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Grim Load-shedding:

Time to get rid of KE

At a time when K-Electric’s licence is about to expire after 20 years, it
is a good time for the government to take over the power entity over
its prolonged power load-shedding and failures in several areas of the
provincial capital, Karachi. It is pertinent to mention here that National
Electric Power Regulatory had already imposed Rs200 million penalty
against KE which is open proof of its failure.

According to a media report, K-Electric has requested NEPRA to

renew the distribution licence for another 20 years as the current term is
going to expire on July 20. After receiving the request, NEPRA has asked
all stakeholders and citizens for their opinion on the matter about KE

Amid the crippling gas crisis and warm weather, K-Electric has
brought another misery of prolonged power load-shedding to Karachi-
ites. As the citizens desperately await an end to gas load-shedding, the
KE has compelled citizens to suffer torments of over six to eight hours
of load-shedding in several areas of the city. The power outages have not
only affected social life but also hit businesses hard, compelling people
to face health and financial losses. The power outages have disrupted
communications, Internet services, retail businesses, grocery stores, gas
stations, ATMs, banks, and other services, leaving people hapless.

The public economy is rapidly deteriorating, as nothing is being

done to address the worsening load-shedding in the megalopolis. This is
absolutely intolerable.

The load-shedding might have been taking place on low power

generation capacity and high fuel prices, but there is no ground for pow-
er cuts in the capital city of Sindh as KE has been raising power tariffs
frequently, almost after every two months during the last four years. The
citizens must not tolerate such load-sheddings as they pay fuel adjust-
ment charges forcibly slapped in power bills.

Karachi is Pakistan's largest city and is generating 70 percent of

Pakistan's total revenue. It does not deserve the government to extend
the licence duration of the KE. The warm weather in the city has become
a cause of concern for the people, but despite this, severe load-shedding
is being carried out daringly in the capital. It seems that there is no
authority to rid citizens of load-shedding.

To end load-shedding, the government needs to either provide

additional power supply to KE through its national grid or take over it
as the power entity has badly failed to deliver uninterrupted service to
the capital.
Syed Murad Ali Shah Abu Bakar Ahmed
Chief Minister, Sindh Secretary Energy, Government
I would like to warmly congratulate the
of Sindh
editorial team of the `Energy Update' pub-
This Month marks the 17th anni-
lication on completing its 17 years. I am
versary of Energy Update, a publi-
immensely pleased to know that 'Energy
cation that has been instrumental in
Update' is the only monthly print publica-
shaping the energy sector in Sindh.
tion in Pakistan dedicated to covering the
On behalf of the Department of En-
energy sector, operating from the capital
ergy, I would like to extend my congratulations to the team at Energy
city of Sindh- an energy-rich province of Pakistan and the host to the
Update for their tireless efforts to promote and advance the energy
country's only wind corridor. However, we do need more such specialised
industry in our province. Over the past few years, the energy landscape
publications focusing on the issues of energy in Pakistan. The Govern-
in Sindh has undergone significant transformation. We have made
ment of Sindh has been fully committed to utilising the abundant energy
remarkable progress in the development of renewable energy sources,
resources of the province and has been making all-out efforts to tap both,
such as wind and solar power, which has resulted in significant reduc-
conventional and clean energy resources to maximize output and benefit
tions in greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, we have implemented
the consumers. The maximum utilisation of the province's energy resourc-
various energy efficiency measures, which have resulted in cost savings
es could ensure uninterrupted electricity at the most inexpensive rates to
for both the government and the public. We must acknowledge that
the power consumers not only in Sindh but across the country. The Sindh
there is still much work to be done. The energy industry is constantly
government in pursuance of this mission joined hands with the private
evolving, and we must continue to embrace new technologies and
sector to undertake the historic project of extracting vast reserves of coal
explore innovative approaches to ensure that we meet the growing
in Thar for massive electricity production. The government of Sindh also
energy demands of our province. I urge all stakeholders in the energy
established, for a first, provincial Transmission and Dispatch Company in
sector to work together to achieve our goals of a sustainable and reli-
the country. Now a separate power regulatory authority is being estab-
able energy future for Sindh. We must continue to invest in research
lished in Sindh in line with the 18th Constitutional Amendment. I would
and development, while also prioritizing the education and training
like to conclude by commending the Energy Update for achieving this
of our workforce to ensure that we have the necessary expertise to
milestone and praying for its continuous success. Thank you.
drive progress in the industry. Once again, congratulations to Energy
Update on this milestone anniversary, and let us all continue to work
together towards a brighter future for the energy sector in Sindh.
Tauseef H. Farooqi
Chairman NEPRA
Dr. Sardar Mohazzam
As Energy Update celebrate the 17th anni-
versary, I would like to extend my warmest Managing Director NEECA
congratulations to the entire team for their
dedication and commitment to delivering Energy Efficiency and Conservation
high-quality energy-related news and is an issue of urgent concern around
analysis to the people of Pakistan. Over the the globe. The advent of the 2015
past 17 years, Energy Update has become a trusted source of information Paris Agreement has changed the
for policymakers, industry professionals, and the general public. The pub- importance of climate change from
lication has played an instrumental role in promoting sustainable energy secondary to primary while making it
solutions, creating awareness about energy efficiency, and highlighting prominent, especially in the global south. This is where we connect
the challenges facing the energy sector in Pakistan. As the Chairman of the dots between the need to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels
the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA), I recognize as the source of energy and switching to a net zero emissions strat-
the vital role that Energy Update has played in shaping the discourse egy for a sustainable future. Pakistan is amongst the states which
around energy policy in the country. Your coverage of energy-related lie at the forefront of extreme climate events and needs to adopt a
issues, including policy developments, technological advancements, and proactive strategy to fight back against the climate challenge. Here,
industry trends, has helped to inform and educate stakeholders across the the National Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority (NEECA)
board. On behalf of NEPRA, I wish Energy Update continued success in has the aim to promote energy efficiency and conservation in accor-
the years to come and look forward to seeing the publication continue to dance with Sustainable Development Goal 7 on affordable and clean
serve as a beacon of journalistic excellence in Pakistan. energy, which is undoubted, a broad subject.

Engr. Asim Murtaza Khan Alex Li
CEO, Sindh Petroleum Limited GM-MEA & CA, LONGi Green
I would like to congratulate Energy Update Energy Technology Co. Ltd
on the publication of its 17th annual edition.
The magazine is widely read as a source of On behalf of LONGi Solar, I would
authentic material in the energy spectrum. It like to extend my warmest congratu-
is a matter of great pride that Energy Update lations to you on the occasion of the
is the first prime magazine of Pakistan cov- 17th anniversary of Energy Update
ering all aspects of energy, be it fossil fuels, Magazine. This is a significant
renewables, climate and economy. It gives milestone, and it's a testament to your hard work and dedication
me great satisfaction to see renowned experts from within the country to delivering high-quality and insightful content to your readers.
and from abroad contributing their valuable knowledge. The magazine As we look to the future, the work that Energy Update Magazine
provides opportunity to young engineers to benefit from the knowledge of is doing is more important than ever. We are facing significant
experienced professionals and the technologies they share in their relevant challenges related to climate change and the need to transition to
fields. I am confident that Energy Update will continue to play its role to cleaner forms of energy, and your contributions are helping to drive
help alleviate the country’s energy issues. Energy security demands max- progress and innovation in this area. I am proud to have LONGi
imizing a balanced mix of indigenous energy sources in all forms. I hope Solar associated with Energy Update Magazine, and I look forward
that Energy Update would bring focus on the unconventional potential to seeing all that you will accomplish in the years to come. Congrat-
in domestic E&P which holds significant potential, with technical and ulations once again on this important milestone, and please accept
commercial challenges to overcome. my best wishes for continued success.

Muhammad Zakir Ali Muhammad Naeem Khan

Chief Executive Officer, Inverex Solar Energy CEO Pakhtunkhwa Energy
Development Organization (PEDO)
Warm congratulations on your 17th corporate anniversa-
ry! It gives me immense pleasure to see your magazine's On behalf of our
growth, keeping pace with the industry. It's truly hearten- esteemed organization,
ing to witness a magazine with such a wide circulation I extend my warmest
as Energy Update survive and keep us all informed of congratulations on
industry happenings through economic ups and downs. the completion of 17
We highly value your contribution to our industry and remarkable years of En-
appreciate your presence. Your continuous efforts to bring ergy Update Magazine.
insightful news and updates are commendable. We wish you the very best for your future The journey, which
endeavors. Keep up the hard work and enjoy the well-deserved success. commenced in 2006, has
been a momentous one,
and the magazine has played a crucial role in shaping
Saleem Diwan the energy outlook of the country. Over the years,
CEO, Diwan International Energy Update has emerged as a leading platform for
policy-makers, developers, investors, and research and
Congratulations to the Energy Update team, and in specially, development professionals in the energy sector. The
Naeem bhai and Mustafa, on the 17th anniversary of Energy magazine has effectively showcased inspiring success
Update Magazine. Your unwavering dedication to promot- stories and discussed solutions to overcome the di-
ing solar energy is commendable and has made a significant verse challenges faced by the energy and power sector
impact in the industry. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed through various events, discussions, and publications.
and are truly appreciated. Keep up the excellent work! Energy Update's publications are not only reliable,
uninterrupted, interesting, and innovative but also
highly professional, accessible in both hard copies and
LeonChuang online editions, catering to readers around the globe.
Global Marketing Director The magazine has organized several events, debates,
discussions, and awareness campaigns, making it the
On behalf of Risen Energy, it is with great pleasure we express only voice of reason in the Energy & Environment
our sincere and heartfelt congratulations to Energy Update sector of the country. This has led to a positive out-
Magazine on its 17th Annual Anniversary. look for Pakistan not only amongst the local readers
Throughout these years, Energy Update has been a great vehicle but also the international community. The editorial
in providing regular and consistent updates on the renewable team's dedication and hard work have undoubtedly
energy related issues and opportunities, and it is an indispensable source of knowledge and contributed to Energy Update's success.
guidance on the national economy. We wish it greater success in times to come.!
Amir Iqbal David Ding
Chief Executive Officer, Sindh Engro Coal Growatt Founder and CEO
Mining Company (SECMC)
With a vision to build a green and
On behalf of Sindh Engro Coal Mining Com- sustainable future, a group of pi-
pany (SECMC), I would like to extend my oneers in the global PV industry
warmest congratulations on your magazine's headed by David Ding came to-
17th anniversary. As the CEO of SECMC, I gether in 2011 and founded Gro-
recognize the crucial role that Energy Update watt. The passion to enable ev-
has played in the growth and development of the energy sector in Pakistan. eryone to benefit from sustainable energy inspires deep devotion
Your magazine's comprehensive coverage of the energy industry, including in Team Growatt, who work relentlessly to deliver high-quality
oil & gas, renewable energy, coal, and nuclear energy, has helped to keep the products and services to global customers. Within a decade's
industry informed and up to date. At SECMC, we recognize the importance time, Growatt quickly grows to become a global leading dis-
of addressing Pakistan's energy woes and saving foreign exchange. We are tributed energy solution provider. Today, Growatt is already the
proud to be part of the solution by developing the Thar coal reserves to pro- global No.1 residential inverter supplier, as well as the largest user
duce affordable and abundant energy for Pakistan. We hope that our efforts, side energy storage inverter supplier and the Top 3 PV inverter
along with the work of other stakeholders in the industry, can contribute to a supplier in the world. Yet, the passion we share with our global
brighter future for our country. partners to create a better world continues to take us forward.

Mohammed Rajpar Mr. Waseem Nazir

Managing Director Managing Director, MM
General Shipping Agencies (Pvt) Ltd Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. - MMP

Congratulations on completing 16 years of On behalf of MMP, I extend

delivering valuable updates and insights my heartfelt congratulations
on the energy and environment sector in to Energy Update on its
Pakistan. Your commendable work in filling 17th anniversary. Since its
the niche with this dedicated publication is inception in 2006, Energy
much appreciated. We are delighted to see that magazine has received such Update has been a valuable
an overwhelming response from the relevant stakeholders of this industry. source of information and insights for stakeholders in the
Your focus on presenting serious analytical content along with important energy sector. We appreciate the magazine's commitment
alerts and news updates from all around the world, makes “Energy Update” to promoting sustainable development and facilitating
a valuable resource for people engaging with the energy and environment informed decision-making through its analytical content
sector. We wish you all the best as you launch the Special Edition of the and commentary. As a leading consultancy in the industry,
magazine in celebration of its 17th Anniversary. We hope that Energy MMP is proud to be associated with Energy Update and
Update continues to be the voice of the energy sector and provides the latest value the platform it provides to connect with industry
updates and information on a constant basis. We look forward to reading peers and stakeholders. We wish the magazine and its team
your upcoming work. continued success in their endeavors.

Engr. Faiz Bhutta Engr. M. Imran Halim

Chief Engineer Renewable Energy Projects, Pakhtunkhwa
CEO Techfa Consulting and
Energy Development Organization (PEDO)
Master Trainer & CEO Energy
Training and Research Center Dear Energy Update Team,
On behalf of our esteemed organization, I would like
I am reading Energy Update to extend my warmest congratulations on the suc-
since it's start and now on its cessful completion of 17 years of publication of Energy
17 Aniversary edition, I would Update Magazine. Since its inception in 2006, Energy
like to congratulate Energy Update has become a leading energy magazine of Pakistan, providing valuable
Update and it's team under the leadership of Legend Mr. monthly updates on Energy & Power, Environment, and Corporate Social
Naeem Qureshi for it's continuation without any break. Responsibility (CSR). Your magazine has become a vital forum for bringing
The Energy Update is a very professional magazine cov- together cogent and competent voices from across the local and global energy
ering the whole energy value chain including Renewable world, organizing essential events that cover topics necessary for the coun-
Energy. I really appreciate the consistency they maintained try's policy-making. Your dedication and hard work have made it possible to
and pray for it's success. become one of the most popular and leading Energy Magazines of the country.


Irfan Ahmed

he plan of PDM government to
add 10,000 MW of solar power
through indexed IPP mode to
attract investments against IGCEP
planned 7,000 MW of solar till
2030 seems to have created bad blood among
many stakeholders.
The obvious issues against setting up of
even the least cost RE projects per IGCEP road
map under the new policy are circular debt and
the current financial situation of the coun-
try. Further, our pipeline of incoming power
projects for the next seven years is already
stuffed while the imperative of local coal and
construction of dams is far more workable due
to base load considerations.
The underlying important issues which
have not been considered by the PDM govern-
ment before suddenly declaring its plan are:
1) Existing long-term PPAs and EPAs: Energy Departments should have a major role determined by NEPRA are poles apart. Even if
The conventional power plants being run on from planning to commercial operation of a Re- the DISCOs and NEPRA meet in the middle,
imported fuel and high tariff renewable energy newable Energy Project. The point should also the tariff won't be acceptable to IPPs or Private
power plants, both on must run basis, in the be one of the mainstays of GoP energy policies. Bulk Buyers, as setting up their own plants
absence of sufficient and diminishing industri- Under the current circumstances and in would be much more cheaper and reliable as
al load are causing huge losses to the economy the absence of the necessary foreign currency the DISCOs are very far from meeting even the
due to capacity charges and Non-Project component, the best solution for the GoP is to basic reliability and availability standards set
Missed Volume (NPMV). invest in the local energy industry so that RE by NEPRA.
2) High capital insurance costs: Setting components/systems are manufactured locally With GoP agencies, including NEPRA,
up of 600 MW of solar plants would cost and the business is done in PKR. A local value following Keynesian economic principles with
around USD 400 million considering the high addition of at least 70% should be planned and preferred government intervention, the CTB-
insurance costs of foreign investments due to achieved for RE Systems so that a degree of CM based on a free market economy seems to
circular debt and balance of payment issues. technical and financial sustainability is pos- be a paradox. The CTBCM planners seem not
3) The current electrical system of sible. The GoP must avoid showcase projects to have the capacity and experience to under-
NTDC/DISCOs is not ready to integrate based on expensive borrowed money the brunt stand field requirements. The ground realities
more intermittent and unpredictable renew- of which will be borne by the next generations. are quite different in every country and require
able energy. The storage systems required to The exercise of putting up an initial a certain field experience to comprehend them.
provide the active and reactive power balance 600 MW of imported PV Solar Plants in the DISCOs, at the receiving end and with-
to the network are expensive and therefore absence of sufficient load, existing weak net- out much input in policy making, have been
not affordable. Substantial investments are work, and in the presence of long-term energy fulfilling CTBCM requirements only superfi-
required to upgrade NTDC and DISCOs contracts on must run basis, seems to be futile cially for other internal reasons and are not at
networks so that the renewable energy can be and can easily be proven wrong if the GoP plan all convinced that CTBCM will do them any
suitably integrated into the system. The T&D is available in some more detail. Uptill now the good. The Ministry, which has already spent
and Commercial losses of DISCOs contribute feasibility study of this public sector project millions of rupees on the CTBCM program, is
substantially to the negative equity of Public has not been shared. also giving lukewarm support to CTBCM as
Sector Companies which is also driving the Currently, the best way forward for the other more urgent issues have taken over.
investors away. injection of thousands of megawatts of solar Under the circumstances, it is advised
4) Renewable energy by nature is a into the energy mix is through wheeling and that the government should follow the IGCEP
Distributed Generation Resource and should net metering. least cost plan approved by NEPRA in April
therefore be handled locally – at the most by the However, the wheeling tariffs required 2022, instead of creating waves in the already
provinces. The provincial agencies such as the by the DISCOs under CTBCM regime and that stressed power sector environment. n

WAT E R A N D P OW E R R E S O U R C E Muhammad Azfar Ahsan

he gushing, frothy spillways create a
tremor – you feel the ground shudder-
ing, absorbing the thrust of the force
emanating from the water coming down
the sluices. You look at the vast lake-like
reservoir, and you realize that this water is life – life
to the abounding agricultural plains around, to
communities for consumption and energy generation.
Most of all, it is a guarantee that in times ahead, life
as we know it will continue.
Having inherited only 3 dams; Khushdil Khan
Dam, Balochistan 1890; Spin Kariz Balochistan 1945;
and Namal Dam Mianwali, Punjab 1945; Pakistan’s
well-being was greatly dependent on the availability
of more of these reservoirs for capacity building.
Construction of dams in Pakistan was initiated
in 1955, with the Warsak Dam on the River Kabul,
for hydroelectric purposes. Today, we have around
150 dams operating across Pakistan, with irrigation-
al as well as power-generating capacity. The need,
however, is much greater.
Pakistan does not have sufficient water storage
capacity for the future. Being an agri-economy, the
requirement is increasing, and with three eastern
rivers – Beas, Ravi, and Sutlej— being blocked by the
neighbor as per the Indus Water Basin Treaty 1962 –
the pressure is mounting.
Recent flooding brought in excess water, but
a lack of storage capacity turned it into a devastat-
ing calamity that caused immense loss of life and
property, resulting in a socioeconomic collapse.

Pakistan, being a frontline state for climate change, is

positioned rather precariously and the challenges are
predicted to be more complex.
According to a report published by the Paki-
stan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) this
year, more than 80 percent of Pakistanis face severe
water scarcity for at least one month each year.
The report stated that Pakistan ranks 14 out of 17
countries designated as “extremely high water-risk”
We must acknowledge that sufficient water
storage capacity is essential for our survival. The
World Bank published a report in 2019, stating that
Pakistan is well endowed with water but suffers
from high wastage and hence low availability for
its people, pointing towards weak infrastructure as
well as poor water management. This incompetency
is estimated (conservatively) to cost us 4 percent of
GDP or around USD 12 billion per year.

