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European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2000) 54, Suppl 1, S69±S74

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Drugs±nutrient interactions: a potential problem during


E Alonso-Aperte and G Varela-Moreiras*

Facultad de CC. Experimentales y TeÂcnicas, Universidad San Pablo-CEU, 28668 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain

The concept of drug ± nutrient interactions is not new, but it has only recently gained currency in medicine.
Although the elderly are normally considered to be at particular risk, other groups may also be at risk: infants,
adolescents, pregnant women, alcohol and tobacco users, etc.
In infants and adolescents there are several factors that may in¯uence the possible interactions: ®rstly, nutrient
needs are usually higher, mainly micronutrients; systems for detoxi®cation of anutrients are not complete; the
tendency to restricted diets (especially girls) that are unable to cover the actual recommended intakes for a
number of micronutients (i.e. vitamins); and the dangerous increase in alcohol consumption either in males or
Administration of drugs in population with adequate vitamin intake is usually not a problem, but adminis-
tration of drugs in those with borderline intake of vitamins or in patients with low nutritional status can result in
symptomatic vitamin de®ciency states. The groups at risk of poor vitamin status are smokers (a high proportion
of adolescents are active smokers); dieters (skipping meals and dieting to lose weight frequently compromise
micronutrient intake, and it should be considered that it is extremely dif®cult to meet all the requirements at
intakes of less than 1200 calories per day), oral contraceptive users, and pregnant and lactating women, excessive
alcohol users, etc. The chapter also focuses on the case of folate: rapidly dividing tissues during the adolescent
growth spurt increase requirements for folate. Because of this increased need, folate status appears to be of
concern during the age of this rapid growth. A variety of drugs are known to interfere with vitamin utilization by
blocking or altering transformation of the vitamin to its metabolically active form. Serum folate levels are known
to be low in a high percentage of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, suggesting that aspirin alters the transport of
folate by competition for binding sites on serum proteins. Methotrexate, a drug commonly used at low doses for
the treatment of psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and certain liver disorders, limits the availability of methyl groups
derived from one-carbon metabolism by inhibiting competitively a key enzyme in the intracellular folate
metabolism. In humans, the antiepileptic drug valproic acid (VPA) is associated with two major adverse effects:
teratogenicity and folate de®ciency. The mechanisms by which VPA exerts the teratogenic or antifolate effect
remain unclear, but an alteration in the methionine cycle is the strongest hypothesis proposed.
Descriptors: drugs-nutrient interactions; adolescents; xenobiotics; anutrients; vitamins; de®ciency
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2000) 54, Suppl 1, S69±S74

