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Prior to the conversation experiment, I researched about how many distinct experiments I can
conduct on children in order to obtain a diversity of outcomes. Based on my findings, I have found
and chose 4 different items to perform the Piaget experiment. I have decided to do the experiment
on two seperate children of different ages to observe how they would react and whether they would
react differently from one another. In the process of the experiment, I expected that the 8 year old
child (Asya) may focus more on superficial aspects and changes, whereas the 10 year old child (Hira)
may have more conversation understanding and would not be effected by noncognitive changes. At
the end of the experiment I have percieved that both children demonstrated varying levels of
learning and understanding. With the 8 year old child understanding of the conversation was
improving but it was not fully seized as opposed to the 10 year old child who may demonstrate a
more advanced understanding. Using Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and conservation
undertsanding, I have perceived that children from different ages may have different levels of
undertsanding and learning due to their distinct intellectual growth and rearranging the material
would may affect its number, lenght or volume beacuse youngsters pay more attention to irrelevant
features compared to adults who pay attention to relevant quantitative features.

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