Alarmingly, Pakistan’s water storage capacity is D I G I T I Z AT I O N F U T U R E
only 30 days as compared to the USA’s, which has 900
days, and Egypt’s 700 days. Even India with 5 times
more population has 170 days of storage capacity. The Targeted investments,
digital transformation
least water storage capacity of any country should be
120 days, and Pakistan is not meeting or even close to

must go hand-in-hand:
this criterion.
Reservoirs and dams are the only answer. New

dams have been proposed and some have gone into the
first stage of construction. The unavailability of funds,
however, is an ongoing issue, and one such project
impacted by the lack of funds is the under-construction
EU Report K-Electric (KE), she said that since
Mohmand Multipurpose Dam in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
privatization the company has made
The Mohmand Multipurpose Dam project will

a targeted investment of 474 billion
enable Pakistan to deal with three major challenges in
igitization is the future rupees – six times more than its profit
this region: flood protection, renewable energy produc-
and it must be tailored – across its value chain that has result-
tion, and rural development in crisis zones. All three
toward addressing ed in doubling its customer base from
are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals
the lack of electricity 1.8 million to 3.4 million, increasing
(SDGs), and the completion of this dam in 2025 is be-
transmission infrastruc- its energy supplies from 2,200 MW to
ing highly anticipated for its stabilizing and anchoring
ture to ensure price affordability and 3,380 MW, and reducing its transmis-
accessibility to consumers. sion and distribution (T&D) losses
The Saudi Development Fund (SDF) is aggres-
Targeted investments and dig- from 34.2% to 15.3% which surpasses
sively at work in the SAARC region and has financed
ital transformation must go hand-in- the target set by NEPRA for the year.
90 projects so far. Reading the news that SDF will pro-
hand with effective resource manage- Salahuddin Rifai highlighted
vide a USD 240 million loan for the Mohmand Multi-
ment, thoughtful policy development, that technology and digitization ideas
purpose Dam is encouraging not only for the continuity
governance reforms as well as innova- have often been wrongly tackled by
of work towards the planned completion of the project
tion in system planning, highlighted the power sector. Consequently, all
but also as an addition to our sinking foreign currency
experts during a hybrid seminar on the costs and expenses are borne
reserves. And for that we are grateful.
“Powering Progress: Investments and by consumers, making the afford-
In fact, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has
Digitization to Overcome Pakistan’s ability goal futile. He stressed a
always stood by Pakistan; they have a long history of
Power Sector Challenges,” held at consumer-oriented power sector and
supporting Pakistan on various international issues
the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), optimization of cost. Also, as effective
and have enjoyed with us, what analysts call a special
Islamabad. use of resources and ideas requires
relationship. KSA’s commitment to the progress of
The session, chaired by Ashfaq energy experts’ input, a professional
Pakistan is one of the sincerest links in our history and
Mahmood, former federal secretary, board must be developed to advise the
present. They are invested in a successful Pakistan and
water & power, was addressed as government in planning, he added.
are most trusted partners.
speakers by Khalid Rahman, chairman Mirza Hamid said that a major
Besides SDF, the project is co-financed by OPEC,
IPS, Mirza Hamid Hassan, chairman, reason for the burden on consumers
Islamic Development Bank, and the Kuwait Fund for
IPS’ steering committee for energy, is because of the obsolete and less
Arab Economic Development, and is expected to have
water & climate change and former efficient power transmission system;
a significant impact on Pakistan’s energy and water
federal secretary, water & power, therefore, power transmission must
Mazhar Iqbal Ranjha, registrar, be made an investment priority area,
The project will generate 800 MW of electricity
National Electric Power Regulatory along with energy transition and
production capacity, contributing to Pakistan’s energy
Authority (NEPRA), Sadia Dada, digitization, he added.
security. In addition, the capacity to store and irrigate
CMCO, K-Electric, Salahuddin Rifai, As future power planning is
will be remarkably enhanced, facilitating agricultural
former GM NTDC, and eminent important for Pakistan, Ahmed Am-
activities in the surrounding areas.
energy experts associated with IPS mar stressed investments to be done
This is a monumental stride towards progress,
including Asad Mehmood, Ahmed in mobilizing the power policy, along
and I urge Pakistani stakeholders to seriously look into
Ammar Yasser, and Ameena Sohail. with technology and innovative tools.
activating the investment portfolio for opportunities
Energy dependency is a major Moreover, structural and management
that can translate into generation of real wealth, via
issue and Pakistan needs to escape the reforms must the made a priority to
agri-zones, refineries, and manufacturing industries,
vicious cycle through out-of-the-box address structural issues and deficien-
and while we look forward to the positive impact of
thinking and win-win solutions at cies in the system’s planning capacity,
this project and celebrate our ties with KSA for this
policy and practice level, said Khalid he added. n
significant step ahead, it would also be essential to find
Rahman in his opening remarks.
solutions to the pressing problems of water distribu-
The power sector must be
tion, outdated irrigation practices, a weak and inade-
focused on overcoming the energy
quate water policy framework, lack of synchronization
trilemma revolving around the avail-
between the federal and provincial approach, and
ability, accessibility, and affordability
actions to uniformly cater to the water concerns that
of electricity, said Sadia Dada. For
are not limited to any one specific province or region of
that, power industry must integrate
Pakistan but constitute a national-level crisis. Viable
new solutions and ensure targeted
and sustainable solutions for water infrastructure can
investments, she added.
expedite Pakistan’s progress trajectory. The writer is
While drawing on the modelling
the founder of Corporate Pakistan Group and former
of the power system undertaken by
chairman Board of Investment. n

E X P E R T ' S I N T E RV I E W

Mustafa Tahir the Punjab province. Regarding employment growth, it is

Ali Majid

common for renewable energy projects to create employ-
Director ME & CA he total shipments of LONGi to Pakistani ment opportunities in the local community, especially
markets to promote the usage of green, renew- during the construction phase of the project. This could
of LONGi
able energy, in Pakistan will reach 1GW+ by include job opportunities for local workers, engineers, and
the end of the current year. other skilled professionals.
says LONGi This was stated by Director ME & CA
has been of LONGi, Ali Majid, in an exclusive interview with the EU: Pakistan has long faced the dilemma of
Energy Update in which he talked at length about his low energy utilization efficiency. In your opin-
actively country’s drive to promote the latest renewable technol- ion, for a country like Pakistan, how to most
involved in ogies in Pakistan under the regimes of CPEC and the Belt effectively improve the current application
efficiency of green energy?
development and Road Initiative of China. Following are the important
excerpts from his interview for our readers: Mr Majid: There are several ways in which Pakistan
of renewable can effectively improve the current application efficiency
Energy Update: At present, what is the overall
energy production capacity of LONGi's green energy
of green energy, specifically photovoltaics. Pakistan can
encourage more investment in renewable energy infra-
projects in projects in Pakistan? What is the general structure, specifically photovoltaics, to increase the overall
picture of employment growth?
Pakistan Ali Majid: LONGi Green Energy Technology Co. Ltd
capacity of green energy. This can include both govern-
ment and private investment in large-scale solar farms, as
signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the well as smaller rooftop solar installations.
Government of Pakistan in July 2019 to make an invest- Pakistani government can implement effective pol-
ment in the construction of a 50MW solar power plant in icies and regulations to promote the use of green energy,
Pakistan. The project is located in Bahawalpur district of such as providing incentives for renewable energy develop-

OGDCL announces
financial results
EU Report
The Board of Directors of Oil
and Gas Development Com-
pany Limited (OGDCL) in
its meeting held on April 27,
2023 at Islamabad approved
the financial results for nine months ended
March 31, 2023 of the financial year 2022-
23. The Company’s net sales clocked at Rs
309.148 billion translating to a profit after
ment, setting targets for renewable energy adop- LONGi can collaborate with governments,
tax of Rs 159.638 billion and earnings per
tion, and implementing net metering policies. other industry players, and research institutions
share of Rs 37.12 for the nine months ended
Pakistan can increase awareness and to support the development and implementation
March 31, 2023. The Board of Directors also
education around the benefits of green energy, of policies and initiatives that promote renew-
approved the third interim cash dividend @
specifically photovoltaics, to encourage more able energy adoption and sustainable develop-
Rs 1.80 per share i.e.18 percent in addition
widespread adoption. This can include public ment.
to earlier interim dividends of Rs 4.00 per
education campaigns and outreach to business- LONGi can focus on meeting the specific
share i.e. 40 percent. The Company paid
es, communities, and schools. Developing local energy needs of the local markets in China and
Rs 36.128 billion as royalty which will be
manufacturing capabilities for photovoltaic Pakistan, such as developing solutions that
ultimately be transferred to the Provinces
components can help reduce costs and increase address energy access and reliability challenges
besides Rs 92.980 billion in the form of
the availability of solar panels and other equip- in rural areas.
taxes during the nine-month period. The
ment. This can also create job opportunities and LONGi can promote education and aware-
above entitlement will be paid to the share-
support local economic development. ness around the benefits of renewable energy
holders whose names will appear in the
Implementing energy storage solutions, and the importance of sustainable development.
register of members on May 09, 2023. The
such as batteries, can help increase the reliabil- This can include supporting public education
share transfer books of the company will be
ity and stability of green energy systems. This campaigns and working with local communities
closed from May 10 to May 12, 2023 (both
can help address the intermittent nature of solar to promote the adoption of renewable energy. By
days inclusive). OGDCL continues to be
energy and increase overall energy efficiency. taking these steps, LONGi can play a significant
the market leader in the E&P sector and
By taking these steps, Pakistan can effectively role in further optimizing the domestic energy
plans to accelerate its exploratory activities,
improve the application efficiency of green structures of China and Pakistan, as well as
as seismic work in newly awarded blocks
energy, specifically photovoltaics, and address empowering the global green industry pattern.
will be undertaken in the future.
the ongoing challenge of low energy utilization
efficiency. EU: This year marks the 10th
anniversary of the Belt and Road NJHP tunnel
EU: The newly released government
work report of China's two sessions this
Initiative. What do you want to say
about the Belt and Road Initiative
collapse restored
year involves new green energy. What and the China-Pakistan Economic EU Report
role do you think LONGi should play in Corridor? What are your future
further optimizing the domestic energy outlook and expectations? A significant development at the blockade in
structures of China and Pakistan, and at Mr Majid: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) the tunnel of 969MW Neelum Jhelum Hy-
the same time empowering the global is a massive infrastructure and development ini- dropower Project was achieved on Eid day.
green industry pattern? tiative launched by the Chinese government in The tunnel collapse of 150 ft length has been
Mr Majid: I can provide some suggestions on 2013, which aims to connect China with coun- restored. Chairman WAPDA Engr Lt Gen
the role that LONGi could play in further opti- tries in Asia, Europe, and Africa through a net- Sajjad Ghani (Retd) visited Neelum Jhelum
mizing the domestic energy structures of China work of infrastructure projects, including ports, Hydropower Project and witnessed con-
and Pakistan, and at the same time empowering railways, highways, and energy infrastructure. struction activities on the remedial works.
the global green industry pattern. The CPEC is a flagship project of the BRI, which He appreciated the efforts of Project Team
LONGi can increase investment in aims to connect China's western region with the WAPDA, China Gezhouba Group Company
research and development of new photovoltaic Pakistani port of Gwadar through a network of (CGGC), and the consultants of the project.
technologies, such as improving the efficiency transportation and energy infrastructure. The Chairman was briefed that the remedial
and performance of solar panels, as well as LONGi has been actively involved in the works for the restoration of the project are
developing new materials and manufacturing development of renewable energy projects in Pa- underway in light of the report furnished
processes. kistan, including the construction of solar power by the International Panel of Experts. A
LONGi can continue to expand its plants, and has been successful in contributing hydraulic lining shutter is being installed
production capacity of solar panels and other to the development of Pakistan's energy sector. inside the tail race tunnel for concrete lining,
photovoltaic components, which can support The CPEC has provided a favorable environment while the allied works are also continuing
the growth of the renewable energy industry in for LONGi to expand its business in Pakistan, side by side. The risk analysis report by the
both China and Pakistan. This can also support and the initiative has created new opportunities Consultants is expected to be finalized next
the global transition towards a more sustainable for Chinese companies to invest and engage in month. Chairman WAPDA directed Project
energy future. sustainable development in the region. n Authorities to resume electricity generation
from the Project by the end of July.

Hydropower project
needs resumption of operation
Building big hydroelectricity projects like the Neelum-Jhelum plant
will enable Pakistan to achieve self-sufficiency in the power sector
are met through indigenous energy sources power consumers due to the higher tariff in-
M. Naeem Qureshi
that too preferably by means of clean elec- volved. Thermal power plants also accelerate

tricity. The uninterrupted operation of the the process of environmental degeneration.
t is very much imperative that a thor- Neelum-Jhelum power plant is vital to encour- The protection of the environment for
ough inquiry should be conducted into age the building of more such energy projects slowing down the process of climate change
the abrupt closure of the Neelum-Jhe- for the fullest utilization of the hydroelectrici- has become all the more important to avoid
lum Hydropower project last year and ty generation potential of Pakistan. catastrophic disasters like floods in 2022.
its findings should be made public Needless to mention building big hydro- Those who were responsible for the
before the restart of the run-of-the-river electricity projects like the Neelum-Jhelum faults during the construction phase of
hydroelectricity plant likely to happen later plant will enable Pakistan to achieve self-suf- the Neelum-Jhelum project should be duly
this year. ficiency in the power sector with achieving identified in the investigation report with
The findings of the probe should be the ultimate goal that power consumers in the recommendation of the penal action that
shared with the media and other concerned Pakistan are supplied with uninterrupted elec- should be taken against them. This will ensure
quarters for expert input from energy experts, tricity at the cheapest rates with ensuring that that those involved in spending public money
civil engineers, and specialists in hydropower there is the least harm to the environment. for building more such hydroelectricity plants
generation. This input is very vital to en- The completion of the Neelum-Jhelum would work with utmost commitment, dedi-
sure that there shouldn’t be a repeat of the project was firstly unduly delayed and the cation, honesty, and integrity.
mistakes and faults that occurred during the abrupt shutdown of its plant within four years It is understandable that the con-
construction of this very important hydroelec- of it becoming fully operational is highly con- struction of large-capacity hydroelectricity
tricity plant. cerning for everyone who is concerned about generation plants involves a longer duration,
The debate and feedback from the rel- Pakistan’s energy sector. spanning several years, and massive capital
evant experts on the findings of the investi- The electricity plant was closed during that is often borrowed from international
gation will make sure that Neelum-Jhelum or summer of the last year when it was highly lenders for the completion of the project. The
any other hydroelectricity plant of such scale difficult for the government to continuously construction of hydroelectricity projects is
shouldn’t again face such a failure abruptly spend fast-depleting foreign exchange reserves also highly problematic due to politics and
halting its power production for the national for importing fossil fuels for running thermal policy-related issues involved.
grid. electricity plants. Everyone knows that the In such a situation, the planners, exe-
The projects like Neelum-Jhelum plant more thermal power plants remain operation- cuting agencies, the authorities involved in
are very vital for Pakistan’s vigorous drive that al the more they create financial problems for the construction, the in-charge officials, the
the majority of power needs of the country the national economy and individually for the project engineers, and their subordinate staff,
should show utmost care and caution while of the tailrace once the reasons are known,”
completing the project so to ensure its unin- Wapda said in a statement issued in Urdu.
terrupted operations after completion. It said all relevant institutions had been
Those showing wilful carelessness and
negligence in building such energy projects
informed of the closure of one of the country’s
top hydropower plants through the Ministry
OGDCL eyes
of national importance should face account-
ability and penal action for avoiding such
of Water Resources.
A mainstream English newspaper
production boost,
a dereliction of duty in the future. The contin-
ued operation of the Neelum-Jhelum power
reported last month that after the closure of
almost a year, the 969-megawatt Neelum-Jhe-
exploration drive
plant in the summer of the last year and the lum Hydropower Project will restart power
EU Report
current year would have gone a long way generation by the end of July this year.
to reduce the woes of the power consumers Power generation from Neelum-Jhelum Oil and Gas Development Company Limited
across Sindh. Those at the helm of affairs in Hydropower Project had to be discontinued (OGDCL) is planning to boost oil and gas
the Power sector would have taken a sigh of on July 4, 2022, following a malfunction that production from current wells while priori-
relief had the Neelum-Jhelum project contin- occurred in the tunnel. Neelum Jhelum Power tising exploration efforts in the Zin block of
ued its operations this summer. Owing to the Plant has two tunnels and there was a block- Baluchistan, which holds confirmed reserves
weakening state of the Pakistani economy it age in one of the three and a half kilometers of 840 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd), com-
is utterly unfeasible to keep importing fossil long tunnels. pany's top official said on Thursday.
fuels from outside Pakistan for power gener- A spokesman for WAPDA has said that The existing production of oil by
ation. The Power Ministry, the Wapada, and a significant development at the blockade in OGDCL stands at 32,250 barrels per day
all other relevant authorities shouldn’t show the tail race tunnel of the 969MW-Neelum (bpd) and gas at 80 million cubic feet per
haste in restarting the hydroelectricity plant Jhelum Hydropower Project has been day (mmcfd) and LPG at 774mmcfd under
as the least they should do is hold a media achieved on Eid day. “Tunnel collapse of 150 ft the optimisation plan from existing wells.
briefing to thoroughly disclose to the media length has been restored. Restoration works The management has decided to increase the
persons the reasons behind the faulty status are continuing during Eid Holidays,” the oil production to 38000bpd and add more
of the power project. spokesman said. Chairman WAPDA Engr Lt 32-36mmcfd gas in the system. This means
Transparency, accountability, and fair- Gen (r) Sajjad Ghani visited Neelum Jhelum the gas production would increase up to
ness are as important in the energy sector for Hydropower Project and witnessed construc- 837mmcfd.
success as important in any other sector. tion activities on the remedial works. He ap- “The management to this effect has
Amid cou­n­trywide electricity shortag- preciated the efforts of Project Team WAPDA, established the experts’ group to optimise
es, the 969-megawatt Neelum-Jhelum hydro­ China Gezhouba Group Company (CGGC), the production of oil and gas. The group
power project, completed at an estimated and the consultants of the project, he said. consists of experts of the OGDCL which
approved cost of about Rs508bn, was closed The chairman was briefed that the has been exclusively dedicated to increasing
due to major cracks in its tailrace tunnel. remedial works for the restoration of the gas flows with timeline targets through
“Neelum-Jhelum is unfortunately Neelum-Jhelum Hydropower Project are modern techniques from the existing wells
offline. Details of its suspension or fault have underway in light of the report furnished by or the wells which are depleting in terms
not been concluded yet,” Power Minister the international panel of experts, the spokes- of oil and gas production,” Ahmed Hayat
Khurram Dastgir Khan confirmed at a presser man maintained. Hydraulic lining shutter is Lak, managing director of OGDCL, told The
held last year. being installed inside the tail race tunnel for News.
He added that thorough investigations concrete lining, while the allied works are He informed that members of the
were currently underway of all its channels, also continuing side by side. Risk analysis group who currently head some depart-
which are deep and long, some of them under report by the consultants is expected to be ments in the company were asked to fully
huge mountains. finalized during the next month. Chairman focus on increasing the flow of oil and gas
The project’s construction was taken in WAPDA directed project authorities to from the existing wells. “And to optimise
hand in 2002 after 21 years of delay and com- resume electricity generation from the project the production of oil and gas, new ventures
pleted in April 2018 — again with repeated by the end of July. The Neelum-Jhelum power with local and foreign companies would also
cost overruns and missed deadlines. plant suffered a fault following the blockage be initiated.”
Major construction involving about 58 of water in the tunnel area of 3.5 kilometres Lak also revealed that two technical
kilometres of tunnels was done by Chi- that led to the shutdown of the plant and the experts from Schlumberger—a US company
nese contractor CGGC-CMEC (Gezhouba termination of 969MW of cheap electricity to -- would also extend expertise to the OG-
Group), hired in December 2007. the national grid. n DCL’s experts for enhancement of oil and
Despite its installed capacity of gas production. Schlumberger will provide
969MW, the project has often exceeded one expert from Oman and the other from
its production level, touching 1,040MW. It its local operations. Under the plan, the
was providing more than five billion units target of the experts’ group for optimisation
of electricity, or kilowatt-hours (kWh), to of oil and gas production has been set till
the national grid a year at an average tariff of June 2023, and December 2023 on 6 monthly
about Rs9 per unit at no fuel cost. basis for a 36 months period.
The Water and Power Development Exclusively due to the efforts of
Authority (Wapda), which operates hydro- the group, the management expects that
power stations, later also confirmed that the 1700 barrels per day production of oil and
project’s “tailrace tunnel has been blocked 1mmcfd gas will be added to the system by
and as a result, the power station has been June 2023, and beyond that by December
closed for safety reasons”. 2023, the incremental oil production will
“The reasons for the closure of the tail- cross the mark of additional production of
race tunnel are currently being investigated. 3000bpd. n
Steps would be taken to remove the blockade

Water pollution: a major

threat to public health
Mansoor pollution by leaking oil and other toxic gases. water. The diseases caused by water pollution

