material or input.
operaciones o negocios.
Stage 2 - NC 02_ Action corrective is effective, Y, NAZ.
NAZ ISO 22000:2018 & 8.4. In
report No. 83, (associated with the
procedure, DOC No. 03, R 01,
The verified of 31 PE Annual Audit
(28/12/21), date: 18/04/2022 related to
Program Rev 1 01/14/2022, 79 PE
the emergency exercise, the planned
Emergency Preparedness and
situation does not cover the aspects of
Response Procedure Rev 2
innocuousness necessary to evaluate
06/16/2022, 83 PE Emergency
its efficacy.
Preparedness and Response Registry
En el reporte N° 83, (asociado el
Rev 1 June 2022 and exercise of
procedimiento, DOC N° 03, R 01,
Response of warehouse personnel
(28/12/21)), fecha: 18/04/2022
regarding the unauthorized addition of
relacionado al ejercicio ante
tartaric acid in date: 22/07/2022.
emergencia, la situación planeada no
cubre los aspectos de inocuidad
necesarios para evaluar la eficacia del
Stage 2 - NC 03_ Action corrective is effective, Y, NAZ.
NAZ ISO 22000:2018 & 8.5.2. The
identification and analysis of hazards
is documented in DOC 42, R 02,
(28/04/2022), the risks were reviewed The verified of hazard identification
and classified, leaving PCC, sulfites, and analysis is documented in DOC
but the justification continued deficient 42, R 04, (20/07/2022), includes the
for the absence or reduction of justification and implementation of
fermentation contaminants, pesticides. specific control measures to reduce or
La identificación y análisis de peligros eliminate the hazard, example: control
está documentado en DOC 42, R 02, of performance used of pesticides,
(28/04/2022), se reviso y clasificaron cleaning process prevent
los riesgos quedando PCC, sullfitos contamination for amines.
pero continua la falta la justificación
de ausencia o disminución de
contaminantes de fermentación,
Stage 2 - NC 04_ The verification plan, No. 53, rev 02, Action corrective is effective, Y, NAZ.
NAZ ISO 22000:2018 & 8.8.1. The (27/05/2022), date: 12/07/2022,
verification plan, No. 53, rev 02, include all aspect relatives for FSMS
(27/05/2022), date: 27/05/2022, still system, PR program, HACCP, legal
incomplete analysis of the data of the requirements, complaints.
control measures, pesticides,
effectiveness of the cleaning
processes, pest program.
El plan de verificación, No. 53, rev 02,
(27/05/2022), fecha: 27/05/2022,
continua incompleto análisis de los
datos de las medidas de control,
pesticidas, efectividad de los procesos

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 15/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

de limpieza, programa de plagas.

Stage 2 - NC 05_ Action corrective is effective, Y, NAZ.
NAZ ISO 22000:2018 & 8.7. In the
water analysis, AGQ Laboratory,
report A22/055544, date: 11/05/22, it The verified of external laboratory
does not include the analysis of analysis AGQ N° A-22/070222 in date:
pesticides and organic contaminants. 26/06/2022, include analysis of
En los análisis de agua, Laboratorio pesticides and organic contaminants.
AGQ, reporte A22/055544, fecha:
11/05/22, no incluye los analisis de
pesticidas y contaminantes orgánicos.
Stage 2 - NC 06_ Action corrective is effective, Y, NAZ.
NAZ ISO 22000:2018 & 8.7. In the
cleaning procedure, POES Generales The verified of Document 23 PE
23, PE, R 01, (28/01/2021), there is no General POES Rev 3 07/21/2022 and
evidence of validation or 106 PE Validation of POES Rev 2
measurement of efficacy. 07/21/
En el procedimiento de limpieza, 2022 and measure efficacy for defined
POES Generales 23, PE, R 01, of URL count and count total < 50
(28/01/2021), no hay evidencias de la URL, last validation, date: 21/07/2022.
validación ni la medición de la

3.10 Overall cycle performance (only for recertification audits)

Overall system performance over the 3 year certification cycle
Review of complaints received fom users of the certification

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Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

4 Detailed audit report

List of key personnel present at audit

Name & Job Title Present at Audit ()

Opening Site Tour Document Closing
Meeting Review Meeting
Javier Lo Forte & Chief    
Milena Juri & Responsible of    
Sebastian Puriafito & Enology (2)    
Pedro Baldini & External    

General description of audited organization - Other relevant information

The organization has its own vineyards, can also buy from third parties. The grapes enter boxes,
which are previously refrigerated, if necessary, to work with a stable temperature. The grapes
are selected at a sorting table prior to the process of extraction of stalk and grinding. The
reception and selection areas are under roof.
1 (one) line - Capacity: 2000 (in sq. metres).

