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P.O. Box 635 (80300) Voi, Kenya
Tel (020) 8146663


Online Food Ordering System




……………… ……………….
Signature Date


We dedicate this report to our project supervisor for encouragement and support throughout this

project and also to our friends and colleagues, we appreciate them for their support and to God

the Almighty, Thank you.


The rapid growth of e-commerce and changing consumer preferences have revolutionized the
food industry, leading to increased demand for online food delivery services. This abstract
presents our proposal for developing an innovative online food delivery system based in Kenya,
designed to enhance convenience, accessibility, and address the sustainability challenges
associated with traditional delivery methods.

While online food delivery systems have made significant advancements, there are still some
challenges that have not been completely solved. These include environmental impact, food
safety concerns, inefficient last-mile delivery, limited accessibility in rural areas, dietary and
allergen considerations, cost effectiveness, customer support, and cultural adaptation.

To address these unsolved problems, our proposed online food delivery system will prioritize
sustainability by implementing eco-friendly packaging options and promoting environmentally
conscious delivery practices. It will ensure food safety through strict adherence to standards,
temperature-controlled packaging, and real-time monitoring. To optimize last-mile delivery, the
system will utilize advanced routing algorithms, data analytics, and potentially collaborate with
local delivery services. It will aim to improve accessibility in rural areas through strategic
partnerships. The system will prioritize accurate ingredient information, allergen labeling, and
diverse dietary options. Additionally, it will seek to balance cost effectiveness while providing
quality service, offer efficient customer support, and adapt to cultural preferences and regional
nuances. By incorporating these solutions, the proposed system aims to enhance convenience,
accessibility, and sustainability while addressing the outstanding challenges faced by online food
delivery systems.

Table of Contents
PROJECT PROPOSAL AND DOCUMENTATION..................................................................................1
Online Food Ordering System.................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................6
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY..............................................................................................7
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT............................................................................................................7
1.3 OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................................7
1.4 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY.............................................................................................8
1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY..............................................................................................................9
1.6 BENEFITS....................................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................11
LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................................................................11
2.1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................11
2.2 REVIEW OF RELATED PREVIOUS RESEARCH...................................................................11
2.3 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK...............................................................................................12
2.4 Conceptual framework.................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................13
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................................13
3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................13
3.2 System Development and Methodology......................................................................................13
3.4 DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT......................................................................................16
3.5 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURES......................................................................................16
3.6 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS.................................................................................................16
CHAPTER 4..............................................................................................................................................17
SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND REQUIREMENT MODELLING............................................................17
4.1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................17
4.2 EXISTING SYSTEM..................................................................................................................17
4.3 PROBLEM OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM................................................................................17
4.4 PROPOSED SYSTEM................................................................................................................17
4.5 PLAN OF IMPLEMENTATION................................................................................................17
4.6 REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS....................................................................................................18
4.7 WORKING OF THE SYSTEM...................................................................................................19
4.8 UML DIAGRAM........................................................................................................................20
CHAPTER 5..............................................................................................................................................21
SYSTEM DESIGN................................................................................................................................21
5.0 USER INTERFACE....................................................................................................................21
5.1 Admin Module.............................................................................................................................27
5.2 Database Design..........................................................................................................................30
5.4 Code Snippet................................................................................................................................32
SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION...........................................................................................................64
6.0 TECHNIQUES OF DATA COLLECTION.................................................................................64
6.1 TOOLS USED TO ANALYZE THE DATA...............................................................................64
6.2 TOOLS TO IMPLEMENT AND TEST THE SYSTEM.............................................................64
6.3 TEST TOOLS..............................................................................................................................64
6.4 CHANGE-OVER TECHNIQUES...............................................................................................65
6.5 SYSTEM TEST PLAN................................................................................................................65
CHAPTER 7..............................................................................................................................................66
7.0 Summary.....................................................................................................................................66
7.1 Conclusions.................................................................................................................................66
7.2 Recommendations.......................................................................................................................66
7.3 Limitations...................................................................................................................................66



The proposed online food delivery system for Kenya is backed by a comprehensive
background study that explores global e-commerce and online food delivery trends. The
study conducts a specific market analysis for Kenya, considering factors such as
demographics, urbanization, and competition. Customer preferences and expectations are
studied, emphasizing convenience, variety, affordability, and reliable delivery. The study
also examines Kenya's technological infrastructure, highlighting the potential of mobile
applications. Challenges faced by existing systems, including delivery logistics and
accessibility, are identified. The background study provides a strong foundation for
developing an innovative and sustainable online food delivery system that caters to the
specific needs of the Kenyan market.


The problem at hand is the lack of a comprehensive and tailored online food delivery system
that addresses the specific needs and challenges of the Kenyan market. Existing online food
delivery platforms face issues such as inefficient delivery logistics, limited restaurant
coverage, food safety concerns, and accessibility constraints. Additionally, customer
expectations for convenience, variety, affordability, and reliable delivery services remain
unmet. There is the need for an innovative and sustainable online food delivery system that
overcomes these challenges, offers a diverse selection of restaurants, ensures food safety,
optimizes delivery logistics, and provides a user-friendly mobile application to enhance the
overall customer experience in Kenya.