Introduction environment in which we live contains a large number of

non-nutrient chemicals of different nature and origin.
In the world at large and in the Western World in particular,
Therefore, a number of these compounds may be intro-
the average age of the population is increasing, which
duced into the body either by design or by accident that are
results from an increase in lifespan as a consequence of
not normal constituents of the body. These non-nutrients
the advances in preventive medicine and the clinical
include food additives, such as preservatives, antioxidants,
sciences. At the same time, there has been a remarkable
sweeteners, ¯avors, and colors, therapeutic drugs, cos-
rise in the modern pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
metics, detergents, pesticides, and industrial chemicals.
In fact, during the past two to three decades, awareness has
These substances are `foreign' to the major metabolic
grown about factors, including food and nutrients, that can
pathways of the body concerned with the metabolism of
affect pharmacological activity. The disposition of half-life
nutrients, and have variously been called `foreign com-
drugs can also be affected by malnutrition, and the compo-
pounds', `xenobiotics' or `anutrients'. In addition to these
sition of the diet itself may contribute to the incidence of
synthetic foreign compounds, a wide variety of plant food-
nutrient ±drug interactions (Knapp, 1996).
stuffs contain anutrients belonging to various chemical
The concept of drug ±nutrient interactions is not new,
groups, such as alkaloids, ¯avonoids, and others. The
but it has only recently gained currency in medicine. The
variety of these natural anutrients that enter the body is
much greater than the number of drugs, food additives or
*Correspondence: G Varela-Moreiras, Facultad de CC. Experimentales y insecticides. However, both the natural and arti®cially
TeÂcnicas, Universidad San Pablo-CEU, Urb. MonteprõÂncipe, Crta. Boadilla occurring compounds in food are potentially toxic if they
del Monte km 5, 3, 28668 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain. are consumed or if they accumulate in the body (Roe,
E-mail: 1990).
Guarantor: G. Varela-Moreiras.
Contributors: Dr G. Varela-Moreiras initiated the study, collected the data,
Drug ±nutrient interactions can be de®ned as events that
designed the draft and wrote the ®rst and ®nal version. Dr E. Alonso- result from chemical, physical, physiological or patho-
Aperte contributed to the writing and revision of the manuscript. physiological relationships between nutrients and drugs.
Drug ± nutrient interaction
E Alonso-Aperte and G Varela-Moreiras
Although normally interactions are related to adverse may impair the nutritional status of a patient, with con-
effects such as impaired drug absorption by foods, altered sequent profound effects upon the body's response to
drug metabolism, or drug-induced nutrition de®ciencies, drugs. Interactions occur not only with prescribed drugs
several bene®cial effects may also occur: drug absorption but also to over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin, para-
enhanced by foods, `appetite stimulation', improved nutri- cetamol or antacids. Therefore, the problem involves both
tion with antibiotics in infection, or the use of vitamins as healthy individuals and those suffering from disease (Basu,
drug toxicity antidotes. These events are important when 1983a, b).
they diminish the intended response to a therapeutic drug.
when the nutritional status of an individual is impaired, or
The fate of anutrients in the body
when it causes an acute or chronic drug toxicity (Roe,
1985). Mammals have developed defence mechanisms that render
Drugs and nutrients share a number of characteristics, them capable of metabolizing and subsequently excreting a
such as physicochemical properties, the capability to affect wide range of anutrients. The metabolism of a drug
certain biochemical events, and dose-related toxicity. involves different steps: absorption from the gastrointest-
Nutrient and drug interactions can occur in the gastro- inal tract, if orally administered; transport in the blood,
intestinal tract, in the blood, and at cellular drug receptors. usually bound to plasma proteins; deactivation, ®rstly
Some individuals are at greater risk of nutrient ±drug through oxidation by microsomal enzyme systems
interactions. Although the elderly are normally considered NADPH and cytochrome P450 in liver, lung, and small
to be at particular risk, other groups may also be at risk: intestine, and secondly by conjugation with glucuronic
infants, adolescents, pregnant women, alcohol and tobacco acid, sulphate or glycine; excretion of the conjugate in
