Enteral Feeding - Drug Nutrient Interaction

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Clinical Nutrition (2001) 20(2): 187–193

& 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd

doi:10.1054/clnu.2000.0155, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on


Enteral feeding: Drug/nutrient interaction

Pharmacy Department, Centre of Nutrition and Metabolism, University Hospital Sta. Maria, Lisbon, Portugal (Correspondence to:
R L, Dept of Pharmacy, University Hospital Sta. Maria, Av. Prof. Egas Moniz, 1649-035 Lisbon, Portugal)

AbstractöEnteral nutrition support via a feeding tube is the ¢rst choice for arti¢cial nutrition. Most patients also require
simultaneous drug therapy, with the potential risk for drug^nutrient interactions which may become relevant in clinical
practice. During enteral nutrition, drug^nutrient interactions are more likely to occur than in patients fed orally. However,
there is a lack of awareness about its clinical signi¢cance, which should be recognised and prevented in order to optimise
nutritional and pharmacological therapeutic goals of safety and e⁄cacy.
Learning objectives:
. To raise the awareness of potential drug^nutrient interactions and in£uence on clinical outcomes.
. To identify factors that can promote drug^nutrient interactions and contribute to nutrition and/or therapeutic failure.
. To be aware of di¡erent types of drug^nutrient interactions.
. To understand complex underlying mechanisms responsible for drug^nutrient interactions.
. To learn basic rules for the administration of medications during tube-feeding. & 2001Harcourt Publishers Ltd.

Key words: enteral feeding; drugs; nutrients; interac- ensue, including modifications of nutrition support
tions; pharmacokinetics efficacy and/or drug pharmacological response (1). A
broad range of effects and degrees of expression can
occur. Sometimes, there is some benefit; e.g. nifedipine
absorption is delayed when the drug is taken with food,
which reduces drug-related flushing and increases
patient compliance to treatment (1). However, enhanced
Dietary manipulations have raised concerns related to
absorption of certain drugs (hydrochlorothiazide, dia-
the impact of nutrition support and nutrition formula
zepam, propranolol, griseofulvin) is observed when they
composition on the pharmacological activity of drugs
are administered simultaneously with food, leading to a
(1). In clinical practice, particularly during tube-feeding,
consequent increase in the drug bio-availability which
drug–nutrient interactions (DNI) may influence out-
may be beneficial or detrimental (5). The term ‘inter-
comes (2). The role of the pharmacist in the nutrition
action’ is usually associated with patient outcomes of
support team is paramount for its recognition and
potential clinical relevance (Table 1). DNI may induce
prevention; often patient management involves simulta-
either nutrition support inefficacy or unwarranted
neous administration of enteral feeding and drug
pharmacological response (1). Concurrent drug admin-
therapy (2, 3). The potential risk of DNI can compro-
istration may lead to a deficient intake or reduced
mise both nutritional and pharmacological therapeutic
absorption of nutrients. Anorectic drugs reduce food
goals of safety, efficacy and quality of care (4). This
intake (1, 6). Cytotoxic drugs are commonly associated
paper provides a general and brief overview of different
with nausea, vomiting and taste disturbances which may
aspects to be taken into consideration in everyday
affect nutrient intake and/or absorption, often com-
practice, mainly for patients in hospital where drug
pounded by electrolyte or trace element losses (1, 6).
regimens may be changed quite often.
Drugs that act on the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, such as
prokinetics, histamine H2 antagonists and antacids may
worsen diarrhoea (1, 7–9). Antacids can promote the
Definition of drug-nutrient interactions and consequences loss of integrity of various components of the enteral
formula such as changes in texture, viscosity or physical
A DNI can be defined as 1. the modification of the form that may clog the feeding tube (8–10). Thus, the
effects of nutrients by the prior or concurrent adminis- administration of antacids and enteral feeds must be
tration of a drug or 2. the modification of the effects of separated by a 2 h interval.
one drug by the prior or concurrent administration of Alternatively, DNI may result in reduction, toxicity
nutrients (Table 1). Important clinical outcomes can or even complete failure of drug therapy, although the