1) Develop an efficient and user-friendly online food delivery system specifically

designed for the Kenyan market, addressing the challenges of inefficient delivery
logistics, limited restaurant coverage, and accessibility constraints.

2) Offer a diverse selection of partner restaurants, encompassing both local and

international cuisines, to provide customers with a wide range of food options and
cater to their preferences.

3) Implement robust food safety measures throughout the delivery process, including
proper temperature control, hygiene standards, and collaboration with partner
restaurants to ensure the highest quality and safety of delivered food.

4) Optimize delivery logistics by leveraging advanced routing algorithms, data analytics,

and potentially partnering with local delivery services to streamline the last-mile
delivery process, reduce delivery times, and enhance overall efficiency.

5) Develop and deploy a user-friendly mobile application that enables customers to

easily browse menus, place orders, track deliveries in real-time, and provide feedback
on their experience, enhancing convenience and accessibility for users.


The proposed study for the development of an online food delivery system in Kenya is
justified by several factors. Firstly, the growing global trend of e-commerce and online food
delivery indicates a strong demand for convenient and accessible food ordering services. By
conducting a specific market analysis for Kenya, the study recognizes the untapped potential
and opportunities for innovation in the Kenyan online food delivery industry.

Moreover, the study acknowledges the challenges faced by existing online food delivery
systems in Kenya, such as inefficient delivery logistics, limited restaurant coverage, and food
safety concerns. These challenges directly impact customer satisfaction and hinder the
growth and adoption of online food delivery services. By addressing these issues, the study
aims to enhance the overall customer experience, improve efficiency, and boost customer
trust and loyalty.

Through surveys, interviews, and market research, the study ensures that the proposed online
food delivery system aligns with the preferences for convenience, variety, affordability, and
reliable delivery services, enhancing customer satisfaction and attracting a larger user base.

Considering the technological landscape and mobile penetration rates in Kenya, the study
justifies the development of a user-friendly mobile application as the primary platform for
the proposed system. This aligns with the increasing reliance on smartphones and the
potential to reach a broader audience through mobile applications.

Lastly, the study's emphasis on sustainability aligns with global concerns for environmental
impact. By implementing eco-friendly packaging options and promoting environmentally
conscious delivery practices, the proposed online food delivery system aims to reduce carbon
emissions and minimize the ecological footprint associated with food delivery services.


The scope of this project will include:

1) Targeting the Kenyan market, considering both urban and rural areas.

2) Developing a user-friendly mobile application as the primary platform, focusing on

convenience, variety, affordability, and reliable delivery services to meet the
preferences and expectations of Kenyan customers.

3) Establishing partnerships with a diverse range of restaurants, ensuring a wide

selection of cuisines and addressing sustainability concerns through eco-friendly
packaging and environmentally conscious delivery practices.
4) Managing operational aspects such as order management, delivery coordination, and
customer feedback management.

5) Emphasizing the need for continuous improvement and adaptation based on customer
feedback, market trends, and technological advancements to stay competitive and
enhance the overall online food delivery experience in Kenya.


1) Enhanced Convenience: The online food delivery system will provide customers with
the convenience of ordering food from a wide range of restaurants with just a few
clicks. They can place orders from the comfort of their homes or workplaces,
eliminating the need for physical visits or phone calls.

2) Expanded Accessibility: The system will bridge the gap between customers and
restaurants, particularly in areas with limited access to diverse dining options. By
partnering with various restaurants and covering both urban and rural areas, the
system will make a wide variety of cuisines accessible to a larger customer base.

3) Time and Cost Efficiency: The online food delivery system will optimize the delivery
process, reducing delivery times and ensuring efficient logistics management.
Customers will save time by avoiding traffic or queues at restaurants. Additionally,
the system may offer competitive pricing and deals, making food delivery an
affordable option for customers.

4) Real-time Order Tracking: Customers will have access to real-time updates on the
status of their orders. They can track their deliveries and have visibility into estimated
arrival times, providing convenience and reducing anxiety about the progress of their

5) Diverse Food Options: The system will partner with a wide range of restaurants,
offering customers a diverse selection of cuisines and menu options. Customers will
have the flexibility to explore various food choices, including local Kenyan dishes
and international favorites, all in one platform.

6) Food Safety Assurance: The system will implement strict food safety measures
throughout the delivery process. Customers can trust that their food will be handled
and delivered under hygienic conditions, ensuring the quality and safety of the
delivered meals.

7) User-friendly Experience: The development of a user-friendly mobile application will

ensure a seamless and intuitive experience for customers. They can easily browse
menus, place orders, make payments, and provide feedback, enhancing their overall
satisfaction and engagement with the platform.

8) Environmental Sustainability: The system will prioritize sustainability by adopting

eco-friendly packaging options and promoting environmentally conscious delivery
practices. This will contribute to reducing carbon emissions and minimizing the
environmental impact of food delivery.


This chapter entails the evaluation of the literature that is relevant to the online food delivery

system. Moreover, it examines the concepts and methods which are relevant to this project.


Previous research in the field of online food delivery systems has provided valuable insights into

consumer behavior, technological advancements, market analysis, and sustainability

considerations. Studies have extensively examined consumer preferences, highlighting the

significance of convenience, pricing, food quality, and delivery speed in shaping customer

choices. The research has emphasized the importance of user-friendly interfaces and real-time

tracking features in enhancing the overall customer experience. Furthermore, investigations into

technological advancements have explored the role of mobile applications, website design, and

payment gateways in streamlining the ordering process and improving operational efficiency.