General findings
Legal compliance - List of applicable Food safety regulations
The verified of DOC 43, R 01, (28/12/2021) requirement legal.
Register Plant & Finished products:
INV B-72540, issue 28 OCT 2002.
Municipalidad de Lujan de Cuyo, certified N 168, establishment registration.
Norms relatives for Processing, Products, material auxiliary (enzymes, material filtration, etc.):
INV Resolutions, General Law Wine (Nº14878).
Argentine Food Code.
Codex Alimentarius.
OIV - international-organization-of-vine-and-wine.
Resolution 80/96 Mercosur Technical regulation of MERCOSUR.
SENASA Resolution 233/98 POES.
Resolution 2191-2011 Training of food handlers.
Resolution 2064-2014 Training of food handlers.
Overview of relevant changes to documentation, requirements, processes and
products since last audit (not for stage 1 audit) – Change management
No present change significant.

Complaints management on Food Safety and reports to concerning government

No present complaints for food safety or report to government during year 2023.

Recall and withdrawals

No present real recall during year 2023.
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Reference ISO 22000 Complies NCR Ref

Yes Major NC Minor NC
4. Context of the Organization
4. Context of the organization ✘
4.1 Understanding the organization and

its context
4.2. Understanding the needs and

expectations of interested parties
4.3. Determining the scope of the food

safety management system
4.4. Food safety management system ✘
The context of the organization, understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties: is defined in:
context document, 72 PE, R 02, (21/05/2022), (exN° 72, R 01, (21/12/21).

Main internal/external, positive/negative, Risk/opportunities of interested parties that impact the ability of the FSMS
in achieving its intended results are: Mentioned below.

Include mechanisms are in place to stay up to date and meet relevant statutory, regulatory and customer
requirements relating to food safety, example: annual report of review FSMS, plan of verification of system and list
for legal requirements of description in summary, see details for items specific (Legal compliance - List of
applicable Food safety regulations).

External issues
Positive factors or conditions:
Own vineyards and Global GAP certified grapes.
Clients: increments for export.
Low levels of complaints.
Good compliance with the requirements of legal authorities INV.

Negative factors or conditions:

Logistic for export.
Problems for export machine, parts.

Internal. issues
Positive factors or conditions
The adequate quality and safety of the is reflected in the low number of claims.
Ensures safety and production knowledge.
New technology in equipment, refrigeration grapes, destemmed.
Management commitment.

Negative factors or conditions

Local and global economy.

Actions to address risks and opportunities: a swot matrix was carried out
Risk Quality Due to Covid quarantine reasons, external services could not meet their scheduled dates, examples
calibration equipment.

Opportunities possibility: Planning for export – export – logistics situation.

Opportunities possibility Training reinforcements were applied in the job positions.

The scope of the food safety management system has been determined by Production, (Reception, crushed,
pressed, decantation, fermentation, aging, blending), storage in bulk of tank.
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73-PE, R 02, (20/05/22), understanding of risks and opportunities. Adulterated raw material was added and
repeated lack of personnel.

Comments relatives for NC 01_NAZ

The verified of context of the organization, understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties: is
defined in: context document, 72 PE, R 02, (21/05/2022), include of business interruption and aspect relatives for
operation unit, purchased emergency for raw material or input.

5. Leadership

Reference ISO 22000 Complies NCR Ref

Yes Major NC Minor NC
5. Leadership ✘
5.1 Leadership and commitment ✘
5.2 Policy ✘
5.2.1 Establishing the food safety policy ✘
5.2.2 Communicating the food safety

5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities

and authorities
The verified of Leadership, describe in documents N° 42, R 0, (05/01/22), top management is demonstrated by: all
personnel audit interview and management review.

The verified of Policy is documented in Doc Nº 1 R.10, (05/01/22), include aspect for Quality, Food Safety,
Responsibility Social, Environment & Clients.

The verified of organization makes the policy relevant to each individual worker, through training, signs and all this
linked with Food Safety Culture by: Good manufactures practices.

Communication within the organization is ensured by Top manager. Communication with interested parties is
Reporting mechanisms of Team to Top Management are: food safety team meeting reports . All staff can report
food safety issues by e mail.

