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ICT in Practical Science



The Science Enhancement Programme is a part of Gatsby Technical Education Projects. It is developing
curriculum resources to support effective learning in science, and providing courses and professional
development opportunities for science teachers. The Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme has supported
the Centre for Science Education at Sheffield Hallam University in the production of this publication.

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

First published 2010

by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme
Gatsby Technical Education Projects
Allington House (First Floor)
150 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5AE

© 2010 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

Contributors: Phil Morris, Richard Needham, Gareth Price, John Wardle

The materials in this booklet may be reproduced for teaching purposes in schools and colleges provided that the
copyright of the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme is acknowledged. No copies may be sold for gain.

ISBN 978-1-901351-84-2

Thanks to the following people for giving their time and enthusiasm to the project, and providing the ideas from
which the activities were developed: Bryan Berry, Science Learning Centre South West; Dave Collyer, Whitcliffe
Mount Specialist Business and Enterprise College, Kirklees; Jason Drewett-Gray, Benton Park School, Leeds;
Paul Dunn, Royds Hall High School, Kirklees; Andy Fehler, King Edward VIIth School, Sheffield; Alastair Gittner,
Stocksbridge High School, Sheffield; Richard Hammond, BECTA; Ian Harris, Leeds LA; Rachel Hartley, IoP; Peter
Hoskins, Westborough High School, Kirklees; Sarah Jagger, Spen Valley Sports College, Kirklees; Chris Mason,
Salendine Nook High School, Kirklees; Andrew Mawer, Leeds LA; Beth Pettifer, Horsforth School, Leeds; Laurence
Rogers, Independent; John Walker, National Science Learning Centre. The following people gave tremendous
support, freely providing us with advice, encouragement, ideas and wisdom: David Crellin, Jason Drewitt-Grey,
Steve Emery, Phil Godding, Barry Hawkins, Barbara Higginbotham. The following companies kindly loaned and
donated equipment for use in these activities: Data Harvest Ltd, Sciencescope, Instruments Direct, XLlogger.


For practical activities, the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme has tried to ensure that the experiments are
healthy and safe to use in schools and colleges, and that any recognised hazards have been indicated together
with appropriate control measures (safety precautions). It is assumed that these experiments will be undertaken
in suitable laboratories or work areas and that good laboratory practices will be observed. Teachers should
consult their employers’ risk assessments for each practical before use, and consider whether any modification is
necessary for the particular circumstances of their own class/school. If necessary, CLEAPSS members can obtain
further advice by contacting the Helpline on 01895 251496 or e-mail

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science


Introduction: Using the materials 1

The materials
Audio 5
Combustion 6
Electrosmog 8
Exercise 10
Habitats 12
Indicators 14
Parachutes 16
Photosynthesis 18
Pollution 20
Rockets 22
Trainers 24
Tropism 26

References and further reading 28

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

USING THE MATERIALS development in terms of power, portability, function and

reliability. So it seems that the time is right to take a fresh
Practical work in science look at this issue. We set out to review the landscape,
This publication looks at how ICT can enhance practical present a justification for using ICT in practical work and
work in science. Practical work is important; it helps to exemplify this with some innovative ideas suitable for a
develop both students’ scientific knowledge and their range of classrooms.
knowledge about science. We believe that practical work What do we mean by ICT in practical science?
can help students to: We could make a compelling case for the use of almost
• develop their curiosity and ask questions about science all ICT applications to support practical science; word
• develop capability in planning, collecting, analysing and processing to write reports; spreadsheets to analyse data;
interpreting data drawing packages to create diagrams and video to record
• develop understanding of the nature of data and events. We would encourage all such uses in appropriate
investigation situations. ‘ICT in practical science’ is essentially
• use evidence in a critical and informed way about collecting and interpreting first-hand data from
• develop understanding of scientific phenomena. experiments using sensors and data logging equipment.
The changes in ICT in schools since 1980 The booklet includes activities that make use of readily
Computers have been used in education since 1981 but available (often free) software which is beginning to make
it is only in the last decade that we have seen a rapid an appearance in the science classroom. Examples include
expansion in the number and capabilities of computers recording and analysing students’ speech patterns and
available for classroom use. The range of equipment video analysis of moving objects.
has increased with laptops, PDAs, mobile phones and We recognise the challenges of using ICT with large
netbooks being used in increasing numbers in classrooms. classes, particularly if the whole investigation process of
Data capture technology has been available for a similar planning, carrying out and interpreting is followed. Whilst
length of time and has undergone an equally impressive we think first-hand experience of complete investigations

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 1

ICT in Practical Science

is desirable, we accept that it may not always be feasible From sensors and data logging to display
in every teaching situation. There are times when the use Modern sensors and data logging equipment provide
of secondary data is more appropriate, particularly when useful tools for practical science. For example, data can
teaching how to analyse data or when exploring patterns be collected:
in data. However, our criterion for including the suggested • from very fast events
activities is that students should be able to collect their • over long periods of time
own data. Most of the activities involve relatively short • in dangerous or hazardous situations remotely
periods of data collection allowing substantial opportunity • where there is a complex combination of variables
for data analysis and interpretation. • where large amounts of data are needed.
How does ICT support and enhance practical science? Another aspect of sensor technology is that once data is
Recent developments to the science curriculum have held in digital form it can be displayed in a much more
emphasised the central role of ‘How science works’ (HSW) approachable way for students – often removing the
in planning, teaching and assessment. We believe that time delay involved in manual construction of graphs
ICT has the potential to significantly enhance this aspect or calculation of averages. This immediacy between the
of science teaching and learning. In Table 1, the left-hand observed physical phenomena and the data appearing in
column shows the HSW section of the KS4 Programme of graphical format on a screen can aid motivation, analysis
Study and the right-hand column has some examples of and understanding. Seeing a colour change in a simple
how ICT might support these processes and approaches. titration often generates a ‘wow’ in the classroom.
There are explicit references to ICT in the programme Simultaneously seeing the graph of light level against
of study which are self explanatory e.g. collect data pH as it makes its rapid switch will not only enthuse the
from primary or secondary sources, including using most reluctant of learners but also cement the ideas of
ICT sources and tools, but more fruitful opportunities neutralisation that the experiment is seeking to explore.
lie in the implied references to ICT such as looking for Previous research has indicated that pupils can ‘switch off’
patterns, trends and relationships in data using graphing during manual collection of data, focusing on the collection
and analysis software tools. task itself and not what is happening in the experiment.

