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That day, in the middle of the night, in the highest part of the tower, me ( Aki ), and everyone
in that place, will gonna fight the most unbeatable monster

No, monster is too simple, a creature, a manisfectation. A primal fear that almost every human
have, the Death itself.

I still remembered, the moment when we met the death itself, we are stunned, we can’t move
our body, not even an inch. We are completely frozed by the death itself

In that tense moment, the death said

Death : Hoohoo, a mere human like you guys is trying to stopped me? *laugh* how foolish, do
you even know the reason why am I trying to destroy this planet?

Aki : N-no

Death : *laugh even maniacly* it’s because of your species, Human! Deep down, your species
have a little wish to die, even tho in their surface, they don’t actually wanted to die

They unconsciously have that little wish, because of what? You! Human!

Aki : Yes, we are, we.. Human, does have a time where we actually wanted to die, but… *snap
finger* We are not here just to give our life to you

After that speech, the fight begun, and just like we expected, it’s a tough battle. My teammate
all laying in the floor, a few of them is already unconscious, and I also not exception

Death : Weaklings like you can not stopped me

Aki : Damn it, I know we human’s are weak, but… I will not gonna give everyone soul.. to you!

A mysterious voice suddenly echoed in my head

?? : With this power, you can turn impossible things to possible

A power, where I can do the most impossible things, to possible. I then raised my hand to the
sky, a chain starts coming on the sky, completely locked the manisfectation of the death itself.

?? : But Aki, this power need your sacrifice, can you do that..?

Aki : Yes, I can do it, even if the cost is my soul itself, it’s… a fair trade..

Aki : Come forth, MESSIAH!!!

A giant door starts falling to the Death, and completely locked it in a blank place, and Aki soul is
now transformed into a lock, who the purpose is to prevent death wish from the humanity. But
he remembered, he still has a promise to his teammate, when they are graduate, in 2 months

Aki then force himself to keep alive for 2 months, with the rest of his remaining soul, for
keeping his promises to his friend

And one day, when the day finally comes, he’s laying in the school rooftop, waiting for his
friend, and when they finally comes, he then smile.. for the last time, before he finally asleep,
forever… without a chance to say goodbye to his teammate.


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