users, etc. (Hamilton Smith, 1995). In infants and adoles- urine or bile (Guengerich, 1995).
cents there are several factors that may in¯uence the The breakdown of drugs and other environmental
possible interactions: ®rstly, nutrient needs are usually chemicals takes place in two different stages: ®rstly, the
higher, mainly of micronutrients; systems for detoxi®cation biotransformation, which is asynthetic and results in the
of anutrients are not complete; the tendency to restricted formation of a more polar compound by oxidation, reduc-
diets (especially girls) that are unable to cover the actual tion, hydroxylation, etc. The second phase is of a synthetic
recommended intakes for a number of micronutients (i.e. nature, involving conjugation of the polar compound with
vitamins); the dangerous increase in alcohol consumption endogenous molecules such as glucuronic acid, sulphate,
either in males or females. glutathione, glycine and acetate, giving a more hydrophilic
Therefore, instruction in nutritional science can no character and making the compound more suitable for
longer be restricted to a description of the chemistry of excretion in the bile and urine. The enzyme system respon-
major dietary constituents, diseases associated with a de®- sible for the metabolism of anutrients is the mixed function
ciency, and the amounts of nutrients required to prevent oxidases (MFOs), principally located in the endoplasmic
them. Nutrition today must address the interrelationships of reticulum of the hepatocytes, and is somewhat unique in its
long-term nutritional habits and chronic diseases of the ability to utilize a wide range of substrates.
cardiovascular system, of cancer, and of osteoporosis,
among others. There is also the role of nutrition as a tool
Dietary and nutritional factors affecting the metabolism
in the treatment of postoperative and other patients in the
of xenobiotics
clinical setting. It is at these interfaces that drugs and
nutrients interact in signi®cant ways. The advances and Dietary factors affecting drug disposition and metabolism
application of modern drug therapy and of nutrition are not include: dietary protein intake and its effects on plasma
unrelated. A well-nourished individual is less likely to albumin levels, drug-metabolizing enzymes in gut and
contract disease, and when speci®c diseases are encoun- liver, and intestinal micro¯oral; meal composition can
tered, they tend to be less severe, and response to drug alter intestinal activity and blood ¯ow to accelerate or
therapy more favorable. Moreover, response to drug ther- retard drug absorption=metabolism; excess body fat may
apy may differ in the same individual at different time increase the volume of distribution of lipophilic drugs, etc.
points. A signi®cant proportion of these changes appears to The rate at which the metabolic reactions proceed and
be a re¯ection of the nutritional status of the individual and their relative importance may be affected by a number of
the food that is being consumed at the time of the drug factors: genetics, age, hormones, disease, and others, but
therapy. probably the most important factor of all is nutritional
As an example (Basu, 1983a, b), protein-energy malnu-
Pharmacological agents (drugs)
trition due to restricted feeding (i.e. extreme slimming
In addition to the food-borne chemicals mentioned above, diets) and starvation is prevalent in much of the world's
drugs are another class (the most important but not the population. This nutritional problem can affect the meta-
largest) of a group of substances that are chemically foreign bolism of drugs and other xenobiotic chemicals in at least
to the body and are generally of no nutritive value. During two ways: ®rstly, tissue protein is catabolized and used as a
the last 50 y medicine has experienced a profound trans- source of energy, reducing the availability of amino acids
formation, with the ability to cure most diseases. Unfortu- for protein synthesis which, in turn, reduces the amount of
nately, however, the interactions between what man eats various enzymes in the tissues, including those participat-
and the chemicals with which he comes into contact are ing in the metabolism of foreign compounds. Second,
ever increasing, and yet are poorly understood. It has endogenous substrates such as glucuronide, sulphate, and
become increasingly recognized that nutritional status is glycine are derived from carbohydrate and protein, and
one of the many factors capable of modifying the pharma- there could be competition between the metabolism of
cological effect of drugs. On the other hand, drug treatment xenobiotics and the needs of the tissues for these nutrients.