Time (mins)

Figure 1 The graph above show changes in pH as hydrochloric acid is run into a sodium hydroxide solution.

2 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

Table 1 KS4 Programme of Study and ICT.

Data, evidence, theories and explanations ICT could be used to:

Pupils should be taught: • illustrate the different data types – discrete,
• how scientific data can be collected and analysed continuous

• how interpretation of data, using creative thought, provides • search for patterns in data and develop
evidence to test ideas and develop theories hypotheses

• how explanations of many phenomena can be developed • to link observations, patterns in data to scientific
using scientific theories, models and ideas phenomena and explanations.

• that there are some questions that science cannot currently

answer, and some that science cannot address.

Practical and enquiry skills ICT could be used to:

Pupils should be taught to: • collect, display data from experiments
• plan to test a scientific idea, answer a scientific question, or • develop understanding of safe and controlled
solve a scientific problem methods of collecting first-hand data
• collect data from primary or secondary sources, including • develop understanding of reliability and validity
using ICT sources and tools of experimental data through consideration of
• work accurately and safely, individually and with others, sample size, frequency, interval and duration of
when collecting first-hand data data collection.

• evaluate methods of collection of data and consider their

validity and reliability as evidence.

Communication skills ICT could be used to:

Pupils should be taught to: • present, analyse and interpret experimental data
• recall, analyse, interpret, apply and question scientific • support a range of quantitative and qualitative
information or ideas approaches to data analysis such as identifying
• use both qualitative and quantitative approaches trends, comparing changes, measuring rate of
change, gradient, etc.
• present information, develop an argument and draw a
conclusion, using scientific, technical and mathematical
language, conventions and symbols and ICT tools.

Applications and implications of science ICT could be used to:

Pupils should be taught: • illustrate how scientists collect and use data
• about the use of contemporary scientific and technological • carry out surveys to find out the views of
developments and their benefits, drawbacks and risks different groups on controversial issues
• to consider how and why decisions about science and • review historical theories to show how scientific
technology are made, including those that raise ethical issues, thinking progresses; peer review students own
and about the social, economic and environmental effects of emerging interpretations and understanding.
such decisions
• how uncertainties in scientific knowledge and scientific
ideas change over time and about the role of the scientific
community in validating these changes.

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 3

ICT in Practical Science

How accurate and precise? Using ICT to collect, display and analyse data can support
Will two temperature sensors display exactly the same both approaches; the approach selected will support the
value when placed in the same beaker of water? objectives of the particular lesson.
Discussing this apparently simple question with students
Why should we use ICT in practical work?
will raise a whole series of questions about accuracy
In addition to the points made above we believe that
and precision. The ability to display readings to several
there are other important reasons for using ICT in the
decimal places on screen does not mean that the sensor
teaching and learning of science:
is capable of resolving to that degree of precision.
Sensors normally indicate their range and resolution (for
• It motivates and engages students and teachers,
particularly when using open ended investigations.
example a typical temperature sensor would be -10 to
110 °C ± 0.1 °C). The readings in the example above
• It reflects the ‘real’ world of science where using ICT has
become a fundamental part of most scientific research.
will be similar but not necessarily exactly the same.
Teaching pupils about the accuracy and precision of
• It often reveals the unexpected; it is a creative approach
to learning and gives deeper understanding.
measurments is important within experimental design
and procedure. The use of ICT will provide opportunities Conclusion
to explore these issues. The activities in this guide have been designed with
several principles in mind:
From display to analysis
Planning for, and carrying out, data collection is just • ICT allows the collection of rich data within a short
the beginning of the enquiry process. Previous research time to allow students more opportunity for analysis,
suggests that interacting with data by asking questions, exploration and making sense of the underlying science.
exploring patterns and analysing trends is less well done • Most activities can be successfully carried out
in the classroom than the planning and observation with equipment from a variety of sources. (The
strands of the activity. Modern data capture software equipment used in the examples does not imply our
include analysis tools to encourage students to interact recommendation.)
with the data. It is this interaction with data that enables • We deliberately chose some activities that require no
students to: resources beyond a laptop computer with an internet
connection. Several of the programs used can be
• Link their science understanding to observed events
downloaded without charge and require nothing more
e.g. explaining the shape of a cooling curve using
than a webcam or microphone – both of which may be
collision theory.
integral with the laptop.
• Learn how different types of information can give them
answers to certain questions but not others. We hope you enjoy trying these activities in your
• Develop capability in using analysis techniques such classroom and find that they stimulate further ideas.
as rate of change, gradient and best fit lines e.g.
comparing rate of reaction at different temperatures
by measuring the gradients of transmitted light against
time in thiosulphate and acid reactions.
• Become increasingly confident at dealing with data –
to enable them to become data literate e.g. selecting
appropriate graphs and charts when dealing with
discrete and continuous data sets.
Teaching and learning models for scientific enquiry fall
into two categories:
• inductive enquiry – students collect data and from
their interaction with their findings, begin to generate
• deductive enquiry – a hypothesis or explanation is
generated, and students collect data to test whether the
explanation is sustainable.

4 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

How do the speech patterns of two people compare?

fori robert/
Using Audacity (free, open source software) to compare traces of pupils saying the word ‘PIG’.

Introduction Making sense of the data

Voice recognition software is increasingly being used both The traces show clear differences between the sound
to control computers and as security devices. It’s not just files from the two volunteers. Discussion with a class led
in films where a person has to speak into a microphone to questions such as:
to get access to secret files! Even quite small microphones • What exactly are the differences shown, frequency or
attached to headphones are good enough to pick up your amplitude?
voice clearly enough to let you ‘talk’ to your computer. But • Will there be much difference if a female voice is
how different are two people’s voices when they say just recorded?
one word, in this case the single syllable word ‘PIG’? • Why are there differences when saying the same
Outline method simple word?
This activity is relatively easy to carry out. It uses free open • Will the trace vary much if the person says the word
source software, called Audacity, and a microphone. We several times?
used a laptop with a built-in microphone. The sounds • Will there be much difference if the speaker has a
were recorded and then displayed as a wave form on the very different accent?
screen. Details about how to do this are provided with Other suggestions for further work include:
Audacity or with any other suitable programs. A further • What patterns can be detected if all the pupils in the
refinement was an analysis of the sound files which class are recorded?
produced a frequency plot of the data. • Is it possible to use the traces to tell the differences
between male and female voices?
• Is it possible to use the traces to tell the difference
between old and young voices?