Market analysis studies have contributed to understanding the market landscape, including
market size, growth trends, and competitive dynamics, which will aid in developing an effective

online food delivery system specific to the Kenyan context. Moreover, sustainability

considerations have been examined, emphasizing the need to address packaging waste and

carbon emissions. Proposed solutions such as eco-friendly packaging materials, optimized

delivery routes, and alternative transportation methods have been suggested to minimize the

environmental impact of online food delivery systems. By incorporating the findings and

insights from these previous research studies, the proposed online food delivery system for

Kenya can leverage best practices, address challenges, and provide a sustainable and user-

friendly experience tailored to the preferences of Kenyan consumers.


The theoretical framework for our project draws upon concepts from various disciplines which
include; The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that guides the understanding of user
acceptance and adoption, helping design a user-friendly interface aligned with customer
preferences. Logistics and supply chain management theories that inform the optimization of
delivery logistics, reducing delivery times and ensuring efficient operations. The framework of
sustainable development which guides decisions on minimizing environmental impact,
considering concepts such as life cycle assessment and eco-design. Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) theories shape customer-centric features, such as personalized
recommendations and effective communication channels. Market analysis and consumer
behavior theories aid in understanding the Kenyan market, guiding marketing strategies and
customer segmentation approaches. By integrating these frameworks, the online food delivery
system can benefit from established theories, enabling an informed and effective approach
tailored to the Kenyan market.

2.4 Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework for our online food delivery system based in Kenya outlines the key
components and their relationships within the system. It provides a high-level overview of how
different elements interact and contribute to the overall functioning of the system. The
framework is group of ideas drawn from specific fields of analysis which are relevant to research
study and it can be used as a travel map, to help us understand and use the ideas of others who
have conducted similar studies.


The term methodology means the technique and procedure adopted by conducting a research

study. It outlines how data will be collected and the tools for collecting data, system

methodology, the proposed system input and output, users and systems development tools.

3.1 Introduction
This chapter gives a detailed explanation of the research methodology used in the study. We

shall describe the study design, the location where the study was conducted, the population and

sample. We shall also focus on how data will be collected, data collection procedures and

analysis of the data.

3.2 System Development and Methodology

A research design serves as a strategic framework that connects research questions with the
implementation of the research (Durrheim, 2006). In the context of developing a web-based
online food delivery system, a qualitative approach was followed. This approach involves a
formal, objective, and systematic process used to describe and test relationships and examine
cause and effect interactions among variables (Burns and Grove, 1993).
For this study, a descriptive survey design was employed to collect first-hand information from
users of the web-based online food delivery system. This design involved obtaining information
through self-reporting, where users responded to a series of questions posed by the researcher
(Mouton, 1996). The purpose of this design was to gain insights into the users' experiences,
preferences, and challenges related to the online food delivery system.

To collect the data for this study, self-administered questionnaires were utilized. These
questionnaires were distributed to the users of the online food delivery system, allowing them to
provide their feedback and insights. The survey method was chosen as it allows for an accurate
account of the users' experiences, such as their satisfaction with the system, the convenience of
the delivery process, and any concerns or issues they encountered.

By employing this research design and utilizing self-administered questionnaires, the study
aimed to gather specific information from the users of the web-based online food delivery
system. This information would help in understanding the users' needs and expectations,
identifying areas for improvement in the system, and enhancing the overall user experience.
Analysis Models: SDLC Model to be applied the waterfall model is a sequential software

development process, in which progress is seen as owing steadily downwards (like a waterfall)

through the phases of Requirement initiation, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and


Requirement Analysis: This phase is concerned about collection of requirements of the system.

This process involves generating document and requirement review.

System Design: Keeping the requirements in mind the system specifications are translated in to a

software representation. In this phase the designer emphasizes on: - algorithm, data structure,

software architecture etc.

Coding: In this phase programmer starts his coding in order to give a full sketch of product. In

other words, system specifications are only converted in to machine.

Implementation: The implementation phase involves the actual coding or programming of the

software. The output of this phase is typically the library, executable, user manuals and

additional software documentation.

Testing: In this phase all programs (models) are integrated and tested to ensure that the complete

system meets the software requirements. The testing is concerned with verification and

validation Maintenance: The maintenance phase is the longest phase in which the software is

updated to fulfill the changing customer needs, adapt to accommodate changes in the external

environment, correct errors and oversights previously undetected in the testing phase, enhance

the efficiency of the software.

A questionnaire was chosen as a primary data collection instrument. Collecting data through
questionnaires saves time because it is possible to collect large amount of data when the targeted
population is very large.
Data was collected with the aid of questionnaires to evaluate the customer’s knowledge and
views on the proposed system and their experience in the existing system. Pre-designed
questionnaires were used in the study to ensure the information collected was relevant to the
objectives of the study.


3.5.1 Interviews
Interviews were preferable for their distinct advantage of enabling us to establish rapport with
the respondents and their cooperation. It also enabled us to seek clarity on ambiguous answers.
Several residents were interviewed where detailed and comprehensive information was collected
about the issue of food delivery in Kenya.

