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Isolation of DNA

Isolation of DNA
Aim To isolate DNA from available plant materials such as
spinch leaves green pea seeds banana etc.

Materials required:-spinach leaves, green pea, papaya, pastel

and motor, table salt ,liquid detergent ,distil water, beaker etc.

1:-prepare extraction by mixing 3 gram table salt ,10 ml liquid
detergent and 80 ml of distil water in beaker add distilled water
to make total amount of liquid the 100ml.
2:-Mash the ripe banana /spinach leaves with help of motar and
pestle by adding extracting solution keep on mashing till the
solution finishes .
3- filter the solution.
4- Take 5 ml of filtered content in to clean test tube.
5- Add 5 ml of icy cold 90% ethanol in solution by wall
of test tube.
6- observe white fibers of DNA molecule. Pull them up
using a capillary tube.
Observation -
White fibers of DNA are observed under microscope.
Precautions -
1- prevent any wastage of extract during process of
extraction of DNA.
2- use reagent of correct mentioned strength
3- use fresh plant material.

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