Bagheri Danial. Task 1

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Bagheri Danial, Task 1

One time in my life, as I was watching my best friend’s family moving to another house in quite

a far neighborhood, as a teenager I thought to myself, why them?

This matter soaked me into searching for the answer of this one general question, which is: why

some people tend to live in the same neighborhood for quite a long time, while on the other hand,

some other are most likely to change their residential area ever once in a while?

Looking through a few websites that took me not more than a few hours, remarkably resulted in


People's housing needs and preferences may change over time. Some individuals may move to

different neighborhoods to find a better fit in terms of housing size, style, amenities, or


Economic factors, such as fluctuations in housing prices, cost of living, or financial

opportunities, can influence decisions to move to different neighborhoods. Some people may

seek more affordable housing options or better investment opportunities elsewhere.

Changes in family dynamics, such as marriage, divorce, or the need to care for aging parents, can

necessitate moving to different neighborhoods. Family considerations often play a significant

role in decisions to relocate.

Some people crave variety and new experiences. Moving to different neighborhoods allows them

to explore different environments, cultures, and lifestyles, satisfying their need for change and

Consequently, the reasons for living in different neighborhoods periodically are diverse and can

be driven by a combination of career goals, personal preferences, family dynamics, lifestyle

choices, and financial considerations which made enough sense after reminding myself of the

economical situation and other factors influencing people’s will to move.

Although everything seems noticeably clearer, there is still one question unanswered.

If there are so many factors and reasons for people to make the decision of moving from their

current house, why some people don’t?

People often develop a sense of belonging and comfort in a familiar neighborhood. They may

have established relationships with neighbors, local businesses, and community organizations

over the years.

Some people prefer the stability and security that comes with staying in one place for an

extended period. They may feel safer and more secure in a neighborhood they know well.

Emotional attachment to a place can be a significant factor in why people choose to stay in the

same neighborhood. Memories, experiences, and a sense of identity can all contribute to this

emotional bond.

Moving can be expensive, and some people may choose to stay in the same neighborhood to

avoid the costs associated with relocating. This is especially true for home-owners who have

invested in their property.

To sum it up, this seems understandable. Not reflecting on the fact that financial consideration

has a really huge influence on the decision making, there still is enough reason left for people to

change their minds and then their houses, or not. Even though this matter could be discussed in a
more vast and detailed manner, in this thesis my main goal was to demonstrate some of the main

social and economical and psychological factors that can immensely affect peoples’ ways of


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