Globalization Act 1

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The concept of Globalization is one of the most important components in helping society progress

and evolve through different eras in our history. This is because it has helped establish numerous
insights, concepts, and technologies in different countries, which has created a sense of
“international integration”. In fact, it has presented numerous opportunities for technology to evolve
tremendously inside human society, for the benefit of humanity. And with this evolution of
technologies and the interconnectedness of the different items that societies across the world have
to offer, it has propelled us towards where we are at the modern day. But, with all of these positives
being presented, there are bound to be people taking advantage of this to a whole other degree, and
those are the “capitalists” that has reshaped the definition of globalization.

According to Noam Chomsky, “Globalization has long pre-dated capitalism, the silk roads dating back
to the pre-Christian era were an extensive form of globalization.” This means that people took
advantage of the various items, cultures, and technologies from different societies, as a means to
further their own agenda, with little regard for the well-being of others. “The rise of industrial state
capitalism has changed the scale and character of globalization, and there have been further changes
along the way as the global economy has been reshaped by those whom Adam Smith called "the
masters of mankind," pursuing their "vile maxim": "All for ourselves, and nothing for other people."
This has branded globalization into a negative light as plenty of people now associate it with
“corporate takeovers”

One of the potential culprits behind these “corporate takeovers”, are Multinational, and
Transnational Corporations. In where, they essentially dry out the potential market and resources
within a nation due to the sheer aspect of their size. This situation does not let the citizens of the
country have enough resources to start and compete in the market, leading to monopolistic ideals,
and less innovation. Additionally, these greedy corporations construct their headquarters in nations
where laws about taxations and business operations that they can advantage of, rather than their
home countries, where more significant laws restrict exactly what they are exploiting.



- Globalization does not correlate with Capitalism or Technology because globalization is

merely a “driver” towards the evolution of technology, and the appearance of capitalism.
These have just been “by-products” of globalization’s existence, but it does not mean that
there is a direct association, or correlation between these concepts. (Causation does not
equal correlation)
- Globalization has long existed before the concept of capitalism was ever established
- The reason as to why people nowadays tend to associate globalization with capitalism is
because of “corporate takeovers” in different countries that are not as technologically
advanced as these capitalists’ home country is.
- These incorporators establish companies for the sake of their own good, rather than for the
benefit of the people, or natural citizens of the host country.
- This leads to an imbalance in power, that seeps into laws that only favor the company, to the
point where government officials lose significant control over their country’s operations.

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