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Escribir un ensayo puede ser una tarea difícil para muchos estudiantes.

Requiere tiempo,
investigación y habilidades de escritura adecuadas para presentar un argumento convincente. Y
cuando se trata de un tema controvertido como la edad legal para beber alcohol, puede ser aún más

La ley de la edad legal para beber alcohol varía en todo el mundo, pero en la mayoría de los países es
de 18 o 21 años. En Estados Unidos, la edad legal para beber es de 21 años y ha sido así desde la
década de 1980. Sin embargo, hay un debate en curso sobre si esta ley es efectiva o no.

Algunas personas argumentan que la edad legal para beber debería reducirse a 18 años, ya que a esa
edad, los jóvenes ya son considerados adultos y tienen derecho a tomar sus propias decisiones. Otros
argumentan que mantener la edad en 21 años ayuda a prevenir el abuso de alcohol entre los jóvenes y
reduce los accidentes relacionados con el alcohol.

Independientemente de cuál sea su opinión sobre el tema, escribir un ensayo persuasivo sobre la edad
legal para beber puede ser una tarea desafiante. Es necesario investigar y presentar argumentos
sólidos respaldados por evidencia y estadísticas confiables. Además, es importante tener en cuenta
las posibles objeciones y refutarlas de manera efectiva.

Si se siente abrumado por la tarea de escribir un ensayo persuasivo sobre este tema, le recomendamos
encarecidamente que busque ayuda en Allí encontrará servicios de redacción de
ensayos profesionales que pueden ayudarlo a crear un ensayo convincente y bien investigado sobre la
edad legal para beber. Estos servicios pueden ahorrarle tiempo y esfuerzo, y garantizar que su ensayo
sea de alta calidad y persuasivo.

En conclusión, escribir un ensayo persuasivo sobre la edad legal para beber puede ser un desafío,
pero es una oportunidad para desarrollar sus habilidades de escritura y presentación de argumentos.
Si necesita ayuda, no dude en buscar servicios profesionales en Y recuerde,
independientemente de su opinión sobre el tema, siempre es importante respetar las leyes y tomar
decisiones responsables cuando se trata de alcohol.
A. In addition, anyone at the age of eighteen years is of legal age to make decisions for him, or
herself. By continuing we?ll assume you?re on board with our cookie policy. Citizens in other
countries are able to make their own alcohol consumption decisions at the time of being able to walk.
Our reliability can be reflected from the fact that we are always. A. The drinking age should be
lowered because; in the early days, anyone was allowed to drink regardless of their age. Only
because they will get the feeling of drinking responsibly so it might change the way the kids would
drink. In fact, some US states lowered the drinking age during the Vietnam war Argumentative
Essay: Lowering The Drinking Age. The cue-dependent nature drinking essay state-dependent
retrieval. So significant is keeping the drinking age of 21, argumentative essay on drinking age,
which has been supporting effectively on young people. According to the college presidents, the
legal drinking age should be lowered as adulthood is considered to begin at They argue drinking age
argument essay at 18, teens are allowed to enroll in college, enlist drinking age argument essay
military, vote and even get married thus their ability to make decisions at this age is acceptable to
society, yet they cannot drink at this age. But that shouldn?t prevent us from having a little life
experience along the way. In 1. 98. 4, the United States government ruled that the states would either
change their minimum legal drinking age to twenty- one, or the highway departments would suffer
cuts in budgets. Peer pressure also plays a big role In underage drinking. While some argue against
raising the legal drinking age, the potential benefits, including reduced violence and societal harm,
make a compelling case for implementing this change. The belief of such cultures is that the law
limiting the drinking age to 21 years does not work, and the government should focus more on
educating the youth on responsible drinking and dangers of overconsumption of alcohol Hansom.