latter is rare (11). Subtherapeutic drug blood levels nutrition and disease status (1). Infants, children and the
(Table 1) have been observed when digoxin is taken with elderly are at increased risk (6, 11). Both the young and
a diet enriched in fibre, especially pectin (1, 11). Several the elderly have an inefficiency of drug metabolising
reports support an interaction between phenytoin enzymes, an often disturbed renal function and a narrow
suspension and enteral feeding leading to a reduced gap between drugs’ therapeutic and toxic levels (1, 6). In
phenytoin absorption and therapeutic effect (1, 8, 9). addition, the elderly often consume poor/restricted
Although the specific mechanism has not been estab- diets, either by prescription or choice, and are frequently
lished, the reduced GI absorption of the drug appears to on long-term polymedication (1, 6, 11). Both obesity
be related to the formation of either phenytoin-calcium and undernutrition can alter the pharmacokinetic of
or phenytoin-protein complexes. Furthermore the acidic drugs (4). The latter may be associated with a loss of
properties of the enteral formula may alter the solubility absorptive capacity of the intestine, a fall in plasma
of phenytoin with a reduction in phenytoin bioavail- albumin and a reduced activity of the drug metabolising
ability. A different interaction has been suggested for enzymes–all predisposing to DNI (5, 6, 11). Concomi-
Warfarin, which may bind to the protein source of the tant disease states, such as renal or hepatic failure
enteral formula resulting in decreased drug levels (8, 9, influence pharmacokinetics (4). The risk of DNI is also
12, 13). The possible interaction between diet compo- greater in patients who have increased or specific
nents and drugs with a narrow therapeutic index (e.g. nutritional needs (e.g. burn/cancer patients), as well as
anticoagulants) enhances the likelihood of their toxicity. in the presence of certain chronic diseases which require
Large doses of vitamin E (greater than 400 IU) can various medications; e.g. hypertension, cardiac failure,
potentiate the effects of anticoagulants enhancing diabetes mellitus (11). Physiological states, such as
bleeding risk (6). Fish oil contains o-3 fatty acids, which pregnancy and lactation are of special concern because
may enhance anticoagulation (6, 13). On the contrary, of possible repercussions in the offspring.
dietary vitamin K tends to antagonise the anticoagulant
effect of Warfarin (8, 9, 12, 13).
Nutrition regimen
Enteral feeding can be provided to patients for complete
Factors influencing drug-nutrient interactions sustenance or as a supplement; the type of enteral
formulae and the delivery process are key factors to its
The magnitude and incidence of DNI is related to a success (Table 2) (15).
large inter- and intra-patient variability (5, 6). Indeed, it Tube feeding placement: The bioavailability of drugs,
is difficult to predict with accuracy what will happen whose absorption is pH dependent, can be affected by
when an individual patient is given simultaneous enteral tube feeding placement, and is dependent on whether the
nutrition and drugs. Key factors are shown on Table 2, distal tip is in the stomach or small intestine (8).
and include patient profile, nutrition regimen dependent Hypertonic and hyperosmolar preparations, either as
variables and drug characteristics (5, 14). drugs or enteral formulae, must be administered into the
stomach to avoid GI intolerance (12).
Formula characteristics: The composition of enteral
Patient profile
formulae is complex and contains different substrates,
The risk of interaction depends mostly on the char- which can interact with each other and/or with certain
acteristics of the exposed individual, including age, drugs enhancing the risk of nutrition and drug therapy
failure (10). Feeding-tube occlusion is considered a
Table 1 Drug-nutrient interactions major complication of enteral feeding and is influenced
by several factors, including the protein source of the
1. Drug induced
Deficient intake/reduced absorption of nutrients: e.g. anoretic, cytotoxic,
formula (9, 16, 17). Formulae containing intact protein,
prokinetic drugs, histamine H2 antagonists, antacids particularly casein or caseinates, and higher protein
Loss of integrity of enteral formula: e.g. antacids concentrations, are more prone to coagulate, thereby
2. Nutrition induced
Subtherapeutic drug blood levels: e.g. digoxin, phenytoin, warfarin
clumping into the feeding-tube, in particular when
Toxicity: e.g. anticoagulants exposed to an acidic pH, a feature of some pharmaceu-
tical syrups (9, 16, 17).
Table 2 Drug-nutrient interactions: key factors
Feeding tube: The available feeding-tubes are diverse:
in composition of the material, inner diameter, length,
Patient Nutrition regimen Drug number and location of delivery holes at the distal tip,
Age Placement of Therapeutic and the number of delivery ports (10, 16, 17). Though
feeding tube index less patient friendly, large-bore nasogastric tubes appear
Nutritional status Formula characteristics Dose-response
curve less likely to occlude than smaller diameter tubes and/or
Disease: Feeding tube Potency tubes with multiple small delivery holes (10).
organ (s) involved Delivery methods Delivery methods: The method of enteral feeding
acute, chronic, severity Maintenance protocols
delivery also contributes to feeding-tube occlusion.