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Drug ± nutrient interaction
E Alonso-Aperte and G Varela-Moreiras
Nutritional consequences of drug therapy Indirect mechanisms
As publicised, there has been a growing interest in how  Drug-induced changes in gastrointestinal motility (e.g.
treatments with drugs of widely differing chemistry and anticholinergics).
pharmacological action have the potential to cause nutri-  Drug-induced malabsorption syndromes (e.g. neomy-
tional de®ciencies. The actual incidence of drug-induced cin).
nutrient de®ciency is, indeed, dif®cult to identify, since
cause and effect relationships between the drug and the
nutrient de®ciency are dif®cult to prove. However, what is Direct mechanisms
clear is that certain speci®ed drugs induce de®ciencies of  Drug-induced pH changes in gastrointestinal tract
speci®c nutrients following long-term, high-dose adminis- (antacids).
tration in susceptible groups of the population. Many of  Drug-induced changes in bioavailability.
these drugs may alter taste perception, reduce absorption,  Drug-induced retardation of absorption.
increase excretion or interfere with the utilization of nutri-
ents. The widespread use of certain drugs, normally self-
prescribed, makes it impossible to give advice for each Bioavailability and metabolism
individual, and therefore for several nutrients possible A drug bioavailability is de®ned as the degree to which the
interactions with drugs should be considered in relation to drug can be utilized metabolically unchanged once it
needs on a community basis (Thomas and Tschanz, 1994). reaches the systemic circulation. Several factors that can
affect drug disposition are: diet; nutritional status; genetic
traits; age; sex; pregnancy; renal and cardiovascular func-
Drug effects on food intake, body weight, nutrient tion; pharmacologic variables (dose, route, duration);
requirements and growth stress; diseases states, etc. (Skaar, 1991).
Drugs can reduce food intake because they cause a loss of Drug metabolism involves two basic reactions: phase I and
appetite, induce sedation, or evoke adverse responses when phase II reactions. Phase I includes oxidation, hydroxyl-
food is taken. Drugs affecting appetite may do so by central ation, reduction, or hydrolysis, resulting in changes in a
or peripheral effect. (Welling, 1996): functional group of the drug molecule. The mixed function
oxidase system (MFOS) in an inducible enzyme system
catalyzes the oxidation of a wide variety of drugs. The
A. Primary Ð appetite suppression MFOS is found primarily in the liver. Phase II reactions
1. Centrally acting: include conjugation to glucuronate or glutathione, and
 cathecolaminergic, e.g. dextroampethamine; acetylation or sulphonation to functional groups on the
 dopaminergic, e.g. levodopa; drug's molecule. The metabolism of drugs by phase I and
 seratoninergic, e.g. fen¯uramine; phase II reactions is catalyzed by different enzymes, and
 endorphin modulators, e.g. naloxone. the formation of metabolites requires other substances
provided by the body through nutrition. A number of
2. Peripherally acting: nutrients and micronutrients (vitamins) play signi®cant
 agents that inhibit gastric emptying, e.g. levodopa; roles in phase I oxidation reactions (Table 1).
 bulking agents, e.g. methyl cellulose. On the other hand, phase II reactions involving conjuga-
tion depend of the supply of carbohydrates, amino acids,
fats, and proteins.
B. Secondary Ð adverse response to food Ð loss of
Interactions of drugs and vitamins
 drugs causing nausea and vomiting, e.g. digoxin-toxin
dose, Daily requirements of the vitamins are often expressed as
 drugs causing loss of taste, e.g. penicillamine; the minimum amount essential for health. The minimum
 drugs causing stomatitis, e.g. ¯uorouracil; requirements, however, may be insuf®cient when one is
 hepatotoxic agents, e.g. alcohol. under physiological and pathological stresses. This is the
case of pregnancy and lactation or when training for
athletic competition. In pathological states, requirements
Drugs affecting absorption
for some or all the vitamins may be increased. There is also
The majority of clinically signi®cant nutrient ±drug inter-
a growing interest in knowing how drugs may potentially
actions seem to involve the absorption process. A variety of
cause vitamin de®ciency, ranging from overt depletion with
drugs may interfere with nutritional status by impairing the
absorption and therefore bioavailability of essential nutri-
ents by several mechanisms: Table 1 Nutrients in Phase I (Oxidation) reactions

