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Entrepreneurship Project

Prepared And Presented By

Monnal Jain
Khushman Gill
Khyati Sharma
Prapti Garg
Serial Page
No. Number

1. Introduction to the Ayurvedic skincare Industry in India 1

Analyzing and Understanding the Ayurvedic Skincare Industry through

2. 2
Environmental Variables

3 Exploring the Scope in the Ayurvedic Skincare Market 3

5. Executive Summary 6

6. Product and its offerings 7

7 Vision Ahead: Long term Goals Short term Goals 10

8. Consumer Behavior 11

9. Unique Selling Proposition 19

10. Competition Analysis 20

11. SWOT Analysis 24

12. Targeting 25
14. PLACE 30

15. PRICE 31






Introduction to the Ayurvedic Skincare Industry in India

~Evolution and Dynamics of India's Ayurvedic
Skincare Industry: Regional Preferences, Market Growth
and Consumer Trends"

Within India's vast beauty business, the Ayurvedic skincare sector has seen
significant evolution, with a market size of roughly $150 million. This expansion
is supported by a great cultural reverence for Ayurveda, which aligns neatly with
the country's different regional preferences and climate variances. Notably, face
washes are a critical segment, contributing significantly with an annual
production volume of approximately 35 million units, equal to a market value of
$30 million. Urbanization and a growing health-conscious population have
helped propel this business forward, promoting a growing preference for
natural, eco-friendly skincare products.

These face cleansers' compositions reveal sophisticated regional specificity,

developed to address specific skin issues prevalent in diverse climatic zones.
Formulations enriched with neem and turmeric, for example, grow in humid
places, providing purifying effects, whilst aloe vera and sandalwood
combinations thrive in drier areas, providing moisture and nourishment. The
attractiveness of natural ingredients and sustainable packaging has had a
tremendous impact on urban regions, causing a surge in demand for these

The market's diversity is seen in the wide range of offers, which range from
purifying Neem & Tulsi varieties and brightening Turmeric & Honey alternatives
to specialized formulae targeting specific skin types, such as Sandalwood & Rose
for dry skin and Tea Tree & Mint for oily or acne-prone skin. This abundance of
options demonstrates the industry's commitment to fulfilling a wide range of
consumer needs.

This strong development trajectory points to a bright future for the Ayurvedic
skincare industry, which is defined by constant innovation and research efforts
to meet the changing skincare tastes and needs of Indian consumers across
different areas.
Analyzing and Understanding Industry through
Environmental Variables
Following is the comparable examination of the key variables influencing Ayurvedic
skincare in India:
Demographic Environment
Demographic variables have a significant impact on the Ayurvedic skincare industry's consumption trends. Different
age groups have different skincare product preferences. Younger populations, which account for around one-fifth of
the population, frequently gravitate toward skincare routines that emphasize preventive care and natural
alternatives. Older consumers, who make for 15% of the population, prefer products that address specific aging or
skin health concerns. There is a correlation between age and skincare preferences, with older consumers preferring
products tailored to their needs, such as anti-aging formulations or mature skin solutions.

Cultural Environment
Regional Preferences: The various cultural landscapes of India influences skincare preferences. Each region has its
own skincare rituals and ingredient preferences, prompting businesses to create products that appeal to distinct
regional preferences and customs. States such as Kerala and Tamil Nadu, for example, boost demand for coconut-
based skincare, whereas North Indian regions favor formulas laced with turmeric and neem. This regional variation
has an effect on product customization and marketing methods.
Cultural Heritage: Ayurvedic skincare products frequently draw from India's rich cultural legacy, emphasizing
traditional ingredients, formulas, and practices that appeal to consumers seeking authenticity and heritage in their
skincare routines. Consumer engagement is better for brands that leverage cultural heritage, with over 70% of
customers preferring skincare products anchored in traditional traditions. This affinity for the past influences
purchasing decisions.

Natural Environment
Sustainability: Consumer demand for environmentally friendly and sustainable products influences formulation and
packaging materials. Brands that use recyclable packaging and natural, biodegradable products match with evolving
environmental consciousness and cater to eco-conscious consumers. Consumer demand for skincare products with
recyclable packaging and eco-friendly components has increased by 40%. Brands that adopt these strategies see a
25% rise in market share, demonstrating a change toward customer behavior that is driven by sustainability.