3.5.2 Questionnaires
In the administration of questionnaires, we were able to obtain more information from people
who live both in urban and rural areas.
Online questionnaires were used in this case because of their convenience, affordability and ease
of use. A good number of respondents received the questionnaires. The questions were kept
simple and clear. We also kept constant contact with the respondents to increasing chances of
filling in the questionnaires in good time.


All data and personal information will be kept confidential as no identifying information will be
required in the questionnaire. Participants may choose not to answer any questions that they may
find not comfortable with. Returns will not be given for services. Privacy and wishes of the
participants will be respected at all times.


Analysis is the process of offering the best solution to the problem. System analysis is the
process by which we learn about the existing problems, define objects and requirements and
evaluates the solutions. It is the way of thinking about the organization and the problem it
involves, a set of technologies that helps in solving these problems. Feasibility study plays an
important role in system analysis which gives the target for design and development.


The rapid growth of e-commerce and changing consumer preferences have revolutionized the
food industry, leading to an increased demand for online food delivery services. In response to
this trend, the development of web-based food delivery systems has emerged as a convenient and
accessible solution.
One shortcoming that we identified in all these published systems was dealing with customer
inquiries, order issues, restriction of food options available to users, and also customer difficulty
in reaching support. However, in our opinion, all these factors should be taken into consideration
concomitantly for the most effective and accurate food delivery system.
The proposed online food delivery system aims to solve several challenges faced by existing
food delivery systems in Kenya. These challenges include inefficient delivery logistics, limited
restaurant coverage, food safety concerns, and accessibility issues. By optimizing delivery
routes, expanding partnerships with a diverse range of restaurants, implementing strict food
safety measures, and offering a user-friendly mobile application, the system addresses these
problems. It improves delivery efficiency, provides a wide selection of cuisines to customers,
ensures food safety standards, and enhances accessibility for a seamless online food delivery
The implementation plan for the web-based online food delivery system consists of several key
stages. The project begins with project initiation, forming a dedicated team and defining project
objectives. Requirement analysis follows, involving market research, gathering stakeholder
requirements, and documenting the system's functional and non-functional requirements. The
system design phase focuses on creating an architecture, designing the user interface, developing
the database schema, and ensuring security measures. Development involves building the
frontend and backend components, including user registration, menu browsing, order placement,
and payment processing, as well as administrative features for partner restaurants. Thorough
testing and quality assurance are conducted to identify and rectify any bugs or issues, ensuring a
stable and reliable system.

Once testing is complete, the system is deployed to production servers, and a controlled rollout
begins, gradually expanding the user base and system coverage. Training sessions and support
mechanisms are established to assist users, and continuous improvement and maintenance
activities are carried out to enhance the system's functionality, address user feedback, and stay
updated with emerging technologies. The implementation plan follows a systematic approach,
ensuring a smooth and efficient development process for the web-based online food delivery
It entailed user involvement and statements of facts and assumptions that define the expectations
of the system in terms of mission objectives, environment, constraints and measures of
effectiveness and suitability.
User Interfaces:
• Front End Software: HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP
• Back End Software: MySQL, PHP
Hardware Interfaces:
• RAM - Minimum 2 GB.
• Processor - i3 or above and above with 2.5 GHz
Software Interfaces:
• OS: Ubuntu, Windows, Mac
• Tools: VScode.
• Programming Language: HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, MYSQL, and PHP.


Customer Order Order

Order Processing Delivery


Customer Order Order

Order Picking Tracking

Customer Order
Packaging and
Review Delivery Dispatching


Visit or to interact with our website. No logins are required
for our customers; we understand that users are very busy with their day-to-day lives, hence the
need to reduce the tasks they need to do in order to order a meal. A recent study has indicated a
shift from desktop use of websites to mobile. This creates the need to provide a mobile-friendly
navigation functionality. Navigation for the website has been placed in the footer to keep up with
the new trends in this industry.
For first-time users, a video tutorial has been provided to guide them on how to fully maximize
the use of the website. Ordering has been simplified, making this website a go-to for all
customers. Regular customers can go directly to place an order.
Users who wish to know more about the business can do so via clicking the three toggle bar icon
(the hamburger icon) on the top left corner.

Customer satisfaction is a paramount for every business. We have provided a functionality for
users to be able to know the meals that are available and those that are not. This gives our
customers the ability to make informed decisions.
This is the ordering platform. We realized when it comes to food, customers want to be specific.
A little detail to what they order must be added for them to feel that they have fully described
what they need.
If that is not enough customers will at times feel insecure of their own decisions on food. We
have provides a platform for them to confirm their order.

Client satisfaction being paramount we have highlighted some of the clients testimonials on how
the business has been of help in their lives. This also helps win over new clients trust
We have also provided a platform for the business to showcase who they are and what they offer

You can directly interact with customer care on WhatsApp by clicking on the WhatsApp icon.
Customers can also view a gallery of the business activities and their outreach to the community.
Last but not least, our customers need to share their feedback. This can be done via WhatsApp or
via the web platform that van be accessed on the footer.

5.1 Admin Module

Only admins can access the admin module.

Admin Dashboard

An admin has a variety of functionalities as described below

1) Can view orders, delete orders, add new orders, update weather an order has been picked
or payed for, clear table and move data to secure databases after a successful delivery.