Continual improvement is promoted within the organization by: Lo Forte Javier.

During the interview to top management, was covered: food safety issues and improvement activities Persons
interviewed were: Lo Forte Javier & Winery Responsible.

The verified of organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities, describe in chart organization, jobs description,
documents N° 42, R 0, (05/01/22).

6. Planning

Reference ISO 22000 Complies NCR Ref

Yes Major NC Minor NC
6 Planning ✘
6.1 Actions to address risks and

6.2 Objectives of the food safety
management system and planning to ✘ ✘
achieve them
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6.3 Planning of changes ✘

The verified of actions to address risks and opportunities, documented, 72 PE, R 02, (21/05/2022), (exN° 72, R 01,
(21/12/21) a swot matrix was carried out.
Opportunities possibility: Planning for export – export – logistics situation.
Opportunities possibility Training reinforcements were applied in the job positions.

Was verified compliance of objectives implemented, year 2022 – 2023, e.g.:

Compliance - 60% of Internal audit, obtain in external areas 80, hand washing 84.44, personal care 90, reception
and storage - 94, cleaning and disinfection 97,50, FSMS System 96 %.
Compliance - 100% training plan, obtain 100%, No more 5 rejects for safety, value: 0.
Compliance - No more 5 rejects for Materials, Raw material, value: 0.

The verified of planning of changes in documented, 72 PE, R 02, (21/05/2022), (exN° 72, R 01, (21/12/21), exist
documents and describe potential change for affect for FSMS system.

7. Support

Reference ISO 22000 Complies NCR Ref

Yes Major NC Minor NC
7 Support ✘
7.1 Resources ✘
7.1.1 General ✘
7.1.2 People ✘
7.1.3 Infrastructure ✘
7.1.4 Work environment ✘
7.1.5 Externally developed elements of

the food safety management system
7.1.6 Control of externally provided

processes, products or services
7.2 Competence ✘
7.3 Awareness ✘
7.4 Communication ✘
7.4.1 General ✘
7.4.2 External communication ✘
7.4.3 Internal communication ✘
7.5 Documented information ✘
7.5.1 General ✘
7.5.2 Creating and updating ✘
7.5.3 Control of documented information ✘
Resources, competences & Awareness Overview
Defined and documented competence requirements are available for all levels of the organization. For example:
Organization chart, Profiles had been described in documents N° 42, R 0, (05/01/22), describe aspect for expertise
in food safety, quality and process for vinification.

The infrastructure & work ambient in accord of legal requirements 080-96, GMC, include for rules for practice of
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Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

personnel and condition for cleaning.

Procedure on personal hygiene for employees, visitors and contractors is detailed in GMP Manual The
requirements include: The requirements include: prohibition of eating, smoking, obligation to wash hands
Level of implementation and personal behaviour of employees is considered good, and demonstrate adequate
internal communication of the procedures/policies.

Number and location of hygiene facilities and toilets are: adequate and they meet requirements according
Argentine Law. There is a canteen on site, hygienic conditions are maintained, in good housekeeping conditions.
Workwear and protective clothing are according the activities. Personnel use this protective clothing in expose
product areas. Requirements for different zones are defined in GMP Manual.

For health status, the company use the system annual medical check-up (external service and illnesses and
injuries are managed by Doctor (it was hired by the company).

Externally developed elements of the food safety management system, include of staff assessor in norms and legal

Control of externally provided processes, products or services is detailed in: Supplier approval program works
according procedure, 105 PE Procedure of Purchased, R 01, (28/01/22), and is controlled by Food Safety team,
and is monitored and reviewed to ensure suppliers meet the specified requirements with legislation. Mechanisms
for dealing with emergency use of non-approved suppliers is defined in last updated 03/02/2023 and is evaluated
and controlled with Food Safety team responsible person. No cases had occurred during year 2022-2023.

It does not require experts since the knowledge of the management and oenologist have extensive knowledge in
the sector and the members of the HACCP team provide complementary knowledge.

Profiles had been described in document DOC N°7.2, examples:

Vineyards Responsible.
Agronomist Engineer.
Laboratory analyst.

Documented information: detailed in procedure DOC 7.5, R 01, (21/12/21), during audit good document
management was observed
The document control system (creating, updating, storage and retention of documents (internal and external), and
records, back-up systems is detailed in: DOC 7.5, and includes software and paper records.

