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Mathematics and Physics Department

Central Philippine University

Iloilo City

Experiment No.4 - Wave fronts and Characteristics of Waves

Name ____Erwin M. Ysug_____________ Course and Year _BSED- Science 3 Score________

I. Objective:
To describe the propagation of wave fronts and characteristics of waves exhibit using
materials at home.

II. Materials/Apparatus:
Large basin, 2 - block of woods, 2 - cylindrical block of woods, glass plate, ruler or any straight
edge, water

III. Procedures:

1. Gather all the materials needed for the activity

2. Fill a large basin with water which almost cover the glass plate and let it rest for a while.
3. Trial 1: Using your index finger, touch the surface of water at the center of the basin. Observe
the disturbance produced. Record your observations.

4. Trial 2: Using your index finger, touch the surface of water at the side part of the basin.
Observe the disturbance produced. Record your observations.

5. Trial 3: Using a ruler or straight edge, touch the surface of water at the center of the basin and
observe the disturbance produced. Record your observations.

6. Trial 4: Using a ruler or straight edge, touch the surface of water at the side of the basin and
observe the disturbance produced. Record your observations.

7. Trial 5: Place two wooden blocks at the center part of the basin with a gap of 2 centimeters
apart. Touch the surface of water at the other side of the basin perpendicular to the block.
Observe and describe the tendency of the wave front after striking the block. Record your

8. Trial 6: Using a ruler or straight edge, touch the surface of water at the other side of the basin
perpendicular to the block. Observe and describe the tendency of the wave front after striking the
block. Record your observations.

9. Trial 7: Place a glass plate at the center part of the basin. Be sure that the glass is almost cover
with water and let the water calm down. Using your index finger, touch the surface of water at
the side of the basin. Observe the disturbance as it pass through the surface of the glass. Record
your observations.

10. Trial 8: Using a ruler or straight edge, touch the surface of water at the side of the basin.
Observe the disturbance as it pass through the surface of the glass. Record your observations.
11. Trial 9: Place two wooden cylindrical blocks at the center part of the basin with a gap of 2
centimeters apart. Touch the surface of water at the other side of the basin perpendicular to the
block. Observe the disturbances as they pass through the gap between the blocks. Record your

12. Trial 10: Using a ruler or straight edge, touch the surface of water at the other side of the
basin perpendicular to the block. Observe the disturbances as they pass through the gap between
the blocks. Record your observations.

IV. Diagrams
V. Discussions/Observations/ Analysis:

Trial 1

When touching the surface of water at the center of the basin with an index finger, a circular
disturbance is produced, spreading outward. This circular disturbance is a result of the displacement of
water molecules caused by the disturbance created by the finger. The waves propagate radially outward
from the point of disturbance, creating a circular wave pattern.

Trial 2

Touching the side part of the basin with an index finger generates a linear disturbance that travels
along the side of the basin. The linear disturbance observed is due to the localized disturbance created by
the finger along the side of the basin. This creates a linear wavefront that propagates along the edge of the
water surface.
Trial 3
Using a ruler to touch the surface of water at the center of the basin produces a linear disturbance
that travels outward. Similar to Trial 2, the ruler creates a linear disturbance that propagates outward from
the point of contact. The ruler's straight edge helps create a more defined linear wavefront compared to
the circular disturbance produced by the finger.

Trial 4

Touching the side of the basin with a ruler generates a linear disturbance that travels along the
side of the basin. Just like Trial 2, the ruler creates a linear disturbance along the side of the basin,
resulting in a linear wavefront that propagates along the edge of the water surface.

Trial 5

Placing two wooden blocks at the center of the basin and touching the water surface
perpendicular to the blocks results in the wavefront splitting and bending around the blocks. The presence
of the blocks causes the wavefront to split and diffract around them, demonstrating the wave's ability to
bend and change direction when encountering obstacles.

Trial 6

Using a ruler to touch the water surface perpendicular to the blocks leads to the wavefront
splitting and diffracting around the blocks. Similar to Trial 5, the ruler creates a disturbance that causes
the wavefront to split and bend around the blocks, showcasing the diffraction phenomenon when waves
encounter obstacles.