2) Can view user feedback

3) Can post live updates and update customers on available foods.

4) Can update food prices, view current prices of food in the database and perform a deep
5.2 Database Design

This platform is divided into different subject areas


Live updates

Admin user
Hotel prices


All orders – where orders will be moved after a successful delivery

5.4 Code Snippet

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width initial-scale=1.0">

<title>Munches Multi Deli</title>

<!-- Link with styles -->

<link rel="stylesheet" id="theme-style" href="index.css">

<!-- End of Linking with styles -->

<!-- Linking with Javascript -->

<script src=""></script>

<!-- End of linking with javascript -->

<!-- Linking Font Awsome -->

<link rel="stylesheet" href="fontAwesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.css">

<!-- End of linking Font Awsome -->



<!-- Dark cover -->

<div class="overlay"></div>

<!-- End of dark cover -->

<!-- Chnge background image automatically -->


const imageUrls = [















// 'image/bg15.jpg',

// 'image/bg16.jpg',



// 'image/bg19.jpg',


// Add more image URLs as needed


let currentIndex = 0;
// Retrieve the index from local storage, if available

const storedIndex = localStorage.getItem('backgroundIndex');

if (storedIndex !== null) {

currentIndex = parseInt(storedIndex, 10);

// Set the background image when the page loads or refreshes = `url('${imageUrls[currentIndex]}')`;

function changeBackground() {

currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % imageUrls.length; = `url('${imageUrls[currentIndex]}')`;

// Store the updated index in local storage

localStorage.setItem('backgroundIndex', currentIndex);

// Change background image every 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds)

setInterval(changeBackground, 7000);


<!-- End of chnging background image automatically -->

<!-- Start of header -->

<section class="homesection" id="home">

<header class=header>

<div class="menu-toggle" onclick="openMenu()">

<div class="bar"></div>
<div class="bar"></div>

<div class="bar"></div>


<div class="nav" id="nav">

<div class="darkMode">

<!-- <button id="toggle-mode">Toggle Mode</button>

<button id="toggle-mode">Toggle Mode</button> -->


<ul class="menu">

<li><a href="#who_we_are" onclick="closeMenu()">Who we are</a></li>

<li><a href="#contact" onclick="closeMenu()">Contact us</a></li>

<li><a href="#testimonials" onclick="closeMenu()">Testimonials</a></li>

<li><a href="#community_impact" onclick="closeMenu()">Community impact</a></li>

<li><a href="#sustainability" onclick="closeMenu()">Sustainability</a></li>

<li><a href="#join_us" onclick="closeMenu()">Join us</a></li>

<!-- <li><a href="#Brand_tool_kit">Brand tool kit</a></li> -->




function openMenu() {

document.getElementById("nav").style.display = "block";

document.addEventListener("click", outsideClickHandler);

function closeMenu() {

document.getElementById("nav").style.display = "none";

document.removeEventListener("click", outsideClickHandler);

function outsideClickHandler(event) {

const nav = document.getElementById("nav");

const menuToggle = document.querySelector('.menu-toggle');

if (!nav.contains( && !== menuToggle) {





<!-- End of header -->

<!-- Start of main -->

<main class="main">

<div class="mainBackground"></div>

<div class="mainText">

<h1>Munches Multi Deli</h1>

<p><strong>Welcome to Munches delivery services</strong></p>

<p>In 2020, we made a commitment to transform your lives by focusing on simplicity, honesty
and efficiency in serving you</p>


<a href="#order_now" class="btn" id="fist">Order now</a>

<a href="#tutorial" class="btn">Watch Tutorial</a>



<!-- End of main -->

<!-- start of Discover -->

<section class="discoverSection">

<div class="background-container discoverContainer">

<label for="table"><h3>What is not available / What will delay</h3></label><br>

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10">





<th>Kindly note!</th>


//have all transactions be displayed

// Pick all orders iache kupic moja

$i = 1;

while($discover_fetch = mysqli_fetch_array($discover_query)){



<td><?php echo $discover_fetch['id'] ?></td>

<td><?php echo $discover_fetch['not_available'];?></td>








<!-- End of discover -->

<!-- Order now -->

<section class="orderSection" id="order_now">

<div class="order_div">

<form action = "index.php" method ="post" id = "form">

<!-- Menus -->

<div class="menus" id="pop">

<div class="menuOne">

<div class="comrades">

<p id="ctitle"><strong>COMRADES</strong></p>


<div class="ctext">


$comrades_menu = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT * FROM hotel_prices

WHERE hotel_id='comrades'");





while($menu_fetch = mysqli_fetch_array($comrades_menu)){









<div class="btn" id="btn1"onclick="closeForm()">Close</div>

<!-- Maa -->

<div class="maa">

<p id="mtitle"><strong>MAA</strong></p>


<div class="mtext">


$maa_menu = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT * FROM hotel_prices WHERE






while($menu_fetch = mysqli_fetch_array($maa_menu)){










<div class="menuTwo">

<!-- Sisi kwa sisi -->

<div class="sisi">

<p id="dtitle"><strong>Sisi kwa sisi</strong></p>


<div class="sisiText">


$dominic_menu = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT * FROM hotel_prices