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 5

ICT in Practical Science

How do the levels of carbon dioxide, oxygen and
humidity change during combustion in a confined space?

Fire safety officers are at pains to point out that
most people do not burn to death or suffocate
from lack of oxygen in house fires – they die of
smoke inhalation. This smoke is very obvious in
some fires but can be almost invisible, though just
as deadly, in others. The photograph shows the
kind of safety equipment needed for a firefighter
to get safely into a building. Despite this, many
pupils, when faced with the classic ‘candle in
a beaker’ experiment will insist that the candle
goes out because it uses up all the oxygen in the
air in the beaker. The idea that it is absence of
oxygen that kills is not unreasonable but the use
of ICT equipment here allows the real situation to
be uncovered – and it is more complicated than
appears at first!

6 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

Heat Sink

Humidity and O2 Beakers to support

Sensors CO2 Sensor heat sink

Figure 1 Equipment set up to show arrangement of sensors. Figure 3 Graph of humidity (red), oxygen (blue) and carbon dioxide
(green) levels against time.

Datalogging Insight from Logotron educational

software) would also have worked.
The software can only display one label and scale at a
time. Humidity is shown in the graphic here (Figure 3).
Despite this software limitation the graphs can still be used
in a semi-quantitative way (as one goes up the other goes
down) or just to show that oxygen never falls to zero.
Making sense of the data
The data display raised a number of questions for
Figure 2 Top view of experimental equipment. discussion:
• Did the oxygen level drop to zero? If not, why did the
Outline method
candle go out?
This investigation used gas sensors to monitor the levels
• Why were the carbon dioxide readings relatively
of carbon dioxide, oxygen and humidity in an enclosed
constant to begin with?
space during combustion. A pair of night light candles
• Can you find any possible connections between
provided a convenient fire while a glass fish tank
changes in the levels of gases in the fish tank? Can
(40 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm) with a plastic lid acted as
you explain these connections?
the confined space. The tank is transparent so that the
• Why did the humidity change more rapidly at the
pupils could see the experiment clearly. The Data Harvest
beginning of the trace? Does this always happen?
EasySense data logger and the three sensors fitted
• Would the re-positioning of the sensors in the
neatly into the tank as seen in Figures 1 and 2. A tank
container have any influence on the readings?
of this size requires at least two nightlight candles if the
• What would happen if different hydrocarbons were
experiment is to last a reasonable length of time.
burnt instead of candle wax?
A heat sink made from several small metal plates placed
• What would happen with different sized containers?
on top of a couple of transparent beakers protected the
• Would there be any differences if the number of
sensors and the top of the container.
candles was changed? Or if a different fuel was used
The investigation lasted only a few minutes once the
(e.g. alcohol or wood)?
equipment had been set up. The Data Harvest EasySense
data logger and sensors allowed us to display data from Suggestions for further investigations
the three sensors as it was being collected. All three Students could compare the composition of air in the
traces could be displayed in real time on the same screen chamber to exhaled air – why do burning candles and
so pupils could watch the changes ‘live’. The recording of breathing humans have the same effect?
data started just after the lid was fixed onto the fish tank In burning buildings and aircraft people are told to
and stopped just after the candles went out. stay as close as possible to the floor ‘where there is more
The data from the sensors was processed and oxygen’. Can students use the equipment provided to
displayed using the EasySense software provided test the idea that there are different levels of oxygen
by Data Harvest although other programs (e.g. lower down and higher up in the fish tank?

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 7

ICT in Practical Science

How is microwave radiation
distributed in urban areas?

It seems like everyone has a mobile
phone nowadays – even Buddhist monks
in Lhasa, Tibet! But these phones require
signals to work at all times and there has
been some suggestion that these signals
could be dangerous. This investigation
uses an electric field strength logger
to measure the strength of microwave
radiation in an area and a combination
of GPS technology and Google Earth to
locate and display this data in a form that
pupils find appealing and accessible.

8 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

Outline method Much useful discussion then followed with questions

A walking route through Sheffield was planned taking in such as:
side streets as well as major roads and shopping areas. At • Do all branches of that building society have such peak
the start of the walk the GPS (Global Positioning System) readings?
device was turned on to log position and the electric field • Do all building societies have such peak readings?
strength logger used to get a reading of field strength. • Do banks have similar readings?
A photograph was taken to act as a reference • Do other forms of security such as frames near store
point. When the walk started, data was captured and doors create such peak readings?
geotagged automatically by the equipment. During the • Are employees aware of the peak readings?
walk we kept watching the sensor to see if any ‘unusual’ • What is regarded as a ‘safe’ reading?
peak readings occurred. If they did, we took a photo to
Suggestions for further investigations
help in later analysis and discussion.
As well as investigating some of the questions posed
The data from the data logger could have been
by the pupils above, you could also investigate whether
processed in the normal way using programs like Datadisc
electrosmog varies much with time – maybe it decreases
( or Datalogging Insight (Logotron
greatly after office hours or over lunch.
educational software) and electromagnetic field strength
A separate, but related investigation would be to use
plotted against time. However, this investigation used
electromagnetic field sensors to investigate leakage of
JData3D software from Sciencescope to produce a file
microwaves around a microwave oven.
that could be displayed by Google Earth. The eventual
result was an image of the walk with electric field
strength superimposed as a line graph (see Figure 1).

Making sense of the data

The graphical display tends to stimulate lots of discussion
about what was producing the peak readings, particularly
the large readings near the City Hall. The pupils
remembered that we were right outside a building society
at the time and this made a number of them wonder if
the large readings were anything to do with the security
systems used in a building society.

Figure 2 A public telephone box. Another peak reading that prompted

lots of discussion was the one that occurred whilst passing a public BT
telephone box. A poster on the box indicated that Wi-Fi was available
at that site.

Figure 1 Using Google Earth to display microwave levels in Sheffield city centre.