 altering the environment of the intestinal lumen Ð Nutrients Component of reaction requiring nutrient
mineral oil, cholestyramine, antacids; Nicotinic acid NADPH
 morphology of the mucosa Ð neomycin, methotrexate; Ribo¯avin FAM and FAD
 inhibiting the digestive enzymes Ð sulphasalazine; Glycine Heme (cytochrome P-450)
 interference with the metabolism of one nutrient, which Iron Heme
Protein Apoenzymes
in turn leads to malabsorption of another nutrient Ð Calcium Maintenance of membranes
phenitoyn, phenobarbital, prednisone, etc. Zinc Maintenance of membranes
Magnesium Maintenance of membranes
We may also differentiate the type of interaction on
absorption by indirect and direct mechanisms. Source: Hoyumpa and Schenker (1982).

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Drug ± nutrient interaction
E Alonso-Aperte and G Varela-Moreiras
clinical manifestation to subclinical de®ciency. This will Table 4 Effects of drugs on Vitamin assessment
depend on the nutritional status before and during the
Nutrient Drug Alteration
treatment, the type, dosage and duration of drug use, and
the age of the individuals. Therefore, administration of Thiamin Oral contraceptives Increased transketolase stimulation
drugs in population with adequate vitamin intake is usually Vitamin B6 Oral contraceptives Decreased plasma levels
not a problem, but administration of these drugs in those Folic acid Oral contraceptives Reduced serum folate
Folic acid Anticonvulsants Reduced serum folate
with borderline intake of vitamins or in patients with low Folic acid Sulfasalzine Reduced serum folate
nutritional status can result in symptomatic vitamin de®- Cobalamin Oral contraceptives Decreased serum B12
ciency states. Roe (1985) attempted to make several recco- Vitamin C Aspirin Decreased plasma vitamin C
mendations for different vitamin intakes according to drugs
treatments (Table 2). However, cause and effect relation-
ships between drug and vitamin de®ciency are dif®cult to negative impacts on micronutrient status. In consequence,
prove. As a consequence, the drug-induced vitamin de®- diets that eliminate all animal foods provide almost no
ciencies may, in turn, have an enormous effect on the vitamin B12, and have also been associated with cases of
metabolism of drugs and therefore the body's response to rickets and other vitamin de®ciencies. Skipping meals and
the agents (Table 3). dieting to lose weight frequently compromise micronutrient
Drugs can affect vitamin status either directly or intake, and it should be considered that it is extremely
indirectly: alterations in absorption, metabolism, and excre- dif®cult to meet all the requirements at intakes of less than
tion are examples of a drug's direct effect on vitamin status. 1200 calories per day. As an example, when an analysis of
A drug can also induce a vitamin de®ciency indirectly by 11 published reducing diets was done, it was shown that
altering appetite and taste, gastrointestinal ¯ora, and the none provided 100% of the US RDA for representative
rate of stomach emptying. In addition, drugs may interfere vitamins.
with vitamin assessment, leading to a more cumbersome
task to identify the potential interaction (Table 4).
3. Oral contraceptive users. The use of oral contracep-
tives is associated with decreased levels of some vitamins:
Groups at risk of poor vitamin status plasma carotene and pyridoxal phosphate levels, and red
1. Smokers. Although there is an increasing advice by the blood cell folate. Oral contraceptive users also have lower
health authorities concerning the negative effects of smoking, vitamin C levels.
the number of smokers is still large, mainly in the adolescent
age group. Besides the well-known consequences of heavy
smoking, our concern is related to micronutrient status, since 4. Adolescents. During periods of rapid growth, particu-
it has been shown that smokers tend to have a poorer status. larly during adolescence, high nutrient demands may not be
Smokers tend to have lower blood levels of B-carotene and met with a typical diet. Red blood cell folate was at a
pyridoxal-50 -phosphate. People who smoke also appear to de®cient level in 47% of a group of apparently healthy
have an increased requirement for vitamin C, and were also teenage girls in Alabama (Clark et al, 1987). Moreover,
found to have signi®cantly lower levels of vitamin E in lung mean dietary vitamin A intake of Black teenage males in
alveolar ¯uid vs non smokers. Kentucky was only 36% of the US RDA, and White
teenage females consumed about 51% of the US RDA of
that nutrient. There are, of course, a high number of
2. Dieters. Eating behavior, particularly diets that omit or examples showing that in many groups of adolescents
severely restrict whole categories of foods, can have there are subclinical de®ciencies, mainly for vitamins.
While nutrient demands are particularly high during pub-
Table 2 Vitamin intakes for individuals receiving drugs which cause erty, eating habits may be especially poor, which may be
malabsorption due in part to reducing diets.
Drug Recommended total daily vitamin intake