Continuous gravity feeding results in a greater incidence GI pH are associated with the formation of therapeu-
of tube occlusion compared with intermittent gravity tically inactive products. On the other hand, GI motility,
feeding, presumably related to the frequent flushing with secretions and flora as well as mucosal morphology and
water between the feeding intervals (16, 18). Though function are more likely to induce changes in the
pump-assisted tube-feeding is more prone to success, absorption rate.
pump malfunction is associated with irregularities on Physicochemical incompatibilities: Adsorption is a
the rate of feeding delivery and consequently increases physical process whereby a drug is bound to an external
the potential for occlusion (16). component, either from the diet or the tube, thus
Maintenance protocols: Flushing the tube with water decreasing its bioavailability. Adsorption appears to be
before and after drug administration is an effective way mainly related to the fiber content (Table 4). Dietary
of preventing occlusion and helps to prevent DNI. In fibre increases the absorption rate of amoxicillin but
addition, water provides an excellent medium to deliver significantly decreases the amount of drug absorbed,
medication, enhances its absorption and optimises possibly due to adsorption of amoxicillin to the fibre
enteral tube patency (12, 16, 19). matrix (5). High pectin diets act as an adsorbent to
Drugs: The probability of DNI is also determined by paracetamol (11). Both pectin and oat-bran fibre reduce
the drug itself (11). In general, high-risk drug are those the absorption of lovastatin (21). In all instances, it is
with a narrow therapeutic index, such as theophylline, advisable to separate feeding and medication intake,
phenytoin and digoxin (6). Others, have a steep dose- ideally with a 2 h interval.
response curve, thereby a small increment in dosage Complexation is a different mechanism. Dietary
induces a large increase in therapeutic effects, as seen minerals - zinc, iron, calcium, and magnesium-form
with corticosteroids, rifampin and carbamazepin. Ad- insoluble complexes with tetracycline, quinolones and
ditionally, drugs with potent pharmacological effects, antacids (1, 11). The use of antacids containing alumi-
such as anti-coagulants, also increase the risk of DNI (6). nium and magnesium can, occasionally, cause clinically
significant phosphate depletion by the formation of
insoluble aluminium or magnesium phosphates (1, 13).
Types of drug-nutrient interactions The chelation of levodopa by iron can reduce Parkin-
son’s disease control (6). Sucralfate binds to protein
DNI are frequently typified as pharmacokinetic or components of the diet, causing insoluble complexes
pharmacodynamic (Table 3) (1, 5). Pharmacokinetic (bezoar formation) and consequently therapeutic ineffi-
interactions influence the disposition of a drug or nutrient cacy (12). All these drugs should be taken with an empty
in the body and involve effects on absorption, distribu- stomach, at least 1 h before each meal.
tion, metabolism and excretion. Pharmacodynamic inter- Disruption of integrity of the enteral formula may
actions are related to the pharmacological activity: their result from its mixture with syrups or suspensions
consequences range from insignificant, or no clinical buffered to pH  4. As a consequence enteral products
effect, to significant morbidity and even mortality. increase their viscosity, particle size and thickness,
thereby causing cause immediate clumping, as described
above in the section ‘Factors influencing drug-nutrient
Pharmacokinetic interactions
interactions’ (3).
(a) ABSORPTION. Although interrelated with bioa-
vailability, is a different and major issue. Absorption Table 3 Types of drug-nutrient interactions
involves the transport of the drug or nutrient from the Pharmacokinetic interactions
GI tract into the general circulation; bioavailability is
(a) Absorption
the percentage of the original dosage, which, with or Physicochemical incompatibilities
without further metabolism, reaches the systemic Gastrointestinal pH, motility, secretion and flora
circulation as an active moiety (12). Absorption is Mucosal morphology and function
(b) Distribution
undoubtedly the best-studied and most common para- Protein binding (e.g. high fat or low protein diet)
meter responsible for pharmacokinetic interactions. (c) Metabolism
Disturbances in drug or nutrient absorption more often Formulae composition
Drug metabolic pattern (e.g. theophylline)
result in reduced absorption of either one (1, 20), Macronutrient and electrolyte homeostasis (e.g. corticosteroids,
moreover an alteration in the absorption rate tends to be cyclosporine, diuretics)
less important than changes in the total amount Vitamin metabolism (e.g. isoniazid vs pyridoxine; phenytoin vs folic
acid/vitamin D; methotrexate/phenobarbitone vs folic acid; furosemide
absorbed (6, 8, 11). However, interactions that affect vs thiamine; cimetidine/ranitidine/omeprazole vs cianocobalamine)
the absorption rate of drugs are mainly relevant for (d) Excretion
those with a short half-life or when a rapid peak plasma Urinary pH: alkaline pH (e.g. nitrofurantoin, allopurinol); acidic pH
(e.g. amitriptylline)
level is required to achieve a therapeutic effect (1). Pharmacodynamic interactions
Mechanisms involved in DNI that affect absorption Pharmacologic activity
are shown in Table 4 (1, 3, 5, 11, 12). In general, Antagonism (e.g. warfarin)
Cellular transport system (e.g. levodopa)
physicochemical incompatibilities and interference with