Economic Environment
Market Size and Growth: The Ayurvedic beauty sector in India is worth over $billion, and it is increasing at an annual
pace of 8-10% due to increased urbanization and consumer desire for natural goods. Consumer Spending: Urban
consumers devote 20-25% of their skincare budget to Ayurvedic and natural products, indicating a growing
awareness of the benefits of herbal cosmetics. Employment and Investments: The business provides about 5 lakh
jobs in manufacturing, research, distribution, and retail. R&D investments make a substantial contribution to product

Technological Environment
Formulation Innovations: Technology assists in the development of new formulations that combine traditional
Ayurvedic components, improving product efficacy and stability. E-commerce and Digital Marketing: Due to
excellent digital marketing methods and the growing significance of e-commerce platforms, online sales of Ayurvedic
cosmetics increase by 25% each year. Quality Control and Efficiency: Technology-driven quality control procedures
and factory automation boost efficiency, resulting in 15-20% lower production costs. R&D: R&D accounts for
around 8-10% of industry spending, with the goal of generating new Ayurvedic formulations and discovering unique

Exploring the Scope in the Ayurvedic Skincare


These figures, derived from official reports and surveys, show a

burgeoning trend in the Ayurvedic personal care market, indicating
significant opportunities for market entry." Examining emerging and
present patterns illuminates the dynamics behind this transformational
shift in consumer choices.

Blissora is a renowned Ayurvedic wellness
company dedicated to giving an unrivaled Quality Control and Certification
natural rejuvenation experience. Our brand Blissora commits to the highest industry
values authenticity, exceptional quality, and a standards to ensure confidence and reliability.
distinct blend of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and Our goods are backed by stringent quality
modern innovation. controls and certifications from prestigious
regulatory authorities such as AYUSH and the
FDA. These certificates confirm our commitment
to cruelty-free procedures and the usage of
vegetarian ingredients, ensuring high-quality
Brand Philosophy
Our basic conviction at Blissora lies in the
blending of time-honored Ayurvedic practices
and modern methodologies. We diligently curate
our goods, sourcing only the finest, sustainably
harvested ingredients to provide revitalizing Customer-First Approach
solutions that represent our devotion to Customer satisfaction is at the heart of Blissora's
wellness. ideals. We prioritize our customers' wellness
journeys by providing a wide range of natural,
time-tested goods. Our commitment to
consistency, dependability, and trust ensures
that our customers have a satisfying and
rewarding experience.
Product Commitment
The Blissora product range is a harmonic fusion
of nature's riches. AlpArma Oil, Saffron, Papaya
Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, Tomato Extract, Rose
Water, Turmeric Extract, and Tankan Bhasma
are all included in our formulations. Each Conclusion
ingredient has been meticulously chosen for its Blissora embodies natural wellness, capturing
potency, usefulness, and therapeutic the essence of Ayurvedic wisdom. With an
characteristics in supporting holistic wellness. emphasis on authenticity, excellent quality, and
customer happiness, our brand aspires to be the
go-to option for anyone looking for a more
holistic approach to rejuvenation and well-being.


Premium Composition:
AlpArma Oil, Rose Water, Natural Balance:
Turmeric Extract, and Carefully blended natural
sustainably sourced ingredients for a refreshing
botanicals. cleanse.


Face Wash

Ayurvedic Rejuvenation:
Certified Quality:
Goes beyond cleansing,
offering rejuvenation in line
certifications ensure purity
with Blissora's wellness
and ethical standards

Blissora's Offerings

1. Comprehensive Skincare Solutions:

Blissora's product collection is painstakingly created to provide
comprehensive skincare solutions. Each product is meant to address
specific conditions including as pigmentation, acne, and dryness by
utilizing the power of real Ayurvedic formulations.

2. Distinctive Formulations and Ingredients:

Unique blends of exotic herbs and carefully sourced natural components
are at the heart of Blissora's products. Ingredients such as AlpArma Oil,
Saffron, Papaya Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, Tomato Extract, Rose Water,
Turmeric Extract, and Tankan Bhasma are precisely mixed to provide
powerful, effective treatments.

3. Distinction and Unique Selling Points (USPs):

Blissora distinguishes itself via its dedication to authenticity and quality.
The brand is certified by major regulatory authorities such as AYUSH and
FDA, ensuring purity, safety, and ethical standards. This authentication
distinguishes Blissora in the skincare market.

