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The Great Preachers

1. Name the most important, last and 24th Tirthankara of Jainism.

2. What does ‘Vardhamana’ mean?
3. When and where was Mahavira born?
4. At what age did he give up his comfortable life and become an ascetic?
5. For how many years did he meditate?
6. What is the meaning of the word ‘Jina’?
7. Name the first Tirthankara of Jainism.
8. By what can one attain moksha?
9. What are the triratnas?
10. What is moksha?
11. At what age did Mahavira die?
12. After his death, Jainism was divided into 2 sects,_______________ and ________________.
13. Where did Mahavira die?
14. Fill in the blanks.
a. Digambara
i. They did not______________________ and followed the
_________________ of Mahavira.
ii. The believed that women cannot achieve ________________.
iii. The believed that a saint does not need _____________ to live.
b. Shvetambaras
i. They wore _________________ and did not believe in _________________.
ii. They believed that women could achieve ________________.
iii. The view that a saint does not need food and can live without eating was
15. The Jain monks lived and worked in the _____________ established by Mahavira.
16. To whom is the spread of Jainism in Karnataka accredited?
17. Name some pieces of Jain literature.
18. When was the largest Jain temple built? What is it called? Where is it locate? Why is it
acclaimed worldwide?
19. What was Prince Siddhartha later known as?
20. When and where was he born?
21. Name his wife and son.
22. The _________________________________ marked a turning point in Siddhartha’s life.
23. These three sights of ______________________ deeply affected him.
24. At what age did Buddha leave the palace? What is this event known as?
25. For how many years did he wander in search of truth as an ascetic?
26. Where did he start meditating? On which day did he gain supreme knowledge?
27. Where was his first sermon delivered?
28. For how many years did Buddha preach his message?
29. At what age and where did Buddha die?
30. The chief principles of Buddhism are derived from the ________________________ and the
_______________________ or the _______________________.
31. The basic teachings of the eightfold path are also known as the ___________________ as
they guide people to attain nirvana without _________________________.
32. Fill in the blanks(Four Noble Truths)
a. The world is full of ___________________________.
b. The cause of the (previous answer) is ___________________.
c. The (first answer) can be ended by controlling ________________.
d. The (previous answer) can be controlled and ________________________________
can be attained by nirvana. The eightfold path leads to nirvana.
33. Name the 2 sects of Buddhism. Differentiate between them.
34. In which language did Buddha preach?
35. What is sanghas?
36. The simple ___________ and the principle of ___________ attracted people from all around
the world.
37. Apart from India, Buddhism rapidly spread in China, Sri Lanka, Burma, Nepal, Tibet, Japan,
Thailand and Cambodia in due course of time.
38. Over the years, the monks and nuns and their supporters felt the need for permanent
shelters which led to the construction of _______________. The (previous answer) became
centres of ________________ and ________________.
39. ______________, the Mauryan ruler, can be accredited for promoting Buddhism.
40. The Buddhist literature includes the Tripitakas and the Jatakas.
41. What is the meaning of the word Tripitakas in Pali?
42. Name the Tripitakas.
43. The ____________, is a collection of stories that tell us about Buddha’s previous births.
44. Give any 3 reasons for the Decline of Buddhism.

PS: Not included – Comparative study, Peep into the past and teachings of both.

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