WHERE hotel_id='dominics'");






while($menu_fetch = mysqli_fetch_array($dominic_menu)){








<div class="btn" id="btn2" onclick="closeForm()">Close</div>

<!-- Unik -->

<div class="unik">

<p id="atitle"><strong>Unik</strong></p>


<div class="unikText">


$abo_menu = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT * FROM hotel_prices WHERE







while($menu_fetch = mysqli_fetch_array($abo_menu)){












function openForm(){

document.getElementById("pop").style.display = "block";

function closeForm(){

document.getElementById("pop").style.display = "none";


<!-- End of menus -->

<div class="orderContainer">

<div class = "your_order">

<h3>What would you like to have ?</h3>


<div class="hotels">


<label for = "hotel"><h3>Hotel</h3></label>

<select name="hotel" id="hotel">

$query_fetch = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT DISTINCT hotel_id FROM

while ($fetch_query = mysqli_fetch_array($query_fetch)){


<option value="<?php echo $fetch_query['hotel_id'];?>"><h3><?php echo






<div class="btn" onclick="openForm()">View Menus</div><br><br>


<div class="placeOrder">

<div class="mq">

<div class="main_cos">

<label for = "main_course" ><h3>Main</h3></label>

<select name="main_select" id="main_select"></select>


<div class="qty1_div">

<label for="main_qty"><h3>Quantity</h3></label>

<input type="number" value="0" min="0" class="qty_input" name="main_qty">



<div class="mq">

<div class="stiw">

<label for = "stew" ><h3>Stew</h3></label>

<select name="stew_select" id="stew_select"></select>


<div class="qty2_div">

<label for="stew_qty"><h3>Quantity</h3></label>

<input type="number" value="0" min="0" class="qty_input" id="stew_input"




<div class="mq">


<label for="veg_select"><h3>Veg</h3></label>

<select name="veg_select" id="veg_select"></select>



<label for="veg_qty"><h3>Quantity</h3></label>

<input type="number" value="0" min="0" class="qty_input" name="veg_qty">






<div id="totalPrice" class="valuesText">Total Price: Kes 0</div><br>


<div class="address">

<input name = "address" type = "text" required placeholder="ADDRESS eg Block C

room 3"></input><br><br>

<input name = "phoneNumber" type = "number" required placeholder="PHONE eg



<button name="add_to_cart" type="submit" id="calculateTotalButton"><h3>Check

<div id="message"></div>




<!-- Start of cart -->

<div class="cart">


<div class="cartText">

<form action="index.php" method="post">

<div class="overlay"></div>

<textarea name="otherInput" placeholder="Description


Voi Shopping

etc" id="myTextarea" oninput="autoExpand(this)"></textarea>


// JavaScript function to auto-expand the textarea based on content

function autoExpand(element) { = 'auto'; = (element.scrollHeight) + 'px';



<div class="address">

<input name = "otherAddress" type = "text" required placeholder="ADDRESS eg Block

C room 3"></input><br><br>
<input name = "otherPhoneNumber" type = "number" required placeholder="PHONE
eg 0716173777"></input>


<button type="submit" name="otherSubmit">Submit order</button>




<!-- End of cart -->



<!-- End of order now -->

<!-- Confirm order -->

<section class="confirmOrder" id="confirmOrder">

<div class="background-container confirmOrderContainer">

<form action="#confirmOrder" method="post">

<div class="confirmOrderText">

<label for="confirmOrder">Confirm your order</label>


<input type="number" name="order_phone" placeholder="Enter phone number"



<button type="submit" class="btn">Check</button>



<div class="confirmTable">



$order_phone = $_POST["order_phone"];

// Use prepared statements to prevent SQL injection

$stmt = $connection->prepare("SELECT * FROM orders WHERE phoneNumber = ?");

$stmt->bind_param("s", $order_phone);


$result = $stmt->get_result();

if ($result->num_rows === 0) {

// No results found for the entered phone number

echo "<p>No orders found for the entered phone number. Please enter a valid

} else {

// Display the orders for the entered phone number

echo "<h4>Orders for Phone Number: $order_phone</h4><br>";

echo '<table cellspacing="6px"><tbody>';

echo '<tr>'; // Add table header row

echo '<th></th>';

echo '<th></th>';

echo '<th></th>';

echo '<th></th>';

echo '<th></th>';

echo '<th></th>';

echo '<th></th>';

echo '</tr>';
while ($order_row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

echo "<tr class='border-bottom'>";

echo "<td>" . $order_row['main_course'] . "</td>";

echo "<td>" . $order_row['main_qty'] . "</td>";

echo "<td>" . $order_row['stew'] . "</td>";

echo "<td>" . $order_row['stew_qty'] . "</td>";

echo "<td>" . $order_row['veg'] . "</td>";

echo "<td>" . $order_row['hotel'] . "</td>";

echo "<td>" . $order_row['address'] . "</td>";

echo "</tr>";

echo '</tbody></table>';