Water is one of the most vital natural are given below: Cholera, Diarrhoea, Salmonel-
ountry ranks at number 80 among resources on earth and has been around for a losis, Shigellosis, Hepatitis, Encephalitis, Polio,
122 nations regarding drinking long time. In fact, the same water which we Gastroenteritis, Cryptosporidiosis, Galloping
water quality; by 2025, there will drink has been around in one form or the other amoeba, Giardiasis, and Schistosomiasis.
be very little or no clean water since the time of the dinosaurs. The earth has
available in the country; authori- more than two-thirds of its surface covered Solutions to Control
ties need to treat sewerage before discharging with water. Less than 0.3% is accessible for Water Pollution
into water bodies Water pollution is one of human consumption. As commercialization There are many ways to control water pollu-
the major threats to public health in Pakistan. and industrialization have progressed, that tion. The authorities should treat sewerage
Drinking water quality is poorly managed number continues to dwindle down. Further- before discharging it into lakes, rivers, oceans,
and monitored. Pakistan ranks at number 80 more, inefficient and outdated practices, lack and other water bodies. The drinking water
among 122 nations regarding drinking water of awareness and a plethora of other circum- should also be treated before supplying to
quality. Access to safe drinking water is the stances have led to water pollution. homes, offices, industries,s and other places.
basic human right. Pakistan Vision 2025 and According to a report, lack of sanitation No waste should be thrown into the
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) is one of the most significant forms of water water bodies instead it should be dumped at
2030 impose obligations on Pakistan towards pollution. About 90% of sewage in developing designated places in towns, cities, and other
achieving its water and sanitation goals. countries is discharged untreated directly places. Most of the dishes leave some sort of fat,
Pakistan Council of Research in Water into water bodies. Every day 2 million tonnes oil, or grease residue behind. These substances
Resources (PCRWR) reports that by 2025, of sewage and other effluents drain into the should never be disposed of down the drain.
there will be very little or no clean water avail- world’s water. Industry discharges an estimat- Dishwashing and laundry should be done with
able in the country. Drinking water sources, ed 300-400 megatonnes of waste into water the minimum amount of detergent and bleach.
both surface and groundwater are contaminat- bodies every year. There is a need to stop discharging scrap
ed. Various drinking water quality parameters of transport and electric-electronic appliances
set by WHO are frequently violated. Causes of water pollution into water bodies. Never pour something that
The mix up of chemicals, waste, certain Water pollution is caused due to flow or mixing isn't biodegradable down the drain. When it is
microorganisms, and other toxic materials in of chemicals, waste material, oil and micro- necessary to use something that's toxic to the
natural water is called water pollution. Water organisms into streams, rivers, lakes, oceans, water supply, such as paint or ammonia, take
pollution is harmful for the health of humans, aquifesr, ponds, or any other water bod. These care to dispose of it properly. Stop throwing
animals, birds, plants, land, and environment. It included municipal garbage, hospital waste, plastic in water bodies.
is a major global environmental problem because pathogenic microorganisms, putrescible organic Wash your car less often or wash it at
it can result in the degradation of all aquatic waste, fertilizers, plant nutrients, toxic chemi- a car wash shop where they clean and recycle
ecosystems Water pollution is reducing seafood cals, sediments, heat, petroleum (oil), factories the water. Stop operating ships that leak oil
production and is also killing several animals in chemical waste, sewerage, and radioactive in the sea. Minimize your use of pesticides,
the oceans. The water pollution is also harming substances. Major water pollution is caused by herbicides, and fertilizers. Use the minimum
human health and sometimes causes deaths. rapid urbanization, deforestation, transporta- amount of laundry detergent. Dispose of
According to a UN report, once water is tion, industrialization, and human activities. medical waste properly. Reduce the use of
contaminated, it is difficult, costly, and often plastic items, particularly shopping bags. Plant
impossible to remove the pollutants. Still Water pollution causes more trees, particularly along banks of water
today, 80 per cent of global wastewater goes several diseases bodies as healthy forests can act as a filter to
untreated, containing everything from human Water pollution has very negative effects on keep pollution out of water. Cut down on meat
waste to highly toxic industrial discharges. public health. A lot of diseases result from consumption and use vegetables. n
The low-income communities are at greater drinking or being in contact with contaminated
risk because their homes are often closest to
the most polluting industries.
Pollution in freshwater ecosystems can
include pathogens (largely from human and an-
imal waste). Ships in oceans also cause water


Engr. Nadeem Ashraf

Says Thar coal ment. Secondly, open pit mining is a new field

in Pakistan, so we had to develop our internal
can be used not har coal possesses several kinds of capacity and capability. Likewise, the scarcity
properties and characteristics that of skilled labour in Thar was an issue. We had
only for electricity make it valuable beyond electricity to invest significant resources in training and
but also for generation. Thar coal can be used
not only for electricity but also
capacity-building programs to equip our work-
force with the necessary skills for coal mining
vital industries for vital industries like cement and ceramics. and related operations.
like cement Firstly, it is a low-cost and abundant indig-
enous energy source, which makes it highly
Furthermore, there was no regulatory or
investment framework, which we collaborated
and ceramics; attractive for power production. Building and with GoS, CPEC and Federal bodies to develop.
infrastructure maintaining trust with the local people is a top
priority for SECMC. We undertake various EU: What are the salient properties
development confidence-building measures to ensure that the and characteristics of Thar coal, and
communities in Thar have complete trust in our apart from electricity generation,
especially the coal mining work. Infrastructure development what could be its other possible uses?
development especially the development of Thar rail link will
unleash the true potential of Thar.
Mr Iqbal: Thar coal possesses several unique
properties and characteristics that make it
of Thar rail link This was stated by SECMC CEO Amir valuable beyond electricity generation. Firstly,
will unleash Iqbal in an interview with Energy Update. The
details of the interview are given below:
it is a low-cost and abundant indigenous energy
source, which makes it highly attractive for
true potential power production. The coal reserves in Thar are
ENERGY UPDATE: What problems did
of Thar; we are SECMC initially face as the first entity
estimated to be one of the largest in the world,
providing a long-term and sustainable energy
ensuring that the to start work in the remote area of solution for Pakistan.
Thar for coal mining and extraction? Apart from electricity generation, Thar
communities in Amir Iqbal: As with all ground-breaking and coal has the potential for various other ap-
Thar have complete game-changing projects that initiate, SECMC
has its fair share of challenges as the first entity
plications. In the first step, it can replace the
imported coal in industries like cement and
trust in our coal to embark on coal mining and extraction in ceramics, which will save substantial forex
mining work the remote area of Thar. Firstly, the lack of
infrastructure in the region posed a significant
for the country. It can also be used to produce
synthetic natural gas.
hurdle, which was removed at an early stage
with the proactive support of the Sindh govern- EU: Is the work on track to expand the
capacity of Block-II of Thar coal mine ucation, healthcare, livelihoods, and environ- training of local talent to ensure that the
for the benefit of the end-consumers mental sustainability in Thar in line with the benefits of our operations reach the people
of electricity? UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). of Thar directly. We believe in empowering
Mr Iqbal: Although we have experienced many Thar Foundation (TF) has established 23 the local workforce by providing them with
setbacks like Covid which has hampered our am- school units, benefiting 4,000 students, with skills, knowledge, and sustainable employment
bition, but we are progressing steadfastly, align- over 30% being girls. Our health facilities opportunities.
ing with our commitment to meet Pakistan's include Marvi Clinic, Thar Foundation Moreover, our commitment to local
growing electricity demands. After achieving our Hospital, Gorano Clinic, and Mobile Health employment extends beyond direct employ-
COD in 2018, we immediately started working Clinic. We provide vocational training and ment. We also encourage our contractors and
on Phase II expansion, which we achieved on support entrepreneurship, empowering the suppliers to prioritize the hiring of local Thari
time despite the Covid pandemic. community with a business amounting to Rs2 people, thereby creating additional indirect job
The Phase III expansion of the Block-II billion through local contractors since the opportunities.
Thar coal mine holds immense promise for inception of the project. Our environmental
end-consumers. As it will reduce reliance initiatives, like Thar Million Tree, promote EU: What confidence-building
on imported fuels and ensure a reliable and sustainable mining practices and tree planting measures does SECMC take from
cost-effective power source. Unfortunately, for conservation. Overall, our comprehensive time to time to ensure that the local
due to current challenging macroeconomic strategy aims to foster holistic development people have complete trust in the
conditions, this phase has been delayed, and and improve lives in Thar. coal mining work as they become
we are trying to find enterprising solutions to partners in the project?
mitigate the delay. EU: How many job opportunities has Mr Iqbal: Building and maintaining trust
SECMC created for local Thari people with the local people is a top priority for SEC-
EU: Is SECMC willing to collaborate owing to its core operational work in MC. We undertake various confidence-build-
with other organizations involved in Thar area? ing measures to ensure that the communities
coal mining and power production in Mr Iqbal: At SECMC, the local population is in Thar have complete trust in our coal mining
Thar for a joint effort for the welfare at the heart of what we do. We have created work. We engage in transparent communica-
of the impoverished people of Thar? significant job opportunities for the local Thari tion, hold regular community meetings, and
Mr Iqbal: Absolutely. For this purpose, at people through our core operational work actively involve the local people in deci-
the very onset of the project, we created Thar in the Thar area. Since the inception of the sion-making processes. Our CSR initiatives
Foundation which is financed by all the enti- project (mining and power plants), we have prioritize social and economic development,
ties in Block II, with the sole mandate to invest provided direct employment to thousands of including education, healthcare, and livelihood
in local community enhancement. Moreover, individuals from the local communities. For opportunities. We uphold high environmental
we believe in the power of partnerships for skilled and unskilled labour, we are onboard- standards and minimize environmental impact
sustainable impact. We collaborate with ing them, as per need, from the Khushaal through stringent practices and monitoring. By
stakeholders such as the Government of Sindh, Thar’s platform, which is a database of local actively engaging, addressing concerns, and de-
The Citizens Foundation, Indus Hospital, human resources and functions on a first-in, livering on our commitments, we aim to foster
and IUCN. Together, we promote education, first-out policy. trust and build a strong partnership with the
healthcare, biodiversity conservation, and We prioritize the recruitment and people of Thar. n
socioeconomic development of Thari people.
We do all this while protecting and promot-
ing the unique social and cultural diversity
of Thar. We actively seek opportunities for
collaboration and welcome partnerships with
organizations that share our vision of uplifting
the people of Thar and creating a sustainable
future for the region.

EU: What more cooperation from the

government does SECMC want for
the facilitation of coal mining work in
Mr Iqbal: We appreciate government
support in our coal mining work in Thar, but
we seek further cooperation. Infrastructure
development especially the development of
Thar rail link will unleash the true potential of
Thar. Similarly, robust regulations and capac-
ity-building initiatives are crucial for efficient
and sustainable mining. Clear policies and a
stable investment framework attract private
investment and foster industrial growth.
Together, we can create a skilled workforce for
long-term mining sustainability.

EU: Tell us about the salient features

of the CSR strategy of SECMC.
Mr Iqbal: Our CSR strategy focuses on ed-


Privatize, P3 to vertically
integrate or provincialize DISCOs

Sheikh Imran ul Haque transmission and distribution. It has reduced and energy conservation.
T&D losses by more than half (34% in FY09 The process to transfer DISCOs to

to 15.3% in FY22) as well as reduced aggregate Provinces was initiated earlier with Baluch-
f the driver is to immediately create transmission and commercial (ATC) losses. istan declining, Sind now issuing tender for
space in NFC for Federal Government, It took over 15 years for the change to happen appointing transaction advisory, KP recently
then the current focus to provincialize and has now given them confidence to seek suggesting generation of power be handed
is an option although that will not de- a nonexclusive distribution licence, thereby over to the province along with income from
liver efficient customer service, increase encouraging wire business. generation of electricity and present review by
productivity, improve billing, reduce technical KE model of DISCOs integration with Punjab highlighting financial risk factors, legal
losses, assure meritocracy or governance; for IPPs/GENCOs could be executed in rest of the constraints and taking over Discos only to the
that Privatization or Private Public Partnership country under 3P to attract local and interna- extent of transfer of assets and not liabilities.
(P3) needs consideration. tional investments in the energy sector under There is argument that debate to pro-
The reality depicted above is concerning Buy Build Operate (BBO) where government vincialize Discos’ becomes less important with
and remedial measures have not been forth- sells a pre-existing project that has already implementation of Competitive Trading Bilat-
coming for years and collection and T&D loss- been completed and may have been operated eral Contract Market (CTBCM) under NEPRA
es over allowance by NEPRA continue due to by the government for some time to a private Act, wherein a Disco becomes a wire-only
the failure of privatisation of Discos approved party, who will take it over fully. The private business by way of taking electricity marketing
over 10 years ago (CCI in April 2011 and Feb party may need to invest in rehabilitating or and selling out from the scope of a DISCO.
2014): Although Privatisation Commission expanding the project. The process led by The A 10% reduction today in T&D losses
Ordinance, 2000 affords several options to Public-Private Partnership Authority (P3A) means additional 2500 MWs being available or
structure privatisation transactions. Sec 25 of formed in 2017 by GOP to leverage expertise $2.5bn investment not being required for new
the ordinance provides for: (a) sale of assets of the private sector to supplement the public generation capacity. A 5% reduction in dis-
and business; (b) sale of shares through public sector service delivery replacing the Infra- tribution loss for in gas translates into a USD
auction or tender; (c) public offering of shares structure Project Development Facility (IPDF) 1.6bn pa saving of LNG at USD 20/mmbtu or
through a stock exchange; (d) management or has between 1990 to 2019 implemented 108 gas available to generate 1200 MWs. Conserva-
employee buyouts by management or employ- 3P projects with investment of approximately tion in 200 mmscfd for compressor operations
ees of a state owned enterprise; and (e) lease, $28.4 billion. is additional. Undoubtedly, loss reduction
management or concession contracts, etc. Seemingly, due to poor financial and ad- justifies economics and investment to reduce
We do have privatization success stories ministrative conditions of the Discos, Federal losses. Meanwhile, cost of delay in decision
in banking and utility sectors. The successful Government has proposed to shift the financial making is reflected by increasing Circular Debt
KE model of vertically integrated generation and administrative responsibility of these (Feb ’23 CD: Rs 2600 bn) as tariff increase
and distribution has been a game changer companies to the provinces, hoping that they alone does not decrease CD.
in the power sector with its Rs. 474 billion will do a better job in significantly reducing A 14-member Committee now is (i) to
investment since 2005 and now until 2030 has T&D and UFG losses by improving on DISCO review the structure and operations of power
proposed further Rs. 484 billion investment in collections while driving up system efficiencies distribution companies (Discos) keeping in

view regional differences and to identify areas
where the private sector can contribute; (ii)
to study international models of private sector
participation in energy distribution companies
worldwide; (iii) review the existing plans of
Power Division to create space for private sector
participation in the management of Discos and
monitor its implementation; (iv) to develop
options for increasing the role of private sector
vis-à-vis Discos with the objective of improving
their operational efficiency, reducing losses,
generating financial resources, enhancing overall
technical capacity, transitioning to optimal ener-
gy mix, etc. Are we back to the drawing board?
Answers to following will help them
devise a doable staged programme with pro-
fessionals and think tanks engaged to define
homegrown “out of box solutions” from within

Thar coal supply to industry

the box.
1. In principle decision of the government
to be out of any business in which a competitive

Tax amendments on the cards

market exists/is evolving.
2. Removing barriers e.g. Public Procure-
ment Regulatory Authority (PPRA) rules, NAB
reprisals, appointing only experts on Boards coal to the industry owing to the provision
EU Report
and professionals as CEOs and top management in the Income Tax Ordinance (Section 65)
and holding them accountable for performance wherein it is stipulated that the said credit

with emoluments better than their counterpart rime Minister's Office (PMO) has shall only be availed if the coal is supplied
private-sector companies and protected to with- directed the Federal Board of Rev- exclusively for power generation. Repre-
stand pressures. enue (FBR) to alter/ amend Income sentative of FBR observed that the existing
3. Safeguarding/balancing consumer Tax Ordinance in the next budget in provision is restrictive and can be reviewed
interests with a strong regulator and ensuring order to start the supply of Thar coal to local to harness the potential of Thar coal.
focused funded subsidy industry, well-informed sources said. Secretary Railways noted that CDWP,
4. Onboarding of parliament that re- These directions were issued at a meet- in its meeting held on December 22, 2022
structuring national assets requires sell off of ing held in the PM’s Office to resolve issues proposed cost sharing of “Thar Coal Rail
ownership, retaining of only skilled employees, of Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SEC- Connectivity” on 50-50 basis between the
inability of government to finance losses perpet- MC) under the chair of Mohammad Jehanzeb Federal Government and the Government
ually, and the necessity to increase profitability Khan, SAPM on Effective Governance. of Sindh. Since then, coal demand has been
and economic efficiency gains. National Transmission and Dispatch firmed up but the Government of Sindh
5. NEPRA establish energy conservation Company (NTDC) highlighted that progress seems to be more interested in the revenue
targets and audit tariffs applied by DISCOs to on transmission lines is on track and already sharing model instead of the provision of
all their customers every year. And decision attained 77 percent completion. It high- loan. After a detailed discussion on the issues
to privatise, provincialize, restructure and lighted the issue of Right of Way in Tando and considering the viewpoints of all the
manage DISCOs by GOP or Provinces, vertically Allahyar district of Sindh. NTDC officials participants, the meeting decided that NTDC
integrate under 3P, wait till market framework maintained that if the issue of Right of Way will complete 100 per cent work on the trans-
of CTBCM is operational or define a hybrid is not resolved it may delay the whole project. mission line by the end of April 2023. NTDC
approach as one size does not fit all DISCOs Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) ap- will also submit a weekly report to Prime
requires extensive debate with knowledgeable prised that SECMC may not provide excess Minister's Office. n
others. And later, learning could be transferred
to GDISCOs (gas distribution) once CCI has

Oil, gas production rises

closure on WACOG and 18th amendment
implementation. n

EU Report

The country has witnessed an increase in oil and gas production on a daily basis. According to
Pakistan Petroleum Information Service (PPIS), the daily production of crude oil was 69,098
barrels in the week that ended on March 31 which was 3.7% more than the previous week. The
average production of crude oil was 66,662 barrels this week.
The gas production was recorded at 3,319 million cubic feet per day (MMCFD) this
week which was 5.8% more than the previous week. The average production of gas was re-
corded at 3,139 mmcfd this week. The statistics showed that the oil production was recorded
at 4,887 barrels by POL on a daily basis last week, 12,154 barrels by PPL, 32,494 barrels by
OGDCL and 1,061 barrels by Mari Gas. Moreover, the POL’s gas production was 64 mmcfd,
647 mmcfd by PPL, 701 mmcfd by OGDCL and 944 mmcfd by Mari.


Experts welcome
Sindh's move to establish
power regulatory authority
Wind corridor in Sindh has potential to
generate up to 100,000 MW clean energy
M. Naeem Qureshi able to accelerate the completion of small power project showing a lack of capacity.
generation projects but this wouldn’t change Ahmed said the agonising issues of the

much in terms of the bigger issues of the energy power consumers in the rural areas like hours-
he relevant energy experts have sector. He said that as per the existing scheme long power supply disruptions during peak
welcomed the move of the Sindh of things in the energy sector no matter how summers wouldn’t be changed much if the two
government to establish a provincial much legislation and innovation a province ad- DISCOs in Sindh were acquired by the provin-
electric power regulatory author- opted it couldn’t deal with the issues related to cial government.
ity and acquire two public sector National Transmission and Dispatch Company. He said that instead of privatising DIS-
power distribution companies (DISCOs) in the He advised the concerned provincial COs, the same being acquired by the provinces
province while warning that the relevant pro- authorities to sit and hold talks with the federal meant that the portion of the circular debt
vincial authorities have to do much hard work government if they wanted that renewable ener- relevant to them would just be parked with the
involving massive investment to provide relief to gy projects in Sindh were built at an accelerated provincial governments.
the power consumers in Sindh. pace in the best interest of the power consumers. Yousuf Saeed, head of research at a broker-
The relevant experts expressed the Establishing a power sector regulator in Sindh age house, believed that setting up a provincial
unanimous view that the issues of the energy doesn’t change much the scenario in this regard, power sector regulator seemed a good idea but
sector are far too chronic, requiring massive he said. The senior energy expert was of the one should keep in mind that at present, NEPRA
financial input to resolve them, as just the move view that much of the service-related issues of dealt with each and every aspect of the power
to acquire two DISCOs and establish a provin- the two DISCOs in Sindh causing problems sector. While the proposed SEPRA wouldn’t
cial power regulatory agency wouldn’t resolve to their consumers wouldn’t be changed if the be able to do anything about affairs related to
them immediately. They, however, admitted provincial government acquired these two transmission and distribution systems as these
that a province setting up its own power sector companies. Irfan Ahmed, a clean energy expert aspect rest within the federal domain.
regulator is in accordance with the concept of who recently served on the board of Hyderabad He said that as per the studies conducted
provincial autonomy given in the 18th Constitu- Electric Supply Company, said he foresaw the by the World Bank, the efficiency of the power
tional Amendment. But such a move could only biggest benefit of establishing the proposed SE- sector would surely be improved if the province
prove to be a beneficial step if the provincial PRA would be for the pending renewable energy established their own such entities. But one
government beforehand builds its own capacity projects in the province. has to keep in mind that it is going to be a very
to tackle the energy sector issues. “Renewable energy is a distributed energy hard task as it involves never-ending issues like
They suggested that the Sindh govern- resource as it should best be dealt with in a circular debt whose responsibility lies with the
ment would first resolve its inherent capacity localised manner as this area needs interventions federal government, he added.
issues in handling affairs related to the public by the province like setting up SEPRA,” he said. Usama Qureshi, another energy sector ex-
sector governance before implementing its He said that the wind corridor in pert who served at K-Electric in a key position,
decision to establish more provincially owned Sindh had the potential of generating up to however, said that establishing the SEPRA was
entities in the energy sector. 100,000MW of clean electricity as merely two a step in the right direction as the authorities
Akhtar Ali, who served as a Member Ener- per cent of this massive renewable resource had sitting in Islamabad didn’t have the capacity to
gy of the Planning Commission of Pakistan, said been tapped so far. Then Sindh has also ideal manage the power sector in the entire country.
that the move to establish the proposed Sindh conditions for massive electricity generation Every province has its own needs and by estab-
Electric Power Regulatory Authority (SEPRA) through solar power as establishing SEPRA is a lishing such entities every provincial government
could only prove to be successful if the entire step in the right direction in this regard. would be in a position to manage the power
energy sector was devolved to the province in “But the main issue is that establishing sector within its domain and provide due relief
line with the 18th Amendment. SEPRA means Sindh is going to acquire just to the electricity consumers, he said.
He said the bulk purchaser of electrici- one per cent of the space in the energy sector as “Given my experience in the energy sector,
ty would still be a federal agency if the Sindh the rest 99 per cent will remain with the federal it is my firm suggestion that other provinces
government went ahead with the move as the government as is the case now,” he said. should also establish such regulators in line
proposed SEPRA wouldn’t have any authority to He said that the Sindh government had with the 18th Amendment while in the next
regulate the affairs in this domain. earlier established its own transmission and step, the provincial governments should be
He, however, was hopeful that after estab- dispatch company, but it didn’t go beyond laying made in charge of the DISCOs in their respective
lishing SEPRA, the Sindh government would be a transmission line for the Nooriabad power domains,” said Qureshi.

