Psychological Causes of Internet Addiction

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Internet addiction is a concept that has both physical and psychological causes behind it.
According do researches, internet addicts happened to be mentally unstable and in need of
psychological help to recover from their addiction to internet. Studies on addicts had showed that
the psychological causes of internet addiction are becomşng much more common and there are
some specific psychological causes that are seen almost in each internet addict.

Neglecting family and lack of co-parenting in puberty years is one of the most common reason
behind internet addiction. Teenagers who has been exposed to strict or overprotective parenting are
prone to become internet addicts. Children who grew up on strict household lack of social skills due
to being restricted in their development. Not being able to socialize might not sound so serious in
age scales from 5-10 but these ages are the most important ages in development of
characteristicsand motor skills of a children. Parents who restrict their children might think that this
parenting is to protect their children from negative environmental effects but on contrary they are
limiting their childrens future.

Not being able to socialize in puberty years than creates accordingly problems, mostly
psychological, in an individuals life. Socialization is an important factor of happiness and
communicatio. People who are not good with their communicative skills tend to become lonely over
time and with that some negative feelings such as unwillingness towards life, inabilty to enjoy and
further more deppression comes. People with these feelings search for enjoyment and satisfaction
on internet and become internet addicts due to interne being really accesibly.

Sleep scheule also has big impact on internet addiction. Even though sleep quality sounds physical
it is actually a psychological matter. Not being able to have a good sleep has psychlogical factors
behind it such as stress, irregular mood swings, anxiety and more. Sleeping patterns can be both a
cause and a reason to internet addiction. Individuals with sleep disorders are more likely to spend
their time on ineternet and become addicts. ESpecially younger generations prioritize the
entertainment they have on internet rather than being responsible and over time become addicted
to internet. To sum it up, people with unstable mentalities end up with bad sleeping schedules and
poeple with bad sleeping patterns end up becomşng addicts.

Given these points, internet addiction stems from variety of psychological factors, emphasizing the
provided informations, mostly related to mental well-being. Environmental, as family, and internal
effects, as mental disorders and lack of social skills, has variety of impacts on a persons life that leads
to internet addiction. According to the researches, most internet addiccts suffer from mental
disorders anda re in need of psychological help. To recover from internet addiction, addicts should
get psychological help if they can not help themselves enough. Finding out about the psychological
causes of internet addiction would have a big impact on recovering from this addiction.

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