5. Constant Innovation and Improvement:

Blissora thrives on constant innovation and improvement. The company
constantly improves its formulas through ongoing research and
development to maximize effectiveness and respond to changing
consumer needs.

6. Ethical Standards and Sustainability:

Blissora prioritizes ethical manufacturing techniques, providing cruelty-
free and vegetarian products. The company ensures that its products are
carefully sourced and that its packaging is environmentally friendly,
appealing to people who are concerned about sustainability and ethical

What prompted the decision to introduce an

Ayurvedic face wash into the market, and
how does this product address prevalent
skincare concerns?

The choice to launch an Ayurvedic face wash in our foray into the
Ayurvedic skincare industry originates from a critical awareness of
prevalent skincare conditions and the need to offer a complete solution.
Recognizing the common discontent with harsh chemical-laden face
washes, our goal is to alleviate these concerns. We discovered a common
problem among consumers dealing with skin irritation, acne, dryness, and
the consequences of utilizing chemically-driven products. To address this,
our Ayurvedic face wash composition shines brightly, delivering a gentle
yet effective remedy. This face wash, made from natural components
certified by ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, addresses skin concerns without
depleting its natural oils, ensuring a delicate balance while deeply
cleansing. It demonstrates our dedication.

Vision Ahead
Blissora: Blossoming into a Radiant Future

Targeted campaigns: Highlight our unique
Ayurvedic blend through strategic partnerships
with renowned experts, influencers, and
Educational outreach: Share the power of
Ayurveda for radiant skin and holistic well-being
through engaging content and personalized


Market-driven solutions: Create specialized Market expansion: Enter new markets through
products based on research and collaboration strategic partnerships and customized product
with Ayurvedic practitioners for a variety of skin offerings.
conditions such as acne, hyperpigmentation, International recognition: Attend worldwide
and anti-aging. trade events and conferences to increase brand
Unique blends: Unveil novel formulas exposure and credibility.
incorporating potent components such as
AlpArma Oil and Tomato Extract, allowing us to HOLISTIC HEALTH
stand out from the crowd. Broad range: offer a varied portfolio of goods
that address inner and outer well-being, from
ONLINE PARADISE skincare to vitamins and teas.
Easy shopping: Create a user-friendly website Research & development: Invest in cutting-
with secure payment gateways and simple edge research to offer unique Ayurvedic
delivery alternatives. solutions for holistic health.
Strategic partnerships: Work with leading
retailers and wellness platforms to increase LASTING LEGACY
reach and awareness. Local adaptations: Modify product lines and
Customer connection: Create a vibrant marketing techniques to appeal to local cultures
community platform for learning, sharing, and and preferences.
establishing brand trust. Sustainable practices: Adopt eco-friendly
packaging and responsible sourcing in order to
EXPERTISE AND KNOWLEDGE comply with our values and customer
Educational library: Develop a trusted resource expectations.
by hosting webinars and online courses with
renowned Ayurvedic practitioners to educate
and inspire.
Scientific validation: Collaborate with research
institutions to validate the efficacy of our
products and practices.

To understand exactly who our customers will be and what they desire we did a
two-fold research. We first conducted a survey and reached out to those people
and took their interviews to understand their wants and needs in depth. To
understand the consumers in the type of market where Blissora is to be
established, Our group conducted a market survey to a variety of potential
consumers ranging from all age groups. The aim was to receive a broader insight
into the consumer’s tastes and preferences as well as to better understand the
customers and fulfil their needs.

A majority of potential
customers lie between the age
of 18- 30, people of these ages
are generally more active on
social media and other such
platforms of communication
thus allowing room for
purchase emulation

According to the poll, there

is a considerable need for
face washes that cater to
individual skin types, with
natural ingredients holding
high value.
Blissora's potential shines brightly, completely fitting with these top
requirements. Blissora will build a substantial market niche by embracing
skin-type specific formulas, showcasing natural components with
transparency, and consolidating a reputation for effectiveness. Important
point of inference for Blissora that a continual focus on quality, customer
experience, and differentiation will allow Blissora to realize its full potential
and establish itself as a trusted alternative for discriminating consumers
looking for genuinely effective skincare products.

Response from the second question suggests that consumers crave natural,
mild, and skin-type specific face washes that are free of irritating chemicals
and harsh fragrances. This is an excellent opportunity for Blissora. Your
brand can capitalize on this rising demand by creating formulas with nature's
bounty, stressing gentleness on all skin types.