Adil Farooq Qureshi, CFO of Attock Gen Limited,
said that as far as the legality of this issue was concerned,
the move was very much okay as the provinces were
empowered to establish such entities after the devolution

of the subject of energy as per the 18th Constitutional
Amendment. But practically speaking, this move would
further complicate things in the power sector due to the

expected to
involvement of so many regulators and entities all over
Pakistan, whereas the federal power purchasing agency
is also rolling out the CTBCM (Competitive Trading

grow steadily
Bilateral Contracts Market) regime at the same time in the
He said that this move of the Sindh government

by 2030
would also affect the sale and purchase of power between
the provinces as other provincial governments still didn’t
have any such regulator of their own. But overall it is a
good move towards decentralization and devolution of
the power sector to the provinces as other provincial
governments should also adopt it to bring efficiency in the
power sector and to protect the legitimate interests of the
consumers, he added.
Sindh Energy Minister, Imtiaz Ahmed Sheikh, while
recently participating via video-link in a meeting chaired
by Defence Minister Khawaja Asif on the issue of handing
over DISCOs to the provinces said the move to hand over
two distribution companies to the Sindh government
would ensure the provision of much-needed relief to the
power consumers in the province.
He said the proposed move would improve the
electricity distribution system, and reduce the power
cuts, while there would also be a phenomenal reduction in CPEC, other projects likely to
electricity tariff for the end-consumers in Sindh.
A recent letter sent by Sindh Energy Minister to
Federal Power Minister, Khurram Dastgir, mentioned that
be productive by this time
the studies conducted by the World Bank had revealed Mustafa Tahir stan's technology sector is projected to
that after a little upgrading of the transmission and dis- grow significantly, with more invest-

tribution networks, 6765 MWs of solar and wind energy ment in research and development, and
could be supplied from the renewable energy projects t is difficult to predict the exact increased digitalization across various
to be established in Sindh till 2025 while same genera- state of Pakistan's economy in 2030, industries. This growth is expected to
tion could be enhanced to 10035 MWs till 2030. Sheikh as economic growth is influenced by create new jobs, improve productivity,
mentioned that cases of proposed wind energy projects various factors, including political and enhance competitiveness.
of cumulative 1875MW generation capacity and solar stability, social and economic pol- Energy Security: Pakistan is expect-
power projects of 1400MWs capacity in Sindh had been icies, global economic trends, and tech- ed to continue to face energy shortages,
pending as they were yet to be granted approval by the nological advancements. However, based which could hamper economic growth.
federal authorities under the competitive bidding regime. on current trends and projections, here However, the government has launched
He lamented that the federally owned Alternative Energy are some possible scenarios for Pakistan's various initiatives to promote renewable
Development Board recently approved just one out of the economy in 2030: energy, including solar and wind power,
proposed 25 solar projects in Sindh for inclusion in the Economic Growth: Pakistan's which are expected to reduce the coun-
competitive bidding regime. The Sindh Energy Minister economy is projected to continue to grow try's reliance on fossil fuels and enhance
also assured the concerned employees of the power sector steadily, with a projected GDP growth energy security.
that the provincial government wouldn’t resort to down- rate of around 5% to 6% per year. This Demographic Trends: Pakistan's
sizing after acquiring the two DISCOs despite that they growth is driven by increased investment, population is projected to continue to
had been facing significant losses. higher productivity, and expanding grow, with a projected population of
He said that two DISCOs had been facing annual industries, such as agriculture, manu- around 260 million by 2030. This growth
losses of up to 48 per cent as no business could survive facturing, and services. Infrastructure is expected to create new opportunities,
with such a massive deficit. He said the Sindh government Development: The Pakistani govern- but also pose challenges in terms of edu-
had been minutely scrutinizing the financial affairs of ment has launched various initiatives cation, health, and employment.
the two companies before acquiring them as the annual to improve infrastructure development, Overall, Pakistan's economy is
balance sheets of the DISCOs presented a bleak picture including the China-Pakistan Economic expected to continue to grow steadily by
of the power sector. He said that certain tough measures Corridor (CPEC), which aims to enhance 2030, driven by infrastructure develop-
had to be taken for preventing power theft in the province transportation, energy, and telecommu- ment, technology advancements, and
in order to ensure uninterrupted electric supply to the nications infrastructure. By 2030, these expanding industries. However, the
consumers of the two DISCOs. initiatives are expected to result in better country also faces challenges, including
Sheikh hinted that the mode of public-private connectivity, enhanced logistics, and more energy security and demographic trends,
partnership could be adopted by the Sindh government to investment opportunities. which will need to be addressed to ensure
successfully operate these companies. n Technology Advancements: Paki- sustainable economic growth.


Energy efficiency and

conservation initiatives
buying induction cookers for cooking but can- for studies and consulting work. Earlier, the
Syed Akhtar Ali
not imagine the low-income group doing so. loan amount was half of this – $150 million.

For higher-income groups, the options The history of assistance projects in the
wo news have been reported in are many such as induction cookers as men- energy sector has not been very successful.
newspapers recently – World tioned earlier, inverter ACs for cooling and USAID spent $80 million in the 1980s and
Bank’s support for energy heating, roof-top solar and solar water heaters. onwards. The project helped install Enercon.
conservation in Pakistan, and Inverter ACs are mostly used for cooling However, not much could be achieved,
the government’s drive to shift and many owners of ACs continue using gas although many studies and paperwork were
consumption from gas to electricity. The issues heaters, although inverter ACs are a clean and done. Partly, energy prices and availability
have a commonality and deserve discussion good source of heat as well. Perhaps people issues were not as severe then as these are
and suggestions. want options. Comparative prices may incen- now. And the associated technologies were not
Shifting gas consumption to electricity tivise the shift. available; things like LED, solar, energy-effi-
may have been motivated by the continuous de- There are two options that have been cient fans, EVs, etc.
cline in gas reserves and supplies. New gas finds largely neglected by the government and inter- It is hoped that the World Bank will act
have not been there. There is despondency in national donors – roof-top solar water heaters as a hard task monitor in doling out money.
the gas sector partly due to law and order issues (RTSWH) and biogas/ bio-CNG. Resources should be directed to end-users
in the potential gas deposit-containing areas. Private sector and individual users have than intermediaries.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply been installing RTSWH on their own. China The situation is really bad, particularly
was not there as well due to the international and Turkey have substantial installation of the inefficient building sector, although wall,
situation, where prices have been unstable and these devices. These are imported from China roof and window insulation technology is
increased to unaffordable levels. and can be locally manufactured. Lack of available for several decades now.
The assumption in substituting gas with after-sales support has discouraged expansion Posh building areas and designs have
electricity is that local energy sources like of demand for this equipment. evolved tremendously but with hardly any
solar, wind, hydro and Thar coal, which are Gas heaters may literally be banned if move towards energy conservation. Imagine
cheaper and abundant, would be used in gener- sufficient support is not given by the govern- if building insulation was adopted by the
ating electricity. And if at all, combined-cycle ment, Neeca and possibly financial sector. It building sector, so many houses and buildings
gas-fired power plants would be used, which costs under Rs100,000 and cheaper credit may would have opted for it. Similarly, one gets
are efficient and produce cheaper electricity boost its expansion. sad seeing diesel engines driving agricultural
than others. Similarly, bio-CNG has been neglected. pumps in an age where solar PV has become so
On the user side, in the industrial sector, Electric vehicles (EVs) may take time to get affordable and reliable.
the prospects for the conversion popularised. CNG stations are already there For- tunately, the government
of thermal users to and many vehicles already converted. Natural has already launched
electricity are gas and LNG are currently used in vehicles. an initiative in
much lesser CNG use has gone down due to irregular solar area.
as gas may availability. Bio-CNG can increase CNG avail- Cheap
continue ability and save natural gas supplies. An ex- credit
to be the ample for supporting this argument is that made
efficient India plans to install 5,000 bio-CNG plants avail-
source in the next five years. One bio-CNG plant able
for ther- can provide gas to several CNG stations. through
mal ap- Similarly, biogas use in rural house- the
plications. holds can be promoted. Plastic cylinder biogas World
In the case producers have been developed which are Bank
of household handy, easy to install and much cheaper than project
users, the rich and the classical earthen ones. may be very
well-to-do may helpful. World
be able to shift to World Bank’s energy Bank resources
electricity much conservation project would be better
more easily than The World Bank has offered a $300 million utilised if inter-
the lower-income loan to Pakistan for energy conservation, out of est rate subsidy
group. which there is grant assistance of $15 million cost is provided
Electrical to local banks
appliances are and leasing
expensive. One agencies. n
may think of the
high-income group


Population and climate change

Growing inequality and pervasive poverty further deepen
Ali Tauqeer Sheikh tion growth have remained the strongest drivers unless twinned with regenerating ecosystems.
of carbon emissions. The Sixth Assessment Population planning can help boost resilience

Report of IPCC, released in 2022, has specifical- and the effectiveness of other interventions.
rowing inequality and pervasive ly identified high population growth as a “key Above all, a robust population policy can
poverty further lock countries impediment” to reaching the critical target of empower people, especially women, and help
into the cycle of higher popula- limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius improve lives that can make other actions far
tion growth rates and increasing above pre-industrial levels. Research examining more effective.
climate vulnerabilities. Some the effects of different population projections Further, temperature rises will adversely
recent studies have inverted this proposition: on economic growth and energy use shows impact everyone, as every additional person
without reducing social and economic inequal- that reining in population growth and reducing increases carbon emissions — albeit the rich
ities, the population growth rate cannot be reliance on fossil fuels can significantly decrease far more than the poor. It will also increase the
slowed down nor can climate vulnerabilities greenhouse gas emissions. Incorporating various number of climate change victims, with the poor
be reduced. Climate justice, therefore, rests on population projections in climate models shows far exceeding the rich. A recent Oxfam study
inclusion and equity in order to manage the that higher population growth rates lead to based on a survey of 125 billionaires has found
population growth rate, demographic trends, higher carbon emissions. that each billionaire was responsible for the
and the sustainability of economic growth — It has been projected that slower popu- annual emission of about three million metric
besides achieving net zero emissions. lation growth could lower emissions from 2.5 tons of CO2; ie, over a million times the amount
Dennis Meadows’ The Limits to Growth, billion tons to 1.6 billion tons per year by 2050. emitted by 90 per cent of the people. The report
released in 1972 by the Club of Rome, instantly It has also been argued that by 2100, these also estimated that 50pc-70pc of their emissions
became a controversial and influential book in reductions could possibly reduce emissions by stemmed from their investments in 183 corpo-
environmentalism. Based on systems thinking, 37-41 per cent; it would also cost considerably rations, with a combined corporate equity value
it drew attention to population and economic less than the technological investments required of $2.4 trillion. The study posits that “extreme
growth as the twin global challenges to sustain- to combat climate change. inequality and wealth concentration undermine
ability. By integrating five elements — popu- Reducing the population growth rate the ability of humanity to stop climate break-
lation, consumption of non-renewable natural alone will not solve the climate problem. down”.
resources, food production, industrialisation Yet, it must also be recognised that the Building on the legacy of Limits to
and pollution — the book argued that human- population growth rate is only one of multiple Growth, the Club of Rome and several Europe-
kind was exceeding Earth’s carrying capacity. It drivers: reducing the growth rate alone will not an think tanks have developed an intricate mod-
espoused a neo-Malthusian agenda of limiting solve the climate problem. Multiple factors con- el, ‘Earth4All’, to explore two possible scenarios
population growth and promoting sustainable tribute to climatic changes, and multiple actions this century. These combine environmental,
economic development for life on the planet are needed to address them. In other words, economic and social factors, including food
beyond 2100. even if Pakistan were to become a net-zero production, income, taxes, energy and inequali-
Since then, per capita GDP and popula- emitter, it would not become climate-secure ty. First, there is the ‘too little too late’ scenario

that represents the current incremental
changes. Second is the ‘giant leap’ scenario,
indicating a global population drop to 6bn
from the UN-projected 11.2bn if sustained
investments are made in education and
healthcare, along with transformative
policy changes in food and energy security,
inequality and gender equity.
With China, India and Bangladesh
effectively curbing their population curves,
attention is shifting towards Pakistan, a
country of an estimated 487m by 2100. As
Afghanistan and Pakistan are holding the
world hostage on polio, Pakistan may be-
come the ultimate road-blocker on curbing

Power sector needs

the global population growth rate.
Fifty years after Limits to Growth
was printed, Pakistan has emerged as a

drastic reforms
textbook case on all five elements that
were at the heart of the study. The popu-
lation has increased four times from 62m
in 1972 to 234m today. The rate of return
Mustafa Tahir energy sources makes Pakistan vulnerable to
on agricultural inputs has been declining,

price fluctuations in the global energy market.
making several crops less viable. Plateauing
akistan faces various energy issues Furthermore, the country's energy sector
soil productivity, loss of nutritional yield
including electricity shortages, high suffers from a lack of investment in renewable
value and depletion of groundwater, forests
fuel costs, and a heavy reliance on energy sources, such as wind and solar power.
and other resources have adversely affected
imported energy. These issues have While Pakistan has enormous potential for
the physical environment, eroded the car-
significant impacts on the country's renewable energy, only a small percentage of its
rying capacity of ecosystems and increased
economy, social development, and quality of life. energy comes from these sources.
exposure to climate-induced disasters. It
One of the major challenges Pakistan faces To address these energy issues, Paki-
has also accelerated outward migration to
presently is a shortfall in electricity production stan has launched various initiatives aimed at
cities, making Pakistan the most urbanised
that has led to massive power load shedding. increasing energy production, diversifying the
country in South Asia.
This situation is due to various factors including energy mix, and promoting the use of renewable
Finally, urbanisation and migration
the use of imported fuel, outdated infrastruc- energy. These initiatives include the develop-
are the key drivers of Pakistan’s population
ture, insufficient investment in the energy ment of new power plants, the construction of
dynamics and are central to discussions
sector, dollar value hike, and a lack of diversity renewable energy projects, and the implementa-
on climate risks, especially in the context
in energy sources. tion of energy conservation measures, but major
of migration to urban and peri-urban
Additionally, Pakistan's energy mix is challenges still remain. There is a need to make
areas. People migrate to unwelcoming and
heavily reliant on imported fossil fuels, such as more investments in the energy sector and bring
ill-prepared urban centres like Karachi,
oil and gas, which make up over 70% of its ener- drastic policy reforms to address Pakistan's
where they can only afford low-lying,
gy consumption. This dependence on imported energy issues in the long term. n
flood-prone and marginal land, thus
increasing their exposure to urban climate
change risks. It is estimated that in Kara-
chi, 64pc of the population lives in informal
The deficient provision of basic
services weakens their capacity to adapt to
climate change, resulting in victim-blam-
ing of the poor since internally displaced
migrants have a higher carbon footprint in
an urban setting than they had in the rural
areas before they migrated. Once in cities,
their resilience level diminishes as they
have fewer resources to cope with the ad-
verse impacts of climate-induced hazards.
The ‘giant leap’ scenario of
‘Earth4All’ has lent support to voices from
the Global South calling for cancellation of
debt, reducing world inequality by raising
carbon taxes on richer people and corpora-
tions, and decreasing hunger and poverty
by respecting the carrying capacity of our
ecosystems. The first step, as always, is
preparing for equitable local governance. n
The writer is an expert on climate
change and development.

becomes premier
provider of renewable
energy solutions
Sohaib Asif Sipra
Vice President at Energy & IOT
Solutions at Wateen Telecom Ltd

says our comany is wholeheartedly

dedicated to the vision of
incorporating 30% renewable
energy into national grid

M. Naeem Qureshi

Sohaib Asif Sipra is a highly respected figure in the
renewable energy sector, with an impressive track re-
cord of over 18 years in sales and operations. He has
gained extensive experience through his valuable
contributions to both public and private organi-

Education and Professional

Sohaib's educational journey has been marked by
remarkable achievements. He earned his MPhil in TQM
(Total Quality Management) from Punjab University and a Bache-
lor's (Hons) degree in Agriculture from the prestigious University
of Agriculture Faisalabad. To further enhance his expertise, he
pursued numerous training opportunities on renewable energy
in Germany, China, and Nepal, adding a global perspective to his
Presently, Sohaib holds the esteemed position of Vice
President at Energy & IOT Solutions at Wateen Telecom
Ltd. Within this role, he spearheads the strategic planning,
development, and implementation of renewable energy and
IOT solutions not only in Pakistan but also at the interna-
tional level.

Past Professional Roles:
Prior to his tenure at Wateen, Sohaib gained
extensive experience through his roles in dis-
tinguished organizations. Here are his notable
accomplishments in each role:

1. SkyElectric Pvt. Ltd.

Served as Regional Director for a duration of
four and a half years.