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 9

ICT in Practical Science

Does regular exercise over just a week produce a
measurable increase in grip strength?

Many reports say children today are not getting enough
exercise. There is pressure to increase the amount of physical
activity children engage in – either through play or in
organized classes at school. But how often do people need
to exercise to notice any effect? This activity allows pupils
to collect data on the effect of training on performance. The
training to be assessed is a daily exercise squeezing a tennis
ball in one hand. The effect is tested using a forcemeter to
measure grip strength.

10 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

The graph below (Figure 3) shows the daily mean value

for the force produced by the right hand (blue line) and
left hand (red line). A trend line (black line) has been
added to each data set, and the equation for the trend
line is displayed on the graph.

Exercise – squeezing a tennis ball Measuring grip strength

Figure 1 Strength training and grip strength.

Outline method
Figure 3 Comparison of grip strength in the left and right hand.
A volunteer measured the grip strength in their right and
left hand three times by squeezing the grip dynamometer Making sense of the data
as hard as possible to get a peak reading and then This graph shows an increase in the force produced
relaxing for a few seconds before repeating. by the left hand and a slight decrease for the right
Their grip strength was measured every day for a week. hand. But is this sufficient evidence to support the idea
Over the same period, the volunteer carried out strength that daily exercise over five days produces a change in
training in one hand (their left hand) by squeezing a muscle strength?
tennis ball as hard as possible ten times for one ‘set’. The This investigation has produced a useful set of data for
sets were repeated three times a day. considering the accuracy and precision of measurements,
and how to extract information from a data set. It is
traditional to repeat a measurement three times and
then calculate an average to improve the accuracy. Is
that justified in this case? A similar graph of the first
measurement only, rather than an average of three,
produces different results. Which result is most valid?
Is fatigue a factor in considering how many repetitions
should be used? For practical reasons the activity lasted
only five days. What would be the effect of doing the
investigation over more or fewer days? Was it necessary
to take readings every day?
There were many other ways of analysing the data
including using the original software to find mean,
median, mode and standard deviation for each peak.
Some of these would only be appropriate for more able
pupils and proved quite time-consuming.
The question of whether five days of exercise is sufficient
Figure 2 Force exerted with each squeeze of the dynamometer. to produce a measurable change in strength remains
unanswered. This activity would be a good introduction for
The software recorded a single line graph for each day’s pupils who wish to investigate this question further.
results. The peaks show the maximum force exerted with
each squeeze of the dynamometer (Figure 2). The first Suggestions for further investigations
three peaks are those from the right hand, the last three A similar approach could be used with a number of
from the left hand. The total time for data collection different sensors sold by data logging companies, for
was about 40 seconds. The data was transferred into a example:
spreadsheet and the maximum value of each peak used • changing heart rate with aerobic exercise
to calculate a mean value for each hand on each day. A • changing peak flow or vital capacity using a
line graph was drawn for each hand against the date. spirometer sensor.

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 11

ICT in Practical Science

Using GPS and Google Earth to plot variations, can
plant characteristics be explained by changes in light,
temperature and humidity?

Introduction investigated levels of temperature, light and humidity in a
Adaptation is a difficult topic to teach as pupils are semi-rural environment. The route took in a combination
frequently not familiar with the organisms or habitats of paths, fields, woods and a riverside walk.
used as examples. This approach brings the study The images (Figure 1) show the data collected, analysed
of adaptation to the local area, and gives pupils the and presented on an aerial photograph of the area.
opportunity to take a hands-on approach. Using ICT for Absolute values are readily available using a different
recording differences in organisms and for measuring, software configuration. The key feature of this activity is
recording and displaying data allows pupils to focus their that the results are displayed as a graph superimposed
attention on patterns and explanations. Choosing a single on an image of the location. This has great visual impact
plant species to compare in two locations helps pupils to for learners and enables a wider range of pupils to make
recognise the impact of habitat on growth. This activity sense of the data.

a b c

Figure 1 (a) Temperature, (b) light and (c) humidity at different points along the route, displayed using Google Earth.

12 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

Outline method They are shown as three separate maps here for clarity,
It is assumed that plants growing in the wood in low light although the graphs can also be shown combined onto
levels need to be adapted to maximise light absorption one landscape. The photographs taken during data
but suffer less water stress than plants growing in an collection may be opened by clicking links on the graphs
open field. They would probably have a thinner cuticle within Google Earth.
on the upper surface of the leaf to increase the amount The maps revealed significant differences in environmental
of light that can penetrate the leaf. Water loss through conditions between the beech wood (furthest away in the
transpiration would be less of a problem than for a plant upper part of the image) and the field (in the foreground
with greater exposure to the Sun and stronger breezes. in the lower part of the image). The wood was cooler,
The sensing equipment was used to identify the darker and more humid than the field.
temperature, light level and humidity of different points Following analysis of the physical data, two beech
along a route. The sensors were connected to a logger, plants from contrasting areas within the sample
which recorded data whilst we walked along a footpath site were investigated to identify adaptations to
that passed through a field to a river bank before their microhabitat. Photographs in Table 1 show the
heading back to the top of a hill through an area of observed differences.
dense beech wood. A GPS device was used to record
Suggestions for further investigations
location data at the same time, and several photographs
A similar approach could be used for studying the
were taken at key points along the route for reference.
distribution and adaptations of different species.
The location-based data logging software (JData3D,
Would invertebrates in the leaf litter in each site show
from Sciencescope) blended data from the sensor, the
similar variation in their adaptations?
GPS unit and the camera, converting it into a file that
A similar approach could be used to investigate rocky
opens in Google Earth (see Figure 1).
shore lines, fresh water habitats along a length of river
Making sense of the data or comparison of different aquatic environments, using
Changes in temperature, levels of light and humidity sensors such as flow rate, turbidity, dissolved oxygen,
are shown as line graphs displayed on a map (Figure 1). conductivity and pH.

Beech in wood Beech in field Notes

The beech in the field had more wood in

the trunk and branches.

Leaves in the wood grew close together on

thin stems.

Using a microscope the top surface of

the woodland leaf is seen to be downy,
whilst the field leaf has a shiny appearance
suggesting a thicker layer of wax in the

Table 1 Differences in beech trees in woodland and field settings.