Such amenities include pubs, clubs, restaurants and other social places that sell alcohol and provide
entertainment, and alcohol is involved. This concerning trend raises questions about the
appropriateness of the legal drinking age. Alcohol abuse is rampant in today?s society, Australian
Drug Foundation states that, ?Alcohol is the most widely used psychoactive, or mood-changing,
recreational drug in Australia. ?(Healey, 2002, p. 11). Underage drinking and binge drinking are
some of the problems associated with alcohol abuse. Many people also choose to drink soda for the
caffeine, which ranges from 23 to 54 MGM per 12 Oz serving, according to Lisa Specific, author of
the Livingston article, Health Benefits of Soda, published July 15 2011. In the United States many
ague that is ridiculous that the legal age to get married, to vote, fight in a war is legally eighteen, but
drinking is still set at twenty-one. The legal drinking age refers to the youngest age at which a person
is legally allowed to buy and consumes alcoholic beverages. According to the article Should the
drinking age be lowered from 21 to a younger age, people who are against lowering the legal
drinking age think that in doing so would increase the likelihood of harming themselves as well as
others (2009). This would argumentative essay on drinking age make them more productive. Twelve
to 48 hours after the last drink, the person may experience nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating,
tremors, insomnia, and hallucinations, drinking essay. Current research also recognizes that there is
more than one kind of alcoholic, and studies are under way to differentiate these groups by cause
Conrad Obviously, such a differentiation would have an important impact on the development of
more effective treatment. My final reason for why we should lower the drinking age is a person can
purchase a firearm upon turning eighteen years of age. Peer pressure is also a cause of drinking under
the age of 21. ID GET ACCESS NOW. Password recovery email has been sent to email email.
Lowering the Drinking Age Topic: Lowering the drinking age General Purpose: To inform the
audience that lowering the drinking age will be more advantageous to our country USA. This brief
essay will attempt to consider some of the ways in which the drinking age, as it stands currently at
21. If you start drinking at a young age, there is a better chance that you are going to get hooked and
be come and alcoholic later on in life.
If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we
will remove it. Arguments against Lowering the Drinking Age There are many reasons why the
drinking age should remain at 21 years. In the United States, one is considered an adult at the age of
eighteen. A. Lowering the minimum legal drinking age should be done in order to work for the better
of the society and the involved parties collectively. This discussion talks that there are many reasons
why the drinking age should remain at 21 years. The capital would be spent in a better way
educating the youth about alcohol. Ruth Engs, Professor of Applied Health Sciences at Indiana
University states, ?Currently, we prohibit 2. If the drinking age was to be lowered to about 16 or 17
like in some European countries, it would be expected that the teens would drive while under the
influence of alcohol. A statement from the MADD Handbook for talking with teens about alcohol
seems rigid. In alcohol dependence the problems seem to be more severe than alcohol abuse.
Furthermore, the results from the two previous drinking laws enacted in the last century indicate that
the alcohol consumption age restrictions do not really get rid of underage drinking, but instead lead
to underground and illegal alcohol behavior. Additional materials, such as the best quotations,
synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. This practice
contributes to the problem and sets a poor example for impressionable teenagers. Such amenities
include pubs, clubs, restaurants and other social places that sell alcohol and provide entertainment,
and alcohol is involved. For religious purposes: for example, drinking age argument essay, drinking
wine in a church ceremony is allowed in 25 states. The drinking age in America is an ongoing debate
of whether it should be kept at 21, or reduced to While some believe lowering the drinking age
would make drinking for young kids safer, others presume the opposite FREE Argument Essay On
Drinking Age Essay The opposing viewpoint is the drinking age should be lowered to about 18 or
Colleges and Universities argue that having the drinking age 21 is making issues worse. It is crucial
for society to take collective responsibility, from policymakers establishing effective regulations to
parents and adults setting positive examples. Thesis Statement: This paper scrutinizes about alcohol
drinking and who are involved to it; thus, drinking essay, be aware of the effects of alcohol to our
health and into our society. The argument in favor of maintaining a higher drinking age aligns with
the undeniable evidence of the detrimental impact of alcohol on both individual health and societal
well-being. Premature onset of sexual life, which depletes the growing organism, causing
overexertion of the neural-sexual 2. I feel that alcohol Industries are targeting youth and will do Just
about anything to get business. One result of continued, excessive drinking is the development of
tolerance. As reported in the Journal of American College Health - Vol. 56, No. 3 - by Dr Reginald
Fennell. The legal drinking age in Australia should remain at 18-years-old for a number of reasons;
Australia?s drinking culture, society?s expectations, and comparisons between America and
Australia. Since the Prohibition many politicians, scholars, and parents have debated the drinking
argumentative essay on drinking age. I. Main Point 1 Lowering the drinking age will minimize
discrimination. I am writing to express my concerns about alcohol and under drinking, and I. Citizens
in other countries are able to make their own alcohol consumption decisions at the time of being able
to walk. Consider one such experiment by David Abrams and Terence Wilson, drinking essay. This is
a custom that pervades every class in the colony, and cannot be departed from without something
more than a breach of good manners. (?Drinking Etiquette,? n. d. ) Alcohol helps people remove
their barriers; lose their inhibitions, and form friendships, relationships, and acts as a social lubricant.