2. REON Energy
Senior Manager of Sales for Solar and Business
Unit Head for Bioenergy for nearly five years.

3. Pakistan Dairy Development,

Ministry of Special Initiatives, Govt
of Pakistan
Served for five years as Team Lead on various

Q. What inspired you to pursue a

career in the energy industry, and
how did you get started in this field?
Ans: During my tenure at Pakistan Dairy, we
embarked on several transformative projects Working in the renewable energy sector and eco-friendly savings to our customers, we
aimed at revolutionizing the dairy sector in brings me immense satisfaction, as it allows collaborate closely with world-leading OEMs
Pakistan. Our initiatives focused on technology me to, directly and indirectly, serve humanity (Original Equipment Manufacturers) to deliver
transfer, facilitated by foreign dairy experts, while safeguarding the environment for future top-quality equipment, services, and compre-
and encompassed the establishment of model generations. To those contemplating a career hensive after-sales support.
dairy farms, the development of cold chains in renewable energy, I would encourage them
through the installation of milk chillers, biogas by saying, "If you possess a deep commitment Q. How do you see the energy
utilization, and capacity building. Our overar- to environmental sustainability and a genuine industry evolving in the next decade,
ching objective was to enhance productivity desire to make a positive impact on the planet, and what steps is Wateen Energy
within the dairy sector by introducing modern a career in renewable energy could be an ideal taking to stay ahead of the curve?
farm management techniques, strengthening choice for you." Ans: Pakistan is currently grappling with
the dairy value chain, improving processing challenges related to its energy mix, largely due
capabilities, and offering high-quality and Q. Can you tell us about Wateen to heavy thermal power generation depen-
affordable dairy products to consumers. Energy's mission and vision, and how dence on imported fuels like coal. This reliance
One significant project that captured my it aligns with the broader goals of the has adverse effects on the economy. The energy
attention was the implementation of domestic energy industry? sector in Pakistan suffers from an inefficient
biogas plants, which we commenced in 2008. Ans: Wateen Telecom stands at the fore- energy mix, prompting the government to
Prior to launching the project, we conducted front of Pakistan's ICT industry, boasting a set targets of introducing 20% renewable
extensive research on plant design and sought diverse clientele spanning various sectors. As energy by 2025 and 30% by 2030. In the past
guidance from Nepalese experts who intro- a trailblazer in the telecommunications field, five years, electricity prices in Pakistan have
duced us to the successful Nepalese GCC Wateen takes immense pride in establishing seen a significant rise of nearly 70%, with this
model of biogas plants. Among all the projects robust connectivity across Pakistan through upward trend expected to continue due to the
undertaken by Pakistan Dairy, the biogas initia- its rapidly expanding fiber-optic network. By inefficiencies in the current energy mix.
tive stood out as the most fruitful. We success- introducing cutting-edge solutions, software, Wateen is wholeheartedly dedicated
fully installed multiple biogas plants for various cybersecurity measures, and energy solutions, to the vision of incorporating 30% renewable
purposes, including water pumping, electricity Wateen is reshaping the communication tech- energy into the national grid. Pakistan boasts
generation, and land fertility enhancement. nology landscape in the country. Supported by an estimated solar potential exceeding 100
The launch and success of the biogas the Dhabi Group, Wateen aspires to propel Pa- GW. The increasing cost of electricity, which
project sparked my passion for the renewable kistan into a digitally advanced nation, capable has nearly doubled or tripled in the past
energy industry. It became evident to me that of serving as a regional communication hub. five years, primarily drives the solar market.
this sector is rapidly expanding globally and is In today's world, the urgency for sus- Moreover, adjustments in fuel prices further
poised for continued growth in the years and tainable energy solutions has reached new escalate overall costs, making the business case
decades ahead. Many countries are adopt- heights. This is where Wateen Energy emerges for renewable energy increasingly favorable. As
ing policies to expedite the transition to a as Pakistan's premier provider of renewable Pakistan heavily relies on imported fuels like
low-carbon economy, opening up substantial energy solutions. Our mission is to deliver oil, gas, and coal for electricity production, we
employment opportunities in the renewable reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable energy remain susceptible to fluctuating prices be-
energy field. Eager to further my career in this solutions that contribute to creating a better yond our control. Despite the impact of Covid,
domain, I proactively participated in training future for generations to come. Our highly the renewable energy market continues to
programs held in China, Nepal, and Germany skilled team of professionals works tirelessly to experience exponential growth year-on-year.
to facilitate technology transfer and broaden ensure that every installation meets the highest Among all energy sources, solar systems offer
my knowledge. quality standards. By providing hassle-free the most cost-effective levelized cost of energy.

Within the telecom sector, high electric-
ity prices pose significant concerns in terms
of operational expenses, negatively impacting
profitability. Pakistan possesses vast potential
for solar, wind, and bioenergy, with abundant
resources and ample room for growth. In the
current industry landscape, renewable power
sources provide a cost-effective, reliable,
and efficient solution. This solution benefits
various sectors, including enterprises, small
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and
consumers alike.
Wateen's sustainable energy initiatives
not only contribute to a more stable power sup-
ply but also play a crucial role in bolstering the
economy. These initiatives attract cost-effective
investments and create opportunities for prof- costs, heavy reliance on fossil fuels, mount- tices. The presence of seasonal players in the
itability and growth, fostering the development ing import bills and circular debt, harmful market has a detrimental impact on the sector
of underdeveloped regions in the future. emissions, system and process bottlenecks, and should be addressed.
electricity theft, financial constraints, low By implementing these measures, along-
Q. How does Wateen Energy awareness and education regarding appropri- side others, the solar industry in Pakistan can
prioritize sustainability and ate equipment and products, technical com- effectively overcome its challenges and estab-
environmental responsibility in plexities, and grid limitations due to an aging lish itself as a viable alternative to conventional
its operations, and what specific and inefficient distribution network. energy sources. This will contribute to provid-
initiatives has the company At Wateen, we closely monitor these ing clean and affordable energy to households
undertaken in this regard? challenges and are actively engaged in address- and businesses across the country.
Ans: The energy solutions market experiences ing them through the following strategies:
a surge in demand driven by soaring tariffs and Policy reforms: We firmly believe that Q. Can you tell us about any notable
the attractive benefits of tax incentives and the government of Pakistan holds a pivotal achievements or milestones that
financing options. Leveraging its extensive role in fostering favorable policies such as net Wateen Energy has reached in recent
network, Wateen possesses the capability to ef- metering (for 1MW and above), feed-in-tar- years, and what you attribute these
ficiently provide green and highly efficient solar iffs, and tax incentives. Such measures would successes to?
energy solutions to a diverse range of customers. stimulate investments in the solar industry and Ans: Wateen, a leading provider of ICT and
In Pakistan, a significant portion of the promote its overall growth. energy solutions in Pakistan, actively contrib-
energy supply heavily relies on fossil fuel-based Awareness campaigns: Stakeholders utes to the promotion of sustainable energy
power plants, leading to a severe energy crisis within the solar industry can take the lead in practices in underdeveloped regions of the
within the country. To overcome this crisis, launching awareness campaigns to educate country. Our noteworthy achievements include
there is an increasing urgency to explore the public about the benefits of solar energy the successful completion of over 15 projects
renewable energy resources. Recognizing this and guide them in making informed decisions spanning across Pakistan, from Karachi to
need, the energy division was established last about the right equipment and solutions. By the northernmost areas. These projects have
year, marking Pakistan's transition toward increasing awareness, we can generate greater yielded tangible benefits such as improved
more sustainable energy sources while demand for solar energy and expand the mar- business operations, cost-effectiveness, and the
leveraging its indigenous resources. With a ket for the industry. emergence of new opportunities for entrepre-
widespread presence in over 240 cities across Capacity building: Both the government neurship and economic growth. The imple-
Pakistan, Wateen is excellently positioned to and private sector can focus on enhancing the mentation of Wateen's solar energy solutions
deliver solar and other renewable energy-based capacity of local solar industry players through has brought about a positive transformation in
solutions to customers spanning the enter- comprehensive technical and vocational underdeveloped regions of Pakistan.
prise, SME, carrier, and consumer segments. training programs. This will elevate the quality Looking ahead, Wateen Energy has
Despite facing challenges such as import of solar installations, boost productivity, and ambitious plans to expand its solar operations
restrictions, Wateen has achieved significant reduce overall costs. to more remote areas throughout the country.
success by securing over 6MW projects since Access to financing: Collaborative efforts Our aim is to empower small, medium, and
last year. We remain dedicated to introducing between the government and private sector can large enterprises to operate efficiently while
cutting-edge solutions across all sectors, and foster the development of innovative financing fostering sustainable business practices. We
by incorporating the Internet of Things (IoT), approaches, providing affordable credit facili- take pride in tailoring our offerings to meet the
our goal is to provide our customers with the ties to solar industry players. This will facilitate specific requirements of each client, providing
most efficient and advanced solutions available industry growth by ensuring adequate capital a wide range of products and services. Through
in the market. for projects. Additionally, the reactivation of strategic partnerships with global technology
the green financing scheme, which has been giants, we ensure the delivery of cutting-edge
Q. Can you speak about some of the on hold since last year, is crucial and should be products without compromising on quality.
biggest challenges facing the energy made easily accessible across all sectors. Our experienced team meticulously plans and
industry today, and how Wateen Improved regulation and enforcement: oversees end-to-end installations, customized
Energy is working to address these The government should prioritize the enforce- to suit the unique needs of each organization.
challenges? ment of existing regulations governing the With advanced design tools and a robust
Ans: In our assessment, the energy sector in solar industry. This will ensure the delivery of 24/7 after-sales support infrastructure, we
Pakistan confronts several daunting challeng- high-quality installations and services while guarantee optimum performance and deliver
es, including limited capacity, high generation protecting consumers from fraudulent prac- value-added services to our clients. n


19KW mini-grids have

transformed lives of people
Solar EU Report the period from 2022 to 2027, with Net
Metering-Based Solar Installations and Power

grids I
Generation growing by 102% and 108% re-
ndus Earth Trust (IET), an organisation spectively,” said a KTrade Securities analyst.
promoting green energy, has provided A World Bank study in 2020 urged Pa-
a life-changing solution for residents of kistan to urgently expand solar and wind “to
Ishaq Jokio, a small settlement in the at least 30% of electricity generation capacity
Sindh province of Pakistan. by 2030, equivalent to around 24,000 MW.”

The 19-kilowatt mini-grids powered This provides huge opportunities for growth
by solar energy have transformed the lives as currently, as of December 2022, Pakistan’s
of people, who have been accustomed to en- total domestic installed power capacity is
during long hours of power cuts during peak 43,775 MW, of which photovoltaic installed
consumption in summer. capacity is 630 MW, accounting for about

“Villages were selected according to a 1.4% only.
needs assessment survey, while the villagers China’s efforts are also reaching
provided the land where the 19-kilowatt millions of households in remote areas in the
mini-grids were installed. In this hamlet ca- form of micro-power plants. Out of the $144
ressed by the sea breeze from the Arabian Sea, million foreign investment in PV plants in Pa-

panels bred prosperity,” reported the China kistan, $125 million is from China, accounting
Economic Net. for nearly 87% of the total.
According to the State of Industry “Pakistan and China are a perfect
reports from the National Electric Power Reg- match for collaboration on renewable energy
ulatory Authority (NEPRA), homes consume (solar PV) as China is a globally known giant

50% of the total electricity delivered, and when it comes to renewable energy technol-
this demand is largely driven by cooling and ogy, while Pakistan needs to move away from
lighting. The demand is estimated to increase thermal to renewable for power generation,”
from 106 terawatt-hour (TWh) in 2020 to 234 stated a KTrade Securities solar PV industry
TWh in 2030, representing a 121% increase report.
due to the rise in temperatures from climate Recently, the Pakistan Solar Associ-
change. ation (PSA) sent an official letter adjuring
Pakistan’s energy problems have been the federal government to ask SBP and other
exacerbated manifold by the Russia-Ukraine commercial banks to help in the solar imports
conflict and the global supply crisis. Paki- through an annual limit of USD 800 million
stan’s fuel import bill surged to $23 billion in at a time when Pakistan is facing a renewable
FY2021-22, a 105% increase from the previous energy sector that is growing rapidly. The let-
financial year. The country’s per capita annual ter also urged the government to take steps to
electricity consumption of 644 kilowatt-hour promote local manufacturing of solar panels
(kWh) is among the lowest in the world, to reduce reliance on imports and create job
which is only 18% of the world average, 7% of opportunities for the local population.
the developed countries’ average. The success of the Indus Earth Trust
However, Pakistan’s efforts to embrace project in Ishaq Jokio serves as a testament to
photovoltaics at all levels have started to pay the potential of renewable energy in Pakistan.
off. Pakistan imported about $1.2 billion in With the increasing demand for electricity
photovoltaic modules in the last fiscal year, and the urgent need to address the impacts
and in 2022, China’s photovoltaic module of climate change, the adoption of renewable
exports to Pakistan reached approximately energy sources such as solar and wind power
$870 million, with a total installed capacity is becoming more critical than ever.
of 3.2GW, a year-on-year increase of 54% and By embracing green energy, Pakistan
37%, respectively, said Liu Yiyang, Deputy can not only meet its energy demands sustain-
Secretary-General and Press Spokesperson ably but also reduce its dependence on fossil
of China Photovoltaic Industry Association fuels, mitigate the impacts of climate change,
(CPIA). The Pakistan Solar Association (PSA) and create new job opportunities. The journey
forecasted that the country’s import demand towards a greener future may be challenging,
for photovoltaic products this year will be but with organisations like the Indus Earth
around $1.8 billion. Trust and the support of the government and
“Pakistan’s Solar Energy Market is the private sector, Pakistan is on the path to a
expected to record a CAGR of 2.5% during brighter and more sustainable future. n


Pakistan-German Renewable Energy Forum organized a

study tour to Berlin for Pakistani professionals working
on smart city topics and renewable energy
(mobility, sustainable city planning and decarbonization)

EU Report

15-member delegation from Pa-
kistan comprising professionals,
Details of activities
academics, senior public officials
and NGOs in the urban planning
Key activities under the Study Tour Berlin 2023:
and mobility sector was hosted in
• Urban Tech Republic Tegel Airport & visits: The delegation visited and experienced
Berlin for a week-long study tour. The delega-
the presentation of the innovative community at Urban Tech Republic which brings
tion attended the Berlin Energy Transition Dia-
innovative solutions for designing sustainable cities of the future.
logue 2023, an international high-level political
event at the German Federal Foreign Office,
• Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue: The members were able to listen to experts and
along with the Urban Innovation Forum.
policymakers from around the world explaining the actual challenges and opportunities
Additionally, there were multiple meet-
in the global energy transition.
ings with the German private sector for match-
making and cooperation in EV storage technol-
• BSR (Berlin waste management company) Biogas visit: A site visit with a thorough
ogies, concentrated solar thermal technologies
walkthrough of the BSR biogas and waste-to-energy plant to understand the potential
for industrial process heat in Pakistan’s textile
of this resource in Pakistan. BSR collects organic waste from all residential and com-
sector as well as meetings with large solar de-
mercial establishments in Berlin and produces biogas from this waste. This gas is then
velopers for utility-scale project development.
supplied to the natural gas grid while also fueling the plant’s own collection fleet.
Some site visits for demonstration and inspira-
tion included a tour of the BSR (Berlin waste
• Urban Innovation Forum: An event full of leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs where
management company) biogas and waste to
Pakistani members were able to network and engage in meaningful discourse.
energy plant, the European Renewable Energy
Forum (EUREF) Campus, the Berlin Energy
• The European Renewable Energy Forum (EUREF) Campus: The delegation went on a
Agency (BEA) and the Urban Tech Republic at
tour around the installations of the campus learning about its history and participating
the former Tegel Airport in Berlin.
in the GASAG workshop, discovering the implementation of the energy transition.
The participants were given presen-
tations and walk-throughs of the ongoing
• BMZ: An inspiring meeting with Antonia Peters, where topics about cooperation in
work for energy transition and sustainable
Public Transport, and climate action, among others were discussed.
urban mobility in Berlin. The Alternate Energy
Development Board was also able to use BETD
to present the Pakistani government’s Solar The study tour is expected to result in decarbonization, and academic collaboration
Initiative to German Solar-PV developers and multiple new avenues for cooperation between between universities in the two countries for
associations. AEDB will also be promoting the Pakistan and Germany’s energy and mobil- technical energy education in Pakistan.
Pakistani Solar Initiative at Intersolar Europe ity sectors in the form of joint B2B ventures For more details, visit:
in Munich in June 2023. for electric mobility, industrial process heat or our LinkedIn Channel


Pakistan blessed with

enormous renewable sources
Wind energy sources could produce 43,000MW power; hydropower sector
has potential of 60GW; Biomass is estimated to generate 50,000 Gwh
per year locally; govt has planned to launch about 14,000MW solar projects
updated National Climate Change Policy, 2021 Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) estimates
Mian Fahad
places a strong emphasis on achieving climate that Pakistan's hydropower sector has a

change mitigation targets through energy potential of 60GW and remains the cheap-
he power sector is the largest efficiency and carbon reduction. est source of energy in the country. Biomass
producer of greenhouse gases in It aims to seek technological advances is estimated to generate 50,000 Gwh/year
Pakistan. Energy demand in the to harness the country's renewable energy locally. Finally, geothermal energy sources are
country is estimated to reach potential and says 60 percent of all energy present in all provinces, which can be used to
108-126 million tons of oil equiv- produced in the country by 2030 will be clean generate electricity, heat, and cool buildings,
alent (TOE) by 2030. Along with increasing through renewable sources, and Pakistan will and provide hot water.
unsustainable energy demand management, no longer follow imported coal-fired power If Pakistan harnesses this untapped
Pakistan's continued dependence on imported plants. potential across key sectors by implementing
fossil fuels and outdated coal technology has In addition, Pakistan's Nationally Deter- exemplary policy reforms in spirit and ex-
impacted the country's energy security and mined Contributions (NDC) 2021, updated, panding RE, massive weaning of growth from
compliance with global energy efficiency and support the government's energy policy conventional energy sources such as fossil
decarbonization requirements. interventions and identified the integration of fuels could add to existing resilience efforts
However, the government's recent move renewable energy sources across key sectors of the climate. Expanding RE will make
towards increasing the country's renewable as a priority area. The updated Renewable En- electricity cheaper, increase energy
energy (RE) consumption capacity represents ergy Policy 2019 focuses more on green energy security and save Pakistan up to $5
a major legislative and policy advance. The and aims to reduce GHG emissions using the billion over the next 20 years,
Kyoto Protocol. according to a World Bank
Pakistan has tremendous potential to report.
meet its growing demand for energy from re- Pakistan's textile
newable sources, including solar, wind, hydro, industry is a key sector
geothermal, and biomass, as these sources that
are widely available in the country. Solar, for
example, is the most attractive alternative
energy solution that has received considerable can
attention recently. massively bene-
The southwestern region of Pakistan fit from the RE
receives the most radiation. "The annual global resources available
horizontal radiation in the Himalayas and in the country by
Karakoram is 2300
kWh/m2, which
is the highest
of any region on Earth."
Wind energy sources have
the potential to produce
43,000MW of electricity. Fur-
thermore, the International

providing green energy. The current net
metering scheme limit for industrial solar

Climate Conference rollout

power systems is 1MW, which should be
expanded to 5MW – “especially when
large-scale manufacturing industry de-
mand is between 1.5MW and 5MW.
This increase has the potential to Summit sets ball rolling for
discussions on finance, loss,
add 5,000MW of solar energy without
any prior investment by the Government
of Albania in the country's energy mix.
In addition, this will enable EOUs to
become competitive in the international
market (with lower energy costs) and
damage and mitigation issues
increase the share of renewable sources Aisha Khan COP28 presidency can set out an
in the total energy mix, as committed to actionable plan

in the updated NDCs of 2021. Moving from Sharm El Sheikh to the UAE and
Further, the government has ith the Copenhagen Climate beyond will require a quantum leap in political
planned to launch about 14,000MW Ministerial and the release will to address multiple issues. High benchmarks
of solar projects, which will not only of the IPCC Synthesis Re- must be set for the oil and gas sector to play a
"reduce the import bill of expensive fuel, port (AR6), the stage is set credible role in flipping investment ratios in
but also help generate cheap and green for negotiations at COP28. favour of renewables over fossils, ending invest-
electricity". These solar systems will be The first major climate summit of the year, hosted ments in new production, and setting net zero
offered at reduced prices and benefit by Denmark and the Egyptian COP27 and UAE transition plans including Scope 3 emissions.
from tax incentives. However, to support COP28 presidencies in March, has set the ball Going into the COP, the presidency must
the industry to improve its energy effi- rolling for discussions on key issues linked to caution against engineered carbon dioxide
ciency in a sustainable and independent finance, loss and damage and mitigation and the removal such as Bio Energy with Carbon Capture
manner, it should be allowed to install its interplay with the Global Stocktake (GST) that and Storage and Direct Air Carbon Capture and
own solar power structures with the ex- will culminate at COP28 in Dubai. Storage as substitutes for deep emission cuts
tension of the solar net metering scheme The period between now and then and how and risk of delaying phase-out of fossil fuels as
from 1 MW to 5 MW. this time is used to steer the process will deter- reliance on these technologies carries major risks
The case on wheels shows that Pa- mine the outcome in December. The key messages of overshoot in emissions. As host and president
kistan needs to move towards free market from the AR6 and how they are leveraged at of the upcoming COP, UAE needs to provide
models with multiple buyers and sellers ministerials and reflected in the GST outcome more clarity on how they are viewing the final
to revitalize the energy sector but also to will play a vital role in identifying the lack of GST outcome, including their vision on a GST
make it transparent. Wheeled transport adequate progress made towards delivering the declaration, a GST decision, a COP28 cover
regulations should include the wheeled Paris Agreement. decision and technical annexes to help set unam-
transport of renewable energy and the as- The AR6 provides clear indication for the biguous expectations. The Petersburg Dialogue
sociated operating cost should be reduced need to respond with accelerated action. This is in July can be used to test core elements of GST
for any industrial off-site installation of the time for defining diplomatic pathways ahead outcomes and build champion groups ready to
renewable energy infrastructure. to ensure that COP28 is ready to course correct. share aligned high ambition expectations at the
These legislative burdens, along The next three years are most likely the last subsidiary bodies. The UN summit can raise the
with the withdrawal of competitive chance for giving meaningful shape to policy for bar on ambition by widening a leader-level cham-
regional energy tariffs, are pushing the defining emissions and resilience pathways this pion group to inject momentum into ministerial
industry into an unexpected financial decade. The COP28 presidency can set out an ac- dialogue from pre-COP to COP28. n
zone where it is operating at lower ca- tionable plan that puts the world on an emergen- The writer is chief executive of Civil
pacity utilization due to working capital cy footing to meet the Paris Agreement goals. Society Coalition for Climate Change.
issues, loss of market competitiveness
internationally, and issues related to raw
In conclusion, the Government
of Pakistan should address the existing
limitations of the solar net metering
scheme, feed-in tariffs, and continue to
offer competitive regional power tariffs
for the industry to regain sustainability
progress and transition to RE. This will
support the industry to make the most
of the country's current RE potential,
reduce dependence on fossil fuels and
increase competitiveness in the global
export market. Otherwise, the govern-
ment's recent NCCPs and NDCs that
place extreme emphasis on RE will be
limited to paper, without implementa-
tion in spirit. n
The writer is eco expert and Country
Head of Growatt, Pakistan

Dr Basharat

akistan is one of the most disas-
ter-prone countries in the world,
with a history of frequent natural
disasters such as floods, earth-
quakes, and droughts. The energy
sector of Pakistan is one of the most vulnerable
sectors to these disasters. The sector includes
generation, transmission, and distribution of
electricity, oil, and gas. Any disruption in the
energy sector can cause significant damage to
the economy and livelihoods of people. There-
fore, it is essential to reduce the disaster risk in
the energy sector of Pakistan.
This article will discuss the disaster risk
reduction measures that can be taken in the
energy sector of Pakistan. The article will cover
the potential risks faced by the sector, the
existing disaster risk reduction policies, and
the measures that need to be taken to reduce
disaster risks.