8. Operations

Reference ISO 22000 Complies NCR Ref

Yes Major NC Minor NC
8. Operation ✘
8.1 Planning and operational control ✘
8.2 Prerequisite programmes (PRP’s) ✘
8.3 Traceability system ✘
8.4 Emergency preparedness and ✘
8.4.1 General ✘
8.4.2 Handling of emergencies and ✘
8.5 Hazard control ✘

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8.5.1 Preliminary steps to enable hazard ✘

8.5.2 Hazard analysis ✘ NC 01_NAZ.
8.5.3 Validation of control measure(s) and ✘ NC 02_NAZ.
combination of control measures
8.5.4 Hazard control plan (HACCP/OPRP ✘
8.6 Updating the information specifying

the PRP´s and the hazard control plan
8.7 Control of monitoring and measuring ✘
8.8 Verification related to PRP’s and the

hazard control plan.
8.8.1 Verification ✘
8.8.2 Analysis of results of verification ✘
8.9 Control of product and process

8.9.1 General ✘
8.9.2 Corrections ✘
8.9.3 Corrective actions ✘
8.9.4 Handling of potentially unsafe

8.9.5 Withdrawal/recall ✘
The verified of planning and operational control, described in documents N° 42, R 0, (05/01/22).

The traceability system procedure was verified, red wine, DOC 38, R 01, (21/01/2022) and white wine, DOC 37, R
01, (17/01/2022) and exercises are carried out frequently: annual, last exercise: client: Frigorifico Millan, Lujan de
Cuyo, Mendoza, product: LA FLOR MALBEC 2022, batch: LFMA22 03.03.23, date: 28/03/2023, date of
manufacture, 03/03/2023, time: 16 hours.

The verified of DOC 79, Emergency Procedure, R 02, (06/16/22), includes:

Product sabotage.
Fire and earthquake.
Water supply.
Electric power.
Plant access control.

Record DOC 83, R 01, (02/15/22), date: 07/22/22, exercise of non-conformity, date: 07/22/22, unauthorized
addition. Sabotage.

Process Description:
Harvest - The grapes are picked when they are ripe, usually as determined by taste and sugar readings.
Stemmer Crusher - This removes the stems from the grape bunches, and crushes the grapes (but does not press
them) so that they are exposed to the yeast for fermenting, and so the skins can better impart color to the wine.
Fermentation - Yeast turn the sugar in the wine primarily into Carbon Dioxide, Heat and Alcohol.
Maceration - This is how long the must (juice and grape solids) is allowed to sit, picking up flavor, color and tannin.
Too long and the wine is bitter, to short and it is thin.
Pumping Over - Skin and other solids float to the top, and need to be pushed back down to stay in contact with the
must. This “cap” can be punched down with a tool, or you can pump must form the bottom over the cap and

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Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

submerge it that way.

End of Maceration - The winemaker must decide if the must has sat long enough.
Remove Free Run - The best quality wine is made just from the juice portion of the must. It is removed and the rest
of the drier must (now called pomace) is sent to the press.
Press - This squeezes the remaining juice out of the pomace. If you do it too hard, or too many times, you get low
quality wine.
Settle - The juice, now wine, needs to settle after this ordeal.
Rack(ing) - Moving the wine from one barrel to a new barrel allows you to leave solids and anything that might
cloud the wine, behind.
Malo-Lactic Fermentation - This secondary fermentation can turn the tart malic acid into the softer lactic acid.
Many, but not all red wines go through this step.
Oak Aging - If the wine is not meant to age for years, the winery may put the wine in oak for only a short time, or
not at all.
Fining - A process that helps to remove anything that may be making the wine cloudy.
Finished product for storage in tank bulk

Production & traceability:

The prime means of identification and traceability for grapes is through the Vintage Cart notes. These Cart notes
are numbered, dated documents that record the details of all grape intake.
The Wine and Juice Receival Work Instruction also outlines the identification and traceability requirements of the
INV declarations require traceability of material by variety(s), geographic indication(s) and vintage year(s).
In addition to the above the cellar management and recording system at all times maintains identification and
traceability throughout the production process.

-Tank No. 103 was verified, Malbec Year 2022 wine, release date: 12/12/2022, lot PEMA VO 22.

-CIP, date: 09/28/2022, POES registration, DOC 22, R 01, 2% ALCA S alkaline cleaning solution, 0.5% hyperacetic
acid, rinse and ph control: 7.