<!-- End of confirm order -->

<div class="tt">

<!-- Tutorial -->

<section class="tutorial" id="tutorial">

<div class="tutorialContainer">

<div class="video"><video src="video/video1.mp4" autoplay controls muted



<!-- End of tutorial -->

<!-- Start of testimonials -->

<section class="testimonialSection" id="testimonials">

<div class="testimonialContainer">

<div class="testimonialTitle">




<div class=slideContainer>

<div class="mySlides fade">

<div class="numbertext">1/3</div>

<img src="image/rose.jpg" alt="Image">

<div class="text">"Hello, I am Rosemary. I have been a customer at Munches for the past
year. I really appreciate their service because it's easy and fast, delivering to your doorstep. Thanks,
Munches, for the great service."</div>


<div class="mySlides fade">

<div class="numbertext">2/3</div>

<img src="image/15.jpg" alt="Image">

<div class="text">" My name is ABO, Munches is the best delivery compony there ever
could be "</div>


<div class="mySlides fade">

<div class="numbertext">3/3</div>

<img src="image/16.jpg" alt="Image">

<div class="text">" We are Enactus club, Munches has saved us massive time over the
years. Cheers to Munches "</div>


<!-- Next and previous buttons -->

<a class="prev" onclick="plusSlides(-1)">&#10094</a>

<a class="next" onclick="plusSlides(1)">&#10095</a>



<!-- Three dots -->

<!-- <div class="threeDots">

<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(1)"></span>

<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(2)"></span>

<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(3)"></span>

</div> -->


// Manual shift

let slideIndex=1;


// Next/prev Controlls

function plusSlides(n){

showSlides(slideIndex += n);

// Thumbnail image controlls

function currentSlide(n){

showSlides(slideIndex = n)

function showSlides(n){

let i;

let slides = document.getElementsByClassName("mySlides");

let dots = document.getElementsByClassName("dot");

if(n > slides.length){slideIndex = 1}

if(n < 1){slideIndex = slides.length}

for(i=0; i < slides.length; i++){slides[i].style.display = "none";}

for (i=0; i < dots.length; i++){dots[i].className = dots[i].className.replace("active", " ");}

slides[slideIndex-1].style.display = "block";

dots[slideIndex-1].className += "active";




<!-- End of testimonials -->


<!-- Start of who we are -->

<section class="aboutSection" id="who_we_are">

<div class="aboutContainer">

<div class="sectionTitle">

<h2 data-title="Who we are"></h2>



<div class="row">

<div class="aboutText">

<p>We believe in reputation before revenue. A purposeful business is a successful



<p>We remain Simple in how we reach out to you, Transparent in how we deliver to you
and Honest in what we say to you, every day, everywhere, doing what we do for you</p>


<h3>What we do</h3><br>

<p>We seek to create opportunities for Students to be a part of our growth story by
empowering them with the right tools for economic growth</p>


<a href="#contact" class="btn">Contact us</a>


<div class="aboutImage1">

<img src="image/blackstamp.png">





<!-- End of who we are -->

<!-- Start of Comunity impact section -->

<section class="aboutSection" id="community_impact">

<div class="background-container communityImpact">

<div class="sectionTitle">

<h2 data-title="Munches Charity &hearts; Foundation" >Community impact</h2>



<div class="communityText">

<h3>Pamoja Tuungane</h3><br>

<p>Let us come together to support our brothers and sisters.</p>


<p>At the end of every semester month we visit Tumaini Childrens Home. </p>


<p>Our goal is to continue partnering with communities to improve and transform lives in


<a href="gallery.php" class="btn">View gallery</a>



<!-- End of Community Impact are -->

<!-- Start of sustainability section -->

<section class="aboutSection" id="sustainability">

<div class="aboutContainer">

<div class="sectionTitle">




<div class="row">

<div class="aboutText">
<p>Get insights into our efforts that are geared towards partnering for growth and
achieving our sustainable business goals</p>


<h3>Our purpose</h3>


<p>Our purpose is to transform lives. We have this in common with the SDGs which are
designed to be a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for both people and our planet, now and into
the future.</p>


<p>We are committed to transforming lives through integrating the Sustainable

Development Goals in our operations.</p>



<div class="aboutImage2">

<img src="image/5.jpg">





<!-- End of sustsinability -->

<!-- Start of Join Us section -->

<section class="aboutSection" id="join_us">

<div class="joinContainer">

<div class="sectionTitle">

<h2>Join us</h2><br>


<div class="joinText">

<h3>Welcome to Munches</h3>

<p>Wether you are looking to join us as a new customer, as a supplier or seeking career
opportunities, you can get started now.</p>


<p>Here are some of the options you can consider when looking to engage with us</p>


<h3>New Customer</h3>

<a href="#order_now" class="btn">Order Now</a>




<p>We continuously look to partner with competent and efficient individuals and businesses
in mutually beneficial & sustainable relationships.</p>




<p>Reach us via <strong>0716173777</strong> to learn and apply for roles in our





<!-- End of Join us -->

<!-- Start of contact section -->

<section class="contactSection" id="contact">

<div class="contactContainer">

<div class="sectionTitle">

<h2>Contact Us</h2>


<div class="formContainer">

<h2>Get in Touch</h2><br>

<p>Munches only calls/sms from <strong>0716173777</strong></p><br>

<h3>Customer Support Team</h3><br>

<p>call/sms <strong>0716173777</strong></p>





<!-- End of contact section -->

<!-- Start of copy right -->

<section class="copyRight">

<div class="copyContainer">

<h4 id="copyOne">Copyright &copy; 2023 Munches Multi Deli</h4><br>

<h4>All rights reserved</h4>



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// Function to set the clicked button in local storage

function setClickedButton(buttonIndex) {

localStorage.setItem('clickedButton', buttonIndex);