Phenytoin Vitamin A: 800 ± 1200 UI 5. Pregnant and lactating women. Micronutrient needs
Vitamin K: 2 ± 5 mg during pregnancy and lactation are higher and frequently
Folic acid: 0.8 ± 1.2 mg diets do not cover these demands.
Sulfasalazine Folic acid: 0.8 ± 1.2 mg
Cholestyramine Vitamin A: 5000 ± 10,000 UI
Colestipol Vitamin D: 800 ± 1200 UI
6. Premature infants. Premature infants have been found
Source: Roe (1985). to have low plasma vitamin C levels, low vitamin A status,

Table 3 Effect of Vitamin de®ciency on some drug metabolizing enzyme activities in animals

Vitamin de®ciency Affected drug metabolism indices

A Cytochrome P450, oxidations of aminopyrine, ethylmorphine, aniline, benzo(a)pyrene.

B1 Oxidations of N-nitrosodimethylamine, acetaminophen, aniline.
B2 NADPH-P450 reductase, oxidations of aniline, acetanilide, benzo(a)pyrene, aminopyrine.
B3 Oxidation of anaesthesics.
C Cytochrome P450, NADPH-P450 reductase and several mono-oxygenation activities.
E Oxidations of codeine, ethylmorphine, benzo(a)pyrene.
Folate Decrease in induction of cytochrome P450 by barbiturates.

Source: adapted from Guengerich (1995).

