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Further Training 1:

• What are the characteristics of 21st century students?

• How would you think that public speaking will help you as a teacher?
• Why should you know your learners?
• What do you need to know?
• How can this information be useful in the classroom?

Public speaking principles:

The 6 principles:

1. Know your learners

2. Create conditions for language learning
3. Design high-quality language lessons
4. Adapt lesson delivery as needed
5. Monitor and assess language development
6. Engage and collaborate within a community of practice


EAP: English for Academic Purposes EFL: English as A Foreign Language ELT: English Language Teaching

ESL/ESOL: English as A Second Language/ English for Speakers of Other Languages ESP: English for Specific

Some concepts in teaching

• Healthy noise: It is every noise that goes under the umbrella of teaching-learning process. So as a teacher,
it’s essential to manage classroom noise effectively. While some noise is natural and conducive to learning,
excessive noise can hinder concentration and communication
• Face threatening Act: An FTA is any communicative act that challenges someone’s social identity or self-
image. It can be positive (compliments, praise) or negative (criticism, requests).
• Drilling: Drilling involves repetitive practice of language patterns. It reinforces vocabulary, grammar, or
• Controlled exercises: Controlled exercises provide structured practice. Learners apply specific language
rules or patterns.
• Realia: Realia refers to authentic objects or materials used in teaching. It bridges the gap between
classroom learning and real-world contexts
• CLT: CLT aligns with modern language pedagogy. Design activities like role-plays, debates, and problem-
solving tasks. Prioritize fluency over accuracy initially, gradually refining both. Foster a communicative
classroom environment.
• Formative Vs Summative: Summative assessment is aimed at making judgments about the performance
or ability of students by assigning grades to them. Summative assessment, in addition, occurs periodically;
either at the end of the year, semester, or two or more units (it is an assessment of teaching-learning).
Formative assessment, on the other hand, focuses on the process. the formative assessment does not take
place periodically, but rather constantly (in the form of concept-checking questions, exercises,
and other examples of such) (it is an assessment for teaching-learning)
• Exam Vs Evaluation: An Exam is a formal assessment tool that measures students’ knowledge within a
specific timeframe. It often determines final grades and follows a standardized format. Evaluation is a
broader process that considers teaching effectiveness, student progress, and overall learning experience. It
involves ongoing, holistic judgments based on various factors, including classroom environment and
instructional methods.
• Reliability Vs Validity: A reliable test is a test that renders the same (consistent) results when it is
administered to the same students on two occasions. Validity refers to the extent to which a test measures
what it intends to measure. The saying “Test, what you’ve taught”, illustrates what validity means.
Deep learning and surface learning
Surface learning occurs when the teacher teaches while deep learning happens when the learner learns. In
other words, Surface learning occurs when learners focus primarily on acquiring factual information or surface
knowledge, often for exam purposes. In contrast, deep learning involves a more active and engaged approach,
where students critically analyze content, seek understanding, and connect ideas, resulting in long-term retention
and flexible application of knowledge.

✓ Six deep learning skills have been identified as essential to the development of individuals, ready
to take on the challenges of today’s globally interconnected world:
1. Critical thinking and problem solving
2. Creativity and imagination
3. Citizenship
4. Communication and collaboration
5. Digital literacy
6. Leadership and personal development

✓ NCLB (No Child Left Behind) = It was the main law for K–12 general education in the United States from
2002 to 2015. This law held schools accountable for how kids learned and achieved. It aimed to provide
more education opportunities for students, focusing on key groups such as those in poverty, students of
color, students receiving special education services, and those with limited English proficiency.

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