The response to the preceding question demonstrates a tremendous

need for acne control, with nearly half of respondents ranking it as their
top benefit. This coincides nicely with Blissora's hero ingredient focus,
giving a golden chance to become the definitive answer for acne-prone

The poll results are promising for Blissora! The majority (51.9%)
prefer an Ayurvedic face cleanser, with a sizable "maybe" (44.4%)
group indicating a willingness to try something new. This
demonstrates an increasing interest in natural alternatives that
provide effective answers. With its emphasis on Ayurvedic
ingredients and customised formulations, Blissora is best
positioned to capitalize on this trend and establish itself as a top
alternative for consumers looking for a gentle yet strong face

Our pricing point of 200-500 is exactly inside the recommended

range of many responders (200-500). This indicates that Blissora is
already in line with consumer expectations, giving a competitive
price without losing perceived value.

Some of the questions we asked: -

Describe your current facial wash. What brand do you use, and
how long have you had it?
What are the most noticeable advantages of your current face
wash? What, if any, disadvantages do it have?
How much are you willing to pay for a bottle of your current
face wash that lasts about 3 months?
Have you ever experimented with natural face washes? If so,
what were your motivations for trying them, and how did they
What are your main worries about using a natural face wash?
(Price, effectiveness, accessibility, skepticism, and so on.)
Imagine a face wash that's 100% natural, uses ancient
Ayurvedic ingredients, and delivers visible results on
blemishes and dryness. How much would you be willing to pay
for it if it lasted 3 months?
What features or benefits in a face wash would make you
consider switching from your current brand?
If you could design your ideal face wash, what would be its
essential ingredients and features?
How important is it to you for a face wash to be cruelty-free,
ethically sourced, and environmentally friendly?
Would you be interested in trying a new face wash like
Blissora, which offers a free trial or sample so you can
experience it before committing to a full purchase?

Sensation of Stripping: Navya's skin feels tight and

peeled after using traditional facial washes. Despite
MAKEUP ARTIST using natural medicines, severe acne persists,
necessitating the hunt for an effective yet mild cure.
"My current face wash leaves my skin feeling tight and
stripped." I've tried natural remedies in the past, but
none of them worked on my severe acne."

Active & Sensitive: David's active lifestyle necessitates

a fast-acting cleaner, yet harsh chemicals irritate his
sensitive skin. He is looking for a nice, natural product
that produces results quickly and without causing
FITNESS aggravation.
INSTRUCTOR "Because I sweat a lot, I need a cleanser that works
8 min quickly, but harsh chemicals irritate my sensitive skin."
I'm sick of making compromises. A pleasant, natural
formula that produces immediate results is all I need”

Neha's cynicism stems from her anger with

greenwashing in the cosmetics business. She is
dissatisfied with the market's prevalence of misleading
NEHA HOUSEWIFE "natural" claims and wants true natural products.
12 min "Greenwashing in the beauty industry irritates me." I am
aware that many "natural" assertions are false.”

Needs Based on Evidence: Rahul prioritizes evidence-

based skin care as a dermatologist. Before putting
anything on his face, he seeks trustworthy remedies
RAHUL DERMATOLOGIST supported by verifiable facts.
6.5 min As a dermatologist, I require evidence-based remedies
before applying anything on my face.

Financial Constraints: With limited funds, Manas finds

most natural face washes to be too expensive. His
present low-cost option creates dry skin, forcing him to
look for a low-cost yet mild alternative. My money is
COLLEGE limited, and most natural face washes appear to be
STUDENT 14 min pricey.
“My current budget pick causes dry skin. A soft, natural
alternative that isn't too expensive is something I'm
looking for or will continue using soap.”

Sweat is my fuel, not my
skincare nemesis. Blissora,
as long as it's a post-
workout dream, I'm in!
Quick rinse, invigorating
touch~ David

Clinical evidence
meets ancient
wisdom? count
me in ~ Sarah
Cost-effective and
acne-battling? My
wallet and my face are
cheering! ~ Aryan

Ayush certification?
Organic ingredients?
Highly impressive!!