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Drug ± nutrient interaction
E Alonso-Aperte and G Varela-Moreiras
and a tendency to vitamin E de®ciency. The nutrients of for 2 weeks resulted in a signi®cantly lower brain total
particular concern are the fat soluble vitamins, folic acid, folate content vs control group (0.25 ‡ 0.06 vs 0.69 ‡ 0.5,
vitamin C, and vitamin B6. P < 0.01; Varela-Moreiras et al, 1995). This quantitative
change was associated with elongations of the glutamate
chains of the folate molecules, mainly an increase in the
The case of folate
proportion of hepta- and octaglutamyl folates in the MTX-
Accelerated growth and increased lean body mass are the treated animals. However, MTX could not be detected in
characteristics of adolescents. Rapidly dividing tissues brain tissue, in contrast to previous observations of sig-
during the adolescent growth spurt increases requirements ni®cant amounts found in liver (Alonso Aperte & Varela-
of most nutrients and especially for folate. Because of this Moreiras, 1996). Interestingly, DNA was signi®cantly
increased need, folate status appears to be of concern (P < 0.05) undermethylated in treated rats. In consequence,
during the age of this rapid growth, mainly in low- this drug appears to impair the capacity of tissues, either a
income families, whose diets are likely to be poor in quality peripheral one such as liver or a central one such as brain,
(Sauberlich, 1990). A variety of drugs are known to to incorporate folate.
interfere with vitamin utilization by blocking or altering In humans, the antiepileptic drug valproic acid (VPA) is
transformation of the vitamin to its metabolically active associated with two major adverse effects: teratogenicity
form. and folate de®ciency (Smith & Carl, 1982): The mechan-
Some drugs have been associated with subnormal serum isms by which VPA exerts the teratogenic or antifolate
folate levels, probably due to the speci®c but weakly folate effect remain unclear. An alteration in the methionine cycle
bound to serum proteins and, therefore, its vulnerability to is the strongest hypothesis proposed. Wegner and Nau
be displaced by drugs (Lambie & Johnson, 1985); although (1992) have demonstrated that VPA alters embryonic
the mechanisms remain to be elucidated, the common folate distribution in mice, producing elevated levels of
denominator seems to be a decrease in serum binding of tetrahydrofolate and reduced levels of both formylated
methyltetrahydrofolate, caused by the drug or one of the forms of folate. Folate distribution is highly dependent on
metabolites (Labadarios, 1993). the functioning of the methionine cycle. These previous
Serum folate levels are known to be low in a high observations suggest a link between VPA and the methio-
percentage of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, nine cycle that could be related to the biochemical mechan-
decreased folate levels have been observed in 70% of the isms involved in VPA teratogenesis, although the speci®c
rheumatoid patients, suggesting that aspirin alters the effect of VPA on the reactions involved in the aforemen-
transport of folate by competition for binding sites on tioned cycle has not been studied. In consequence, we have
serum proteins. Acetaminophen (ACAP) is an analgesic recently evaluated the in¯uence of VPA administered
agent employed in many self-prescribed formulations for during neural tube formation in the rat on the methionine
pain relief and, as aspirin, has the potential for chronic use cycle. VPA induced a reduction in methionine serum
at all age groups. The two major disposition pathways of concentration (P < 0.05) caused by a 24% reduction of
ACAP involve glucuronidation or sulphation, and subse- methionine synthase activity. This provoked hepatic DNA
quent urinary excretion of polar metabolites. The sulpha- hypomethylation, and both, impaired methionine synthesis
tion pathway becomes saturated as the dose of ACAP and DNA hypomethylation may be involved in VPA-
increases: as known, methionine is required for different induced teratogenesis (Alonso-Aperte et al, 1999). In
physiological functions other than as a sulphur source for addition, we also observed that VPA alters normal gestation
cysteine. The reactive metabolite of methionine, S-adeno- reducing the fertility index, and induces skeletal modi®ca-
sylmethionine, provides the methyl groups found in DNA, tions on the skull, appendicular bones, vertebrae and ribs
RNA, etc. In consequence, high ACAP intakes may make (Ubeda et al, 1996).
methionine less available for protein synthesis and methyl-
ation reactions. We have demonstrated in rats that long-
term ACAP administration leads to a signi®cantly lower
dietary protein metabolism when compared to the control Ethanol causes many pharmacological effects. Alcoholic
group (Varela-Moreiras et al, 1991; Ragel Prudencio et al, drinks are consumed for their mood-altering actions and
1994). In addition, when we fed rats for 4 weeks with pleasing tastes, and in moderate amounts for stimulating
aspirin or acetaminophen the treatments were not asso- appetite.
ciated with important changes in total hepatic folate content Vitamin de®ciencies occurring in heavy alcohol drinkers
or folate derivatives distribution. DNA methylation or the are complex in their etiology. Causes of de®ciency include
so-called `methylation ratio' was also unaffected, which dietary insuf®ciency, malabsorption, hyperexcretion, and a
implies that in an animal model, long-term administration decreased rate of activation. Of all the vitamins, B-vitamin
of these very popular analgesics seem to be without effect de®ciencies are the most common among alcohol drinkers.
on folate metabolism and on several markers of the We should not forget that adolescents are now dramatically
methionine cycle for which folate pendes a critical regula- increasing the alcohol intake while at the same time are
tory standpoint (Varela-Moreiras et al, 1993). borderline with regard to several vitamins intakes, mainly
Methotrexate (MTX), a drug commonly used at low due to prolonged slimming diets, poor diets, or wrong
doses for the treatment of psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis choice of food (Hoyumpa & Schenker, 1982).
and certain liver disorders, limits the availability of methyl Thiamin de®ciency is very frequent among alcohol
groups derived from one-carbon metabolism by inhibiting drinkers, producing two disorders of the central nervous
competitively a key enzyme in the intracellular folate system. Folic acid de®ciency also occurs in alcoholics.
metabolism. MTX acts to trap folate and is considered an Alcohol with empty calories often replaces food in the
antifolate agent (Selhub J et al, 1991). In a recent study we diet. It can cause in¯ammation of the stomach, pancreas
demonstrated that treatment with MTX to rats at low doses and intestine, and interferes with the normal process of

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Drug ± nutrient interaction
E Alonso-Aperte and G Varela-Moreiras
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European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

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