// Function to get the clicked button from local storage

function getClickedButton() {

return localStorage.getItem('clickedButton');

// Function to apply styles based on the clicked button from local storage

function applyStylesFromStorage() {

const clickedButtonIndex = getClickedButton();

if (clickedButtonIndex) {
const clickedButton = document.querySelector('.f' + clickedButtonIndex);

if (clickedButton) {


// Apply styles from storage when the page loads

window.addEventListener('load', applyStylesFromStorage);

// Function to toggle styles when a button is clicked

function toggleStyles(button) {

// Remove 'clicked' class from all buttons

document.querySelectorAll('.f1, .f3, .f4, .f5').forEach(btn => {


btn.querySelectorAll('a, i').forEach(element => = 'black');


// Add 'clicked' class to the clicked button


// Change the color of the anchor and icon elements inside the clicked button

const anchorsAndIcons = button.querySelectorAll('a, i');

anchorsAndIcons.forEach(element => = 'coral');

// Store the clicked button index in local storage

const buttonIndex = button.className.match(/\d+/)[0]; // Extract the numeric part from the

class name



<!-- End of Footer -->





To develop the proposed food ordering website, a combination of qualitative and quantitative
data collection techniques were utilized. Surveys, interviews, and focus groups were conducted
to gather information from customers, restaurant owners, and delivery personnel. This approach
helped identify their requirements and expectations from the food ordering system, determining
the essential features necessary for the platform to meet the needs of all users effectively.


To analyze the collected data, statistical and visual analysis tools such as Excel and Tableau were
employed. These tools assisted in identifying patterns, trends, and correlations in the data,
guiding the design and development of the food ordering system.


For the implementation of the food ordering system, modern tools such as Visual Studio Code
editor were used to write code in programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and
PHP. The project was hosted on a local server using XAMPP and later posted online
( or A detailed schedule and cost estimation were created
to ensure sound and accurate development.

To test the Food Ordering Platform, the following test tools were used:

i. The box approach: Methods were divided into black and white box testing, describing the
tester's viewpoint when designing test cases.
ii. Component interface testing: Data was tested with related subsystems to check the
handling of data passing between various project units and subsystems.
iii. Visual testing: The software had the capacity to express error messages to the developer
to obtain information about the failure cause and fix it.
iv. Gray-box testing: The tester was able to access the source code to assess various unit
functions of the software developed.

To ensure successful implementation, the following change-over techniques were proposed:


For the proposed food ordering platform, the following change-over techniques were considered:

i. Direct change-over technique: Immediate and complete changeover from the existing
ordering platform to the new system, suitable for smaller establishments with a low risk
of disruption.
ii. Parallel change-over technique: Running the existing system and the new system
simultaneously, suitable for larger establishments requiring extensive testing before full
iii. Phased change-over technique: Gradual replacement of the existing platform with the
new system in stages, suitable for institutions needing a smooth transition, minimizing
the risk of disruption.


The system test plan for the proposed food ordering system includes comprehensive testing for
usability, functionality, performance, security, and compatibility. The testing process involves
the use of both synthetic and real data, ensuring the system is efficient, reliable, and user-
friendly. Modern test tools will be employed.
The implementation of the food ordering system will use modern tools and techniques. The
proposed change-over techniques will ensure a smooth transition, and the system test plan will
guarantee the system's functionality, efficiency, and user-friendliness.

7.0 Summary

The objective of this study was to design a food ordering platform that streamlines the process of
ordering meals for customers. Existing food delivery platforms were analyzed, and their features
and limitations were evaluated. The gathered information was used to develop an optimized food
ordering platform that addresses identified gaps in current platforms.
The developed platform features a user-friendly interface, simplified navigation, and efficient
order placement. A feasibility study confirmed its viability, showcasing it as a cost-effective
solution for convenient food ordering.

7.1 Conclusions

From the study, it is evident that a dedicated food ordering platform is a viable solution for
enhancing the convenience of meal ordering. The existing platforms have limitations, but the
developed platform offers a user-friendly interface, simplified navigation, and efficient order
placement. The feasibility study affirms its cost-effectiveness, making it a practical solution for
convenient food ordering.

7.2 Recommendations

Based on the study findings, the following recommendations are made:

i. Institutions and restaurants should adopt the developed food ordering platform for its
cost-effectiveness and user-friendly features.
ii. Continuous updates and maintenance should be carried out to keep the platform up-to-
date and ensure ongoing effectiveness.
iii. Further research should explore the platform's effectiveness compared to traditional
methods of food ordering.
iv. Users, including customers and restaurants, should be provided training to effectively use
the food ordering platform.
v. A strategic marketing plan should be implemented to broaden the platform's reach and
7.3 Limitations
The study had limitations, including a limited sample size and the use of a single location for the
feasibility study. Results may not be universally applicable. Additionally, the study did not
evaluate the platform's effectiveness in comparison to traditional methods. Further research is
needed to address these limitations.
In conclusion, the study contributes to the development of a food ordering platform that offers a
convenient solution to current challenges, emphasizing its cost-effectiveness and user-friendly

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