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Name: _____________________________________________

Interactive: Payback -- copy URL and place in your address bar.

Directions: Your total cost of going to college can vary greatly depending on
what type of school you choose and the decisions you make while you’re in
school! Play this fun interactive game, PAYBACK, to experience some of these
decisions. As you play the game, answer the questions below. At the
bottom of the document paste a print screen/snip it of your result. Save the
document as PaybackYourLastName and submit for grading.

Part I: Start the Game

Your Goal: Make it to graduation and beyond with a reasonable amount of debt to pay back after you
graduate. Try not to get burnt out along the way by getting poor grades, not making enough social
connections, or running out of happiness (3 bars at the bottom of your screen as you play the game).

1. Click on the “Get Your Payback” button to get started. Then, enter the details in order to “apply for
college.” Choose options that apply to you personally.
a. Note your selections below:
GPA: 2.9



b. What impact do you think GPA and Extracurriculars might have on the college options available
to you and how much you will have to pay?

I think it could improve my chances of getting into more selective colleges, which may offer
scholarships, grants, and better financial aid packages

2. Once you receive your decision letter(s), compare the schools using the 3 categories: prestige, cost,
and aid. Use these 3 variables to choose your school.
a. What school did you choose, and how much debt do you start out with?
SCHOOL: community college

DEBT YOU ARE STARTING OFF WITH (Hint: look at the bottom right-hand corner of your
screen after clicking on your school): $8,500

b. How do you think this decision of where to attend will impact your later success in the game?

Different schools offer different resources, support, and opportunities that can affect your
academic performance, personal growth, and career prospects. Since they all offer different
things, picking a certain one can change everything

Continue the game, but pause before you start Freshman Year to answer these questions.

Part II: Before Freshman Year

3. What was your strategy when making these pre-college decisions about taking jobs, buying laptops,
selecting dorm supplies, etc?

I made sure not to get the cheapest nor the most expensive option. If something still works
properly and looks fine I don’t see a reason to buy something completely new

4. Take a look at your meters for Focus, Connections, and Happiness and at your debt level. How
confident are you that you’ll beat the game in the end?

1 2 3 4 5

Not looking good Highlighte Definitely going to

d3 win!

Now, continue playing the four rounds, one for each year of college.
Part III: After You’re Done Playing
5. Did you get through the whole game? Why or why not?

I got through the game, but I failed.

6. What’s one really smart move you made during the game? What’s one choice you made that you
Smart Choice Choice I Regret

Not constantly going out and unnecessarily Not paying more attention to the smarter choices
spending money

7. If you could choose just one, which set of decisions do you think is MOST important to your success in
paying for college:
❏ What university you choose to attend
❏ Your purchases to prep for freshman year
❏ The decisions you make during your 4 years of college: THIS ONE
❏ The major and career path you follow

Explain your answer.

Everything matters after you basically start a new life. While the other ones matter, if you make
smart choices, both financially and mentally, it can help you a lot, no matter what university,
career path, or purchases you make.

8. Identify at least two lessons you learned by playing this game that you could apply to your real life.

1. You have to be very careful making decisions, and even sometimes when you
think you’re making the right one, you might fail
2. Happiness matters in success too

9. Paste your print screen from the game. I’m looking to see what your student loan debt might be.

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