Table 4 Drug-nutrient interaction: mechanisms that affect absorption surgical interventions (laparotomy and vagotomy)
Physicochemical incompatibilities (1, 8, 15).
Adsorption: e.g. fibre/pectin vs amoxicillin/paracetamol/lovastatin The type of diet influences gut motility. Fluid diets
Complexation: e.g. dietary minerals vs tetracycline, quinolones, speed up GER whereas postprandial conditions delay
antacids; phosphate vs antacids; levodopa vs iron, sucralfate vs protein
Distruption of enteral formula: drugs with pH  4 GER. Moreover, highly concentrated formulae in
Gastrointestinal pH macronutrients, mainly amino acids and fat enhance
: absorption with acidic pH milieu: e.g. thiamine, cyanocobalamine, this delay (6, 8, 11).
iron, isoniazid, sucralfate, ketoconazole
: absorption with alkaline pH milieu: e.g. ciprofloxacin, omeprazole, Drugs may influence gut motility through their
didanosine mechanism of action (by acting on the GI smooth
Gastrointestinal motility muscle or stimulating the release of intestinal hormones
Diseases/surgical interventions
Diet: e.g. consistency, postprandial conditions, composition that control GI activity) or by the osmolarity of the drug
Drugs formulation (8). Atropine, scopolamine, phenothiazine,
(1) Mechanism of action antihistamines and tricyclic antidepressants can inhibit
; gut motility (e.g. atropine, antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants,
sympathomimetics, anaesthetic, antacids with aluminium) GER and GI motility (8, 12, 24). Sympathomimetics
: gut motility (e.g. prokinetics, erythromicin, bisacodyl, senna, (dopamine and dobutamine) reduce splanchnic blood
lactulose, neostigmine) flow, promote smooth muscle relaxation and decrease
: gastric acid secretion (e.g. reserpine)
(2) Osmolarity concentration (e.g. formulation type, sorbitol as GI contractions (8, 12, 15). Anaesthetic agents and
excipient) opiate agonists have similar effects on the GI tract
Gastrointestinal secretions (8, 12, 24). Aluminium, a constituent of many antacids,
Pancreatic enzymes, bile salts: e.g. griseofulvin, atovaquona
Gastrointestinal flora produces a relaxing effect on gastric smooth muscle,
Clinical conditions, drugs (e.g. antibiotics, histamine H2 inhibitors, which leads to a delayed GER (8, 11, 12). On the
proton pump inhibitors) contrary, prokinetic agents (cisapride, metoclopramide,
Mucosal morphology and function
Clinical conditions, drugs (e.g. non steroidal anti-inflammatory agents) and domperidone) enhance GER and the contractility of
the intestine (7, 8, 12, 24). The macrolide erythromycin,
which acts primarily as a motilin receptor agonist on the
Gastrointestinal pH: Alterations in pH influence both GI smooth muscle, also induces an augmented peristal-
the ionized and nonionized form of the drug or nutrient, sis (26). Bisacodyl and senna (stimulant laxatives)
thereby influencing the absorption process (11). Thia- produce GI irritation leading to depletion of minerals,
mine, cyanocobalamine and iron absorption are com- while lactulose causes diarrhoea (6, 8). Neostigmine