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 13

ICT in Practical Science

What is the pH value when colour changes
take place in home-made indicators?

pH indicators change colour in solutions
with different pH values. Students may
see indicators with a colour change
occurring at pH 7. But are the changes
always at pH 7 (the value for pure water)
or at another value? How close to pH 7
does the colour start to change and do
some indicators change colour at other
values? Using a video camera and a pH
sensor we could investigate these issues
and come up with a set of results for a
range of home-made indicators.

Franz Pfluegl/
Outline method 25 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid was placed
Samples of indicator were made by simmering samples in a small beaker. A few drops of the relevant indicator
of plant material in distilled water for about five minutes was added. The equipment was then set up as in
and filtering the resultant mixture to give a clear liquid. Figure 1 with a piece of white paper behind the beaker
The potential indicator materials were: beetroot, red to improve the quality of the image recorded by the
cabbage, turmeric, onion skins and spinach. video camera. The video camera was switched on, the
These indicators were tested with 0.1 mol dm-3 pH sensor lowered into the acid and the tap on the
hydrochloric acid and 0.1 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide burette opened. The experiment finished when the
solution. The resulting colours are shown in Figure 2. indicator had changed colour.


pH Sensor

Figure 1 The set up of sensor, webcam and pH Indicator. Figure 2 Indicators in acid or alkaline conditions.

14 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

To synchronise the video with the pH data logging ‘time

zero’ was defined as the point at which the pH sensor
was placed into the acid. This event was clearly visible
on the video recording. This synchronisation method is
accurate enough for this investigation.
Making sense of the data

pH change as 0.1 M alkali is added to 0.1 M acid.

Figure 5 Graphs of the R, G and B values of colour as the pH of the

solution changes using turmeric as an indicator.
Figure 3 A graph of pH change using tumeric as the indicator
It can be seen from the graph that the pH change started to take place
at about 26 seconds after the pH sensor had been placed into the acid.

Analysing the video

A. Simple method
Open up the video file in Windows Media Player or
Use the video player controls to move the video clip to
the frame that shows the pH sensor entering the surface
of the acid.
Note the time showing.
Move the video on to show that the colour change starts
taking place about 26 seconds after this.
B. More sophisticated method using the Tracker software
The Tracker video analysis and modeling tool (free, open
source software) can be set to track an RGB region and
so used to analyse the video clip of the colour changing
in a pH indicator (see Figures 4, 5 and 6).
Figure 6 Graphs of the RGB values of colour as the pH of the solution
changes using spinach as an indicator.

Suggestions for further investigations

Teachers may decide to follow up on any questions raised
by the pupils or any of the following:
• What would happen if we used other ‘home-made’
• What would happen if we used universal indicator?
• What are the chemical pigments that react to acid/alkali?
• Do the pigments in beetroot and red cabbage give the
Figure 4 The Tracker software showing the video of colour change, the same results when analysed by the Tracker software?
graph of change of luma (brightness) and the table showing the Red(R),
Green(G) and Blue(B) elements of the colour as well as luma.

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 15

ICT in Practical Science

How does the size of a parachute
affect the speed of descent?

Parachutes used to be about just getting safely to the
ground without having to land the plane. Nowadays,
parachuting is a sport in its own right and many people pay
large amounts of money to go up in a plane specifically to
jump out and take as long as possible to reach the ground
again – showing off and doing tricks all the way!
In this investigation pupils analyse motion using the
Tracker video analysis and modelling software, to help
them to understand distance, velocity and acceleration
and how these can be represented graphically.

16 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

Outline method
A metre rule was supported against a dark
background so as to be clearly visible in the recorded
video (see Figure 1). The ruler provided a reference
length for use in the analysis. The area was brightly
lit – an OHP was used to do this. The falling object
was recorded by a digital video camera. To achieve
terminal velocity a low mass object, in this case a
piece of filter paper folded into a conical shape,
was used. Bun cases would work as well. The white
paper also provided a high contrast against the dark
background. This helps in later video analysis.
The digital video was transferred to a computer
and then loaded into the Tracker software (free, open
Figure 1 Setting the axes on the video using the Tracker software. source, video analysis and modeling tool for physics
education). Full instructions to show how to analyse
the video is given in the Tracker help file but the basic
processes are:
Choose the portion of the video to be analysed.
Calibrate the video scale (using the metre rule as a
Set the axes on the video.
Track the moving object by moving from one frame to
the next.
Use the software to plot the movement on graphs.
Making sense of the data
Most examination board specifications require pupils
to have an understanding of the concepts of terminal
velocity, velocity and acceleration. This investigation
allows pupils to methodically analyse the movement of
Figure 2 Tracking the moving object by stepping from one frame to the next.
falling objects and to internalise the concepts.
Suggestions for further investigations
Once students are familiar with the terms terminal
velocity, velocity and acceleration, a number of more
interesting questions can be investigated with the
equipment given. Certainly the effect of different sized
parachutes now becomes an easy task as does changing
the mass of load carried by the parachute. Other
questions include:
• What happens if the ‘parachute’ has a different
• What happens if the falling object has holes in it?
• What happens if the object falls in a ‘wind’?
This software can also be used to analyse other moving
situations, for example moving sports objects (balls,
Figure 3 Using the Tracker software to plot the movement on graphs. javelins, etc.) or moving cars on a nearby road?

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 17

ICT in Practical Science

A simple, quick and reliable method to demonstrate the absorption of
carbon dioxide and the excretion of oxygen during photosynthesis.
It can be used with a wide range of pupils from ages 11–19.

Figure 1 The lake in New York’s Central Park.