Now if the drinking age was lowered it would mature kids. Additional materials, such as the best
quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. For
some Underage Drinking Essay: Impact of Alcohol on Teenagers Nowadays, it is very amusing that
not only the adults are into drinking but surprisingly, teenagers or youngsters are already drinking
essay to it and unfortunately become alcoholic in a very young age. In alcohol dependence the
problems seem to be more severe than alcohol abuse. Also having the drinking age up at 21 can
promote dangerous illegal drinking at high school parties. By continuing we?ll assume you?re on
board with our cookie policy. It was really easy to contact her and respond very fast as well. ”. The
characteristics they have in common including the lack of drinking pressure, intolerance to
irresponsible behavior and education about drinking from both parents and other non-related adults.
Specifying the industry: Both concentrate manufacturers ( CP ) and bottlers are profitable. World
peace and security essay Collective security is one type of coalition building strategy whether global
or regional in which a group of. Most college students and 31% of the population argue that this age
should be reduced to 18 (Akhavan, 1).Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Argumentative Essay On
Lowering The Drinking Age. Therefore legal alcohol consumption should remain at the age of
twenty-one for it can be not only detrimental to one?s health, but the rest of society. This has been
an ongoing debate in the US for a couple years now. Lowering the Drinking Age will cause an
increase in campus and street violence leading to death and lifelong harm to the bodies of young
people. Parents, too, bear a responsibility to discourage binge drinking by not providing their
children with alcohol and promoting responsible behavior. Some people avoid it their whole lives,
others countdown the days until their 21st birthday. Our reliability can be reflected from the fact that
we are always. These alliances offer a valuable avenue for promoting their brand since Jones does
not invest in expensive advertising campaigns. These sugary beverages have similar harmful impacts
on the body such as enamel erosion and weakened bones due to calcium depletion. This incident,
reported by The Sun Newspaper, serves as a chilling example of how teenagers, driven by the urge to
consume alcohol, can resort to violence, resulting in the loss of innocent lives. At some point most
people have drank some alcohol before their 21st birthday weather it was with friends, a party, or
with family at a family event. The law forces teens to drink in unsupervised places such as house
parties and fraternity houses as are prohibited from drinking in public locations such as bars and
restaurants. Memory and Cognition, 8, Leigh, B, drinking essay. Advocacy groups urged states to
raise their MLDA to twenty-one. In conclusion, drinking age argument essay, binge drinking among
college students can be prevented by lowering the legal drinking age. Research published in the
Journal of Substance Abuse in 1997 showed that “young people in the U.K who drink before the age
of 15 are four times more likely to become alcoholics than those who begin drinking at 18.”. TurnItIn
? the anti-plagiarism experts are also used by: King's College London, Newcastle University,
University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, WJEC, AQA, OCR and Edexcel. Banning drinking
age at 18 will not stop teenagers from drinking. However, there is far more evidence that reducing the
drinking age to 18 would have significant health-related consequences and would likely provide
increases HERE HERE YOUR HERE HERE Why should we be against Lowering the Drinking
Age. On private, non-alcohol premises, without parental consent.