Potential Risks
Pakistan's energy sector is vulnerable to
various risks, both natural and man-made. The
following are the potential risks faced by the
energy sector of Pakistan:
Natural Disasters: Pakistan is prone to
natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes,
and droughts. These disasters can cause signif-
icant damage to the energy sector, including
power plants, transmission lines, and distribu-
tion networks.
Terrorism: Pakistan is also prone to
terrorist attacks, which can disrupt the energy
sector. Terrorist attacks on gas pipelines, and management of energy facilities can cause comprehensive plan developed by the National
power plants, and transmission lines can cause significant damage to the sector. Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) to
significant damage to the sector. reduce the impact of disasters on the country.
Cyber-Attacks: The energy sector of Existing Disaster Risk Reduction The plan includes measures to reduce disaster
Pakistan is also vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Policies risk in the energy sector, such as the devel-
Cyber-attacks on power plants, transmission Pakistan has developed several disaster risk opment of disaster-resistant infrastructure
lines, and distribution networks can disrupt reduction policies to reduce the impact of di- and the establishment of emergency response
the sector and cause significant damage. sasters on the energy sector. The following are teams.
Human Error: Human error is another the existing disaster risk reduction policies in National Disaster Management Ordi-
potential risk faced by the energy sector of Pakistan: National Disaster Management Plan: nance: The National Disaster Management
Pakistan. Errors in maintenance, operation, The National Disaster Management Plan is a Ordinance provides legal and institutional
arrangements for the prevention and manage- conservation to reduce the impact of disasters reduction.
ment of disasters in Pakistan. The ordinance on the energy sector. Technology advancements: Advance-
includes provisions for the establishment of Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Risk ments in technology can provide new oppor-
disaster management committees, the develop- assessment and mitigation can help reduce the tunities to reduce disaster risk in the energy
ment of disaster risk reduction plans, and the impact of disasters on the energy sector. The sector. Increased public awareness and educa-
allocation of funds for disaster risk reduction sector should conduct a risk assessment to tion: The sector can increase public awareness
measures. identify potential risks and develop a mitiga- and education to reduce disaster risk and build
National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy: tion plan to reduce the impact of disasters. resilience.
The National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
provides a framework for disaster risk reduc- SWOT analysis of disaster Threats: Climate change: The impact of
tion in Pakistan. The policy includes measures risk reduction climate change may increase the frequency and
to reduce disaster risk in the energy sector, severity of natural disasters in Pakistan.
such as the development of disaster-resistant Strengths: Disaster-resistant infrastruc- Political instability: Political instability
infrastructure and the establishment of emer- ture: Pakistan has the potential to build infra- may hinder the sector's ability to implement
gency response teams. structure that can withstand natural disasters disaster risk reduction measures effectively.
such as floods, earthquakes, and cyclones. Lack of coordination: Lack of coordina-
Measures to Reduce Disaster Risk Early warning systems: Pakistan has the tion among stakeholders may hinder the sec-
The following are the measures that need to ability to develop systems that can provide tor's ability to reduce disaster risk effectively.
be taken to reduce disaster risk in the energy early warning of potential disasters. Overall, the disaster risk reduction in the
sector of Pakistan: Emergency response teams: Pakistan has energy sector of Pakistan has both strengths
Disaster-Resistant Infrastructure: The the capacity to train and equip teams to re- and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and
energy sector of Pakistan needs to develop spond to disasters such as floods, earthquakes, threats. By leveraging its strengths and oppor-
disaster-resistant infrastructure to reduce the and droughts. tunities while mitigating its weaknesses and
impact of disasters. The infrastructure should Business continuity plans: Pakistan can threats, the sector can enhance its resilience
be designed to withstand natural disasters develop plans to restore operations after a and reduce the impact of disasters.
such as floods, earthquakes, and droughts. The disaster and prevent future disasters. In conclusion, the energy sector of Paki-
infrastructure should also be designed to with- stan is vulnerable to various risks, both natural
stand man-made disasters such as terrorist Weaknesses: Lack of resources: Pakistan and man-made. It is essential to reduce the
attacks and cyber-attacks. may not have sufficient resources to implement disaster risk in the energy sector to ensure that
Early Warning Systems: Early warn- disaster risk reduction measures effectively. the sector continues to provide uninterrupted
ing systems can help reduce disaster risk in Limited public awareness and education: energy supply to the people of Pakistan.
the energy sector. The systems can provide The public may not be aware of the risks of The measures that need to be taken to re-
advance warning of natural disasters such as disasters and the measures that can be taken to duce disaster risk in the energy sector include
floods, earthquakes, and droughts. The systems reduce the risk. developing disaster-resistant infrastructure,
can also provide advance warning of man- Insufficient risk assessment and miti- early warning systems, emergency response
made disasters such as terrorist attacks and gation: The sector may not be able to identify teams, business continuity plans, regular main-
cyber-attacks. potential risks and develop a mitigation plan to tenance and upgrades, public awareness and
Emergency Response Teams: Emergency reduce the impact of disasters. education, and risk assessment and mitigation.
response teams can help reduce the impact By implementing these measures, the en-
of disasters on the energy sector. The teams Opportunities: Collaboration with ergy sector of Pakistan can reduce the impact
should be trained and equipped to respond international organizations: Pakistan can of disasters and ensure that the sector contin-
to disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and collaborate with international organizations to ues to provide uninterrupted energy supply to
droughts. The teams should also be trained and access resources and expertise in disaster risk the people of Pakistan. n
equipped to respond to man-made disasters
such as terrorist attacks and cyber-attacks.
Business Continuity Plans: Business
continuity plans can help reduce the impact
of disasters on the energy sector. The plans
should outline procedures for restoring oper-
ations after a disaster. The plans should also
include measures to prevent future disasters
and reduce the impact of disasters.
Regular Maintenance and Upgrades:
Regular maintenance and upgrades can help
reduce the risk of disasters in the energy sec-
tor. The facilities should be regularly inspected
and maintained to ensure that they are in good
working condition. Upgrades should be made
to the facilities to improve their safety and
Public Awareness and Education: Public
awareness and education can help reduce the
impact of disasters on the energy sector. The
public should be informed about the risks of
disasters and the measures that can be taken
to reduce the risk. The public should also
be educated about the importance of energy

Zarak Mahmood Babar

nergy resources of the world have
always shaped global policies,
economics and businesses. Renew-
able energy is derived from natural
sources replenished at a higher rate
than they are consumed. Fossil fuels — coal, oil
and gas — on the other hand, are non-renew-
able resources that take hundreds of millions
of years to accumulate.
Use of renewable energy creates far jatropha and palm oil. Biomass feedstock be- is climate-friendly. Thus, biomass energy can
lower emissions than burning fossil fuels. comes bio-based products, electric power, heat help in on-site energy generation, produce
Transitioning from fossil fuels, which current- and liquid fuels, making it extremely versatile. renewable energy certificates and improve
ly account for the lion’s share of emissions, Although burning biomass produces carbon di- green pricing programmes. Increasing political
to renewable energy is key to addressing the oxide emissions, plant regeneration consumes challenges around fossil fuel and rising prices
climate crisis. Renewables are now cheaper in an equal amount of carbon dioxide, which we will make clean energy more attractive.
most countries and generate three times more believe balances the atmosphere. Artificial intelligence is opening new
jobs than fossil fuels. The three main options Since animals or plants can live virtually avenues in the energy sector. It has been
for using renewable energy resources are the anywhere, bio-energy is a form of renewable deployed for predictive asset maintenance in
following: energy that we can incorporate worldwide. pilot projects, according to a recent report
On-Site Renewable Energy Generation: Most biomass is used in rural areas for cook- from the World Economic Forum (WEF). Data
These include installing photovoltaic (PV) ing, lighting and space heating, generally by collection and processing have been continu-
solar energy panels on a building or home, poorer populations in developing countries. ously improving.
implementing a small residential wind turbine Modern biomass systems include ded- Various deployments of AI could help
and using geothermal heat pumps or bio- icated crops or trees, residues from agricul- accelerate the global energy transition by
mass-fuelled power and heat. ture and forestry and various organic waste “optimising and efficiently integrating variable
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs): streams. Energy created by burning biomass renewable energy resources into the power
RECs can be used to purchase green energy creates greenhouse gas emissions, but at lower grid, supporting a proactive and autonomous
power. People also refer to them as tradable levels than burning fossil fuels like coal, oil electricity distribution system and opening up
renewable certificates, green tags or green or gas. However, bio-energy should only be new revenue streams for demand-side flexibili-
energy certificates. used in limited applications, given potential ty,” the WEF report says.
Green Marketing or Green Pricing negative environmental impacts related to Smart grids and blockchain technology
Programmes: Participating in a green energy large-scale increases in forest and bio-energy have the potential to induce AI into the grid
programme allows consumers to pay a small plantations, and resulting deforestation and system and improve energy utilisation and
premium to an energy provider that uses local land-use change. generation. Development of electric cars will
green power sources for power generation. Biomass energy gives us two benefits: transform community/self-power generation
The industrial revolution and use of first, it requires almost no switching cost and trends. AI will likely fill the gap between pow-
automobiles increased the consumption of second, the source of biomass is mostly agri- er producers and power users, by utilising and
energy resources at unsustainable rates. We cultural waste. It requires some waiting time improving connectivity and efficiency of the
can now use biomass energy for the generation but overall the system helps improve energy existing grid system.
of electricity, thermal energy and biofuels. Bio- efficiency of the farm and natural manure helps With solar PV technology adoption, the
gas, biodiesel and bio-ethanol, help reduce the improve agriculture produce. need for battery storage has increased by leaps
demand for traditional gasoline products while Artificial intelligence is opening new and bounds. In 2023 and beyond, both short-
also reducing the amount of transportation-re- avenues in the energy sector. IT has been and long-duration battery storage technology
lated greenhouse gases emitted. deployed for predictive asset maintenance in will see improvement. With power production
Ethanol is made from corn and sugar- pilot projects. through solar PV, storage in batteries has
cane. Biodiesel is made from rapeseed, soy, The process of producing biomass energy become indispensable. n


carbonization use cases are placing increasing
demands on a battery’s performance. Chemical
batteries function electrochemically: a chemi-
cal reaction takes place each time a battery is

charged or discharged, and once charged, the
battery stores energy in an electrolyte. Chem-
ical reactions and use of electrolytes are the
reasons batteries are limited in their usage and
performance, especially in demanding operat-
ing conditions. For example, chemical batteries
cannot charge or discharge quickly because of
the risk of fire from overheating. Furthermore,
Waseem Qureshi with Bluetooth, WIFI and CANBUS com- battery performance is also affected by hot or

munication protocols, a touch screen OLED cold temperatures as these conditions affect
t was once said by the famous Thomas display for engineers to configure on-site, and the chemical reactions within the battery.
Edison that “Genius is one percent a new software developed by ENERCAP in Finally, each usage of the battery depletes the
inspiration and ninety nine percent per- house called EN CONNECT which integrates liquid electrolyte which causes ongoing loss
spiration.” No one personifies Edison’s with the end user’s Application Programming of capacity (kWh) till the battery is not fit for
quote more than the outstandingly tal- Interface (API). use. Battery manufacturers are improving these
ented Waseem Ashraf Qureshi, the founder, The global energy landscape is rapidly limitations, but can never eliminate them. To-
inventor, CEO and CTO of Enercap Holdings. evolving and energy storage is at the forefront day, chemical battery performance is reaching
Qureshi hails from a very simple background, of this transformation. According to a report the upper limits of scientific performance.
yet his by NREL, by 2030, the energy storage market To combat climate change that can meet
inventions and innovations are not only is estimated to grow to 2,500 – 4,000 GWh an- the complex demands of electrification and
groundbreaking, world changing technologies nually, a significant increase from the current renewable based systems, our world needs
but also testimony to the hard work he has deployed capacity. This growth is driven by a new storage paradigm that can be quickly
put in all his life. This year Qureshi unveiled the increasing adoption of electrified transpor- deployed at scale. Failure is not an option and
ENCAP to the world, an advancement from tation, de- carbonization of the power sector, catastrophic consequences may be unleased for
his previous patented Sirius Supercap Energy declining battery storage costs, regulatory the planet if we are not able to manage energy
Storage (Sirius), world’s first supercap based mandates, and improved technology. transition to renewables.
energy storage. Qureshi took the world by While chemical battery technology has Today’s capacitor energy storage tech-
storm back in 2016 when he launched Sirius in made signif- icant progress nology meets the complex demands of the
a multitude of capacities and voltages for stor- over the past de- renewable energy transition. Capacitor cells,
age applications. in Solar plus storage, telecom, cade, electri- which were in- vented in 1746, fifty-four years
street lighting, forklift, club car, generator hy- fi- cation before the chemical cell, store and discharge
bridization and optimization, UPS backup, EV and energy electrostatically, which means these
charging, and containerized solutions to name de- cells charge and discharge without a chemical
a few. His latest invention, ENCAP- Beyond reaction and store the electricity on the surface
Batteries has been almost 2 years in the making of the cell and not in a chemical electrolyte.
and, like Sirius, operates with consistent and Since there is no chemical reaction and no
predictable capacity, in a wide temperature electrolyte present, capacitor storage does not
range between minus 30 and plus 60 °C , cycles have the weaknesses inherent in chemical bat-
up to 500,000 times at cell level, high charge tery storage, and therefore are safer, last much
and discharge rates (currently 2C with a longer, have a very wide operating tem-
5C model coming soon), depth of perature, can be charged faster and
discharge of 100% enabling the don’t have cycling restrictions.
entire capacity of the energy Developed by Enercap
storage system to be used, Holdings Pte. Ltd., ENCAP
all combining to yield capacitor storage technology
a jaw dropping 99% is electrostatic and delivers
DC to DC round trip meaningful performance
efficiency. ENCAP advantages over chemical
has a cell level n batteries – 3x longer
energy density life, 10x charge /
of 250Wh/kg, discharge speeds,
comparable higher operating
to Li Ion. It temperature
also comes range, negligi-

ble degradation, safety, nonignitable, environmen- I N D U ST R I A L O I L
tal sustainability – all of which lead to expanded
storage options that are otherwise not feasible or
possible with chemical batteries. ENCAP energy
storage delivers this performance predictably and
sustainably and is the most economical storage
in the market, promoting a fundamental shift in
thinking and a real solution to advance the usabil-
ity of renewable energy. Hence ENCAP is termed
Beyond Batteries.
Many notable customers are successfully
deploying the technology in the US, Europe,
Africa, Asia and Oceania in grid connected, off-
grid, residential, commercial, industrial, telecom,
and microgrid applications. These deployments
cover standard as well as extreme temperature
conditions, from Alaskan and Alpine cold to Saudi
and Abu Dhabi desert heat.
For EV use, Enercap has also launched Bat-
terix, an advanced capacitor cell technology, with
the highest energy and power densities achieved
to date, enabling rapid charging in minutes and
longer driving range, thereby eliminating range
anxiety and accelerating the transition to trans-
port electrification.
The UN Sustainable Development Goal
(SDG) 7 calls for affordable, reliable, sustainable,
and modern energy for all. Achieving this goal
requires a swift and efficient transformation to
renewable energy sources. Energy storage is a
critical ingredient in this transformation, ensuring

Importance of
renewable-based energy availability 24-hours a
day. While chemical batteries have dominated the
energy storage market in recent years, capacitor

Lubricating Oil
energy storage offers a promising alternative that
addresses the inherent weaknesses of chemical
battery storage solutions, delivering better safety,
longevity, and limited cycling capabilities.
The future vision for energy storage is one EU Report contributes to the overall efficiency of the

where capacitor energy storage plays a significant compressor, resulting in energy savings and
role in promoting a sustainable and renewable ubricating oil plays a vital role in increased productivity.
energy future. By leveraging the advantages of the optimal functioning of screw
capacitor energy storage, including its safety, air compressors. It provides nu- Don't Overpay
longevity, temperature resilience, and predict- merous benefits that contribute Why spend more on proprietary oil for com-
able capacity, we can accelerate the transition to the overall performance and pressor maintenance when there are plenty
to renewable energy sources and achieve the UN longevity of these machines. of reliable alternatives available? These
Sustainable Development Goal of affordable, reli- Firstly, lubricating oil reduces friction alternate sources offer efficient, dependable,
able, sustainable, and modern energy for all. With between moving parts within the compres- and competitively priced compressor oils.
the rapid growth of the energy storage market in sor, minimizing wear and tear and extend- It is crucial to explore these options to
the coming years, the adoption of capacitor energy ing the lifespan of components. This friction ensure cost-effective maintenance for your
storage will become increasingly important in reduction not only enhances the efficiency compressors. One such trusted source is
ensuring a sustainable and resilient energy future. of the compressor but also reduces the risk BlueEnergy 3000, a compressor oil used by
ENCAP is capacitor energy storage. ENCAP of mechanical failures, leading to improved numerous industries, delivering guaranteed
takes us Beyond Batteries. n reliability and reduced maintenance costs. performance and unmatched quality.
Secondly, lubricating oil helps dissi- BlueEnergy 3000 Oil has the best
pate heat generated during the compression lubricating function, cooling the compres-
process. As screw air compressors operate, sor element and removing the heat from
they generate significant amounts of heat the compression process with the below
that can negatively impact performance and properties.
lead to component failure. The lubricating High-temperature resistance (cold
oil absorbs and carries away this excess and heat), high oxidation stability, flame
heat, preventing overheating and ensuring retardancy, low evaporation tendency, low
that the compressor operates at optimal varnish formation (deposit formation),
temperature levels. By effectively manag- longer oil change intervals, and lower main-
ing heat dissipation, the lubricating oil tenance costs.

Mirza says in an
interview with Energy
Update that Relacom
has a wide range of
client base in IT and
Telcom sector; tells
limiting of LCs use and
rapid rupee devaluation
have really dented our
industry as a whole

Mustafa Tahir

bbas Ali Mirza brings an outstanding
track record of playing a pivotal role
in starting, developing, and operating
successful companies in Pakistan.
Having an extensive background in
Telecoms and IT, Abbas has been a key member
in establishing Relacom Pakistan and is serving
as the Country's General Manager and CEO since
last 18 years. The Energy Updated had an inter-
view with him the excerpts of which are below:

Q1. Tell us about the range of services

provided by your company both for the
public and private sector organizations
Relacom has been serving its clients in Pakistan
for over 18 years. Being a tech company, we have
a wide range of client base including all the Tele-
com Operators in Pakistan along with Telecom
Equipment Manufacturers such as Ericsson, ZTE,
Nokia, and Huawei to name a few.
As for our IT/Enterprise Solution portfolio,
we are deeply engaged in the educational sector
along with the deployment and management of
data centers for KAPCO, Sindh Police, UET
Jalozai etc. Lastly, for BPO and facility manage-
ment services, we are engaged with the likes
of Nordex, Gul Ahmed, General Electric, and
Sindh Nooriabad Power Company etc to
name a few.

Q2. What problems do you

generally face while providing
services in the IT and telecom
sector of Pakistan and what
steps the government should
take to resolve these issues?
Being in the local market for about two
decades, we have seen a few highs and
lows in the economic and business
outlook in Pakistan. I feel we are at
a low point at this time for the busi-
nesses in Pakistan, especially in those
industries which are import based.
We, being a system integrator dealing

with IT equipment, are also bearing the brunt of the
economic situation. The government's decision to
limit the use of Letter of Credits (LCs) and the rapid
devaluation of the Pakistani rupee has really dented
our industry as a whole.
This has resulted in the cancellation of a lot
of orders due to import hindrances and the inability
of the client to bear the cost differential due to high
dollar rates.
I believe it’s nothing that can’t be fixed. The
solution lies in having long-term stable economic
and financial policies to encounter the clouds of
uncertainty and to give a clear direction to the busi-
ness community.