-Worksheet, No. 9066, date: 29/11/2022, acidity correction, tartaric acid, lot 11776, supplier: Tecnotar SA, date:
03/03/2022, acidity: 3.70 to 3.50.

-Worksheet, No. 8797, date: 29/09/2022, tangential filtration, tank cleaning, ALCA S, caustic soda and emulsifier,
2%, hyperacetic acid 0.5%.

-Tank No. S, conservation, SO2, supplier: MESINA, batch, 1796556, date of receipt: 14/02/2022, level 32 mg/litre.

-Control reception grapes:

Malbec grape, date: 24/03/2022, producers, variety Malbec Harvest 2022, Finca Casa de Uco SA.
Affidavit of entry of grapes, date: 28/03/2022, winery B-72540, quantity: 50206 kilos.
Affidavit of entry of grapes, date: 29/03/2022, date: 29/03/2022, winery B-72540, quantity: 6171 kilos.

-HACCP plan and control measures:

 PCC 1, pre-bottled analytical control record, DOC 101, R 01, (27/05/2022), conservation process, value: 84
mg/liter, limit: 100 mg/liter per organic product and it is below the limit HACCP plan, 130 mg/litre.

 External analysis of wine (finished product):

-OPR 1 - External Analysis, AGQ report No. AL-22/055214, date: 11/04/2022, pesticides.

-OPR 2 - External analysis, AGQ, report N° AL-22/084272, date: 30/05/2022, ochratoxin A.

-AE, AGO, report No. AL-22/084275, date: 01/06/2022, heavy metals.

-OPR 4 - pre – bottled, wine control sheet, DOC 101, R 01, (27/05/2022), tank No. 103, volatile acidity: 0.38 limits
0.80 g/liter.

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Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

Laboratory & Control of monitoring and measuring.

Water analysis, AGQ report No. A-22/070222, date: 27/06/2022, organic contaminants.

Water analysis, AGQ, report No. A-22/055544, date: 06/06/2022, physical and chemical water, includes heavy
metals, frequency: annual.

Microbiological water analysis every 6 months, report No. 46411, date: 19/09/2022, according to CAA resolution

Microbiological water analysis every 6 months, report No. 48247, date: 29/03/2023, according to CAA resolution
Hazard control.

65 Technical procedure for calibration of laboratory equipment, R 01, (28/01/2022).

Determination of alcohol for finished product:
Alcohol equipment data record, DOC No. 84, R 01, (01/02/2022), date: 06/03/2023, distillation 1, 2, 3, average: 15,
standard, 15%, tolerance: 0.3% vol.
Breathalyzer, serial No. 1713, external service, INV, M-2450, certified: 18/01/2023 (range: 10.0% vol to 20% vol).
Breathalyzer, serial No. 1170, external service, INV, M-2451, certificate: 18/01/2023 (range: 0.0% vol to 10% vol).
Thermometer, serial number ST 100, external service INV-M 2452, certificate: 18/01/2023 (range: 0 - 35 °C).

DOC 86, R 01, (01/02/2022), Volatile Acidity, determinations in process and finished product:
Record, date: 09/03/23, distillate 1, 2, 3, average: 8.28, standard, 8.33, yield: 99, 43%.

DOC No. 85, R 02, (01/03/2023), sulfurous, in process and finished product, data record and normality of solutions,
date: 08/02/2023, reagent: IODO N/50.

Polyphenols, color and enzymatic determinations, in process and finished product.

Equipment: UV spectrophotometer, VARIAN, series EL 03026190, external service, Losungen, date: 02/02/2023,
certificate N° LACC – O01L-004.

Scale for bulk grape weight control. E. eg:

INTI periodic verification certificate, No. OT 307-30376, brand: BIANCHETTI, series 15072009035, maximum
capacity: 1500 kilos, minimum division: 0.5 Kg, date: 22/12/2022, expires: 02/12/2023.

Granataria Scale, OHAUS, series 11.15.2011.Rev 005, capacity: 2000 grams, external service, Losungen,
certificate No. LACC N35M-007, date: 30/08/2022, expires: 29/08/2023.

Analytical Scale, “Trevol”, capacity: 30 kilos maximum and minimum: 10 grams, date: 30/08/2022, expires:
29/08/2023, certificate No. LACC-N35M-006.

The verified of team HACCP defined in DOC 42, R 0, (05/01/2022), describe aspect for expertise in food safety,
quality and process for vinification. Team Leader is Javier Lo Forte & Chief Winemarket.