Introduction and reliably with modern sensors. Figure 2 on the next

The green mats piled up on the side of the lake in New page shows a small potted plant inside a transparent
York’s Central Park (Figure 1) are actually living things. plastic container with a light sensor on top. An oxygen
They are masses of green algae that have grown rapidly sensor and a carbon dioxide sensor are monitoring the
(sometimes in a matter of days when the conditions are composition of the air in the container.
right) and must be removed or they will clog up the water It is possible to get significant changes in carbon
and everything in it will die. This is photosynthesis at its dioxide levels inside a small container with a single
most rapid, though students usually come across it as a leaf that has been removed from a plant providing it
much slower process. It has a reputation of being difficult is sufficiently well illuminated. A more complex set-up
to teach and boring on occasions. It is a complex process is needed if reductions in carbon dioxide levels are to
not easily understood but is crucial to the production of be related to changes in oxygen levels. We found that
food and recycling of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Some a larger container was necessary, and that more plant
of the problems relating to the teaching of photosynthesis material was needed to produce a significant percentage
are due to practical work being perceived as unreliable change in gas concentration within a reasonable time.
and time-consuming. This activity demonstrates that This was because we used quite large sensors. Other
useful data on photosynthesis can be obtained quickly manufacturers produce more compact sensors and would

18 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

Figure 2 Experiment monitoring the composition of air in a container housing a small potted plant.

allow a smaller container to be used, hence producing Making sense of the data
results more quickly. In all cases we thought it important The first experiment shows a clear link between carbon
that the investigation should take no longer than fifteen dioxide levels and illumination. The second, more
minutes. Rapid results allow pupils to raise questions and sophisticated, investigation shows the link between
to investigate changing variables within a lesson, which is these and oxygen concentration. However, to move from
one of the main benefits of using this approach. an apparent causal relationship to a fully-fledged causal
relationship tying all three factors together requires
Outline method
ideas about photosynthesis. This is an excellent example
A single leaf and a carbon dioxide sensor were placed
of how theoretical considerations can help to interpret
inside a 250 cm3 container. When the apparatus was left
observed data rather than observed data leading
on a window ledge for only ten minutes a significant
automatically to new theory.
reduction in carbon dioxide level was recorded. Blocking
the light from the apparatus caused the carbon dioxide Suggestions for other investigations
level to rise once more. This technique can be used to investigate a variety
To monitor both carbon dioxide and oxygen of aspects of photosynthesis including; the effect of
concentrations simultaneously a larger container with illumination level; the colour of the light; and whether
more plant material was used. two different species of plants of the same mass have
The data eventually was presented as three separate the same photosynthetic rate in the same conditions.
graphs to enable each graph to be scaled separately. The latter investigation could be further extended by
Some pupils will need help to understand the scaling looking at two plants of the same species one of which
and units used. had been grown in low light conditions and the other
had grown in high light levels.

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 19

ICT in Practical Science

Bangkok, like so many South
East Asian cities is well-
supplied with traffic of every
sort – cars, lorries, buses,
motorbikes, scooters and even
the occasional tractor! These
all produce pollution and give
the city a smell of diesel and
smoke all day and night.

Franz Pfluegl/

Figure 1 A traffic jam in Bangkok, Thailand.

Introduction Outline method

Carbon monoxide is a serious pollutant in urban areas. Since motor vehicles are the major source of carbon
It attacks haemoglobin in the red blood cells reducing monoxide pollution it was suggested that levels of the
its ability to transport oxygen. This strains the heart gas would be highest in high-traffic areas and lowest in
and circulatory system and is particularly dangerous pedestrian areas.
for pregnant women as it can reduce the oxygen To test this idea a route was planned from the outskirts
supply of the fetus significantly. The main source of of the city to the city centre taking in a combination of
carbon monoxide is from motor vehicles. This activity streets, roads and pedestrian-only walkways. The GPS
investigated levels of carbon monoxide in a city centre. unit was turned on at the station to save a new track
The results are displayed as a graph superimposed on log that would record locations throughout the walk. A
a map of the location. This has great visual impact for photograph was also taken to act as a point of reference.
learners and may enable a wider range of pupils to make The carbon monoxide sensor was attached to a data
sense of the data. logger. Once the walk started recording GPS data and

20 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

sensed data it needed no further input and was within the to be below 50 ppm – if levels in urban areas never rise
capabilities of all pupils. We did stop at a number of points above this level the effect of the gas may be negligible
of interest to take a photograph of the surroundings. compared with other hazards of vehicular transport:
On returning to school, the data was downloaded to a • small particulate materials (associated with asthma)
computer, including the images from the digital camera. • traffic accidents (the third highest cause of death and
The location-based logging software (JData3D, from disabilities globally in 2003 according to the UN).
Sciencescope) takes care of blending data from the sensor,
The activity is a great way to introduce pupils to the
the GPS unit and the camera, converting it into a file that
benefits and costs of technology to society and the
opens in Google Earth (see Figure 2). Changes in levels of
problems of designing city centres to be healthy places to
carbon monoxide are shown as a line graph displayed on a
work in or visit.
map with calibration lines to indicate actual levels. Clicking
on photo balloons showed where the data was collected Suggestions for further investigations
and data values at that point. A similar approach could be used with a number of
different sensors, for example:
Making sense of the data
• sound sensor to monitor noise pollution
The data did not support the original idea. This may be
• sulfur dioxide sensor to investigate smoke pollution
due to wind currents flushing away carbon monoxide
• conductivity sensor to measure the salinity of fresh
from the more open areas around major roads. The
water environments
buildings in built-up areas may allow the gas to
• pH and dissolved ion sensors to investigate water
accumulate. There might also be a time effect – are the
levels different during the morning rush hour compared
• oxygen sensors to investigate biological pollution of
with the middle of the night?
It would be possible to discuss with students the
differences in levels between these areas – are they It should be noted that taking groups of students out into
significant even if the level remains below harmful levels? the field involves some risks and a proper risk assessment
USA regulations require long term exposure in workplaces should be completed before the exercise.

Figure 2 Data collected and then visualised within Google Earth.

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 21

ICT in Practical Science

Investigating the trajectory of a toy rocket.

Introduction Outline method

Every weekend in the summer groups of amateur rocket A rocket logger, made by Sciencescope, was attached to
enthusiasts meet to launch their rockets. Many have been an Air Burst rocket launcher. The rocket logger tracks the
modified slightly to give greater height or range. Are these position, altitude, direction and velocity of the rocket.
rocket hobbyists the space technologists of the future? The rocket launcher was set up so that it launched the
We wanted to be able to investigate how a toy rocket rocket in a safe direction. Pupils should stand behind the
travels and be able to track how the height reached and launcher at all times and never where the rocket could
horizontal distance travelled varies as we changed its hit them.
angle of launch and the energy of release. When the Air Burst launcher assembly was ready, a
foot pump was used to ‘fuel’ the rocket. The rocket

22 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

automatically launches when the air pressure is high

Image taken from

enough to rupture the membrane(s). The launcher can
be set up with thin membranes (called Photon
Boosters – Thrust Level 1) or thicker membranes (Bozon
Boosters – Thrust Level 2). By choosing a combination of
these membranes the power of the launch can be changed.
The angle of launch was measured and the direction of
flight was measured as a bearing taken from north.
The rocket logger was attached to the computer via the
USB cable and the data from the sensor was transferred
into the Sciencescope Rocket Logger software. This then
created a file that could be read by Google Earth (see
Figures 1 and 2).

