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Smt Kamla Mehta college of commerce

Fybms Business Mathematics internal examination

Subject code 221131 (15 marks) 30 mins
Q1 Answer the following - 5 marks
1. Formula of calculating amount in case of simple and compound interest.
2. Formula of Calculating compound interest in case of interest is
compounded quarterly.
3. Derivative of ( x/5)
4. Formula for calculating marginal revenue.
Q2 Answer the following for not more than one line (5 marks)
1. Double derivative of logx
2. Double derivative of 1/x
3. Formula of calculating Present value of annuity in case of interest
compounded half yearly
4. Formula of calculating Future value of annuity in case of interest
compounded quarterly.
5. Formula of calculating compound interest in case of interest calculated
Q3 Answer the following any 2-( 5 marks each)
1. Find the present value of an immediate annuity of 10000 rs p.a. for 4
years at 9% p.a.
2. Find price if marginal revenue is 30 and elasticity of demand is 2.
3. Find f(39) using Newton’s backward Interpolation where the data of x is
20,25,30,35,40 and the data for f(x) is 11.4, 10.9, 10.2, 9.1, 7.8

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