promised when drugs that increase gastric pH (antacids, increases intestinal tone. Reserpine increases GER by
histamine H2 antagonists and proton pump inhibitors) stimulating gastric acid secretion (8, 15). The osmolarity
are administered simultaneously (6, 22). On the other of the drug formulation determines the nonpharmaco-
hand, the sustained presence of nutrients in the stomach logic actions of a medication, which modifies the
increases gastric pH thereby preventing the dissolution tolerance to enteral feeding (Table 4). Diarrhoea,
and absorption of isoniazid (11). Sucralfate needs an bloating and cramping are common and may be the
acid milieu to become active in order to have a end result of drugs with a high osmolarity (electrolyte
therapeutic effect (12). Ketoconazole requires an acidic solutions, syrups, certain suspensions) or containing
environment to ensure proper dissolution and absorp- large amounts of sorbitol (8, 9, 12, 15). Sorbitol is an
tion (9, 12, 15, 23). On the contrary, ciprofloxacin and inert excipient often used in liquid formulations to
omeprazole have improved absorption when adminis- enhance palatability and improve stability. However, it
tered at an alkaline rather than an acidic pH. also increases their osmolar concentration; thus the
Didanosine (a purine nucleoside analogue with anti- severity of intolerance is related to the amount of
HIV activity) requires protection against acid catalysed sorbitol. Doses as low as 10 g are known to cause mild
decomposition. Nutrients in the stomach enhance the GI distress while 20 g or more promote more severe
amount of didanosine absorbed but have no effect on symptoms. Children may be more susceptible to sorbitol
the rate of absorption (21). In summary, the influence of than adults (12, 15).
GI pH is debatable, and its change, either natural or Gastrointestinal secretions: The presence of nutrients
induced, should initiate a careful search of known in the GI tract, especially a large quantity of fat,
interactions in order to avoid them. stimulates secretion of pancreatic and bile secretions.
Gastrointestinal motility: Gut motility, including gas- Pancreatic enzymes have a limited role in drug absorp-
tric emptying rate (GER) and intestinal peristalsis, tion whilst bile may have a more significant effect (Table
determines the absorption rate for drugs and nutrients 4). Bile salts are surface-active agents and can increase
and the onset of their pharmacological activity through the dissolution of lipossoluble drugs with consequent
various mechanisms (Table 4) (1, 8, 15). enhanced absorption: e.g. griseofulvin and atovaquona
GER is delayed by some clinical conditions (including (6). Bile salts may promote the formation of nonabsorb-
malnutrition, head and/or severe trauma, myocardial able precipitates (e.g. neomycin); sterol excretion is then
infarction, appendicitis, pancreatitis, atrophic gastritis, increased, thereby reducing the body’s cholesterol pool
diabetic gastroparesis and pyloric stenosis) as well as (13).