Based on the empathy map findings, Blissora's Unique Selling Proposition (USP) can be adjusted
to resonate profoundly with this target market:

Dealing with Educating and Value-

Frustration and Simplifying Oriented and
Sensitivity Ayurveda Approachable
USP Angle USP Angle USP Angle
Blissora takes a solution- Blissora simplifies Blissora provides high-
oriented approach to Ayurveda by providing quality Ayurvedic
skincare concerns, focusing
educational information products at reasonable
on pigmentation, acne, and
and helping customers prices, satisfying
dryness, among other
things, with formulations through the advantages consumers' quest for
formulated specifically for of Ayurvedic skincare value and affordability.
sensitive skin. components.

Blissora offers a
natural, holistic Blissora offers a
Blissora offers a
approach to handpicked variety of reliable,
skincare, with the selection of cruelty-free,
goal of increasing products that vegetarian products
confidence through simplify skincare that appeal to
healthy, glowing routines while individuals looking for
skin. ensuring efficacy. ethical skincare
Confidence Personalized and Reliable and
via Natural Simplified Skincare E th. " ictal
Solutions Routine Options


Contrary to its Ayurvedic claims,

Ayush formulations contain
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), The absence of prominent
Sodium Myreth sulphate , certificates raises concerns
Parabens, and artificial regarding true Ayurvedic standards.
perfumes, propanediol

Biotique products contain

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS),
The ambiguity around certifications
Ethyl Parabens, Benzophenone
undermines its credibility as an
-3, Sodium Laureth Sulphate,
organic brand.
perfumes, calling its organic
claims into question.

Nomarks formulations may

contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
A lack of clarity on certificates puts
(SLS), Propyn Paraben,Methyl
question on its genuine Ayurvedic
Parabens, BHT, perfumes, which
contradicts its Ayurvedic

Despite claims of Ayurvedic

origin, Himalaya products
include Disodium EDTA, Propyl The lack of notable certificates calls
Paraben, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate into question its organic
(SLS), parabens,colours like authenticity.
Brilliant Blue FCF and Tartazine

Despite their Ayurvedic posture,

Vicco and Sondarya formulations
contain Diazolidinyl urea, The absence of significant
Propylene Glycol, SoSodium certificates raises concerns
Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Parabens, regarding real Ayurvedic devotion.
and perfumes - Q.S.

Despite claims of being Ayurvedic, organic, herbal, or natural, many face cleansers on the market
contain a number of potentially harmful chemicals. Here is the list of chemical material used in
face wash:-

Regardless of how they are marketed, these ingredients can cause skin irritation, dryness,
allergic reactions, and even disrupt hormone balance. Let's review the product descriptions of
the most regularly used face wipes that claim to be Ayurvedic, herbal, or natural, including those
of our competitors, to verify this reality.

But here at BLISSORA we provide

A product that is completely natural and 100% free from toxic chemicals
Works even better than the 'Gharelu' natural remedies
Constitutes of ancient, authentic, tried and tested methods and
processes of ayurveda
Committed to:-
Blissora's Chemical-Free Pledge: Stands apart for its unwavering
avoidance of hazardous chemicals, backed up by AYUSH certification,
ensuring authenticity and confidence in the organic and Ayurvedic
skincare sector.
The Chemical Dilemma of Competitor Brands: Despite claims of organic
or Ayurvedic formulations, the presence of potentially dangerous
substances contradicts their claims, demonstrating inconsistencies in
formulation transparency and authenticity.
Certification and Trustworthiness: Blissora's AYUSH certification
increases its reputation, distinguishing it as a natural and reputable
brand in comparison to competitors who lack such authoritative
Assurance of Chemical-Freeness: -
Blissora is free of hazardous ingredients such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
(SLS), Parabens, synthetic perfumes, Disodium EDTA, and others. Its
dedication to authenticity is supported by certifications such as AYUSH,
which ensures a truly organic and Ayurvedic approach to skincare.

In essence, the rigorous absence of hazardous chemicals in Blissora's

formulas, as evidenced by AYUSH certification, demonstrates the
company's unwavering commitment to purity and authenticity,
providing consumers with a truly chemical-free and trustworthy
skincare alternative.

Genuine Ayurvedic Formulations Restricted Market Reach
Blissora's strength is its dedication to true Ayurvedic Despite its virtues, Blissora may suffer market reach
techniques, with products made from high-quality, restrictions due to an emphasis on authenticity, which
natural components certified by time-honored may not immediately appeal to a broader audience
traditions. unfamiliar with Ayurveda.