Trial 7

Touching the water surface near the glass plate results in the disturbance passing through the
glass with minimal deviation. The disturbance passes through the glass plate with minimal deviation,
demonstrating how waves can transmit through transparent mediums like glass with little distortion.

Trial 8
Using a ruler to touch the water surface near the glass plate shows the disturbance passing
through the glass with minimal deviation. Similar to Trial 7, the ruler creates a disturbance that passes
through the glass plate with minimal deviation, highlighting the transparent nature of the glass for wave

Trial 9

Placing two wooden cylindrical blocks at the center of the basin and touching the water surface
perpendicular to the blocks results in the wavefront diffracting and passing through the gap between the
blocks. The cylindrical blocks cause the wavefront to diffract and pass through the gap between them,
demonstrating how waves can bend and propagate through openings in obstacles.

Trial 10

Using a ruler to touch the water surface near the cylindrical blocks leads to the wavefront
diffracting and passing through the gap between the blocks. Similar to Trial 9, the ruler creates a
disturbance that causes the wavefront to diffract and pass through the gap between the cylindrical blocks,
illustrating the diffraction phenomenon when waves encounter obstacles with
VI. Additional Questions:

1. What is a wave front?

A wave front is the locus of all points in a medium that are in the same phase of
oscillation at any given time. It represents the boundary between the regions of a wave that have
already passed through and those that are yet to be affected by the disturbance.

2. Why is the wave front is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of a wave?

The wave front is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation because each point
on the wave front is reached by the wave at the same time. This perpendicular orientation ensures
that the wave propagates uniformly in all directions from its source.

3. How could you show that wave carries energy?

One way to demonstrate that a wave carries energy is by observing its ability to do work
or cause a change in a system. For example, in the case of water waves, the energy carried by the
waves can be seen in their ability to move objects, such as boats or buoys, as they pass through.
Additionally, the transfer of energy from one medium to another by waves, like sound waves
transmitting energy through air, provides further evidence of wave energy.

4. Does increasing the frequency of a wave also increase its wavelength? If not, how are these
quantities related?
Increasing the frequency of a wave does not necessarily increase its wavelength.
Frequency and wavelength are inversely related in a wave, according to the wave equation: v=fλ,
where v is the wave velocity, f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength. If the frequency
increases, the wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This relationship ensures that the product of
frequency and wavelength remains constant for a given wave velocity.

VII. Conclusion

The series of trials conducted to observe wave propagation characteristics in a basin of

water provided valuable insights into the behavior of waves encountering various obstacles and mediums.
Through these experiments, several key observations were made: Wavefront Behavior: The experiments
demonstrated how different types of disturbances, whether circular or linear, propagate through water and
interact with obstacles such as wooden blocks and a glass plate. The wavefronts exhibited diffraction,
bending, and transmission properties based on the nature of the disturbance and the obstacles
encountered. Diffraction and Transmission: The trials involving wooden blocks and cylindrical blocks
showcased the phenomenon of diffraction, where wavefronts split and bend around obstacles, passing
through gaps between them. Additionally, the experiments with the glass plate highlighted how waves
can transmit through transparent mediums with minimal deviation. Medium Interaction: The interactions
between the disturbances and the water surface, as well as with different materials like wood and glass,
illustrated how waves respond to changes in medium properties. The experiments emphasized the
importance of medium characteristics in influencing wave behavior. Wave Characteristics: by observing
the tendencies of wavefronts after striking obstacles or passing through mediums, the experiments
provided a practical understanding of wave characteristics such as diffraction, reflection, transmission,
and interference.
This experiments not only offered a hands-on exploration of wave phenomena but also
deepened our understanding of how waves propagate and interact with their surroundings. The
observations made during each trial underscored fundamental wave principles such as diffraction,
transmission, and medium interaction, contributing to a comprehensive comprehension of wave behavior
in different scenarios. This experiment serves as a practical demonstration of wave properties and their
manifestations in real-world settings, enhancing our knowledge of wave dynamics and their applications
in various fields.

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