The hazard identification and analysis is documented in DOC 42, R 04, (20/07/2022), include for each step of
process from reception raw material, material and equipment and material used, with detail for physic, chemical
and biological analysis for each step.
The finished product for storage in tank bulk, composed for food grade stainless steel, 304.

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Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

PCC N° 1
Step: Treatment previous for filled.
Risk: Chemical – excess for sulphite of sodium.
Resolution INV No. C-143/94
Dry red wine 130 Mg/L +-35 Mg/L
Dry white and rosé wine 180 MG/L +-35 Mg/L
Red sweet wine 180 MG/L +-35 Mg/L
Sweet white and rosé wine 210 MG/L +-35 Mg/L
Measure control: each for lots for analysis method for laboratory.

OPR N° 1
Step: Reception Grape.
Risk: chemical – pesticides.
Year 2022.
24.6 TRICHIOROANISOLE <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
2,4,6-TRICHOROPHENOL <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
2 PHENYPHENOL(SP) <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
8-hydroxyquinoline (SP) <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
Acetachlor <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
* Aclonifen <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
Acrinathrin <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
Alachlor <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
Aldrin <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
Aldrin and Dieldrin <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
Alpha-HCH <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
Ametrine <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
Anthraquinone <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
Measure control: each for lots for analysis method for laboratory.

OPR N° 2
Step: reception grape.
Risk: microbiological – ochratoxin.
Limits: 2 ppb.
Measure control: each for lots for analysis method for laboratory.

OPR N° 3.
Step malolactic fermentation.
Hazard: chemical biogenic amines (histamine)
Critical Limit: < 2 mg/lt. corrective actions. discard product Records verified: winery laboratory certificate of
Measure control: each for lots for analysis method for laboratory.

OPR N° 4
Step: Alcoholic fermentation
Risk: Microbiological Production of acetic acid in unwanted concentrations
Limits: 0,8 mg/liter.
Measure control: each for lots for analysis method for laboratory.

The verified of flow chart describe 2 (two) parts, in documents N° 07, R 02, (20/04/22), verified in situ in date:
20/04/22, red wine, in case of red white, N° 07, R 02, (20/04/22) in date: 20/04/22.

The validation of control measure(s) and combination of control measures, documented in DOC 52, R 02,
(27/05/22), relatives for, PCC 1-2, validation date: 27/05/22, frequency: annually.

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Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

Updating the information specifying the PRP´s and the hazard control plan, R 0, (05/01/2022), in date: 20/07/2022.

The verified of verification, control of monitoring and measuring DOC 42, R 0, (05/01/2022), describe of
performance of pesticides, reports global GAP, meets limits for pesticides, absent, last report: 20/07/2022.

The verified of control of product and process non conformities, DOC 8.9, R 0, (05/01/2022), where critical limits or
action criteria have not been met, the procedure followed. No present deviation.

The verified of Withdrawal/recall, DOC N° 26, R 01, (04/01/2022).

The recall simulation exercise was verified, DOC 25, rev 01, (28/12/2021), client: Frigorifico Millan, Lujan de Cuyo,
Mendoza, product: LA FLOR MALBEC 2022, batch: LFMA22 03.03.23, date: 28/03/2023, date of manufacture,
03/03/2023, time: 16 hours.

Cleaning procedure, General POES 23, PE, R 02, (21/07/2022).

1-Rinse with water 2 – 3 minutes.
2-Wash – alkaline detergent – 5 – 15 minutes.
4- Rinse with water 5 - 15 minutes.
3-Sanitized – Water with peracetic acid 0.5 – 1%, 5 – 15 minutes.
6-Rinse with water 5 - 15 minutes.

Cleaning products.
Alkaline Powder Detergent – CE 340, 30% Sodium Hydroxide. supplier: Encrenaz, INVD certificate 0001745949,
issued: June 12, 2020.

Peracetic Acid Disinfectant CE - 320, concentration, 14.8% expressed in H2O2, supplier: Encrenaz, INVD
certificate 0001746105, issued: June 12, 2020.

Approval ALCA S, SENASA C – 2981, date: 28/12/2021 valid: 2 year. SENASA C 2981, expired: 12/12/2023.

The verified of validation, POES N° 106, R 02, (21/07/2022), defined of URL count and count total < 50 URL, last
validation, date: 21/07/2022.

The Pest control, document No. 14, R 01, (21/12/2021).

Cuyo Sanitation Company, external service.
Habilitación N° 002/22, expired: 31 March 2023.