Legislation on the prohibition of underage drinking had been proposed in the past twice —
InMaryland, but the laws were found to be unenforceable rooting to socio- economic and political
reasons. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Premature onset of sexual life, which
depletes the growing organism, causing overexertion of the neural-sexual 2. The cells of the nervous
system become more tolerant of alcohol, and larger quantities must be consumed to produce
intoxication. It is not the same as drunkenness, which may be habitual but is not compulsive Leigh
Alcoholism becomes a chronic condition; it should not be confused with acute alcoholic poisoning,
which is the sudden poisoning of the body by alcohol. Parents, too, bear a responsibility to
discourage binge drinking by not providing their children with alcohol and promoting responsible
behavior. Research published in the Journal of Substance Abuse in 1997 showed that “young people
in the U.K who drink before the age of 15 are four times more likely to become alcoholics than those
who begin drinking at 18.”. The capital would be spent in a better way educating the youth about
alcohol. Just watching television you see commercials for beer or other alcoholic beverages. Some
say that lowering the age would make it dangerous, but that is not the case. In addition to the
dangers of the roads for that are associated with drinking and driving. But not every place in the
world has the same legal drinking age. Arguments against the minimal age for drinking are arising,
where it has been argued that the requirement has pushed underage drinking into less controlled and
private environments and has not stopped teen drinking, but has instead led to life and health
endangering teen behavior Akhavan. The National Minimum Drinking Age Act, passed by Congress
in the year ofenforced a change in the state laws of young drinkers to satisfy the worries of Mothers
Against Drunk Driving, or MADD. The society also agrees on what is considered as responsible
drinking. People believe that it should be increased because The UK has one of the worst problems
in Europe with a fifth of children aged 11 to 15 drinking at least once a week. Alcohol, it has been a
part of human culture for centuries. Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas,
New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Virginia are the only states that have no exceptions in their
drinking laws. Lowering the legal drinking age eliminates discrimination among the youth, based on
their age and the privileges they should enjoy, and creates a positive atmosphere and environment
that they can engage in drinking. The statistics also indicated decreased academic performance, and
missing of classes, by students who engage in alcohol consumption. However, some people may not
be able to drink alcohol in other countries because of the drinking age law. Unlike many other
countries, the United States has a minimum legal drinking age of twenty-one. Taking away soda
machines will take away the students ability to learn how to make healthier. In conclusion, America
should consider repealing the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1. Setting rules and educating
the teens simultaneously or just setting the rules and not educating them would lead to rebellion!
Akhavan 3. Baking Soda is utilized to increase the volume of baked goods and possesses a mildly
salty, alkaline taste akin to. On a related note, 76% of bars have sold alcohol to obviously intoxicated
patrons, and about half of drivers arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) or killed as alcohol-
involved drivers in traffic crashes did their drinking at licensed establishments (?Drinking Age?).
Language: English close menu English (selected) Espanol Portugues Deutsch Francais. While it may
seem incongruent to disallow drinking at sixteen, this perspective fails to consider the unique risks
associated with alcohol consumption by teenagers. Physiological causes of alcoholism, if any,
drinking essay, have not been determined.
Based on my understanding, experienced, and my personal research, alcoholism is a serious public
health problem. There are many negative effects of underage drinking. Why people become
alcoholics is not clearly understood; alcoholism can stem from emotional immaturity, insecurity,
nervous tension, loneliness, or depression. After Prohibition, nearly all states adopted a minimum
legal drinking age of twenty-one. This is because as the legal drinking age is 18 often people aged 16
can be sold alcohol without I.D. If the drinking age was increased to 21 then only 19 or 20 year olds
could pass for the right age and so that reduces underage drinking which is shown to be a massive
problem as the NHS statistics show “Panorama (British documentary crew) found 20 cases a day of
under-18s diagnosed with conditions like alcohol poisoning”. Arguments against the minimal age for
drinking are arising, where it has been argued that the requirement has pushed underage drinking into
less controlled and private environments and has not stopped teen drinking, but has instead led to
life and health endangering teen behavior Akhavan. The drinking age should be lowered to How can
the U. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and
some verification of you being a true owner. For educational purposes for example the students in a
culinary school- applies in seven states. It exists in the form of a white crystalline substance or fine
powder with the chemical name NaHCO3. Very few even of the most hopeless drunkards ever do so.
Both drinks had a strong taste that masked any alcohol. Thus, it is an adult?s right to consume
alcohol, as it is to perform these other ?adult? tasks. For government related purposes which includes
among others working under cover with the police and drinking age argument essay in government
research. Also having the drinking age up at 21 can promote dangerous illegal drinking at high school
parties. However, even if the law for drinking was the only law that was set at twenty-one, many of
the laws that are set at eighteen are not harmful to one?s or others well-being or health. The drinking
age shouldn't be lowered because it will lead to an increase in the rate of drunk driving, binge
drinking and alcohol poisoning, alcohol-induced violent behavior, and unwanted pregnancy. Some
people suggest that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 or The young adults should be allowed
to drink in pubs, taverns, restaurants, official school functions and other places where the
environment is controlled. And last I gave you some alternatives to choose from. Memory and
Cognition, 8, Leigh, B, drinking essay. If you start drinking at a young age, there is a better chance
that you are going to get hooked and be come and alcoholic later on in life. A great deal of these
law- breakers consume alcohol irresponsibly because they perceive it as rebelling against authority.