Quality Control and Certification Awareness and Education

Certifications from prestigious regulatory bodies such It may be difficult to educate potential clients about
as AYUSH and FDA increase the brand's legitimacy by Ayurveda and the benefits of natural components,
verifying adherence to demanding quality standards and necessitating an investment in educational marketing
ethical procedures. tactics.

Unique Product Range Competitive Environment

Blissora's fusion of old Ayurvedic methods with modern In a crowded skincare market, competing against
innovation results in a unique product range that caters established brands with higher marketing resources
to a variety of skincare needs, providing holistic may make obtaining exposure and market share
remedies for issues such as pigmentation, acne, and difficult.

Client-Centric Approach
A commitment to cruelty-free, vegetarian formulas and
an emphasis on customer happiness and trust-building
through trustworthy, effective products generates THREATS
strong brand loyalty. Market Saturation
The saturation of the skincare business, combined with
competitors selling similar natural or Ayurvedic goods,
OPPORTUNITIES may threaten Blissora's differentiation and market
Increased Consumer knowledge and Preference for
Natural Products Regulatory Challenges
Growing consumer knowledge and preference for Changes in rules or strict compliance requirements in
natural, cruelty-free skincare products presents a different markets may have an influence on the brand's
substantial opportunity for Blissora to increase market capacity to operate or expand smoothly.
Price Sensitivity
Global Market Expansion Price sensitivity among consumers may effect sales,
The growing international popularity of Ayurveda and particularly if seen as pricey in comparison to standard
holistic wellness practices presents a chance for Blissora
skincare products, potentially limiting market
to expand beyond its current markets.

E-commerce and digital marketing

Using digital channels and e-commerce to reach a larger
audience, particularly those interested in natural,
Ayurvedic skincare treatments, can assist.

26For Blissora, targeting the inexpensive market requires taking a subtle

approach to appeal to consumers on a tight budget who are looking for high-
quality Ayurvedic skincare at fair rates.

Affordable Ayurvedic Skincare Target Segments:

1. Young Adults with Limited Incomes: aimed at people between the ages of 18 and
25, particularly young professionals and college students, who value good skincare
yet are budget conscious. It's critical to provide this population with skincare
options that are both economical and effective.

2. Introductory Skincare Professionals: targeting people who are just beginning to

experiment with natural products or who are new to skincare regimens. To win over
this market, you must provide solutions that are affordable and easily attainable
for newcomers.

3. Middle-Class City Residents: concentrating on urban middle-class households

looking for dependable, priced skincare products. Providing priced, genuine
Ayurvedic items will appeal to this market.

4. Transitioning Consumers: This market focuses on people who want to go from

chemical-based to natural skincare products but are looking for priced options.
This market can be drawn in by offering priced entry points to real Ayurvedic
skincare products.

Affordable Ayurvedic Skincare Targeting Strategy:

Price and Variety of Products: supplying a wide choice of products at reasonable

prices, including beginner kits and lesser sizes. guaranteeing affordable prices
without sacrificing the standard of Ayurvedic formulas' authenticity and quality.

Accessibility: Encouraging the target audience to have easy access to items via
budget-friendly retailers, drugstores, supermarkets, and retail chains, as well as
online platforms.

Advertising Campaigns: putting a focus on value for money and affordability in

marketing initiatives. highlighting Blissora's affordable prices for high-quality
skincare products and the long-term advantages of natural skincare.

Involvement and Education: Teaching the intended audience about the advantages
of Ayurvedic components, with an emphasis on openness and demonstrating how
economical it is to use Blissora goods.

Collaborations and Partnerships: Reaching and connecting with this demographic

can be facilitated by working with platforms that serve cost-conscious shoppers or
by forming partnerships with influencers.

Blissora can effectively capture this market by providing authentic Ayurvedic

skincare at prices that appeal to consumers on a budget by aligning product
offerings, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and messaging to specifically
cater to the needs and preferences of the affordable se

Online Presence: The main place to look

at, buy, and share information about our Urban Focus: Making the most of
products is on our official website. We eco-friendly beauty trends by
guarantee safe payment gateways and an focusing on urban areas and
easy-to-use UI.
centers of population where there
E-commerce Partnerships: We increase
our market reach and visibility by is a significant demand for natural
partnering with top platforms such as skincare products.
Amazon, Flipkart, Nykaa, and specialized Targeted Expansion: Using market
beauty and wellness websites. research to pinpoint areas where
Retail Outlets: We reach out to clients
interest in Ayurvedic skincare is
who prefer in-store shopping experiences
through strategic relationships with growing, marketing and distribution
pharmacies, wellness stores, organic plans are then adjusted.
retailers, and specific beauty salons.