Service N° 07222, date: 22/03/2023.

Frequency: 15 days.
Disinsects, quaternary ammonium.
Control rodent, bromadiolone.
Control rodent, adhesive plates.

Service N° 07221, date: 07/03/2023.

Disinsects, quaternary ammonium.
Disinsects, cympermethrin.
Control rodent, bromadiolone.
Control rodent, adhesive plates.

February 2023 Report

Date: 28/02/2023.
Conclusions: Control rodent, monthly routine actions.

Report of January 2023.

Date: 31/01/2023.
Conclusions: Control rodent, monthly routine actions.

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Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

Human Resources:
The resources describe in DOC 17, R 01, (28/12/21), describe for competence, development for products,
performance evaluation.

The verified of procedure training, DOC 17, R 01, (28/12/21), example:

Staff Training Record, DOC N° 19, date: 19/05/2022.

Training program, DOC 18, R 01, (28/12/21), issue: January 2023.

Date: 09/03/2023, food defense, plant examination and exercise.
Date: 02/03/2023, hand washing.
Date: 23/02/2023, PCC and OPR control.
Date: 02/02/2023, POES cleaning.
Date: 12/02/2023, GMP.

The verified of documents, DOC 28, R 01, (07/01/2022), describe of Teams HACCP.

Doc 12, R 01, (14/12/21), functions of the safety team.

Javier Lo Forte & Chief Winemarket (Leader Food Safety).
Milena Juri & Responsible of Laboratory.
Sebastian Puriafito & Enology (2).
Pedro Baldini & External Assessor.

Responsibility and authority, DOC N° 04, R 01, (30/12/21), include job description, oenologist, technical area,
laboratory, operator, manager.

The verified of chart organization, DOC N° 02, R 01, date: 20/09/2021.

REDMEL medical card N° 8639, expired: 26/09/2023.

N° 3064, expired: 19/09/23.
N° 2853, expired: 26/09/2023.

The verified of Maintenance program, N° 95, R 01, (25/11/2021).
maintenance record, N° 95, R 01, (25/11/2021), destemmer, food grade fat, BESLUX CAPLEX M 2,
Doc 95, R 01, food grade oil, waukesha, transfer process pump.

Date: 01/01/2023, equipment: WAUKESHA pump, general maintenance, seals and lubrication. Nevastane XS 80
Lubricant, NSF No. 147140, Nov 25, 2014.
Date: 08/12/2022, equipment: DELTA E2 stemmer, bearing, lubrication, Nevastane XS 80 Lubricant, NSF N°
Date: 08/12/2022, equipment: Vibrating grape selector table, lubrication, Nevastane XS 80.

Date: 09/03/2023, team: WAUKESA, deprogrammed variable speed drive.
Date: 22/03/23, equipment: Pellenc destemmer, change of links on the conveyor belt.
Date: 12/03/23, equipment: hydraulic press, change of bearing and valves.

105 PE Procedure of Purchased, R 01, (28/01/22), include emergency in chapter 4.9.1, appointed by the
Enological Management. It did not present cases during the year 2023.

36 PE Record assessment of Supplier, R 01, (19/01/22), frequency: quarterly.

I detail 4 input suppliers:

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 28/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

AEB Supplier of oenological supplies; Yeasts, Tannins etc, date: 02/02/2023, score: 5 / 5, before: 21/11/2022,
score: 5 / 5.
ENCRENAZ Supplier of cleaning supplies; Peracetic Acid, Alkaline Cleaner, date: 03/02/2023, score: 5 / 5, before:
CARBOMEN Supplier of oenological supplies; Nitrogen, Oxygen etc, date: 03/02/2023, score: 5 / 5, date:
DUROX Supplier of oenological supplies; yeasts, date: 03/02/2023, score: 5 / 5.
MESSINA, date: 03/02/2023, score: 5 / 5.

I detail 4 service supplier:

LYON ET VINES Provider of personnel services; Outsourced Labor, date: 03/02/2023, score: 3,8 / 5, before: 3.8 /
MOLINA Maintenance service for pumps and warehouse equipment, date: 03/02/2023, score: 3,8 / 5.

SANEAR SA Pest Control Service, date: 02/02/2023, score: 4,85 / 5, 4,85.

FRANCOTRANS LOGISTICA Logistics Transport Service; Bulk wine movement, date: 03/02/2023, score: 5 / 5.