On the other hand, underage drinkers have a higher chance to binge drink Argumentative Essay: The
Legal Drinking Age. Explore how the drinking essay body functions as one unit in harmony in order
to life. It's not the government's Job to make decisions about what we drink and where we drink it.
For some Underage Drinking Essay: Impact of Alcohol on Teenagers Nowadays, it is very amusing
that not only the adults are into drinking but surprisingly, teenagers or youngsters are already
drinking essay to it and unfortunately become alcoholic in a very young age. This is 100% legal. You
may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. This adds on the
argument that the drinking age should be lowered, so that teens consume alcohol under supervision in
regulated environments Hansom. Offers?, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. This
concerning trend raises questions about the appropriateness of the legal drinking age.
Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your
writing easier are also offered here. Many studies have found than when people believe that alcohol
affects social behavior in certain ways, and believe, rightly or wrongly, that they have been drinking
alcohol; they will behave accordingly Leigh But people become even more responsive to sexual
stimuli if they believe alcohol promotes arousal and believe they have been drinking. If you start
drinking at a young age, there is a better chance that you are going to get hooked and be come and
alcoholic later on in life. Taking away soda machines will take away the students ability to learn how
to make healthier. Current research also recognizes that there is more than one kind of alcoholic, and
studies are under way to differentiate these groups by cause Conrad Obviously, such a
differentiation would have an important impact on the development of more effective treatment.
These include coffee or tea for caffeine, lemonade or other juices for sweetness, and even homemade
soda. The drinking age shouldn't be lowered because it will lead to an increase in the rate of drunk
driving, binge drinking and alcohol poisoning, alcohol-induced violent behavior, and unwanted
pregnancy. A few individuals I know would say that the way ?kids. Reason, most students under
21years old and in college consume alcohol irresponsibly and view alcohol consumption as a symbol
of adulthood and rebellion against authority. However, one may also cite that the arguments in
support of Lowering the Drinking Age are based on problems that could be easily addressed by other
relevant approaches. Both of our bordering countries and our allies are allowed to drink at age
eighteen. Also having the drinking age up at 21 can promote dangerous illegal drinking at high
school parties. They claim it implies inconsistency and unfairness on the law makers Akhavan, 2. The
characteristics they have in common including the lack of drinking pressure, intolerance to
irresponsible behavior and education about drinking from both parents and other non-related adults.
We?ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. From religious gatherings to work
related get togethers, alcohol has been a main factor in socialization and even some cultural events
for years. For example, one half of fatal automobile accidents involve a driver who is intoxicated
World Health Organization As tolerance develops, the individual must drink more drinking essay
achieve the same effect. The National Minimum Drinking Age Act, passed by Congress in the year
ofenforced a change in the state laws of young drinkers to satisfy the worries of Mothers Against
Drunk Driving, or MADD. On the other hand, many crimes and accidents happen because of
excessive alcohol drinking. Recent statistics indicate that despite the detrimental effects on health,
Americans are consuming an increasing amount of soft drinks, also known as soda, pop, tonic, coke,
or a soft drink. Drinking too much or too soon can hurt others, get you in legal trouble, and damage
your relationships. This is a custom that pervades every class in the colony, and cannot be departed
from without something more than a breach of good manners. (?Drinking Etiquette,? n. d. ) Alcohol
helps people remove their barriers; lose their inhibitions, and form friendships, relationships, and acts
as a social lubricant. Peer pressure also plays a big role In underage drinking. Macho personality,
sexual aggression, drinking essay, drinking essay reactions to guided imagery of realistic rape. In
addition to the dangers of the roads for that are associated with drinking and driving. A. Statistics
prove that there are more traffic accidents during the first few years after one attains the legal age of
engaging in alcohol consumption activities (?Drinking Age?). NASDAQ O’Connor, author of the
New York Times article, The Claim, published June 3 2008, said that drinking soda will often times
settle an upset stomach. Conrad, Barnaby. Time is All We have: Four Weeks at the Betty Ford Center
Arbos House, Eich, J. Which is why we need to make he effort to limit the amount we drink and
make ourselves aware of the risks we expose to our health when choosing to drink soda. There are
also many negative effects of underage drinking such as health risks like alcohol poisoning.

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