Gastrointestinal flora: Besides gastric intolerance, performance in patients with congestive heart failure
broad-spectrum antibiotic administration may reduce (28). Prolonged or chronic therapy with cimetidine,
or alter small intestinal and colonic bacteria (Table 4), ranitidine and proton pump inhibitors, by inhibiting
thus promoting diarrhoea and nutrient availability, e.g. gastric acid secretion, may promote malabsorption of
vitamin K (1, 9, 13). Bacterial overgrowth of the cyanocobalamine, which can increase the risk of
proximal gut, whether spontaneous or induced omepra- anaemia, particularly in the elderly (1, 22).
zole, appears to lead to the synthesis of folic acid (25)
and vitamin K (26). (d) EXCRETION (Table 3). Both diet and drugs can
Mucosal morphology and function: Drugs may affect cause alkaline or acidic urine (1). Low protein diets lead
mucosal integrity (Table 4). Nonsteroidal anti-inflam- to increased urinary pH. The alkalinization of the urine
matory drugs may even cause bleeding from the GI increases the excretion of nitrofurantoin and its effec-
tract. Neomycin and colchicine may induce enteropathy, tiveness. Additionally, nitrofurantoin tolerance and
which interferes with active transport mechanisms for absorption is enhanced when it is taken with food
nutrients (1, 6, 13). (29). Low protein diets may increase renal reabsorption
of quinidine, alongside the risk of drug toxicity. Similar
(b) DISTRIBUTION of a drug or nutrient is another diets also promote the renal tubular reabsorption of the
type of DNI which may be disturbed by competition for allopurinol main metabolite (oxypurinol), leading to
binding to transport proteins (Table 3). In theory, an toxicity with important practical implications in the
enriched fat diet increases the plasma free fatty acids elderly (1). On the contrary, a high protein diet
that transiently displace drugs bound to albumin, with a determines an acidic urine which increase the rate of
possible exacerbation of the pharmacological effect of excretion of cationic drugs such as amitriptylline. A high
the drug (5) although no clinical relevant examples have protein diet also increases renal plasma flow and
been reported. A prolonged relative deficiency of protein glomerular filtration rate mediated by glucagon release
intake may decrease plasma albumin and as such may (1, 5).
influence the disposition of drugs, whenever the effect is
related to the albumin bound moiety (5, 13).
Pharmacodynamic interactions
(c) METABOLISM (Table 3) is influenced by the diet In contrast to pharmacokinetics, there is a paucity of
composition as well as by the drugs’ metabolic pattern data concerning pharmacodynamic interactions. These
(1). Because nutrients interfere in the synthesis and involve changes in the response of the patient to a drug-
activity of metabolising enzymes, the concurrent admin- nutrient combination, without modification in pharma-
istration of drugs and nutrients can interact in a way cokinetics of the drug or bioavailability of the nutrient.
which may affect the activity of both or either one Table 3 shows the two underlying mechanisms: antag-
(1, 14). This is usually associated with the stimulation or onism and altered cellular transport systems (1).
inhibition of metabolising enzymes or derives from The best known example of antagonism is Warfarin;
changes induced in splanchnic-hepatic blood flow (14). its anticoagulant effect is annulled or substantially
As an example of the former mechanisms, theophylline decreased by vitamin K. The vitamin K content of a
half-life significantly decreases in patients fed with high diet formula will directly and inversely influence the
protein or low carbohydrate diets (3, 5, 14, 15); whereas degree of Warfarin anticoagulation (1, 8, 9). When a
the concurrent intake of a high fat meal has been patient is receiving oral anticoagulant therapy it is best
associated with signs of drug toxicity (1). However, to avoid formulae containing more than 75 to 80 mg of
dietary protein and fat stimulate splanchnic-hepatic vitamin K/1000 Kcal (9). Another pharmacodynamic
blood flow, which is relevant for drugs with high hepatic interaction results from the interaction of the composi-
extraction ratios, such as propranolol and labetalo tion of an enteral formula to the absorption of
(1, 11, 14). levodopa. Because levodopa shares the same carrier
Furthermore, certain drugs alter the metabolism of across the blood–brain barrier, any dietary manipula-
macro and micronutrients (1, 8, 9). Protein and glucose tion affecting circulating neutral amino acids (valine,
metabolism is influenced by corticosteroids, while leucine, isoleucine, tyrosine, and tryptophan), may
cyclosporine affects lipid metabolism (6, 13, 27). modulate the biologic and clinical effects of levodopa
Diuretics as well as amphotericin B, captopril and (1, 11).
cisplatin are responsible for electrolyte disturbances
(6, 11). Some drugs interact with vitamin metabolism,
e.g. isoniazid affects pyridoxine; phenytoin may interfere Recommendations of administering medication during
with folic acid and vitamin D; phenobarbitone, primi- tube-feeding
done, sulphasalazine, trimethoprim and methotrexate
(in high doses) antagonise folic acid (1, 11). Long-term
furosemide therapy may increase urinary loss of . The pharmacist has valuable expertise in optimising
thiamine, thereby contributing to impaired cardiac prescriptions.