Comments relatives for NC 02_NAZ.

The verified of 31 PE Annual Audit Program Rev 1 01/14/2022, 79 PE Emergency Preparedness and Response
Procedure Rev 2 06/16/2022, 83 PE Emergency Preparedness and Response Registry Rev 1 June 2022 and
exercise of Response of warehouse personnel regarding the unauthorized addition of tartaric acid in date:

Comments relatives for NC 03_NAZ.

The verified of hazard identification and analysis is documented in DOC 42, R 04, (20/07/2022), includes the
justification and implementation of specific control measures to reduce or eliminate the hazard, example: control of
performance used of pesticides, cleaning process prevent contamination for amines.

Comments relatives for NC 04_NAZ.

The verification plan, No. 53, rev 02, (27/05/2022), date: 12/07/2022, include all aspect relatives for FSMS system,
PR program, HACCP, legal requirements, complaints.

Comments relatives for NC 05_NAZ.

The verified of external laboratory analysis AGQ N° A-22/070222 in date: 26/06/2022, include analysis of pesticides
and organic contaminants.

Comments relatives for NC 06_NAZ.

The verified of Document 23 PE General POES Rev 3 07/21/2022 and 106 PE Validation of POES Rev 2 07/21/
2022 and measure efficacy for defined of URL count and count total < 50 URL, last validation, date: 21/07/2022.

No conformity:
NC 01_NAZ.
In the hazard analysis, DOC 42, R 04, (20/07/2022), the prevention measures to prevent the formation of
histamines are described in a general way.
En el análisis de peligros, DOC 42, R 04, (20/07/2022), se describe en forma general las medidas de prevención
para prevenir la formación de histaminas.

NC 02_NAZ.
In the OPR control measure, DOC 87, R 02, (27/05/22), although preventive measures such as sanitation,
fermentation time and temperature controls have been implemented, validation by analysis of biogenic amines is
En la medida de control del OPR, DOC 87, R 02, (27/05/22), si bien se han implementado medidas preventivas
como sanitización, controles de tiempo y temperatura de fermentación, falta la validación por análisis de aminas

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 29/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

9 Performance evaluation

Reference ISO 22000 Complies NCR Ref

Yes Major NC Minor NC
9 Performance evaluation ✘
9.1 Monitoring, measuring, analysis and

9.1.1 General ✘
9.1.2 Analysis and evaluation ✘
9.2 Internal audit ✘
9.3 Management review ✘
9.3.1 General ✘
9.3.2 Management review input ✘
9.3.3 Management review output ✘
Monitoring, measuring, analysis and evaluation
Was verified compliance of objectives implemented, year 2022 – 2023, e.g.:
Compliance - 60% of Internal audit, obtain in external areas 80, hand washing 84.44, personal care 90, reception
and storage - 94, cleaning and disinfection 97,50, FSMS System 96 %.
Compliance - 100% training plan, obtain 100% No more 5 rejects for safety, value: 0.
Compliance - No more 5 rejects for Materials, Raw material, value: 0.

Internal audits:
Internal Audit Procedure PE 29, R 01, (18/01/22), the were carried out according schedules, examples: date:
02/02/2022. No identified deviation.
They are carried out by an independent auditor (external and internal of the company) and cover all the processes
and requirements of this standard.
Internal audits in BPM (self-inspection) had been development.
Appropriate treatment of non-conformities raised in the internal audit is observed.

The Management Review record, N° 57, R 01, (10/01/22), last report: 20/07/2022, Top Manager Review had
included all items of this standard, annually planed, PCC, analysed market export, improvement of hygiene plan
(continued for year 2022), next meeting in April 2023 for review performance of harvest year 2023.

10. Improvement

Reference ISO 22000 Complies NCR Ref

Yes Major NC Minor NC
10 Improvement ✘
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action ✘
10.2 Continual improvement ✘
10.3 Update of the food safety

management system
The verified of nonconformity and corrective action, DOC 8.9, R 0, (05/01/2022), include all clause for standard
deviation, process, activities. No present deviation.
Continual improvement, evidence in KPI index year 2022-2023.
Update of the food safety management system, in date: 20/07/2022.

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 30/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom
Audit Report ISO 22000:2018

ISO 22000 Audit Report rev 1 31/30 22nd May, 2020

This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, the organisation and
Bureau Veritas Certification Office.
Bureau Veritas Certification Holding UK Branch, 66 Prescot Street, London, E1 8HG, United Kingdom

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