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Course Code: CH 3310 Course Name: Process Dynamics and Control Dept. Code: CH
Number of pages: 2 FULL MARKS: 50 Duration: 3 hours
Figures at the right hand margin indicate marks.
Missing data if any may suitably be assumed. Log-log and Semi-log papers will be supplied.
All parts of a question should be answered at one place.
Q.No. Questions Marks

1. 1. Consider the two systems shown in the following figure. System 1 differs from system 2 05
by the fact that the level of liquid in tank 2 does not affect the effluent flow rate from
tank 1, which is the case for system 2.
a. Develop the mathematical model for each of the two systems.
b. What are the state variables for each system and what type of balance equations have
you used?
c. Which mathematical model is easier to solve that for system 1 or that for system 2?
Assume that the flow rate of an effluent stream from a tank is proportional to the
hydrostatic liquid pressure that causes the flow of liquid. The cross sectional area of tank
1 is A1 (m2) and of tank 2 is A2 (m2) for both the systems. The flow rates F1, F2 and F3 are
in m3/min.

2. (a) Y ( s) 10 06
Consider a second order system with the transfer function,  2 . For a
X ( s) s  1.2s  1
unit step change in magnitude of input, find; (a) Percent overshoot (b) Decay ratio (c)
Maximum value of the function (d) Ultimate value and (e) Period of oscillation (f) Rise
(b) Find the conditions that parameters K1 ,K2, τ, ζ, and τ2 must satisfy so that a system with
the following transfer function exhibits inverse response: 04
K1 K2
G( s)  
 s  2 s  1  2 s  1
2 2

Draw its response to a unit step change when ζ>1 and ζ<1.
3. (a) By drawing the Bode plot evaluate the stability of the closed loop system with; 06
4e  s
Gp  , Gv = 2, Gm = 0.25, Gc = Kc. Obtain ωc, Kcu, and Φm.
5s  1

For the closed loop system having the following transfer functions, (a) using τ1=1, τ2=0.5
and τ3=0.33, determine the values of Kc for the system to be stable, (b) for the value of Kc 04
for which the system is on the threshold of instability determine the roots on the
1 1
imaginary axis. G p  , Gm  , Gc = Kc, Gf = 1.
 1 s  1( 2 s  1) ( 3 s  1)

4. (a) Using Nyquist method, determine the stability of the system having the following 05
K e 0.5 s
Transfer function. G ( s)  c with Kc=6 and Kc=1. If the system is stable determine
( s  3)
Gain Margin and Phase Margin.

Consider the feedback control system that has open-loop transfer function;
(b) 05
4K c
GOL  . Plot the root locus diagram for 0 ≤ Kc ≤ 20. State the stability of
s  3(s  2)(s  1)
the system by determining the critical stability condition.

5. What do you mean by controller tuning? Discuss the Ziegler-Nichols controller tuning 03
and write Z-N expressions for best controller settings.

6. Answer the followings. 02 x 4

(a) Discuss the rationale of a cascade control system. Why it provides better response = 08
than simple feedback.
(b) Discuss the relative advantages of feedforward and feedback control systems.
(c) Draw the block diagram of a self-tuning regulator (STR). What is the linear model of
parameter estimator in it?
(d) With schematic discuss the working of ratio control system.

7. Answer any four. 01 x 4

(a) Write down the discrete-time model of a digital PID controller. = 04
(b) Write the closed loop response equation for a servo problem of a discrete-time closed-
loop system.
(c) Write the discrete transfer function of the velocity PID control algorithm.
(d) Write the pulse transfer function of a first order lag process with a hold element.
(e) What is the Z-transform of an integral using Simpson’s rule of integration?
(f) What is the Z-transform of Sin ωt?

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