Outcome Reflection 6

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Erin Weidel

3 March 2024
Outcome Reflection 6 – Revising Citations and Format
1. How has this assignment helped you engage in your chosen outcome? Did you write
about one of the goals in the outcomes, or did you apply the skills talked about in each
- For this reflection, I will be reflecting on Peer Review 1, and will be reflecting on
the revision outcome. For this peer review assignment, I had to revise two of my
classmates’ annotated bibliographies. In the assignment, I also received feedback
from both of my peers, and used their feedback to change and improve my
annotated bibliography. By using their feedback, I was able to engage in the
revision outcome, as I was able to use feedback from others and act on their
feedback by editing my bibliography and negotiating the feedback they gave.

2. How does this assignment or activity connect with other course outcomes or build
towards upcoming major assignments?

- The Peer Review 1 connected my Annotated Bibliography draft with my final

Annotated Bibliography, as it gave me different things that I needed to edit or fix
in my Annotated Bibliography before submitting it in its final form. The Peer
Review 1 gave me these things that I could use to fix or edit my Annotated
Bibliography, and my Annotated Bibliography draft was used as a basis to give
feedback on, connecting the assignments together.

3. What do you want to say about the process, whether it be during the brainstorming
process or after the final due date of a finished assignment?

- I found the Peer Review 1 and overall peer review process very helpful, as it gave
me outside perspectives and feedback on my writing and allowed me to see things
that alone I would have never seen. I also enjoyed the group like aspect of peer
review, as I was able to discuss with my groupmates and potentially bounce ideas
off what they did or were confident on in their bibliography. I find the feedback
and ideas like these that I was able to get from my peers in the peer review process
very helpful.

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