. Never add medications directly to the enteral before and after administration of each medication
formula. (8, 9, 12, 15, 16).
. Do not administer medications through the same . To avoid drug–drug interaction, drugs must not be
port of an enteral feeding tube as the feeding mixed together, and at least 10 ml of water should
solution. be used to flush the tube between each administration
. Minimise the likelihood of an interaction. (9, 10, 12, 32).
. Cytotoxic drugs should be handled with special care
(20, 32).
a) interrupt the tube feeding 2 h before and 2 h after
administering the drug and re-adjust the tube-feeding
schedule to accommodate the total 24 h requirements.
b) monitor blood levels more frequently if the prescribed Conclusion
drug has a narrow therapeutic index.
c) observe the patient for unexpected changes in clinical DNI, especially with enteral feeding, can affect quality
response (12–15). and cost/effectiveness in healthcare. The pharmacist on
the multiprofessional nutrition support team is best
. Factors that influence drug delivery include the suited to understand the pharmacology of a nutrient or
dosage form as well as the type and placement of drug, the mechanism by which they may interact and
the distal tip of the tube (9, 15). can assist in predicting or allowing early recognition of
. Whenever possible use the liquid form of a drug an interaction. The team provides complementary
because it bypasses the dissolution process-a rate- expertise thereby reducing the risk of avoidable compli-
limiting step to absorption (12, 29). However, many cations, morbidity and mortality. However, our knowl-
liquid medications are formulated for paediatric use; edge about DNI still has many limitations.
thus, in order to meet the required dose for adults, There are so many ways for diet to influence the
large volumes of the medication must be dispensed. outcome of disease or therapy that it must always be
This often results in undesirable effects, such as considered as part of a therapeutic regimen. Reconsider
diarrhoea due to the excipient sorbitol. diet when drugs are not performing as expected (29).
. Check whether the drug formulation requires any
dilution prior to administration. Hypertonic,
irritating or viscous medications should be diluted Acknowledgements
in at least 30 ml of water immediately before infusion
The author wishes to thank ME Camilo, MD PhD and Mrs Pat
to avoid gastric irritation and diarrhoea. However, a Howard, Dietician for their valuable insights and input.
liquid formulation is not always available and
alternative methods of administration should be
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Submission date: 24 July 2000 Accepted: 24 July 2000

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