Q3. What steps the government should

take to promote the IT and telecom sec-
tor in Pakistan?
I believe all governments over the globe have tried
to leverage on the IT and Tech boom by giving in-
centives to the Technology sector in particular. The
same is the case with our government. One thing
where I think the government should be focusing
more is the skill development of our workforce, Service to Thar Coal, other sectors
especially the youth. We are competing with the
Philippine, Indian, and Eastern European markets. CM Murad wins National
We might have a cost advantage on our side due to
the depreciation of the rupee but if we are unable to Excellence Award

deliver according to the world standards then we
n view of Sindh Chief Minister Engr Syed Murad Ali Shah’s contribution to the
will be left out of the race.
cause of Engineering as a whole and specific to the Infrastructure Development
Projects and also to the public at large in the province, the Institution of Engineers
Q4. Is there any plan for your
Pakistan (IEP) in collaboration with UNESCO and World Federation of Engi-
organization to create IT training
neering Organization (WEFO) bestowed on him National Engineering Excellence
opportunities for the youth in Pakistan?
Award.A delegation from the Institute of Engineer Pakistan comprising Engineer Farhat
This is definitely an area that we are looking at.
Adil, Chairman Sohail Bashir, Vice President Engr Ayaz Mirza, General Secretary Ameer
We strongly believe in continuous growth through
Zameer, and Dr Sarosh Hashmat Lodi held a simple ceremony at CM House to bestow
learning and training. We follow a training calendar
on him the National Engineering Excellence Award.
for our employees but we feel it’s equally important
to train the new graduates and undergraduates who
are adding to the IT workforce of Pakistan. For this,
we are in touch with a few training institutes who
we are planning to collaborate with and come up
with a workable model for IT and software training
for the youth.

Q5.Is there any plan for your company to

expand the scope of its services?
We are absolutely in a growth mode, and we see a
huge potential not only locally but also globally. We
have already signed a few contracts with interna-
tional clients and are in the process of setting up
offices in the Middle East, Canada, America, New
Zealand, and Australia regions.

Q6: What is your advice for the students

enrolled in the universities who in prac-
tical life want to join the field of IT and
It’s of utmost importance to equip our youth study-
ing in various universities to be prepared for their
professional life. My advice to the youth is 'learning
never stops'. Your worth as an IT professional will
lie in your abilities, professionalism, and the hard
work you will put in. It’s a very competitive market
locally and even more so globally. Believe in your-
selves and never shy away from hard work.


Chaos is a Ladder:
Integrate Energy and Environment
into Economic Policy
Dr Khalid Waleed a chance to climb”. Pakistan is also given a long-term viability and sustainability of energy
chance to climb the ladder and escape this transition through the transformation of the

chaos. This article explores two conventional transport sector in Pakistan in terms of chang-
etyr Baelish in ‘Game of Thrones’ fa- ways to enhance the energy transition and ing the behavior of the public. About 86% of
mously defined chaos in the follow- increase the dollar’s inflow in the economy, the total petroleum products are consumed in
ing way: “Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is which is the lynchpin to the solution to our the transportation sector, which amounts to
a ladder. Many who try to climb it economic problems. So, that energy transition around $1 billion per month. If we save about
fail and never get to try it again. The can be made part of economic policy. 30% each month, we can save $300 million per
fall breaks them. And some are given a chance One is the supply-side solution through month and $3.6 billion annually.
to climb”. climate diplomacy, and the second is de- To achieve this, we can implement the
Physics defines chaos as “the property of mand-side management in the transport sector following practical steps:
a complex system whose behavior is so unpre- for green development and energy transition. Short-term Solutions: The first and
dictable as to appear random, owing to great Firstly, in climate diplomacy, our foreign corps foremost solution in this regard is the effective
sensitivity to small changes in conditions.” is required to promote the global drive to and efficient use of the Mass Transit System.
Chaos in Pakistan is exceedingly intricate and address the issue of climate injustice, whereby Transit trains are the most efficient mode
multifaceted. The nature of multifaceted chaos some countries are facing disproportionate of transportation. Mass transit systems can
revolves around 3Es. adversities due to climate change. increase efficiency by 280% compared to cars.
These 3Es are (Political) Economy, Ener- Pakistan has recently faced floods caused The second one is to encourage the culture of
gy, and Environment. The relationship among by changing weather patterns, resulting in carpooling. Carpooling calls for optimal use of
these 3Es is such that we are stuck in a vicious thousands of deaths and billions of dollars seating capacity in cars, so, one person in one
cycle, where economic turmoil refrains us from in damage. Effective diplomatic efforts can car is discouraged. Carpooling can increase fuel
making long-term sustainable decisions, which leverage climate financing initiatives such as efficiency from 18 PKML for a car with a single
results in inefficient planning in energy and the the Green Climate Fund (GCF), established by person to 57 PKML.
environment. the United Nations Framework Convention on The third solution to reduce the fuel
This ineffective planning in energy Climate (UNFCCC), Just Energy Transition demand is to comply with fuel economy stan-
and the environment makes us vulnerable in Partnerships (JETPs), the Asian Development dards. Simply, complying with fuel economy
terms of the economy, and the cycle continues. Bank's Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM), standards can potentially increase fuel effi-
Currently, Pakistan is facing dollar outflow, and the Bridgetown initiative. ciency by 10%, which needs regular and proper
rising debt, and chances of economic default as These initiatives provide financially con- maintenance of engines. The fourth solution
many prominent credit agencies like Finch and strained nations with a "big push" to break the as short-run solution to effectively manage
Moody’s have downgraded our credit ratings. vicious cycle of energy poverty and a struggling demand is to slow down the vehicles on high-
Consequently, we cannot play with the economy. The initial JETP was established ways. For instance, cars running at 120 km per
Ponzi schemes anymore. The debts are ex- during COP 26 in Glasgow, where France, Ger- hour consume almost 20% more fuel than cars
pensive for us, and finding creditors is getting many, the United Kingdom, the United States, running at 100 km per hour.
tougher and tougher. Thus, the time is ripe or, I and the European Union pledged USD 8.5 Lastly, work-from-home policy: The
would say, it is do or die for us to steer the ship billion in funding to South Africa for an energy COVID-19 lockdowns reduced the demand
out of these chaotic waters. transition to renewable sources from fossil fu- for transportation fuels, which resulted in a
In Lord Baelish’s words, “some are given els. Secondly, there is a need to understand the significant reduction in import bills. The work-

from-home policy can be a benefi- leading to inefficient planning in
cial option. The short-term solution energy and environment, which
can positively provide much-needed in turn makes the economy more
relief to the economy and will also
provide the much-needed finan-
vulnerable. To steer out of this
chaos, Pakistan needs to enhance its
Pakistan buys its first
cial space so that we can aim for
long-term solutions in terms of the
energy transition and increase the
inflow of dollars into the economy. cargo of discounted
energy transition. These long-term
initiatives include the introduction
of electric vehicles (EVs). EVs can
Two conventional ways of
achieving this are through cli-
mate diplomacy and demand-side
Russian crude oil
effectively replace fossil-fuel-pow- management in the transport sector EU Report
ered vehicles and help reduce for green development and energy
import bills. transition. Climate diplomacy can Pakistan has made its first order for discounted Russian crude
Furthermore, alternative leverage climate financing initiatives oil and a shipment is scheduled to arrive at Karachi port in May,
transportation fuels such as green to provide financially constrained according to a new agreement between Islamabad and Moscow.
hydrogen can be explored. Hy- nations with a big push for energy In addition China and India, Russia now has a new market
drogen is acquired by renewable poverty and a bad economy. for its crude this allows Moscow to divert volume from western
electricity through the process On the other hand, de- markets where its oil has been prohibited following the crisis in
of electrolysis of water. Globally, mand-side management in the Ukraine. Discounted crude provides Pakistan, which is already
there is a renewed focus on the transport sector involves practical struggling financially due to a balance of payments problem and
development of hydrogen-powered steps, such as the effective and dangerously low foreign exchange reserves, with much-needed
vehicles. Green hydrogen can be a efficient use of mass transit systems, relief. The vast majority of the country's foreign payments are
more sustainable solution for the encouraging the culture of carpool- made for energy imports. According to statistics from analytics
transportation sector. Hydrogen ing, complying with fuel economy company Kpler, Pakistan imported 154,000 barrels of oil per day
requires a combustion engine and standards, and slowing down vehi- in 2022, which was essentially flat from the previous year. Saudi
provides a longer range than EVs. cles on highways. Arabia, the biggest exporter in the world, and the United Arab
However, there are infrastructural With these steps, Pakistan Emirates provided the majority of the crude.
limitations, technology transfer, can make energy transition a part There may be a significant decline in Middle East suppli-
and financial bottlenecks associated of its economic policy and even- ers to Pakistan if Russian crude production were to hit 100,000
with hydrogen vehicles. tually break the vicious cycle of barrels per day.
Although there are positive energy poverty and a bad economy.
developments in China in terms The current time is favorable for

Fossil fuel
of hydrogen vehicle production, Pakistan to do so, given the world's
this option seems more futuristic increased attention to climate

consumption subsidies
than EVs. There is a huge potential change and the need for a sustain-
in Pakistan to learn from the best able energy transition.

worldwide soar
practices in this regard from China By taking advantage of this
to develop hydrogen as a heating opportunity, Pakistan can climb
and transportation fuel in Pakistan. the ladder out of the chaos and
The concept of chaos is multifac- achieve economic recovery through
EU Report
eted, and while it may be defined an energy transition. Moreover,
differently by various disciplines, it demand-side management may be Fossil fuel consumption subsidies worldwide soared in 2022,
remains a challenging phenomenon a more effective measure than the rising above USD 1 trillion for the first time, according to new IEA
to deal with. announcement of the provision of estimates, as turmoil in energy markets sent fuel prices in inter-
In the context of Pakistan, subsidies to fuels for poor segments. national markets well above what was actually paid by many con-
chaos can be defined through the Although subsidies will provide a sumers. Last year’s record subsidies – amid the global energy crisis
3Es - Political Economy, Energy, and cushion in the long run, effective triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – were double their 2021
Environment - and the interrela- demand-side management and levels, which were already almost five times those seen in 2020.
tionship among them that puts the financing of renewable energy will These escalating outlays were in sharp contrast with the
country in a vicious cycle. This cycle help us in finding a sustainable Glasgow Climate Pact, which in November 2021 called on coun-
continues with economic turmoil ladder to chaos in Pakistan. n tries to “phase-out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, while providing
targeted support to the poorest and most vulnerable”. Our analy-
sis shows that many of these government measures were not well
targeted, and while they may have partially protected customers
from skyrocketing costs, they artificially maintained fossil fuels'
competitiveness versus low-emissions alternatives.
For many years, the IEA has monitored subsidies for fossil
fuels, evaluating situations in which consumers pay less than
the market price of the fuel itself. According to our preliminary
estimates for 2022, oil subsidies increased by around 85% while
natural gas and electricity consumption subsidies more than
doubled. As noted in the World Energy Outlook, high fossil
fuel prices were the main reason for upward pressure on global
electricity prices, accounting for 90% of the rise in the average
costs of electricity generation worldwide (natural gas alone for
more than 50%).


Economics of Carbon Credits –

Booster shot for Pakistan the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme – carbon credits appear to be the chatGPT of
Farheen Irfan for International Aviation (CORSIA) market: Pakistan’s economic as well climate problems.

Global Carbon Council (GCC) As per preliminary research, the ongoing prices
ately, the buzz of carbon credits is Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under GCC market are $3/credit and $6/credit
making waves within the energy Voluntary Carbon Standards (VCS) under CDM. Please note these are only trading
sector of Pakistan. While the chants Gold Standard (GS) prices and the final price for the end buyer (i.e.
have been louder, there seems to be All of the above standards are considered Microsoft, Shell, BP) might vary. And for RECs,
a disconnect between policy makers under voluntary market except CDM which 1 REC can be easily tradable between $1.5 to $2.
and project developers partially due to very is considered under voluntary and compliance Taking the entire chunk of wind and so-
little information available on the internet. both markets. lar IPPs and selling them in these markets at an
However, as the mantra for ESG reporting is From the above list, VCS has removed average of $2 would mean per annum revenues
gaining momentum, export companies and Pakistan from its approved host country list. of ~$10 million. (Taking installed base of 1,500
manufacturing sector are moving more from For GS, the condition for any project to MW as per World Bank). This provides respite
voluntary reporting to conforming with full be eligible is having EPC work order within to the sinking economic ship of Pakistan and
standards. Complying with the carbon emis- the last one year from the project start date. brings the country in the limelight showcas-
sion quota is one of the core objectives of these For GCC, the condition to become eligi- ing its resilience and commitment to climate
firms locally as well as internationally. ble is a project must be registered after 1st Jan change despite being a huge affectee of recent
Pakistan has a unique opportunity to 2016 and before 31st Dec 2020 floods and many more expected this year!. n
tap into this revenue generating grind as the The last standard is CDM (voluntary and
country currently has a carbon neutral status. compliance market). The condition to become
According to World Bank, Pakistan has 0.85 eligible under this standard is joining hands with
metric tons per capita of CO2 emissions in an institute having Program of Activities (PoA).
2019 compared to India’s 1.78 and China’s 7.61. The other non-famous or rather stan-
This means that the country’s internal CO2 dards exclusively made for some markets like
emissions are within the given targets and North America include: 1) American Carbon
hence places it in a sweet spot to capture in- Registry (ACR), 2) The CarbonFix Standard,
ternational markets by selling excessive carbon 3) Plan Vivo, 4) Social Carbon and 5) Climate,
credits to high GHG emitting countries. Community & Biodiversity Standards (CCB
Currently, there are two trading mech- Standards):
anisms available to achieve carbon offsets. Current Standards for Renewable
One is through Carbon Credits (CC) and the Energy Certificates Trading:
other is through Renewable Energy Certificate International Renewable Energy Certificate
(RECs). Carbon credits offer reduction to your Standard (I-REC): I-REC is a global standard
carbon footprint when the buyer can no longer that tracks and verifies the generation of
control its energy supply options. By purchas- renewable electricity. The standard provides
ing carbon credits, you’re essentially investing a transparent and reliable system for tracking
in other projects that are reducing greenhouse renewable energy certificates (RECs) and
gas emissions. In other words, you’re offset- ensuring that the environmental benefits of
ting your greenhouse gas emissions. The unit renewable energy are accurately reflected in
of measure for Carbon Emission Reductions the market.
(CERs) is metric ton. Pakistan Environment Trust is an autho-
The alternate way to help reduce a rized issuer in Pakistan from I-REC (I-REC
carbon footprint is via purchase of renewable Standard and is an internationally recognized
energy certificates. The certificate verifies that 1 platform which authenticates the renewable
MWh of energy was generated from a renew- power plant generation and issues the REC
able source, such as solar or wind plant. The (Renewable Energy Certificate) or EAC
main difference between renewable energy cer- against the environmental attributes generated
tificates vs. carbon credits is what they offset. from renewable power plant.)
Where carbon credits help reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, renewable energy certificates Pricing - The best chance
offset electricity use from non-renewable Considering the mishandling of policy makers,
sources. The unit of measure for RECs is MWh. government institutions and local bodies – the
country is standing at the tipping point of
Current Standards for Carbon Titanic. With rock bottom reserves, uncertain-
Credits Trading: ty with the IMF program, no affirmation from
Currently there are four standards eligible under friendly countries and burgeoning import bill


Sardar Ahmad Nawaz Sukhera balancing the interests of the government,

the investors, and the consumers. When

the government is the policymaker as well
ecent statements coming out as the investor, as in this case, the regulator
of the federal government on finds it hard to always protect the consum-
its stated intention to shift er’s interest. This needs to change.
the federally owned electricity The following two aspects pertaining
distribution companies (DIS- to Nepra are worth a brief discussion. First,
COs) to the provinces have generated a lot the chairman is a power sector expert hired
of interest in the media. This article will through a competitive process, at a salary
attempt to touch upon certain issues that prescribed by the MP (market pay)-1 scale,
have not been mentioned in most of the which is about Rs700,000. It’s anyone’s
articles; these issues will impact any suc- guess whether a top industry leader of
cessful attempt to change the ownership a multi-billion dollar sector would be
structure of these companies as well as the attracted by this salary structure. The
development of the power sector itself. result is that the best are not interested in
Shifting the DISCOs from the federal the job.
government would not be an advisable Second, the provinces nominate the
policy decision. It would just mean shifting four members of Nepra, who also head the
a critical problem from one level of the various important wings of the authority.
government to another – albeit one with More often than not, they are neither pow-
lesser institutional and financial resources er sector experts nor have any requisite
to handle the issues involved. If anything, experience of the sector or of regulatory
it is feared that it may further aggravate the work. One can recall a particular example
problems facing these companies as well as of a civil engineer working as a member
the power sector. This is why the CCI had even though the Nepra Act clearly stipu-
already rejected this idea earlier. lates that only an electrical engineer can
Converting public monopolies into be placed at this position. This leaves the
private monopolies is not always desirable. Nepra chairman often at odds with those
If it has to be done, it has to be done very primarily doing provincial bidding, rather
carefully in terms of the prerequisites and than all of them performing the mandated
subsequent implementation scenarios. It is regulatory roles. The OGRA Act certainly
proposed to consider the following steps has a much better provision for hiring spe-
before finally privatizing them. cific sector experts in the fields of oil and
To begin with, as regulator Nepra gas; perhaps, Nepra would also be better
needs to play its role better. While tariff off if it has members who are specialists in
setting remains its primary role, the the different fields of electricity generation,
equally important role of setting KPIs and transmission, distribution, etc.
monitoring and implementing DISCOs’ There is a major energy crisis in the
investment and development plans often country every few years. One of the reasons
gets neglected. As DISCOs are government for it is the unsynchronized working of the
entities, the regulator is usually shy of two energy sector regulators – Nepra and
disciplining them through punitive actions. Ogra. Although the energy ministry has
The result is that consumers pay the cost two independent divisions – power and
of these inefficiencies. The job of the regu- petroleum – each with its own regulator,
lator is to ensure sectoral development by the functions of both are intertwined. It is

opined that there should be one regulator can get cheaper power from MEPCO, for the purpose.
for the energy sector: oil and gas as well as it should be allowed. This incentivizes Finally, a myth needs to be broken
electricity. This would be helpful in achiev- competition between DISCOs, with the that only one country is interested in
ing energy security for the country and consumer and the economy served better. partnering with us. During my time at the
development of a robust energy sector. This arrangement would lead towards Privatisation Division (2014-17), all DISCOs
In a previous article, I had written development of a competitive power market were put up for privatization. Road shows
that the government has no business to do and this needs to be promoted. were held for marketing the privatization of
business in any sector for which a competi- A very important factor to be decided FESCO in China, Middle East, and Turkey.
tive market exists. The power sector in Pa- before privatization is to determine the A power sector investors’ conference was
kistan does not have a competitive market; extent of market share that a company is also held in Washington, DC, which was
therefore, it is important to create it before to be allowed to own. In order to avoid the attended by all the major US companies.
the DISCOs are privatized. Three steps are complications that monopolies create, it There was serious interest from all over
suggested in this regard. would also be advisable to set this limit not the world. Unfortunately, despite the
First, even if the DISCOs are not above 20 per cent of the market in terms of completion of the due diligence exercise by
broken into smaller, more manageable sized consumers. One can imagine the political financial advisors as well as successful road-
companies, privatizing them in their present power a private company can wield by shows, the entire process was brought to a
form must begin by segregating their func- checking how many National Assembly halt due to national political compulsions.
tions – distribution business and supply constituencies fall within the territorial One final word. The financial advisers,
business – and then privatizing the distribu- jurisdiction of any DISCO. Since electricity who structure these transactions, as well as
tion business, through one or more private is the most basic of required services, any the potential investors, are serious entities.
companies. This is where competition will power company can influence the political It is difficult to attract the best of them
help improve bill recovery, reduction in cost outcomes by supporting or opposing politi- if they don’t view your intent as serious.
as well as improvement in the quality of cal players within its territorial jurisdiction DISCOs have been on the privatization
service, and improved customer service. through their service delivery to their con- programme since 1992, and we have been
Second, a uniform power tariff policy stituents. Hence, no single business house going on in circles. The cost of this lack
across the country is untenable. Why or holding company should be allowed to of political will to go through with it for
should consumers of a more efficient DISCO have more market share than what is techni- 30 years is now visible in the shape of the
cross-subsidize those of an inefficient one? cally required. power sector circular debt and its threat to
If for socio-economic reasons, or even for the For a successful privatization of take down the economy. How long can this
sake of political expediency, the government DISCOs, it is imperative that the future indecisiveness be allowed to continue? The
wants to shelter consumers where the cost investment and development plans are pre- writer is a former civil servant. n
of electricity provision is higher or the bill pared meticulously for each DISCO, as the
recovery is low, the government should pick one size fits all approach will not succeed
up the tab, rather than penalizing those who here. These KPIs and the yearly monitoring
pay their bills. and evaluation system, along with a strong
Third, it is imperative to develop but transparent punitive system need to
a truly competitive energy market. The be determined, and put into the tender
present policy allows bulk consumers to documents before bidding. Lessons must
buy electricity from any power company, be learnt from the privatization of KESC,
through wheeling, or to make it themselves. where a high level Implementation Com-
In a competitive market, all bulk consum- mittee was formed to check implementation
ers in any DISCO’s territorial jurisdiction of the agreed investment and development
should be allowed to procure electricity plans, but, unfortunately, it never even met
from any other DISCO offering it cheaper once to keep a check on what was subse-
and with better service. For example, if a quently happening. This has to be done by
consumer within the jurisdiction of LESCO creating a strong institutional arrangement