Figure 3 The Sciencescope Rocket Logger.

Making sense of the data

Groups of pupils were supplied with a copy of the file
created by the Sciencescope Rocket Logger software
and encouraged to discuss what they were seeing. They
were asked to interact with Google Earth to ‘zoom’ into
and ‘fly’ around the traces. The pupils were particularly
interested in comparing the trajectories of the three
Figure 1 A single rocket track shown on Google Earth. different angles of launch. Pupils really enjoyed being
able to use the Google Earth controls to interact with
the data.
There was much discussion between the pupils about
the effect of the angle of launch on the height reached
and the horizontal distance.
Most examination board specifications require pupils
to understand concepts such as velocity, acceleration
and falling bodies and this activity is a different way to
investigate them.
Suggestions for further investigations
Teachers may decide to investigate a variety of
questions, for example:
• What would happen if the rocket was launched with a
higher initial air pressure?
• What would happen if a parachute is added to the
rocket to slow the decent?
• What would happen if the Rocket Logger sensor was
Figure 2 Comparing three different trajectories on Google Earth. attached to a firework rocket?

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 23

ICT in Practical Science

Does footwear really make a difference
to the acceleration of runners?

24 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

Introduction video (to produce a ‘point mass’ track). We chose to use

Webcams offer a cheap and simple solution to recording the head as it was distinct, even when the video image
movement for analysis in science lessons. Most webcams was blurred. Very different results would be found if the
are supplied with their own software, but in this activity position of a foot or hand were chosen. The ‘clip settings’
we used free video recording software downloaded from tool can be used to select the most useful part of the
the internet which offered increased functionality. We also clip for tracking, to save time. On completion, the data is
used free, open source, video analysis software (Tracker) displayed in a table of time, X position and Y position. To
which pupils can use to help them learn about motion, obtain velocity and acceleration data click the data label
acceleration and friction. The context we chose was to at the top of the table to select additional data columns.
look at the effect of different types of footwear on the A similar process can be used to alter the graph display.
acceleration of a sprinter. The axes tool was used to set the graph origin on the
track position in the first frame.
Making sense of the data
In the example shown in Figure 1, the graphs in Tracker
display the position and the acceleration of the sprinter’s
head over time. The acceleration graph shows the
change in acceleration throughout the stride, and how
acceleration falls to zero at some point in each stride.
The maximum acceleration for each type of footwear
can either be read from the graph or from the last
column of the data table. We found that the maximum
acceleration when wearing trainers was about 15 m/s2,
Figure 1 The Tracker software. 8 m/s2 when wearing only socks and 10 m/s2 in bare feet.
The maximum force that can be exerted on the surface
We recorded short video sequences of someone sprinting
depends on the friction. Less friction means that the
in a gym. The sequences covered their initial burst when
acceleration that can be achieved by the sprinter is
wearing trainers, just socks, or bare feet. The motion in the
reduced. By changing both the material in the sole of
video was then analysed, and we were able to see how
running shoes and the surface of running tracks, it
the acceleration changed over the period of each stride.
has been possible to increase the chances of athletes
By calculating the maximum acceleration in each case, we
producing new world records for sprinting.
were able to see the effect of footwear on performance.
Shoes designed for road running often have cushioning
Outline method material in the sole, which reduces the chance of injury
The webcam was set up at floor level to record the but also reduces acceleration. Fast acceleration is rarely
movement of the volunteer as they sprinted for needed in road running events.
10 metres. A trial run was needed to make sure the
Suggestions for further investigations
volunteer did not ‘run out of frame’.
Pupils can use the analysis software on any compatible
When the recording was started the volunteer sprinter
video clip to compare the acceleration (rather than top
wearing trainers was given the signal to set off. The
speed) of different animals, and even compare this with
recording was stopped as soon as possible after the
the acceleration of a space shuttle being launched.
run was completed. This process was repeated with the
Using this technique it was possible to identify changes
volunteer wearing only socks and then again in bare feet.
in acceleration at different points in each stride – the
A crash mat at the end of the sprint run would be needed
technique could be extended for use when coaching
to avoid hitting a wall if using a small space. The three
athletes, or to compare the friction qualities of different
video clips were saved for later analysis in the laboratory.
shoe soles.
The video clips were played back in Tracker. The first
step was to calibrate the images using the ‘tape measure’
tool to indicate a known distance on the video. The
movement was tracked by placing the cursor over the
position of the same body part in each frame of the

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 25

ICT in Practical Science

Analysing plant growth responses
using video and analysis software.

Figure 1 Taprom Temple in Cambodia.

Introduction Outline method

Plants respond to changes in their environment in a Mustard seeds were grown on damp kitchen towel in
number of ways. The photograph of Taprom Temple in the lid of a margarine tub, which allowed the camera
Cambodia (Figure 1) shows one response – the growth to be set very close to the seedlings. Previously the
downwards of roots towards a supply of water. This is seedlings had been placed in an opaque container to
called positive geotropism (growth towards the centre of cause them to bend towards the light. The camera was
the Earth). placed horizontally at the side of the seedlings and the
Roots are also positively hydrotropic – they grow software configured to time-lapse recording, with one
towards water. Phototropism is the growth of a part of image every ten minutes for three hours. The recording
a plant towards or away from light. Shoots are positively was started immediately after the seedlings were taken
phototropic (they grow towards light) while roots are out of the box and positioned so that they were initially
negatively phototropic (they grow away from light). pointing away from the light source.
Video cameras and webcams can be configured to The second activity used a broad bean seedling. It took
record in time-lapse mode, creating short video clips over ten days to germinate and a further seven days to reach a
long time periods. This is ideal for analysing growth and suitable size for recording growth and movement. It was
movement of plants. Using this it is possible to separate planted in a container of compost and kept on a window
growth responses towards light (positive phototropism) sill in full sunlight. The camera was positioned vertically
in seedlings from other movements that the plant makes above the plant and focused on the top (terminal) bud.
in the dark. It can open up debates on the meaning of The software was configured to record one frame every
scientific terms like ‘growth’ and ‘movement’. It can also be ten minutes for three hours. This was repeated using
used to calculate the speed of movement of a plant, and the same plant a few hours later when it was dark. To
to see that this can be remarkably uniform in a wide range illuminate the plant for video recording, some small LEDs
of different growing conditions. The technique offers many were used and arranged around the lens to avoid any
opportunities for open-ended investigations by pupils. phototropic response in the plant.

