Informational Interview Guide 3

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Informational Interview Guide

Richard Osuagwu

The following resources provide key information to help you complete this assignment. Refer to them frequently as you
work through each step.

● Informational Interviewing with Steve Dalton (7:55)

● How to Ask for an Informational Interview (and Get a Yes)
● Informational Interview

1. What is an informational interview?

Answer: An informational interview is an informal conversation with an individual who works in a company,
role, or industry that interests you.

2. What are a few specific things you want to accomplish in your interview?

Answer: I want to create a room of less panic and more of communication ease.

3. Make a list of areas of IT you’d love to work in, and job titles or positions you’d be interested in.

Answer: Google, Intel, hp, Computer Schools...etc

4. What is the name, title, and company of your interviewee?

Answer: Mr Promise Nnadozie, SCN Global Computer School

5. When is your interview (date, time and place)?

Answer: 17th May, 2023. 2pm prompt, Umuode road Aba, Abia State.

6. In your research, what have you learned about your interviewee and their company?

Answer: They are known globally for training on computer science and technology and are well equipped with the
necessary resources needed to promote a learning environment.

7. What are at least ten questions you want to ask during the interview?

1. What inspired you to pursue a career in this field?
2. How did you get started in it?
3. What are the most important skills or qualities that someone needs to succeed in this industry?
4. How can aspiring professionals develop this skills?
5. What type of challenges or obstacles have you faced in your career?
6. What strategies have you used to overcome them?
7. Are you happy with your job?
8. What other job options do you have on display?
9. What have you studied to apply for this job?
10. What advice can you give those who have the desire to pursue this career?

8. What was the interviewee’s response to your questions?

1. I have always enjoyed playing with computers and some other tech stuff which built passion in me.
2. I started From school, learning the basics and also doing personal practicals.
3. Knowing how to work and also having the mind to think of solutions .
4. By putting in work and showing dedication
5. Sometimes we feel and can’t perform well.
6. I have learnt to humble myself and always seek to learn new things.
7. Yes
8. I’m also thinking graphic designs
9. I am currently studying information technology and will soon finish my studies.

9. Did you accomplish your purpose from questions #2? What else did you learn?

Answer: Yes I feel the room was comfortable for both parties.

10. What went well? What would you have done differently?

Answer: It was a great atmosphere of interactions

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