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This code defines a function called `least_squares` that implements the least

squares algorithm to find the best fit line for a given set of data points (`x` and

Here is a breakdown of the code:

1. The `numpy` library is imported to work with arrays and perform linear algebra

2. The `least_squares` function is defined with two parameters (`x` and `y`) which
represent the independent and dependent variables respectively.

3. The `x` and `y` input arrays are converted to numpy arrays using `np.array()`.

4. The `A` matrix is constructed using numpy's `vstack()` and `T` functions. It is
created by vertically stacking `x` and an array of ones (for the intercept term),
and then transposing it.

5. The `np.linalg.lstsq()` function is used to solve the least squares problem. It

takes the `A` matrix, `y` array, and `rcond` parameter (set to `None`) as
arguments. The function returns a tuple whose first element is the coefficient
vector, and the remaining elements are singular values.

6. The first element of the tuple returned by `np.linalg.lstsq()` is unpacked into

the variables `m` and `c`, which represent the slope and intercept of the best fit
line respectively.

7. Finally, the `m` and `c` values are returned from the function.

8. The `x` and `y` arrays are defined with sample data.

9. The `least_squares` function is called with `x` and `y`, and the slope (`m`) and
intercept (`c`) values are assigned to the variables.

10. The slope and intercept values are printed using an f-string.

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