Accessibility: We make our

Effective Supply Chain: Building
items available to customers
a strong network of
coordination partners and through a variety of channels
distributors to guarantee on- and offer effective delivery
time delivery and avoid services.
stockouts. Localized customer service:
Inventory optimization is the refers to providing polite,
process of using cutting-edge helpful assistance in multiple
technologies to monitor stock languages to answer
levels, forecast demand, and questions and guarantee a
ensure that products are good experience.
available across channels
By means of strategic channel utilization, urban focus, logistical optimization,
and customer-centric approaches, Blissora hopes to create a broad reach that
will allow customers in a variety of locales to have access to genuine Ayurvedic
skincare products.

Pricing of Competitors: Consider the costs imposed by rivals in the
Ayurvedic skincare sector who provide comparable goods. Examine the
benefits they offer at the various pricing points and place Blissora's product
in a competitive market.

Perceived Value: Gain insight into how customers view Blissora's goods.
Consider elements like special formulas, organic components,
advantages, and the ways in which these elements affect the perceived


To summarize, the price strategy for Blissora's 500ml bottle product

necessitates a meticulous equilibrium between compensating for production
and related expenses, evaluating market conditions, understanding consumer
attitudes, and strategically placing the product to compete in the Ayurvedic
skincare industry. Furthermore, to maintain brand durability and profitability,
the price is set to ₹300 for the 500ml bottle.

Visual Identity
Logo - The logo combines an Ayurvedic product bottle and a carefully
selected herb, symbolizing the blend of science and nature. The seamless
blend captures the essence of holistic wellness, promising a journey of
tranquility through the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda.

Color Palette - Earthy tones and calming hues, reflecting the natural
ingredients used in Blissora products.

Typography - A blend of modern and traditional fonts, representing the

brand's balance of heritage and innovation

Our dedication to sustainability and multipurpose design is demonstrated by

Blissora's packaging. Our boxes are made from easily recyclable materials,
such as cardboard and paperboard, making them environmentally beneficial
and easily recyclable after use. Our packaging is unique since it is
thoughtfully designed to promote reusing.

With a modular structure that allows for easy disassembly and several uses
as organizers or storage options, the boxes are cleverly made to be
incredibly adaptable. They're more than just packaging; they're a canvas for
our clients' imaginative uses.

Furthermore, our inserts are composed of seed paper, which has the
potential to sprout into lovely flowers or herbs when planted, giving our
packaging a playful and environmentally friendly touch. Our philosophy is to
deliver an experience that aligns with our consumers' values, rather than
merely a product.

The packaging for Blissora reflects our commitment to sustainability; we

make sure that every detail, including the box, complies with our eco-
friendly philosophy and provides value that lasts well beyond the first

Online Retail
Platforms Brick and
Mortar detail
Making use of e-commerce
platforms can enable Collaborating for
national accessibility. physical product
Collaborating with well- placement and
known e-commerce awareness with well-
platforms enables a wide
known retail chains,
audience and makes
pharmacies, wellness
product purchases easy for
centers, and specialized

Constructing flagship
stores or other exclusive
Collaborating to sell
outlets in key areas to
products as part of their
exhibit the brand's
services or for sale
products and foster a
within spas, yoga
direct relationship with
centers, and wellness

Outlets Partnerships with
Health & Wellness

1. Social Media Engagement: Use Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to share

compelling material and testimonials.
2. Influencer Partnerships: Work with skincare professionals and influencers to
promote Blissora.
3. Informative Content: Create blogs about skincare trends and natural ingredients
for our website.
4. Targeted Email Campaigns: Send tailored emails with exclusive offers and
skincare suggestions.
5. Strategic Collaborations: Collaborate with wellness-focused brands and attend
relevant events.
6. Online Advertising: Invest in targeted ads on Google and social media sites.
7. Customer Loyalty Programs: Implement loyalty awards and referral discounts.
8. Improved Unboxing: For a memorable consumer experience, focus on eco-
friendly packaging.
Marketing Management by Kotler & Keller

Principles of Marketing by Kotler & Armstrong


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