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Course Code: CH 3310 Course Name: Process Dynamics and Control Dept. Code: CH
Number of pages: 2 FULL MARKS: 50 Duration: 3 hours
Figures at the right hand margin indicate marks.
Missing data if any may suitably be assumed. Log-log and Semi-log papers will be supplied.
All parts of the question should be answered at one place.
Q.No. Questions Marks
1. Answer any six. 1x6
(a) What is the rule for characterizing the stability of a discrete-time system? = 06
(b) Write the closed loop response equation for a servo problem of a discrete-time closed-
loop system.
(c) Write the discrete transfer function of the velocity PID control algorithm.
(d) Write the pulse transfer function of a first order lag process with a hold element.
(e) What is the Z-transform of an integral using Simpson’s rule of integration?
(f) What is the Z-transform of Sin ωt?
(g) Write down the discrete-time model of a digital PID controller.
2. Answer any eight. 2x8
(a) Discuss the rationale of a cascade control system. Why it provides better response = 16
than simple feedback.
(b) Develop mathematical expression describing the output of an ideal impulse sampler
in the Laplace domain.
(c) Discuss the relative advantages of feedforward and feedback control systems.
(d) What is one-way decoupling of two control loops, and why could it be acceptable?
Explain with example.
(e) Is it sufficient to control the temperature and pressure in a flash drum in order to have
vapor and liquid products of desired composition? Elaborate on your answer and explain
why yes or no.
(f) Explain how you can use the relative-gain array to select the loops with minimum
interaction. Why would you avoid coupling an output yi with a manipulated variable mj
if λij < 0? Does λij < 0 imply that another relative gain is larger than 1 or not? Explain.
(g) Explain the stability issue with large dead time. How it is overcome with Dead time
(h) Discuss the design questions related to a MIMO control system.
(i) With a neat sketch show the hardware components of digital computer control loop
with two inputs-two outputs.
(j) Draw the block diagram of a self-tuning regulator (STR). What is the linear model of
parameter estimator in it?
3. Sketch the Bode plot for the system with the following transfer function and state its
7e 0.02s
stability. G ( s)  05
( s  2)( s  3)
4. What do you mean by controller tuning? Discuss the Ziegler-Nichols controller tuning
and write Z-N expressions for best controller settings. 03
5. Using Nyquist method, determine the stability and the gain margin of the system having the
following Transfer function. G ( s) 
( s  1)( s  3) 05

6. Sketch the root loci for the system represented by the following characteristic equation
and comment on its stability. 1  K (2s  2)
s( s  2)(s 2  1) 05
7. For the control system with characteristic equation

(a) Determine the value of K above which system is unstable.

(b) Determine the value of K for which two of the roots are on the imaginary axis. 05

8. 1. Consider the closed-loop block diagram of the feedback system shown in the figure. For 05
a unit step change in the set point change;
a. Derive and expression for the closed-loop response in the Laplace domain.
b. Find how the closed-loop output responds with time to the set point step change
c. Compute the maximum value of y(t) and state when it occurs.
d. Compute the offset of the final steady state.
e. Compute the period of oscillation of the closed-loop response.

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