launched Low-voltage
Hybrid Inverter for Pakistan
including heat pumps and generators. It can work smoothly even in harsh environments. It
EU Report also work efficiently with multiple battery is equipped with integrated SPD and optional

solutions, especially with SolaX batteries, such AFCI protection, ensuring the safety of the
olaX Power, a global leader in solar as T-BAT-SYS-LV R2.5 and T-BAT-SYS-LV system and its users.
inverter manufacturing, recently R3.6. This enables customers to expand their SolaX has built a reputation in Pakistan
launched its newest innovation for energy storage capacity and have access to for providing high-quality solar solutions,
Pakistan, X1-Hybrid-LV, at a live backup power during blackouts or periods and the launch of X1-Hybrid-LV emphasiz-
product launch event held on April of low solar power generation. With SolaX es SolaX's commitment to innovation and
25. Designed to provide high efficiency for Cloud, customers can achieve smart energy continuous improvement to meet the needs of
low-voltage solar PV systems, X1-Hybrid-LV management for one-stop monitoring of PV its customers. With its ultra-efficiency, fresh
is a valuable addition to SolaX's solar products panels, batteries, generators, etc. design, flexible adaptability, and solid safety
portfolio and boasts many impressive features Safety is always a top priority for SolaX, features, X1-Hybrid-LV is sure to be a popular
that are sure to impress customers. so X1-Hybrid-LV is designed to be robust and choice for customers looking for an efficient
As a single-phase low-voltage hybrid secure. Its IP65 protection degree allows it to and reliable solar solution. n
inverter for residential applications, X1-
Hybrid-LV 3-6kW is able to operate at a
much lower voltage compared to traditional
inverters. With two MPPTs and a maximum
MPPT current of 16A, it supports high-power
solar panels. It delivers a 200% PV oversizing
input, up to 110% overloading output, and a
200% peak EPS apparent power for up to 10s,
making it a reliable backup power solution.
Moreover, it can be connected in parallel with
up to 10 inverters for both on-grid and off-grid
Another striking feature of X1-Hybrid-
LV is its fresh design that comes in various
vibrant and eye-catching shell color options,
complete with a full-color LCD touchscreen
and a user-friendly interface for easy operation
and control.
X1-Hybrid-LV is also highly adaptable,


Will DISCOS devolution

fix energy crisis?
Two-thirds of power plants operating
at less than 20pc of utilisation factor
Jawaid Bokhari and its cash and other assets — which
can be converted into cash within a

year — stood at Rs104.4bn, up 38 per
hile businesses and do- cent from 2021. Sindh’s move to set
mestic consumers have up Sepra follows the federal govern-
been hit hard by the ment’s decision to devolve ex-Wapda
worsening power crisis distribution companies (Discos) to
in Sindh, its solar, coal the provinces. Punjab has already
and wind power projects are unable to dis- completed feasibility studies of a
patch their entire output to the national grid power firm — Punjab Provincial Grid
for want of adequate transmission facilities. Company — and another for managing
The energy crisis has remained unabated solar power supply for district and
though the province is blessed with abundant session courts.
wind, solar and coal resources with cost-effec- Subject to necessary due
tive access through air, land and sea routes. diligence by its finance department,
The situation has induced Sindh Cabinet Punjab may reportedly consider giving
to take what is described as a landmark deci- its consent to the centre’s proposal
sion to initiate power generation, transmission to take over Discos located in the
and distribution within the province. The province only to the extent of transfer
move aims to provide electricity to consumers of assets, and not liabilities, along with
at cheaper rates, improve energy equity and management control.
eliminate energy poverty in the province. The devolution of Discos posting
Sindh Electric Power Regulatory enormous transmission and distribu-
Authority (Sepra) will be set up to end the tion losses is no less challenging than
province’s dependence on the centre for fixing the stuck-up strategic privatisation
tariffs and managing loadshedding as provided of other loss-making state-owned en-
under 7(4) of the National Electric Power Reg- terprises (SOEs) surviving on oxygen
ulatory Authority(Nepra) Act. The draft Sepra tanks.
law will be presented in the next session of the Almost two-thirds of the power
Sindh Assembly for enactment. plants are operating at less than 20pc
Sindh had earlier decided to form a of the utilisation factor. A World Bank
provincial transmission and distribution report has estimat-
company, and a transmission licence was ed the government’s
obtained from Nepra on November 5, 2019. For support to the 14
unknown reasons, the initiative remained dor- largest loss-making SoEs
mant. Fresh private sector investment needs at 0.8pc of GDP and support
to be mobilised for new power generation, to all SOEs at 1.4pc of GDP for
transmission and distribution projects FY21.
Now the inability to convert rupees It is time for fresh private sector
into dollars by Sindh Engro Coal Mining and investment to be mobilised for new
Engineering Company (SECMC) has report- power generation, transmission and distri-
edly created a backlog of non-payment worth bution projects. The professionals and skilled
$60 million to a Chinese mining operator. The workers in sick units can find jobs and pursue
company’s output feeds coal power plants in better careers in new enterprises with a future.
Thar, generating 1,360 megawatts of electrici- The solution to the poly-crisis lies in a
ty. China Machinery Engineering Corporation bottom-up approach. What can be best man-
has reportedly cut its output by half and in- aged at the provincial level should be outside
formed SECMC that it might halt production the ambit of the federal government. Similarly, must cooperate to promote the common good
in a month. what can be managed by district governments while being responsible to each other. This
SECMC sources said in 2022, the should not be in the provincial domain. And calls for a new charter of rights and responsi-
company had made a profit of Rs8.47 billion the three tiers of autonomous government bilities. n

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

Power sector investment
by China reaches $21bn
Khalid Mustafa the 300-MW project on imported coal, which mine project of 660-MW, HUBCO coal power
will be made operational by December 2025.” project of 1,320-MW, Karot hydropower

Given the run-down of the power sector project of 720-MW, HUBCO Thar coal power
he Chinese investment in Paki- projects, under the CPEC umbrella, the official plant of 330-MW, Thar coal Block-1 power
stan’s power sector, under the said that eight projects worth $11.337 billion had generation project of 1,320-MW, and Thal
umbrella of the China-Pakistan already been commissioned and were injecting Nova Thar coal power project of 330-MW.
Economic Corridor (CPEC), has 7,320-MW electricity into the national grid. The under process five projects include
increased to $21 billion with the In addition, under CPEC, one mega 884-MW Suki Kinari Hydropower project,
restoration of a powerhouse based on imported transmission line project, the Matiari-Lahore which will become commercially functional
coal at Gwadar, a senior official of the Power HVDC transmission line, had been completed by November 2024, and Gwadar coal power
Division told The News. at the cost of $1.658 billion to transport 4,000- project of 300-MW will now be functional
“Earlier, the government had almost MW from Sindh to Lahore to cater to the by December 2025. Azad Pattan Hydropow-
abandoned the construction of a powerhouse needs of the load centre of Punjab. er project of 700-MW will be completed
based on imported coal at Gwadar, argu- However, five projects worth $6 billion and become functional by September 2030,
ing it would not encourage more electricity are under process to generate 4,328-MW pow- Kohala project of 1,124-MW will become
generation on imported fuel and made a plan er. Of these, the cost of Thar coal electricity functional by March 2031. Thar electricity
to set up a solar plant in its place. “But, later project of 1,320-MW, which is part of IGCEP coal project of 1,320-MW at Block VI has also
it suggested to the Chinese government to (Indicative Generation Capacity Expansion been included in CPEC, but its cost is yet to
convert the power plant based on Thar coal. Plan 2022-31) is yet to be determined. If the be finalised. n
“The feasibility report did not favour employ- estimated cost of the project is included, then
ing Thar coal as the cost of transportation from the CPEC power sector projects cost
Thar to Gwadar was found on the higher side. would go up to $21 billion.
More importantly, the Chinese government Private Power and Infrastructure
refused to subscribe to Islamabad’s viewpoint Board (PPIB) Managing Director Shah
and insisted on the restoration of the 300-MW Jahan Mirza also confirmed to The
powerhouse based on imported fuel. News that the Chinese investment in
“It termed the initiative the most stra- the power sector had increased to over
tegic project, as the Gwadar port’s operation $21 billion.
cannot be made dependent on any weak According to the latest figures
project, whose fuel transposition may be available with The News, the eight
vulnerable given the law and order situation in projects which were functional include
the province and imported electricity from Iran Sahiwal coal power plants of 1,320-
as well.” MW, Port Qasim coal power project of
The official said: “Now we have restored 1,320-MW, Engro Thar coal power and


Gas-electricity tariff hikes

badly affect consumers
coal or wood, which are more expensive than periodically, particularly for electricity. On
piped gas. The consumers of these alternate fu- many occasions the tariffs were raised to cover
Mansoor Ahmad els tend to be poor. A household lacking access the cost of inefficiencies and corruption, so
to natural gas consumes an 11 kg LPG cylinder much so that now provisions have been added

for kitchen fuel per month, which costs around in the tariff to recover past thefts of electricity.
hree items that trigger inflation Rs 3,000 – nearly eight times the monthly bill Nowhere in the world are consumers penalised
in Pakistan besides a devaluation for a similar household. for thefts committed by others. Successive gov-
of the rupee are food, electricity A household lacking access to natural ernments have failed to restructure the power
and fuel. Prices of all agricultural gas consumes an 11 kg LPG cylinder for kitchen sector transparently.
products and manufactured items fuel per month. It costs around Rs 3,000 – that The International Monetary Fund had
rise whenever electricity tariffs and prices of is around eight times the average natural gas asked the government of Pakistan to eliminate
petroleum products are raised. Electricity and bill for a similar household. the ‘circular’ debt in power and gas sectors
natural gas are utilities consumed in every A lower middle class family consumes and had suggested tariff hikes. The IMF would
household. When electricity rates are revised, 150-200 units per month during winter and have no issue if power and gas sectors are made
there is a severe impact on household budgets. 300-400 units during summer, using a fan and transparent and ‘circular’ debt gets paid. Bring-
The recent hikes in gas tariffs for do- maybe even a room cooler. The tariff rises for ing transparency in power and gas sectors is
mestic consumers have had a nominal impact bills above 300 units. This means that the same the only prudent way to ultimately bring down
on the pockets of lower middle class consum- consumer will have to pay Rs 10,000 to Rs power and gas rates. n
ers and a tolerable impact on middle class 15,000 per month during summer peak. The writer is a senior economic reporter
households. It may be noted that two decades The rationale
ago there was no gas loss (theft) in the gas dis- for gas and power
tribution system. Now the unfound gas (theft) tariff revision is that
exceeds 12 percent. Natural gas is mainly used both power and gas
as kitchen fuel in households, rich or poor, who distribution compa-
have piped natural gas connections. Gas con- nies operating under
sumption in the kitchens is nominal. Revised state control suffer
tariffs have therefore not had much impact on huge losses. The
the gas consumed as kitchen fuel. losses are due to the
Currently, the household bill of kitchen inefficiencies and
burners ranges from Rs 260 to Rs 450 per corrupt practices,
month. The gas bills inflate when room heaters including theft, in
and geysers are used. The tariff rises non-lin- these companies.
early to discourage such use. Tariff revisions The ‘losses’ in both
will therefore have a greater impact on affluent gas and power sys-
consumers. Another point worth noting is that tems have increased
piped natural gas connections are available to over the years.
less than 30 percent of Pakistani households. Tariffs were
The rest use other kitchen fuels like LPG, also increased


Energy savings of over

Rs500bn a year
Govt set to push shift from gas to electricity, energy-efficient buildings
Khaleeq Kiani The project aims to reduce fossil fuel im- of building design templates that can be freely
ports, leading to foreign exchange savings and provided to housing authorities, relevant gov-

improving the country’s fiscal situation, cut ernment departments and businesses to enable
he government plans to embark household expenditures, especially on heating them to specify and construct new energy-ef-
on a 10-year transition strategy to and cooling needs, and foster a green and ficient buildings as per new “green building
shift from gas to electricity in com- efficient economy, thus supporting Pakistan’s codes”. The National Energy Efficiency and
mercial, industrial and residential objective to reach upper-middle-income status Conservation Authority has estimated that
sectors, and push energy-efficient by 2047 — when the country turns 100. savings of 10-12pc in winter and 20-25pc in
buildings under a Rs45 billion energy efficien- The project also aims to help meet summer utility bills can be achieved by using
cy and conservation project, which envisages nationally determined contributions goals by inverter air conditioners.
energy savings of over Rs500bn a year. reducing 20pc of the total projected green- In winter, around 46 million standard
The project was formally cleared by the house gas emissions by 2030. The energy cubic feet per day of gas would be saved by
Central Development Working Party a few sector would be the main focus for emission switching from gas heaters to inverter ACs.
days ago for negotiations with the World reduction as it contributes 46pc of the total This component will therefore support a grad-
Bank for a $150 million loan, including a $15m emissions. ual shift from gas to electricity to meet heating
technical grant for capacity-building of the According to a study conducted by the requirements in the targeted sectors.
National Energy Efficiency and Conservation World Bank for the project, a 25pc reduction This would be carried out in parallel
Authority. However, it was observed that a 10- in building energy use across all sectors could with changes to building designs and codes
year transition period was too long and should translate into energy savings of 16 giga- to ensure improving the energy efficiency of
be minimised. watt-hours, providing cost savings of about buildings and delivering a coordinated ap-
The project’s sponsors — the Ministry Rs291bn per year. The efficiency gains by shift- proach that considers both the thermal insula-
of Science and Technology and the Energy ing gas consumption to electricity could go sig- tion of buildings and also the efficiency of heat
Efficiency Authority — have reported to the nificantly beyond Rs250bn per year — another and cooling services provided within them.
Planning Commission that Pakistan’s current component of the multi-purpose project. Based on current analysis and ongoing
energy-saving potential was around 10m to Most buildings in Pakistan were not studies, the project will involve launching
12m tonnes of oil equivalent — a unit of energy constructed with high energy-efficiency a trade-in scheme for households and busi-
defined as the amount of energy released by standards, resulting in significant unnecessary nesses to voluntarily replace their inefficient
burning one tonne of crude oil. energy consumption and costs for consumers. gas geysers or boilers and space heaters with
The country’s current primary energy The project will involve energy audits electrically powered alternatives.
supply stands at about 95m tonnes of oil and benchmarking of all large federally owned This will be based on heat pump tech-
equivalent and is projected to go beyond 115m buildings, demonstration of deep energy effi- nology and replacement of inefficient heating
in 2025 at an annual growth rate of 5.8pc, as ciency retrofits of several ‘showcase’ buildings technologies and the upgradation of processes,
its per-capita energy consumption is expected and development of standardised materials in particular those that promote a shift from
to increase from 405 kilograms of oil equiva- and specifications to support the retrofitting gas to electricity in industrial sectors based
lent to 469kg during the period. Plans 10-year of buildings in the commercial, public and on a revolving loan fund to also provide credit
transition strategy under a project envisaging residential sectors. lines to households and businesses. n
annual savings of over Rs500bn The project would help the development Courtesy Dawn


Sindh may set up its own

power regulatory authority thermal, hydro, and solar power plants work so that power can be made and send to
EU Report
It is frustrating because we’ve been hear- homes to ensure no one is left out.

ing that Sindh can produce lots of power (coal, Under the 18th Amendment to the
indh has decided to go ‘rogue’ on Is- solar, and wind). But, Energy Minister Imtiaz Constitution, the power to levy taxes on the
lamabad by setting up its own Sindh Shaikh told the Cabinet that the province’s consumption of electricity and the power to
Electric Power Regulatory Authority power projects, especially for renewables, face determine the tariff for its distribution within
so that people receive power supplies constraints within the national framework. a province was given to the provinces.
more equally and “energy poverty” is He was being polite, or the press handout was Nepra’s law (under Section (7)(4) of the
eliminated in the province. bleached of invective. NEPRA Act 1997) says that the provinces can
If this works, it would be a historic The constraints are because Sindh strug- build power houses and grid stations and lay
decision as people in villages and small settle- gles with the Indicative Generation Capacity transmission lines for use within the province
ments in certain areas barely get any electricity Expansion Plan 2021 (IGCEP 2021). The Na- and determine the price at which they want to
during the day. They have, where possible, in- tional Transmission and Dispatch Company or distribute electricity.
vested in solar over the years. A village outside NTDC makes the plan, which Nepra approves. The idea behind this bill is that all power
Larkana, for example, called Khairo Dero gets This plan makes it possible for private and companies should also be under the provinces
power just one hour a day. government power projects to happen. instead of being controlled from Islamabad.
As of 2021, K-Electric has the capacity The CM said that it was essential that This will be a big breakthrough and it will
to produce around 2,267 MW from a mix of Sindh had a legal, policy, and regulatory frame- affect K-Electric as well. n

First BtB deal in MOL Group to invest

gas sector signed
EU Report
$23m in KP’s Tal block
EU Report block in KP province, after a pause
In a rare but welcoming development, a new era of private-to-pri- of two and half years because of a

vate business in the country’s gas sector under Third Party Access pricing issue. The incumbent re-
(TPA) rules has begun. The Economic Coordination Committee ungary-based oil and gime has resolved the pricing issue
ratified the decision of the Petroleum Division on January 17, 2023, exploration company paving way for more investments in
which paved the way for the deal. MOL has announced E&P activities in the country.
Chairman of Energy Task Force and ex-prime minister Shahid $23 million more MOL Group of Hungary,
Khaqan Abbasi, who played a pivotal role in materializing this BtB investment in the through its subsidiary MOL Oil &
transaction of supplying gas to private consumers, including the in- Tal block in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Gas Co Pakistan, has been actively
dustrial sector, declared it a success story while talking to The News. to inculcate impetus to indige- engaged in Pakistan's oil and gas
Under the transaction, (Universal Gas Distribution Company) nous oil and gas exploration and sector since 1999 and with its local
UGDC – a private company will purchase gas from MOL, a Hunga- production, which could assist in joint venture partners; OGDCL,
ry-based private gas-producing company, and distribute it to private mitigation of energy shortages in PPL, GHPL and POL contributing
consumers through the SNGPL distribution network. the country. significantly to the energy security
UGDC has also signed a Gas Sales and Purchase Agreement The development came amid a of Pakistan.
(GSPA) with MOL Pakistan Oil and Gas Company B.V. for supply- statement that Secretary Petroleum MOL produces 23 percent
ing 14MMFCD gas initially from Mamikhel gas field, TAL Block, on a gave to NA penal on petroleum on oil, 9 percent gas, and 25 percent
take-and-pay basis, with the supplier agreeing to increase gas supply Thursday that Pakistan was a high- LPG, making its Tal JV block in KP
in the future. risk country for new investment. the largest hydrocarbon-producing
The company also entered an access agreement with SNGPL The bidding process for an block in the country. MOL and its
for the transportation of gas through the existing Sui-network to exploratory well ‘Razgir’ has begun, joint venture partners have so far
private end consumers. which would cost the TAL joint invested $2.8 billion in Pakistan
Confirming the BtB transaction to The News, the management venture $23 million. MOL’s top and are paying over Rs50 billion
said MOL is actively engaged in Pakistan’s oil and gas sector since management disclosed that in a to the national exchequer annually
1999 with its local joint venture partners OGDCL, PPL, GHPL and correspondence to Prime Minister in the form of taxes, royalties, and
POL. The MOL and its joint ventures have so far invested $2.8 billion Mian Shehbaz Sharif. CSR contributions besides savings
in the exploration and produced 23 percent oil, 9 percent gas, and MOL wrote to the top man of of over one billion US dollars in for-
25 percent LPG, making its Tal JV block in KP the largest hydrocar- the government heralding re-com- eign exchange through oil import
bon-producing block in the country. n mencement of investment in the Tal substitution.

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