26 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

ICT in Practical Science

The video clips were played back at 2000x to show The rate of change as shown by the gradient of the

speeded up movement. One point on the plant was graph (Figures 3 and 4) was 2.22 mm/h in the light and
then identified and marked as the comparison point. The 1.25 mm/h in the dark.
cursor was placed on this point in each frame to produce
How do the speech patterns of two people compare? Making sense of the data
a movement track. The length of a leaf was used for
The interpretation of X and Y position against time is
calibration, and the graph origin was set to the tracking
not intuitive for many pupils. Asking them to represent a
point in the first video frame. This resulted in a graph
circular motion over time as an XY-time graph will help
of position against time in two dimensions – X and Y.
them to interpret the graph obtained in this investigation.
For this investigation the movement of the plant in the
It is not necessary for them to be able to interpret
X dimension was ignored. (Illuminating the plant in a
XY-time graphs if they only want to calculate the speed
different direction may result in X axis movement being
of movement. Highlight a portion of the graph which
more relevant than Y axis movement.)
appears to be a straight line, and the gradient tool will
calculate speed for that portion of the graph. If you
calibrated the frame using a millimetre scale, the speed
of movement will be presented as a figure in mm/s.
Multiplying this result by 3600 gives a speed in mm/h
and may be easier for pupils to interpret.
By comparing motion in the dark with that in the light
it was possible to identify the effect of phototropism,
and also to see that bean plants continue to move in
very low levels of light (Figures 2 to 4).
Suggestions for further investigations
This activity could be extended to compare movement rates
Figure 2 Mustard seeds recorded from the side.
in different light intensities, different light wavelengths,
temperatures, or using different plant varieties.
Using the techniques described here, a wide range
of open-ended investigations could be carried out into
plant movements – the strength, direction and nature
of the stimulus for instance or the direction, speed and
conditions needed for the response. In the mustard
seedling phototropism investigation described above there
was a time lag of about fifteen minutes before there was
a significant response to the change in light direction.
Pupils could investigate the effect of different factors
on this time lag in the time available in a typical science
Figure 3 Broad bean seedling: Light (illumination from left of the screen). lesson, such as investigating which parts of the plant
detect the stimulus.
Again this investigation raises many opportunities for
open ended investigations, and raises the question: is
some of this movement due to growth? A biologist would
have very different meanings for the words ‘movement’
and ‘growth’. This sort of investigation may help pupils to
develop similar understandings.

Figure 4 Broad bean seedling: Dark (low light illumination from above).

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme 27

ICT in Practical Science


For additional resources visit the ‘ICT in practical science: new approaches to data collection and analysis’ page on the
SEP website. You can download the PDF file of this booklet and find links to resources used within this booklet.
Some particularly relevant websites for the software used within this booklet are listed below:
Audacity ( Free, open source software.
Google Earth (
JData3D (
Rocket Logger (
Tracker video analysis and modelling tool ( Free, open source software.

Commercial organisations
The equipment used within this booklet was supplied from the following companies (other sources are available):
Data Harvest Educational ( EasySense data loggers and sensors.
Instruments Direct ( Suppliers of Vernier Logger Pro and other instruments.
Sciencescope ( Data logging and analysis materials.
XLlogger ( Excel-based data logging with USB sensors.

Supporting materials
Data Harvest Educational (
Teaching materials including activities designed around the EasySense data loggers and sensors, including PDFs,
webpages and videos.
Data Logging in Practice
Frost R (1999) Publisher: IT in Science (ISBN 0 9520257 4 4)
Ideas, experiments and tips on using data loggers and sensors in the classroom.
Datalogging Insight: Teaching and Learning Guide (
Rogers L and Frost R Publisher: Logotron
A guide to the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of data logging. A useful tutorial guide to data logging.
Sciencescope (
This site includes links to a range of investigations which can be carried out using sensing and data logging equipment.
Vernier Lab Books (
A set of books integrating data-collection technology with teaching activities.

The following photographs have been reproduced from microphone on page 5 (© Fori Robert);
test tubes on page 14 (© Franz Pfluegl); traffic jam in Bangkok on page 20 (© Franz Pfluegl). Photographs reproduced
from other sources include: fire fighter on page 6 from stock.xchng (© Carl Dwyer); monk on page 8 (© Gareth Price);
jungle gym from Morguefile; forest and Sun on page 12 from (© AVTG); parachutes on page 16 from
Morguefile; the lake in New York’s Central Park on page 18 (© Gareth Price); Sciencescope Rocket Logger from; athlete on page 22 from Loughborough University - Sports Technology Institute, research with
UK Sport and New Balance (© Hollis Photography); Taprom Temple in Cambodia on page 26 (© Gareth Price).

28 Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

You can download the written materials in this booklet, and find further
information from: Science Enhancement Programme

The Science Enhancement Programme (SEP) is part of Gatsby Technical Education Projects.
It undertakes a range of activities concerned with the development of curriculum resources
and with teacher education.

Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme

Middlesex University
S37 Stable Yard
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The Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme has supported

the Centre for Science Education at Sheffield Hallam
University in the production of this publication.

You can order SEP publications and a range of practical resources from
Middlesex University Teaching Resources.

Teaching Resources
Middlesex University
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Hertfordshire EN9 1AS
Tel: 01992 716052
Fax: 01992 719474
Produced using PEFC guaranteed paper. Printed with vegetable based inks.
Published by the Science Enhancement Programme
Designed and Produced by: Pluma Design Ltd.

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